*INSTAGRAM* : *@MRWHAATWAA* | WWW.INSTAGRAM.COM/MRWHAATWAA *Whaatwaa Family is a Family that is made up of people that believe in different religions and have come together to show we support and Love ❤️ each other without being hateful or racist. Subscribed to join Whaatwaa Family* 💝💖
I knew when I seen this video my Christianity was going to be challenged. I have to admit that I had these questions from the time I was in Sunday School. I may need to wrestle myself for a while. Peace be with you all.
Angela Long, on the day of judgement there will be only you and god. Only you yourself will have to answer god and win a place in paradise. No one will be there to help you not even Jesus so you still got time to come to the true path of Islam and save yourself from hell fire.
Assalamu alaykum. I just wanted to say i love your respect for Islam and your tolerance to it even though you are catholic and may allah guide you to the right path inshallah
Assalamu'alaikum brother... Sorry if my english bad, i'm from Indonesia. 5 hours i watched on your channel and i love your contents so much. You react all videos with pure heart bro, i cry when see you got touched by the video that you reacted. Thanks for your channel, give me extra information about my religion. Keep it up your real reaction. i'm sure, all people around the world who watch your video will support you. Finally, don't scare to say the thruth if your heart say it. May Allah bless you and your family, brother. Wassalam from 🇮🇩
DeRizcal Channel aku juga marathon brrjam jam.. aku juga nunggu dia jd muallaf. kalau dia cuma mau subscribers, semoga dia diberi hidayah kedepannya setiddaknya video ini dtonton banyak orang dan mgkn banyak yg tersadar dan jd muallaf. apapun niat dia, aku berdoa smoga hidayah datang padanya
Avia Nusantara jangan ditungguin jd mualaf,,,, setidaknya sudah banyak yang mengingatkan dan menjelaskan. Itu hak nya dia,,, ya, semoga bertambah lagi saudara seiman, Amiin..
Ahah bro I love this guy soo much😂 he shows soo much respect to Islam which is great and second of all he always stays positive and never says anything negative about any religion❤️ and he never fails to make me laugh he always dances 😂
+LogansWarning its clear that you dont know nothing about islam my brother first of all the word Islam is from Salam wish means in English peace so already the name af The religion has a lot of tolerance. Besides, God says in the Quran that:" if someone made a spirit alive it's like he made the hole people in the world alive and if someone killed one spirit it's like he killed all the hole people in the world " so killing people in Islam is not allowed unless in case of war even in wars we are ordered to not to kill women, children, aged people or even cutting a tree. unfortunately Medea blinded ur mind and made Muslims look like terrorists when terrorism has nothing to do with any religion it's just a horrible action done by people who are not sensitised
+LogansWarning why would I play games you can check it in the internet TV blinded your mind from seeing the truth and made you forget what is really going on in the world but made live in the sky thinking you are superior to other ppl making other religions look silly u need to put ur feet on the ground and look urself on the other side of the world
+LogansWarning www.nytimes.com/2018/04/13/world/middleeast/trump-strikes-syria-attack.html , www.newsweek.com/us-made-bomb-killed-children-yemen-so-trump-might-be-complicit-war-crimes-669240 here we got some facts but we still tolerant
@@LogansWarning they do not disrespect any religion because if you go to like middle East they don't care what religion you are they greet you kindly don't believe me go to middle East and try it for yourself
@@LawrenceTheCreator Jesus is not god he was born like a regular human without a father which is one of his miracle but he never said I'm god worship me
Look God created Adam and us with mud and Clay we worship God who created Adam and us we can’t worship Adam because he is a human like us he is mortal God is great and immortal Greeted everyone in this earth including Adam so that makes us all including Adam creatures to God
There is so many mind blowing question like this. But the Christians try defending. I feel like those people thinking out of there mind without thinking with there mind
@Magdalene Togonon you muslim or christian? in the bible jesus says that "their will be many false messaihs and messangers who would do miracles which would decieve the very illect" so yeah. miracles arent the proof for a prophet unless they still have an impact over humanity to this day, aka the quran which has no contradictions in terms of science. furthermore, jesus did do miracles but if your christian, then as muslims we believe he did them with the power of God as in the bible jesus himself says "i with the finger of god cast out the devil" "i can do nothing of myself except through the father in heaven"- these arent exact quotes cause unno procastination and im lazy. since u said that "jesus was alive" im guessing u muslim cause u dont believe he died on the cross which in itself does not make sense cause well a god cant die and theirs no way a god would sacrifice himself for his own creation. its like creating a game and then finding out the game is a failure and so you let them kill you. why? makes no sense
Makes alot of sense and I've wondered about this myself..but I will say .I love god ,jesus and all believers and mesengers that believe in god..I do what I can and try to understand....my life has improved since I exepted god ...I love the word and the comfort it gives me .I'm not perfect .but I believe and hope
Mr.Whaatwaa, I can see it shine through you brother. Someone is getting to know the real truth here. Inshallah, by God's will, the truth enters your heart and not be misguided any more. I am learning more as a Muslim too!✌
@mrwhaatwaa I just wanted to say that ur doing a fabulous job in showing the world the real meaning of Islam and I just hope one day InshAllah you’ll convert to Islam too. And btw Happy Easter 🐣
Taimur Khan ..... seriously brother, you can't say happy Easter, its almost like saying "happy hellfire." You shouldn't congratulate falsehood, if you care, you would want what is best for this brother. It's best to say "may Allah guide you."
zayd quarless hey brother....take it easy. At this moment of time mr whatwaa is a catholic.He is at this moment trying to find the truth.so let it be But at this moment we must show him and other Christians love by saying happy easter. Brother Taimur khan above is not congratulating him for falsehood.he is just trying to make him feel that we muslims love him and respect his work. Hope u understand brother and stop using words like "happy hellfire" for "happy easter". It kinda creates hatred among people.#peace.
don't forget the beginning of the verse ( say oh that unbelievers ) it's a curse brother or sister and you must know the reason of its decent there was an event i guess yes we all have the free will to chose our religion but you can't put that aya as a proof salam
I think you misunderstood brother, the guy said that based on the fact that christians claim jesus ( p.b.u.h) as special son of God was BECAUSE he was born without a father. So he said using that logic ADAM (p.b.u.h) would be the son of God as he had no father or mother. It doesn't mean we believe that he was literally God's son! Based on THAT logic Adam would be more appropriate to be called as son of God. Allah says in the Quran that Adam was made from clay. He was just another creation of Allah. Just like He created angels from light and jin from smokeless fire. I hope Allah make it easy for you to understand my statement 😃
Mr waatwaa the answer to ur question is if Adam ( a.s ) was the son of god then he would not have made a sin as god is sinless so when Satan told him to eat the apple then he would have rejected also he was banished to earth because he eat the apple and last he was human if he were son of god then he would have been light and not from clay like us. Extra , he would still be alive as he would have been a part of god plus god is all powerful no limits so a fraction of gods power would be all power and if u were to put a limit on a fraction of gods power it would mean u r saying god has a limit in power so by using this Adam ( a.s) would have been a second god which is all wrong
How much have You studied islam yourself to get to that conclusion...or this statement of yours consists only of the opinions of others and how much have they studies islam.If u wanna learn about the religion no matter which one it is don't look at its followers go to the scripture
Marwan Karim i hope both of you aren't talking serious, both of you are being disrespectful to both religion tell me logan from the point of view of your religion, do you think jesus is happy to hear this? After all the hard work he done do you think he like how you being disrespectful to other religion?? The same thing for you Marwan, we are muslims do u think god is happy to see you being disrespectful to other religion? (Srry if my English wasn't right)
LogansWarning what are you saying tells me that jesus wants you to be rude to others for their religions, if u don't like that religion keep it to ur self you don't have to spread it out, in muslims we believe in every messenger and if hate one then we hate all. In my whole life i never seen Christian or muslim being disrespectful to each other religion, from i was kid till now i say to my self muslims and Christians, Islam and Christ are brothers and sisters maybe we don't pray for the same god but our religion is so close to each other
Dorian Llamas If Jesus was god why did he prey to the father ,which he is equal to? Matthew 26:39 ► If he was god why does he need to prey in the first place????
zezo clashing Jesus' praying to the Father was a demonstration of His relationship within the Trinity and an example for us that we must rely on God through prayer for the strength and wisdom we need. Since Christ, as the God-man, needed to have a vibrant prayer life, so should the followers of Christ today. During the incarnation, Jesus was temporarily “made lower than the angels” (Hebrews 2:9), which refers to Jesus’ status. The doctrine of the incarnation says that the second Person of the Trinity took on human flesh. Therefore, for all intents and purposes, Jesus was fully human and “made lower than the angels.” However, Jesus is fully divine, too. By taking on human nature, Jesus did not relinquish His divine nature-God cannot stop being God. How do we reconcile the fact that the second Person of the Trinity is fully divine yet fully human and by definition “lower than the angels”? The answer to that question can be found in Philippians 2:5-11. When the second Person of the Trinity took on human form, something amazing occurred. Christ “made himself nothing.” This phrase has generated more ink than almost any other phrase in the Bible. In essence, what it means is that Jesus voluntarily relinquished the prerogative of freely exercising His divine attributes and subjected Himself to the will of the Father while on earth.
Dorian Llamas pity u... hope one sweet day u will realies the truth and i pray to Allah to give u taufik and hidayah, the true path for your soul. I cant hate u because of your thought but i must try to help u, its the way islam teach the believers not to hate someone who dont have the believe like u but to show them the right path with love and great attitude. May Allah guide u and in shaa Allah u'll become my true brother in islam... with Allah willing.. aamiin
1. Adam is not the son of God literally because God does not have children. If God had children again he would be limited to human qualities, and He is far above having human attributes. 2. God does NOT need to come into human form in order to understand us because he created us and understands everything with his knowledge. He can communicate clearly through his Messengers. 3. After learning this, and because you are Catholic like I once was until I found the truth (ISLAM,) do you remember the hail Mary prayer? "Hail Mary full of grace.......holy Mary mother of God..." How crazy and scary is that statement? Found in the Catholic church every day. I seek refuge/protection in Allah from any blasphemous statements like that. I hope that you stop calling yourself Catholic inshaAllah. May Allah guide you brother. Ameen.
When I left Christianity, I realized that Jesus is not God. Jesus was a man just like everyone else who chose to preach love and make a difference in this world as best as he knew how. He wasn't set apart from the rest of humankind by being born of a Virgin and infallibly preaching from a "book" (Injil) that Allah supposedly gave to him. He just chose to make a difference in this world and that is why we still remember him today. I think anyone has the potential to follow in these footsteps if they really commit themselves to changing our world for the better. I define a "Prophet" as someone through whom we can see a glimpse of God's attributes of unconditional love, mercy and compassion through the positive impact they make on this world. Jesus was a prophet by this definition, but so are millions of people alive today, most of whom toil away in obscurity and receive no media recognition. I think we can all be inspired by these people, but I also don't believe that we must embrace the claims to prophethood or teachings of any particular human being like Jesus or Muhammad to have a vibrant spiritual relationship with our Creator. Salvation does not come through testifying that any mere man is the final prophet of God, but through God alone. So obviously I'm not Christian or Muslim, but just a humble spiritual but not religious believer in the One God.
Mo B That was in his time tho. The humankind can only get to God by the prophet whom he has during their time. By example, if we would be living in the time when prophet abraham (as) was alive, we could only get to God tru him. The same goes for every human that lived in another era where othet prophets lived in. But now, in our time, the last prophet sent is prophet Mohammed (as). That means it is his era, so the only way now to get to God is thru him and the book that was sent to him.
In Islam EVERY muslim is supposed to work towards being a representative of Gods attributes in a similar manner to which you define prophet. And by this definition there are likely very many who try to act as a vessel of Gods mercy, forgiveness, fairness, etc. However what makes a prophet a prophet is revelation from God. This is what separates them. They receive communication from God through his angels. So your definition of a prophet is more what we would refer to as a righteous person. Among those chosen righteous people are the one we refer to as prophets and messengers who actually get that direct guidance and carry the responsibility that comes with it. There is only one truth. We do not get to choose what it is. We can invent our own beliefs but ultimately if we are wrong what good does it do for us in the end. God is just and would not leave us to figure it all out on our own and this is why he sent us Prophets to make things clear so we know how to worship our Creator in a way that is pleasing to HIM (not pleasing to us) . Best of luck on your spiritual journey. I hope I did not say anything to offend anyone. Just trying to speak the truth as I understand it. -Your brother in humanity.
Everybody has the right to choose their religion , it's not always a good thing to rush but I also wanna say don't be blind and fooled by ideas other people have giving you since you where a child. Do your own research and you will discover the truth. I think it's amazing that you are so openminded to watch this with us with an open mind and open heart!! May Allah swt guide you to the right path Thanks for sharing this with us!
@MrWhatwa muslims dont worship adam or jesus because they are CREATIONSSSS. THEY HAVE BEEN CREATED Worship the CREATOR NOT THE CREATION. Allah is The most high
LogansWarning Are stupid ? How is islam demonic? Us muslims are against rape and all those other act. It is prohibited in islam. Don’t talk nonsenses when you don’t know nothing about islam. May god make it easy for you to understand and go to the right path.
LogansWarning You are just another one of those ignorant people who believe what people tell them about Islam. Literally everything u said and I mean everything is prohibited in Islam and Allah is God not Shaytan. God Bless you and may you come to the true path alhamdulillah
@@mrzac2u706 if none of that is true then why are children given in marriage to dirty old men. If that's not true Why do the ones that do it claim the Quaran allow them to do it?
would you worship your father or your grand father?? no you wont. Similarly Adam is our great great.. grand father. Why should we worship him? Allah says in the Quran in surah Al Baqarah:"O people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, so that you may have the chance to learn righteousness: Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and by it brought fourth fruits for your sustenance; then do not set up rivals to Allah, when you know the truth" In this verse Allah clearly says to only worship HIM and gave a reason to worship Him which is that He created us and those before us which includes Adam. Allah also says not to set up rivals with Allah meaning comparing Satan with God or comparing Jesus with God or Adam with God.... Again Allah says : " Among His sings are the night and the day and the sun and the moon. Adore not the sun and the moon but adore Allah who created them , if it is Him you wish to serve"(Surah Fussilat) Allah clearly says to not worship His sings and His creations but to worship Him alone therefore we cannot worship someone (Adam) other than Allah .
LogansWarning, Logan people are not like you, people are curious what other religions are about and they want to know if they're following the right path. If you're not that type of guy then you don't have to come down the comment section and start disrespecting them and what they believe. That is not what your parents want neither Allah wants it. If you keep disrespecting Qur'an then I got nothing more to tell you but Allah got actions to do, cause if you disrespected Qur'an you're disrespecting the one and only god.
LogansWarning idk. In Islam stealing is a sin lying is a sin slavery is wrong because it says all men are created equal and it’s a huge sin having sex with someone u aren’t made with so stop creating shit
LogansWarning child marriages? Marriage is a commitment. What you would rather have a girlfriend and realize she isn’t meant for u? Have sex with 12 different girls in 12 months? And it was common back then to be married with children. And in Islam we aren’t allowed to get too close to opposite sex unless they’re family. So people would marry children because they cared about them. Not sexually. So get ur facts straight and watch the video
in 19:03 Joshua Evans said with his own tongue: "...On the day of judgement did you command anyone to worship me". But he made a mistake because in the Qur'an it says: "did you command anyone to worship you". A simple mistake and I hope no one misguides because of it.
Yes good question brother “why we dont worship Adam” plz tell me who creat the whole creation after Adam dead brother plz believe the one and only god “Allah” who will never ever dies
Brother if you think that Jesus (pbuh) is God because he was born without a father., then Adam (pbuh) is greater God, because he was born without both father and mother.
The reason we don’t pray to Adam is because he can’t make himself and he also dies like us.Adam also eats like us and things like that and God created Adam. If you have anymore questions ask me.
Excuse me if I had mistakes in writing English....because i'm not good in English and my mother tongue is Arabic...but (Alhamdllah) i can understanding English I saw you videos... and watched your reactions...you make me cried bro.😢😢 your heart is still pure (على الفطرة ) still felling...and your mind understanding the truth No one will helps you on front of Allah Except your self.. help your self now bro. We all dead people comes from dead people Jesus(pbh) him self commanded you to seeking the truth and the truth will free your soul Only the truth can do that ..because is you know the truth...it will shows the way to our great creator (Allah) I will asking Allah to guide you to him and showing you the truth on my prayers 😇
NK/ MK bro/sis u think that Jesus pbuh was god then why he said in gospel of John ch.14 v.28 my father is greater then i And in gospel of John ch. 10 v.29 my father is greater then all And god don't have a father then why Jesus Christ pbuh said that and how much I readed bible he always told us to follow our god when did he said that follow me ??? And sorry sis/bro if i said something worng and if i hurted someone's feelings but how much I know i tell u 😊 may Allah bless all of us
NK/ MK first of all I'm sorry but Im not a sister Im a boy u can call me brother and r u trying to say that Jesus Christ pbuh was a god but in form of a human ????
If adam and eve are the first god created. why aren't they the children of god? Now r u convinced that Christianity is a false religion? That ISLAM IS THE TRUE RELIGION
itsuormom21 if u believe other non muslims religion is a true religion then ur not a believer ur will and faith in Allah is weak. A Muslim is not a Muslim if they believe Christianity a true religion. I know ur tryna defend the non Muslim but that doesn't mean their religion is a true religion. The prophet PBUH told us to care about them, and respect them. But he didn't tell us to believe in their false religion.
mo za This comment makes me feel like you spread hate. As a Muslim it's not allowed to judge other religions or people. There are SO MANY Christians that do NOT believe that Jesus is God. There is no right or wrong religion bc in all religions there is ONLY ONE GOD, be it Islam, Christianity or Judaism
Thts true guys , All the you tubers jus want more views nd subcribers thts all they need.even this guy if he,s a true seekrs of Islam nd hedaya why don't he acceept the islam he seen evrything, evrything infront of him whos agree with me????
John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
That's all nonsense ; rubbish.Before Jesus was born,there are water,air,food.How can said that through him all things were made ? Its doesn't make sense at all....tq
O Christ worshipper! We want an answer to our questions from your wise ones. If the Lord was murdered by the acts of people, what kind of God is this? We wonder! Was He pleased by what they did to Him? If, 'yes', then blessed be they, for they achieved His pleasure. But if he was discontented, that means their power had subjugated his power! Was the whole universe left without a Sustainer? Who answered prayers during this? Were heavens vacated while he laid underground someplace? Were all the worlds left without a God to manage, while his hands were nailed? Why didn't the angels help him when they heard him screaming? How could rods stand up to bear the True Lord when he was fastened? How could the iron rods pierce his body? How could his enemies hands strike him and slap his rear? Did Christ revive himself from the dead? Or was there another God to revive him? What kind of sight was it, a grave that enclosed a God? Stranger still is the belly that confined him? He remained there for nine months in total darkness, fed by blood? Then he exits the womb as a tiny baby, weak, gasping to be breast fed? He ate and drank, and what then naturally occurs? Is this what you call a God? O Cross worshippers! Why is the cross exalted? And why blame those who reject it? Isn't it logical to break and burn it? Along with the ones who initiated it? Since the Lord was crucified on it, and his hands nailed to it? That is really a cursed cross to carry! So throw it away, don't kiss it! The Lord was abused on it, yet you adore it? So you must be his enemies? If you extol it because it carried the Lord of the Worlds, why don’t you prostrate yourselves and worship graves, since the grave contained your God in it? O Christ worshipper!
mashallah, Nice one! I was been looking for this words for so long, nobody has ever done it, I thought I would be the first to say but u did it thank u so much may Allah (S.W), reward u with ur goodness, Ameen. Dont delete it I love it!
You write a lot of crap ill shut jou up. Sarah had 2 sons Isaac and Jacob and God bless Isaac the Arabs came from Ishmael. And Jesus came from Issac ok. Your pedophile Muhammad came from Ishmael.
Hey @MrWhaatwaa, i don't know you personally, and I just recently found your videos and like seeing you react to them, I hope you will find the hidayah, keep searching and learning . May Allah bless you my brother
I don’t believe in debating below in the comments about, what religion is true, etc. I am a Muslim, I’ve read the Quran, I understand it. Somewhere in the comment section, there will be a Christian, who has read the Bible, and understands it. His belief in what he has read will be strong, as mine will also be in the Quran. To fellow Muslims, don’t carry on petty debates, it is not time efficient. Don’t swear at others in the comments below. People have watched this video, if they still don’t believe, let them be.
Man, here is your confusion cleared: Is Jesus God or somebody sent by God according to the Bible? Here is a clear point, if Jesus was God, why did he worship God? I am sorry but there is not a single verse in the entire bible where Jesus says I am God or worship me. He refused the people to call him good. God is All Powerful, Jesus says in the Bible, very explicitly "I can of mine own self do nothing"(John,5:30) God is All Knowing, but Jesus says, "But of that Day or that Hour knows no man, neither the angels, nor the son, but only the father". Jesus says explicitly that there is only one God, and didn't say anything about Trinity: (Mark 12:28-34) "Hear O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one" So with these evidences, would you accept that Jesus was somebody sent by God or God himself? Brother you don't need to answer this question as Jesus answers and tells you himself: "Father; the hour has come. Now this is eternal life that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent." (John 17: 1-3) Brother, this is what Muslims are trying to say! That he was sent by God! A prophet! Jesus was not the only son of God: According to the Bible language, we all are sons of God. This is a metaphorical expression which shows the love of God. This is obviously not physical! In the Bible it is also reported that Jesus said: "Blessed are the peacemakers. They shall be called the children of God" Brother, how do you pray in Christianity? You say "our Father in heaven", so you are also a son of God according to the Bible language. This expression is only used to show the love of God. Jesus was a Muslim: Luke 22:42, and John 5: 30 says that Jesus submitted to the will of God. I am asking you brother, do you know what the Arabic word for submission is? It is the word "Islam". Mother Mary covered her hair with clothing. If you see someone today walking past you, wearing clothing on hair, what religion would you think she is? Jesus prayed on his forehead on the ground. Matthew 26:39: "And going a little further, he (Jesus) fell on his face and prayed..." I am asking you brother, if you see someone praying like that, which religion would you think he is in ? Jesus ate Kosher food which is very similar to Halal food that Muslims eat. Jesus fasted for 40 days and scholars say that the way he fasted is very similar to the way Muslims fast today, from dawn till dusk.(Matt 4:2) I think you know that Muslims greet each other by telling "peace be on you", Jesus greeted his disciples in this exact way, by telling peace be upon you (John 20:21.) Jesus had a beard just like Muslims do. Would these clear characteristics, would you accept that Jesus was a Muslim? Jesus didn't complete his message and predicted, with the help of God, that in the future, a revealtion from God, the Quran, will: (John 16:12-13) Please see this video for details: ruclips.net/video/4s2UTAtSKd0/видео.html Bible has a prophecy, Isaiah 42:10 "Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise from the ends of the Earth" This is a clear prophecy for the coming of the Quran! Do you know brother why is that? In the Muslim prayer, one chapter from the Quran which must be read, is the first chapter, which is as follows: "In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. (All) PRAISE Is (due) to Allah, Lord of the worlds..." "The praise of God, this line, is the opening verse for all the prayers of Muslims, all around the world, or from the ends of the Earth. So did you find the clear prophecy coming true? In the Quran, Allah says that the Quran is easy to remember, and millions and millions of people around the world have memorized the Quran by heart! Most of them are non- Arabs! There are many striking miracles of the Quran, which I think you are very aware of. The Quran says that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), is the final messenger of God. It is also said in the Quran that we don't have any right to say that one prophet is greater than other. If you believe that there is One God, and you believe in all messengers, including the final one, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and you believe in the Quran, then you are already a Muslim! Now you need to confirm these faiths in two sentences. See you don't have to change your faith, you are only confirming your beliefs, by accepting Islam. By accepting Islam you don't have to change your life right away. You can do it slowly and slowly. Allah says in the Quran that he does not burden anyone except by his capacity. Guidance is only from God. If you want to accept it brother, then say: Ash hadu alla ilaha illAllah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rosulu hu I bear witness, then there is nothing worthy to be worshipped except Allah, and I bare witness that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), is His servant and messenger.
Hey whaatwaa! Why are you giving us only reaction bro? Why you dont clear yourself and giving us your opinion? Now which religion you do prefer? Please clear to us! What do you think about islam? BTW I like you bro!!!
@Ahmad Mahdi: Let him do what he wants. If you are so interested in providing opinions, create your own channel. Do not force people into awkward situations. He will talk about his opinions, when he is ready and if he wants to. Whether he accepts Islam or not, you will not be getting any rewards for it; so relax and stop demanding stuff.
This is a very sensitive topic and the way you asked him, almost looks like a demand: "Why you dont clear yourself and giving us your opinion? Now which religion you do prefer? Please clear to us!" Please be more cognizant of how you put things. You don't want to put people off Islam.
May Allah guide all of us, my brothers and sis should stop the negative comments for this brother he has open minded. The gaudiness from God not from him or us just make pray for him he may become one day the best preacher. Amin
I'm muslim,before i'm christian..if you want to know something..we must to find,read,ask and learn about that..i very like your reaction brother you very open mind and kind and i hope you read bible and Al Quran..went you honest to your self, you can find the truth.. may Allah give you hidayah brother...Aamiin😍
i asked a pastor about why u dont say adam is the son of god like jesus Hes even better son of god cuz he wasnt born by parents he was created by god immediately while jesus was born from marry the pastor said it is because jesus came with the bible and that he said that he is the son of god but adam didnt say that and kept saying more bs and changed the subject and left
Xalio Nightmare christians always use this excuse to say that Jesus is the son of God. Because he had no father. So they'd be like God should be the father. And I always ask them back, so what that makes Adam? He didn't have a father and a mother. Does that mean he's God? Lol. But they always the tried to skip that question and left it unanswered. They just change to a different subject or topic. 😂
cenexes 12 the problem is Jesus never died. Jesus prayed to God to save him from the crucifixion, God is The Most Loving, so God saved Jesus and on the crucifixion it was not Jesus. But they all thought it was Jesus. So everybody came with the concept of Jesus died for their sins n all. Then God sent Muhammad pbuh to tell the truth to the people that Jesus didn't die as mentioned in the Qur'an. Qur'an is different than bible. Bible has many versions and the contents are concepts and opinions of people. Each story in each chapter has differences to each other. Qur'an is in Arabic, there's only one version, never changed. Pure words of God. And Muhammad pbuh couldn't read nor write. The first revelation was he was asked to read by angel Gabriel, but he said to angel Gabriel how can I read if I don't know how to read. U should read the history if u wanna know more and stop saying that it was written.
That video makes so much sense. Not because I’m Muslim but because the facts stated in this video are just great. He used proof not from the holy book of Muslims but the holy book of those who believe Jesus is their lord. If you have proof from the holy book you follow and still don’t believe then how much faith do you really have in your religion ? May Allah guide us all :)
@@LawrenceTheCreator quran doesn't say jesus is god [5.72] The unbelievers are those who say: 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary.' But the Messiah said: 'Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.' He who associates anything with Allah, Allah has indeed forbidden Paradise to him, and his abode shall be in the Fire. The harmdoers shall have no helpers. [5.75] The Messiah, the son of Mary, was not except a Messenger, other Messengers had gone before him. His mother was in the state of sincerity, they both ate food. See how We make plain to them Our signs. Then, see how perverted they are. [61.6] And when (Prophet) Jesus, the son of Mary said: 'Children of Israel, I am sent to you by Allah to confirm the Torah that was before me, and to give news of a Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) who will come after me whose name shall be Ahmad.' Yet when he came to them with clear proofs, they said: 'This is clear sorcery _________________________________________ And there are more, but I think that's enough for you to believe that Quran doesn't say jesus is god. Nice try by the way!!
First, adam and eve were NOT the first creation to be put on earth ... there were Jinns (kind of like "spirits" which u cannot see) before humans were created who also lived (and still do) on earth, they also have free will, choice and will be judged on the day of judgement etc. As for ur question, the answer is simple, because u said it urself in the video, adam and eve were CREATED ... and we do NOT worship creation, we only worship the CREATOR of everything, Allah (God) who is the ONLY ONE worthy of worship
The same way Jesus (pbuh) can not be God because he was created, neither can Adam (pbuh). Rather we should worship the one who created them right? Here’s a video on the story of Adam: ruclips.net/video/dB6KZc9Y9ZI/видео.html Adam (pbuh) was also a messenger to all of his children as none of them saw God. Hope this helps brother.
Mr WhaatWaah, why are your videos all have high light exposure. Can barly see your face and your glasses man, they beaming lazer at the camera like something else. Lol.
I see there is ALOT of humility in you as a Catholic to listen to what other religion has to say. Respect! My family are Christians,im the only convert, my family wld have shut me down in the first 10 seconds because they said anythg pastor says is correct, the "know" they had "found God" so no need to know other things. I wish they wld be like you atleast have the willingness to listen first....
+Lak Stop lying? Bilal (ra) was one of the companions of the prophet Muhammad (saws) and he was the first one to call the adhan and you know what ? He was black!
Jesus used to pray lonely for why? sometimes he passed whole night in praying, why? he wants something from God, why? 21. John 17:3 - And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 2. Matthew 26:39 My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me, yet not as I will, but as Thou will. Jesus’ will is likewise autonomous from God’s Will. Jesus is seeking acquiescence to God’s will. 3. John 5:26 For as the Father has life in Himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself. Jesus received his life from God. God received his life from no one. He is eternally self-existent. 4. John 5:30 By myself, I can do nothing: I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who has sent me. Jesus says, “by myself, I can do nothing.” This indicates that Jesus is relying upon his own relationship with God. He is not trying to “please myself” but rather is seeking to “please the one who sent me.” 5. John 5:19 The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees the Father doing, because whatever the Father does, the Son does also. Jesus declares that he is following a pattern laid down by God. He is expressing obedience to God. 6. Mark 10:18 Why do you call me good? No one is good, exceptGod alone. Here Jesus emphatically makes a distinction between himself and God. 7. John 14:28 The Father is greater than I. This is another strong statement that makes a distinction between Jesus and God. 10. John 17:21-23 . . .that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. . ..that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. In this prayer Jesus defines the term “to be one.” It is clearly accomplished through the relationship of two autonomous beings. Christian believers are to model their relationship (to become one) after the relationship of God and Christ (as God and Christ are one). Notice that “to be one” does not mean to be “one and the same.” 12. Hebrews 1:3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being. Jesus is the exact representation of his being. I send my representative to Congress. He is not me, myself. He is my representative. 13. Hebrews 4:15 (compared with James 1:13) For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-yet without sin. Jesus has been tempted in every way, just as we are, yet he never sinned. See
Unfoetunately, We muslims doesn't say Adam is God. I think you miss the point my friend. It's just comparison of miracleous birth between jesus and Adam
We don't consider Adam the Son of God because he was made from the earth. Unlike the rest of humanity, Jesus came into being through God and His will. For the people who say God can't become man because that would limit Him, Christians believe that all things are possible through God, so to say that God cannot become man is saying that you don't actually believe God is all powerful and can change form if He wishes.
Question: "If Jesus was God, why did He say "The Father is greater than I" in John 14:28?" Answer: The phrase “the Father is greater than I” (John 14:28) was spoken by Jesus during the upper room discourse, and the greater context is the promising of the Holy Spirit to the disciples after Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus says repeatedly that He is doing the Father’s will, thereby implying that He is somehow subservient to the Father. The question then becomes how can Jesus be equal to God when by His own admission He is subservient to the will of God? The answer to this question lies within the nature of the incarnation. During the incarnation, Jesus was temporarily “made lower than the angels” (Hebrews 2:9), which refers to Jesus’ status. The doctrine of the incarnation says that the second Person of the Trinity took on human flesh. Therefore, for all intents and purposes, Jesus was fully human and “made lower than the angels.” However, Jesus is fully divine, too. By taking on human nature, Jesus did not relinquish His divine nature-God cannot stop being God. How do we reconcile the fact that the second Person of the Trinity is fully divine yet fully human and by definition “lower than the angels”? The answer to that question can be found in Philippians 2:5-11. When the second Person of the Trinity took on human form, something amazing occurred. Christ “made himself nothing.” This phrase has generated more ink than almost any other phrase in the Bible. In essence, what it means is that Jesus voluntarily relinquished the prerogative of freely exercising His divine attributes and subjected Himself to the will of the Father while on earth. Another thing to consider is the fact that subservience in role does not equate to subservience in essence. For example, consider an employer/employee relationship. The employer has the right to make demands of the employee, and the employee has the obligation to serve the employer. The roles clearly define a subservient relationship. However, both people are still human beings and share in the same human nature. There is no difference between the two as to their essence; they stand as equals. The fact that one is an employer and the other is an employee does nothing to alter the essential equality of these two individuals as human beings. The same can be said of the members of the Trinity. All three members (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) are essentially equal; i.e., they are all divine in nature. However, in the grand plan of redemption, they play certain roles, and these roles define authority and subservience. The Father commands the Son, and the Father and the Son command the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the fact that the Son took on a human nature and made Himself subservient to the Father in no way denies the deity of the Son, nor does it diminish His essential equality with the Father. The “greatness” spoken of in this verse, then, relates to role, not to essence.
in eastern country children dont mind if all old people called them 'son' or 'my son', cause it is nice and lovely way to call.. So adam moses jesus and all humankind are the son of God.We are the creation and there must be The Only Creator The Mighty God.. Yes it's simple as that. i love your openminded bro!
Noeaxines for real tho like they go to an islamaphobic site that says prophet Mohammad (pbuh) had sex with a six year old which is false. If you look at authentic source quoted by Ayesha never ever has she said anything bad about Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). If you take out their name and show em to someone they will tell you that you wish you had that kind of spouse
@CAPSICUM TV no Mohammed (SAW) is the messenger of Allah and truly an true prophet. the quran is made because of Mohammed (SAW) so he can't be a false prophet
@CAPSICUM prophet Muhammad was an amazing character. The man of truth was his nickname. He had a lot of enemies that spread lies about him and those lies became bigger after his death including the blasphemy that he was a pedophile.
Why would you worship adam the “son of god” when you could worship the almighty god that made him. Eg no one praises you for being born they praise your parents and congratulate your parents not you
Response to RUclipsr's question. Adam and Eve are not worshipped because they are not God. They were regular humans. Just without parents (if you take the 2nd account of the creation story literally; I personally don't.) Jesus isn't worshipped because he didn't have a dad. He's worshipped because he is God. I think this is the weakest argument among the 10 arguments. It supposes that what makes Jesus special is the fact that he had no dad. That's not it. Jesus is given the special title "Begotten" because he himself is God. I don't think it has anything to do with whether he had a dad or a mom. You aren't worshipped for being and orphan. You're worshipped for being God.
no Adam is not the son of the god Adam is our father and Hawa is our mother but they are humans they are like us Allah or god made him and made all humans from clay
Jesus was not subjected to anything. He was still God. The nature listened to him. He walked on water. He changed the water to wine. He calmed the storm. And many more.
(John 20:28-29 KJV) says other wise " And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and My God." verse 28 and verse 29 says " Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: bless are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."
*Whaatwaa Family is a Family that is made up of people that believe in different religions and have come together to show we support and Love ❤️ each other without being hateful or racist. Subscribed to join Whaatwaa Family* 💝💖
Mr Whaatwaa
I subscribed your vids
Mr Whaatwaa
Good vid
React to
"Top 10 unscientific Quran verses"
Mr Whaatwaa surah Haqqah by Abdulaziz Zahrani.
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Top 10 Scientific ERRORS in the QURAN
I knew when I seen this video my Christianity was going to be challenged. I have to admit that I had these questions from the time I was in Sunday School. I may need to wrestle myself for a while. Peace be with you all.
Peace be upon u too madam...😘
May Allah guide you to the truth sister, ameen.
Angela Long, on the day of judgement there will be only you and god. Only you yourself will have to answer god and win a place in paradise. No one will be there to help you not even Jesus so you still got time to come to the true path of Islam and save yourself from hell fire.
May Allah guide u to truth
How is your search coming along if you don't mind me asking
God created adam with out mom and dad!!! eve with out mom!!! God is powerful
Read Quran last chapter if you really want to know God truly,read complete Holy Bible it says so.. Believe me it clearly return in Quran..
not just that , he created the univers that we live in , time and spece , and maybe more...
Also jesus pbuh was conceived without a man
المعجزات كلها بقدرة الله سبحانه وتعالى الأنبياء يعرضونها ويقولون هاذه بإذن الله فلا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
Assalamu alaykum. I just wanted to say i love your respect for Islam and your tolerance to it even though you are catholic and may allah guide you to the right path inshallah
Z3R0 SA1NTS 13 *Wa-Alaikum-Salaam* 😊
Mr Whaatwaa you are very good brather
Hey I'm an upcoming youtuber just trying to get people to check me out and join the wave. You won't be disappointed I promise
Z3R0 SA1NTS 13 amin
After hearing this I would have become a muslim
Subhanallah I am already a one!
Welcome tithe right way,congratulations
Welcome bro
Mashaa Allah! Welcome my brother!
That...That was fast.
Feyra Hisaanah i was born muslim...
The answer of your question is on Suret EL Ikhlas .
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "قل هو الله أحد الله الصمد لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفؤا أحد"
Should also give the meaning.
@@crypticcoding9680 (1) Say: He, Allah, is One.
(2) Allah is He on Whom all depend.
(3) He begets not, nor is He begotten.
(4) And none is like Him.
@@Afanottrippin this is Sura Al iklas thanks!
Greating Bro, Jesus is not son of Allahu, he was prophet, may Allah bless you to come Islam
Sychlo Killent lol haha
Sychlo Killent get your facts right 😴
mr MOZZY exactly 👏🏽
ROCKYZ ROCKYX tf Islam is not lie it’s our religion if u like or not 🙄
ROCKYZ ROCKYX prove it :)
Mary gave birth to her lord doesn’t make sense does it
No sense , if God needs a Son , he gonna do it four him self , He didnt need Mery ,didnt need her help hhhhhh.
so Jesus is Son of Mery .Thats All
Hahahahaha no dear
And how would a human be god????
@@sadiaqueen2901 Hahahaha no u
Assalamu'alaikum brother...
Sorry if my english bad, i'm from Indonesia. 5 hours i watched on your channel and i love your contents so much. You react all videos with pure heart bro, i cry when see you got touched by the video that you reacted. Thanks for your channel, give me extra information about my religion. Keep it up your real reaction. i'm sure, all people around the world who watch your video will support you. Finally, don't scare to say the thruth if your heart say it. May Allah bless you and your family, brother.
Wassalam from 🇮🇩
DeRizcal Channel aku juga marathon brrjam jam.. aku juga nunggu dia jd muallaf. kalau dia cuma mau subscribers, semoga dia diberi hidayah kedepannya setiddaknya video ini dtonton banyak orang dan mgkn banyak yg tersadar dan jd muallaf. apapun niat dia, aku berdoa smoga hidayah datang padanya
Avia Nusantara jangan ditungguin jd mualaf,,,, setidaknya sudah banyak yang mengingatkan dan menjelaskan. Itu hak nya dia,,, ya, semoga bertambah lagi saudara seiman, Amiin..
Alhamdilah dia sudah mualaf sekarangg😇😇
GOD= Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One
2. “Allah, the Eternal,"
3. “He begets not, nor is He begotten,"
4. “And there is none like unto Him.”
May Allah make us among His righteous servants ❤️
Ahah bro I love this guy soo much😂 he shows soo much respect to Islam which is great and second of all he always stays positive and never says anything negative about any religion❤️ and he never fails to make me laugh he always dances 😂
+LogansWarning its clear that you dont know nothing about islam my brother first of all the word Islam is from Salam wish means in English peace so already the name af The religion has a lot of tolerance. Besides, God says in the Quran that:" if someone made a spirit alive it's like he made the hole people in the world alive and if someone killed one spirit it's like he killed all the hole people in the world " so killing people in Islam is not allowed unless in case of war even in wars we are ordered to not to kill women, children, aged people or even cutting a tree. unfortunately Medea blinded ur mind and made Muslims look like terrorists when terrorism has nothing to do with any religion it's just a horrible action done by people who are not sensitised
+LogansWarning why would I play games you can check it in the internet TV blinded your mind from seeing the truth and made you forget what is really going on in the world but made live in the sky thinking you are superior to other ppl making other religions look silly u need to put ur feet on the ground and look urself on the other side of the world
+LogansWarning www.nytimes.com/2018/04/13/world/middleeast/trump-strikes-syria-attack.html , www.newsweek.com/us-made-bomb-killed-children-yemen-so-trump-might-be-complicit-war-crimes-669240 here we got some facts but we still tolerant
@@LogansWarning they do not disrespect any religion because if you go to like middle East they don't care what religion you are they greet you kindly don't believe me go to middle East and try it for yourself
we need people like you who won't judge other's and would actually listen to other people's point of view. love you're videos by the way :)
Mr Whaatwaa
Are you a muslim now? May Allah give Hidhaaya to you. Aameen
I got strong feeling ... he receives HIDAYAH ( a knock of blessing into his heart by Allah)... sooner or later ..
people are waiting for him to be a Muslim, I wonder if he coverts he'd tell the world
Yes he is now
Yeah alhamdullah he is
Please react to “ Ahmed Deedat - The Concept of Original Sin”
jusus is prophet of allah
THIS IS WHY JESUS IS GOD!!!!! both in Bible and Quran ruclips.net/video/8q9nhV66yPc/видео.html
@@LawrenceTheCreator Jesus is not god he was born like a regular human without a father which is one of his miracle but he never said I'm god worship me
Jesus is not god but he is messenger of Allah
@@LawrenceTheCreator man dont lie please quran never said jesus is god in fact quran denies that fact quran said that jesus is just a prophet
ALLAH is one👆.
Arbion imeri true
الله صمد
Arbion imeri true
Look God created Adam and us with mud and Clay we worship God who created Adam and us we can’t worship Adam because he is a human like us he is mortal God is great and immortal Greeted everyone in this earth including Adam so that makes us all including Adam creatures to God
abdullah raffa true, Allahu Akbar/ God is greatness
Yes so truth
Wow such amazing video and a really wise man 👍
Hey I'm an upcoming youtuber just trying to get people to check me out and join the wave. You won't be disappointed I promise
I'm a Muslim and I just wanted to know this, how can Jesus be the son of God and be God at the same time?
There is so many mind blowing question like this. But the Christians try defending. I feel like those people thinking out of there mind without thinking with there mind
because they are afraid and doesn’t want to open their mind,think logically,come to the sense,that’s all
Even their priest cant answer this question
@Magdalene Togonon you muslim or christian? in the bible jesus says that "their will be many false messaihs and messangers who would do miracles which would decieve the very illect" so yeah. miracles arent the proof for a prophet unless they still have an impact over humanity to this day, aka the quran which has no contradictions in terms of science. furthermore, jesus did do miracles but if your christian, then as muslims we believe he did them with the power of God as in the bible jesus himself says "i with the finger of god cast out the devil" "i can do nothing of myself except through the father in heaven"- these arent exact quotes cause unno procastination and im lazy. since u said that "jesus was alive" im guessing u muslim cause u dont believe he died on the cross which in itself does not make sense cause well a god cant die and theirs no way a god would sacrifice himself for his own creation. its like creating a game and then finding out the game is a failure and so you let them kill you. why? makes no sense
by the game is a failure i mean like the bots that you the creator has coded. like it makes me laugh how illogical christians are
Makes alot of sense and I've wondered about this myself..but I will say .I love god ,jesus and all believers and mesengers that believe in god..I do what I can and try to understand....my life has improved since I exepted god ...I love the word and the comfort it gives me .I'm not perfect .but I believe and hope
Thank you for the respect you give Islam 🖤
I can see it shine through you brother. Someone is getting to know the real truth here. Inshallah, by God's will, the truth enters your heart and not be misguided any more. I am learning more as a Muslim too!✌
@mrwhaatwaa I just wanted to say that ur doing a fabulous job in showing the world the real meaning of Islam and I just hope one day InshAllah you’ll convert to Islam too. And btw Happy Easter 🐣
Hey I'm an upcoming youtuber just trying to get people to check me out and join the wave. You won't be disappointed I promise
Taimur Khan Muslim don't do easter
Taimur Khan ..... seriously brother, you can't say happy Easter, its almost like saying "happy hellfire." You shouldn't congratulate falsehood, if you care, you would want what is best for this brother. It's best to say "may Allah guide you."
zayd quarless
hey brother....take it easy.
At this moment of time mr whatwaa is a catholic.He is at this moment trying to find the truth.so let it be
But at this moment we must show him and other Christians love by saying happy easter.
Brother Taimur khan above is not congratulating him for falsehood.he is just trying to make him feel that we muslims love him and respect his work.
Hope u understand brother and stop using words like "happy hellfire" for "happy easter". It kinda creates hatred among people.#peace.
Listen guys I wasn’t saying it in that negative sense. You are allowed to wish a non-Muslim ‘Merry Christmas’ or ‘Happy Easter’.
"To you it was shown, that you might know that the Lord is God; there is no other besides him. " ~ Deuteronomy 4:35
Just like this... My religion is my religion, your religion is your religion. May Allah bless y'all
Allah SWT says:
لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِىَ دِينِ
lakum dinukum wa liya din.
don't forget the beginning of the verse ( say oh that unbelievers ) it's a curse brother or sister and you must know the reason of its decent there was an event i guess yes we all have the free will to chose our religion but you can't put that aya as a proof salam
@@amineham5971 where is the curse unbeliever means the one who doesn't believe in allah as a god in arabic its kafir
What if u don’t believe in any religion and aren’t in a religion?
I think you misunderstood brother, the guy said that based on the fact that christians claim jesus ( p.b.u.h) as special son of God was BECAUSE he was born without a father. So he said using that logic ADAM (p.b.u.h) would be the son of God as he had no father or mother. It doesn't mean we believe that he was literally God's son! Based on THAT logic Adam would be more appropriate to be called as son of God. Allah says in the Quran that Adam was made from clay. He was just another creation of Allah. Just like He created angels from light and jin from smokeless fire. I hope Allah make it easy for you to understand my statement 😃
mellorina aamal ... well said
@Mr Whaatwaa
No we dont believe he was literally the son of God just that he was the first to be created! Dont get it confused
Sumayah Naz corrected! Thank you for pointing out the error i made! 👍
Please reply me I'm a big fan of yours lots of love from india bro may Allah bless u
Hey I'm an upcoming youtuber just trying to get people to check me out and join the wave. You won't be disappointed I promise
Falastin Ool hello
Mr waatwaa the answer to ur question is if Adam ( a.s ) was the son of god then he would not have made a sin as god is sinless so when Satan told him to eat the apple then he would have rejected also he was banished to earth because he eat the apple and last he was human if he were son of god then he would have been light and not from clay like us. Extra , he would still be alive as he would have been a part of god plus god is all powerful no limits so a fraction of gods power would be all power and if u were to put a limit on a fraction of gods power it would mean u r saying god has a limit in power so by using this Adam ( a.s) would have been a second god which is all wrong
How much have You studied islam yourself to get to that conclusion...or this statement of yours consists only of the opinions of others and how much have they studies islam.If u wanna learn about the religion no matter which one it is don't look at its followers go to the scripture
ROCKYZ ROCKYX bro that's makes no sense and why r u speaking about islam no one asked u that and u don't even know Any thing about islam
I just want to see you accepting Islam and InshaAllah one day you will...
Zaidi Sheikh ameen
LogansWarning why bro
LogansWarning hmm,I am also ashamed to be a Christian, because his god is not dressed
Marwan Karim i hope both of you aren't talking serious, both of you are being disrespectful to both religion tell me logan from the point of view of your religion, do you think jesus is happy to hear this? After all the hard work he done do you think he like how you being disrespectful to other religion??
The same thing for you Marwan, we are muslims do u think god is happy to see you being disrespectful to other religion?
(Srry if my English wasn't right)
LogansWarning what are you saying tells me that jesus wants you to be rude to others for their religions, if u don't like that religion keep it to ur self you don't have to spread it out, in muslims we believe in every messenger and if hate one then we hate all. In my whole life i never seen Christian or muslim being disrespectful to each other religion, from i was kid till now i say to my self muslims and Christians, Islam and Christ are brothers and sisters maybe we don't pray for the same god but our religion is so close to each other
It’s touching mr. whaatwaa’s heart ❤️
adam is a creation by god so we worship god not adam. BTW in islam Adam is the first prophet.👌
bro jesus is not son of ALLAH he is prophet of ALLAH BECAUSE god is cannot be born but jesus is born and i wish u be muslim
Meer Alam Shakeel God can do anything. Not only is Jesus the Son but he IS God.
Dorian Llamas If Jesus was god why did he prey to the father ,which he is equal to? Matthew 26:39 ►
If he was god why does he need to prey in the first place????
zezo clashing Jesus' praying to the Father was a demonstration of His relationship within the Trinity and an example for us that we must rely on God through prayer for the strength and wisdom we need. Since Christ, as the God-man, needed to have a vibrant prayer life, so should the followers of Christ today.
During the incarnation, Jesus was temporarily “made lower than the angels” (Hebrews 2:9), which refers to Jesus’ status. The doctrine of the incarnation says that the second Person of the Trinity took on human flesh. Therefore, for all intents and purposes, Jesus was fully human and “made lower than the angels.” However, Jesus is fully divine, too. By taking on human nature, Jesus did not relinquish His divine nature-God cannot stop being God. How do we reconcile the fact that the second Person of the Trinity is fully divine yet fully human and by definition “lower than the angels”? The answer to that question can be found in Philippians 2:5-11. When the second Person of the Trinity took on human form, something amazing occurred. Christ “made himself nothing.” This phrase has generated more ink than almost any other phrase in the Bible. In essence, what it means is that Jesus voluntarily relinquished the prerogative of freely exercising His divine attributes and subjected Himself to the will of the Father while on earth.
Dorian Llamas pity u... hope one sweet day u will realies the truth and i pray to Allah to give u taufik and hidayah, the true path for your soul. I cant hate u because of your thought but i must try to help u, its the way islam teach the believers not to hate someone who dont have the believe like u but to show them the right path with love and great attitude. May Allah guide u and in shaa Allah u'll become my true brother in islam... with Allah willing.. aamiin
Pak Ngah I already know the truth, the LORD Jesus Christ, the LIVING God.
1. Adam is not the son of God literally because God does not have children. If God had children again he would be limited to human qualities, and He is far above having human attributes. 2. God does NOT need to come into human form in order to understand us because he created us and understands everything with his knowledge. He can communicate clearly through his Messengers. 3. After learning this, and because you are Catholic like I once was until I found the truth (ISLAM,) do you remember the hail Mary prayer? "Hail Mary full of grace.......holy Mary mother of God..." How crazy and scary is that statement? Found in the Catholic church every day. I seek refuge/protection in Allah from any blasphemous statements like that. I hope that you stop calling yourself Catholic inshaAllah. May Allah guide you brother. Ameen.
May ALLAH guide him to true path. Ameen
zayd quarless Ameen
+Niaz Ali Ameen
When I left Christianity, I realized that Jesus is not God. Jesus was a man just like everyone else who chose to preach love and make a difference in this world as best as he knew how. He wasn't set apart from the rest of humankind by being born of a Virgin and infallibly preaching from a "book" (Injil) that Allah supposedly gave to him. He just chose to make a difference in this world and that is why we still remember him today. I think anyone has the potential to follow in these footsteps if they really commit themselves to changing our world for the better.
I define a "Prophet" as someone through whom we can see a glimpse of God's attributes of unconditional love, mercy and compassion through the positive impact they make on this world. Jesus was a prophet by this definition, but so are millions of people alive today, most of whom toil away in obscurity and receive no media recognition. I think we can all be inspired by these people, but I also don't believe that we must embrace the claims to prophethood or teachings of any particular human being like Jesus or Muhammad to have a vibrant spiritual relationship with our Creator. Salvation does not come through testifying that any mere man is the final prophet of God, but through God alone. So obviously I'm not Christian or Muslim, but just a humble spiritual but not religious believer in the One God.
Photios weirdo 😯 good luck
Photios Jesus said ‘no one comes to the Father except through me’
Mo B That was in his time tho. The humankind can only get to God by the prophet whom he has during their time. By example, if we would be living in the time when prophet abraham (as) was alive, we could only get to God tru him. The same goes for every human that lived in another era where othet prophets lived in. But now, in our time, the last prophet sent is prophet Mohammed (as). That means it is his era, so the only way now to get to God is thru him and the book that was sent to him.
In Islam EVERY muslim is supposed to work towards being a representative of Gods attributes in a similar manner to which you define prophet. And by this definition there are likely very many who try to act as a vessel of Gods mercy, forgiveness, fairness, etc. However what makes a prophet a prophet is revelation from God. This is what separates them. They receive communication from God through his angels. So your definition of a prophet is more what we would refer to as a righteous person. Among those chosen righteous people are the one we refer to as prophets and messengers who actually get that direct guidance and carry the responsibility that comes with it. There is only one truth. We do not get to choose what it is. We can invent our own beliefs but ultimately if we are wrong what good does it do for us in the end. God is just and would not leave us to figure it all out on our own and this is why he sent us Prophets to make things clear so we know how to worship our Creator in a way that is pleasing to HIM (not pleasing to us) . Best of luck on your spiritual journey. I hope I did not say anything to offend anyone. Just trying to speak the truth as I understand it.
-Your brother in humanity.
Everybody has the right to choose their religion , it's not always a good thing to rush but I also wanna say don't be blind and fooled by ideas other people have giving you since you where a child. Do your own research and you will discover the truth. I think it's amazing that you are so openminded to watch this with us with an open mind and open heart!! May Allah swt guide you to the right path Thanks for sharing this with us!
Allah MADE adam out of clay
Allah don’t have a son
I am muslim and i love u r channel
Keep going ❤️🌸
If Jesus (pbuh) was God then what does that make Mary???????
little miss sunshine Jesus mother
panda boy wouldn't that means that the God had a mother, if Jesus(PBUH) was God, and I thought God wasn't born to anyone?
Mary is a miracle but that doesn't make her the mother of god.
Mary will be the mother of the prophet Jesus very simple
officially GoPro ruclips.net/video/3ye8WXeFlm4/видео.html 😀
@MrWhatwa muslims dont worship adam or jesus because they are CREATIONSSSS. THEY HAVE BEEN CREATED Worship the CREATOR NOT THE CREATION. Allah is The most high
LogansWarning you’re sick 🤒 May Allah help you oky
Are stupid ? How is islam demonic? Us muslims are against rape and all those other act. It is prohibited in islam. Don’t talk nonsenses when you don’t know nothing about islam. May god make it easy for you to understand and go to the right path.
@@AK-vr2gm lies
LogansWarning You are just another one of those ignorant people who believe what people tell them about Islam. Literally everything u said and I mean everything is prohibited in Islam and Allah is God not Shaytan. God Bless you and may you come to the true path alhamdulillah
@@mrzac2u706 if none of that is true then why are children given in marriage to dirty old men. If that's not true Why do the ones that do it claim the Quaran allow them to do it?
would you worship your father or your grand father?? no you wont. Similarly Adam is our great great.. grand father. Why should we worship him? Allah says in the Quran in surah Al Baqarah:"O people! Adore your Guardian-Lord, who created you and those who came before you, so that you may have the chance to learn righteousness: Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and by it brought fourth fruits for your sustenance; then do not set up rivals to Allah, when you know the truth"
In this verse Allah clearly says to only worship HIM and gave a reason to worship Him which is that He created us and those before us which includes Adam. Allah also says not to set up rivals with Allah meaning comparing Satan with God or comparing Jesus with God or Adam with God.... Again Allah says : " Among His sings are the night and the day and the sun and the moon. Adore not the sun and the moon but adore Allah who created them , if it is Him you wish to serve"(Surah Fussilat)
Allah clearly says to not worship His sings and His creations but to worship Him alone therefore we cannot worship someone (Adam) other than Allah .
Osama Anees Adam is use father and not grandfather
LogansWarning, Logan people are not like you, people are curious what other religions are about and
they want to know if they're following the right path. If you're not that type of guy then you don't have to come
down the comment section and start disrespecting them and what they believe. That is not what your parents
want neither Allah wants it. If you keep disrespecting Qur'an then I got nothing more to tell you but Allah got actions to do, cause if you disrespected Qur'an you're disrespecting the one and only god.
Omar A preach those are some good words of wisdom 👐👐👐
LogansWarning idk. In Islam stealing is a sin lying is a sin slavery is wrong because it says all men are created equal and it’s a huge sin having sex with someone u aren’t made with so stop creating shit
LogansWarning child marriages? Marriage is a commitment. What you would rather have a girlfriend and realize she isn’t meant for u? Have sex with 12 different girls in 12 months? And it was common back then to be married with children. And in Islam we aren’t allowed to get too close to opposite sex unless they’re family. So people would marry children because they cared about them. Not sexually. So get ur facts straight and watch the video
in 19:03
Joshua Evans said with his own tongue: "...On the day of judgement did you command anyone to worship me".
But he made a mistake because in the Qur'an it says: "did you command anyone to worship you".
A simple mistake and I hope no one misguides because of it.
Yes good question brother “why we dont worship Adam” plz tell me who creat the whole creation after Adam dead brother plz believe the one and only god “Allah” who will never ever dies
@@suburban.legend you got his assss 😆 🤣 😂
Brother if you think that Jesus (pbuh) is God because he was born without a father., then Adam (pbuh) is greater God, because he was born without both father and mother.
rkb vlogs don’t say he is greater than god nothing and nobody is greater than The one and only Allah
rkb vlogs agree
The reason we don’t pray to Adam is because he can’t make himself and he also dies like us.Adam also eats like us and things like that and God created Adam. If you have anymore questions ask me.
He always ignores me, lol. But hearts someone a few hours later.
God created adam with clay
Mr.GetRekt 2.0 does Adam and Eve have belly buttons? 😅
Cooz Banks Don't you have belly buttons?
Jeusus died too and he ate slept amd prayed
Love your vids bro how do you not have 10 million subs 🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻
Excuse me if I had mistakes in writing English....because i'm not good in English and my mother tongue is Arabic...but (Alhamdllah) i can understanding English
I saw you videos... and watched your reactions...you make me cried bro.😢😢
your heart is still pure (على الفطرة ) still felling...and your mind understanding the truth
No one will helps you on front of Allah
Except your self..
help your self now bro.
We all dead people comes from dead people
Jesus(pbh) him self commanded you to seeking the truth and the truth will free your soul
Only the truth can do that ..because is you know the truth...it will shows the way to our great creator (Allah)
I will asking Allah to guide you to him and showing you the truth on my prayers 😇
Yep that trust that Jesus is not A god
these 23 minutes passed like they were 5 mins
Skrosh i feels too 😂
It was 23 mins?
You're so close to Allah (God). Hope Allah (God) guide you to show you the truth.
Ventrix The Warrior Amin.
Ventrix The Warrior ameen.
Adam pbuh was a messenger
aphrophet bro
Rasheedat Shade he said one simple thing "adam pbuh is a messenger" 😐 no need to write an essa. I think you replied to him by mistake.
Name Less
Not being rude but you forgot a “y” in essay
Hajera Hussain oh yeah, cba changing it
You mean prophet
at this moment, he knew his whole life is a lie
Yup, and now he is a Muslim. Alhamdulillah
Lmfao, but true
My friend christianity is true, Jesus is God i dont care what you're saying, muhammad was a false prophet
@@DeLorean-vo4st do more research about it
@@DeLorean-vo4st You are blind and brain washed.
Thank you respecting our religion,
May Allahutalla bless you
Awesome as always
NK/ MK bro/sis u think that Jesus pbuh was god then why he said in gospel of John ch.14 v.28 my father is greater then i
And in gospel of John ch. 10 v.29 my father is greater then all
And god don't have a father then why Jesus Christ pbuh said that and how much I readed bible he always told us to follow our god when did he said that follow me ??? And sorry sis/bro if i said something worng and if i hurted someone's feelings but how much I know i tell u 😊 may Allah bless all of us
NK/ MK what do u think that Jesus pbuh was a god or son of god ????
NK/ MK first of all I'm sorry but Im not a sister Im a boy u can call me brother and r u trying to say that Jesus Christ pbuh was a god but in form of a human ????
These days i just like his videos without even watching it
I worship The One that Created Jesus (PBUH)...Jesus(PBUH) never claimed Divinity.
Jesus's real name is Isa...(Prophet Isa)
LogansWarning it's true...don't u learn????
LogansWarning I was telling u not slaving u
jesus is his real name isa is only his arabic name ~ koming from a muslim blood
Uhm...Jesus real name is Yeshua, Yeshu(a) real name is IS(A).
How jesus is jews but youre a christian?...
When I watched this video I cried. Thank you you posted this video! Allah is great! Allah great 😍
Idk what i want to say... i love you so muchh😭💓 i hope Allah give you hidayah 😭
If adam and eve are the first god created. why aren't they the children of god? Now r u convinced that Christianity is a false religion?
mo za Christianity is not a false religion. You don’t have to be Muslim to go to paradise. And am Muslim
itsuormom21 if u believe other non muslims religion is a true religion then ur not a believer ur will and faith in Allah is weak. A Muslim is not a Muslim if they believe Christianity a true religion. I know ur tryna defend the non Muslim but that doesn't mean their religion is a true religion. The prophet PBUH told us to care about them, and respect them. But he didn't tell us to believe in their false religion.
mo za This comment makes me feel like you spread hate. As a Muslim it's not allowed to judge other religions or people. There are SO MANY Christians that do NOT believe that Jesus is God. There is no right or wrong religion bc in all religions there is ONLY ONE GOD, be it Islam, Christianity or Judaism
We are all children of God lol,I am son of God too..
I mean what is your point adam and eve are children of god we all are children of god
mr whaatwaa you still not convinced ? you have watched a hundreds of videos about islam
Miloud Tlm ,i wonder what is his real purpose...
Lionaldo_ 107 you tube subscibers offcourse ! Wacht how he acts always emotionele in every video he acts as if he wipes fake tears to mislead people!
He’s a big phoney crocodile tears
Thts true guys , All the you tubers jus want more views nd subcribers thts all they need.even this guy if he,s a true seekrs of Islam nd hedaya why don't he acceept the islam he seen evrything, evrything infront of him whos agree with me????
ibrar akhtar it takes a lot to change religion we are blessed that we got islam from our mothers womb but he didnt it takes time with everything :)
John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
That's all nonsense ; rubbish.Before Jesus was born,there are water,air,food.How can said that through him all things were made ? Its doesn't make sense at all....tq
Jᴜs†ッ because the real bible was changed
One the best reactor I've seen.. may one day we shall the truth before the flashing light comes to our very own eyes get shattered.. #freesub
Inshallah he converts to Islam one day
hit like before watching ☺☺
O Christ worshipper! We want an answer to our questions from your wise ones.
If the Lord was murdered by the acts of people, what kind of God is this? We wonder! Was He pleased by what they did to Him? If, 'yes', then blessed be they, for they achieved His pleasure. But if he was discontented, that means their power had subjugated his power!
Was the whole universe left without a Sustainer? Who answered prayers during this? Were heavens vacated while he laid underground someplace?
Were all the worlds left without a God to manage, while his hands were nailed? Why didn't the angels help him when they heard him screaming?
How could rods stand up to bear the True Lord when he was fastened?
How could the iron rods pierce his body?
How could his enemies hands strike him and slap his rear?
Did Christ revive himself from the dead? Or was there another God to revive him?
What kind of sight was it, a grave that enclosed a God?
Stranger still is the belly that confined him? He remained there for nine months in total darkness, fed by blood? Then he exits the womb as a tiny baby, weak, gasping to be breast fed?
He ate and drank, and what then naturally occurs? Is this what you call a God?
O Cross worshippers! Why is the cross exalted? And why blame those who reject it? Isn't it logical to break and burn it? Along with the ones who initiated it?
Since the Lord was crucified on it, and his hands nailed to it? That is really a cursed cross to carry! So throw it away, don't kiss it!
The Lord was abused on it, yet you adore it? So you must be his enemies?
If you extol it because it carried the Lord of the Worlds, why don’t you prostrate yourselves and worship graves, since the grave contained your God in it?
O Christ worshipper!
mashallah, Nice one! I was been looking for this words for so long, nobody has ever done it, I thought I would be the first to say but u did it thank u so much may Allah (S.W), reward u with ur goodness, Ameen. Dont delete it I love it!
Nice one brother
You write a lot of crap ill shut jou up.
Sarah had 2 sons Isaac and Jacob and God bless Isaac the Arabs came from Ishmael.
And Jesus came from Issac ok.
Your pedophile Muhammad came from Ishmael.
Hey @MrWhaatwaa, i don't know you personally, and I just recently found your videos and like seeing you react to them, I hope you will find the hidayah, keep searching and learning . May Allah bless you my brother
BTW if jesus was God why will he pray to his father (GOD)
Chirstian people make jesus god this is wrong..
@@senjuchan4773 yep
@@senjuchan4773 no we don’t! There is many Christian Non-Trinitarians!
@@arandomyorkshireman9678 tru
I don’t believe in debating below in the comments about, what religion is true, etc. I am a Muslim, I’ve read the Quran, I understand it. Somewhere in the comment section, there will be a Christian, who has read the Bible, and understands it. His belief in what he has read will be strong, as mine will also be in the Quran. To fellow Muslims, don’t carry on petty debates, it is not time efficient. Don’t swear at others in the comments below. People have watched this video, if they still don’t believe, let them be.
IlluminateThePath exactly!!
Man, here is your confusion cleared:
Is Jesus God or somebody sent by God according to the Bible?
Here is a clear point, if Jesus was God, why did he worship God?
I am sorry but there is not a single verse in the entire bible where Jesus says I am God or worship me.
He refused the people to call him good.
God is All Powerful,
Jesus says in the Bible, very explicitly
"I can of mine own self do nothing"(John,5:30)
God is All Knowing, but Jesus says,
"But of that Day or that Hour knows no man, neither the angels, nor the son, but only the father".
Jesus says explicitly that there is only one God, and didn't say anything about Trinity:
(Mark 12:28-34)
"Hear O Israel, the Lord, our God, the Lord is one"
So with these evidences, would you accept that Jesus was somebody sent by God or God himself?
Brother you don't need to answer this question as Jesus answers and tells you himself:
"Father; the hour has come. Now this is eternal life that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent."
(John 17: 1-3)
Brother, this is what Muslims are trying to say! That he was sent by God! A prophet!
Jesus was not the only son of God:
According to the Bible language, we all are sons of God. This is a metaphorical expression which shows the love of God. This is obviously not physical! In the Bible it is also reported that Jesus said: "Blessed are the peacemakers. They shall be called the children of God"
Brother, how do you pray in Christianity? You say "our Father in heaven", so you are also a son of God according to the Bible language. This expression is only used to show the love of God.
Jesus was a Muslim:
Luke 22:42, and John 5: 30 says that Jesus submitted to the will of God. I am asking you brother, do you know what the Arabic word for submission is? It is the word "Islam".
Mother Mary covered her hair with clothing. If you see someone today walking past you, wearing clothing on hair, what religion would you think she is?
Jesus prayed on his forehead on the ground. Matthew 26:39: "And going a little further, he (Jesus) fell on his face and prayed..."
I am asking you brother, if you see someone praying like that, which religion would you think he is in ?
Jesus ate Kosher food which is very similar to Halal food that Muslims eat.
Jesus fasted for 40 days and scholars say that the way he fasted is very similar to the way Muslims fast today, from dawn till dusk.(Matt 4:2)
I think you know that Muslims greet each other by telling "peace be on you", Jesus greeted his disciples in this exact way, by telling peace be upon you (John 20:21.)
Jesus had a beard just like Muslims do.
Would these clear characteristics, would you accept that Jesus was a Muslim?
Jesus didn't complete his message and predicted, with the help of God, that in the future, a revealtion from God, the Quran, will:
(John 16:12-13)
Please see this video for details: ruclips.net/video/4s2UTAtSKd0/видео.html
Bible has a prophecy,
Isaiah 42:10
"Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise from the ends of the Earth"
This is a clear prophecy for the coming of the Quran! Do you know brother why is that?
In the Muslim prayer, one chapter from the Quran which must be read, is the first chapter, which is as follows:
"In the Name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
(All) PRAISE Is (due) to Allah, Lord of the worlds..."
"The praise of God, this line, is the opening verse for all the prayers of Muslims, all around the world, or from the ends of the Earth.
So did you find the clear prophecy coming true?
In the Quran, Allah says that the Quran is easy to remember, and millions and millions of people around the world have memorized the Quran by heart! Most of them are non- Arabs!
There are many striking miracles of the Quran, which I think you are very aware of.
The Quran says that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), is the final messenger of God. It is also said in the Quran that we don't have any right to say that one prophet is greater than other.
If you believe that there is One God, and you believe in all messengers, including the final one, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and you believe in the Quran, then you are already a Muslim!
Now you need to confirm these faiths in two sentences.
See you don't have to change your faith, you are only confirming your beliefs, by accepting Islam.
By accepting Islam you don't have to change your life right away. You can do it slowly and slowly. Allah says in the Quran that he does not burden anyone except by his capacity.
Guidance is only from God. If you want to accept it brother, then say:
Ash hadu alla ilaha illAllah, wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rosulu hu
I bear witness, then there is nothing worthy to be worshipped except Allah, and I bare witness that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), is His servant and messenger.
Faizun Nessa 👀
Hey whaatwaa! Why are you giving us only reaction bro?
Why you dont clear yourself and giving us your opinion?
Now which religion you do prefer? Please clear to us!
What do you think about islam?
BTW I like you bro!!!
Ahmad Mahdi dead ass
REAL MADRID 7 so whats your problem?
@Ahmad Mahdi: Let him do what he wants. If you are so interested in providing opinions, create your own channel. Do not force people into awkward situations. He will talk about his opinions, when he is ready and if he wants to. Whether he accepts Islam or not, you will not be getting any rewards for it; so relax and stop demanding stuff.
@mohd.tahauddin brother i didnt force anyone.just asked him “why”
I just expressed my questions about him simply for no reason and not for the reward.
This is a very sensitive topic and the way you asked him, almost looks like a demand:
"Why you dont clear yourself and giving us your opinion?
Now which religion you do prefer? Please clear to us!"
Please be more cognizant of how you put things. You don't want to put people off Islam.
May Allah guide all of us, my brothers and sis should stop the negative comments for this brother he has open minded. The gaudiness from God not from him or us just make pray for him he may become one day the best preacher. Amin
I'm muslim,before i'm christian..if you want to know something..we must to find,read,ask and learn about that..i very like your reaction brother you very open mind and kind and i hope you read bible and Al Quran..went you honest to your self, you can find the truth.. may Allah give you hidayah brother...Aamiin😍
Jesus born without Father, that's miracle then who made that miracle ? "The God".
Adam created without mum and dad. If you die with this principles you Will be loser In afterlife insha Allah.
i asked a pastor about why u dont say adam is the son of god like jesus
Hes even better son of god cuz he wasnt born by parents he was created by god immediately while jesus was born from marry the pastor said it is because jesus came with the bible and that he said that he is the son of god but adam didnt say that and kept saying more bs and changed the subject and left
Xalio Nightmare christians always use this excuse to say that Jesus is the son of God. Because he had no father. So they'd be like God should be the father. And I always ask them back, so what that makes Adam? He didn't have a father and a mother. Does that mean he's God? Lol. But they always the tried to skip that question and left it unanswered. They just change to a different subject or topic. 😂
If Jesus PBUH came with the bible then why did it take 325 years after his DEATH to write it ?
cenexes 12 ask the church lol
cenexes 12 the problem is Jesus never died. Jesus prayed to God to save him from the crucifixion, God is The Most Loving, so God saved Jesus and on the crucifixion it was not Jesus. But they all thought it was Jesus. So everybody came with the concept of Jesus died for their sins n all. Then God sent Muhammad pbuh to tell the truth to the people that Jesus didn't die as mentioned in the Qur'an.
Qur'an is different than bible. Bible has many versions and the contents are concepts and opinions of people. Each story in each chapter has differences to each other. Qur'an is in Arabic, there's only one version, never changed. Pure words of God. And Muhammad pbuh couldn't read nor write. The first revelation was he was asked to read by angel Gabriel, but he said to angel Gabriel how can I read if I don't know how to read. U should read the history if u wanna know more and stop saying that it was written.
cenexes 12 He came with the gospel not the bible,The INJIL
the worship is only for God no one else.
THIS IS WHY JESUS IS GOD!!!!! both in Bible and Quran ruclips.net/video/8q9nhV66yPc/видео.html
Wtf is wrong with you? You are Black, and believe in islam. Your prophet was racist!!!
That video makes so much sense. Not because I’m Muslim but because the facts stated in this video are just great. He used proof not from the holy book of Muslims but the holy book of those who believe Jesus is their lord. If you have proof from the holy book you follow and still don’t believe then how much faith do you really have in your religion ? May Allah guide us all :)
Whaatwaa Father thank you for your videos! ⚘
No Adam AS is not son of GOD
THIS IS WHY JESUS IS GOD!!!!! both in Bible and Quran ruclips.net/video/8q9nhV66yPc/видео.html
@@LawrenceTheCreator quran doesn't say jesus is god
[5.72] The unbelievers are those who say: 'Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary.' But the Messiah said: 'Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.' He who associates anything with Allah, Allah has indeed forbidden Paradise to him, and his
abode shall be in the Fire. The harmdoers shall have no helpers.
[5.75] The Messiah, the son of Mary, was not except a Messenger, other Messengers had gone before him. His mother was in the state of sincerity, they both ate food. See how We make plain to them Our signs. Then, see how perverted they are.
[61.6] And when (Prophet) Jesus, the son of Mary said: 'Children of Israel, I am sent to you by Allah to confirm the Torah that was before me, and to give news of a Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) who will come after me whose name shall be Ahmad.' Yet when he came to them with clear proofs, they said: 'This is clear sorcery
And there are more, but I think that's enough for you to believe that Quran doesn't say jesus is god.
Nice try by the way!!
@@LawrenceTheCreator after this video but you still denying? do you not believe what he said? so google them if he said was true or ask other people
@@LawrenceTheCreator the video is down btw. because someone told a fact that cannot be answer
@@LawrenceTheCreator that why jesus is not the sin of the god
First, adam and eve were NOT the first creation to be put on earth ... there were Jinns (kind of like "spirits" which u cannot see) before humans were created who also lived (and still do) on earth, they also have free will, choice and will be judged on the day of judgement etc. As for ur question, the answer is simple, because u said it urself in the video, adam and eve were CREATED ... and we do NOT worship creation, we only worship the CREATOR of everything, Allah (God) who is the ONLY ONE worthy of worship
grim reaper i only want to say that you writed this allah (God) who is the only one whorty of worship. READ VERY WELL ALLAH DOESN'T MEAN GOD.
Watch this video: Is Allah God? Sheikh Yusuf Estes 2011
In Arabic, Allah is the word for God. Arab Christians called God, Allah. In Islam, God and 99 names and Allah being the 100th.
This Christian guys explains Islam very well. Professor Mathhew R. Davies.ruclips.net/video/jhGnglI4Ktg/видео.html
No Allah fast creation was angle and then jinn and then human the last creation
The same way Jesus (pbuh) can not be God because he was created, neither can Adam (pbuh). Rather we should worship the one who created them right? Here’s a video on the story of Adam: ruclips.net/video/dB6KZc9Y9ZI/видео.html Adam (pbuh) was also a messenger to all of his children as none of them saw God. Hope this helps brother.
JD Silva Thanks brother! I suggested him the first part of this series (Prophets Of Allah Series by Merciful Servant), for better understanding! 😅
Mr WhaatWaah, why are your videos all have high light exposure. Can barly see your face and your glasses man, they beaming lazer at the camera like something else. Lol.
I see there is ALOT of humility in you as a Catholic to listen to what other religion has to say. Respect!
My family are Christians,im the only convert, my family wld have shut me down in the first 10 seconds because they said anythg pastor says is correct, the "know" they had "found God" so no need to know other things. I wish they wld be like you atleast have the willingness to listen first....
Allah ❤️🇧🇩
Ibnay Jordan yo i am to bd bro 😁
dj shadows12 let's shake the hands bro🇧🇩😉🔥
Where are you from bro?
Can you talk about “punish a Muslim day” and talk about how u view it? Thank you may allah bless you! 😁😄
THIS IS WHY JESUS IS GOD!!!!! both in Bible and Quran ruclips.net/video/8q9nhV66yPc/видео.html
+Lak Stop lying? Bilal (ra) was one of the companions of the prophet Muhammad (saws) and he was the first one to call the adhan and you know what ? He was black!
+Lak does that deal with what i have said? No.
+Lak Oh so you have a good QI is that what you are saying?
+Lak if you say so. No i don't want to debate you
how can adam be god when he got tricked by satan?
THIS IS WHY JESUS IS GOD!!!!! both in Bible and Quran ruclips.net/video/8q9nhV66yPc/видео.html
Zaid Ahmad good one
Jesus used to pray lonely for why?
sometimes he passed whole night in praying, why?
he wants something from God, why?
21. John 17:3 - And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
2. Matthew 26:39
My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me, yet not as I will, but as Thou will.
Jesus’ will is likewise autonomous from God’s Will. Jesus is seeking acquiescence to God’s will.
3. John 5:26
For as the Father has life in Himself, so he has granted the Son to have life in himself.
Jesus received his life from God. God received his life from no one. He is eternally self-existent.
4. John 5:30
By myself, I can do nothing: I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who has sent me.
Jesus says, “by myself, I can do nothing.” This indicates that Jesus is relying upon his own relationship with God. He is not trying to “please myself” but rather is seeking to “please the one who sent me.”
5. John 5:19
The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees the Father doing, because whatever the Father does, the Son does also.
Jesus declares that he is following a pattern laid down by God. He is expressing obedience to God.
6. Mark 10:18
Why do you call me good? No one is good, exceptGod alone.
Here Jesus emphatically makes a distinction between himself and God.
7. John 14:28
The Father is greater than I.
This is another strong statement that makes a distinction between Jesus and God.
10. John 17:21-23
. . .that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. . ..that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me.
In this prayer Jesus defines the term “to be one.” It is clearly accomplished through the relationship of two autonomous beings. Christian believers are to model their relationship (to become one) after the relationship of God and Christ (as God and Christ are one). Notice that “to be one” does not mean to be “one and the same.”
12. Hebrews 1:3
The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being.
Jesus is the exact representation of his being. I send my representative to Congress. He is not me, myself. He is my representative.
13. Hebrews 4:15 (compared with James 1:13)
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-yet without sin.
Jesus has been tempted in every way, just as we are, yet he never sinned. See
Unfoetunately, We muslims doesn't say Adam is God. I think you miss the point my friend.
It's just comparison of miracleous birth between jesus and Adam
Who said he is God the only god is Allah not Adam
We don't consider Adam the Son of God because he was made from the earth. Unlike the rest of humanity, Jesus came into being through God and His will.
For the people who say God can't become man because that would limit Him, Christians believe that all things are possible through God, so to say that God cannot become man is saying that you don't actually believe God is all powerful and can change form if He wishes.
I am just watching How Allah guide this man show him the truth , and he is really pure not resist the truth , that is so inspiring
Jesus was a good guy. He helped people by his powers provided by his father - "GOD "
Adam is a prophet , and listen to Surat Al Omran
THIS IS WHY JESUS IS GOD!!!!! both in Bible and Quran ruclips.net/video/8q9nhV66yPc/видео.html
React to mercifulservant (the Day your heart Will speak)
Anonym Anonym Subanallah..
Question: "If Jesus was God, why did He say "The Father is greater than I" in John 14:28?"
Answer: The phrase “the Father is greater than I” (John 14:28) was spoken by Jesus during the upper room discourse, and the greater context is the promising of the Holy Spirit to the disciples after Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus says repeatedly that He is doing the Father’s will, thereby implying that He is somehow subservient to the Father. The question then becomes how can Jesus be equal to God when by His own admission He is subservient to the will of God? The answer to this question lies within the nature of the incarnation.
During the incarnation, Jesus was temporarily “made lower than the angels” (Hebrews 2:9), which refers to Jesus’ status. The doctrine of the incarnation says that the second Person of the Trinity took on human flesh. Therefore, for all intents and purposes, Jesus was fully human and “made lower than the angels.” However, Jesus is fully divine, too. By taking on human nature, Jesus did not relinquish His divine nature-God cannot stop being God. How do we reconcile the fact that the second Person of the Trinity is fully divine yet fully human and by definition “lower than the angels”? The answer to that question can be found in Philippians 2:5-11. When the second Person of the Trinity took on human form, something amazing occurred. Christ “made himself nothing.” This phrase has generated more ink than almost any other phrase in the Bible. In essence, what it means is that Jesus voluntarily relinquished the prerogative of freely exercising His divine attributes and subjected Himself to the will of the Father while on earth.
Another thing to consider is the fact that subservience in role does not equate to subservience in essence. For example, consider an employer/employee relationship. The employer has the right to make demands of the employee, and the employee has the obligation to serve the employer. The roles clearly define a subservient relationship. However, both people are still human beings and share in the same human nature. There is no difference between the two as to their essence; they stand as equals. The fact that one is an employer and the other is an employee does nothing to alter the essential equality of these two individuals as human beings. The same can be said of the members of the Trinity. All three members (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) are essentially equal; i.e., they are all divine in nature. However, in the grand plan of redemption, they play certain roles, and these roles define authority and subservience. The Father commands the Son, and the Father and the Son command the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, the fact that the Son took on a human nature and made Himself subservient to the Father in no way denies the deity of the Son, nor does it diminish His essential equality with the Father. The “greatness” spoken of in this verse, then, relates to role, not to essence.
in eastern country children dont mind if all old people called them 'son' or 'my son', cause it is nice and lovely way to call.. So adam moses jesus and all humankind are the son of God.We are the creation and there must be The Only Creator The Mighty God.. Yes it's simple as that. i love your openminded bro!
That moment you realize Islam is the one true religion.. #facts
Alhamdulillah we are Muslims
Jesus Christ is not the Son of God
@SLAV -_-
@@sumairfaizi6821 faaaccctsssss
Noeaxines for real tho like they go to an islamaphobic site that says prophet Mohammad (pbuh) had sex with a six year old which is false. If you look at authentic source quoted by Ayesha never ever has she said anything bad about Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). If you take out their name and show em to someone they will tell you that you wish you had that kind of spouse
@CAPSICUM TV no Mohammed (SAW) is the messenger of Allah and truly an true prophet. the quran is made because of Mohammed (SAW) so he can't be a false prophet
@CAPSICUM prophet Muhammad was an amazing character. The man of truth was his nickname. He had a lot of enemies that spread lies about him and those lies became bigger after his death including the blasphemy that he was a pedophile.
Why would you worship adam the “son of god” when you could worship the almighty god that made him. Eg no one praises you for being born they praise your parents and congratulate your parents not you
Bro may Allah guide us all and may you take your shahada soon InshaAllah
Response to RUclipsr's question.
Adam and Eve are not worshipped because they are not God. They were regular humans. Just without parents (if you take the 2nd account of the creation story literally; I personally don't.)
Jesus isn't worshipped because he didn't have a dad. He's worshipped because he is God.
I think this is the weakest argument among the 10 arguments. It supposes that what makes Jesus special is the fact that he had no dad. That's not it.
Jesus is given the special title "Begotten" because he himself is God. I don't think it has anything to do with whether he had a dad or a mom.
You aren't worshipped for being and orphan. You're worshipped for being God.
The only thing I’m going to say is MAY ALLAH GUIDE U TO ISLAM
THIS IS WHY JESUS IS GOD!!!!! both in Bible and Quran ruclips.net/video/8q9nhV66yPc/видео.html
@@LawrenceTheCreator in the quran it literally says directly that jesus is not god your video is a joke
He is a muslim now alhamdulillah
React to EFdawah brother hamza is great.
no Adam is not the son of the god Adam is our father and Hawa is our mother but they are humans they are like us Allah or god made him and made all humans from clay
That is true
Its just a word to symbollise respect towards the messenger of God. Its just for comparison to explain about the term
Jesus was not subjected to anything. He was still God. The nature listened to him. He walked on water. He changed the water to wine. He calmed the storm. And many more.
(John 20:28-29 KJV) says other wise " And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and My God." verse 28 and verse 29 says " Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: bless are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."