TOVP 2021 NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE - Braja Vilasa Das

  • Опубликовано: 23 дек 2020
    The year 2020 was a most difficult year for all of us due to the worldwide Coronavirus pandemic. With TOVP construction halted for almost eight months and a significant loss to our regular income stream, we had to make the difficult decision to push back the Grand Opening to 2023, and reschedule the installation of the new Prabhupada murti to October, 2021. Work resumed in September on a limited scale, and slowly we are beginning to catch up to a normal work load.
    As we approach the end of the year and the beginning of 2021, Ambarisa and Braja Vilasa prabhus wish to thank all the devotees who sacrificed their finances during this most challenging year by continuing to make their monthly pledge payments or regular donations, large and small. This is a testament to your devotion and dedication at all costs, even in times of difficulty, to this maha yajna to build the historic Temple of the Vedic Planetarium as desired by Srila Prabhupada. Certainly the Lord will recognize you for your service and bless you unlimitedly with His love.
    We do however understand that many of you were devastated financially by the economic turndown, and you may even be continuing to struggle. We pray that this next year will change the tide for you and life may get back to normal.
    No matter which above category you fall into, we are hopeful that 2021 will be another progressive year for the TOVP, and that you will continue to be a part of this endeavor according to your means.
    This being Srila Prabhupada’s 125th Appearance Anniversary Year, 2021 is especially important. The most significant event planned is the installation of the new, one-of-a-kind, ‘worshiping-pose’ murti of Srila Prabhupada in the TOVP in October, 2021. This landmark ceremony will welcome Prabhupada to the TOVP where he will oversee the completion of the temple.
    It is also a chance to participate in a once-in-lifetime opportunity to sponsor an abhisheka for Srila Prabhupada and help offer him a $1 million Guru Dakshina in gratitude for his unlimited mercy and kindness upon us. This will be our worldwide, combined welcome to our Founder/Acharya, and we encourage every single devotee in ISKCON, man, woman and child, to sponsor at least one abhisheka. Here are the five kinds of abhishekas and two seva opportunities that are available:
    1. SACRED WATER BATHING - $25 / ₹1,600 / £20
    (sponsor for each family member)
    2. COPPER COIN BATHING - $300 / ₹21,000 / £250
    3. SILVER COIN BATHING - $500 / ₹35,000 / £400
    4. GOLD COIN BATHING - $1,000 / ₹71,000 / £800
    5. PLATINUM COIN BATHING - $1,600 / ₹1 Lakh / £1,300
    6. BHAKTI CHARU MAHARAJA SEVA - $2,500 / ₹1.5 Lakh / £2,000
    7. SAMSTAPAK ACHARYA SEVA - $10,000 / ₹7 Lakh / £8,000
    For more information and to sponsor an abhisheka today please go to:
    May the New Year bring you the Lord’s most merciful glance, and unlimited happiness in the service of Guru and Gauranga.

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