Keep it up bro ps you are most definitely be needing some sort of secondary series so if you run dry here just do that and get another fall back ez. Also thx for another great vid keep it up.
Yeah I like the idea of a bat like transformation that strikes fear in your enemies and also is considered criminal activity to use in public. The vampire lord is extremely powerful and is very useful for situations where you are outnumbered by enemies in a cave.
Another good thing Take advantage of necromage. I would recommend a vampire juggernaut. It doesn't seem like it would fit but when you consider their creator is Molag Bal it works quite well. Also it's unkillable. Vampire: immune to disease and poison Attronach stone + attronach perk: 80% spell absorb chance Necromage perk: spell absorb chance now boosted to 100%. You are perfectly immune to magic. With those 3 your only risk is physical damage, which is where the tank aspect comes in. Heavy armor + life absorb enchanted weapons means nothing in the world will outpace your healing. And remember all that alteration magic skill needed for the attronach perk? Go a little further and get the dragonhide spell because unlike other flesh spells, it stacks with armor. With the armor cap, it gives a grand total of 96% physical damage reduction. Also worth mentioning the necromage perk will also enhance all other bonuses for perks and I think enchantments too so your dual wielding DPS will also be good level.
@@vegetableman3911 Who cares if you're detected?!? Full 100% immunity to magic, poison, disease and shouts, and a 96% defense against any physical damage. Nothing could kill you
@@seDrakonkill There is a genuine reason why she doesn't want to marry. Molag Bal is one of the worst princes to serve pretty much, she had some traumas during her transformation. It's understandable why she would be unwilling to marry, even after you cure her of vampirism. The damage to her mind has been done. Mods are nice, I have a lot of them, but very lore-friendly ones. Imo mods that make you marry Serana just ruin the narrative.
One thing that I HIGHLY recommend, if you plan on playing this build for a long time, is get the respite perk, you don't want to always play during the night. now you can sprint during the day.
A quick tip for everyone getting more into magic and college of winterhold. After the quest ,hitting the books , go help out arniel gane and you will be able to summon him which requires 0 magica and also worth mentioning ,he is invincible and will use good spells
The earlier you get Necromage the better. It applies to literally everything. Perks, skills, enchantments, magical effects like the ones from stones or Mara’s grace. It increases the magnitude of all magical effects by 1.25x and duration by 1.5x. It is stupidly powerful. It makes perks like Dual flurry even faster or quick draw on bows even faster so that you’re drawing a bow in a 1/5 of a second. It makes Destruction magic do extra damage to undead while stacking on top of itself if your a vampire making you do even more damage. It’s a completely broken perk that makes you legitimately 10x as powerful
We waking up wanting to play a vampire build to pass the time till my bday tomorrow then i search up vampire build and i wonder if that dinosaur guy did one i love his builds Vampire OP uploaded 17mins ago
I've been waiting for you, got some things to deliver, your hands only. Let's see.. ah, a like 👍, keeping the hype alive in the community hey. Looks like that's it, got to go.
You Can Also smack some old people on a mountain but then again you'd need to do the main questline kill the Dragon and doing that with a dagger is just eh
Power leveling Restoration on a Death Hound blew my mind, I’ve always had to pickpocket train on the Restoration master teacher after fixing the Elderglean tree.
I play on PC, with the unofficial patch off, so I can still abuse Necromage and Alchemy, and whenever I cast anything on a death hound the whole castle aggro's onto me. Is there any benefit to using them over the several skeleton crypts in the major cities?
I believe to avoid the vampiric gang fight, have a Death Hound follow you as a pet, go find a place outside the castle with no one around (maybe no follower too, you’ll have to check) and cast it on them. Might help to find a place that doesn’t have much room for it to flee to, like inside a small building/cave?
Hello, i'm french and i lok a lot of skyrim content in french or in english and i just love yours videos. I hope there's gonna be a lot of new content like this one. I have just a little tips, for level up illusion faster, you can do a little quest for Drevis (you just need to go at each source of light in the college tou need like 2mn to do it) and then you have a buff of magicka and you can spam muffle without wait. It's a lot more faster. PS : Sorry for my english.
minor suggestion! if you want Ancient Shrouded Armor just do Hags End with Ritual Stone and get the body Before you kill Astrid, also you can join her and be a vampire to get shadowmere and blade of woe later :)
A quick little tip for anyone who doesn't want to wait until starting the Dawnguard DLC before becoming at least *a* vampire: Taking the left road when you escape from Helgen leads you to Shriekwind Bastion, which is the closest vampire den in the game, letting you contract the disease fairly quickly. You can use this to get a headstart and buff up your Illusion just a little bit faster, as well as have an easier time with Stealth before getting the Invisibility spell. This also gives you the chance of acquiring some Vampire Armor fairly early on. This isn't mandatory, of course, but I've used this little trick any time I've wanted to make a vampire character. Safe to say, it's saved me a lot of time when it comes to this, as this den is also a good place to level up your Restoration skill so long as you stay low level.
I’m so lucky to have found this channel, my new bedtime routine is sticking one of these videos on before I go to sleep. Keep up the good work, you have a long time subscriber primed right here!
Awesome content as always, glad to see my favoritegame is still getting the love it deserves from great content creators like you. Looking forward to the next!
i have a question like how do i remove that debuff where my stamina goes to 0 in the sunlight? is there way to remove it or its gonna stay there forever?
I just started playing Skyrim again after not playing it for almost a year now. I was just thinking about a vampire build and saw this video uploaded a few months back. Perfect timing! I'm going to try this build Thanks!!!
Okay y'all this is awesome! I just finished every step of the video and it took me about 16 hrs (probably could've done it in less time if I'd had more experience with the game). Fevvy thanks so much for the video. That was incredible!
If you're having trouble beating Astrid with the Pacify spell, you can also use the Fear one. That way she'll just run around and cower in fear and you can hit her and level up your One-Handed.
Absolutely in love with the little dino, I also dig these builds, would recommend checking out Ordinator if you ever run out of ideas or just want to put a twist on some of them, the perk trees get crazy with it.
Started this build guide today... Went a little off track to get that dagger with a chance to insta kill! Next part is riften orphanage! Good guides you make, well done. Level 24 I was when I got bitten. Now a vampire 😁 Nice tip there at the end of your video was thinking earlier how to level restoration quicker and you have all the tips right here. Quality mate. Very well put together video. Easy to follow.
I like how instead of just looting the Dawn star chest a few times to get the gold, you actually go and do short little side quests with the NPCs to get gold. I feel like I’ve gotten into the habit of going to dawn star for the gold rather than just earning it when I make new characters.
quick word of advice, when you go to the abandoned shack you can increase your speech when talking to the captives, if you choose intimidate for vasha and the mercenary, and the other option for the other person, you'll gain 3 speech levels
Those videos are so freaking amazing, not too short not too long, easy to understand and really fun to imitate in game (except maybe for the 75 illusion farm maybe, 😅) anyway keep up the good work ^^.
I just found out something interesting, the death hound named Garmr is actually a reference to a creature from Norse mythology. Mánagarmr ("moon-hound") is another name given to the wolf Hati Hróðvitnisson, referring to when he hunted down the moon during Ragnarök and swallowed it. Naming it this makes sense since it's a creature that serves as a companion to vampires. I just thought that was really neat and wanted to share with you guys. Great tutorial btw.
I love Ymfah, but I seen almost every single video he’s ever released soo I have to wait until he drops something new, your editing style is really close to his so i’ll be doing the same thing I did there, great work man really love these vids
I've said once before and I'll say it again. Necromage is essential to vampire playstyle. Regardless of what damage playstyle you use. Quick shot for bows is faster as well as steady hand being slower and powershot staggering 25% more often. Pair with bound bow and you'll be the fastest arrow shooter in tamreil. Some shouts like slow time are increased in strength and duration. This stacks with stability affecting this shout too. Plus amulet of talos is effected making shout cooldown 25% faster. Other shouts include become ethereal, elemental fury, and dragon aspect. Bound weapons last longer Heal spells heal 25% more And wards are 25% more effective. Armor enchantments are 25% better. Flesh spells are 25% stronger and longer this stacks with mage armor and stability. Invisibility and muffle last longer. This coupled with a vampire's natural 25% boost to level caps on illusion spells makes illusion a great school. Atronach stone and perk are increased to 62% and 37.5% respectively. (And personally I prefer magic absorption over resistance cause magic attack fill your mana and enchantments help the slower regen. Plus enchantments are now 25% more powerful with necromage Speaking of magic regen recovery is 25% more powerful and seeing as you get it before necromage go ahead and grab it. Wind walker regens stam 25% better too. Dual flurry makes attacks 25% faster. (Unarmed protip take this perk to punch faster. Unarmed strikes dont gain xp for one handed but is effected by this perk) Speaking of unarmed. Fists of steel gets a 25% boost to damage per armor count. Both of these plus the pugilist enchantment getting a 25% boost makes for one hell of a slugfest. Magic resistance (the perk) is increased by 25% Extra pockets gets 25% Steed stone is now 125 but the description only shows 100 Lord stone gets 62 armor and 31.25% resistance. Dragon skin lasts 90 seconds at 62% Avoid death goes from 250 to 312.5 Power of the grave (vampire lord perk) is increased from 50 to 62 Shadow warrior lasts longer but only like an extra second so...yeah... Passive bonus like agent of mara are increased by 25% and racial bonuses are increased too but vampire lord is required. Simply change once and revert back and it should apply. This applies to any perks you take before necromage as well. If you go all 3 levels into mage armor BEFORE necromage you won't get the boost. But if you are a vampire lord simply change and revert and it SHOULD apply the buff. I can't guarantee that though so I'd just play it safe. Either way you could just use a dragon soul to reset a whole perk tree with the black book waking dreams after you kill miraak. Granted the negatives are also amplified but 50% weakness to fire can be countered with enchantments or dark elf or magic absorb/resist. And with the no regen is easily fixed with the above perks and enchantments. also. Now all of this only works if you dont 1.2.3 unofficial skyrim patch. But there is a mod that let's you take advantage of both.
great timing, after spending days of getting mods prepared to how i want them im finally ready to play today and this comes out, thank you mind reader!
Looking at the responce you leave to people's comments you seem really nice and positive, your videos are entertaining and the dino that pops up in the corner at times is actually adorable as hell, love these videos keep them up as long as you feel compelled to make them, keep making great content
yesss!! because of your videos, i finally started to be able to beat skyrim on legendary mode. now i want to beat as a vampire, with a new character i just created yesterday and then you just upload this video today. thank you!!! love your channel so much, keep up with the good work ^^
One interesting fact I found out is that you can enchant the amulet of gargoyles with your own enchantment I think it’s because the “enchantment” it has is considered an effect
Increasing enchanting to 70 and getting the perk that allows 2 enchantments on items you can make gear that has health magika and stamina regen so when your in the sun you still regen but in the dark you regen at a higher rate if the enchantments are strong enough you can eliminate the weakness to the sun. Getting restoration to 40 and getting the perk that allows restoration spells to also recharge stamina. Race is Dark Elf eliminates the weakness to fire. Getting the Atherium Crown allows you to have 2 standing stone perks.
Your videos give off a serious ymfah vibe (not sure if you started earlier) but I enjoy them nonetheless. Top notch production, a good dose of humor and overall interesting content. Keep it up!
Hey Fevvy, i was wondering if you would consider doing an op early guide for oblivion. Have not found anything great on youtube for it. Great vid btw :)
I really love all your content Fevvy, these optimized build videos are just getting better and better can't wait to see whats next. Would also look forward to another hour by hour video taking on another of the main questlines too!
30sneak damage is due to the last perk above the stealth archer perk it only affects daggers. Also daggers are the only ‘silent’ mele weapon in the game.
be a op vampire: negative points: + your stamina, magic and health don´t regen in day. + you need to drink human blood + the dawnguard want to kill you everytime. +you give your soul to molag bal positive points: + can kill nazeem easily + can make this: 12:30 + you can use your powers to kill nazeem + can drink the blood of nazeem + seriously be a vampire, you can do this 12:30 + i already say you can kill nazeem and then make him levitate? + i mean...dude what are you even looking the negative points? be a vampire is worth if dont believe me check the positive points.
Nah. You don't really _need_ to drink blood. The dark elf racial trait of 50% fire resistance cancels out stage 4 vampirism and you get a sweet 50% frost resistance so farming ice wraiths are at least much better.
Sorry I kept you guys waiting so long for this one. Hope it was worth the wait!
Ur the Best channel ive seen like great videos a little cudly dinosaur (probably tyoed wrong)
Create a op dual build early
Keep it up
bro ps you are most definitely be needing some sort of secondary series so if you run dry here just do that and get another fall back ez. Also thx for another great vid keep it up.
Yes the best type of transformation and the best race
"Did you get a horse?"
- "Yes."
"What did it cost?"
- "A potato, and I got 1 gold as a bonus."
It just works!
So nuthing then? .......
Well i hade to bend over to get the potato.
@@BluMan506 duuudde hell naahh
p o t a t o e s. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.
@@orarinnsnorrason4614 Boil em, mash em, trade em for a horse
The addition of the little dragon makes me smile. It’s adorable.
Haha that would be my girlfriends doing
@@Fevvy I still demand to know his name. I must know for my sanity's sake
I think there should be more dragons
Fevvy can you add more 🥺 they keep me going through these tough times.
That small creature has a level power none of us will have
Dark elf with glowing red eyes wearing vampire armor
Dawnguard: Great, you're welcome to join us
"maybe she just dresses that way..."
I like how they even say stuff like “A vampire could walk through that door at any minute” (not that exactly but you get the point)
They’re just desperate lmfao
Technically, she wasn't a vampire yet...
@@averygamerdude7911 she looks horriying enough for people to mistook her as vampire. No racism intended.
I love the vampire lord form, it's like having a stealth build, and when you get caught you turn into a tank build.
And you can role play as a badass vampire
"Congratulations! You found me! You get a Prize!"
"Wait really? what?!"
"*in vamp lord form now* A horrifying death! Yaaaay!"
@@RaxusXeronos sad dead noises
Yeah I like the idea of a bat like transformation that strikes fear in your enemies and also is considered criminal activity to use in public. The vampire lord is extremely powerful and is very useful for situations where you are outnumbered by enemies in a cave.
@zetta _ mo
Another good thing
Take advantage of necromage. I would recommend a vampire juggernaut. It doesn't seem like it would fit but when you consider their creator is Molag Bal it works quite well. Also it's unkillable.
Vampire: immune to disease and poison
Attronach stone + attronach perk: 80% spell absorb chance
Necromage perk: spell absorb chance now boosted to 100%. You are perfectly immune to magic.
With those 3 your only risk is physical damage, which is where the tank aspect comes in. Heavy armor + life absorb enchanted weapons means nothing in the world will outpace your healing.
And remember all that alteration magic skill needed for the attronach perk? Go a little further and get the dragonhide spell because unlike other flesh spells, it stacks with armor. With the armor cap, it gives a grand total of 96% physical damage reduction.
Also worth mentioning the necromage perk will also enhance all other bonuses for perks and I think enchantments too so your dual wielding DPS will also be good level.
I would recommend enchanting some of your gear with muffle or boosted sneak as heavy armour is easier to be detetected
@@vegetableman3911 thats true man thanks for the help
@@vegetableman3911 Who cares if you're detected?!?
Full 100% immunity to magic, poison, disease and shouts, and a 96% defense against any physical damage. Nothing could kill you
@@6powersofM i get your point, I just prefer a much quieter way of dealing with things
“Join the dawnguard”
Me: *meets future wife in cave*
Hahaha trueeeee
Stop lying, you cant marry her. No one can :(
My friend, I shall introduce you to the wonderful world of mods!
Serana, I, and our 13 warrior children are doing quite well.
@@Stormvermin-bx1lh with the power of mods you can
@@seDrakonkill There is a genuine reason why she doesn't want to marry. Molag Bal is one of the worst princes to serve pretty much, she had some traumas during her transformation. It's understandable why she would be unwilling to marry, even after you cure her of vampirism. The damage to her mind has been done.
Mods are nice, I have a lot of them, but very lore-friendly ones. Imo mods that make you marry Serana just ruin the narrative.
I love how Skyrim is still having content made on it, brings a tear to my eye.
Haha it's still such a great game man!
@@Fevvy it is such a good game
Grow up! Game is boring af.
Ralof lmfao, he's said it about a zillion times but it still makes me laugh "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?"
Haha I know what you mean
Hey, be careful!
One thing that I HIGHLY recommend, if you plan on playing this build for a long time, is get the respite perk, you don't want to always play during the night. now you can sprint during the day.
1 year late but I was playing a vamp and this helps alot ty
Thanks for the tip!!
"Imagine being weak to light, and risk going to Cold Harbor"
This comment is brought to you by Hircine's bois.
Lord hircine forever
No necromage tho
Hircine is one of the only Daedra I can actually like
Omkar Anjarlekar Hircine, Azure, Maridia and Uncle Sheo are the best daedras. Change my mind.
@@DoortoTwilight777 Hircine, Azura, Meridia, Uncle Sheo and uncle Sanguine are the best daedra. There, I changed your mind a little
Commenting again so my boy becomes famous
You still da the best!
I can’t belive we’ve been settling for shitty Skyrim videos when someone like this exists. Keep up the good work
Haha thanks man! glad you enjoy them
A quick tip for everyone getting more into magic and college of winterhold. After the quest ,hitting the books , go help out arniel gane and you will be able to summon him which requires 0 magica and also worth
mentioning ,he is invincible and will use good spells
Thanks for the tips!
The earlier you get Necromage the better. It applies to literally everything. Perks, skills, enchantments, magical effects like the ones from stones or Mara’s grace. It increases the magnitude of all magical effects by 1.25x and duration by 1.5x. It is stupidly powerful. It makes perks like Dual flurry even faster or quick draw on bows even faster so that you’re drawing a bow in a 1/5 of a second. It makes Destruction magic do extra damage to undead while stacking on top of itself if your a vampire making you do even more damage. It’s a completely broken perk that makes you legitimately 10x as powerful
yeah I agree its pretty busted
Standing stones too
It is finally here brothers, may we rejoice.
May I have some loops brother
I need loops brother
Give me some loops brother
We waking up wanting to play a vampire build to pass the time till my bday tomorrow then i search up vampire build and i wonder if that dinosaur guy did one i love his builds
Vampire OP uploaded 17mins ago
It's a miracle!
Happy bday
Happy birthday
Happy birthday bro
Everyone here 1 month ago: "Happy birthday!"
Me, 1 month later: *happy degenerate noises when seeing this wholesome comment section*
I've been waiting for you, got some things to deliver, your hands only.
Let's see.. ah, a like 👍, keeping the hype alive in the community hey.
Looks like that's it, got to go.
Eu achei que era o único br no canal do fevvy
Read it with the courier's voice LMAAAOOO
fun fact the hall of vigulant if your early starting the game you can make it before the place gets burned down
I just found your channel like a week ago and I’ve watched most of your how to videos. I love them, thank you for making them.
That's awesome! so glad that you enjoy them!
I quick tip for everyone leveling sneak of ralof use dual wield it levels faster
Up the difficulty too. Makes it easier. Just don't forget to turn it back.
Also while power levelling magic completing Drevis Nerolens quest gives you 25 magicka/ sec for 2 hours. Making it even faster early game
@@purplewombatsandpinkjellybeans People play on levels below Legendary?
You Can Also smack some old people on a mountain but then again you'd need to do the main questline kill the Dragon and doing that with a dagger is just eh
@@leoncaruthers yes. Not all of us can be as fantastic as you, hon.
Every time theres an upload it just makes me want to play skyrim. good stuff dude
Thanks man! so glad you enjoyed it!
The little dinosaur being confused made my day, i swear, i ll never get bored of seeing the little guy
(ps, that borat refferance tho 😂😂)
Haha, hope you enjoyed the video man!
Power leveling Restoration on a Death Hound blew my mind, I’ve always had to pickpocket train on the Restoration master teacher after fixing the Elderglean tree.
Yeah I know, I haven't seen anybody else do it and its actually pretty fast
they accidentaly patched it in the ussep (Unofficial skyrim special editon patch) when they buffed the death hound and increased his level
@@R3ub3n that patch did more harm than good
I play on PC, with the unofficial patch off, so I can still abuse Necromage and Alchemy, and whenever I cast anything on a death hound the whole castle aggro's onto me.
Is there any benefit to using them over the several skeleton crypts in the major cities?
I believe to avoid the vampiric gang fight, have a Death Hound follow you as a pet, go find a place outside the castle with no one around (maybe no follower too, you’ll have to check) and cast it on them. Might help to find a place that doesn’t have much room for it to flee to, like inside a small building/cave?
When using ralof for sneak, go for 100 to get shadow warrior. It is so op, you can sneak attack mid battle.
Yeah that is another idea
Considering you already take advantage of that Ralof guy, why not take advantage to the full?
You could just do that with the invisibility spell so you can invest your points elsewhere
Hello, i'm french and i lok a lot of skyrim content in french or in english and i just love yours videos.
I hope there's gonna be a lot of new content like this one.
I have just a little tips, for level up illusion faster, you can do a little quest for Drevis (you just need to go at each source of light in the college tou need like 2mn to do it) and then you have a buff of magicka and you can spam muffle without wait. It's a lot more faster.
PS : Sorry for my english.
Thanks so much! your English is fine! thanks for the tip! and I am so glad that you enjoyed the video!
minor suggestion! if you want Ancient Shrouded Armor just do Hags End with Ritual Stone and get the body Before you kill Astrid, also you can join her and be a vampire to get shadowmere and blade of woe later :)
That's true I was just trying to rush the build, so it was as fast as possible
It makes me happy seeing the views this video got all this time later. I'm on a nostalgia trip revisiting the game
Yeah it’s crazy my friend
@@Fevvy hey vsauce michael here. Do you wanna play with my toys?
A quick little tip for anyone who doesn't want to wait until starting the Dawnguard DLC before becoming at least *a* vampire:
Taking the left road when you escape from Helgen leads you to Shriekwind Bastion, which is the closest vampire den in the game, letting you contract the disease fairly quickly. You can use this to get a headstart and buff up your Illusion just a little bit faster, as well as have an easier time with Stealth before getting the Invisibility spell.
This also gives you the chance of acquiring some Vampire Armor fairly early on. This isn't mandatory, of course, but I've used this little trick any time I've wanted to make a vampire character. Safe to say, it's saved me a lot of time when it comes to this, as this den is also a good place to level up your Restoration skill so long as you stay low level.
NICE! thanks for the tips!
@@Fevvy Ah, don't mention it. Just helping out my fellow Skyrim players.
Great tip! Tks
Glad I found your channel. Skyrim content, after all these years, still such fun to watch. Keep up the good work!
Thanks man glad you enjoy it!
i enjoy it to. now where is the bear
I’m so lucky to have found this channel, my new bedtime routine is sticking one of these videos on before I go to sleep. Keep up the good work, you have a long time subscriber primed right here!
Thanks so much! thats awesome! the support means the world to me!
Awesome content as always, glad to see my favoritegame is still getting the love it deserves from great content creators like you.
Looking forward to the next!
Thanks so much! don't worry I will keep them coming
I honestly love with all my heart that people are still making Skyrim videos in 2020. This was well done. Great content and keep it up.
Thanks so much! I am so glad that you enjoyed the video!
The way you killed Astrid was so funny. Never thought something like that could actually be done.
i have a question like how do i remove that debuff where my stamina goes to 0 in the sunlight? is there way to remove it or its gonna stay there forever?
Been playing modded skyrim so long I forgot it looked like this normally
Yeah. So dreary. So gray. So dull & uninspiring.
@@muffinman2546 game came out in 2011 but ok
@@muffinman2546 I like it like that
@@t.t6294 the sims 3 came out in 2009 and it doesn't look like that
@@babygurleatsshickennuggits4201 completely different game
Love these builds, keep the good content coming my guy.
Of course man!
I just started playing Skyrim again after not playing it for almost a year now. I was just thinking about a vampire build and saw this video uploaded a few months back. Perfect timing! I'm going to try this build Thanks!!!
Hope you enjoy it!
Okay y'all this is awesome! I just finished every step of the video and it took me about 16 hrs (probably could've done it in less time if I'd had more experience with the game). Fevvy thanks so much for the video. That was incredible!
this is pretty ironic considering I'm doing a vampire playthough right now. Keep up the great work bro!
Hope it helps!
Its just amazing that we're still getting new content on a 10yr old game..... and the best part is I'm not the only one playing skyrim again and again
If you're having trouble beating Astrid with the Pacify spell, you can also use the Fear one. That way she'll just run around and cower in fear and you can hit her and level up your One-Handed.
Absolutely in love with the little dino, I also dig these builds, would recommend checking out Ordinator if you ever run out of ideas or just want to put a twist on some of them, the perk trees get crazy with it.
Thanks mate! yeah I may do that in the future
I already started a new build, but damn do I want to try this one!
It's a fun one!
The little dragon gives me all sorts of emotions and when it's sad I just want to hug em
Started this build guide today... Went a little off track to get that dagger with a chance to insta kill! Next part is riften orphanage! Good guides you make, well done.
Level 24 I was when I got bitten. Now a vampire 😁
Nice tip there at the end of your video was thinking earlier how to level restoration quicker and you have all the tips right here. Quality mate. Very well put together video. Easy to follow.
I like how instead of just looting the Dawn star chest a few times to get the gold, you actually go and do short little side quests with the NPCs to get gold. I feel like I’ve gotten into the habit of going to dawn star for the gold rather than just earning it when I make new characters.
Yeah people didn't like it either and I can understand why, I have change my ways haha
The elder scrolls told of his return...
Hahaha sorry it took a little bit to come out
His defeat, was merely a delay.
I love your videos! Thank you for putting the time into making them. Can't wait for the next one. Fingers crossed for a thief build.
Thanks so much! it makes me so happy that people enjoy my videos
I was JUST looking for this video on your channel yesterday, and then you uploaded it today lmao. love these videos
Thanks so much! glad you enjoy them!
quick word of advice, when you go to the abandoned shack you can increase your speech when talking to the captives, if you choose intimidate for vasha and the mercenary, and the other option for the other person, you'll gain 3 speech levels
Thanks for the tips man
Always find these guides super useful when making a new character, thank you for helping so many people!
I am just glad that people enjoy me videos! thanks for the support man!
Ok now I want a Todd howard build
A lying Breton illusion thief that will backstab you with the ebony blade
Nice video as always 💚
hahahahaaha. I love it!
Awesome job Fevvy, thank you for continuing to make these videos 😁 even if i dont try out the build i still love watching them
Thanks awesome so glad that you enjoy them!
Once I found this channel, I was bummed there was no vampire video but here we are. This makes me want to get back into Skyrim again
I am only going to keep adding more mate
Those videos are so freaking amazing, not too short not too long, easy to understand and really fun to imitate in game (except maybe for the 75 illusion farm maybe, 😅) anyway keep up the good work ^^.
Haha thanks so much man, glad you enjoy them, sorry about illusion!
I just started one of these, what timing!
What a coincidence? or is it?
I forgot how busted being vampire is thanks for reminding me how powerful and fun it is to play.
Very fun I enjoyed this a lot!
Buddy I absolutely love these videos, this has gotten me to play skyrim all over again and I love you for it ❤
So glad to hear that man!
I’m most likely not going to make these builds but that doesn’t stop me from watching them. So entertaining and funny 😄 your editing is insane too
Hey I am happy with that! As long as you find them entertaining I am happy
The quality of these videos is astounding, mad props my man
thanks man! so glad you enjoyed it!
Time to spend the next 3 days of my life for another insane build
Worth every second!
I just found out something interesting, the death hound named Garmr is actually a reference to a creature from Norse mythology. Mánagarmr ("moon-hound") is another name given to the wolf Hati Hróðvitnisson, referring to when he hunted down the moon during Ragnarök and swallowed it. Naming it this makes sense since it's a creature that serves as a companion to vampires. I just thought that was really neat and wanted to share with you guys. Great tutorial btw.
well there you go, I never knew. Thanks man, glad you enjoyed it
Ah, I always look forward to your videos ;)
Thats awesome to hear!
I've watched a few of these videos now, all of them crack me up and they are all always just perfect, keep up the amazing content
Thanks! so glad you liked them
I love Ymfah, but I seen almost every single video he’s ever released soo I have to wait until he drops something new, your editing style is really close to his so i’ll be doing the same thing I did there, great work man really love these vids
Thanks really glad that you enjoy watching them man! thanks for the continued support
Yay!! I’m gonna test this build on 50 nazeems
Did you do it? And how did u level up mana-hp-stamina?
I've said once before and I'll say it again. Necromage is essential to vampire playstyle. Regardless of what damage playstyle you use.
Quick shot for bows is faster as well as steady hand being slower and powershot staggering 25% more often. Pair with bound bow and you'll be the fastest arrow shooter in tamreil.
Some shouts like slow time are increased in strength and duration. This stacks with stability affecting this shout too. Plus amulet of talos is effected making shout cooldown 25% faster. Other shouts include become ethereal, elemental fury, and dragon aspect.
Bound weapons last longer
Heal spells heal 25% more
And wards are 25% more effective.
Armor enchantments are 25% better.
Flesh spells are 25% stronger and longer this stacks with mage armor and stability.
Invisibility and muffle last longer. This coupled with a vampire's natural 25% boost to level caps on illusion spells makes illusion a great school.
Atronach stone and perk are increased to 62% and 37.5% respectively. (And personally I prefer magic absorption over resistance cause magic attack fill your mana and enchantments help the slower regen. Plus enchantments are now 25% more powerful with necromage
Speaking of magic regen recovery is 25% more powerful and seeing as you get it before necromage go ahead and grab it.
Wind walker regens stam 25% better too.
Dual flurry makes attacks 25% faster. (Unarmed protip take this perk to punch faster. Unarmed strikes dont gain xp for one handed but is effected by this perk)
Speaking of unarmed. Fists of steel gets a 25% boost to damage per armor count. Both of these plus the pugilist enchantment getting a 25% boost makes for one hell of a slugfest.
Magic resistance (the perk) is increased by 25%
Extra pockets gets 25%
Steed stone is now 125 but the description only shows 100
Lord stone gets 62 armor and 31.25% resistance.
Dragon skin lasts 90 seconds at 62%
Avoid death goes from 250 to 312.5
Power of the grave (vampire lord perk) is increased from 50 to 62
Shadow warrior lasts longer but only like an extra second so...yeah...
Passive bonus like agent of mara are increased by 25% and racial bonuses are increased too but vampire lord is required. Simply change once and revert back and it should apply. This applies to any perks you take before necromage as well. If you go all 3 levels into mage armor BEFORE necromage you won't get the boost. But if you are a vampire lord simply change and revert and it SHOULD apply the buff. I can't guarantee that though so I'd just play it safe. Either way you could just use a dragon soul to reset a whole perk tree with the black book waking dreams after you kill miraak.
Granted the negatives are also amplified but 50% weakness to fire can be countered with enchantments or dark elf or magic absorb/resist. And with the no regen is easily fixed with the above perks and enchantments. also.
Now all of this only works if you dont 1.2.3 unofficial skyrim patch. But there is a mod that let's you take advantage of both.
So true man, it makes vampires so much stronger
great timing, after spending days of getting mods prepared to how i want them im finally ready to play today and this comes out, thank you mind reader!
Haha hope you enjoyed the video man!
Looking at the responce you leave to people's comments you seem really nice and positive, your videos are entertaining and the dino that pops up in the corner at times is actually adorable as hell, love these videos keep them up as long as you feel compelled to make them, keep making great content
Thanks so much man! yeah I try and reply to everybody if I can! hope you enjoyed the video!
Super underrated channel, you deserve so much more.
Keep up the great work, Fevvy!
Thanks mate! glad you enjoyed the video!
I think this even is one of my favourites now so i think waiting was worth it
Its a fun one that's for sure!
I was literally looking for a Guide about vampires a sec ago
What a coincidence!
I can’t believe your still so small you make amazing content. P.S. a op necromancer build would be awesome
Yep I am going to do one!
Holy sh*t dude, the ' g'day mate ' at 6:21 made me LOL so hard. You earned a new sub, love the editing, keep it up!
Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the support
yesss!! because of your videos, i finally started to be able to beat skyrim on legendary mode. now i want to beat as a vampire, with a new character i just created yesterday and then you just upload this video today. thank you!!! love your channel so much, keep up with the good work ^^
So glad that it helped you out!
you can buy the Rally spell and cast it at Roggvir execution (where there are a lot of people packed together) to level your illusion very fast.
One interesting fact I found out is that you can enchant the amulet of gargoyles with your own enchantment I think it’s because the “enchantment” it has is considered an effect
Increasing enchanting to 70 and getting the perk that allows 2 enchantments on items you can make gear that has health magika and stamina regen so when your in the sun you still regen but in the dark you regen at a higher rate if the enchantments are strong enough you can eliminate the weakness to the sun. Getting restoration to 40 and getting the perk that allows restoration spells to also recharge stamina. Race is Dark Elf eliminates the weakness to fire. Getting the Atherium Crown allows you to have 2 standing stone perks.
Yeah its so easy to remove vamp weaknesses.... Honestly vampirism is pretty op even in vanilla game
Nice vid. Every time I watch one of your videos I make a new character because they are so good. Keep up the work.
Thanks! so glad that you enjoy them mate!
Cant believe I just now found this channel. Pure gold! Easy sub man, keep up the good work
Nice! Thanks for the support man!
Damm, I don't know how do you make your characters look good... mines always either look like Chad from the meme or have very pointy chins
It takes a while, trust me
After 56 character preset mods, my dragonborn either looks like a Prince from a fairy tail or a literal Queen of Anime
"Everyone's favorite", and proceeds to follow this naive traitor Ralof.
Hahahah oops
@@Fevvy I mean no offence, just because you are on wrong side doesn't mean I don't like you
@@allduckslikewater8017 after war even hes confused about how ulfric and others dont even know him. Poor thing
I dont have anything clever this time, so just thanks for the walkthrough
Thanks for the continued support!
@@Fevvy you keep making content and ill be happy to
Your videos give off a serious ymfah vibe (not sure if you started earlier) but I enjoy them nonetheless. Top notch production, a good dose of humor and overall interesting content. Keep it up!
This channel's got potential, I can see you getting 100K subs by 2021, great content!
Haha lets hope so man! guess we will see what happens!
i always feel guilty after playing a evil character
@: dang
As far as I kill Nazeem, I am no bad guy
I love this build so much. I want to be evil, a vampire and an ilusion assasin so this fits incredibly
Prefect then!
Hey Fevvy, i was wondering if you would consider doing an op early guide for oblivion. Have not found anything great on youtube for it. Great vid btw :)
I may do in the future mate, for now though I want to focus on skyrim and eventually cyberpunk when it comes out
@@Fevvycyberpunk Trex? Amagad yes please
This channel is so underrated and you deserve every sub
I really love all your content Fevvy, these optimized build videos are just getting better and better can't wait to see whats next. Would also look forward to another hour by hour video taking on another of the main questlines too!
Thanks so much mate! I am so glad that you enjoyed it! New video very soon!
@@Fevvy Looking forward to it!
oh its time to play Skyrim again, i guess
great video!
Thanks mate, glad you enjoyed it
30sneak damage is due to the last perk above the stealth archer perk it only affects daggers. Also daggers are the only ‘silent’ mele weapon in the game.
Dang it fevvy, I was actually considering playing another game besides skyrim.
We are going to have to change that haha
*inhales dramatically* there can be only one...
Your videos are awesome. Informative and comical when needed. You have made me want to install and okay this damn game again! Lol
Haha I am glad you enjoy them mate
Glad to know I’m not the only one still playing Skyrim
Time to become DIO.
be a op vampire:
negative points:
+ your stamina, magic and health don´t regen in day.
+ you need to drink human blood
+ the dawnguard want to kill you everytime.
+you give your soul to molag bal
positive points:
+ can kill nazeem easily
+ can make this: 12:30
+ you can use your powers to kill nazeem
+ can drink the blood of nazeem
+ seriously be a vampire, you can do this 12:30
+ i already say you can kill nazeem and then make him levitate?
+ i mean...dude what are you even looking the negative points? be a vampire is worth if dont believe me check the positive points.
Hahahaha so true man!
Potions can cover almost all the weakness you have and necromage vampire can make them more powerful and last longer :)
Auriel's Bow with Bloodcursed Elven Arrow :
negative points: nothing
@@mr.d6359 still gotta drink blood
Nah. You don't really _need_ to drink blood.
The dark elf racial trait of 50% fire resistance cancels out stage 4 vampirism and you get a sweet 50% frost resistance so farming ice wraiths are at least much better.
Is it a dinosaur? Is it a dragon? It doesn't matter, my life revolves around the cute reptile now. 💚
Nobody knows haha
@@Fevvy Please give us the option to buy it in stuffed form! You could even do it for charity like DGR did.
Yes ! Finaly ! Worth the wait ! Gread video. All edits and memes. And cutieeee dragon ! Thanks for Wampire. What do you playing next ?
Glad you enjoyed it! I am sorry man but you are just going to have to wait and see!
Great to see you back! Your editing skills are getting better every video
I never went anywhere my friend, I hope I can keep up the improvement
@@Fevvy I just missed you is all