time take me bye the hand as i start tio unwind under the wind it cause me turn over like a point that amoumt that was one thing shes alr3eady to ride off in to sun and wind it was me again it was hard but today is out
it all make and sounds like a tuime with my voice i work hard she harly notices me it has me gone out late she a fire in my heart a mile is like going with my breath she yell like forever it was me once more it has me comein close and close it itchs me think about her she drives me crazy it was one year since i look like ive alway have she tying up with me i cant help but think about her even more it like a heart attack and has no end it her she what i eve wanted
Absolutely in love with this thank you so much 💗
I love u so much 💛😥
time take me bye the hand as i start tio unwind under the wind it cause me turn over like a point that amoumt that was one thing shes alr3eady to ride off in to sun and wind it was me again it was hard but today is out
it all make and sounds like a tuime with my voice i work hard she harly notices me it has me gone out late she a fire in my heart a mile is like going with my breath she yell like forever it was me once more it has me comein close and close it itchs me think about her she drives me crazy it was one year since i look like ive alway have she tying up with me i cant help but think about her even more it like a heart attack and has no end it her she what i eve wanted