A Plan to Feed the World | Future of Food

  • Опубликовано: 4 сен 2024

Комментарии • 39

  • @riceboi8924
    @riceboi8924 8 лет назад

    Very good video! I am a resident at a college at university, and the amount of food that gets wasted by other is just disgusting, we really do need to do something about that.

  • @knowledgeiskey1319
    @knowledgeiskey1319 5 лет назад +1

    "appetizers... no pun intended"
    Oh please PUN INTENDED

  • @77klinok
    @77klinok 10 лет назад

    Oceans fish farms can provide plenty of various seafood.

  • @leeburkett9906
    @leeburkett9906 10 лет назад

    All in all, a fair and balanced summation of the issue at hand.
    Sad that it falls short of addressing the underlying forces driving our failure to feed the hungry: The economic/political paradigm.
    That is the elephant in the room.
    Politics and economies are mutually supportive and mutually parasitic. They are constructs of the human mind. As such they not natural forces but are rather what are essentially faith based paradigms.
    Poverty, hunger, homelessness are not inevitable like earthquakes and hurricanes. These are built into the current model, and are not only allowed but encouraged because there is a profit to be made from turning food into a market-driven commodity.
    Without changing the current model, any and all attempts to steer away from disaster are doomed.

  • @77klinok
    @77klinok 10 лет назад

    Canned army rations are the good example of the preserved food, that can be more efficiently utilized, without giving it to spoil and waste. However, there are the health issues and the cost issues. Our bodies require fresh food, with minimum of chemicals in them. So, treating the food with some safe agent, to kill the spoil bacteria, and packing the food in the vacuum packaging may be the way to go.

  • @gabrielgvs0619
    @gabrielgvs0619 10 лет назад +5

    The notion that the planet can support the democratization of the average American lifestyle to every corner of the globe is laughable when even the status quo is far, far, from sustainable. The longer we choose to live in denial of this fact, the more damage we will do in the interim, both environmentally and ideologically.

  • @77klinok
    @77klinok 10 лет назад

    There needed the methods for all kinds of food to be canned or preserved otherwise, in a safe, and efficient manner. If most of the food is produced in the preserved form, there will be much less loses in spoiled food.

  • @NapTimeOverdose
    @NapTimeOverdose 7 лет назад

    Need more Aeroponic farms. Companies like AeroFarms using a vertical farm to conserve land, water, and use less chemicals.

  • @rchuso
    @rchuso 10 лет назад

    Farming is the process of turning petroleum into food. Many areas are unsuitable for farming, but work well for ranching - which also requires a fair bit of petroleum. We have the possibility right now to feed the population of the world if the petroleum holds out (it won't).

    • @leeburkett9906
      @leeburkett9906 10 лет назад +1

      Agriculture existed for millennia before humankind began using oil.
      Agribusiness is the process of using petroleum based pollutants to turn food into a profitable commodity.
      For so long as we accept the idea that food, water and shelter are not basic human rights but are rather privileges to be paid for, we are forced to accept that the worth of a human can be summed up as dollars and cents.

    • @Levon9404
      @Levon9404 10 лет назад

      Are you really serious? What hell are you CEO of the refinery. Mr Rand Huso you have to be out of your mind, we do have technology right now in the US to ran whole economy with out of any drop of petroleum are you aware of that? We don't need petroleum or petroleum products at all, Mr open your mind little bit.

    • @paradisegunshot
      @paradisegunshot 10 лет назад

      i don't get it... in order to feed the growing population we all have to go vegan from now?

    • @rchuso
      @rchuso 10 лет назад

      Lee Burkett
      Nature does not automatically supply food, water, and shelter. It's up to us to get those things. Many governments like to treat them as basic human rights, but not all. I agree that agribusiness is a problem, but it also means the farmers don't have to waste a full third of their acreage on feeding and maintaining farm animals to do simple things like pulling a plow. The present process has petroleum used for breaking the fallow, discing, planting, spraying pesticides, making pesticides, spraying fertilizers, making fertilizers, harvesting, storing the food (environmentally controlled), transporting it, packaging it, distributing, plus the consumer using even more to transport it home and prepare it. The actual cost is approximately 20 kcal of petroleum to make 1 kcal of food for your table.
      Levon Guyumjian You are talking out your arse. The USA absolutely needs petroleum, but is currently getting much of it from fracking and tar sands. These are very dirty processes that take an extraordinary amount of water. There isn't the infrastructure to support electric vehicles for everyone. All manufacturing and distribution is heavily based on petroleum. Most plastics are made directly from petroleum, and those that aren't are indirectly made from petroleum. PV panels and wind turbines take a lot of petroleum to make. An automobile currently takes as much fuel to manufacture as the owner will use in a typical lifetime of the vehicle.
      paradisegunshot In order to feed the growing population we all need to reduce our caloric intake, drop our standard of living to what we consider just a bit below poverty level, and more. Unless, of course, you want your present high standard of living but don't want the same for everyone else outside of your community (feeling selfish?).

    • @Levon9404
      @Levon9404 10 лет назад

      paradisegunshot well we can do that or we can joint to China put limits for each family not to have more than 2 children round globe. I believe European countries wont have any problem, however Latin America, Asia, and Africa will raised hell on that. For one reason there are lots of uneducated people live in does continent, they don't understand right from wrong. Because of it urgently they need to be educated, make sure they will see each family obtain big responsibility not just for their children also everybody else round the globe.

  • @Zavantica
    @Zavantica 8 лет назад +1

    how about reducing the number of people.

    • @askarana
      @askarana 7 лет назад +3

      You should sacrifice and give us an example

    • @Zavantica
      @Zavantica 7 лет назад

      I just did

  • @77klinok
    @77klinok 10 лет назад

    The Japanese are in the forefront of the production of the preserved food.

  • @tuptek1000
    @tuptek1000 5 лет назад

    well, the 3rd point was a shame, today there is no way to do that and you know about it and everything you tell is that HIGH TECH AND LOW TECH MUST CO-OP WITH EACH OTHER TO FACILITATE DELIVERING MORE FOOD WITH LESS WATER ETC. and that's not the solution, that's your hypothesis, confirmed by no one. I can also bring such idea - let's make a table full of never ending food - you take the bread and it's getting back immediately. The key is that both magicians from Hogwart and farmers have to co-operate and they will probably find a solution.

  • @rejuvenile21
    @rejuvenile21 10 лет назад

    Chilis grill n bar is the plan to feed the world? Oh wait that was the ad........

  • @sysy1582
    @sysy1582 10 лет назад +2

    Focus in Africa...they badly need foods..

  • @rejuvenile21
    @rejuvenile21 10 лет назад

    Melt ice caps = more land and water

  • @rejuvenile21
    @rejuvenile21 10 лет назад

    The issue is you haven't done anything. You've spent energy re telling what's known. What have you done? Or wait your answer is "that's for others to figure out." Bs researchers don't do a lot of nothing. Where's your patent for better fuels? What companies have you created that say here this product changed the problems to what was known? Come back in a decade and say hey I tried and failed but at least I didn't sit around and talk about it like you do in regular life.

  • @SilvanaDil
    @SilvanaDil 8 лет назад

    Want food security? Don't overpopulate your country.

  • @nathanrenouf6723
    @nathanrenouf6723 10 лет назад +1

    Lets all go vegan!!! how bad can it be?

    • @paradisegunshot
      @paradisegunshot 10 лет назад

      very. vegetables are fine but only with a nice piece of 5 pounds steak.

    • @nathanrenouf6723
      @nathanrenouf6723 10 лет назад

      would you make the transition to a vegan diet for our future? like the man in the video suggested? jk i just had buffalo wings from burger king

    • @paradisegunshot
      @paradisegunshot 10 лет назад

      nathan renouf get some butter and cheese on them and they'll get better as fuck ;)
      actually even more than fuck

    • @nathanrenouf6723
      @nathanrenouf6723 10 лет назад

      those buffalo wings still wouldn't have tasted any better even with those combinations but they did quiet my stomach. Unfortunately, I still have regret having bought those unhealthy wings from the wretched burger king and I'm pretty sure diarrhea is on the forecast for tomorrow.

    • @paradisegunshot
      @paradisegunshot 10 лет назад

      nathan renouf yeah, do share about when how and what are the amounts of your shit ;) i'm sure it'll increase my appetite for any kinds of foods, with butter or without it.

  • @lovetosing429
    @lovetosing429 2 года назад

    anti crist

  • @shadie7518
    @shadie7518 10 лет назад


  • @sysy1582
    @sysy1582 10 лет назад

    Focus in Africa...they badly need foods..