The thing that scares me is the fact people saw that news story about the guy (guys?) who shot up a planned parenthood clinic and thought "This guy is a hero. Let's make a movie out of this."
And birth control and abortion providers, yes? Don't know which shooting you're referring to (there are many), but the Colorado Springs one was indeed shooting at a Planned Parenthood
True, people react badly to shootings, even those merely across the street from them. What are you going to do? Anti-abortion shooters are not of the quality they were. You didn't read about the court appearances, or anything much really, did you? If you would like to know more about what the defendant himself said, and other evidence against him, please follow the links in and at the bottom of the article.
Any ACTUAL women's clinic, when confronted with a situation where a man is dragging a clearly abused woman into the clinic would CALL THE DAMN COPS. It's actually kind of required, at least ethically, for medical professionals to report suspected cases of abuse. But above all else, they would NOT perform an abortion against the woman's wishes. Yeah, and the film tries to "subtly" blame the clinic for this? Such BS. You're right; this is sounding like a pro-choice movie framed as an anti-choice film.
The weirdest part about that is that I'm pretty sure the bible is cool with abortion in that instance. Not the whole abuse thing (although the bible doesn't care about that either) the part where Brad mentions the kid isn't the Dad's. If the kid isn't the husbands, Gods cool with it. Found the quote actually. "And the priest shall charge her by an oath, and say unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncleanness with another instead of thy husband, be thou free from this bitter water that causeth the curse: But if thou hast gone aside to another instead of thy husband, and if thou be defiled, and some man have lain with thee beside thine husband: Then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell; And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen." -Numbers 5:19-22
Anti-Choicers don't even want to acknowledge the possibility that a woman could want something that isn't the patriarchal norm. Instead they attribute their choices to "bad men", who "force" those choices on them, and say that it's their responsibility to force the "correct choices" on women.
Have you guys seen the sign between Champaign Illinois and Rantoul that says "Scared to be a parent? Not ready for a child? Is that any reason to abort your TODDLER???"Now, I don't have children, and I have never sought an abortion...but I am pretty sure you can't "abort" something that you have to chase.
Haha, this is a real thing out there! I visited my parents in Rantoul Illinois after I got out of the Army and it seemed like every other fucking billboard was "Masturbation stops a beating heart."
"The tests have come back and there's a 95% chance your baby will be born without bones." Nine months later: "Congratulations, Reggie. It's a...squid."
Even if you guys didn't say that he would be the villain of another movie, your description of his actions alone makes it hard to believe that he's the ~hero~ of the story.
Look I think that this distinction gets overlooked. Just because you are pro-choice doesn't make you pro-abortion. Pro-choice just means you think people should have the right to choose if they have one or not. That doesn't necessarily mean you yourself would want to get an abortion. Having abortion legal just gives the option. Note: I am a 28 yrs old virgin who chooses to wait because I don't want accidental babies.
So agree. I'd love to see a reduction in the use of abortion services but I want the choice to be available to the people who make the decision. So much of this situation got wrapped up in abstinence only education that left no room for proper education about preventative measures, and just snowballed into a polarized presentation of one side vs another. Just work on preventative education that doesn't bury one's head in the sand about the whole situation.
Pro-choice is the best way of phrasing it, because you could expand that to giving more choice as to whether or not a person even has children at all during life. Some people just have kids because of cultural pressure. Pro-choice to me means being able to have children or abstain and it's absolutely ok either route. It also means that when a woman falls pregnant, but she does not want this, she can abort it in the given time frame. Education on sexual health and giving women opportunities to make a career for themselves is the best way to reduce abortion rates too. Would prefer women to be having abortions than unwanted children though, or babies they are not prepared to raise.
Me: "It's getting late, I better pause this and watch the rest tomorrow." Brian: "she's lying on the floor, stone-cold dead because she killed herself" Me: O_O
I'm in a state of depression in my life. Things feel like I'm caught in limbo, and I end up spending hours just literally staring at the wall. I can't properly study anymore. It sounds weird given the subject matter, but rewatching this review fills me with that now unfamiliar happiness. I smile every time, when you say "Can I ask you a question?" "Sure" "WILL MUH BABY GO TO HEAVEN WITH ME?!?" "Uh lolwut?" Brad, you don't know how much your videos mean to me. Thank you. ❤️
Out of all the Christsploitation films the Snob has reviewed, I'd say this one is the worst. What the makers of this film don't seem to get is that there's a difference between "pro-life" and "pro-birth". I'm pro-life. I support affordable birth control, accessible healthcare for all citizens, a reform of America's broken foster care system, and keeping abortion legal for things such as rape and potentially fatal pregnancy. The pro-birth movement supports demonizing women who even consider getting an abortion, shutting down one of the largest and most affordable providers of women's health in America, forcing women to resort to dangerous back-alley "doctors", and demanding that sex only be for married couples who want babies. It's a shame that the pro-lifers are often overshadowed by the much louder, more aggressive pro-birthers. My biggest problem with the pro-birth side is that they seem to care so much about the fetus, but very little about the mother. The mother's life is every bit as important as the baby's, and if you don't feel that way, you aren't pro-life.
This movie looks like it was supposed to be part of an episode of Law and Order SVU! I keep expecting Ice T to show and say that they gotta bring the main character in now!
Literally you can count the number of times women speak in this movie on your fingers. And by voiceless the director means the "voiceless women 'coerced' into having an abortion" as the movie puts it....
Neverheart tbh it felt more like the director was trying to say "think about the men who don't want abortions and are made to feel they don't have an opinion on it" rather than the voiceless being the foetus or the women being denied rights to safe abortions. Which isn't a flattering light to put himself in
"The irony isn't lost on me that we're two men reviewing it." The important thing there is that you guys acknowledge how screwed up that is. You may not have a woman currently in the car to review the movie with you, but you're obviously giving thought to what we would say about this movie and its central issues, because you understand that women's voices matter. The movie doesn't give a shit about that.
Where the heck do you find these movies? I wouldn't have known it existed without you. Between this, Vaxxed, Left Behind: TNG, Hillsong, and Revive Us, you guys must have a death wish or something
Well Vaxxed was alleged to be censored, so that's how he heard about that. The rest is whatever the fuck comes to Springfield (or crazy things he saw trailers for at movies there).
:D I'm so glad he managed to catch this!! This bullshit came up in a advert on my FB a few weeks ago and it gave me a small aneurysm and my instant thought was "Oh God I hope Snob sees this!!".
I was reminded about an abortion debate that was in a recent comment section about the news of Trump's position on this. Twice someone claimed that they had seen a video where the fetus tried to move away from the abortion instruments. But both times when I asked to see this video myself, I got no reply. Most "pro-life" people seem to be okay wit lies.
hey Brad id just like to say thank you for your videos. and for tearing apart these kind of things. (and your personal videos about depression and stuff are also really helpful to me. thank you)
@15:15 "That church basement is like, fifteen Filipino broads standing around in their underwear, just shovin' it in there." That's a sentence he just said.
my health clinic preforms abortions and is actually right across the street from a church. There really hasnt been any problems when i've gone, the most i've seen is a woman praying at the enterance of the parking lot which honestly is whatever
"I'm Not Ashamed"...Just...just...ugh. *shudder* After watching that trailer, I simply wanted to vomit. I could tell right away it was full of nothing but stereotypes. That is the one Pure Flix trailer to truly infuriate me. The God's Not Dead trailers were hilarious, but that just made me want to tear my hair out and scream. Most disgusting of all, they do their damndest to make it look like her death was HONORABLE instead of a horrific act of violence that just happened to be targeted at her. It basically says, "Aw, sad how that poor girl got brutally murdered, but hey, she (allegedly) said she loves JESUS, and that's what really matters! Those other people who tragically lost their lives? Fuck them; they didn't allegedly say Jesus with their dying breaths! That one girl who said she was a Christian but lived? What does she matter? That one teacher who gave his life protecting the students? That doesn't matter! JEEESUS! Die for JESUS!" I don't know if I'll see Voiceless or not, but from what Brad is describing of it I might actually check it out for an ironic laugh.
It doesn't surprise or upset me all that much that her parents would be involved in this movie since it was such a horrible thing to lose their child (and due to such a horrible, violent event) and they would want to immortalize her in any way shape or form. What upsets and angers me more is that Pure Flix knew full and well what a devastating tragedy it was to everyone involved (including the parents of both the victims and shooters) but decided to scrap anything resembling remotely human and replace these real flesh and blood people who died with martyrs, cliches, and cardboard cutout wish fulfillments. Rachel is now a perfect Pollyanna with no flaws whatsoever, all the jocks in the school are "bros" with their hats on backwards who bully anyone who looks in their direction, and the Columbine shooters are now just the Pure Flix definition of atheists instead of mentally disturbed kids with easy access to guns. The fact is that this studio who should have known better than to greenlight this film in its current (disrespectful) form actually went through with it without doing any research on Rachel Scott (shock of shocks). I agree with you 100%. There are so many better resources out there when it comes down to facts about the Columbine shootings and the people behind this film just wanted to ignore all of the facts and make a martyr out of a young girl who (along with the other victims) should NOT have died that day under ANY circumstances. Thank you for your input! It's nice to see there are people like you and Brad out there who can see films like "I'm Not Ashamed" for what they are.
"Is there any possible way you'd recommend this movie?" "If you want to convince someone to get an abortion. Because look how bad the people are who don't want you to get one "
I just love the fact that Brain is wearing a *PSYCHO* tee shirt in this discussion about a crazed man trying to get rid of Planned Parenthood. I mean, say what you will if you're pro-life or pro-choice, but we can both agree that Voiceless is an insane fear-mongering propaganda piece.
So a combination of PTSD and guilt drives a man insane, and as he gets worse and worse projecting his self-hate towards a women's health clinic and those who go there he leaves behind a trail of tragedy and devastation in the lives of those he touches - at least those who survive. But he obstructs traffic rather than blowing up the clinic so he's the hero???
hehe this reminds me of something that comes up alot on GAM, "This is your own fucking movie dudes, you don't have to make you guys look like the villian.s"
When you work in retail or customer service in general and you have to deal with rude people and their wild little brats, you'll learn that abortion isn't exactly a bad choice.
This reminds me an amazing commercial I once saw. It featured this guy with a horribly bratty kid causing chaos in a supermarket. The guy looked miserable. And then it panned out and a message popped up, "Condoms: you'll regret not wearing them". It was gutsy and hilarious at the same time.
If you did have to do an all-male edition (maybe you should have asked Sarah, and let her decide?), you did a good good job. Applause. Don't forget Juno for abortion clinic movies. It was one scene, but it left a strong impression that if you have an abortion, you're an oppressed drone, but it you have a baby (at age whatever she was supposed to be; 15?), you're a creative free spirit!
I never saw Juno for as long as it's been out, but I finally had to sit down and watch part of it in class. That scene kept coming back to me months later and I realized just how fucking awful the implications of the clinic scene were. Hell, I don't even know, maybe the movie could be as believable as people parade it as, but that scene was the most cartoonish bullshit you could write on the topic. I think the Simpsons would cover it more realistically.
Not gonna lie, you guys almost made this sound like a dark and oppressive character study depicting the flaws of a morally repulsive ideology... until the ending came up.I am slightly disappointed :/
I don't think there is any video out there where we see her face, but a lot of Vlogs with brian usually has Letty laying down in the back-seat, if you're lucky you might see her shift a bit while they talk.
Really wish you guys would have gone on a little road trip and do the columbine movie, hope it comes to springfield. Looking forward to the cinema snob of it though, :D
Damn. You ripped this movie so hard. So hard that the Main Character might chase you through space on the way to the Plot hole... Remember how that worked out for you last time. Just sayin' be ready.
This film, along with all the other faith based ones you reviewed and screened, is a very good example of what a belief in the Christian mythologies can do to someone when they are pathologically paranoid and hate-filled.
It wasn't pro-choice... But it was like... What if a really passive-aggressive pro-choice director got their arm twisted into directing a pro-life movie.
Oh Brad, little did you know that the makers of this film must have saw your Gods Not Dead review and decided to take your final point seriously. I also wonder if one could pull a Halloween 666 Producers Cut and re-edit this film to be a Pro-Choice film, al la Taxi Driver... Hmmmmm
The family in the back sounds like the crazy family that lived next door to me a while ago. The mother bragged to me about how creative she was about the "creative writing" assignment she gave her nine-year-old daughter (of course she homeschooled her brood), which had her imagine what it would be like for Noah's family having to know that everyone they knew were going to drown. Obviously not a whole lot of reason with these people...
Wow. Just watched the trailer for this. This looks pretty, well, wrong on so many levels. And the fact that the trailer touts that it was nominated for and won awards at a few different film festivals, that's just, HUH?
For those wondering what the cuss awards this thing was nominated for and won, here they are, according to IMDb: California Film Awards: Grand Winner - Best Narrative Film DNA Filmworks Expo Film Festival: Epic Royal Award for Best Actor Life Fest Film Festival: Capra Award for Best Actor Northeast Film Festival: Audience Choice Award, Festival Award for Best Feature, Festival Award for Best Supporting Actress, Festival Award for Best Screenplay (nominated), and Festival Award for Best Actor (nominated) Philadelphia Independent Film Festival: Emerging Artist Series, Feature Film (nominated) I'm not kidding here! And now I have to wonder what these people were on to get these kind of awards.
"The pregnant woman has no lines." Well, that's all I needed to hear.
JumpNShoot she was Voiceless
MrJohnlennon007 i see what you did there.
The reason it’s called voiceless is because the women who actually have a choice and an opinion is told to shut up and give birth by the director
Your picture looks like a Dogg nose
The thing that scares me is the fact people saw that news story about the guy (guys?) who shot up a planned parenthood clinic and thought "This guy is a hero. Let's make a movie out of this."
And birth control and abortion providers, yes?
Don't know which shooting you're referring to (there are many), but the Colorado Springs one was indeed shooting at a Planned Parenthood
True, people react badly to shootings, even those merely across the street from them. What are you going to do? Anti-abortion shooters are not of the quality they were.
You didn't read about the court appearances, or anything much really, did you? If you would like to know more about what the defendant himself said, and other evidence against him, please follow the links in and at the bottom of the article.
I was expecting the protagonist becoming a villain and blowing up that abortion clinic.
I mean a psychological thriller based around a war vet slowly succumbing to PTSD and attacking a women's clinic COULD be interesting
I would watch the fuck out of that movie
that would've been WAAAAYY better than this thing
Son of a b*** I had Soda coming out of my nose laughing at that
Any ACTUAL women's clinic, when confronted with a situation where a man is dragging a clearly abused woman into the clinic would CALL THE DAMN COPS. It's actually kind of required, at least ethically, for medical professionals to report suspected cases of abuse. But above all else, they would NOT perform an abortion against the woman's wishes. Yeah, and the film tries to "subtly" blame the clinic for this? Such BS.
You're right; this is sounding like a pro-choice movie framed as an anti-choice film.
The weirdest part about that is that I'm pretty sure the bible is cool with abortion in that instance. Not the whole abuse thing (although the bible doesn't care about that either) the part where Brad mentions the kid isn't the Dad's. If the kid isn't the husbands, Gods cool with it.
Found the quote actually.
"And the priest shall charge her by an oath, and say unto the woman, If
no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to
uncleanness with another instead of thy husband, be thou free from this
bitter water that causeth the curse: But if thou hast gone aside to
another instead of thy husband, and if thou be defiled, and some man
have lain with thee beside thine husband: Then the priest shall charge
the woman with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the
woman, The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the
LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell; And this water
that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to
swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen." -Numbers 5:19-22
Come to think about it, you know who doesn't, as a norm, call the cops when they know a wife is being beaten up? Churches! The irony is strong.
How about if a nut case like the Main character comes in bringing his his craziness. 😉
Anti-Choicers don't even want to acknowledge the possibility that a woman could want something that isn't the patriarchal norm. Instead they attribute their choices to "bad men", who "force" those choices on them, and say that it's their responsibility to force the "correct choices" on women.
@@lw4499 gotta love the bible 😀
Have you guys seen the sign between Champaign Illinois and Rantoul that says "Scared to be a parent? Not ready for a child? Is that any reason to abort your TODDLER???"Now, I don't have children, and I have never sought an abortion...but I am pretty sure you can't "abort" something that you have to chase.
Sure you can.
All you have to do is aim and pull the trigger. 🔫
Jonas King I'm embarrassed to say it took me two reads to get the joke.
Haha, this is a real thing out there! I visited my parents in Rantoul Illinois after I got out of the Army and it seemed like every other fucking billboard was "Masturbation stops a beating heart."
Jonas King Holy shit! what is that even supposed to mean?
+Grimbo Corpsegrinder Heh.
That last one I was kidding about.
"The tests have come back and there's a 95% chance your baby will be born without bones." Nine months later: "Congratulations, Reggie. It's a...squid."
Xenre Lavague but now it's a squid
@@lunasperidot8760 but it's also a kid
@@thegreygoblin5165 I wanna make a pun, but it's absolutely terrible...
Congratulations, your baby is an Inkling (or Octoling).@@PurpleWind64
I recognize the MIB reference at the end there. Nice 👍🏾😎
"Hey kids. We're going to talk about abortion today!" Well that escalated quickly.
It sure did
Ah america, where freedom means stopping other people from doing things you don't like. No change here.
Even if you guys didn't say that he would be the villain of another movie, your description of his actions alone makes it hard to believe that he's the ~hero~ of the story.
Brad, I saw I'm Not Ashamed. It sucks. Hard. You'll love it.
Look I think that this distinction gets overlooked. Just because you are pro-choice doesn't make you pro-abortion. Pro-choice just means you think people should have the right to choose if they have one or not. That doesn't necessarily mean you yourself would want to get an abortion. Having abortion legal just gives the option.
Note: I am a 28 yrs old virgin who chooses to wait because I don't want accidental babies.
So agree. I'd love to see a reduction in the use of abortion services but I want the choice to be available to the people who make the decision. So much of this situation got wrapped up in abstinence only education that left no room for proper education about preventative measures, and just snowballed into a polarized presentation of one side vs another. Just work on preventative education that doesn't bury one's head in the sand about the whole situation.
Pro-choice is the best way of phrasing it, because you could expand that to giving more choice as to whether or not a person even has children at all during life. Some people just have kids because of cultural pressure. Pro-choice to me means being able to have children or abstain and it's absolutely ok either route. It also means that when a woman falls pregnant, but she does not want this, she can abort it in the given time frame.
Education on sexual health and giving women opportunities to make a career for themselves is the best way to reduce abortion rates too. Would prefer women to be having abortions than unwanted children though, or babies they are not prepared to raise.
Me: "It's getting late, I better pause this and watch the rest tomorrow."
Brian: "she's lying on the floor, stone-cold dead because she killed herself"
Me: O_O
I'm in a state of depression in my life. Things feel like I'm caught in limbo, and I end up spending hours just literally staring at the wall. I can't properly study anymore. It sounds weird given the subject matter, but rewatching this review fills me with that now unfamiliar happiness. I smile every time, when you say
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Uh lolwut?"
Brad, you don't know how much your videos mean to me. Thank you. ❤️
I feel you.
Out of all the Christsploitation films the Snob has reviewed, I'd say this one is the worst. What the makers of this film don't seem to get is that there's a difference between "pro-life" and "pro-birth".
I'm pro-life. I support affordable birth control, accessible healthcare for all citizens, a reform of America's broken foster care system, and keeping abortion legal for things such as rape and potentially fatal pregnancy.
The pro-birth movement supports demonizing women who even consider getting an abortion, shutting down one of the largest and most affordable providers of women's health in America, forcing women to resort to dangerous back-alley "doctors", and demanding that sex only be for married couples who want babies.
It's a shame that the pro-lifers are often overshadowed by the much louder, more aggressive pro-birthers. My biggest problem with the pro-birth side is that they seem to care so much about the fetus, but very little about the mother. The mother's life is every bit as important as the baby's, and if you don't feel that way, you aren't pro-life.
This movie looks like it was supposed to be part of an episode of Law and Order SVU! I keep expecting Ice T to show and say that they gotta bring the main character in now!
I couldn't sit thru this movie like u guys did
I'd be so angry lol
"Men giving a voice to the voiceless" while silencing women. I wish this was only satire.
Give it a few years. Lets hope to getting better.
I wouldn’t be surprised if, years from now, there were a musical parody à la Reefer Madness made of this movie.
Literally you can count the number of times women speak in this movie on your fingers. And by voiceless the director means the "voiceless women 'coerced' into having an abortion" as the movie puts it....
Neverheart tbh it felt more like the director was trying to say "think about the men who don't want abortions and are made to feel they don't have an opinion on it" rather than the voiceless being the foetus or the women being denied rights to safe abortions. Which isn't a flattering light to put himself in
no, no satire, this is not smart enough to that
"The irony isn't lost on me that we're two men reviewing it."
The important thing there is that you guys acknowledge how screwed up that is. You may not have a woman currently in the car to review the movie with you, but you're obviously giving thought to what we would say about this movie and its central issues, because you understand that women's voices matter. The movie doesn't give a shit about that.
"We're gonna talk about abortion, today"
Oooooh, it's one of THOSE movies
I made the mistake of going to the trailer for this movie and reading the comments
Haha, me too. What a shitshow.
Lesnooch I'm really curious but I also don't want to die by pouring bleach down my ears to cleans my self of the idiocy.
If it's anything like the "y'all need Jesus" comments from the "super" Christians on the PureFlix Columbine trailer.... I know the feeling.
I'm sure the comments for a youtube vlog about an anti-abortion movie will certainly be civil.
*Sees title*
Oh, that sounds interesting. No Dave, too, so I am guessing it's not a religious movie.
*0:02** - **0:06*
Aww fuck...
Pure flix and abortion... this isn't gonna end well
Mike White I have the strangest feeling that the Columbine movie will be even worse.
Where the heck do you find these movies? I wouldn't have known it existed without you. Between this, Vaxxed, Left Behind: TNG, Hillsong, and Revive Us, you guys must have a death wish or something
And don't forget Hillary's America!
Well, if you like the crazy religious movies, I'd recommend browsing the God Awful Movies podcast.
Isabel Rentoul is that some dystopian future film?
it's a "documentary"
Well Vaxxed was alleged to be censored, so that's how he heard about that. The rest is whatever the fuck comes to Springfield (or crazy things he saw trailers for at movies there).
_reads the title_
Oh this can't be good
_hears the first sentence_
Haden Plouffe Cheer! 🍷
:D I'm so glad he managed to catch this!! This bullshit came up in a advert on my FB a few weeks ago and it gave me a small aneurysm and my instant thought was "Oh God I hope Snob sees this!!".
Oh...Thank santa christ you didn't bring Sarah. That's an awful thing for a new mother.
Nidorino Alliance I forgot about that. Yeah, i think that might not be the best film for her, or her husband to watch at this point.
I was reminded about an abortion debate that was in a recent comment section about the news of Trump's position on this. Twice someone claimed that they had seen a video where the fetus tried to move away from the abortion instruments. But both times when I asked to see this video myself, I got no reply. Most "pro-life" people seem to be okay wit lies.
They seem to forget that the Ninth Commandment is not an option.
my local library has War Room and I'm Not Ashamed on DVD
Take them, watch 'em with friends, return them, never think about them again.
my condolences
"Faith based Fast and Furious movie..."
So are they racing cars for Jesus?
BooDoug187 "Jesus take the wheel!!!"
The Faith and the Furious
Is this is the plot to Cars 3?
Go Jesus Racer!
"I haven't had my coffee yet" hahaha probably my favorite part of this review. Perfect😂
hey Brad id just like to say thank you for your videos.
and for tearing apart these kind of things.
(and your personal videos about depression and stuff are also really helpful to me. thank you)
saw the videotitle... was like "what the heck is that? sounds boring"
Brad's 1st sentence
BOY - this might be interesting
We need a Cinema Snob review of this!
This would be like a women making a testicular cancer awareness movie, but they made people aware of it by kicking dudes in the balls
... Is it wrong that I kind of want to see that?
@15:15 "That church basement is like, fifteen Filipino broads standing around in their underwear, just shovin' it in there." That's a sentence he just said.
my health clinic preforms abortions and is actually right across the street from a church. There really hasnt been any problems when i've gone, the most i've seen is a woman praying at the enterance of the parking lot which honestly is whatever
Maybe Dave and Sarah should be sent to Boss Baby and you could give their baby the book too.
So if we do get a religious Fast and the Furious knock-off, are we hoping it's called Fast and the Faithful?
Faith and the Furious.
Gotta go Fath
You're really punishing yourselves with right wing christian schlock, but it makes for great entertainment. Keep it up!
like the zaibatsu suffering through omikron
Ah, the Super Best Friends. I hope David Cage keeps making more games JUST so I could watch Matt, Pat, Woolie and Liam rage on them.
I love the fact that Brad is wearing a Ross & Chandler as Crocket & Crocket Miami Vice T-shirt.
Which ant did you guys choose?
Crasson08 Glad I'm not the only one to notice.
What ?
I feel like if Dave and Sarah went to see this, it would just be Dave violently screaming at the camera and Sarah crying.
"I'm Not Ashamed"...Just...just...ugh. *shudder* After watching that trailer, I simply wanted to vomit. I could tell right away it was full of nothing but stereotypes. That is the one Pure Flix trailer to truly infuriate me. The God's Not Dead trailers were hilarious, but that just made me want to tear my hair out and scream. Most disgusting of all, they do their damndest to make it look like her death was HONORABLE instead of a horrific act of violence that just happened to be targeted at her. It basically says, "Aw, sad how that poor girl got brutally murdered, but hey, she (allegedly) said she loves JESUS, and that's what really matters! Those other people who tragically lost their lives? Fuck them; they didn't allegedly say Jesus with their dying breaths! That one girl who said she was a Christian but lived? What does she matter? That one teacher who gave his life protecting the students? That doesn't matter! JEEESUS! Die for JESUS!" I don't know if I'll see Voiceless or not, but from what Brad is describing of it I might actually check it out for an ironic laugh.
It doesn't surprise or upset me all that much that her parents would be involved in this movie since it was such a horrible thing to lose their child (and due to such a horrible, violent event) and they would want to immortalize her in any way shape or form. What upsets and angers me more is that Pure Flix knew full and well what a devastating tragedy it was to everyone involved (including the parents of both the victims and shooters) but decided to scrap anything resembling remotely human and replace these real flesh and blood people who died with martyrs, cliches, and cardboard cutout wish fulfillments. Rachel is now a perfect Pollyanna with no flaws whatsoever, all the jocks in the school are "bros" with their hats on backwards who bully anyone who looks in their direction, and the Columbine shooters are now just the Pure Flix definition of atheists instead of mentally disturbed kids with easy access to guns. The fact is that this studio who should have known better than to greenlight this film in its current (disrespectful) form actually went through with it without doing any research on Rachel Scott (shock of shocks). I agree with you 100%. There are so many better resources out there when it comes down to facts about the Columbine shootings and the people behind this film just wanted to ignore all of the facts and make a martyr out of a young girl who (along with the other victims) should NOT have died that day under ANY circumstances. Thank you for your input! It's nice to see there are people like you and Brad out there who can see films like "I'm Not Ashamed" for what they are.
That pink neon sign in the background makes it look like you've just stepped out of a 1970s gay pron cinema (again).
Derek Smallshorts Oh my...
"Is there any possible way you'd recommend this movie?"
"If you want to convince someone to get an abortion. Because look how bad the people are who don't want you to get one "
The trailer for this movie makes it look like they took a horror film and cut out the murders to make it a drama.
There are 16.2 million children in the USA who don't get enough to eat.
Hoo boy, another controversial movie. What will entertain me more: the hour-long video, or the ramblings of the comment section?
Nothing's funnier than people who take themselves too seriously in the RUclips comment section.
It's a real question.
I just love the fact that Brain is wearing a *PSYCHO* tee shirt in this discussion about a crazed man trying to get rid of Planned Parenthood. I mean, say what you will if you're pro-life or pro-choice, but we can both agree that Voiceless is an insane fear-mongering propaganda piece.
Hey Brad, you should find out if 'I'm Not Ashamed' is playing where Allison lives.
14 seconds in and I know this is going to be quality entertainment.
So a combination of PTSD and guilt drives a man insane, and as he gets worse and worse projecting his self-hate towards a women's health clinic and those who go there he leaves behind a trail of tragedy and devastation in the lives of those he touches - at least those who survive.
But he obstructs traffic rather than blowing up the clinic so he's the hero???
*Voiceless* Women
hehe this reminds me of something that comes up alot on GAM, "This is your own fucking movie dudes, you don't have to make you guys look like the villian.s"
Review The Holy Mountain?
I love the friends shirt Brad is wearing.
Abusive husbands actually make it harder to get an abortion
Also if it was set in the always sunny universe it'd explain a lot
Only if the baby is there's, in this film the woman was pregnant by another man which is why he was dragging her to get an abortion.
When you work in retail or customer service in general and you have to deal with rude people and their wild little brats, you'll learn that abortion isn't exactly a bad choice.
This reminds me an amazing commercial I once saw. It featured this guy with a horribly bratty kid causing chaos in a supermarket. The guy looked miserable. And then it panned out and a message popped up, "Condoms: you'll regret not wearing them".
It was gutsy and hilarious at the same time.
Sounds like the Patton Oswalt skit where he and this girl go to the Costco for birth control
People with kids should kill themselves so they can traumatize their children as a way of revenge
If you did have to do an all-male edition (maybe you should have asked Sarah, and let her decide?), you did a good good job. Applause.
Don't forget Juno for abortion clinic movies. It was one scene, but it left a strong impression that if you have an abortion, you're an oppressed drone, but it you have a baby (at age whatever she was supposed to be; 15?), you're a creative free spirit!
I never saw Juno for as long as it's been out, but I finally had to sit down and watch part of it in class. That scene kept coming back to me months later and I realized just how fucking awful the implications of the clinic scene were. Hell, I don't even know, maybe the movie could be as believable as people parade it as, but that scene was the most cartoonish bullshit you could write on the topic. I think the Simpsons would cover it more realistically.
Do people who write movies about abortion clinics ever visit one? We'll never know for sure.
Sarah was either pregnant at the time of this review or had just had her first baby, safe to say she wouldn't have wanted any part in this one lol
the only men who can talk about abortion are those who have watched barbie and some tyler perry movies
You mean like Life in the Dream house? Because that was pretty good.
Midnight Screening on a movie about abortion . . . on my birthday. Irony?
39:15 What is that a reference to?
How much longer before the Midnight Screening of I'm Not Ashamed?
Not gonna lie, you guys almost made this sound like a dark and oppressive character study depicting the flaws of a morally repulsive ideology... until the ending came up.I am slightly disappointed :/
Edit out that ending, change the music and this could be a thriller or a character study like you said.
29:38 The audio cut out- was there something offensive there, was it a glitch, what?
Aquabreeze. It was a glitch, that happens often in these videos.
What videos does Letty actually appear in? They talk about her frequently but I still don't think of seen her.
I don't think there is any video out there where we see her face, but a lot of Vlogs with brian usually has Letty laying down in the back-seat, if you're lucky you might see her shift a bit while they talk.
This movie sounds unintentionally hilarious. I kinda wanna see it.
I look up the movie and see website. Church Tour begin January 2017. Tours?
Really wish you guys would have gone on a little road trip and do the columbine movie, hope it comes to springfield. Looking forward to the cinema snob of it though, :D
you guys made me kinda want to watch this movie. however it not filming anywhere in NYC
Well yeah, it takes place in Philadelphia! Why would they film it in New York City?
Not flim I mean watch in theaters
Can't say I expected such a good like/dislike ratio and comment section for a movie about fucking abortion.
Can't wait for this to be a cinema snob episode.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who remember The PJs. For a moment, I thought I dreamed that.
When Dave and Sarah will return to 'Midnight Screenings', i hope the first movie they see, isn't a horrible movie.
Damn. You ripped this movie so hard. So hard that the Main Character might chase you through space on the way to the Plot hole... Remember how that worked out for you last time. Just sayin' be ready.
i wonder what was said at 29:37 also 31:39
I'm watching this instead of writing my essay. Ehh, it ain't going anywhere...
The people shooting this saw the script and rightly thought it was a horror movie
Whos here after watching the snob episode?
Gods not dead 4. Blood of the fetus
This film, along with all the other faith based ones you reviewed and screened, is a very good example of what a belief in the Christian mythologies can do to someone when they are pathologically paranoid and hate-filled.
It wasn't pro-choice... But it was like... What if a really passive-aggressive pro-choice director got their arm twisted into directing a pro-life movie.
Holy fucking shit, this movie is disgusting. It needs to be buried. Don't see it. Don't tell other people about it. Just fucking bury it.
41:45 What about Lindsay?
We better get a snob episode of this movie.
Oh Brad, little did you know that the makers of this film must have saw your Gods Not Dead review and decided to take your final point seriously.
I also wonder if one could pull a Halloween 666 Producers Cut and re-edit this film to be a Pro-Choice film, al la Taxi Driver...
Between this and and the Snob episode on Voiceless...I've gotta see this fucking movie.
Don't, it is safer to watch more reviews of it. Like Hanna & Jake's review.
The family in the back sounds like the crazy family that lived next door to me a while ago. The mother bragged to me about how creative she was about the "creative writing" assignment she gave her nine-year-old daughter (of course she homeschooled her brood), which had her imagine what it would be like for Noah's family having to know that everyone they knew were going to drown. Obviously not a whole lot of reason with these people...
The way this is described, it has to be a satire of pro-lifers. It has to be, right?
Like Commando but with abortion. 🤗
Why are you talking about ISIS?
This is one of my favorite screenings.
I DON’T CARE, make Sarah, Lenny, Jillian, and everyone else review this.
Or buy it on Blue Ray and secretly record them watching it.
Lenny? The sentient pair of binoculars from Toy Story?
a pureflix movie about columbine ! that's fucked up beyond belief
Is it just me or do super christians need to take their meds???
Sadly, this is them ON their meds.
I'm Not Ashamed Midnight Screening?
Please do a snob episode for the Chevy chase film nothing but trouble
Shock G's the only reason to watch that film.
I think of it more as a Dan Aykroyd movie with Chevy in it
Please try to keep your camera in focus! it's so frustrating when it teeters between being in and out of focus
The Snob is doing this one?
Wow. Just watched the trailer for this. This looks pretty, well, wrong on so many levels. And the fact that the trailer touts that it was nominated for and won awards at a few different film festivals, that's just, HUH?
trc2rockon How? Delusional Sociopath awards maybe...
Maybe the Strawman Film Festival...
The director has a doctorate in Truthology from the University of Christian Science and Basketweaving.
For those wondering what the cuss awards this thing was nominated for and won, here they are, according to IMDb:
California Film Awards: Grand Winner - Best Narrative Film
DNA Filmworks Expo Film Festival: Epic Royal Award for Best Actor
Life Fest Film Festival: Capra Award for Best Actor
Northeast Film Festival: Audience Choice Award, Festival Award for Best Feature, Festival Award for Best Supporting Actress, Festival Award for Best Screenplay (nominated), and Festival Award for Best Actor (nominated)
Philadelphia Independent Film Festival: Emerging Artist Series, Feature Film (nominated)
I'm not kidding here! And now I have to wonder what these people were on to get these kind of awards.