Nehemia Gordon - 3 - What divides and unifies Jews?

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Root Source interviews Israeli Jew Nehemia Gordon. In part 3 Bob asks where Karaite Judiasm is heading versus Orthodox Judiasm. In the process this interview uncovers a possible reason for Jewish unity versus Christian unity.

Комментарии • 6

  • @jpaul1599
    @jpaul1599 5 лет назад +1

    If any temple is built it will be the location from where the believing Jews will be expelled and the Antichrist will sit therein and try to deceive believers into accepting him as the Messiah.
    Ezekiel 40-48 is about the temple that Israel as a nation should have built after repenting of their sins and returning to the ways of Yehovah. That's something they did not do and Ezekiel 1-39 is about the events that was prophecied because Israel would not accept the reality of what Ezekiel prophecied.
    In the Millennium there is no requirement for a temple or any sacrifices. Christ will reign from the throne of David and there will be the feast of tabernacles every year, until the end of the millennium (the end of this first earth) and then the New Earth and New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven and God will dwell with all those Resurrected to Life at His Second coming (The Jews to whom the promises was made and including their predecessors from Abraham who believed in Yehovah upto the time of Christ's first coming) and His Third coming (believing Gentiles and Jews from the time of Jesus's first coming till just before the beginning of the Millennium)

  • @eliadsavel8015
    @eliadsavel8015 6 лет назад +1

    at the minute 2:54 you talk about the Mashiach and according to the Tenak as we read in Jeremiah 30:9 Hosea 3:5 Ezekiel 34:23 34:24 37:24 37:25 we see that HaShem speak thru the prophets and HaShem declare king David to be the Mashiach read again Jeremiah 30:9 HaShem will resurrect king David, THE INTERPRETATION THAT MASHIACH WILL BE FROM THE LINE OF King DAVID IS A NONSENSE

  • @truthchennel9963
    @truthchennel9963 5 лет назад

    Tellmun which one do you read ,Nehemiah Gordon, I love history.

  • @AimedResearch
    @AimedResearch 8 лет назад

    Nehemiah: "Today in the Exile everyone is required to interpret scripture for themselves and figure out how to live by it." He as well as 35,000 Karaites live in Israel. That is not "exile." The Torah tells us plainly, go to your Elders and Priests if you have a question. Are the Karaites going to build the Third Temple? No way. They couldn't even tell the priests how to wash their hands and feet to conduct their service let alone provide any guidance with construction of the Temple. The Orthodox on the other hand have made extensive preparations to rebuild the Temple, and are even starting a school to train Kohanim (priests by their father's lineage) how to perform Temple service.
    "No priests or judges today," not true. Go to your local Chabad house and ask where the nearest Kohan (priest) is? He might even be one! Of course there are no kings and prophets, I agree.
    Nehemiah says he is only going to listen to the Creator of the Universe but his approach is for himself to decide what the Creator said, that puts him in the position of god for himself. That is why the Torah tells us - again - go to your Elders and Priests; go to someone else to keep your self-centered desires in check. Whom ever sees the flaws in themselves?!

    • @ZviJ1
      @ZviJ1 7 лет назад +1

      How do you know the Qaraite exegetes did not determine in their writings how the priests should perform their various duties and tasks in the Temple? You are dressing your suppositions as facts and coming out like a clown.
      Anyone who sincerely believes that the Temple will be rebuilt and its services will commence under Rabbinic control and in accordance with Rabbinic Halakha is gullible at best. History has amply proved that Rabbinic Judaism and Temple Judaism cannot coexist; heck, it was the chief Pharisee of the day during the Great Revolt, R' Yoḥanan b. Zakkai, who effectively helped the Romans destroy the Temple (as conceded by no less than a Rabbinic source, Avot D'Rabbi Natan).
      Any honest reading of Devarim 17:8-13 -- which necessitates ignoring the grotesque Rabbinic contortion excuse for interpretation of this passage -- reveals that it is not about telling us to go to the kohanim and Elders for any problem or question, but rather a commandment to go to the High Court that should exist solely on the Temple Mt. and only in cases where local judges have failed to reach a verdict in a local court case. Since your Rabbinic spiritual masters made sure to neuter the kohanim some 2000 years ago, they are no longer the authority in Judaism with the Elders as their sidekicks of sorts; so your inane advice on this score amounts to nothing more than smarta** and mendacious prattle.

    • @kimrice6978
      @kimrice6978 Год назад

      The 10 other tribes are still in the dispersion, exile!
      Ezekiel 38, & 39 has not come to fruition yet