Assassin's Creed Shadows Backlash is NOT What You Think

  • Опубликовано: 18 май 2024
  • Let's discuss the surprising revelations and controversies surrounding the Assassin's Creed Shadows backlash in this in-depth discussion! Find out why the game's setting and characters have left fans puzzled and intrigued. We'll discuss how people really feel about Yasuke's inclusion and why there is so much dishonesty surrounding the game.
    Let us know what you think in comments
    #assassinscreed #assassinscreedshadows #ubisoft #reaction #ign #gaming #gamingnews #openworldgames
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Комментарии • 188

  • @GiratinasRisingRenegades
    @GiratinasRisingRenegades 2 месяца назад +25

    Sweet baby inc is pretty much in almost every game now a days.

    • @kuggacouragegx6093
      @kuggacouragegx6093 2 месяца назад

      Stupid do u even know what sweet baby Inc do for work?

  • @fittogether4101
    @fittogether4101 2 месяца назад +19

    Ubisoft is going to regret involving SBI in their company

  • @ACWarner
    @ACWarner 2 месяца назад +49

    I love how DEI people show their true colors...they are the real racists

    • @markedone494
      @markedone494 2 месяца назад +1

      I mean, youre the ones demanding a game to showcase one race in particular even though its fact it wasnt the only race in existence then… And why exactly? Because they were a minority? By your logics, we can never say an immigrant story because it means a natives story isnt being told. Its ridoculous, and literally racist 😂
      So who is really racist? Dont you think its the one pointing at a skin color of a minority and saying this is too dark on this continent in this time? Even though we know for a fact its not?
      Dont you think actual racism wouldve been, i dont know, putting black people everywhere instead of… You know, one black person together with a japanese one?

    • @SevenDiscord
      @SevenDiscord 2 месяца назад

      @@markedone494 IS absolutely right, calling us racist for wanting the truth instead of all this propaganda to show white men as racists. you all racist

    • @PyromancerRift
      @PyromancerRift 2 месяца назад

      ​​@@markedone494and you are the ones demanding the ONE black dude replaces the 99.999999999% majority.
      You can't uno reverse card and call it a day. Every argument from the DEI racists can be said about them and would be as valid as when DEI use it. But if you go by the normal understanding that people in japan are japanese, then DEI is subverting normality first where they don't need to.
      There have been a lot of whites in africa through the ages, would you find it normal that in a potential assassins creed in africa the hero was white ?! If yes, at least you are genuine about your stupidity. If no, you're racist pro black supremacy.

    • @krakenmckraken9128
      @krakenmckraken9128 2 месяца назад

      ⁠​⁠@@markedone494 oh stfu. 17 years and every game showcased their setting’s majority race. We all know this was DEI bs and how you’d react had origins stared a white Roman.
      It’s like you people forget this series literally started with an Arab. Fans aren’t racist, we want a Japanese samurai in the Japanese game not DEI influence.
      “We know for a fact it’s not.” Dude was literally the only black man on the island. It’s not just playing as a “minority.” It’s an excuse to shoehorn a black samurai in the Japanese AC game…

    • @svensmith1991
      @svensmith1991 2 месяца назад +8

      ​@markedone494 your point might have some merit if taken in isolation but in the last couple of years we have had
      Aragon gandalf snow white the little mermaid Ann boleyn Queen Charlotte Queen guinevere cleopatra viking jarls almost every character in the witcher race swapped we have had book in Britain that told kids black people built stone henge (factually untrue) but aim at kids so they don't question the lie now with all this evidence how can we not question this revisionist history nature of this game of every part of the media that is put out now it most be clear to anyone with an ounce of sense that this is agenda driven! And if you truly want representation then push for true representation when minority actors get to rolls written for them this is like saying that they can only existence in a white or in this case Asian space

  • @Whyteandnerdy
    @Whyteandnerdy 2 месяца назад +22

    The arguments the journalists are making are strawman arguments

  • @guyver6622
    @guyver6622 2 месяца назад +5

    I'm more concerned with the pricing of the game, and they didn't even show any Gameplay.
    I don't have a problem with playing a black protagonist in a video game considering I bought MK11 solely because Spawn was in it.
    I think people might be a little annoyed they waited a decade for an assassin's creed game in Japan, and this is what they got, and they weren't expecting this.
    I got no dog in this fight considering I've never played any of the Assassin's creed games.
    Although the one way they would probably get me to play is if it was in Japan.
    I grew up in the 90s playing Tenchu 1998 Tenchu Wrath of Heaven back in the day.

  • @CellthePhone
    @CellthePhone 2 месяца назад +11

    You guys nailed the issue on the head. We don't care if the dude is black or not. What was expected was the main character to be a made up asian character who influences japan's events. We literally see this in every game..... To all the people who are confused and delusional on this take need a reality check. I've seen tons of Japanese and Asian profiles suggest this. They don't care about his skin, they care as to why all the sudden a black dude prolly thee only black dude at the time in Japan ( for any extensive time frame ) was casted as possibly the main support/main character of this series along with the female ninja. If they'd honestly done the female ninja alone I dont think the fans would of even cared. It'd be like stating we're gonna caste a white dude in Assassin's creed Origins just because we feel that needs to be the case.
    On top of everyone in this comment section stating "well its just based off of loose historical accurate events and such!" It such a cope way to write this off. Almost and if not ALL assassin's creed characters ( made up or not ) were related to the section of the world that the game took place in, so there's honestly no excuse. I've suggested this already on a different forum, but had they made the dude a DLC character, I dont think fans would of cared at all. Don't get me wrong he looks amazing, but a DLC character where u serve ur clan that you are under to achieve a unified Japan ( IIRC the Clan was Oda who IIRC again, won the actual Japanese race to become the dominate clan in Japan ), then that's one thing, but this is another and again a lot of asians/Japanese are either annoyed, disappointed, or even angry about this decision.

    • @jayg.2066
      @jayg.2066 2 месяца назад +1

      Tbf, Ghosts of Tsushima and Sekiro came out only a few years ago and already had far better Samurai mechanics, story, and characters than this game ever will. If they stuck with an asian Samurai, there would be nothing setting this game apart from those two other smash hits that released a few years prior and they'd completely overshadow this game. Plus, they already have a game with an all Asian cast as Samurai, For Honor.
      They needed to set a instant distinction from these other games to give this game it's own unique identity. This is what all games strive to do. It's likely if Ghosts of Tsushima and Sekiro were never made, they would've just opted with the playable male/female like they had in Odyssey and Valhalla.

    • @jordanward263
      @jordanward263 2 месяца назад

      Lies we had two games where that wasn't the case and nobody cared

    • @MustardSkaven
      @MustardSkaven 2 месяца назад


    • @CellthePhone
      @CellthePhone 2 месяца назад

      @@jayg.2066 That's a bull shit excuse to try and say. Not everyone wants to play those games and even still. They could of easily made him a DLC and saved themselves all the headache that is coming there way.
      In every single AC game we've had characters who were made up play important roles in an alternate reality where they were of the same nationality the setting was located in. I could be wrong, but 90% of them is the case. Choosing Yasuke wasn't the issue, making him the main support/main character in a series is. There's again no justification other than "they felt like it."
      Mind you the asian community is unhappy, and I feel they get final say over whom they want for to represent their culture and people; specifically the Japanese.
      As for unique identity, AC is unique in the same way Total War is when compared to Banner lord, Age of Empires, Europa, etc.

    • @CellthePhone
      @CellthePhone 2 месяца назад

      @@jordanward263 Are they AC games or other games? I'm arguing specifically for AC and AC alone and I can't think of any that don't fit
      AC1 = Middle eastern name/Arabic
      AC2 = Italian
      AC3 = English name, but his name is literally Ratonhnhaké:ton
      AC Black Flag = mixing pot and they made that clear with IIRC different types of caste and no one cared because it made sense it's where u get Anne Bonny ( a black female )
      AC Brotherhood = Mostly Italians with possibly french characters IIRC
      AC Unity = French men
      AC Syndicate = British
      AC ( can't think of the title ) = Has an Indian man ( in India ), Chinese female assassin ( In China ), and Russian male assassin ( In Russia )
      AC Origins = African/Egyptian
      AC Odssey = Greek female
      AC Valhalla = Norse Male
      This is most if not all the AC games, Oh I forgot one....
      AC Mirage = Middle Eastern.... who would of thought??
      Point is AC has been consistent with creative main characters that fit within the time frame. As I mentioned up above, if they had Yasuke would of made a great DLC and playing as him as the main character to showcase how he could of impacted Japan in an alternate time line as well. Overall though to launch him as the main character in which IIRC he ended up serving the Oda clan ( the one who won the great overall war ) is silly considering again AC's track record.

  • @LeePhan79
    @LeePhan79 2 месяца назад +8

    Even if Yasuke was a samurai... he is not JAPANESE.

    • @darrenmays2036
      @darrenmays2036 2 месяца назад +1

      And he was a samurai in name alone. Not a title he earned

    • @xcharlesbronsonx
      @xcharlesbronsonx 2 месяца назад

      ​@@darrenmays2036​​ ​exactly, "samurai" at best. More likely he was a glorified sword caddy/sword retainer.
      Because nobunaga being a lord/aristocrat couldn't have a commoner in his entourage so bestowed yasuke with a "title"
      He was essentially a collectible for nobunaga. Someone out of the ordinary to stick out in his entourage without any meaningful title. Nothing more
      Sort of like a courier being bestowed "executive courier" just a meaningless title

  • @skeletor957
    @skeletor957 2 месяца назад +6

    Waiting for pc moders to put the mission complete theme from GTA San Andreas in the game whenever Yasuke completes a mission.

  • @distortedsoul27
    @distortedsoul27 2 месяца назад +13

    IGN and Kotaku are simply left-wing arms of politics in the gaming spectrum. The majority of the IGN writers are based or from Los Angeles or San Francisco.
    That IGN writer, Matt Kim (from San Francisco), went on a tirade about how Western gaming has never had Asian protagonists in big franchises like Far Cry or Resident Evil. Of course, he forgot that Far Cry 4 was set in Asia, with the protagonist being Nepalese, and that Resident Evil has both Ada Wong and Jill Valentine. It diminished any credibility he had as a gaming journalist.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      That's interesting I did not know that. Haha, I loved Far Cry 4 it's funny that he forgot about it being set in Asia. Yea, they are great at working up people who don't have very good memories.

    • @riccardoarpea9966
      @riccardoarpea9966 2 месяца назад +1

      also, Resident Evil is a Japanese game lol

    • @lukaszzylik4437
      @lukaszzylik4437 2 месяца назад

      ​@@holdmydualshockwhat I find disrespectful about your video is that you got offended on behalf of Japan and you act like those Japanese messages you read are from real Japanese people.
      So let's clear a few things up. I am not Japanese but I intern at Waseda University. Those "messages" you read that are supposedly from Japan are not. Those messages sentence structure reads subject, verb, object. Japanese sentence structure reads subject object verb. Those messages where written in English, then translated into Japanese, then translated back to English. Those kanji messages in read in Japanese katakana make absolutely no sense when read aloud. Wrong sentence structure.
      Westerners pretending to be Japanese is disrespectful. Also I would like to point out that Torii shrines are not Chinese architecture like those tweets claim. Torii shrines are Japanese and they were historically placed in front of Shinto shrines. But these days you can find them in front of museums and other tourist places. There is so much misinformation in that Forbes article
      I want to point out that in Japan Yasuke is a samurai. There is no argument about that. From popular pop media like Nioh games where he is the Obsidian Samurai to Samurai Warriors 5 to mangas, a play and history books. Yasuke is a samurai. I recommend the 1968 Japanese children's history book about Yasuke the samurai called Kurosuke. The University of Waseda and the University of Tokyo who helped Ubisoft make the game say he's a samurai. This is not contentious. This isn't an ongoing argument here.
      Japan knows more about their own culture than Westerners with Wikipedia.

    • @distortedsoul27
      @distortedsoul27 2 месяца назад +1

      @lukaszzylik4437 It's interesting that the examples of Yasuke being a Samurai you used are works of fiction. Even your example of Kuru-suke is fictional with historical context. Nioh and Samurai Warriors 5 are the same, fictional with historical context. The difference is that Japanese people wrote it, designed it, and own it. Ubisoft doesn't.
      No one's dismissing Yasuke. Most would want him to have a game purely on his own, but it wouldn't be called Assassin's Creed. What they're dismissing is Ubisoft's use of him as a political tool while distorting historical fact in a multitude of ways and making it entirely nonsensical. While at the same time going against established norms that made the franchise what it is. It is simply not an Assassin's Creed game by their own design of it, which is having the lead characters be entirely fictional while moving through historical context.
      This is what many fans of the franchise are angry about, that and the fact that most fans have wanted to play as a male shinobi in this franchise since 2007.

    • @distortedsoul27
      @distortedsoul27 2 месяца назад +1

      @@riccardoarpea9966 It is, which makes it even funnier.

  • @GiratinasRisingRenegades
    @GiratinasRisingRenegades 2 месяца назад +11

    Shame that the controversy in entertainment never ends.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад +4

      I guess the question is do they create controversy because without it they would not get attention

    • @GiratinasRisingRenegades
      @GiratinasRisingRenegades 2 месяца назад +2

      @@holdmydualshock Yeah but I certainly do not want too much controversy over our goal to including the following for a live action Superman movie; MOS2 with Superman Brainiac Supergirl and Silver Banshee in it all done comic accurately. Metallo is a bonus if the entertainment industry will have enough to contribute and not go holding back.

  • @xmazren091x2
    @xmazren091x2 2 месяца назад

    Im not surprised SBI is involved because both the main ubisoft studio and SBI are based in Montreal

  • @Foxbat2B
    @Foxbat2B 2 месяца назад +2

    Loved the video I think Gaming sites like IGN and other are only saying what they are saying to create clicks but they are out of touch with gamers. Same thing can be said by gaming studios. I would like to know who at UBISOFT did marketing product of this game. Did they reach out to Japanese people/gamers or did they just reached out to DEI consultants on their opinions for the game.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      Thanks and ubisoft is definitely out of touch. We knew that when they said we should get used to not owning our games. Regarding the DEI consultants their is actually a funny picture of the team circulating kim Belair from sweet baby inc is in it.

  • @dodge9981
    @dodge9981 2 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for speaking on this 👏

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      Thank you for taking the time to watch and comment!😊

  • @markkipanga1933
    @markkipanga1933 2 месяца назад

    with yasuke we dont know if he was or wasn't a samurai. during the time he was in Japan the word samurai was not commonly used. But yasuke was a warrior who fought along side Nobunaga. His story is unusual and very interesting. It a perfect fit for romantic story like robin hood or king Arthur. The fact that he is depict as a samurai by ubisoft is not a big deal they just playing with the story like they done for other characters based history.

  • @AquilesX11
    @AquilesX11 2 месяца назад

    The best thing Ubisoft could have done is have one protagonist: Naoe should have been by herself for an all stealth game. She is now being erased by this controversy. But Ubisoft does not have the cojones to a have a solo female lead in a game. I would have liked to see what the argument would have been if it was only her.

  • @radu19d
    @radu19d 2 месяца назад

    This is the opposite situation to the Resident Evil 5 controversy 15years+ ago. Curious if UBI will add black enemies just like Capcom added white enemies to solve the issue.

  • @Mecha_Gear
    @Mecha_Gear 2 месяца назад +1

    Yasuke could have been a perfect mid-game boss, but hey, there is no limit to Ubi screwing up.

  • @user-cj3by9eb4v
    @user-cj3by9eb4v 2 месяца назад

    thank you

  • @Grumjum
    @Grumjum 2 месяца назад +5

    Still going stick to my #1 reason why I am NOT buying this game becouse they choose a Yusuke a black samauri not an asian male lead.
    #2 will always be #2 is price point of this game
    I would be ok if Yusuke was a side character or got DLC later on

    • @ShadGaming-bw2sx
      @ShadGaming-bw2sx 2 месяца назад

      Its not him who will be the MAIN character.....THINK!!!!! The girl will be the main character. Its all based on her story.....They already said that. How blind can you fucking be it shows in the trailer her family and all.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад +1

      Great point, I wouldn't preorder a game given the track record of preorders. Yasuke as a side character or DLC would make sense.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      The IGN article claims they are dual protagonists. Do you think they are mistaken?

    • @Slyfox1775
      @Slyfox1775 2 месяца назад

      Well just wait 6 month to a year and u can pick this game up for 15-20 bucks . That’s what most of these games are worth .

    • @Grumjum
      @Grumjum 2 месяца назад +1

      @JosephCasimir-ci5bf " wouldn’t get mad an see this as them trying be different from ghost of Tsushima"
      Being a western studio using the Japanese culture they by defult would of needed to be respectful just like Ghosts of Tsushima. eg both leads are Japanese.
      if the studio was Japanese is the only way I see this being ok, still would not like it but be more ok

  • @Ray-cf1ld
    @Ray-cf1ld 2 месяца назад

    That IGN article was written by Korean origin author. I read it, he mentioned doesn’t feel represented by Kung fu masters, so basically he is saying as a Korean origin he doesn’t want to be represented by Japanese or Chinese. I understand why based on the history between these three countries. You will find it is interesting that while other ethnicities are calling themselves, white American(not sure if that is correct), African American, Hispanic and Latino American, but we would call ourselves Chinese American, Japanese American, Korean American, Filipino American, etc.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      Yeah, given the history between Korea and Japan would make sense as to why he wouldn't feel represented. I agree, a more specificity based on country of origin is more commonplace and makes more sense given that each country is unique in its culture and traditions. I don't know why the gaming industry would feel good about wrapping everyone up in an "Asian" bow. The writer uses Asian American and Korean American interchangeably it seems. Though I am not American, American friends of mine are equally conscious of their ancestry whether it be German, English Italian, etc.

  • @kamikaze00007
    @kamikaze00007 2 месяца назад +2

    Imagine how these people would react if the next Assassin's Creed is set in historic Africa, but the main character is the first White man to set foot on Africa. Needless to say, all the enemies are African.

  • @ultimabk
    @ultimabk 2 месяца назад +1

    They think the scandal will be good for sales. But they forget the people upset by this multilayer cowpie are gamers.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад +1

      Yea I think it's a way to couch any criticism

  • @SonakaG
    @SonakaG 2 месяца назад

    4:01 btw He's NOT The main playable character, just the second playable character, the MAIN character, IF there had to be only one, would be the Female Ninja Character that right there in the front center of the game's cover art. Even the trailer focuses on her and her story, Yasuke is a playable character Yes, but in all honesty, he's more so gonna be a Secondary Character who happens to be playable.
    But yeah, the main character is her, not him. People just keep calling him the main character for either argument sake or simple misunderstanding, which is fair considering the game's 2 video's worth of marketing heavily focus both characters.

  • @xcharlesbronsonx
    @xcharlesbronsonx 2 месяца назад

    Yasuke was a glorified sword caddy/sword retainer.
    Because nobunaga being a lord/aristocrat couldn't have a commoner in his entourage so bestowed yasuke with a "title"
    He was essentially a collectible for nobunaga. Someone out of the ordinary to stick out in his entourage without any meaningful title. Nothing more
    Sort of like a courier being promoted to "executive courier" just a meaningless title

  • @Neil.02
    @Neil.02 2 месяца назад +1

    Personally, the « samurai or retainer » debate is irrelevant to me since the game wouldn’t have been THAT historically accurate anyway. But can we please stop pretending that out of ALL the historical figures (which weren’t actually playable before by the way) available in japan , going out of your way to pick the ONE black guy (who’s been in japan for 15 whole months) as a protagonist instead of having him be a character you encounter along the way isn’t blatantly shallow (yes even with Naoe)? Especially coming from Ubisoft?

  • @iiiiii4680
    @iiiiii4680 2 месяца назад

    Honesty people make too much of a fuss over it. At the end of the day it's a video game and the majority of the game's reviews will be based on the gameplay. People just always want a reason to complain.

  • @CavTanker88
    @CavTanker88 2 месяца назад +1

    Since this group loves to yell about "dog whistles" I am going to call out "Lets Do better" as a phrase meant to shut up any and all criticism. It is used to accuse anyone that is critical of a thing as inferior and flawed and somehow bad for daring to comment.

  • @rarebarney5681
    @rarebarney5681 2 месяца назад +1

    What kills me is no one talks about the price of the game, only skin color, lol

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      Very good point, the pricing structure for pre-orders is pretty crazy

    • @rarebarney5681
      @rarebarney5681 2 месяца назад +1

      @@holdmydualshock a subscription for a single player game is diabolical 🤣

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      it really is! side note when you said "Diabolical" i can only hear it as Rocket Powered Mohawk screaming it lol

  • @Just_a_ghost713
    @Just_a_ghost713 2 месяца назад

    The problem isn't him being in the game, it's him being playable.

    • @jordanward263
      @jordanward263 2 месяца назад +1

      Yea a problem a racist would have

  • @gio87vr
    @gio87vr 2 месяца назад

    I hate dei with all my being, but AC Shadows IMHO has made a clever choice using Yasuke. Yes, they could have used another extremely famous vassal of the Demon, like Toyotomi Hideyoshi, but they are too well documented, there would be no freedom at all in writing a story inside the History. To make an Assassin MC in an AC game you need a character "forgotten by History" or someone really existed but with little or no documented story at all. And you could make Yasuke a descendant of Bayek of Siwa, so he can be already a Creed bearer, and maybe Naoe could be a successor of the disciple of Ezio in Chronicles China, Shao Jun. Just theorycrafting but not a bad way to add a Japanese branch in the AC lore.

  • @xraymike66
    @xraymike66 2 месяца назад +1

    The game idea by itself is fine I guess, I'd never play it, but, it's definitely NOT an Assassin's Creed game.

  • @davemartinez5840
    @davemartinez5840 2 месяца назад

    Just let us make a customized character like Diablo or some shit..

  • @uzairbinshabbir
    @uzairbinshabbir 2 месяца назад

    For a minute I thought you were pro DEI and SBI brigade but turned out you are really cool people so I subscribed.
    May your channel grow amen

  • @Maidiac
    @Maidiac 2 месяца назад +1

    I think anger is actually a good description though. Not at the inclusion of (X) person or color, but because they are trashing my hobby with their political agenda.

  • @jiggerypokery2962
    @jiggerypokery2962 2 месяца назад +2

    It's crazy when people say "I wanted to play as a japanese ninja" when 1 of the characters is literally a japanese ninja.
    Like i say over and over again. The animus, perfectly legit tech where you can take the dna of a historical figure, hook yourself up to, and gain their skills
    Black Samarui HISTORICALLY INACURATE he was a bodyguard of retainer and would be called Samurai REEE. Go read some history books pointdexter I want to play a game.
    There was literally a movie called the last samurai staring Tom Cruise and people didn't care. People so fragile now a days.

    • @sdhiousdfyhsdioufsdoiufh
      @sdhiousdfyhsdioufsdoiufh 2 месяца назад

      You do realise Tom Cruise was not the "Last Samurai"?

    • @sdhiousdfyhsdioufsdoiufh
      @sdhiousdfyhsdioufsdoiufh 2 месяца назад

      Besides it's a real story. Tom Cruise character was hired to teach japanese army to use guns against samurai. He later joined the samurai.

    • @jiggerypokery2962
      @jiggerypokery2962 2 месяца назад

      @@sdhiousdfyhsdioufsdoiufh Yasuke not real???

    • @RenzaissanceTV
      @RenzaissanceTV 2 месяца назад +1

      @@jiggerypokery2962 why even use yasuke in the first place?? Is he more important than any Japanese historic figure in feudal japan

    • @jiggerypokery2962
      @jiggerypokery2962 2 месяца назад

      @@RenzaissanceTV AC characters have always been outsiders. So playing as Mitsuhide or Sanada, who already have games about them, wouldn't leave for the wiggle room Ubisoft likes to have when they make characters. A lot of Yasuke's story has holes in it.

  • @adamspringer1042
    @adamspringer1042 2 месяца назад

    Yasuke was not black, he was Indian. He was taken from India, where he was already a servant, and brought to Japan to be sold as a slave by the Jesuits. None of the very limited descriptions of him point towards an African origin. He was allegedly 6'2", skin the color of a chestnut (medium brown, clearly lighter than the color of black Africans), and was said to be able to lift 6 or 7 men. Obviously his physical prowess was exaggerated by the Jesuits who were trying to sell him. It was also forbidden for outsiders (non-Japanese) to be given the title of "Samurai", which clearly indicates the title he was given of "black samurai" a jest on behalf of Nobunaga. The only illustrations of him (a total of 2) show him with straight hair (a trait seen in south-east Asia and India, not Africa) and holding an umbrella, which would have been beneath an actual samurai. Jean Crasset even wrote that he was a servant from India who was taken as a slave when the Jesuits were traveling to Japan.

  • @zaphael7238
    @zaphael7238 2 месяца назад

    Honestly I don’t blame people for wanting to play a Japanese male character in a game set in Japan in the ye old days.
    I’m also kind of tired of Nobunaga being in everything, yes he was a massively important figure but can we get something different every once in a while? Yes everyone knows Nobunaga but it’s kind been done into the ground.
    Can we at least go back before him and learn something new. Yasuke had also been portrayed in many different forms of media. Yes he sounded like a good dude and definitely got shafted after Nobunaga’s death but he is not unknown.
    And there is the obvious, we don’t trust the game companies to handle this properly, now in this time they are clamoring to get their hands on DEI funds which makes every inclusion of a ‘diverse’ character sus as F.

  • @s.scottc.4051
    @s.scottc.4051 Месяц назад +1

    Journalists can say whatever they want. I pay for what I like, and I am not buying the game. Let them cry all they want, the result is the same. Ubisoft is not getting my money on this one.

  • @markkipanga1933
    @markkipanga1933 2 месяца назад +1

    As someone who is black it is dis-hearting to see black character be rejected so fast before we seen actual gameplay or story beats. It hard not take it personally because we don't see this type of rejection like when Japanese characters in an anime are played by white people in the movies or shows of said anime. Again not saying anyone is racist but i think this knee jerk reaction is extreme. It makes ubi think they must not add black characters to any of their games.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      Hey thanks for taking the time to comment and share that perspective.
      From the comments and discussions I have seen it's not about people not wanting a character because he is black. Their was a black main character in "Freedom Cry" Bayek from assassins Creed "Origins" is african and voiced by a black actor.
      Also most people want Yasuke in the games and aren't concerned if he is or is not depicted as a samurai. The main argument it that this was a pivot away from the alleged original script what would have have a main character named TaKa that would carry on the bird of prey naming convention and that was changed for what is perceived to be an attempt to change the discussion around why people are actually upset at ubisoft. Namely the pricing for the game and the recent statements about not owning our games.
      The most common opinion I have heard is people want yasuke to be a companion. That assassins creed has never had you play as a historical character but interact with them.
      I belive the push back against a white main character would have been the same, even if it was historically accurate like william adams who was a samurai.
      I also have heard the point that people think ubisoft is not investing in making a black assassins creed game in a time that would showcase the culture. Something set during the Zulu wars for instance.

    • @markkipanga1933
      @markkipanga1933 2 месяца назад +1

      the youtube vid is called "The TRUTH about Yasuke from Assassin’s Creed Shadows" by ign. It makes a good point about this situation.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      interesting thank you I will check it out

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      Cool video, yeah very interesting stuff. Though I am sure some people are upset that he is in the game at all I don't think that is the actual criticism from most people. Everything that video lays out is exactly why he would be a perfect companion or even boss. The video hits the nail on the head when explaining the "folklore" angle. If there was another Assassin's Creed set in America it would be cool to encounter Johnny Appleseed or John Henry and fun to engage with the storylines they set out but most people do not want to play as those characters. Thanks for recommending the video it was very good!

  • @jasonjordan8376
    @jasonjordan8376 2 месяца назад +2

    The hilarious thing to me is that if the samurai in this game was based on William Adams, and a person that we know for sure was made a samurai, unlike Yasuke, the people defending this game would be screaming about not having a Japanese man be the samurai.

  • @asaka616
    @asaka616 2 месяца назад +5

    Theyre so disingenuous in their arguments FOR this game that it makes me sick.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад +2

      Yea I actually saw an argument that because the last couple ubisoft games have underperformed they needed to stir some controversy to get exposure.

    • @markedone494
      @markedone494 2 месяца назад

      @@holdmydualshock Valhalla was the last and best selling full feature assassins creed and it was as white as it gets, its so convenient how you get to dismiss everything that proves you wrong.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      I like all the Assassin's Creed games and I'm sure I will like Shadows. Ubisoft announced they were down 15% due to the last few games not hitting targets. I personally think it has more to do with the bad publicity about "needing to get used to not owning the games we pay for" as well as AAA in general seeing lower numbers.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      Assassin's Creed Mirage was the last Assassin's Creed game not including the VR game they released.

  • @lance7909
    @lance7909 2 месяца назад

    So are we just gonna forget that the actual assassin that you play as in the game is a native Japanese woman?? Or are we just gonna focus on the fact that an actual historical character in Yasuke is also a playable character?

  • @GiratinasRisingRenegades
    @GiratinasRisingRenegades 2 месяца назад +2


  • @Unworshipediety
    @Unworshipediety 2 месяца назад +2

    I wonder how many takes this took since you two are working overtime to spread more bullcrap.

  • @JBidot
    @JBidot 2 месяца назад

    I have a Novel question, why are there little to no games based in in African History or Mythology huh???? I’d probably even love playing them. But it’s like there’s some secret shame there… No instead inject them into all other media and make shitty adaptations

  • @10dev785
    @10dev785 2 месяца назад +4

    You people don't even know the story yet.....This Yasuke still might be a 2nd role in this story to the Female MP. You're overreacting to something you have not even seen or played yet. Personally, I can't wait to play as a Black slave samurai assassin. Hopefully we can get revenge on slave traders or some shit like that lol

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад +2

      Glad to hear you are looking forward to the game. I've played every Assassin's Creed game and almost every Ubisoft game so I will surely play this as well. We are not saying the game will be bad and really not reacting to the game at all, we are discussing the conversation surrounding the game and the articles in the video in particular because we find them interesting in the broader context of gaming discourse. Haha, what you are describing sounds sort of like Django Unchained but in Japan which would probably make a really fun game. It would be really cool if it had the Nemesis system from the Shadow of Mordor games. That way if a slaver got away they would spin off little side stories.

    • @markedone494
      @markedone494 2 месяца назад +1

      @@holdmydualshock Why not point out actual racism too then?
      There are literal n word comments left on videos about the game, its hillarious how you think an adaptation of a black mans existence is more racist than literal racist words being spouted because a black man is shown where “its not usually his place”

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      We were discussing the ign article, didn't see any comments with people using racial slurs. That's awful though.

    • @drissimohamed1920
      @drissimohamed1920 2 месяца назад +1

      not interested this is obviously political massaging disguised as a game

    • @Slyfox1775
      @Slyfox1775 2 месяца назад

      Be careful who you want to kill ,
      the United States, and Denmark. Several had established outposts on the African coast, where they purchased slaves from local African leaders.

  • @Spongemonkey26
    @Spongemonkey26 2 месяца назад

    I just wish game studios would stop fighting the fanbases over woke points.

  • @Bless863
    @Bless863 2 месяца назад

    Shadows will be the first AC game (minus the side scrollers) that I won’t purchase at launch. I’ll wait for it to turn up on Gamepass.
    Ubisoft is being celebrated for Tokenism and cultural appropriation.
    It seems like cultural appropriation is bad unless it’s a black person/character that does it. Then we should celebrate it.
    Ubisoft choose the 1st token black guy in Japan to be the token black guy in their game.
    And people are celebrating it as a victory.

    • @Bless863
      @Bless863 2 месяца назад

      IGN: RE5 should not be remade unless it’s rewritten due to a white man killing African zombies in Africa is problematic.
      Also IGN: A black Samurai killing Japanese people in Japan should be celebrated!

    • @apollon011
      @apollon011 2 месяца назад

      Why even purchase it at all? Discounts or not, reject woke products period and stand by your principle. It's partly this kind of 'I'll purchase it later' mentality that allows the woke corporations to continue pushing their agenda.
      Don't give them an inch or a dollar.

  • @stevendunn2501
    @stevendunn2501 Месяц назад

    Both camps seem to have projected their agendas onto the discussion.
    Articles insisting that adding a Black face into all stories is needed for “representation” are ever-cringy and vapid at best.
    Equally vapid, are articles which supposedly defend the honor of Japan via putting forth hyper-rational arguments as to why taking creative liberties with Japanese historicity to serve the narrative of a video game is disrespectful.
    As though they give a 💩.
    After asking a few of my Japanese friends, students and family members (two junior-high-aged nephews) about the upcoming game, none of them had an issue with it on its face.
    They basically just thought it was a cool idea for a video game.
    This controversy is entirely based in the identity/race/gender-obsessed Western world.
    At the end of the day, will I be buying it?
    Hell no!
    F*** Ubisoft.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  Месяц назад

      Exactly an insane amount of cringe from people trying to push an agenda.
      Great point about the Western issue and that's why I think that Ubisoft wanted to manufacture a social argument because it beautifully distracts from the deserved backlash they have earned from their statements regarding game ownership and just being all-around awful.

  • @sushiyeah
    @sushiyeah 2 месяца назад

    I'm an Asian Gamer, not offended seeing an African Samurai as one of the Protagonist. Only the internet is hating and down voting the game, but in reality Gamers like me are liking what UBISOFT making an Assassin's Creed based in Japan. I hope it will be good also the gameplay needs to WOW us Gamers, very critical. If they can bring back AC Origins (Egypt) gameplay mix with samurai and ronin combat style, now that will be a wow moment. Anyway out of context the only part that upset and offended me as a (Asian) Gamer in Gaming News is the Stellar Blade controversy. A mature game that is censored, lol however games like TLOUII, Cyberpunk, Baldur's Gate 3 and many more mature games were uncensored.
    Pre ordered the Collectors Edition, the figurine looks Fantastic and definitely a gaming collectable.

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад +1

      Thanks for commenting and sharing your perspective! Yea the gameplay has got to wow us. There is a lot to hope for with how they say the seasons will influence gameplay. That could be really immersive. I also loved Origins combat.
      Interesting point about the steller blade reception. When that was all going down I remember thinking, why is this a thing but Baldurs Gate 3 won GOTY. I totally forgot about how much nudity there was across the other games you listed. Especially Cyberpunk 2077. In the character creation, there is full frontal nudity. ( I love cyberpunk btw, just thought you raised a good point about the double standards)
      Enjoy the figurine it looks very cool.

  • @thehacker4012
    @thehacker4012 2 месяца назад

    What is there to be a confused about? That the main protagonist based on a real historical figure is black? That is what you are confused about?

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      Who is confused? Now I'm confused about the source of the confusion

    • @thehacker4012
      @thehacker4012 2 месяца назад

      @@holdmydualshock You didn't say you were confused as to why Assassin Creed has a black protagonist?

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      Oh no, we are discussing the articles and one article delves into the "confusion" or "bewilderment" of some gamers as to why Ubisoft would make the decision to have the playable character be a historical person, something that has not happened in the past. Historical figures have been heavily altered in the previous games but you were always a fictional character who interacted with them.

    • @thehacker4012
      @thehacker4012 2 месяца назад

      @@holdmydualshock What is the problem with playing as a historical figure like Yasuke? Because it never been done before?

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      Usually you meet historical characters and interact with them while not being locked into. Assassins creed has always been that you play as a character uncovered by time. It's the same reason in assassins creed vallhalla people would have not wanted to play as Ragnar Lothbrok. And in vallhalla he is part of a singular quest line but not the focus of the whole playing experience.

  • @player-won6242
    @player-won6242 2 месяца назад +2

    I think it's very appropriate to have Yasuke as the lead character. Go argue with you momma!

  • @DarthTelos
    @DarthTelos 2 месяца назад

    Great news video. You should look at The Great Rebellion, that game is anti DEI, vey interesting and 99% positive reviews

    • @kuggacouragegx6093
      @kuggacouragegx6093 2 месяца назад

      Define dei

    • @DarthTelos
      @DarthTelos Месяц назад

      @@kuggacouragegx6093 forced diversity equity and inclusion in defiance of meritocracy in both the creation of a product and the product’s characteristics.

  • @fightingddog
    @fightingddog 2 месяца назад +1

    I have seen every major gaming personality go after the people who are “racist” I have not seen a single racist person. Only the grumz guy who is obviously being satirical. They are fighting against ghosts 😂

  • @Ymir2148.
    @Ymir2148. 2 месяца назад

    Pre orders for the game are doing very well in Japan and the UK and many other countries plus I would like to say there is a lot of Japanese people mocking and making fun of people getting upset about their history

  • @user-eq2fp6jw4g
    @user-eq2fp6jw4g 2 месяца назад

    I'm just tired of this modern day woke bs

  • @ignigma3747
    @ignigma3747 2 месяца назад +1

    Mayonnaise outrage

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад +2

      That sounds like an adult swim game👍Very creative it reminds me of that world of goo game, wish they would make a new one. If you haven't played it download it, its a lot of fun.

  • @sum8601
    @sum8601 2 месяца назад +1

    Race and culture are two separate things and for the life of me I can't understand how you feel a culture is being disrespected by having a game that features a character that isnt ethnically Japanese but embodies everything that actual matters to Japanese culture and culture in general. i.e. traditions, design, music etc. Personally i cant think of a better compliment. The fact that he is a real historic figure that they are exaggerating is irrelevant considering this is pure fiction and will always supersede any adherence to real history because that's not the actual point here. To me its just refreshing and interesting to see an atypical character take up the mantle of a samurai because yes, there are plenty of games out there with the traditional angle. It's the same reason why the new GoW games were so refreshing because there are plenty of Norse heavy games/media doing the same repetitive stuff but they took those historic mythological events and twisted them up. They made Norse gods half Greek, Scottish, American etc and even had them be the bad guys. History in fiction is there to played with because its fiction first.
    The Last Samurai with Tom cruise is another good example of this. A great movie featuring a white dude who might have loosely been based on someone from history but certainly had their role embellished heavily in the plot and it worked just fine. No one would say this was disrespectful. The fact that he was a white dude was in of itself a nice and interesting angle to play with. there is nothing wrong with that. People are in fact just shitting the bed over a non issue.

    • @CellthePhone
      @CellthePhone 2 месяца назад

      This is bull shit and you know it. As I just mentioned up above, the Japanese/Asian gamers ( not all, but most from what I've seen ) don't want a black dude representing them and their samurai culture ways... They wanted an Asian person like all the other games have ( a character that doesn't exist and is made up but is the race of where the location is at ), so to sit here and say why you can't understand is honestly mind blowing... Like I told the makers of this channel, had they made this guy a DLC character with his own quests and such, that would of been fine, but that isn't the case..

  • @Freewill415
    @Freewill415 2 месяца назад

    all these problem would have been resolved if Yasuke was white, 6'5', blue eyes, works in finance

  • @davemartinez5840
    @davemartinez5840 2 месяца назад

    I have 2 AC tattoos. I didnt want to hate this game. No one buy this game, or we will keep getting more DEI bullshit. If you want a black protagonist, there is a setting for that.. very obvious one... 2024 Chicago

  • @markedone494
    @markedone494 2 месяца назад +1

    Aha, so Yasuke can never be taken as inspiration for any story without it being considered asian erasure, got it.
    So please, can you point at what time in history would it be okay to make a story inspired by yasukes existence?
    You do play as a japanese in assassins creed shadows… There are two characters, the fact you dont see women as persons is a totally another thing

    • @holdmydualshock
      @holdmydualshock  2 месяца назад

      There is actually a pretty good Netflix show about Yasuke. The story is good and Lakeith Stanfield voices Yasuke.

    • @mancubusjam
      @mancubusjam 2 месяца назад

      Why would the make an assassins creed about a guy whos job it was to hold his masters sword? He was basically a caddy.

    • @krakenmckraken9128
      @krakenmckraken9128 2 месяца назад +3

      You’re being disingenuous. Nobody has made the argument that yasuke shouldn’t exist in fiction. In fact he’s been received well in other mediums.
      The actual argument is about AC as a series. Since the first game 17 years ago, every game has focused on a particular setting. Every character was a representative of that culture. The first game was a Syrian man and well received. Origins had a black man and was also well received. Fans are NOT racist. Fans want a Japanese AC. Japanese leads, especially in the role of their warrior/noble class, would be a part of that. Why couldn’t it just focus on the female and have yasuke be an npc… or any other actually interesting and real samurai like hattori…
      Nobody wants to play as a Mongolian Eivor despite their being a historical account of an Asian Viking. Same with middle eastern knights of Europe, Black Greeks in odyssey, or a native American pirate in black flag. Technically, all those things historically occurred but it’s ludicrous for a series like AC. A series whose settings are often times as much of a character as the other npcs. You’re bullshitting if you don’t see that.
      It’s hilarious that the same DEI crowds supporting this were anti RE5 remake like a month ago. Because white man go in and shoot all the blacks (Despite them being infected in that context).Except when it’s black man going in and literally being touted as a samurai, who’s going to be killing other actual Japanese samurai, it’s different. People are sick of that hypocrisy.

    • @krakenmckraken9128
      @krakenmckraken9128 2 месяца назад +3

      @JosephCasimir-ci5bfthat’s stupid. Now it’s getting compared even worse to GOT since that’s what fans actually want. Besides, my comment was about as big picture as it gets.

    • @jordanward263
      @jordanward263 2 месяца назад

      ​@@holdmydualshockthat show was ass and you skipped over his question, why can't we have a game about Yasuke