I honestly never thought I’d hear healthy, sober Jonny ever again. 32 and feel like a fuckin proud dad for someone five years older than me. Fuck yeah, Jonny!!!!!
when he sings "you haven't even seen my best" he is finally making good on the promise he made when he wrote this song however many years ago that was. You can just see the relief and how proud of himself he is. very cool video thanks for posting.
That's so sick that he still does this one live. One of the best songs he's ever written
See him next week ! Never been so excited in my life for a show. Dude is one of my favorite all time singers
Jonny, you're an absolute inspiration and amazing vocalist! My heart is so full for your success right now, and I am so fucking thrilled
I honestly never thought I’d hear healthy, sober Jonny ever again. 32 and feel like a fuckin proud dad for someone five years older than me. Fuck yeah, Jonny!!!!!
Love that your pulling out the Slaves my brother! I was hoping this would happen! I want to see you in Roseville but it’s Easter my dude!
when he sings "you haven't even seen my best" he is finally making good on the promise he made when he wrote this song however many years ago that was. You can just see the relief and how proud of himself he is. very cool video thanks for posting.
We can’t wait to see this guy here in the Sonoran desert 🏜️!!!! It’s gonna be bananas!
So glad Jonny seems clean and healthy. Keep it up bro. Life is much better this way
Hands down better than Rain City Drive
Jonny is great, but Matt did a pretty damn good job considering the circumstances he was thrown in.
Jonny is the soul dud
They're both good lol
It was clever of them to rename rather than attempt to replace johny lol
johnny criag always killed it ! unlike the rain city cover it's so lame!
Hey, dbm4l, why was the crowd chanting 'Fuck Austin'? As a Dallas resident, I tend to agree, but I'm curious what Jonny said to prompt that
When is the new slaves single dropping!?
That’s awesome but where’s the guitar player(s)?
It’s a recording