Read ADC Value without server using Access Point Mode & MIT APP Inventor 2.

  • Опубликовано: 2 фев 2025

Комментарии • 44

  • @khairulhasan7543
    @khairulhasan7543 4 года назад

    Simplicity, briefness and apprehansibility are the great attributes that attracted me to elate this video.

  • @ayookunlola1537
    @ayookunlola1537 3 года назад +2

    Thanks for the video!!!!! this was the idea i have been looking for.

  • @jhey-nyt6206
    @jhey-nyt6206 2 года назад

    Thank you for this video it helps me a lot. Awesome. keep on uploading.

  • @surrenderToHim
    @surrenderToHim Год назад

    Awesome, very helpful

  • @chiorrimd
    @chiorrimd 2 года назад

    Very thanks to share your video!

  • @choudharyadarsh
    @choudharyadarsh 4 года назад

    Great Job dude .....very good video

  • @girishpanchal9072
    @girishpanchal9072 3 года назад

    Hi, thanks for very nice video. I followed same instructions in video, but not able to see Wemos D1 mini as Access point. Please suggest.

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  3 года назад

      Is there any error in program?

    • @girishpanchal9072
      @girishpanchal9072 3 года назад

      @@EmbeddedGate hi, thanks for responding. There is no error while uploading the code. I have checked wifiscan code also but result is 'no network found' I checked with baudrate and com port but still issue persist.

  • @juanzepedea8936
    @juanzepedea8936 4 года назад +1

    Awesome!! Everything working as shown. How can i have more sensors reading?

  • @bigshoio
    @bigshoio 2 года назад

    Does this code on Arduino IDE work for ESP32?
    If not, do you have any exemples of getting data from ESP32 and showing on an app made with App Inventor?

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  2 года назад

      Yes, this code works with esp32.

  • @darkangel711981
    @darkangel711981 2 года назад

    Thx for the project ,can you tell me how to display multiple sensors pls .

  • @abid8532
    @abid8532 4 года назад +1


  • @ramishawamreh9070
    @ramishawamreh9070 2 года назад

    Many Libraries are not available and not running, what is the problem?

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  2 года назад

      What is the error?

    • @ramishawamreh9070
      @ramishawamreh9070 2 года назад

      I've updated the Libraries, but still "ESPAsyncTCP.h" not available, and other libraries in your code!

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  2 года назад

      @@ramishawamreh9070 Share your mail id.

  • @Charles-lt9rr
    @Charles-lt9rr 2 года назад

    Thanks very much my dear for this nice video. Please, can you tell me how to use two sensors and get the two sensors reading in the Mit app. Please, I am waiting for your reply urgently. Thanks for your understanding and love

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  2 года назад +1

      Hello. Thanks for the comment. It is possible to read multiple values using the MIT app inventor. I will make a video for that.

    • @Charles-lt9rr
      @Charles-lt9rr 2 года назад

      @@EmbeddedGate My dear, thanks very much for your reply. I am waiting for the video. How I wish the video will be out this week. I need the video urgently. I am wishing you all the best!!!

  • @surrenderToHim
    @surrenderToHim Год назад

    #include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h" library error, i tried everything

  • @anjalimaurya1379
    @anjalimaurya1379 4 года назад

    from where did you get that IP? is it the IP from program?

  • @gourangadas1307
    @gourangadas1307 8 месяцев назад

    Sir how to send multiple values?

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  8 месяцев назад

      Already, the video is available on my channel.

  • @febriyoga527
    @febriyoga527 4 года назад

    how about control slider with Acces Point?

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  4 года назад

      take reference to this video,видео.html

  • @minhphuc1283
    @minhphuc1283 4 года назад

    sir. can u help me code sync data between esp8266webserver and app inventor

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  4 года назад

      Yes. tell me about your project.

    • @minhphuc1283
      @minhphuc1283 4 года назад

      @@EmbeddedGate #include
      ESP8266WebServer webServer(80);
      char* ssid = "I-van Sary";
      char* pass = "hoilamgi";
      //=========Biến chứa mã HTLM Website==//
      const char MainPage[] PROGMEM = R"=====(


      body {text-align:center;}
      h1 {color:#663322;}
      a {text-decoration: none;color:#FFFFFF;}
      .bt_on {height:200px; width:400px; margin:40px 0;background-color:#33FF33;border-radius:500px;}
      .bt_off {height:200px; width:400px; margin:40px 0;background-color:#BBBBBB;border-radius:500px;}

      ESP8266 Web Server
      Trạng thái trên chân D1:


      Trạng thái trên chân D2:


      //-----------Tạo đối tượng request----------------
      function create_obj(){
      td = navigator.appName;
      if(td == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){
      obj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
      obj = new XMLHttpRequest();
      return obj;
      var xhttp = create_obj();
      //-----------Thiết lập dữ liệu và gửi request-------
      function getdata(url){"GET","/"+url,true);
      xhttp.onreadystatechange = process;//nhận reponse
      //-----------Kiểm tra response--------------------
      function process(){
      if(xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200){
      //------Updat data sử dụng javascript----------
      ketqua = xhttp.responseText;
      //------------Kiểm tra trạng thái chân D1 D2------
      function getstatusD1D2(){"GET","getstatusD1D2",true);
      xhttp.onreadystatechange = process_json;
      //-----------Kiểm tra response-------------------------------
      function process_json(){
      if(xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200){
      //------Update data sử dụng javascript-------------------
      var trangthaiD1D2_JSON = xhttp.responseText;
      var Obj = JSON.parse(trangthaiD1D2_JSON);
      document.getElementById("trangthaiD1").innerHTML = Obj.D1;
      document.getElementById("trangthaiD2").innerHTML = Obj.D2;
      //---Ham update duu lieu tu dong---
      setInterval(function() {
      }, 1000);

      // Set your Static IP address
      IPAddress local_IP(192, 168, 1, 124);
      // Set your Gateway IP address
      IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 1, 1);
      IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
      IPAddress primaryDNS(8, 8, 8, 8); //optional
      IPAddress secondaryDNS(8, 8, 4, 4); //optional
      void setup() {
      if (!WiFi.config(local_IP, gateway, subnet, primaryDNS, secondaryDNS)) {
      Serial.println("Failed to configure");
      void loop() {
      //==========Chương trình con=================//
      void mainpage(){
      String s = FPSTR(MainPage);
      void on_D1(){
      webServer.send(200,"text/html","CHÂN D1 ĐÃ ON");
      void off_D1(){
      webServer.send(200,"text/html","CHÂN D1 ĐÃ OFF");
      void on_D2(){
      webServer.send(200,"text/html","CHÂN D2 ĐÃ ON");
      void off_D2(){
      webServer.send(200,"text/html","CHÂN D2 ĐÃ OFF");
      void get_statusD1D2(){
      String d1,d2;
      d1 = "OFF";
      d1 = "ON";
      d2 = "OFF";
      d2 = "ON";
      String s = "{\"D1\": \""+ d1 +"\",\"D2\": \""+ d2 +"\"}";

  • @muhammadihsanrafii5151
    @muhammadihsanrafii5151 4 года назад

    Error compiling for board NodeMCU 10 (ESP-12 Module)

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  4 года назад

      Try to upload simple code check esp board is working or not.

  • @ajaykumar-wy6fb
    @ajaykumar-wy6fb 3 года назад

    How can i add ESPAsyncTCP.h and Hash.h library file

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  3 года назад

      No need to install it. They are available in ESP library.

    • @ajaykumar-wy6fb
      @ajaykumar-wy6fb 3 года назад

      @@EmbeddedGate but i got error " ESPAsyncTCP.h: No such file or director "

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  3 года назад

      @@ajaykumar-wy6fb . Install file.

    • @ajaykumar-wy6fb
      @ajaykumar-wy6fb 3 года назад

      @@EmbeddedGate I tried to install but can't get that file

  • @carloscarrera2302
    @carloscarrera2302 4 года назад

    Hello, Greetings,
    Congratulations for the tutorial.
    Mine is giving error on the android app:
    error 1101 Unable to get response with the specified URL
    Could you help me?

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  4 года назад

      Hello Carlos. The same error arrived when I making this project. Make sure before starting the APP your mobile is connected to NodeMCU.

    • @carloscarrera2302
      @carloscarrera2302 4 года назад

      Hello Friend, thanks for answering me,
      Yes my smartphone is connected to the nodemcu network, the serial monitor is no problem, the webpage is also no problem, only on the smartphone that does not read the potentiometer.

    • @EmbeddedGate
      @EmbeddedGate  4 года назад

      @@carloscarrera2302 . Hello Carlos. please share your mail-id.

    • @carloscarrera2302
      @carloscarrera2302 4 года назад
