Well, it's no worse than 'The Adams Family Groove at least (talk about an example of a movie being ruined by a stupid and unfitting promotional theme song).
The people who once celebrated their hated of the police with stock car racing now drape themselves with a flag with a thin blue line and denounce the races they once cherished. "To be 'woke' is to be asleep. To be 'red-pilled' is to be free"... I am in constant disbelief of how quickly things are shifting in my own timeline.
damn, this would be such a sick film if it was made today (if done properly), its the perfect time to do a remake, especially since we are living the closest to the events of 1984 than ever before.
The original soundtrack was changed by Virgin who provided the money and as a result the director removed it from the BAFTAs in protest. There is a blu-ray available with the original orchestral soundtrack.
Yeah, I remember the 80s feeling a lot like this film as well... huge amounts of economic deprivation and hopelessness, washed down with a lot of drugs and booze, but with lots of go-faster music for some reason?!
@@hop333 Worth mentioning here of course that the director doesnt have the final say in any movie; he directs. The producer(s) have the final say on the final cut/edit of the movie.
In a strange way I think the out of place, upbeat music really fits. The perfect analogy for 2+2=5 and the general feel of the story with the party and things being darker than they seem.
Having just read it, I got to say I imagined it cleaner, more sterile, as in an Apple store kind of way. I'm not kidding. Add a few rainbow flags to attach to children and to snitch to their parents and... Drones. 2+2=5 if it is necessary to equalise the dimwits with unnecessarily witty. Man can be a woman, woman can be a man. Science and biology lied. Traditional love is a patriarchal sin.
Almost 40 years down the road after the film was first released, it is still a chilly, masterpiece and a warning, so much more real and true to the book than the Hollywood 1955 production... Who could be up to better rendering the dark beauty of Orwell's writing than John Hurt, Richard Burton and the Eurythmics?
China literally built it's current society into a mirror image of this book. Goes to show how much insight Orwell had to predict a future dictatorship so accurately.
@@matthewallen2273 America not much different. China at least isn't preoccupied with invading and other countries at the expense of its own people. Both are corrupt. Chinese are overtaking Americas thanks to their own government
@@TheTrutherSceptic did you miss the fact that China's been in border disputes with all it's neighbouring countries, and it hasn't taken care of it's poverty stricken people at all. China can no longer compete with the USA after burning it's bridges with 90% of the world. It'll have a much harder time restarting it's economy now that it's become so unreliable as a cheap workforce. Plus the rapidly aging pop with so few children to replace them will cause to country to crumble from the inside out.
@@justinmatthew17 Now we have Corporate Totalitarianism. They canceled the First Amendment. Try and figure out what "misinformation" means, other than Orwellian Doublespeak.
Stages of reading the book: Part 1: Trying to gain context Part 2: Hope-filled romance novel Part 3: ... Wishing you'd stopped at Part 2 and invented your own, happier part 3.
It's always interesting comparing Orwell and Huxley's visions of dystopia. Orwell was an avowed antifascist who viewed the USSR under Stalin as a perversion of his own democratic socialist views, and wrote 1984 as a reflection of that. Huxley meanwhile wrote Brave New World in the context of the Roaring Twenties and the vapidity behind it, specifically focusing on those who spent the decade publishing cartoonish visions of utopia. While Orwell wrote to condemn an abroad nation for distorting and abusing his own views, Huxley wrote to parody the air of empty optimism that surrounded his own society at home.
I haven't seen this trailer completely, but from the sounds and music of it, I'll be taking my whole family to see it. It's a summer-y feelgood movie from what I hear.
Dude that’s so wild, I can’t even believe either the fact that he predicted this nor that it ACTUALLY is happening in the previously “free world” It’s just nuts
This BOOK SHOULD BE REQUIRED READING FOR EVERY SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL.....WITH a thesis statement and dissertation based on their understanding of the book
Except that would run contrary to the goals of our conformist education system. It would literally be exposing them to the truth about the motive behind their education lol
Everything. For the party. True power comes from fear and pain. Something we are all familiar with and must overcome at those pivotal moments to endure and rise above
The enemy is a nefarious undefined enemy that is powerful and a threat to the efforts of Big Brother. It is distilled down into one man who is the ultimate enemy, Emmanuel Goldstein. Goldstein tells them they are not free, and Big Brother makes them hate him for it. Big Brother has declared that thoughts can be crimes and the dictionary needs to have most words purged from it. Thoughtcrime is the worst crime. People are made to be unpersons if they are guilty of thoughtcrimes or other slights. They are erased forever from memory and the public record. But the hero keeps an illegal diary of his hopes and dreams.
That is not possible because this kind of society already existed before the book was made (Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and Imperial Japan). Societies with a Big Brother totalitarian wars abroad and no liberties whatsoever for the civilians. Orwellian societies are still real in nations like North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Afghanistan and Belarus.
I can't believe no one has ever drawn parallels from Orwell's 1984 and our current society. You could even call it 'Orwellian'. How freaken brilliant am I to think of this original thought all on my own? I am shocked no one in history thought of this before I did just now.
There not sleeping the majority of the idiots want this because there lifes already suck and cant stand that some people worked hard made smart decisions and are happy
Last week CNN published a news report that stated "there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth" as a fact. We are living in a Woke version of 1984.
Just finished the book and I must say that this trailor (bar the music) is very like how I imagined things. Main difference being that I imagined Big Brother to look like Tom Selleck 🤣
Now I just finished the reading of the novel and came here to watch the film ... The end hurts 💔 Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me 😞
Charisma. My father looked just like Richard Burton: imagine when, as a child of the 1980s when he aged and looked just like O'Brien. Still gets me when I watch this.
In this trailer the colour filter which was used in the film to weaken bright colours, such as yellow, wasn't used. This of course made the whole experience of watching the film more atmospheric of being in Oceania. Pretty interesting. Personally I don't like this absence of colour but it adds praise to the staff behind the process who thought up the idea.
"Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four)" is a song written and performed by the British duo Eurythmics. It was released as the first single from their album 1984 (For the Love of Big Brother), which served as the soundtrack to the film Nineteen Eighty-Four, an adaptation of the novel of the same name by George Orwell. The song was produced by Dave Stewart. "Sexcrime" is a song which features heavy sampling of Lennox's voice, utilizing snippets of her vocal performance to produce a stuttering effect. Also prominently featured is the voice of Stewart, with the aid of a vocoder, uttering the phrase "nineteen eighty four". It was the first of two singles released from the soundtrack album. The term "sexcrime" is one of several Newspeak words found within the novel. The song was originally intended to appear in the film 1984, but was dropped prior to the film's release. However, it was used as background music for the film's trailer, and the song's promotional video was included on home video releases of the film. In addition to the standard 7" and 12" formats, the song was also released as a limited edition 12" picture disc. Cash Box called it a "fascinating song" that is "somewhat constrained" by the Eurythmics' practice of writing songs using few notes. Billboard called it a "compelling dance track...with its aura of doomy foreboding [and] touches of humor." The single peaked at number 4 on the UK Singles Chart, becoming Eurythmics' sixth consecutive top 10 hit. It was one of the duo's biggest selling singles in the UK, being certified silver by the BPI for sales in excess of 250,000 copies. It was also a big hit throughout Europe, a top 10 hit in New Zealand, a top 20 hit in Canada, and one of the duo's biggest selling singles in Australia. "Sexcrime" met with strong resistance on United States radio and on video outlets such as MTV - the song's title was particularly controversial to those who were not aware of the meaning of the word in Orwell's novel. The music video (featuring a straightforward performance of the song by Lennox and Stewart) had limited rotation on MTV. "Sexcrime" peaked at number 81 on the Billboard Hot 100, but was much more successful on the US Hot Dance Club Play chart, where it reached number 2. The novel “1984” depicts a totalitarian state. Privacy has been abolished and total surveillance prevails. In the novel, Oceania - the state depicted - includes North and South America, the British Isles, Australia and southern Africa. The population is monitored by the thought police. And sex was a crime in the book if it was not “good sex”, i.e. if it was not used to produce children. („Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four)“ ist ein Lied, das von dem britischen Duo Eurythmics geschrieben und gespielt wurde. Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four) ist als ein schneller Dance-Song komponiert worden. Er wurde als erste Single aus ihrem Album 1984 (For the Love of Big Brother) veröffentlicht, das als Soundtrack zum Film Nineteen Eighty-Four diente, einer Adaption des gleichnamigen Romans von George Orwell. Der Song wurde von Dave Stewart produziert. „Sexcrime“ ist ein Song, in dem Lennox' Stimme stark gesampelt wird, wobei Schnipsel ihrer Gesangsleistung verwendet werden, um einen Stottereffekt zu erzeugen. Außerdem ist die Stimme von Stewart zu hören, der mit Hilfe eines Vocoders die Phrase „nineteen eighty four“ ausspricht. Es war die erste von zwei Singles, die aus dem Soundtrack-Album veröffentlicht wurden. Der Begriff „Sexcrime“ ist eines von mehreren Newspeak-Wörtern, die in dem Roman vorkommen. Der Song sollte ursprünglich in dem Film 1984 erscheinen, wurde aber vor der Veröffentlichung des Films fallen gelassen. Er wurde jedoch als Hintergrundmusik für den Trailer des Films verwendet, und das Werbevideo des Songs wurde auf den Home-Video-Veröffentlichungen des Films mitgeliefert. Zusätzlich zu den Standardformaten 7„ und 12“ wurde der Song auch als limitierte 12“ Picture Disc veröffentlicht. Cash Box nannte ihn einen „faszinierenden Song“, der durch die Praxis der Eurythmics, Songs mit wenigen Noten zu schreiben, „etwas eingeschränkt“ ist. Billboard nannte ihn einen „fesselnden Tanzsong... mit einer Aura von düsterer Vorahnung [und] einem Hauch von Humor“. Sexcrime ist ein Begriff aus dem Neusprech, der von Orwell in seiner Romanvorlage verwendeten modifizierten Variante der englischen Sprache. Das Wort steht in irreführender Weise für Liebe, die von der Regierung Ozeaniens zur Straftat (crime, deutsch: Straftat) erklärt wurde. Das Lied wurde zuerst auf dem Album 1984 (For the Love of Big Brother) in einer 3:57 Minuten langen Fassung veröffentlicht. Im November erschien die Albumversion als Single, auf der B-Seite befindet sich I Did It Just the Same. Weiterhin erschien eine Maxi-Single mit einer 7:55 Minuten langen Fassung. Virgin Records veröffentlichte 1985 eine Maxi-CD, auf der sich neben der Langversion von Sexcrime eine 6:35 Minuten lange Maxiversion von Julia befand, 1988 erschienen sämtliche 1984 auf Schallplatte veröffentlichten Remixe ebenfalls als CD. Während die Single in Europa ein kommerzieller Erfolg wurde, konnte sie auf dem US-amerikanischen Markt die Erwartungen nicht erfüllen, da sich die meisten großen Radiosender weigerten, das Lied wegen seines „anrüchigen Inhalts“ zu spielen. Die Single erreichte Platz 4 der UK Singles Chart und wurde der sechste Top-10-Hit der Eurythmics in Folge. Sie war eine der meistverkauften Singles des Duos im Vereinigten Königreich und wurde vom BPI für mehr als 250.000 verkaufte Exemplare mit Silber zertifiziert. Es war auch ein großer Hit in ganz Europa, ein Top-10-Hit in Neuseeland, ein Top-20-Hit in Kanada und eine der meistverkauften Singles des Duos in Australien. „Sexcrime“ stieß im US-amerikanischen Radio und auf Videoportalen wie MTV auf starken Widerstand - der Titel des Songs war besonders für diejenigen umstritten, die sich der Bedeutung des Wortes in Orwells Roman nicht bewusst waren. Das Musikvideo (mit einer einfachen Darbietung des Songs durch Lennox und Stewart) wurde auf MTV nur begrenzt ausgestrahlt. „Sexcrime“ erreichte Platz 81 der Billboard Hot 100, war aber wesentlich erfolgreicher in den US Hot Dance Club Play Charts, wo es Platz 2 erreichte. Im Roman „1984“ wird ein totalitärer Staat dargestellt. Die Privatsphäre wurde abgeschafft, und es herrscht die totale Überwachung. Ozeanien - der dargestellte Staat - umfasst im Roman Nord- und Südamerika, die britischen Inseln, Australien und das südliche Afrika. Die Bevölkerung wird von der Gedankenpolizei überwacht. Und Sex war im Buch ein Verbrechen, wenn es kein „Gutsex“ war, also nicht der Kindererzeugung diente.)
RIP Cyril Cusack (November 26, 1910 - October 7, 1993), aged 82 RIP Richard Burton (November 10, 1925 - August 5, 1984), aged 58 RIP Sir John Hurt (January 22, 1940 - January 25, 2017), aged 77 You will be remembered as legends.
I read the book when i was 17-18, at that time i didn't notice any similarities with my country, i was interested mostly in the love story of Winston and Julia. Now im 29 reading it again. Its painful how much my country is alike Oceania. Мир Украине! Свободу России! Жыве Беларусь!
0:18- Damn, this concert film for the Eurythmics goes hard. 0:31- Don't go outside city limits. I think Alan Parker is filming The Wall outside. 0:48- There will be poppin' tunes about sex crimes all over the streets.
As someone who's read the book two times, listened to the book 4 times, and watched this movie just as many times, this is my favorite film adaptation! But WTF is up with the music in this trailer!? 1984 is a nightmare not a 80s power ballad?
I would. I was taught about the book "1984" by my third grade teacher. I understood what it meant and am grateful to that teacher for the awareness I gained at an early age.@@emmarose4234
Excellent film, great plot, but as a Southern American from a German Immigrant family I honestly couldn't understand the Posh accents worth a damn! Put both German and English subtitles over the screen and the movie turned out alright.
I'vew no idea why some people keep complaing about the music. It's as if only dreary clasical music would fit. Perhaps you need to be a certain age (and I'm 50+) to recognise you don't need dour classical music all the time in certain movies. I'm all for the soundtrack here. I think it fits the movie prefectly.
@@Blickster they might remake it but they'll change the protagonist to a disabled trans person of color that's being oppressed by white supremacist big brother.
This is an excellent adaptation. I remember a junior college prof booked our class to see it at a cinema. I showed up a minute or 2 late, but had a blazing buzz happening. I found some of those scenes with Winston Smith quite surreal, and effective, „DO IT TO JULIA!“ Shudder.
I just finished this book. I get where and why he went that way with it. I just so wished that there was an underground society that Winston and Julia could have joined and got away from all of it. I was rooting for them. Now i have to see this movie.
You used to be able to watch this entire movie for free on RUclips. There's a great irony to the fact that now a) you can't, b) there is no mention that you ever could and c) RUclips promote your being able to buy it as a good thing. 1984 is not available for free on RUclips. 1984 was never available for free on RUclips. The availablity of purchasable media on RUclips has increased! Long live Big Brother!!!
How this movie isn't in the top 100 of all time is beyond me. Very few times does a book actually come to life with such accuracy on screen. On a side note the music in this trailer kills the vibe completely. The movie is a somber slow burn all the way through and this song is just 80s cheese.
i just started reading the book for summer reading for my high scl,i want to watch the movie as well, although im only on the first chapter but it seems raily interesting, it would be nice if there was a remake today tho,i would love to see a modern version
‘Does big brother exist?` ‘Of course he exists. The party exists. Big brother is the embodiment of the party.` PLS FILMMAKERS IF YOUR WATCHING THIS, REMAKE THIS MOVIE CUZ THE PLOT IS SOOO GOOD!!!!!! 😭🙏
The music makes this seem way more lighthearted than it is.
No kidding 😂😅
this sounds like the happiest dystopia ever
sex sex sex se se se se sex se se sex crime crime cri cri crime crime cri cri crime
But the Eurythmics soundtrack is not in the movie...
Well, it's no worse than 'The Adams Family Groove at least (talk about an example of a movie being ruined by a stupid and unfitting promotional theme song).
“He loved Big Brother” will haunt me for ages. I just finished the book for the first time and wow!
I finished it today and tbh, i am totally shattered......This is the type of book you will remember for ages.
@@toons3364 just finished five minutes ago. Im still impressed.
Bro i finished the book this morning, terrible but amazing ending
I finished it today afternoon
The people who once celebrated their hated of the police with stock car racing now drape themselves with a flag with a thin blue line and denounce the races they once cherished.
"To be 'woke' is to be asleep. To be 'red-pilled' is to be free"... I am in constant disbelief of how quickly things are shifting in my own timeline.
The movie deserves to be made every 15-20 years !! After all...we fools tend to forget the warning that it gives
Best comment on here LOL
Probably more like every 4 years
Over due by 10 years now !
Today's cast:
Peter Capaldi or Jonny Lee Miller as Winston Smith
Emilia Clarke as Julia
Mark Addy as Parsons
John Noble as O'Brien
damn, this would be such a sick film if it was made today (if done properly), its the perfect time to do a remake, especially since we are living the closest to the events of 1984 than ever before.
They did somewhat recently lol 2006 v for vendetta, had John Hurt in it too as the villan this time. Same concepts
They just announced a remake. It was approved by Orwells estate except it’s a feminist retelling. It’ll be through a woman’s perspective. Lol
This is a remake, in fact.. 😋 1984 (1956 B/W)
No we are not, maybe North Korea but The Nazi and Communist Governments are the only ones coming close.
Couldn't agree more 👏
It’s the 80’s. They put pop music in everything, especially to make dark thrillers look like fun for the whole family
Very scary bro
The original soundtrack was changed by Virgin who provided the money and as a result the director removed it from the BAFTAs in protest. There is a blu-ray available with the original orchestral soundtrack.
Yeah, I remember the 80s feeling a lot like this film as well... huge amounts of economic deprivation and hopelessness, washed down with a lot of drugs and booze, but with lots of go-faster music for some reason?!
it sounds appropriate to me. i've no idea why some people seem welded to having classical music with everything. Could it be an age related issue?
@@hop333 Worth mentioning here of course that the director doesnt have the final say in any movie; he directs. The producer(s) have the final say on the final cut/edit of the movie.
She Said, "Do You Love Me?" I Tell Her, "Only Partly." "I Only Love Big Brother And Ingsoc, I'm Sorry." 😞
"I understood that reference"
@Boogie Woogie “ain’t nuthin’ but a heartache!”
My MAN! Can’t be caught lacking. Especially this time of year.
definitely god's plan
This is good lol. I heard it in my head
In a strange way I think the out of place, upbeat music really fits. The perfect analogy for 2+2=5 and the general feel of the story with the party and things being darker than they seem.
Having just read it, I got to say I imagined it cleaner, more sterile, as in an Apple store kind of way. I'm not kidding. Add a few rainbow flags to attach to children and to snitch to their parents and... Drones. 2+2=5 if it is necessary to equalise the dimwits with unnecessarily witty. Man can be a woman, woman can be a man. Science and biology lied. Traditional love is a patriarchal sin.
Yeah like wtf lol
Its like some sort of doublethink
@@2spky5menot the doublethink 😮
It's the Eurythmics. It's just pop-y 80s music. Honestly not that upbeat.
Almost 40 years down the road after the film was first released, it is still a chilly, masterpiece and a warning, so much more real and true to the book than the Hollywood 1955 production... Who could be up to better rendering the dark beauty of Orwell's writing than John Hurt, Richard Burton and the Eurythmics?
bro i bet james gun could make a better 1984
I'm not sure about the specific "WHO", but I think A24 would be kickass at making the movie.
@@TheLastBeanBender doubt it he’s a big brother agent and was Jeffrey Epstein island
What sends me more chills is that the book itself was written in the 40’s…
@@TheLastBeanBenderJames Bond you mean, not Gun
love it or hate it, this is literally 1984
China literally built it's current society into a mirror image of this book. Goes to show how much insight Orwell had to predict a future dictatorship so accurately.
@@matthewallen2273 America not much different. China at least isn't preoccupied with invading and other countries at the expense of its own people. Both are corrupt. Chinese are overtaking Americas thanks to their own government
@@TheTrutherSceptic did you miss the fact that China's been in border disputes with all it's neighbouring countries, and it hasn't taken care of it's poverty stricken people at all.
China can no longer compete with the USA after burning it's bridges with 90% of the world. It'll have a much harder time restarting it's economy now that it's become so unreliable as a cheap workforce. Plus the rapidly aging pop with so few children to replace them will cause to country to crumble from the inside out.
@@matthewallen2273 the book wasn’t a prediction. He based it on totalitarian governments which already existed at the time.
@@justinmatthew17 Now we have Corporate Totalitarianism. They canceled the First Amendment. Try and figure out what "misinformation" means, other than Orwellian Doublespeak.
still one of the most insane music + subject matter combos for a trailer ever
Music is cool though, wish I could download it
Sex Crimes by Eurythmics
@@Blaktrax666yeah? They also worked for the official score of the movie, so it's not that inappropriate
@@adrianomeis4942 I didn't say it was.....
@@Blaktrax666 yeah I know! I was surprised that this music was from that group, so I answered to the op saying that it's not a bizzare combo after all
Stages of reading the book:
Part 1: Trying to gain context
Part 2: Hope-filled romance novel
Part 3: ... Wishing you'd stopped at Part 2 and invented your own, happier part 3.
Fuckin seriously. 1st part was great, 2nd fills you with hope, you can maintain some hope throughout part 3, but by the end your soul is gone.
This movie sticks most closely to the novel, but you can only understand the movie if you have read the novel.
I agree.
Horse apples
I have read the novel and been to the destroyed streets of East Berlin in the very summer of 1984. I was pretending to be Winston Smith.
@@papaspipe6167 Do you like Horse meat?
@@annabelleboluda8539 spunk
This is exactly how I pictured Oceania when I read the book.
It's always interesting comparing Orwell and Huxley's visions of dystopia. Orwell was an avowed antifascist who viewed the USSR under Stalin as a perversion of his own democratic socialist views, and wrote 1984 as a reflection of that. Huxley meanwhile wrote Brave New World in the context of the Roaring Twenties and the vapidity behind it, specifically focusing on those who spent the decade publishing cartoonish visions of utopia. While Orwell wrote to condemn an abroad nation for distorting and abusing his own views, Huxley wrote to parody the air of empty optimism that surrounded his own society at home.
That's very interesting, thanks.
Soylant Green was made in the 70's for the year 2022. We are the Green New deal
That's what I'm talking about.
@@juliekonicke5329 what is that?
@@neometalx9 it’s people. always has been
Why the upbeat teenage tv-series music? :D
It's the Eurythmics (As in "Sweet Dreams are Made of This").
They originally wrote the music for the film but the songs were removed from the film.
@@TheGoodWario Other way around actually; the orchestral score came first, then it got replaced with the Eurythmics score for marketability.
It was the 80’s
'80s man.
Another brick in the wall part 2 would suit this trailer
I haven't seen this trailer completely, but from the sounds and music of it, I'll be taking my whole family to see it. It's a summer-y feelgood movie from what I hear.
this better be sarcasm 😭 an analysis based on the music choice?
Based on its R for specific reasons I hope you didn't take children
@TrthBHld Was 100% a joke about the music not matching the tone of the movie lol ..... come on now 🤦🏼♂️
Why haven't u finished the trailer 🤔😂
Britain 2024
Only if you are undermedicated and have no education or perspective. Britain 2024 is more like Kristalnacht, 1938.
Dude that’s so wild, I can’t even believe either the fact that he predicted this nor that it ACTUALLY is happening in the previously “free world”
It’s just nuts
@@3v3ry1 it's not happening, though.
@@vangroover1903It so is.
@@BunnyUK but not at all, really. It's just an easy slogan for the lowers to bellow.
I loved the book. It was kinda like the country I’m living in, IRAN. I loved to see the movie too😍
@Jimmy Alejandro Pérez Macario Es realista en mi opinión
@Pugna Iran is under a cruel dictatorship and the resemblance is uncanny.
@Pugna I bet you think China & North Korea are nothing like this also. 🙄
@Pugna this movie is about totalitarianism you fuckin idiot
Its every country in the world...
This film could not be any more beautiful...
This BOOK SHOULD BE REQUIRED READING FOR EVERY SENIOR IN HIGH SCHOOL.....WITH a thesis statement and dissertation based on their understanding of the book
It is in England and commonwealth countries
@@videoms3279 I didn't do it for GCSE English
I am a senior, and my classmates and I read this book for our English class. Just for your information, I am in the US.
Except that would run contrary to the goals of our conformist education system. It would literally be exposing them to the truth about the motive behind their education lol
@@videoms3279not anymore. The Ministry has taken over. They study Transvestites at 9 years old now.
Everything. For the party.
True power comes from fear and pain. Something we are all familiar with and must overcome at those pivotal moments to endure and rise above
The enemy is a nefarious undefined enemy that is powerful and a threat to the efforts of Big Brother. It is distilled down into one man who is the ultimate enemy, Emmanuel Goldstein. Goldstein tells them they are not free, and Big Brother makes them hate him for it. Big Brother has declared that thoughts can be crimes and the dictionary needs to have most words purged from it. Thoughtcrime is the worst crime. People are made to be unpersons if they are guilty of thoughtcrimes or other slights. They are erased forever from memory and the public record. But the hero keeps an illegal diary of his hopes and dreams.
My wife bought a t shirt that reads; Make Orwell Fiction Again.
That is not possible because this kind of society already existed before the book was made (Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and Imperial Japan). Societies with a Big Brother totalitarian wars abroad and no liberties whatsoever for the civilians.
Orwellian societies are still real in nations like North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Afghanistan and Belarus.
We need to ASAFP
If only
I can't believe no one has ever drawn parallels from Orwell's 1984 and our current society. You could even call it 'Orwellian'. How freaken brilliant am I to think of this original thought all on my own? I am shocked no one in history thought of this before I did just now.
You are not the only one trust me
@@bertmathricks2024 Oh, Bert.
you may just be one of the greatest minds of our time
I can't decide wether this is satire or just pure ignorance.
This is a movie that for sure reveals things that are gone happen in the near future. Too sad many people are still sleeping.
Beatrix, nz n the like are awakening.
There not sleeping the majority of the idiots want this because there lifes already suck and cant stand that some people worked hard made smart decisions and are happy
this film would not be allowed to be remade in this day and age - it's too close to the truth
Meanwhile a Remake from Julia's perspective is in the works
The movie 💀💀💀 the music 💃🕺💃
Who would have believed that "1984" would become a reality !
hah yes, cancel culture
Last week CNN published a news report that stated "there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth" as a fact. We are living in a Woke version of 1984.
@@bigblack9819 cry more
Soylant Green was based in 2022!!! The Green New deal is maybe us!
@UCdKsK6Knfq2f033YhFHAzhQ can you be any more of a piece of shit communist? You gender confused fucktards are what's wrong with the country now.
1949…. George Orwell had a vision of the future…1984… the movie gets released….2024….the 1949 vision starts to become reality…
Just finished the book and I must say that this trailor (bar the music) is very like how I imagined things. Main difference being that I imagined Big Brother to look like Tom Selleck 🤣
oh my god me too! and i like my version much better than the movie version lol
Now I just finished the reading of the novel and came here to watch the film ...
The end hurts 💔
Under the spreading chestnut tree I sold you and you sold me 😞
That part makes me cry 😢
Released in cinemas on October 10th 1984.
Charisma. My father looked just like Richard Burton: imagine when, as a child of the 1980s when he aged and looked just like O'Brien. Still gets me when I watch this.
Hayatımın en önemli kitaplarından ve yazarlarından biri💙😞
Onumuzdeki yillar boyle olacak malesef
türkler gerçekten heryerde.
Idk why, but this is my favorite trailer to me.
This is pretty much the future scenario.
ah Fawwa.
The future??? It’s already happening.
Love that the actor that plays Winston is the same actor that plays Supreme Chancellor Adam Sutler in V for Vendetta.
R.I.P John Hurt
We’re living this right now, no doubt
Very true
In this trailer the colour filter which was used in the film to weaken bright colours, such as yellow, wasn't used. This of course made the whole experience of watching the film more atmospheric of being in Oceania. Pretty interesting. Personally I don't like this absence of colour but it adds praise to the staff behind the process who thought up the idea.
This should be mandatory reading
I believe we’re 3 seconds till midnight. And 1984 is becoming more of a reality every day that passes but it’s globally
Are we the boiling frogs?
1984 is happening in real life right now George Orwell's prediction is coming true as we speak
Makes sense that they're bopping along to 80's disco music in 1984.. someone pass me the coke 😂
Disco era is the 70's
Disco? You mean 80s synthpop new wave
was george orwell a time trevller
"Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four)" is a song written and performed by the British duo Eurythmics. It was released as the first single from their album 1984 (For the Love of Big Brother),
which served as the soundtrack to the film Nineteen Eighty-Four, an adaptation of the novel of the same name by George Orwell. The song was produced by Dave Stewart.
"Sexcrime" is a song which features heavy sampling of Lennox's voice, utilizing snippets of her vocal performance to produce a stuttering effect.
Also prominently featured is the voice of Stewart, with the aid of a vocoder, uttering the phrase "nineteen eighty four". It was the first of two singles released from the soundtrack album.
The term "sexcrime" is one of several Newspeak words found within the novel.
The song was originally intended to appear in the film 1984, but was dropped prior to the film's release.
However, it was used as background music for the film's trailer, and the song's promotional video was included on home video releases of the film.
In addition to the standard 7" and 12" formats, the song was also released as a limited edition 12" picture disc.
Cash Box called it a "fascinating song" that is "somewhat constrained" by the Eurythmics' practice of writing songs using few notes.
Billboard called it a "compelling dance track...with its aura of doomy foreboding [and] touches of humor."
The single peaked at number 4 on the UK Singles Chart, becoming Eurythmics' sixth consecutive top 10 hit. It was one of the duo's biggest selling singles in the UK, being certified silver by the BPI for sales in excess of 250,000 copies. It was also a big hit throughout Europe, a top 10 hit in New Zealand, a top 20 hit in Canada, and one of the duo's biggest selling singles in Australia.
"Sexcrime" met with strong resistance on United States radio and on video outlets such as MTV - the song's title was particularly controversial to those who were not aware of the meaning of the word in Orwell's novel. The music video (featuring a straightforward performance of the song by Lennox and Stewart) had limited rotation on MTV. "Sexcrime" peaked at number 81 on the Billboard Hot 100, but was much more successful on the US Hot Dance Club Play chart, where it reached number 2.
The novel “1984” depicts a totalitarian state. Privacy has been abolished and total surveillance prevails.
In the novel, Oceania - the state depicted - includes North and South America,
the British Isles, Australia and southern Africa. The population is monitored by the thought police.
And sex was a crime in the book if it was not “good sex”, i.e. if it was not used to produce children.
(„Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four)“ ist ein Lied, das von dem britischen Duo Eurythmics geschrieben und gespielt wurde.
Sexcrime (Nineteen Eighty-Four) ist als ein schneller Dance-Song komponiert worden.
Er wurde als erste Single aus ihrem Album 1984 (For the Love of Big Brother) veröffentlicht, das als Soundtrack zum Film Nineteen Eighty-Four diente,
einer Adaption des gleichnamigen Romans von George Orwell.
Der Song wurde von Dave Stewart produziert.
„Sexcrime“ ist ein Song, in dem Lennox' Stimme stark gesampelt wird, wobei Schnipsel ihrer Gesangsleistung verwendet werden, um einen Stottereffekt zu erzeugen.
Außerdem ist die Stimme von Stewart zu hören, der mit Hilfe eines Vocoders die Phrase „nineteen eighty four“ ausspricht.
Es war die erste von zwei Singles, die aus dem Soundtrack-Album veröffentlicht wurden.
Der Begriff „Sexcrime“ ist eines von mehreren Newspeak-Wörtern, die in dem Roman vorkommen.
Der Song sollte ursprünglich in dem Film 1984 erscheinen, wurde aber vor der Veröffentlichung des Films fallen gelassen.
Er wurde jedoch als Hintergrundmusik für den Trailer des Films verwendet, und das Werbevideo des Songs wurde auf den Home-Video-Veröffentlichungen des Films mitgeliefert.
Zusätzlich zu den Standardformaten 7„ und 12“ wurde der Song auch als limitierte 12“ Picture Disc veröffentlicht.
Cash Box nannte ihn einen „faszinierenden Song“, der durch die Praxis der Eurythmics, Songs mit wenigen Noten zu schreiben, „etwas eingeschränkt“ ist.
Billboard nannte ihn einen „fesselnden Tanzsong... mit einer Aura von düsterer Vorahnung [und] einem Hauch von Humor“.
Sexcrime ist ein Begriff aus dem Neusprech, der von Orwell in seiner Romanvorlage verwendeten modifizierten Variante der englischen Sprache.
Das Wort steht in irreführender Weise für Liebe, die von der Regierung Ozeaniens zur Straftat (crime, deutsch: Straftat) erklärt wurde.
Das Lied wurde zuerst auf dem Album 1984 (For the Love of Big Brother) in einer 3:57 Minuten langen Fassung veröffentlicht.
Im November erschien die Albumversion als Single, auf der B-Seite befindet sich I Did It Just the Same. Weiterhin erschien eine Maxi-Single mit einer 7:55 Minuten langen Fassung.
Virgin Records veröffentlichte 1985 eine Maxi-CD, auf der sich neben der Langversion von Sexcrime eine 6:35 Minuten lange Maxiversion von Julia befand,
1988 erschienen sämtliche 1984 auf Schallplatte veröffentlichten Remixe ebenfalls als CD.
Während die Single in Europa ein kommerzieller Erfolg wurde, konnte sie auf dem US-amerikanischen Markt die Erwartungen nicht erfüllen,
da sich die meisten großen Radiosender weigerten, das Lied wegen seines „anrüchigen Inhalts“ zu spielen.
Die Single erreichte Platz 4 der UK Singles Chart und wurde der sechste Top-10-Hit der Eurythmics in Folge. Sie war eine der meistverkauften Singles des Duos im Vereinigten Königreich und wurde vom BPI für mehr als 250.000 verkaufte Exemplare mit Silber zertifiziert. Es war auch ein großer Hit in ganz Europa, ein Top-10-Hit in Neuseeland, ein Top-20-Hit in Kanada und eine der meistverkauften Singles des Duos in Australien. „Sexcrime“ stieß im US-amerikanischen Radio und auf Videoportalen wie MTV auf starken Widerstand - der Titel des Songs war besonders für diejenigen umstritten, die sich der Bedeutung des Wortes in Orwells Roman nicht bewusst waren. Das Musikvideo (mit einer einfachen Darbietung des Songs durch Lennox und Stewart) wurde auf MTV nur begrenzt ausgestrahlt. „Sexcrime“ erreichte Platz 81 der Billboard Hot 100, war aber wesentlich erfolgreicher in den US Hot Dance Club Play Charts, wo es Platz 2 erreichte.
Im Roman „1984“ wird ein totalitärer Staat dargestellt. Die Privatsphäre wurde abgeschafft, und es herrscht die totale Überwachung.
Ozeanien - der dargestellte Staat -
umfasst im Roman Nord- und Südamerika, die britischen Inseln, Australien und das südliche Afrika. Die Bevölkerung wird von der Gedankenpolizei überwacht.
Und Sex war im Buch ein Verbrechen, wenn es kein „Gutsex“ war, also nicht der Kindererzeugung diente.)
He was likely 100 years off but I'd still give Orwell oracle status
RIP Cyril Cusack (November 26, 1910 - October 7, 1993), aged 82
RIP Richard Burton (November 10, 1925 - August 5, 1984), aged 58
RIP Sir John Hurt (January 22, 1940 - January 25, 2017), aged 77
You will be remembered as legends.
Need a remake of 1984
I just finished reading the book and boy oh boy
I suggest you read it rather than watch 1st
Orwell got three digits wrong. He should have called it 2024.
If Kamala had won
The irony is that "1984" will be rewritten.
I read the book when i was 17-18, at that time i didn't notice any similarities with my country, i was interested mostly in the love story of Winston and Julia. Now im 29 reading it again. Its painful how much my country is alike Oceania. Мир Украине! Свободу России! Жыве Беларусь!
2024 is starting to feel like 1984
I love this trailer so much.
I’m sorry, I just have to ask…what year was it “Book of the year”🤔 It was written in 1949
Should have been called 2024
0:18- Damn, this concert film for the Eurythmics goes hard.
0:31- Don't go outside city limits. I think Alan Parker is filming The Wall outside.
0:48- There will be poppin' tunes about sex crimes all over the streets.
Science fiction in 1984... but the reality in 2021...
Right 👌
BS did you even read the book?
Book written in 1940's. George Orwell
We have been living this reality in Brazil with Bolsonaro in these last years... 🤦♂️😔
and 2022 !!Unfortunately!!
As someone who's read the book two times, listened to the book 4 times, and watched this movie just as many times, this is my favorite film adaptation! But WTF is up with the music in this trailer!? 1984 is a nightmare not a 80s power ballad?
Great movie would definitely recommend, watched with my wife and 2 little girls and we all loved it!😊
Escenas de adultos vieron tus hijas? Que mal esta eso.
Deffinetly a family film with no deep meanings
@@pallmellia9134 Total light-hearted popcorn flick.
Who puts two little girls in front of THIS?
I would. I was taught about the book "1984" by my third grade teacher. I understood what it meant and am grateful to that teacher for the awareness I gained at an early age.@@emmarose4234
April 4th 1984 I was 8 years old exactly.
And I wasn't even a fetus 🤠
@@aliyah859 And I don't care, but the Big Brother does ;)
So were a lot of other people
And I born 14 year later
bold music choice
Excellent film, great plot, but as a Southern American from a German Immigrant family I honestly couldn't understand the Posh accents worth a damn! Put both German and English subtitles over the screen and the movie turned out alright.
Just finished the book for the first time yesterday and now I’m planning to watch this. I’m really hoping it does the book justice.
Only 40 years off. Not too bad, Mr Orwell. By 2024, will there be any trace remaining of the seemingly prophetic vision?
I just finished the book and my god... I don't think I can get over it. It is truly a magnificent and difficult work to understand.
Gerçekten çok iyi bir roman 👌
Kesinlikle hâlâ etkisinden çıkamadım sonunda Winston öldü mü kaldı mi anlamadım ama artık bı önemi yok zaten Winston çoktan ölmüştü
@@sabsabm Winston'ın aslında şimdiki halkı temsil etmesi ve yönetimimizin Büyük Birader yönteminden farksız olması...
@@aleynabayyurt2537 evet kendimi bu düşünceden alıkoyamıyorum bizi öngörmüş de izleyip yazmış sanki
@@kerim4366 Bence kitabı bitir çünkü filmler kitabın tamamını kapsamıyor kitabı okuyup filmi izledikten sonra ne demek istediğimi anlarsın
I'vew no idea why some people keep complaing about the music. It's as if only dreary clasical music would fit. Perhaps you need to be a certain age (and I'm 50+) to recognise you don't need dour classical music all the time in certain movies. I'm all for the soundtrack here. I think it fits the movie prefectly.
You always wonder if corporate executives actually studied 1984 very carefully….
They usually gathered around Davos or have meeting or retreats to hash out the script. Hollywood is real.
Probably the greatest movie of a motion picture history. Same as Metropolis from Fritz Lang.
why hasn't there been a remake? THERE HAS TO BE ONE
we're living in it, lol
It's like that "2012" movie that was made around 2012: They can only be made around the year they were predicting.
Liberal Hollyweird ain't gonna make this. It points to everything they are doing.
@@Blickster they might remake it but they'll change the protagonist to a disabled trans person of color that's being oppressed by white supremacist big brother.
@@palmshoot bruh!
This is an excellent adaptation. I remember a junior college prof booked our class to see it at a cinema. I showed up a minute or 2 late, but had a blazing buzz happening. I found some of those scenes with Winston Smith quite surreal, and effective,
Christopher Nolan needs to remake this
No thanks! We don't need Netflix or fcking Amazon to destroy this master piece with some new bulls**t propaganda!
I literally just typed that lmao Only if zero people with negative political intention are involved.
John Hurt can and has done everything. Watched this with OWNING MAHONEY, where he plays a cigar-chomping casino magnate, totally believed him in both.
The music certainly was a choice
Well his prediction certainly is coming true.
I'm still going to watch it, but this trailer does not do justice to the novel in the slightest. It's not a quirky coming of age story...
1984's only mistake is the date
Everything else is true, folks, not fiction
1984 in 2024! The truth is stranger than fiction.
0:40 April 4th is my birthday
Well then happy birthday ❤
I just finished this book. I get where and why he went that way with it. I just so wished that there was an underground society that Winston and Julia could have joined and got away from all of it. I was rooting for them. Now i have to see this movie.
Same!!!!!! There's a sequel...written by someone else..tho sadly it wasn't very good
I would like to see this movie
You used to be able to watch this entire movie for free on RUclips. There's a great irony to the fact that now a) you can't, b) there is no mention that you ever could and c) RUclips promote your being able to buy it as a good thing.
1984 is not available for free on RUclips. 1984 was never available for free on RUclips.
The availablity of purchasable media on RUclips has increased! Long live Big Brother!!!
In Germany there is a full german version of it. Despite that the version of the 1950s is still online
Who chose that music
Someone with musical taste
How can i watch it?pleasee
How this movie isn't in the top 100 of all time is beyond me. Very few times does a book actually come to life with such accuracy on screen. On a side note the music in this trailer kills the vibe completely. The movie is a somber slow burn all the way through and this song is just 80s cheese.
i just started reading the book for summer reading for my high scl,i want to watch the movie as well, although im only on the first chapter but it seems raily interesting, it would be nice if there was a remake today tho,i would love to see a modern version
The 80s music vibes is just so wrong for this movie. The 80s were much more free and happy than times are today.
Coming to a country near you soon. Unless you're in China or North3, then it's already happening to you.
Posted in 2021.
Newspeak has already started in the U.S.; "F**k Joe Biden" is translated by the media as "Let's go Brandon" for example.
North3 ?
@@KianoUyMOOP newspeak is a watered-down version of English, the example you provided was not newspeak
best comment ever!!!
@@KianoUyMOOP FJB and LGB = Hating “God other than God” to the left. We’re oofed for disagreeing with the know-it-all.
Which year was this particular film made?
1984 was the year it was made
Aged like fine fucking wine thanks to the world economic forum
What is this music?
Sex Crime by the Eurythmics 😏
The music: 🪩🕺🏼💃🏼💃🏼
The trailer: 💣💥🔪😔😖😰
The Lore: ☠️
‘Does big brother exist?`
‘Of course he exists. The party exists. Big brother is the embodiment of the party.`
1984 (1984) is looking so cursed...
Onde consigo assistir o filme?
Great as the movie is, it pales into insignificance compared to the actual novel.
The novel pales into insignificance when compared with everyday life.
this movie his the same as equilibrium ?
V for Vendetta???
And Equilibrium