I'm impressed that by using power moves I saw the pawn move at 6:20 by noticing the undefended rook on the second rank, even though I had no idea how opening the diagonal was meant to work.
I also saw that too, then realized you can exploit the h2-b8 diagonal. Too bad I guessed wrong by playing d5 early instead of getting rid the queen first with g5.
Love how lovely this is, that it needed another lovely look :)
I'm impressed that by using power moves I saw the pawn move at 6:20 by noticing the undefended rook on the second rank, even though I had no idea how opening the diagonal was meant to work.
I also saw that too, then realized you can exploit the h2-b8 diagonal. Too bad I guessed wrong by playing d5 early instead of getting rid the queen first with g5.