Turabi said " You can't copy my walk!" He meant that "You can't mock me". In Turkish culture, mocking someone is one of the most disrespectful behaviours in this kind of situations. And Turabi is a Turkish man
Vincent S he’s just not a complete competitor. He’s great at some challenges. Swimming he’s terrible. Puzzles he’s weak. Anything with strength and endurance he’s great. But he’s got the most heart and never backs down. In the final of WoW2 even though his team lost he was the only one who ran every leg and never got upset on the 16 mile run. He then lost cause it was a puzzle and a swim.
4 года назад+2
Lu Know It everybody likes Leroy but he’s super overrated as a competitor and not very smart
@@WestCoastDon448 Except Turbo is an actual fighter with real training and CT was just a really strong guy. Turbo is 10 times more dangerous in an actual fight. The only reason Turbo is not a pro MMA fighter right now (and he was a pro Mauy Thai fighter) is because he started making millions on reality TV
@@ben1ben2ben1 where is the evidence hes a pro mui thai fighter I googled and found nothing other than he trains. That doesnt mean he could be a pro fighter just cause he trains. That's a huge reach.
Jordan's so lucky that the security guys were there to protect him, otherwise he would've gotten his ass whooped. I bet if security wasn't there, then he never would've mocked Turbo like that.
If this was an earlier season I could for sure see that happening. It’s kinda crazy how long fights would go in past seasons before security got there. It was mainly other house guests breaking it up
CT only said he's scarred of Turbo because he knows how he used to be. He knows that rage and it terrifies him. That being said, I miss this show not having security.
Like Devyn said, the show didn't even do justice to how funny Leroy is. Go watch the video of the man after he got robbed. He's even hilarious and cracking jokes there waiting for the police. He's awesome.
I love turbo, he play no games with these little boys. Jordan needed to be put in his place. Turbo stays to himself and don't bother no one unless you come for him
He cant argue in english thats why he gets angry. If they talked in turkish, he would destroy jordan just with words and jordan would be the angry one. He is excellent in articulation in the turkish language. In survivor, he was most of the times a correct guy but sometimes an big asshole and was in his 3rd season always in danger to be disqualified :D He has a big ego but trust me he is a good guy thats why he won back to back survivor championships, the eliminations are voted by the viewers. He is a good competitor i think he has a winratio of 70% in 800 or maybe 1000 games
Valeh Ceferov ya ne normal dansı ? Binlerce striptiz görüntüsü var . Gay barlarda götüne kırmızı kilot 👙 giyib striptiz yapıp erkekleri eylendiriyordu , videoları var . Qazeteler onun travestilere jigoluluk bile yaptığını söylüyor . Gay ama tv - lerde erkeğim , delikanlıyım rolü yapıyor
It’s funny no one acknowledges the reason Turbo is that way is because his culture doesn’t tolerate disrespect... Turbo is probably one of the best there along with Theo and Paulie
Grizzly Boys paulie is good, I’m referring to the newer guys btw, he was impressive last season the only time he didn’t perform was the challenger he got eliminated on and even then he showed an insane amount of heart... Jordan is one of the best too and obviously CT.. Zach has been underwhelming he can do much better than he has Also if paulie got out of Cara’s ass he’d be much better
TheBrizzardOfOz Zach doesn't have the wins, but let's be honest he goes to the final every season if he wants to. Oh okay I got you now Turbo/Paulie/Theo are all great new guys.
They ruined the whole season. I mean Jordan apologized to turbo just leave them both alone and try to win the final. If Jordan and turbo would be together in the final they would definitely win!
It was like a visual orgasm to see Jordan win, i swear they lost sight of how this season was to be played and aligned themselves with the weakest people in the house and then they lost lol.
@@therxckstar I'm not Jordan's fan, but I loved the way he pulled out the win. The Cara cult was a pain in the ass. Its cheap trying to get people to fight to get them off the show.
c j turbo start to be mad when bodyguards took him in the corners ! The guy want to have the tough Russian guy image for the show ! Jordan’s agressive as him but he defend himself quit normally ... Turbo is a mess
I love turbo! He’s real af! When he said “you cannot copy my walk” he means don’t mock me, try and make me look like the joke, your calling me out so let’s show who’s the better one. That is my interpretation of the situation lol
Nati Daddy I don’t think that’s the case. Bc he overly says to go up against him to show who’s better. That’s being real. But no matter what security is on stand by it’s rare when a fight happens with guys on nation tv. Plus this got really aggressive real quick so then fighting like how it could have went it would be bad. But everyone has there own opinion. I just thought it was real of him to be like oh your calling me out okay let’s do something about it. He didn’t want to talk, he wanted action
This is the real culture. As an American I find it stupid that in my culture people do or say every shit and still find it normal like it is nothing. Turkish and Balkan culture are so unique, not tough not soft. I really want to go to Turkey sometime.
@@mervei8350 Gerçek kültür bu. Amerikalı olarak kendi kültürümdeki "insanlar istediğini yapsın veya desin" düşüncesine karşıyım. Türk ve Balkan kültürü benzersiz, yumuşak değil. Bigün Türkiye'ye gitmeyi çok istiyorum.
@Cam Quintin Just curious, is this your first time watching The Challenge? If Jordan wasn't scared, he'd say "Alright bet we're going in" then continue to talk about how he'd "wipe the floor with Turbo" for the next 10 minutes both in an interview, and in real time. He has done this quite literally EVERY challenge he has been on. He's fucking terrified. When CT says he's scared of the way Turbo is acting, that's something to listen to. Jordan is a little man with a big ego that finally got checked.
@Cam Quintin You really haven't though, PS you can keep liking your own comments, because nobody else is going to :(. I can just tell this is your first season from all your comments spread throughout everybody else's comments, you're legitimately either a moron, or missing chromosomes...
@Cam Quintin PS. Learn how to form a sentence before calling anybody an idiot. "I've watched since 7 years ago" That's some Turbo broken English right there.
man for those ppl that thinks jordan is scared yall dumb af. he knows if he fights he is out of money dude took time out his busy life tongo on the challenge and not to go home for fighting a sensitive man. turbo is a cry baby just because jordan think he is weak hell that's his opinion turbo thinks ppl are weak so does ashley and cara. spoiler warning jordan ends up winning and got paid so tf yall talking about
It is disrespectful to belittle a successful athlete in Turkey. You cannot say bad words to someone's character and success. This is important to us. Turbo tough competition in Turkey has won 2 times. He had a poor family and worked very hard for his family. He's a good man. When someone is injured, he does not remain silent. There is a major language barrier. So some of his words are misunderstood. Turkish is a mixed language.
Turabi cok bit pis Adam. O zaten cok terbiesiz. Survivorda hepsi insanlardan kavka etti. Hasan iyi yandirdi. Sorry for my turkish I am turkmen. Turbo was a childish and disrespectful brat in survivor.
Turabi: Benim hakimda kim konusuyor? Kiz: jordan Turabi: nediyorsun hakimda? Jordan: turabi bilmiyorum dostum Kiz: jordan burda degildi Turabi: burdaki en gucsuz/ zayif adam benmisim gibi konusuyor Zenci: turabi disari cik ozel olarak konusun burdaki herkesi olaya katmayin Turabi kapiyi acar Turabi: jordan Turabi kamarya konusuyor: jordan benim onuruma saygi gostermedi bu benim icin cok onemli, ve iste bukadar bir aslan gibi buraya geldim. Turabi: duydumki benim hakimda zayifmisim gibi konusuyormusun? Jordan: ben senin gucsuz veya zayif biri oldugunu soylemedim Ben dedim ki turbo yorgun dustu ve biz onu tasimak zorunda kaldik Turabi: gecen sezon ben en zorlu yarismayi kazandim tamami, benim hakimda gucsuz biriymis gibi konusamasin Jordan: en zorlu yarisma oldugundan eminim Kiz kamera karsisinda turabi bir onur adami ve saygi o seni cagirmadi surece ona yaklasma yaklasacak olursan karsiligini alirsin Hepsi birden: jordan boyle dedin soyle dedin Jordan: bu sacmaliklari hayla soylemeye devam mi edeceksiniz? Kiz kamera karsinida jordan noldu korktunmu turabiden Turabi: benden iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsan gelecek elemelere gidelim, elimi sikman yeter gideriz Jordan: burdaki herkesin benimle sorunu war seni benimle dovusturmeye calisiyorlar , seni kizdirmaya calisiyorlar Arkadan herkes bagiriyor yok oyle bisey, jordan yalan soyleme , jordan boyle dedin Jordan kamera karsisinda soylecek birseyim olsa yuzune soylerim fakat bu hayal perest kizlarin sana benim soylemedim birseyi soyledi demelerne izin wermem Sari sacli kiz yani tory: kirmizi sacli kiza sen karisma diyor Kirmizi sacli kiz gelecek elemelerde gitmek istermisin tory diye bagiriyor Tory Jordani destekliyor, sen ne yapmak istiyorsun diye soruyor o da diyor jordan *** kafali Turabi: burda hic kimse mukemel degil Tori kamera karsisinda ashley turboyu manupile etmeye calisiyor o istiyor ki jordan turbo ile dovusun ve yarismadan atilsin neden birbirlerinden nefret etmelerni istiyorsun ashley , jordan la bir sorunun warsa onunla konus ma o hayla sizi yarisma kazandiriyor, (Ashley ve jordan ayni takimda) Jordan: america Herkes biz bir takimiz oyle deyilmi yasasin amerika el ele Kiz soruyor herkes neden jordan nefret ediyor kafam karisti Digerleri onun insanlarla konusmasi pek hos degil CT : kamera karsinda jordan insanlara durtmeyi seviyor yani ugrasmayi ve onunla dovusmek istediginde jordan derki senin sorunun ney neden kiziyorsun Erkek soruyor ashley neden karisti olaya Diger kiz ashley cunku bir dram yildizi insanlari birbirne birakmayi seviyor hic bir hakki veya sebebi yoktu onlari birbirne birakmak icin Leroy(zenci): icimden bir ses diyor o ikisi kesinlikle elemelerde bir biriyle karsilasacak Su daki adam: ewet kesinlikle katiliyorum Kiz: ashley benden uzak dursa iyi olur herkes uff Nanny: onlar ne olup bitigini farkindaydi ve kotu niyetleri wardi bir biriyle dovusturmek gibi cok kotu birsey bu Su dan cikarken zenciye soruyor neye bakiyorsun, arkadan biri diyor artik havayi bosalta bilirsin diye ( espiri yapiyorlar) Kiz: takimizdan nefret ediyorum Turabi: en nefret etigim sey bir adamin arkamdan konusmasi , korkak tavuk Turabi kamera karsisinda jordan bir ***** o bir sampiyon degil , o cok sansli cok fazla guvenlik war Kiz: turbo onlar seni kendi taraflarna cekmek istiyorlarki jordan I eleybilsinler sana ihtiyaclari war seni kullanmya calisiyorlar oyzuden onlara kizginim cunku seni kullaniyorlar Turabi: onlar beni kullanamaz Kiz kamera karsinda turabinin neler yapabilecigini biliyorum oyuzden olayi kapatmak icin elimden geleni yapiyorum ki turbo olayi farkli bir boyuta tasimasin Turabi: adamsan gel elemelere gidelim sen ve Ben eger adamsan , elimi sīk sana soz veriyorum elemere gideriz Jordan: Ben elemere gitmiyorum ben ****** salak degilim , senin ne olup bitigi hakinda herhangibi bir fikrin yok , senin ne soylendigi hakinda herhangibi bir fikrin yok Tori: turbo tartisican biri degil o korkutucu biri bu cok korkunc Jordan: sadece bir yarisma yendin ve kendini bukadar iyi mi zanediyorsun Zach kamera karsisinda turbonun gozlerinde bir bakis war sadece discover channel da goreceginiz bir bakis en iyi avci vahsi hayvanlarinda olan o bakis Turabi: hayir ben en iyi oldugumu dusunmuyorum ama sen en iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsun Turabi kamera karsisinda eger en iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsan bunun icin bir yer war 😂sen ve ben iceri gircez ve gorcez kim eniyiymis Turabi: eger benimle boyle konuscaksan gidelim Jordan: konusmadan ibaretsin bebegim Rogan: durust olmak gerekirse turbonun Jordanin yuzunu bir yumruk atigini gormeyi cok isterdim Jordan : turabinin yuruysunu kopyeliyor en iyi sen oldugunu mu dusnuyorsun Turabi: yapma sunu Turabi: benim yuruysumu kopyeleyemesin Guvenlik Araya girer Jordan kamera karsinda ben senden korkmuyorum ve geri adim atmiycam Turabi: beni boyle kopyeleymesin 0r**************** yapamasin, benim yuruysumu kopyeleymesin tekrarliyor Sen kimsin ki Benim yuruysumu kopyeliyorsun Turabi : seni ******* Kamera karsinda turabin ikinci bir yani war benim odumu patlatan durust olmak gerekirse altima***** kadar korktum iste bukadar 😂 hadi iyi geceler
Say what you want about Nany, but she was honestly trying to help this episode. She knew what was going on and she tried to tell Turbo what was happening but ashley and cara got exactly what they wanted in the end.
I notice in all Jordan’s arguments, Tori will tell the other person to chill out and shut up, but when Jordan is going on and on she won’t say anything.
yeah and he did. He is so quick to yell at females but not to guys. And he walks around like he is the next big thing and have a problem with Cara such a hypocrite. And now all of a sudden Tori has a problem with Cara too smh
Like 8 seasons ago, CT said about Jordan ''one day, the moment is gonna come where Jordan will finally have to back up all the bullshit he says, and I'm gonna be there to watch it all'' #wise
@@supermegaguy666 Like CT said he didn’t take The Challenge too seriously. When he was younger he looked at it like a vacation. When he got a bit older he was in a lot of fights because he was going through a lot of personal things during that time. Additionally, you have to take into consideration that back then there wasn’t many individual seasons. CT would’ve won Rookies VS Vets season had Big Easy not disqualified his whole team. CT and Adam would’ve won Rivals had Adam not got them eliminated. I believe CT would’ve won the Duel had he not disqualified himself by ripping off the flag. It would’ve been a tight win against Wes to the finish but I believe he would’ve pulled it off. Him and Diem was in the lead to win BOTE but got second because CT couldn’t get up the mountain because of all that smoking he did.
@@mzshayzzz By the late 00s to early 2010s he was serious. Yes sometimes he was unlucky but a loss is a loss. If Jordan and ct switched most fans would never make excuses for him. Its nobody's fault ( except adam and big easy lol ) that he couldn't win til rivals 2.
@@pharoahhamilton7076 it’s the truth. CT’s team/ the vets made it to finish line first but because Big E was unable to finish with them, the whole team was disqualified so the other team won by default. It was unfortunate because that would’ve been Diem’s first win. (RIP Diem) When Rivals aired their was rumors that Adam threw it because he hated CT. I don’t believe rumors but his action throughout that season proved it could be true. CT apologized to Adam and continuously tried to make amends with Adam. Meanwhile, Adam was in the next room with Bananas, Kenny and Evan talking crap about CT. I watch CT and Adam throughout the years and Adam always gave me snake vibes.
Goes from screaming at a woman that is barely raising her voice, to "Oh yes sir no sir" to a grown ass man that's 3 inches away from him yelling in his face. But nah he ain't scared. Some people too funny.
Cam Quintin I don't understand why people don't understand this point. What reason would Jordan have to yell at Turbo, when Turbo's not his enemy. It's Ashley/Cara who are sowing discontent within the team. They even laughed about it @ 2:58
of course he's all moves seen disrespectful in our country. we have respect other people walk and talk so he want same thing for own( just little respect)
that's the whole point that everyone is missing. Sure Jordan's a dick and Turbo may have overreacted but these catty snobby bitches knew what the hell they doing, insighting the whole thing. Especially Ashley. I'm sorry i just don't like her. They remind me of the girls i went to school with.
@@jimmieyoung1020 or maybe Jordan should shut tf up sometimes he started talking shit about Turbo unprovoked so if somebody is talking about me and I’m not around yes I want somebody to come tell me
Jordan: I'm going to volunteer to go in against Idris. Later on... Jordan: I'm not going to volunteer myself against you. That's stupid! Someone is scared.
What CT said about Jordan was right. He likes to poke at you and when you come at him he tries to act innocent. Jordan had to keep saying he's not afraid of turbo but I think he is. He's not afraid of turbo in this game because he knows he has protection.
When does Jordan play innocent?Johnny bananas plays innocent not jordan. Yeah Jordan pokes people sometimes but so does 90 percent of the cast. Jordan bully other bullies. Turbos and mma fighter so even if Jordan was nervous ( which he wasn't ) it would be understandable.
Jordan wasn’t scared of Turbo. He said to Turbo what he said behind his back. Jordan has never played innocent. He owns his shit. Bananas is more like that. Plays innocent and bullshits.
I mean he was copying the walk he does.. Idk who doesnt understand that sounded like pretty good english to me. I think it's funny people feel the need to be a school teacher on youtube when none of that is needed.
G S exactly he was copying his walk and everyone knew what he was trying to say, just funny the way he said it. I think it’s funny how you’re triggered off this comment
@@gobloopyourself4590 not triggered just trying to help you use your common sense.. Maybe he doesnt talk the way you do but his sentence was correct he just didnt say it the way you wanted him to. So maybe you're the one who's triggered
Lets call it what it is. Racist double standards. Brown muslim men are treated like terrorists any time they so much as raise their voice to defend themselves from instigating pricks who turn into Karens real quick when they are confrobted for it.
The show couldn't handle the awesomeness of Turbo. Whats a death threat here and there matter if they were directed at Jordan of all people...., He should of just creamed him their but guards are so try hard after not being able to control CT for years lmao.
@@cincinnatixdxd5055 It wasn't even the death threat...it was that he was violent with security on top of trying to murder Jordan...despite Jordan deserving an ass-whoopin after that disrespectful impersonation of his walk. What a chump. The language barrier prevented Turbo from being able to understand that he was feeding into it and doing exactly what Jordan wanted him to do.
@Hussein Rizk bro if a man comes up to you and says exactly what he said to the other players is that calling him weak behind his back? He said it to his face and turbo acted like a child about it. Jordan said it in his face and turbo acted like a baby about it. Turbo couldnt finish the final right? Isnt that what happened? Turbo got an ego check and couldnt handle it so he starts throwing a tantrum
@Hussein Rizk jordans there to win money as is everyone else. This show is cruel and you gottah have thick skin. Turbo lost, he couldnt handle his shit and lost by losing his kool
@Hussein Rizk its a game for a million dollars. If you let 2 females get you worked up you dont deserve to win. Dont be a idiot and act like you dont know how this show works
You can tell Turbo really wants to snap his neck. In the MTV reality show world, Jordan can act like he's bad and yell at everyone like he's the man. In Turbo's world Jordan is just a little bitch with a big mouth that needs a slap. Turbo made that clear when Jordan yelled at him for goofing around kicking those fake stones.
its about culture. especially in an argument you just cannot mock somebody's movements, name or anything like that, or thats an act of calling for a real battle in Turkiye. And thats even same for weak ppl. Like you are weaker clearly and your opponent mocks at you like this, so you most probably go and fight him for your honor even if you would be absolutely beaten you just fight and got beaten for your honor. Unless you know you are gonna die, you dont back up if ppl mock on you. thats why...
@@wuslatseyyahi No, this is not about culture, and has nothing to do with culture. Everyone has culture. Turkish culture isn't above anyone else's culture.
Amen to that, CT has always been one of my favorites on this show also Leroy too. But CT doesn't back down and he's says turbos kindof scary people might want to take notes.
Exactly if the one person in the house everybody knows not to piss off is saying a certain someone even makes them tremble...you might wanna watch out lol
I love CT so much. He is smarter than he looks which i think helps in his game. And of course i adored him and diem. I was hoping she would be in remission and married to CT. He worshipped her on so many levels. And he knew how strong she was. And respected her weakness. Thanks diem for showing that CT had human emotions that wasnt always to lash out and fight. A delicate flower and a caveman. Who knew?
Turabi: Benim hakimda kim konusuyor? Kiz: jordan Turabi: nediyorsun hakimda? Jordan: turabi bilmiyorum dostum Kiz: jordan burda degildi Turabi: burdaki en gucsuz/ zayif adam benmisim gibi konusuyor Zenci: turabi disari cik ozel olarak konusun burdaki herkesi olaya katmayin Turabi kapiyi acar Turabi: jordan Turabi kamarya konusuyor: jordan benim onuruma saygi gostermedi bu benim icin cok onemli, ve iste bukadar bir aslan gibi buraya geldim. Turabi: duydumki benim hakimda zayifmisim gibi konusuyormusun? Jordan: ben senin gucsuz veya zayif biri oldugunu soylemedim Ben dedim ki turbo yorgun dustu ve biz onu tasimak zorunda kaldik Turabi: gecen sezon ben en zorlu yarismayi kazandim tamami, benim hakimda gucsuz biriymis gibi konusamasin Jordan: en zorlu yarisma oldugundan eminim Kiz kamera karsisinda turabi bir onur adami ve saygi o seni cagirmadi surece ona yaklasma yaklasacak olursan karsiligini alirsin Hepsi birden: jordan boyle dedin soyle dedin Jordan: bu sacmaliklari hayla soylemeye devam mi edeceksiniz? Kiz kamera karsinida jordan noldu korktunmu turabiden Turabi: benden iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsan gelecek elemelere gidelim, elimi sikman yeter gideriz Jordan: burdaki herkesin benimle sorunu war seni benimle dovusturmeye calisiyorlar , seni kizdirmaya calisiyorlar Arkadan herkes bagiriyor yok oyle bisey, jordan yalan soyleme , jordan boyle dedin Jordan kamera karsisinda soylecek birseyim olsa yuzune soylerim fakat bu hayal perest kizlarin sana benim soylemedim birseyi soyledi demelerne izin wermem Sari sacli kiz yani tory: kirmizi sacli kiza sen karisma diyor Kirmizi sacli kiz gelecek elemelerde gitmek istermisin tory diye bagiriyor Tory Jordani destekliyor, sen ne yapmak istiyorsun diye soruyor o da diyor jordan *** kafali Turabi: burda hic kimse mukemel degil Tori kamera karsisinda ashley turboyu manupile etmeye calisiyor o istiyor ki jordan turbo ile dovusun ve yarismadan atilsin neden birbirlerinden nefret etmelerni istiyorsun ashley , jordan la bir sorunun warsa onunla konus ma o hayla sizi yarisma kazandiriyor, (Ashley ve jordan ayni takimda) Jordan: america Herkes biz bir takimiz oyle deyilmi yasasin amerika el ele Kiz soruyor herkes neden jordan nefret ediyor kafam karisti Digerleri onun insanlarla konusmasi pek hos degil CT : kamera karsinda jordan insanlara durtmeyi seviyor yani ugrasmayi ve onunla dovusmek istediginde jordan derki senin sorunun ney neden kiziyorsun Erkek soruyor ashley neden karisti olaya Diger kiz ashley cunku bir dram yildizi insanlari birbirne birakmayi seviyor hic bir hakki veya sebebi yoktu onlari birbirne birakmak icin Leroy(zenci): icimden bir ses diyor o ikisi kesinlikle elemelerde bir biriyle karsilasacak Su daki adam: ewet kesinlikle katiliyorum Kiz: ashley benden uzak dursa iyi olur herkes uff Nanny: onlar ne olup bitigini farkindaydi ve kotu niyetleri wardi bir biriyle dovusturmek gibi cok kotu birsey bu Su dan cikarken zenciye soruyor neye bakiyorsun, arkadan biri diyor artik havayi bosalta bilirsin diye ( espiri yapiyorlar) Kiz: takimizdan nefret ediyorum Turabi: en nefret etigim sey bir adamin arkamdan konusmasi , korkak tavuk Turabi kamera karsisinda jordan bir ***** o bir sampiyon degil , o cok sansli cok fazla guvenlik war Kiz: turbo onlar seni kendi taraflarna cekmek istiyorlarki jordan I eleybilsinler sana ihtiyaclari war seni kullanmya calisiyorlar oyzuden onlara kizginim cunku seni kullaniyorlar Turabi: onlar beni kullanamaz Kiz kamera karsinda turabinin neler yapabilecigini biliyorum oyuzden olayi kapatmak icin elimden geleni yapiyorum ki turbo olayi farkli bir boyuta tasimasin Turabi: adamsan gel elemelere gidelim sen ve Ben eger adamsan , elimi sīk sana soz veriyorum elemere gideriz Jordan: Ben elemere gitmiyorum ben ****** salak degilim , senin ne olup bitigi hakinda herhangibi bir fikrin yok , senin ne soylendigi hakinda herhangibi bir fikrin yok Tori: turbo tartisican biri degil o korkutucu biri bu cok korkunc Jordan: sadece bir yarisma yendin ve kendini bukadar iyi mi zanediyorsun Zach kamera karsisinda turbonun gozlerinde bir bakis war sadece discover channel da goreceginiz bir bakis en iyi avci vahsi hayvanlarinda olan o bakis Turabi: hayir ben en iyi oldugumu dusunmuyorum ama sen en iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsun Turabi kamera karsisinda eger en iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsan bunun icin bir yer war 😂sen ve ben iceri gircez ve gorcez kim eniyiymis Turabi: eger benimle boyle konuscaksan gidelim Jordan: konusmadan ibaretsin bebegim Rogan: durust olmak gerekirse turbonun Jordanin yuzunu bir yumruk atigini gormeyi cok isterdim Jordan : turabinin yuruysunu kopyeliyor en iyi sen oldugunu mu dusnuyorsun Turabi: yapma sunu Turabi: benim yuruysumu kopyeleyemesin Guvenlik Araya girer Jordan kamera karsinda ben senden korkmuyorum ve geri adim atmiycam Turabi: beni boyle kopyeleymesin 0r**************** yapamasin, benim yuruysumu kopyeleymesin tekrarliyor Sen kimsin ki Benim yuruysumu kopyeliyorsun Turabi : seni ******* Kamera karsinda turabin ikinci bir yani war benim odumu patlatan durust olmak gerekirse altima***** kadar korktum iste bukadar 😂 hadi iyi geceler
@@ash80510 i have done research sweetheart... mtv has not banned him. he wants to be a hollywood actor and has not returned.. i follow him on twitter and instagram. he was filming a movie so he could not do last season and he declined this season... dee is the only person mtv banned in the last 3 yrs... now go do your research 🙄
Women just like when they become mothers too their children will defend their man if they really love em, they both come off annoying tho so i can understand that lmao but however its dope she stands by him despite if he’s wrong or not
@@grizzlyboys3234 i know its her man im not talking the fact that she is doing it im talking about how she looked doing it ... the head movement and all was every dog guarding like
Larry Johnson Ik they should’ve just stayed out of it like let Jordan look stupid but don’t go down with him looking like stupid 5th graders too. Like why’d she have to snap in Tori’s face...🙄🙄🙄
@@ximenarodriguez3018 i didnt watch the challenger back then, so i dont know what really happened. can you explain what happened between turbo and jordan?
@@jajajajaja1981 Ashley and cara Maria started saying that Jordan didn’t say and blamed it on him so it turned into a fight and Tori and Jordan broke off there engagement
@Foreign Collections yeah probably. I’m not one for that whole tough guy persona, but turbo i believe is an actual tough guy. And the fact that he’s a foreigner makes him scarier, because of the language barrier. He will take things out of context because he doesn’t understand the social aspect of English slang and terminology. Prime example is when Jordan said “you think you’re the shit” and turbo was like “what do you mean I’m shit”.
Man, we need to see Turbo back. I still feel like he is one of the best to ever do it. It's such a shame he only played one full season and this one was cut short.
He very well is in the conversation for best ever, despite winning only one. 99% of the people on this show aren’t world class athletes or MMA fighters, they’re your every day civilians. So yeah Turbo having experience in MMA and actually being decent at it puts him at the top or at least top 5 challenge participant ever
It will always be scary when it takes 5 guys to hold back the guy that’s trying to go after you. Jordan you full of shit for saying you ain’t scared. If CT says it’s scary. You know it is lol
@@simaygungor5360 it is funny that I have met a few Turkish people and not one of them likes him yet every American who watches the challenge loves him. I like him but you can’t get yourself kicked of a show because somebody copies your walk. Cmon man
Sorry but I laughed when Zach said Turbo had a look he’s only seen on the discovery channel’s craziest predators.
Why are you apologizing? It was meant to be funny
Zach is racist he shouldn't be saying that
@@tyreekgarrettasmrchannel what is that mean ? discovery channel ?
@@sult4ncagri girl bye learn English first
@@tyreekgarrettasmrchannel dude I ask you what is discovery channel because my english is bad why u say that ?
When CT says he is scared of Turbo LEAVE THAT MAN ALONE
Especially when the boss CT lol
Even though he wouldnt of said that 10 yrs ago
Loll yes🤣
Lol don’t get shit twisted if turbo start razz in cut we would see cut press turbo
Turabi said " You can't copy my walk!" He meant that "You can't mock me". In Turkish culture, mocking someone is one of the most disrespectful behaviours in this kind of situations. And Turabi is a Turkish man
açıklama gereği duymak :D
Eline sağlık
Turabiyi nedense hiç sevemedim. Güçlü ve dövüşçü olabilir ama survivorda ademle ettiği kavgaları biliyoz. Normal değil bence.
@@cemaygun3594 o kavgaların hepsinde de haklıydı
Security like, "You're not paying us enough to control this guy"
because the 5 foot 5 midget is terrifying
If CT and turbo ever got into it, everybody just needs to evacuate the premises lol
Lord knows if that day comes. The entire challenge season will be canceled 🤣
I don't think Americans have any idea how good foreigners can be at boxing.
Id love to see CT and Turbo fight. It would be a crazy mess.
CT admitted he was scared of him lol
Leroy is the most likable guy on these shows. Notice he never gets into any beef. Always funny too.
He sucks at challenges though
Vincent S he’s just not a complete competitor. He’s great at some challenges. Swimming he’s terrible. Puzzles he’s weak. Anything with strength and endurance he’s great. But he’s got the most heart and never backs down. In the final of WoW2 even though his team lost he was the only one who ran every leg and never got upset on the 16 mile run. He then lost cause it was a puzzle and a swim.
Lu Know It everybody likes Leroy but he’s super overrated as a competitor and not very smart
Rico Suavemente Aren’t you the same person who likes to root for Bear? Chile..
Rico Suavemente Not many people find Josh entertaining. He’s more cringe than he is funny.
Turbos grandfather is Leonidas from Sparta
Özen Karagöz 😂😂😂
Kral mevzu nedir ya bizim ingilizce nakavt 😂
@@me.bhtyr21 Turbonun büyük babası Sparta 'daki Leonidas diyor büyük ihtimal 300 spartali filmindendir
bizlerin dedeleri fatih sultan Mehmetir 300 spartanin torunlarını İstanbul'a gömen adam dir dedemiz
I did laugh when Jordan did Turbos walk and Turbo yelled “you cannot copy my walk”. It was great to watch.
Man that shit was funny af
He did a pretty good interpretation, it was funny asl
Jordan was shitting himself
@@Rizzy_K he looked pretty calm to me the whole time.
@@Boygonebad sure, when there's 100's of people and security
“You cannot copy MY WALK” 😂😂
I think what he meant by that was "don't mock me" lol he tries his best with his english
@@ReneeAmberg yeah I know 😂 he's an intimidating guy and all but that shit had me laughing my ass off he'd 100% mollywhop Jordan tho 😂
LOL that shit killed me bro.
@@breakwoodhopper6739 Agreed!
Conor McGregor walk first lol
CT looking at turbo like damn that used be me back then lmao
Except ct was twice turbos size
@@WestCoastDon448 Except Turbo is an actual fighter with real training and CT was just a really strong guy. Turbo is 10 times more dangerous in an actual fight. The only reason Turbo is not a pro MMA fighter right now (and he was a pro Mauy Thai fighter) is because he started making millions on reality TV
@@ben1ben2ben1 where is the evidence hes a pro mui thai fighter I googled and found nothing other than he trains. That doesnt mean he could be a pro fighter just cause he trains. That's a huge reach.
he still is but he clam down
"All I Do Is Smash Heads Bro" - CT
Jordan's so lucky that the security guys were there to protect him, otherwise he would've gotten his ass whooped. I bet if security wasn't there, then he never would've mocked Turbo like that.
If this was an earlier season I could for sure see that happening. It’s kinda crazy how long fights would go in past seasons before security got there. It was mainly other house guests breaking it up
@@Bhub746 I miss those days
@@jadeo6325 ikr haha turbo would’ve smoked Jordan. Dude looks like a hired assassin😂
I didn't see this comment 😣
@@Bhub746 LMAO
CT only said he's scarred of Turbo because he knows how he used to be. He knows that rage and it terrifies him. That being said, I miss this show not having security.
You shouldn't. Way too risky
I feel terrible that I agree with you lol
Leroy is hilarious lol
The way he acted when Rogan got out of the water
Lmfao I thought the same thing
I was looking for this comment 😂 he is so funny!
🤣🤣lmao because why was rogan getting out like that
Like Devyn said, the show didn't even do justice to how funny Leroy is. Go watch the video of the man after he got robbed. He's even hilarious and cracking jokes there waiting for the police. He's awesome.
Leroy is so me when people come out of the pool like that.
So funny XD
Agreed TOTALLY agreed with Kam turbo is that type of man it's scary and hot at the same time
He’s pussy
@@DeitrichDavis no lol you German Nazi are mad
@@DeitrichDavis yet he would have easily beat your ass lol
It's nowhere near hot. When I've had a temper like that, nobody found me attractive. So your opinion is bullshit
if you think that is hot your mentally ill simple.
I love turbo, he play no games with these little boys. Jordan needed to be put in his place. Turbo stays to himself and don't bother no one unless you come for him
It's funny that turbo has just a problem with Jordan and not with the other members
@shadow spectre n Jordan has a problem with everyone cause he thinks he’s the best 🙄
@@sunflowerselena exactly that's why they only have problems with Jordan and not turbo so It is obvious that Jordan is the reason for all this
Yea but Ashley ole instigator
Ashley is a catalyst 🚮🚮
This sent me over the edge 😂
benimle dalga geçemezsin demek istedi
@@semihcanylmaz4568Who cares what he meant it was still funny
Turbo: You can not copy my walk
Google translate: This is sparta!!!!!
Turkish English
Turbo English
Turbo, his accent and his anger scares me lol.
@@naomisita6455 you ain't had to talk to him like that... he's just a wrestling fan, they do that, they make fake profiles
@@naomisita6455 Calm down, of course it's not the real John Cena. Your lack of education and common sense scars me.
naomi sita lmao you coming on to my post and telling me to shut up lmaooooooo did I hurt your feelings ??
naomi sita ok you’re dealing with some issues. Imma head out.
He cant argue in english thats why he gets angry. If they talked in turkish, he would destroy jordan just with words and jordan would be the angry one. He is excellent in articulation in the turkish language. In survivor, he was most of the times a correct guy but sometimes an big asshole and was in his 3rd season always in danger to be disqualified :D He has a big ego but trust me he is a good guy thats why he won back to back survivor championships, the eliminations are voted by the viewers. He is a good competitor i think he has a winratio of 70% in 800 or maybe 1000 games
turabi o kavgada do you know who i am demeni beklerdim. Yalnız herifleri çok ezmiş kimse kafa tutamıyor
Ghost Venom Adem ona " Sen gerçekte striptiz yapan orospusun " diyince ödü bokuna karışmıştı 😂
@@heathledger643 kanka tamada boğa gibi adam şimdi yani turbo .d
@@heathledger643 kardeşim ne striptizi normal dansci degilmiydi o?
Valeh Ceferov ya ne normal dansı ? Binlerce striptiz görüntüsü var . Gay barlarda götüne kırmızı kilot 👙 giyib striptiz yapıp erkekleri eylendiriyordu , videoları var . Qazeteler onun travestilere jigoluluk bile yaptığını söylüyor . Gay ama tv - lerde erkeğim , delikanlıyım rolü yapıyor
@@heathledger643 Yani harbi Gaymi bu adam?
Leroy when turbo walked in was hilarious he was so shook 😂
Boi, when Ct is scared a little bit that's how you know it's bad.
Edit: Wow thanks for all the likes
I said the same thing haha
I came here to say the exact same thing 😂😂
Nah Jordan needs to stfu and stop acting like he wants that smoke
@Cam Quintin wtf why should they????
Notice that Jordan backs down from Turbo but has no problem raising his voice to Ashley. He's SCARED of Turbo.
He already screamed at his face. Knowing when to do something doesn't mean you can't
Jordan is probably the greatest Challenger of all time
Umm he said what he said to his face and then mock his walk lmao Jordan is as good as Turbo
@@josemosqueda5130 If he is why is he scared to go against Turbo? He's not scared of Idris but he's scared of Turbo apparently because Turbo was down.
@@PalmdalesAdonis Yeah, while there were plenty of people there holding Turbo back. But notice when Turbo is right in his face he's on MUTE.
It’s funny no one acknowledges the reason Turbo is that way is because his culture doesn’t tolerate disrespect... Turbo is probably one of the best there along with Theo and Paulie
Hahahaha CT, Zack and Jordan are there but you say Paulie is one of the best come on dog.
Grizzly Boys paulie is good, I’m referring to the newer guys btw, he was impressive last season the only time he didn’t perform was the challenger he got eliminated on and even then he showed an insane amount of heart... Jordan is one of the best too and obviously CT.. Zach has been underwhelming he can do much better than he has
Also if paulie got out of Cara’s ass he’d be much better
TheBrizzardOfOz Zach doesn't have the wins, but let's be honest he goes to the final every season if he wants to. Oh okay I got you now Turbo/Paulie/Theo are all great new guys.
Grizzly Boys you’re not lying, I feel like he has all the tools to dominate idk why he holds back
Theo has a shitty personality and got hit with karma ... in the eye
Leroy had me dying at 4:10😂😂💀 he’s so funny
turabiyi tek bırakmıyıpda bura gelenler 🇹🇷🇹🇷
Turabi onları siker
@@poptart427 😂
Turabi farkı
Blah blah I don’t speak bitch!!! 😂🤣 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇮🇱
I think it’s funny how pauly, cara, Ashley, and that whole side manipulated this whole season, and still lost 😂
They ruined the whole season. I mean Jordan apologized to turbo just leave them both alone and try to win the final. If Jordan and turbo would be together in the final they would definitely win!
Karma’s a bitch and Jordan got the last laugh
It was like a visual orgasm to see Jordan win, i swear they lost sight of how this season was to be played and aligned themselves with the weakest people in the house and then they lost lol.
@@therxckstar I'm not Jordan's fan, but I loved the way he pulled out the win. The Cara cult was a pain in the ass. Its cheap trying to get people to fight to get them off the show.
Highlight of the season. Seeing Cara cry on the boat brought me so much joy. 😁
When Turbo sits at a table he need an extra chair to place down his big balls of steel💪🏻
If the statue is made, concrete is not enough for its balls.
@@ibrahimturkoglu5492 aahahah taşaklarına beton yetmezi mi çevirdin ciddi ciddi 😂😂😂
@@mutlucansihman zor oldu ama evet yaptım kardeş anlamislarki beğenmişler. 😂
Yeah.. Trynna fight a dude with one hand is real bad ass
I love how much Nany cares about Turbo
Oop not anymore lol
@@khxliakhxlia3605 I haven’t been watching the new one lol
@@RicciaFalisha ohhhh, you should it's really good so far
Jordan got real stiff when Turbo called him out for copying his walk... He stopped mocking Turbo real quick!
He kept doin the same thing
@@jordanleiva5562 ya but then he realized turbo was serious about killing him and he bitched up real quick
c j turbo start to be mad when bodyguards took him in the corners ! The guy want to have the tough Russian guy image for the show ! Jordan’s agressive as him but he defend himself quit normally ... Turbo is a mess
@ ahahahhah watch survivor dude he is mad and if he want he can kill jordan easily
You all are delusional lol. The clip is right here, and you're still lying about what actually happened.
This dude is like a real life Yuri boyka, that accent is scary. 🇹🇷
If I wasn't Turkish I would have thought he is Russian or some shit xD
Eşkiş Kın He was not a ladyboy,he was a male stripper what’s wrong with that ?
Getrekt Man He used to be a manly bellydancer also
Yesssss i fuck with him tho... 😋
I love turbo! He’s real af!
When he said “you cannot copy my walk” he means don’t mock me, try and make me look like the joke, your calling me out so let’s show who’s the better one. That is my interpretation of the situation lol
Have the same interpretation as you
That's exactly what it is his English is not the best
Real?? Yea real fake😂😂😂 why does he always start going nuts as soon as security gets there lol Every dam time smh
So now the challenge has become a safe space where people can’t even talk shit or mock others without being given a warning from TJ.
Lol pathetic
Nati Daddy I don’t think that’s the case. Bc he overly says to go up against him to show who’s better. That’s being real. But no matter what security is on stand by it’s rare when a fight happens with guys on nation tv. Plus this got really aggressive real quick so then fighting like how it could have went it would be bad. But everyone has there own opinion. I just thought it was real of him to be like oh your calling me out okay let’s do something about it. He didn’t want to talk, he wanted action
Turbo looks like he was trained by the Turkish army and the attitude of his incarcerated Turkish uncles lmao
Jordan can say whatever he wants he was pissing his pants.
He was definitely scared lol he needed his girl to defend him.
He was not afraid
@@thecamishere4344 Yes he was LOL
@@urbuns4843 Nah he pretty clearly wasn't.
@@chillskid he clearly was, Turbo wasn’t backing down to anything, elimination or fist fight. And Jordan wanted no part of either
This is the real culture. As an American I find it stupid that in my culture people do or say every shit and still find it normal like it is nothing. Turkish and Balkan culture are so unique, not tough not soft. I really want to go to Turkey sometime.
You should visit Turkey!
@@denizaran ne diyo
@@mervei8350 Gerçek kültür bu. Amerikalı olarak kendi kültürümdeki "insanlar istediğini yapsın veya desin" düşüncesine karşıyım. Türk ve Balkan kültürü benzersiz, yumuşak değil. Bigün Türkiye'ye gitmeyi çok istiyorum.
Bro turbo let those 2 skanks get him mad. The american women is a different thing.
@@denizaran Will definitely do it after the virus.
Jordan says he’s not going to backdown but clearly is backing up! He is scared of Turbo
@Cam Quintin Just curious, is this your first time watching The Challenge? If Jordan wasn't scared, he'd say "Alright bet we're going in" then continue to talk about how he'd "wipe the floor with Turbo" for the next 10 minutes both in an interview, and in real time. He has done this quite literally EVERY challenge he has been on. He's fucking terrified. When CT says he's scared of the way Turbo is acting, that's something to listen to. Jordan is a little man with a big ego that finally got checked.
@Cam Quintin You really haven't though, PS you can keep liking your own comments, because nobody else is going to :(. I can just tell this is your first season from all your comments spread throughout everybody else's comments, you're legitimately either a moron, or missing chromosomes...
@Cam Quintin PS. Learn how to form a sentence before calling anybody an idiot. "I've watched since 7 years ago" That's some Turbo broken English right there.
Adrian Why go in against turbo, when you can expose turbo for having no control of himself and watch him get booted.
man for those ppl that thinks jordan is scared yall dumb af. he knows if he fights he is out of money dude took time out his busy life tongo on the challenge and not to go home for fighting a sensitive man. turbo is a cry baby just because jordan think he is weak hell that's his opinion turbo thinks ppl are weak so does ashley and cara. spoiler warning jordan ends up winning and got paid so tf yall talking about
Nani: "Ashley's a drama starter, that's what she does"
CT: "hold on let me go tell her" haha.
4:09 I love Leroy 😂
It is disrespectful to belittle a successful athlete in Turkey. You cannot say bad words to someone's character and success. This is important to us. Turbo tough competition in Turkey has won 2 times. He had a poor family and worked very hard for his family. He's a good man. When someone is injured, he does not remain silent. There is a major language barrier. So some of his words are misunderstood. Turkish is a mixed language.
Go back to your village, he is a national disgrace.
Turabi cok bit pis Adam. O zaten cok terbiesiz. Survivorda hepsi insanlardan kavka etti. Hasan iyi yandirdi. Sorry for my turkish I am turkmen.
Turbo was a childish and disrespectful brat in survivor.
@@Omar-vt1gr Evet, bu amerikalilar da onu adam saniyor. And these americans think he is a great guy. 😂
@@emirsuleymantanrkulu709. He is talking like a kid who skipped school. Böyle dil cok pis. I am happy to see someone from turkey not support him 👍
@@emirsuleymantanrkulu709 kimsenin yorumuna bakmıyorum hepsi yabancı diye ,xkffmdmfg
Jordan saying he wasnt afraid in the confessional when he was clearly terrified when turbo started losing it. He shut up immediately.
He's just smart
He shut up to let Turbo bury himself
@@thecamishere4344 No. He was a scared. It was blatantly obvious. Jordan is not a smart guy, he is just hyper confident.
@@thecamishere4344 no Jordan is a coward intimidating a first time champ because how many has Jordan one beside the season coming in second
turbo....is the man.... you got to love his pride in such a humble way . let jordan know what it is..
Turbo a weeny got played based on emotion he’s strength but mental a bitch
He's an idiot being manipulated by a sneaky female.. You must date some horrible guys
Cam Quintin i fuck Your trouble You can’t talk turbo
Junior Ward Productions shut up, shit America
Panta Rei 83 Fuck You You can’t talk one turbo
It’s honestly kinda sad how some of the people manipulated Turbo
Turbo did it to himself. His pride is his weakness. Although it's probably what drives him as well.
Let’s not act Jordan wasnt talking crap
@@nmdcanesJordan was clearly in Turbo's head, people are gonna keep talking crap. Will he act like this every time someone's talking crap on him??
@@KK-pm7udhe only got manipulated because he doesn’t know English well so he doesn’t understand clearly
@@tashatasha8753 Funny, other Challenge players don't know English well and seemed to get along with others fine.
Don't act like that jockstrap isn't padded lol 😂 gotta love Chris
That's CT to you
@@supermegaguy666 Loved Chris since 2005
@@nehsangbong7259 lol
I was like "who's Chris?" 😂 🤦🏿♂️
ağız "who are you" söylüyor, kalp ise "lan sen kimsin be" demek istiyor. Çok güldüm ))) Helal sana Turabi!
Turabi: Benim hakimda kim konusuyor?
Kiz: jordan
Turabi: nediyorsun hakimda?
Jordan: turabi bilmiyorum dostum
Kiz: jordan burda degildi
Turabi: burdaki en gucsuz/ zayif adam benmisim gibi konusuyor
Zenci: turabi disari cik ozel olarak konusun burdaki herkesi olaya katmayin
Turabi kapiyi acar
Turabi: jordan
Turabi kamarya konusuyor: jordan benim onuruma saygi gostermedi bu benim icin cok onemli, ve iste bukadar bir aslan gibi buraya geldim.
Turabi: duydumki benim hakimda zayifmisim gibi konusuyormusun?
Jordan: ben senin gucsuz veya zayif biri oldugunu soylemedim Ben dedim ki turbo yorgun dustu ve biz onu tasimak zorunda kaldik
Turabi: gecen sezon ben en zorlu yarismayi kazandim tamami, benim hakimda gucsuz biriymis gibi konusamasin
Jordan: en zorlu yarisma oldugundan eminim
Kiz kamera karsisinda turabi bir onur adami ve saygi o seni cagirmadi surece ona yaklasma yaklasacak olursan karsiligini alirsin
Hepsi birden: jordan boyle dedin soyle dedin
Jordan: bu sacmaliklari hayla soylemeye devam mi edeceksiniz?
Kiz kamera karsinida jordan noldu korktunmu turabiden
Turabi: benden iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsan gelecek elemelere gidelim, elimi sikman yeter gideriz
Jordan: burdaki herkesin benimle sorunu war seni benimle dovusturmeye calisiyorlar , seni kizdirmaya calisiyorlar
Arkadan herkes bagiriyor yok oyle bisey, jordan yalan soyleme , jordan boyle dedin
Jordan kamera karsisinda soylecek birseyim olsa yuzune soylerim fakat bu hayal perest kizlarin sana benim soylemedim birseyi soyledi demelerne izin wermem
Sari sacli kiz yani tory: kirmizi sacli kiza sen karisma diyor
Kirmizi sacli kiz gelecek elemelerde gitmek istermisin tory diye bagiriyor
Tory Jordani destekliyor, sen ne yapmak istiyorsun diye soruyor o da diyor jordan *** kafali
Turabi: burda hic kimse mukemel degil
Tori kamera karsisinda ashley turboyu manupile etmeye calisiyor o istiyor ki jordan turbo ile dovusun ve yarismadan atilsin neden birbirlerinden nefret etmelerni istiyorsun ashley , jordan la bir sorunun warsa onunla konus ma o hayla sizi yarisma kazandiriyor, (Ashley ve jordan ayni takimda)
Jordan: america
Herkes biz bir takimiz oyle deyilmi yasasin amerika el ele
Kiz soruyor herkes neden jordan nefret ediyor kafam karisti
Digerleri onun insanlarla konusmasi pek hos degil
CT : kamera karsinda jordan insanlara durtmeyi seviyor yani ugrasmayi ve onunla dovusmek istediginde jordan derki senin sorunun ney neden kiziyorsun
Erkek soruyor ashley neden karisti olaya
Diger kiz ashley cunku bir dram yildizi insanlari birbirne birakmayi seviyor hic bir hakki veya sebebi yoktu onlari birbirne birakmak icin
Leroy(zenci): icimden bir ses diyor o ikisi kesinlikle elemelerde bir biriyle karsilasacak
Su daki adam: ewet kesinlikle katiliyorum
Kiz: ashley benden uzak dursa iyi olur
herkes uff
Nanny: onlar ne olup bitigini farkindaydi ve kotu niyetleri wardi bir biriyle dovusturmek gibi cok kotu birsey bu
Su dan cikarken zenciye soruyor neye bakiyorsun, arkadan biri diyor artik havayi bosalta bilirsin diye ( espiri yapiyorlar)
Kiz: takimizdan nefret ediyorum
Turabi: en nefret etigim sey bir adamin arkamdan konusmasi , korkak tavuk
Turabi kamera karsisinda jordan bir ***** o bir sampiyon degil , o cok sansli cok fazla guvenlik war
Kiz: turbo onlar seni kendi taraflarna cekmek istiyorlarki jordan I eleybilsinler sana ihtiyaclari war seni kullanmya calisiyorlar oyzuden onlara kizginim cunku seni kullaniyorlar
Turabi: onlar beni kullanamaz
Kiz kamera karsinda turabinin neler yapabilecigini biliyorum oyuzden olayi kapatmak icin elimden geleni yapiyorum ki turbo olayi farkli bir boyuta tasimasin
Turabi: adamsan gel elemelere gidelim sen ve Ben eger adamsan , elimi sīk sana soz veriyorum elemere gideriz
Jordan: Ben elemere gitmiyorum ben ****** salak degilim , senin ne olup bitigi hakinda herhangibi bir fikrin yok , senin ne soylendigi hakinda herhangibi bir fikrin yok
Tori: turbo tartisican biri degil o korkutucu biri bu cok korkunc
Jordan: sadece bir yarisma yendin ve kendini bukadar iyi mi zanediyorsun
Zach kamera karsisinda turbonun gozlerinde bir bakis war sadece discover channel da goreceginiz bir bakis en iyi avci vahsi hayvanlarinda olan o bakis
Turabi: hayir ben en iyi oldugumu dusunmuyorum ama sen en iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsun
Turabi kamera karsisinda eger en iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsan bunun icin bir yer war 😂sen ve ben iceri gircez ve gorcez kim eniyiymis
Turabi: eger benimle boyle konuscaksan gidelim
Jordan: konusmadan ibaretsin bebegim
Rogan: durust olmak gerekirse turbonun Jordanin yuzunu bir yumruk atigini gormeyi cok isterdim
Jordan : turabinin yuruysunu kopyeliyor en iyi sen oldugunu mu dusnuyorsun
Turabi: yapma sunu
Turabi: benim yuruysumu kopyeleyemesin
Guvenlik Araya girer
Jordan kamera karsinda ben senden korkmuyorum ve geri adim atmiycam
Turabi: beni boyle kopyeleymesin 0r**************** yapamasin, benim yuruysumu kopyeleymesin tekrarliyor
Sen kimsin ki Benim yuruysumu kopyeliyorsun
Turabi : seni *******
Kamera karsinda turabin ikinci bir yani war benim odumu patlatan durust olmak gerekirse altima***** kadar korktum iste bukadar 😂 hadi iyi geceler
Say what you want about Nany, but she was honestly trying to help this episode. She knew what was going on and she tried to tell Turbo what was happening but ashley and cara got exactly what they wanted in the end.
Nany wanted to fk Turbo..but she was full 100
@@coconutsoursop8539 Shut the fuck up idiot.. You wish you could be/get a girl like her.. Go sit in the corner and eat your cheeseburger
João Campelos Ferreira who hurt you ?
Coconut soursop i don’t blame her
@UCl0dBfY2zXtX7lC3-q9ZTKQ keep simping lil man, she still won’t fuck you
I notice in all Jordan’s arguments, Tori will tell the other person to chill out and shut up, but when Jordan is going on and on she won’t say anything.
You need to watch the arguments again she gets in the way of the aggressor you can hear her yell Jordan stop several times
Jordan in one scene "they want us to fight, i was happy talking sht behind your back." Jordan in confessional "I will talk sht to your face."
yeah and he did. He is so quick to yell at females but not to guys. And he walks around like he is the next big thing and have a problem with Cara such a hypocrite. And now all of a sudden Tori has a problem with Cara too smh
Unique 08 you forgot to add chicken to that
Lol he won’t yell at turbo and sugarcoated what he said, he was quick to yell at Ashley and cara
Aleisha Oliver Main he yelled at turbo by the pool?
Escanor ... with security on standby LOL
Like 8 seasons ago, CT said about Jordan ''one day, the moment is gonna come where Jordan will finally have to back up all the bullshit he says, and I'm gonna be there to watch it all'' #wise
I think he did that by matching CT' challenge wins in 8 fewer years
@@supermegaguy666 he has more than CT actually so his comment did not age well 😂
@@supermegaguy666 Like CT said he didn’t take The Challenge too seriously. When he was younger he looked at it like a vacation. When he got a bit older he was in a lot of fights because he was going through a lot of personal things during that time. Additionally, you have to take into consideration that back then there wasn’t many individual seasons. CT would’ve won Rookies VS Vets season had Big Easy not disqualified his whole team. CT and Adam would’ve won Rivals had Adam not got them eliminated. I believe CT would’ve won the Duel had he not disqualified himself by ripping off the flag. It would’ve been a tight win against Wes to the finish but I believe he would’ve pulled it off. Him and Diem was in the lead to win BOTE but got second because CT couldn’t get up the mountain because of all that smoking he did.
@@mzshayzzz By the late 00s to early 2010s he was serious. Yes sometimes he was unlucky but a loss is a loss. If Jordan and ct switched most fans would never make excuses for him. Its nobody's fault ( except adam and big easy lol ) that he couldn't win til rivals 2.
@@pharoahhamilton7076 it’s the truth. CT’s team/ the vets made it to finish line first but because Big E was unable to finish with them, the whole team was disqualified so the other team won by default. It was unfortunate because that would’ve been Diem’s first win. (RIP Diem) When Rivals aired their was rumors that Adam threw it because he hated CT. I don’t believe rumors but his action throughout that season proved it could be true. CT apologized to Adam and continuously tried to make amends with Adam. Meanwhile, Adam was in the next room with Bananas, Kenny and Evan talking crap about CT. I watch CT and Adam throughout the years and Adam always gave me snake vibes.
“You can NOT copy my valk!” Dude I like this guy. #honor
As an american i love this shit. True culture. I still have my own as i am a first generation born american i still have my culture from my parents
He means "you can not mock me"
@Kadirhan mal
@Kadirhan bi de biliyomuş gibi konuşuyo moron
angelofheaven07 dangalak adam yalanmı söylüyor
I like how zach and ct, the 2 people with the biggest anger issues were saying how scared they were😂😂😂
See how Jordan shout at Ashley but when he talked to turbo he int had that much bass in his voice
@Cam Quintin turbo will end this mans career
Goes from screaming at a woman that is barely raising her voice, to "Oh yes sir no sir" to a grown ass man that's 3 inches away from him yelling in his face. But nah he ain't scared. Some people too funny.
@Cam Quintin turbo would dismantle jordan with one hand tied behind his back, jordan is a bitch
Cam Quintin I don't understand why people don't understand this point. What reason would Jordan have to yell at Turbo, when Turbo's not his enemy. It's Ashley/Cara who are sowing discontent within the team. They even laughed about it @ 2:58
Mrs D Jordan is a misogynist, condescending prick and he is always yelling at females, idk who raised him to do that
Turabi would eat Jordan for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still be hungry.
Straight checked his ass bro !!!
Not on this show my mans. Its a whole new world on this show. Turbo lost that one
@@gooberGonzo turbo checked jordan? Pfff you trippin. Who got sent home? Exactly
@@TzUuup easy boy pussy I'm not looking for a pissing contest but whatever go ahead make ur comment and go back to the real world.
The second the Jordan started mocking turbo’s walk he was asking for turbo to lose it
Turbo loses it over everything he's a overgrown child with no control over his emotions.
Jordan is a looser!!
Well you know....he's from Turkey...they're a whole different breed out there.
Jordan dosent know. everyone is not the same. The Turks cannot be mocked
of course he's all moves seen disrespectful in our country. we have respect other people walk and talk so he want same thing for own( just little respect)
Cara knew what she was doing.. she escalated this whole thing in so many ways
that's the whole point that everyone is missing. Sure Jordan's a dick and Turbo may have overreacted but these catty snobby bitches knew what the hell they doing, insighting the whole thing. Especially Ashley. I'm sorry i just don't like her. They remind me of the girls i went to school with.
@@jimmieyoung1020 or maybe Jordan should shut tf up sometimes he started talking shit about Turbo unprovoked so if somebody is talking about me and I’m not around yes I want somebody to come tell me
Fr she’s so annoying
No Ashley told Turbo what Jordan said tho
Both Ashley and Cara play a weak game
Funny how Ashley hated Cara when Amanda is in the game but when Amanda is gone, Ashley is on Cara's side
It’s obviously not genuine... Ashley is gonna go to whichever side will help her succeed
@@Zay6005 lol of course because it's all a game in the end. I just thought it was funny
Ashley is honestly so good at politics, she stole half a million dollars and still gets people to like and protect her
@@Andrew-pf5fj trueee!! but tbh, Hunter was a dick to her
Ashley would sell her grand mother for 1 more week in the challenge house, so faking a friendship with Cara ain't shit for her
Jordan: I'm going to volunteer to go in against Idris.
Later on...
Jordan: I'm not going to volunteer myself against you. That's stupid!
Someone is scared.
Lmao good point
I mean, it's not like Turbo is Idris lmao jordan would probably destroy turbo ( who can't even stick a puzzle on a wall) anyway
@Baechu Squad thank you!
Someone is smart.
Turbo genuinely terrifies me. So handsome and loyal but terrifying
Not in a good way
Dumb really
@@thecamishere4344huh ? Ofc in a good way. He has everything a man needs. And literally won the challenge tho
@@NOVASkrrrHe's a complete psycho. If you think him trying to fight everybody cause he got his fee fees hurt is a good quality that's crazy.
@@rygord101He doesn’t try to fight anyone
6:24. "YOU CANNOT COPY MY WALK!!!" 😂😂😂
What CT said about Jordan was right. He likes to poke at you and when you come at him he tries to act innocent. Jordan had to keep saying he's not afraid of turbo but I think he is. He's not afraid of turbo in this game because he knows he has protection.
When does Jordan play innocent?Johnny bananas plays innocent not jordan. Yeah Jordan pokes people sometimes but so does 90 percent of the cast. Jordan bully other bullies. Turbos and mma fighter so even if Jordan was nervous ( which he wasn't ) it would be understandable.
Jordan wasn’t scared of Turbo. He said to Turbo what he said behind his back. Jordan has never played innocent. He owns his shit. Bananas is more like that. Plays innocent and bullshits.
@@pharoahhamilton7076Turbo isnt a bully?
The last person who copied his walk no longer walks....
Mike Rawlings lol 😂😂😂true
But the last person who mocked his walk won a million dollars!
Come on y’all can we not forget when Jordan got eliminated when he called out bananas he doesn’t want a repeat 🤣🤷🏽♀️
You cannot copy my walk!!!! I’m dying laughing. This was gold
Never thought I'd hear CT admit on camera he's scared of another challenger
That's exactly what I was thinking! History made!
CT Not even that tough
Myles Henderson bruh CT been a legend, check yourself
Fool got super human strength.
@@MylezDaBadGuy thats cuz cts got a kid now and has grown up. See ct 10 years ago and hed have turbo speaking that english like an american
TzUp idk about all that.... lol I’ve seen CT a little scared, like when he was arguing with TO, deep down he didn’t want none with TO
"Who is talking about me"😂😂...i just love Turbo
Turbo didn’t like when Jordan mocked him but he didn’t know the English word for mock so it came out you cannot copy my walk!
I mean he was copying the walk he does.. Idk who doesnt understand that sounded like pretty good english to me. I think it's funny people feel the need to be a school teacher on youtube when none of that is needed.
G S exactly he was copying his walk and everyone knew what he was trying to say, just funny the way he said it. I think it’s funny how you’re triggered off this comment
@@gobloopyourself4590 not triggered just trying to help you use your common sense.. Maybe he doesnt talk the way you do but his sentence was correct he just didnt say it the way you wanted him to. So maybe you're the one who's triggered
G S lol wow you’re so right
@@gsdash1469 Idk you do seem kinda triggered lol
The reaction to turbos outburst compared to everyone else’s is very interesting .
Lets call it what it is.
Racist double standards.
Brown muslim men are treated like terrorists any time they so much as raise their voice to defend themselves from instigating pricks who turn into Karens real quick when they are confrobted for it.
We need Turbo back on the show he was an absolute beast.
I am pretty sure he was banned.
@@olivermensinger6022 yea he was
He's never coming back
The show couldn't handle the awesomeness of Turbo. Whats a death threat here and there matter if they were directed at Jordan of all people...., He should of just creamed him their but guards are so try hard after not being able to control CT for years lmao.
@@cincinnatixdxd5055 It wasn't even the death threat...it was that he was violent with security on top of trying to murder Jordan...despite Jordan deserving an ass-whoopin after that disrespectful impersonation of his walk. What a chump. The language barrier prevented Turbo from being able to understand that he was feeding into it and doing exactly what Jordan wanted him to do.
The reason he reacted the way he did is because in Turkish when someone copy’s you it’s a great sight of disrespect
He disrespected jordan by running his mouth non stop
@Hussein Rizk bro if a man comes up to you and says exactly what he said to the other players is that calling him weak behind his back? He said it to his face and turbo acted like a child about it. Jordan said it in his face and turbo acted like a baby about it. Turbo couldnt finish the final right? Isnt that what happened? Turbo got an ego check and couldnt handle it so he starts throwing a tantrum
@Hussein Rizk jordans there to win money as is everyone else. This show is cruel and you gottah have thick skin. Turbo lost, he couldnt handle his shit and lost by losing his kool
@Hussein Rizk its a game for a million dollars. If you let 2 females get you worked up you dont deserve to win. Dont be a idiot and act like you dont know how this show works
But when their president copies a dictator its okay?😂
Turbo looking like King Leonidas from 300 in the weight room...
AdultCartoons andCereal it is Turkish standing.
Turbo getting that heated about Jordan copying his walk is one of the funniest moments in challenge history 🤣
You can tell Turbo really wants to snap his neck. In the MTV reality show world, Jordan can act like he's bad and yell at everyone like he's the man. In Turbo's world Jordan is just a little bitch with a big mouth that needs a slap. Turbo made that clear when Jordan yelled at him for goofing around kicking those fake stones.
its about culture. especially in an argument you just cannot mock somebody's movements, name or anything like that, or thats an act of calling for a real battle in Turkiye. And thats even same for weak ppl. Like you are weaker clearly and your opponent mocks at you like this, so you most probably go and fight him for your honor even if you would be absolutely beaten you just fight and got beaten for your honor. Unless you know you are gonna die, you dont back up if ppl mock on you. thats why...
@@garybeltrand5802 true
@@wuslatseyyahi No, this is not about culture, and has nothing to do with culture. Everyone has culture. Turkish culture isn't above anyone else's culture.
@@richardmossy5540 its about culture. Cultures are not about being superior they are Just what they are.
They should do a sequel to “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan” and call it “You Don’t Mess With the Turbo” lol
Kermit Sippintea fuck yes 😂😂😂
Kermit Sippintea Right!!😂😩
Queen Mia 😂
Ashlynn Davis unlike Adam Sandler I’m sure turbo would do his own stunts
If CT is saying he's scared of someone that's when you know to not mess with them!
Amen to that, CT has always been one of my favorites on this show also Leroy too. But CT doesn't back down and he's says turbos kindof scary people might want to take notes.
Exactly if the one person in the house everybody knows not to piss off is saying a certain someone even makes them tremble...you might wanna watch out lol
I love CT so much. He is smarter than he looks which i think helps in his game. And of course i adored him and diem. I was hoping she would be in remission and married to CT. He worshipped her on so many levels. And he knew how strong she was. And respected her weakness. Thanks diem for showing that CT had human emotions that wasnt always to lash out and fight. A delicate flower and a caveman. Who knew?
Amy Stabenow
True she saw the man behind the beast and what a true gentle man CT can be and is
Yeah ole ct not young ct young ct wouldn’t give a fuck bc he’d “smash his head and eat it”
Turabi: Benim hakimda kim konusuyor?
Kiz: jordan
Turabi: nediyorsun hakimda?
Jordan: turabi bilmiyorum dostum
Kiz: jordan burda degildi
Turabi: burdaki en gucsuz/ zayif adam benmisim gibi konusuyor
Zenci: turabi disari cik ozel olarak konusun burdaki herkesi olaya katmayin
Turabi kapiyi acar
Turabi: jordan
Turabi kamarya konusuyor: jordan benim onuruma saygi gostermedi bu benim icin cok onemli, ve iste bukadar bir aslan gibi buraya geldim.
Turabi: duydumki benim hakimda zayifmisim gibi konusuyormusun?
Jordan: ben senin gucsuz veya zayif biri oldugunu soylemedim Ben dedim ki turbo yorgun dustu ve biz onu tasimak zorunda kaldik
Turabi: gecen sezon ben en zorlu yarismayi kazandim tamami, benim hakimda gucsuz biriymis gibi konusamasin
Jordan: en zorlu yarisma oldugundan eminim
Kiz kamera karsisinda turabi bir onur adami ve saygi o seni cagirmadi surece ona yaklasma yaklasacak olursan karsiligini alirsin
Hepsi birden: jordan boyle dedin soyle dedin
Jordan: bu sacmaliklari hayla soylemeye devam mi edeceksiniz?
Kiz kamera karsinida jordan noldu korktunmu turabiden
Turabi: benden iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsan gelecek elemelere gidelim, elimi sikman yeter gideriz
Jordan: burdaki herkesin benimle sorunu war seni benimle dovusturmeye calisiyorlar , seni kizdirmaya calisiyorlar
Arkadan herkes bagiriyor yok oyle bisey, jordan yalan soyleme , jordan boyle dedin
Jordan kamera karsisinda soylecek birseyim olsa yuzune soylerim fakat bu hayal perest kizlarin sana benim soylemedim birseyi soyledi demelerne izin wermem
Sari sacli kiz yani tory: kirmizi sacli kiza sen karisma diyor
Kirmizi sacli kiz gelecek elemelerde gitmek istermisin tory diye bagiriyor
Tory Jordani destekliyor, sen ne yapmak istiyorsun diye soruyor o da diyor jordan *** kafali
Turabi: burda hic kimse mukemel degil
Tori kamera karsisinda ashley turboyu manupile etmeye calisiyor o istiyor ki jordan turbo ile dovusun ve yarismadan atilsin neden birbirlerinden nefret etmelerni istiyorsun ashley , jordan la bir sorunun warsa onunla konus ma o hayla sizi yarisma kazandiriyor, (Ashley ve jordan ayni takimda)
Jordan: america
Herkes biz bir takimiz oyle deyilmi yasasin amerika el ele
Kiz soruyor herkes neden jordan nefret ediyor kafam karisti
Digerleri onun insanlarla konusmasi pek hos degil
CT : kamera karsinda jordan insanlara durtmeyi seviyor yani ugrasmayi ve onunla dovusmek istediginde jordan derki senin sorunun ney neden kiziyorsun
Erkek soruyor ashley neden karisti olaya
Diger kiz ashley cunku bir dram yildizi insanlari birbirne birakmayi seviyor hic bir hakki veya sebebi yoktu onlari birbirne birakmak icin
Leroy(zenci): icimden bir ses diyor o ikisi kesinlikle elemelerde bir biriyle karsilasacak
Su daki adam: ewet kesinlikle katiliyorum
Kiz: ashley benden uzak dursa iyi olur
herkes uff
Nanny: onlar ne olup bitigini farkindaydi ve kotu niyetleri wardi bir biriyle dovusturmek gibi cok kotu birsey bu
Su dan cikarken zenciye soruyor neye bakiyorsun, arkadan biri diyor artik havayi bosalta bilirsin diye ( espiri yapiyorlar)
Kiz: takimizdan nefret ediyorum
Turabi: en nefret etigim sey bir adamin arkamdan konusmasi , korkak tavuk
Turabi kamera karsisinda jordan bir ***** o bir sampiyon degil , o cok sansli cok fazla guvenlik war
Kiz: turbo onlar seni kendi taraflarna cekmek istiyorlarki jordan I eleybilsinler sana ihtiyaclari war seni kullanmya calisiyorlar oyzuden onlara kizginim cunku seni kullaniyorlar
Turabi: onlar beni kullanamaz
Kiz kamera karsinda turabinin neler yapabilecigini biliyorum oyuzden olayi kapatmak icin elimden geleni yapiyorum ki turbo olayi farkli bir boyuta tasimasin
Turabi: adamsan gel elemelere gidelim sen ve Ben eger adamsan , elimi sīk sana soz veriyorum elemere gideriz
Jordan: Ben elemere gitmiyorum ben ****** salak degilim , senin ne olup bitigi hakinda herhangibi bir fikrin yok , senin ne soylendigi hakinda herhangibi bir fikrin yok
Tori: turbo tartisican biri degil o korkutucu biri bu cok korkunc
Jordan: sadece bir yarisma yendin ve kendini bukadar iyi mi zanediyorsun
Zach kamera karsisinda turbonun gozlerinde bir bakis war sadece discover channel da goreceginiz bir bakis en iyi avci vahsi hayvanlarinda olan o bakis
Turabi: hayir ben en iyi oldugumu dusunmuyorum ama sen en iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsun
Turabi kamera karsisinda eger en iyi oldugunu dusunuyorsan bunun icin bir yer war 😂sen ve ben iceri gircez ve gorcez kim eniyiymis
Turabi: eger benimle boyle konuscaksan gidelim
Jordan: konusmadan ibaretsin bebegim
Rogan: durust olmak gerekirse turbonun Jordanin yuzunu bir yumruk atigini gormeyi cok isterdim
Jordan : turabinin yuruysunu kopyeliyor en iyi sen oldugunu mu dusnuyorsun
Turabi: yapma sunu
Turabi: benim yuruysumu kopyeleyemesin
Guvenlik Araya girer
Jordan kamera karsinda ben senden korkmuyorum ve geri adim atmiycam
Turabi: beni boyle kopyeleymesin 0r**************** yapamasin, benim yuruysumu kopyeleymesin tekrarliyor
Sen kimsin ki Benim yuruysumu kopyeliyorsun
Turabi : seni *******
Kamera karsinda turabin ikinci bir yani war benim odumu patlatan durust olmak gerekirse altima***** kadar korktum iste bukadar 😂 hadi iyi geceler
Neden 1.37 sjsndndnd
Devam ettirseydin bro
@@burakayas00 😂😂
1. 37 kadar uraşacağina keske urazmasaydin simdi gerisini merak ediyorum napcaz
Burak Ayas sizi mi kircam hepsini cevirim bu ceviriyi 5 dk surdu
Muhammet Emin ilik cevircem bugun
Rogan at 4:07 walking out of the pool. Dude acting like he on a Calvin Klein cologne fragrance commercial walking out that pool lol 😂😆
Leroy’s reaction took me out bro deaddddddd 💀💀💀💀
Jordan's all bark and no bite. Jordan the type who runs his mouth then when he gets punched he plays the victim
2:24 Y’all see Theo in the back eating and watching🤣💀
He was like 👁👄👁
@@brandon2117 lol
And Georgia
TURBO IS TEFFYING !-! He could've flexed on everyone in the house & still be ready too square up.
I'm sorry I just can't take Turbo seriously his accent is so cute! He's such a burger
@@birdhousewatch3322 Yes! His face is so nice and chubby I swear if he was a food he would definitely be a big, plump burger.
@@UrbanBeauty166 🤨
@@birdhousewatch3322 she’s weird
Turbo got CT having flashbacks of his younger years 😂😂😂
I always thought that if you're going to have a name like Turbo, you should look and sound like this man
You Can’t talk about turbo, You fucker
His name is not turbo lol.
Uɬás Real name’s TURABİ nicknames is TURBO
I miss Turbo. I hope he's back soon
Same! He is a great competitor
Hes banned.
@@ash80510 no he isnt
@@anitalattin he is actually. Do some research
@@ash80510 i have done research sweetheart... mtv has not banned him. he wants to be a hollywood actor and has not returned.. i follow him on twitter and instagram. he was filming a movie so he could not do last season and he declined this season... dee is the only person mtv banned in the last 3 yrs... now go do your research 🙄
One of the greatest moves of all time. Jordan got his biggest competition tossed. Instigation is a powerful tool.
Nany is right, Turbo is being manipulated by Ashley and Cara. Ashley doesn't care about Turbo she is just using him for her game.
Nany is manipulating turbo too... nany doesn't care about turbo, she just wants to use him to help her especially now that leroy is back with kam
Chrome2yaDome because Ashley said that she was bored and wanted to see drama between Jordan and Turbo
It wasn't like they was lying. If you ask me, they have nothing to tell him had Jordan learns to stfu.
Where'sWally Nany is an idiot.
What do you mean, Jordan clearly said that "Turdon is the weakest player" and them flat out denies it when he confronts him
I love turbo so much and you know it’s bad when CT says he’s scared😂😂
Why tori was standing like a guard dog ?! Standing up between them looking back and forth between Cara and Ashley !
Cuz Jordan's her man.
Women just like when they become mothers too their children will defend their man if they really love em, they both come off annoying tho so i can understand that lmao but however its dope she stands by him despite if he’s wrong or not
@@grizzlyboys3234 i know its her man im not talking the fact that she is doing it im talking about how she looked doing it ... the head movement and all was every dog guarding like
Because cara and Ashley are instigating bitches
Larry Johnson Ik they should’ve just stayed out of it like let Jordan look stupid but don’t go down with him looking like stupid 5th graders too. Like why’d she have to snap in Tori’s face...🙄🙄🙄
"you cannot copy my walk" is hilarious lmao
“Who’s talking about me”
Yords 🤣😂🤣😂 I know right
Hahah she gave the answer instandly
Jordan imitating Turbo and Turbo saying he can’t copy his walk had me dying lmfaooooo
I actually used to like Jordan. But damn, I hope Turbo knocks a hole in his face!
Morten Larsen he’s a trump supporter and a racist never liked him
He’s the best competitor this game has ever seen and talks shit too! We need a guy like Jordan
Jake it’s literally confirmed on Twitter plus he made racist remarks to nia so
Sir Uppercrust III no we don’t
This season was the best, production needs to bring this cast back asap
Well I don’t think Jordan and Tori will be on another season together after what happend
@@ximenarodriguez3018 i didnt watch the challenger back then, so i dont know what really happened. can you explain what happened between turbo and jordan?
@@jajajajaja1981 Ashley and cara Maria started saying that Jordan didn’t say and blamed it on him so it turned into a fight and Tori and Jordan broke off there engagement
@@ximenarodriguez3018 guess what, Jordan and Tori are on another season together
Turbo is a man of honor and respect
Kam summed up Turbo best
He acts like a child.
No he’s not, he’s just a dick
there is a fine line between that and having a fragile ego/sense of masculinity, which is what turbo has
No, he’s a little bish boy.
If CT is scared then Turbo must be terrifying.
Ct realized now how the people were scared of him in duel 2 where he punched the shit out of Adam.he got flashbacks ROFL
I thought the same thing! CT mentioned in a video that he would fight dirty with his younger self.
But even ct admitted Turbo was scarier than himself and scares him too
Shadow Spectre yea tiny ass Adam what a tough guy lol
Turbo ain't shii
Bring Turbo back!
Heyyybray do u know if he will come back?
@@Mikeyb.__ people were saying he was banned from coming back because he got Into it with production
@@remikors which is so stupid considering how many people on the show have gotten multiple chances. CT and Camilla being prime examples
@Foreign Collections yeah probably. I’m not one for that whole tough guy persona, but turbo i believe is an actual tough guy. And the fact that he’s a foreigner makes him scarier, because of the language barrier. He will take things out of context because he doesn’t understand the social aspect of English slang and terminology. Prime example is when Jordan said “you think you’re the shit” and turbo was like “what do you mean I’m shit”.
Man jordan needs his ass whooped badly
Man, we need to see Turbo back. I still feel like he is one of the best to ever do it. It's such a shame he only played one full season and this one was cut short.
He very well is in the conversation for best ever, despite winning only one. 99% of the people on this show aren’t world class athletes or MMA fighters, they’re your every day civilians. So yeah Turbo having experience in MMA and actually being decent at it puts him at the top or at least top 5 challenge participant ever
He’s honestly too dangerous. He’s on a whole nother level
@@abcdefg54321x nah he’s not that dangerous
He's back in Ride Or Dies
His fault cause he's dumb
Turbo is like CT when he first started the Challenge
Ct was more of a lose cannon. Turbo has his reasons. Ct punched Davis for no reason
@@zackh420 not Davis I'm talking about adam
@@zackh420 he had a reason it just had nothing to do with Davis.
Turbo is actually a trained fighter
End of the day Jordan didn't want no smoke. He didn't want to see Turbo in an elimination.
@Franco Bradshaw pffff atleast he manned up to it and made it happen. This was way different and not even worth the fight
I mean who tf would?
Turbo provoked him to try to force some bs agreement. Like f*ck off
Turbo is a dummy who let's his emotions dictate his actions. He's the only dummy who volunteers to go into elimination just to prove a point.
Kam face at the 1:31 mark got me rolling lmaooo
I was crying too 😂😂
Billy Carter 😂😂😂😂
Lol how did I miss that
I forgot how funny this was! You can not copy my walk!!!😂😂
It will always be scary when it takes 5 guys to hold back the guy that’s trying to go after you. Jordan you full of shit for saying you ain’t scared. If CT says it’s scary. You know it is lol
2:23 Turbo is one of the only respectable people to ever be on the challenge. If more people were like him this world would be a lot better place
well there‘s a place full of people like him, it‘s turkey and when everyone gets aggressive about their pride like that, often it gets messy
@@simaygungor5360 yav he he
The man truly is God blessed
@@simaygungor5360 depends on how you use that macho mechanism, Turbo wouldn’t hurt a fly, but if there is injustice he will roar.
@@simaygungor5360 it is funny that I have met a few Turkish people and not one of them likes him yet every American who watches the challenge loves him. I like him but you can’t get yourself kicked of a show because somebody copies your walk. Cmon man
Back in the day there was no security. This would have been another CT Adam situation had this happened 6 years ago
Even worse
5:39 Even the security guy didn't want it LOL 😂