* look out for / look after / take care of / 심지어는 have(get) one's back / 모두 '챙기다'의 의미로 쓰이는데요, 맥락에 따라서는 '돌보다'의 느낌이 더 강할 때가 많은데 이것 또한 정해진 룰이 없어요. 그래서 한 자리에 모아 놓고 완벽히 이해하려고 하지 말고 앞으로 영어를 많이 접하면서 이 세 표현들을 접했을 때 어떻게 쓰였는지를 잘 보시길 바랍니다 또한, take care of 를 쓸 때는 강조를 해서 "take good care of"혹은 "take really good care of"처럼 쓰는 것을 추천합니다 😀 * 추가 예문 ("챙기다"라는 단어에 얽매이지 않고 그냥 저 말을 나라면 뭐라고 말을 할까? 이거 하나만 생각하면서 영어로 바꿔봤습니다) 나 그 방송은 꼭 챙겨 봐. ⇢ I never miss that show. 걱정마. 내가 집에 잘 챙겨 놨어. ⇢ Don't worry. It's safe at home.(I put it in a safe place at home.) 야, 이거 읽어버리기 전에 잘 챙겨 놔. ⇢ Hey, put this somewhere safe before you lose it. (어떤 남자 아이에 대해서) 자기가 그래도 오빠라고 동생을 엄청 챙겨. ⇢ He's so mature. He takes really good care of his little sister. 건강 잘 챙기셔야 돼요. 아셨죠? ⇢ You need to take care of yourself. All right? 걔 그걸로 돈 꽤 챙겼을 걸? ⇢ I bet he made quite a lot from that.
Good evening, 선생님!! 실 생활에서 너무 유용하게 쓸 수 있는 표현들, 열심히 연습해서 잘 사용하도록 하겠습니다. 늘 감사합니다. A: Let's go out for a walk , don't forget to bring two umbrellas. B: It's just cloudy. I think it's not going to rain today. A: The forecast said it's going to rain shower around noon , so we need to take it just in case. I've been looking out for my husband because he had a surgery on his leg a few days ago. He always forgot to take his medicines. I'm always nagging him , Don't forget your medicines.
Remember novel study begins next week, please make sure to order and have it by monday. 저희아들 미국초등학교 알림장에 매일 늘 등장하는말이 please make sure예요. 처음에는 확실하게 만들어라?라고 어색하게 해석했는데 계속 보다보니 저도 모르게 자연스럽게 ‘챙겨주세요’라고 읽게되더라고요. Ms.Lopez always looks out for my son, so I’m glad she is my child’s teacher. My first child is so mature, he take care of his little brother very well. looks out for 는 뭔가를 신경써주고 배려하는 느낌이 있다면 take care은 아기를 돌보는 일방적인 ?그런 느낌일까요?
Thank you for teaching us so many "챙기다" in English. It is always hard to take out which words or phrases in order to speak in English naturally so i tend to refer to example sentences . 자연스럽게 영어로 말하기위해서 어떤 단어나 문구를 빼 오는지 항상어렵다 그래서 예문을 많이 참고 한다 i feel free from preparing dinner for my son . He ate already Ramen for dinner himself . I dined off some snacks . My husband said he would pass dinner. I feel a little guilty ( i think moms feel sense of duty of taking good care of their families like in the way of giving them good foods ) but i am happy with having a little more free time right now.
일단 제목만 보고 이걸 생각했었어요 Don't forget to take your bag 이건 좀 비슷했습니다 와우, 전치사 붙은 여러 뉘앙스의 구동사들 (ㅡㅡ);; look out for someone (someone을 돌보다) 1.< 우산 챙겨( 까먹지마 ),우산 꼭 챙겨, 우선 있어, 맞아? > Don't forget your umbrella. make sure you take your umbrella (make sure to take your umbrella). you have your umbrella, right? 2. < 화장실 화장지 챙겨( 떨어진거 잊지마 ), ~ 화장지 꼭 다시 채워 > Don't forget you ran out of toilet paper. make sure to refill toilet paper. 3. < (아이들과 차 타고 놀러가기 전 상황 ) 출발하기 전에 아이들 꼭 데려가야돼(챙겨야 돼), ~ 까먹지마 > You make sure to take your children before you leave. you Don't forget to take your chidren before you leave. 4. < (물놀이 갔다와서 옷이 흠뻑 다 젖은 상황 ) 옷이 젖을걸 대비해서(혹시 옷이 젖을지 모르니까) 여분의 옷을 가져(챙겨)갔어야 했어 > You should've taken extra clothes in case your clothes were wet. 5. < 걔 부모는 걔가 자랄때 걔를 (나쁜길로 빠지지 않게) 세심하게 챙겼어( 지원 하고 돌봤어) > Her parents carefully looked out for her when she was growing up 6. < 내 친구중 하나는 강아지가 세상 떠날때 까지 정성스럽게 돌봤어(챙겼어) > One of my friends thoroughly took care of his puppy until she passed away.
어머! 두개씩이나! 감사합니다😄 -Mom, I forgot my jump-rope. Can you bring it on your way to school? -I told you last night to make sure you take your jump-rope. 강의 들으면서 look out for 와 take care of하고 어떤 느낌으로 다른지 궁금했는데 댓글에 바로 예문이 있네요! 좀 다른 느낌은 있는데 확실하게 정리가 안돼요...
*너 챙겨! (잊지말고 ~을 하다) -Don't forget (to) -Make sure you ~ > Don't forget to take your meds / Make sure you take your meds > Don't skip your meals > the forecast says it's going to rain today, Don't forget your umbrella before you leave *챙겨 놓다 (안전한 곳에 두다) - Don't worry, I put it in a safe place at home - Hey, put this somewhere safe before you lose it. *챙겼지? 챙겨왔다 (소지하다) -You have ~, right? -bring + just in case > You have your wallet, right? > I brought an extra just in case > Let's take an extra just in case *사람을 챙기다 (돌보다) / 건강을 챙기다 look out for someone / take care of > She's a great coworker. She really looks out for me > He's so mature. He takes really good care of his little sister. > You need to take care of yourself. All right?
선댓글 후감상!! '누군가를 챙기다' 라고 할 때 저는 look after가 가장 먼저 떠올랐는데, look out for 보다는 take care of 와 더 비슷한 표현이란 느낌이 들어요. '챙기다' 보다는 '돌보다' 의 느낌이 강한.. 맞나요? She sometimes says she feel sad because I don't really look out for her. 그녀는 가끔씩 내가 자기를 너무 안 챙겨줘서 서운하다고 말한다. As a senior, I need to look out for and help other staffs, especially newbies. 선배로서 나는 다른 직원들을 챙기고 도와주어야 한다. 특히 신입사원들을. I forget to take my access card today, so all day long, I had to ask others to open the doors. 오늘 카드키를 챙기는 걸 깜빡해서 하루종일 다른 사람들한테 문좀 열어달라고 부탁해야 했어. 가끔 bring 이랑 take 랑 어떤 걸 써야 할지 헷갈릴 때가 있는데 이것도 문맥에 따라 다른 거겠죠? 가져가다나 가져오다나 둘다 챙기는 거는 똑같으니..
숙제꼭 해 Don't forget your homework. You have the car keys, right? 연필안가져왓어? 가져왔엇어야지. 담에 꼭 가져와 Didn't you bring a pencil? You should've brought it. Don't forget your pencil next time. 내가 아무리 바빠도 그 방송은 꼭 봐 I don't miss that show even though I'm busy. 제 신랑은요. 제가 좀 덤벙대서 항상 곁에서 잘 챙겨줘요. I'm clumsy and careless. So my husband always looks out for me.
나는 지난 주말에 가족여행을 갔었는데 거의 모든 것을 내가 다 챙겼어. 우선, 모든 캠핑 장비를 내가 챙겨야 했고, 와이프가 나한테 먹을 것도 챙기라고 시켰어. 더군다나, 집에서는 와이프가 아이들 챙기니까 놀러 가서는 나보고 아이들까지 챙기라고 하더라구. * My family and I went on a family trip last weekend and I took care of almost all everything. First, I need to make sure to pack all the camping equipment. My wife got me to prepare something to eat. On the top of that, she said she looked after children at home, so I had to even look out for them while we’re out.
I always try to look out for my son. But He is an adolescent. So, he thinks that he can take good care of himself. 항상 아들을 잘 챙겨주려고 한다. 그렇지만 사춘기라 혼자 잘 챙길 수 있다고 생각한다.
1. I'll take my shopping bag just in case. 2. I have my favorite RUclips channel that I never miss. 3. Aren't you going to take care of your husband's meal right now? 4. Take care of yourself first. You're going to get sick if you only look out for others all the time. 5. Don't forget when you're going to see a doctor. 6. Make sure you bring it to him before he leaves. 7. Come on, you have your cellphone, right? 8. Can you take care of my black suit for the evening?
My wife got pregnant. Many friends celebrated me, and asked me if I like son or daughter. Actually, I prefer son better than daughter. That's because I have to look out for daughter more than son. I know daughter is so lovely for father, but nowadays the world is so scary. That might be my prejudice, but I'd be more sensitive and thoroughly look out for daughter if I had a daughter.
1. Are you going to go for a walk? Make sure to take your phone and card. 2. I know you're just looking out for your son, but he's a grown up. You can only be so involved in his life(review😆) 3. Should we bring some extra cash just in case? I heard there are some shops that only take cash. 4. "You have to take care of your brother and sister. You're the eldest" This makes me feel frustrated. Even we're all grown-ups, parents think we're still young. 5. Sweetie, put your tuner safe before you lose it again. Mom, I've already put it in a bag.
a. He always looks out for us and makes sure we have what we need. b. Don't worry, I've put it safely at home. c. he's so mature. He always takes really good care of his little brother.
My mom always looks out for me. She often makes some side dishes for my family to take a load off my shoulders. She tells me to gain weight because l'm too thin. One of things I have trouble the most is getting more fit.
출근하기 전에 휴대폰 같은거 잊지 않게 잘챙기길! Make sure not to forget your things kind of cell phone before you go to work. 자전거 탈때 차키 잃어버지리 않게 조심해야해! 때때로 호주머니에서 빠져나오거든 Please keep your car key carefully when you ride a bike. Sometimes, it gets out of your pockets. 저 누나는 항상 나를 잘챙겨죠. 그래서 좋은 감정을 느끼고 있어. 그런데 알보고니 나만 그런게 아니야. 그녀의 성격인거야. 날 착각하게 만드네 She always looks out for me so, I have a good sentimental emotion to her. But it turned out she treats very well not only everyone also me. It's just her characteric and it make me confusing.
앗 선생님 미처 어제 라이브방송때 질문 못드린 게 있는데요! 외국인 손님이 결제를 위해 꽂아둔 카드를 챙겨달라고 말하고 싶을땐 어떻게 영어로 말해야 할까요? Take it out your card, please. 는 너무 직설적인 표현 같고... Don't forget your card. 라고 하면 카드 잊지 말고 챙기라는 표현이 될 수 있을까요? (이때 끝에 플리즈 붙이는 정도면 공손해보이려나요...ㅎㅎ)
왜 전 ''정신 좀 챙기다''가 먼저 떠오르는지.ㅜ.ㅜ A: Mom, Don't say again you forgot to buy a 문제집 I'd asked you to the other day. B: I really hate to say...but I forgot. A: Again?? Please pay more attention to it! (정신 좀 챙기세요!) I also hate to say this... it looks like your head is a sieve. B: What,what,what?(Smashing him on the back^^) 깜박 잘 하는 사람한테 정신 좀 챙겨란 말을 어떻게 표현해야 할지 몰라 저렇게라도 쓰긴 했는데요^^ 말 찾는 게 재밌어요😄
A: I think I left my phone around 10 minutes ago. Can you look it up, please? B: Oh, it's here. A: Can you take care of it? I'll be there soon. Mom, make sure you turn off the gas before you leave.
Hey. Don't forget your bag / phone / shoes(?). Hey. Don't forget to take your meds, OK? Make sure you take your meds, OK? (=Make sure to take your meds) Don't forget and make sure you take your meds. You have the car keys, right? Don't worry. I brought an extra (one) just in case. Hey, let's take an extra external battery just in case. Let's pack an extra battery just in case. Mr. Kim? He's a great boss.... I love Mr. Kim. He always looks out for us. He always makes sure we have what we need. - - - - - Hey. Don't forget to take your meds, OK? Make sure you take your meds, OK? (=Make sure to take your meds) 저맥락 : 챙겨라, 잊지마라 = forget 저맥락 : 꼭 챙겨라, 확인해봐라 = make sure Hey. Don't forget to take your meds, OK? 고맥락 : 영어에서 챙겨라라는 표현이 따로 없다.
A:it's already check out time. Make sure you have everything. B:yeah ,actually, i forgot things these days. Thanks you always look out for me . A:the forecast said it's gonna rain today. Did you bring an umbrella? B: no ,i haven't . What about you? You brought an umbrella? If you had an umbrella, could i share it with you? I always check and make sure i have my phone before i go to work beacause i have to see a stock market.
Don't forget your bag / phones / shoes Don't forget wearing a mask inside the building Don't worry I brought an extra external battery just in case. Just in case. looks out for someone He always looks out for me / he always makes sure we have what we need
A : Can you tell me not to forget my sunglass before we leave? B : OK. Ah! let's pack some coats just in case. The weather might be cold at night. A : Are you ready to go out? B : Yes! Let's go! Give me a bag. A : Don't worry about it, and you just look out for kids. You have the car keys, right? B : It's safe in my pocket. Anyway what time we will get there? A : About.. 8 pm.. why? B : It's 금쪽같은 내새끼 broadcasting day! I never miss that show. A : 나가기전에 나한테 썬글라스좀 챙기라고 말좀 해줄래? B : 알았어. 아! 외투도 챙기자. 밤되면 추울수도있어. A : 나갈준비 됐어? B : 응! 가자. 가방 하나줘. A : 신경쓰지말고 애들이나 챙겨. 차키 챙겼지? B : 내 주머니에 잘 챙겨놨어. 그나저나 우리 몇시쯤 도착해? A : 한.. 8시쯤 왜? B : 오늘 금쪽같은 내새끼 방송하는 날이자나. 나 그거 항상 챙겨보거든.
* look out for / look after / take care of / 심지어는 have(get) one's back / 모두 '챙기다'의 의미로 쓰이는데요, 맥락에 따라서는 '돌보다'의 느낌이 더 강할 때가 많은데 이것 또한 정해진 룰이 없어요.
그래서 한 자리에 모아 놓고 완벽히 이해하려고 하지 말고 앞으로 영어를 많이 접하면서 이 세 표현들을 접했을 때 어떻게 쓰였는지를 잘 보시길 바랍니다
또한, take care of 를 쓸 때는 강조를 해서 "take good care of"혹은 "take really good care of"처럼 쓰는 것을 추천합니다 😀
* 추가 예문 ("챙기다"라는 단어에 얽매이지 않고 그냥 저 말을 나라면 뭐라고 말을 할까? 이거 하나만 생각하면서 영어로 바꿔봤습니다)
나 그 방송은 꼭 챙겨 봐.
⇢ I never miss that show.
걱정마. 내가 집에 잘 챙겨 놨어.
⇢ Don't worry. It's safe at home.(I put it in a safe place at home.)
야, 이거 읽어버리기 전에 잘 챙겨 놔.
⇢ Hey, put this somewhere safe before you lose it.
(어떤 남자 아이에 대해서) 자기가 그래도 오빠라고 동생을 엄청 챙겨.
⇢ He's so mature. He takes really good care of his little sister.
건강 잘 챙기셔야 돼요. 아셨죠?
⇢ You need to take care of yourself. All right?
걔 그걸로 돈 꽤 챙겼을 걸?
⇢ I bet he made quite a lot from that.
6.1 and not sure
Thanks for the example sentences with Korean to English subtitles
It helps me a lot better understandably it.
저희를 챙겨주셔서 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ
강의영상이 실생활에서 너무너무 도움되요. 이 선생님은 많은 한국사람들이 막히는부분을 알고계시는듯, 설명도 군더더기없이 깔끔하고 이해가 잘되고 쏙쏙 들어와요
제가 본 영어강의중 최고에요👍
Make sure to have your phone and car key.
When you leave home, don't forget your phone and car key.
썸네일 .넘 웃겨요. ㅋ
쌤덕분에 자주 웃어요.ㅋ
고정된 생각을 전환시켜 주셔서 감사해요~^^ 정말 한국말 그대로 만들다가 시간만 걸리고 쉽게 포기 하게 되더라구요~ 영어도 잘 하시지만… 역쉬 찐 선생님이세요~^^
영어의 흥미를 200배 더 끌어올리는 수업! 쌤 목소리도 너무 좋아서 집중 잘되구
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍Sir? You really look out for us.‼️
일상생활에 진짜 많이 사용하는 말들을 중심으로 너무 감사합니다. 그대는 언어에 대한 탁월한 감각이 있습니다. 짱
ㅎㅎ 두서 없다니요. 빨모샘 깅의는 어떤 강의도 넘 좋아요. 빨모샘 영상 들으면 맘에 안정이 찾아온답니당 🤩🫢😁 건강하시고 5월 마무리 잘하세요. 🙌
공부하기싫다가도 쌤 영상보면 갑자기 영어가 재밌게 느껴짐..별 생각없이 눌렀다가 나도모르게 영작하게됨
이런게 참 어려운거같아요ㅠㅠ나도모르게 한국말을 직번역하면서 생각하게되더라구요. 영어식사고를 해야하는데... '챙기다'라는 말도 어떻게사용하느냐에따라 영어로쓸때 그 의미가달라져서 다양한표현이나오네요 뭔가 신기하기도하고 답답했던부분이 해소되는기분이에요!! 오늘도 감사합니다 선생님!!
오랜만에 다시 영어공부 마음먹었는데, 어찌공부하나.. 그런 고민없이 빨모쌤 채널만 틀면되니까 정말 감사해요...!
맞아요, 제 남편이 내게 늘 하는 말이예요. 제가 한국어를 영어로 옮기려해서 잘 안되는거라고…….
그래서 현지인들하고 살면서 생활에서 배워야 해요. “나도 몰라요” 사진 너무 귀여워요
충분히 도움됩니다~
선생님 유툽강의 너무 유용해요~~
항상 감사합니다
이런 수업 너무 좋습니다~~감사합니다~^^
귀신같은 양반. 뭘 알고 싶어하는지 너무 잘 알아😌
Good evening, 선생님!! 실 생활에서 너무 유용하게 쓸 수 있는 표현들, 열심히 연습해서 잘 사용하도록 하겠습니다. 늘 감사합니다.
A: Let's go out for a walk , don't forget to bring two umbrellas.
B: It's just cloudy. I think it's not going to rain today.
A: The forecast said it's going to rain shower around noon , so we need to take it just in case.
I've been looking out for my husband because he had a surgery on his leg a few days ago.
He always forgot to take his medicines. I'm always nagging him , Don't forget your medicines.
좋은 영상 늘 감사드립니다 !!
완전 도움됩니다.
영어식 사고가 아직 익숙하진 않지만 배우면서 고쳐나가고 있어요
항상 좋은 영상 감사합니다~ 좋은영상 많이 제작해주세요 ~
너무 잘가르쳐주세요!!감사합니다
항상 유용한 주제로 실력을 채워 주십니다.
선생님!!! 영상 나중에 보려고 했는데,
썸네일 너무 귀여우셔서 당장 안볼 수가 없었네요. 오늘도 감사 드립니다.
Remember novel study begins next week, please make sure to order and have it by monday.
저희아들 미국초등학교 알림장에 매일 늘 등장하는말이 please make sure예요. 처음에는 확실하게 만들어라?라고 어색하게 해석했는데 계속 보다보니 저도 모르게 자연스럽게 ‘챙겨주세요’라고 읽게되더라고요.
Ms.Lopez always looks out for my son, so I’m glad she is my child’s teacher.
My first child is so mature, he take care of his little brother very well.
looks out for 는 뭔가를 신경써주고 배려하는 느낌이 있다면 take care은 아기를 돌보는 일방적인 ?그런 느낌일까요?
역시 이런게 한국인에게 꼭 필요하죠!
Good evening , Live Academy teacher always looks out for us 감사합니다
진심 너무재밌어여
완전 내용 너무너무너무 도움 됐습니다 감사합니당
Make sure you take~ 이것 제가 생각했던건데 나와서 감동 ㅠㅠ
아..허무하네요..🤣🤣 Don't forget.. You have ..right??
ㅎㅏ 강의 너무좋아요
넘 웃겨요...ㅋㅋㅋ '몰라요 저두'
Thank you for teaching us so many "챙기다" in English.
It is always hard to take out which words or phrases in order to speak in English naturally so i tend to refer to example sentences .
자연스럽게 영어로 말하기위해서 어떤 단어나 문구를 빼 오는지 항상어렵다 그래서 예문을 많이 참고 한다
i feel free from preparing dinner for my son . He ate already Ramen for dinner himself . I dined off some snacks . My husband said he would pass dinner. I feel a little guilty ( i think moms feel sense of duty of taking good care of their families like in the way of giving them good foods ) but i am happy with having a little more free time right now.
감사합니다 !
나이 좀 든 사람으로서 말하자면 챙기다 라는 말이 이렇게 폭넓게 쓰인 지는 그렇게 오래되지 않아요. 토종 한국인인 나도 이 말을 완전히 감잡는데 좀 걸렸던 것 같습니다.
라이브아카데미's a great teacher. he always looks out for everyone.
빨모샘 is great. He always looks out for us who want to learn English.
어감이 굉장히 달라서 설명하기 까다로운 표현인 것 같은데 너무 잘해 주셨어요 귀에 쏙쏙 들어오네요, 감사합니다^^
일단 제목만 보고 이걸 생각했었어요 Don't forget to take your bag 이건 좀 비슷했습니다 와우,
전치사 붙은 여러 뉘앙스의 구동사들 (ㅡㅡ);; look out for someone (someone을 돌보다)
1.< 우산 챙겨( 까먹지마 ),우산 꼭 챙겨, 우선 있어, 맞아? >
Don't forget your umbrella. make sure you take your umbrella (make sure to take your umbrella). you have your umbrella, right?
2. < 화장실 화장지 챙겨( 떨어진거 잊지마 ), ~ 화장지 꼭 다시 채워 > Don't forget you ran out of toilet paper. make sure to refill toilet paper.
3. < (아이들과 차 타고 놀러가기 전 상황 ) 출발하기 전에 아이들 꼭 데려가야돼(챙겨야 돼), ~ 까먹지마 >
You make sure to take your children before you leave. you Don't forget to take your chidren before you leave.
4. < (물놀이 갔다와서 옷이 흠뻑 다 젖은 상황 ) 옷이 젖을걸 대비해서(혹시 옷이 젖을지 모르니까) 여분의 옷을 가져(챙겨)갔어야 했어 >
You should've taken extra clothes in case your clothes were wet.
5. < 걔 부모는 걔가 자랄때 걔를 (나쁜길로 빠지지 않게) 세심하게 챙겼어( 지원 하고 돌봤어) >
Her parents carefully looked out for her when she was growing up
6. < 내 친구중 하나는 강아지가 세상 떠날때 까지 정성스럽게 돌봤어(챙겼어) >
One of my friends thoroughly took care of his puppy until she passed away.
감사합니다 😊
썸네일 귀여우세요 ㅋㅋㅋ
맞아요 안그래도 딸아이 가족 소개 하는데 한글 번역이 먼저 되더라구요 ㅠㅠ
Thanks a million 😊
어머! 두개씩이나! 감사합니다😄
-Mom, I forgot my jump-rope. Can you bring it on your way to school?
-I told you last night to make sure you take your jump-rope.
강의 들으면서 look out for 와 take care of하고 어떤 느낌으로 다른지 궁금했는데 댓글에 바로 예문이 있네요! 좀 다른 느낌은 있는데 확실하게 정리가 안돼요...
저도 이거 궁금해요. look out for와 take care of의 뉘앙스 차이…
썸네일보고 저는 grab your things, quickly. 가 생각났어요.
Hold on, let me just grab my wallet.
*너 챙겨! (잊지말고 ~을 하다)
-Don't forget (to)
-Make sure you ~
> Don't forget to take your meds / Make sure you take your meds
> Don't skip your meals
> the forecast says it's going to rain today, Don't forget your umbrella before you leave
*챙겨 놓다 (안전한 곳에 두다)
- Don't worry, I put it in a safe place at home
- Hey, put this somewhere safe before you lose it.
*챙겼지? 챙겨왔다 (소지하다)
-You have ~, right?
-bring + just in case
> You have your wallet, right?
> I brought an extra just in case
> Let's take an extra just in case
*사람을 챙기다 (돌보다) / 건강을 챙기다
look out for someone / take care of
> She's a great coworker. She really looks out for me
> He's so mature. He takes really good care of his little sister.
> You need to take care of yourself. All right?
이 한국어는 영어로 뭐지? 라는 나쁜 습관이 있었던것 같습니다. 강의 정말 감사합니다.
선댓글 후감상!!
'누군가를 챙기다' 라고 할 때 저는 look after가 가장 먼저 떠올랐는데, look out for 보다는 take care of 와 더 비슷한 표현이란 느낌이 들어요. '챙기다' 보다는 '돌보다' 의 느낌이 강한.. 맞나요?
She sometimes says she feel sad because I don't really look out for her.
그녀는 가끔씩 내가 자기를 너무 안 챙겨줘서 서운하다고 말한다.
As a senior, I need to look out for and help other staffs, especially newbies.
선배로서 나는 다른 직원들을 챙기고 도와주어야 한다. 특히 신입사원들을.
I forget to take my access card today, so all day long, I had to ask others to open the doors.
오늘 카드키를 챙기는 걸 깜빡해서 하루종일 다른 사람들한테 문좀 열어달라고 부탁해야 했어.
가끔 bring 이랑 take 랑 어떤 걸 써야 할지 헷갈릴 때가 있는데 이것도 문맥에 따라 다른 거겠죠? 가져가다나 가져오다나 둘다 챙기는 거는 똑같으니..
챙기다! 유용하네요
Thank you!!!
당신은 위대하다.나에게는 더욱더 ...
오늘은 피곤하니깐 그냥 강의만 듣고자자..이러면서 항상 예문을 만들고 자게되네요!!(예문안만들고 자면 편히자지도 못하긴함ㅋ) 이것이야말로 빨모샘효과!!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍
썸네일 왜 갑자기 귀여운 컨셉인거죠? 오히려 좋네요
He always looks out for us....he always makes sure we have what we need..
숙제꼭 해 Don't forget your homework.
You have the car keys, right?
연필안가져왓어? 가져왔엇어야지. 담에 꼭 가져와
Didn't you bring a pencil? You should've brought it. Don't forget your pencil next time.
내가 아무리 바빠도 그 방송은 꼭 봐
I don't miss that show even though I'm busy.
제 신랑은요. 제가 좀 덤벙대서 항상 곁에서 잘 챙겨줘요.
I'm clumsy and careless. So my husband always looks out for me.
나는 지난 주말에 가족여행을 갔었는데 거의 모든 것을 내가 다 챙겼어. 우선, 모든 캠핑 장비를 내가 챙겨야 했고, 와이프가 나한테 먹을 것도 챙기라고 시켰어. 더군다나, 집에서는 와이프가 아이들 챙기니까 놀러 가서는 나보고 아이들까지 챙기라고 하더라구.
* My family and I went on a family trip last weekend and I took care of almost all everything. First, I need to make sure to pack all the camping equipment. My wife got me to prepare something to eat. On the top of that, she said she looked after children at home, so I had to even look out for them while we’re out.
I always try to look out for my son. But He is an adolescent. So, he thinks that he can take good care of himself.
항상 아들을 잘 챙겨주려고 한다. 그렇지만 사춘기라 혼자 잘 챙길 수 있다고 생각한다.
잠깐 내 아들 좀 챙겨줄래 란 의미로 " could you keep your eyes on my son? " 이라고 해도 괜찮을까요?
아, 영어식 사고란.., 너무도 어렵고 어렵습니다. 쌤의 영상으로 공부를 할 수 있다는게 감사할 뿐 입니다, 감사해요 쌤😊
근데요, look out for 와 look after 는 어떻게 다른가요. 지켜보다와 챙겨주다의 차이인가요?
쟁기다 is such a versatile word. really struggling as a Korean learner😅
Don't forget to remember me my love Oh my hart won't believe that you have left me I keep telling myself that is true
dont't forget to v = ~위해 잊지마.
~ing = ~하는 것을 잊지마.
이것은 어떤가요?
제목과 썸네일보고
'Let me put myself together'
이 제일먼저 떠올랐는데, 역시나 상황에 따라서 다양한 표현들이;;;
1. I'll take my shopping bag just in case.
2. I have my favorite RUclips channel that I never miss.
3. Aren't you going to take care of your husband's meal right now?
4. Take care of yourself first. You're going to get sick if you only look out for others all the time.
5. Don't forget when you're going to see a doctor.
6. Make sure you bring it to him before he leaves.
7. Come on, you have your cellphone, right?
8. Can you take care of my black suit for the evening?
He always looks out for his family.
a. He's so mature. He takes really good care of his little brother.
b. He always takes really good care of himself.
Don‘t forget me 😅
눈치 챙겨!!!!! 는 무엇인가요? Don't be silly?
My wife got pregnant. Many friends celebrated me, and asked me if I like son or daughter. Actually, I prefer son better than daughter. That's because I have to look out for daughter more than son. I know daughter is so lovely for father, but nowadays the world is so scary. That might be my prejudice, but I'd be more sensitive and thoroughly look out for daughter if I had a daughter.
1. Are you going to go for a walk? Make sure to take your phone and card.
2. I know you're just looking out for your son, but he's a grown up. You can only be so involved in his life(review😆)
3. Should we bring some extra cash just in case? I heard there are some shops that only take cash.
4. "You have to take care of your brother and sister. You're the eldest" This makes me feel frustrated. Even we're all grown-ups, parents think we're still young.
5. Sweetie, put your tuner safe before you lose it again. Mom, I've already put it in a bag.
썸네일에서 좌절감이 묻어나오네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
a. He always looks out for us and makes sure we have what we need.
b. Don't worry, I've put it safely at home.
c. he's so mature. He always takes really good care of his little brother.
When i go to on trip, i always carry some meds.
왕뚜껑 좋아하시나봐요
Check if you have everything !!!
빠진거 없이 챙겼는지 확인해봐!!!
take care or look after 도 되지않을까요?
He always makes sure we have what we need . 이부분은 왜 we have 라고하는거에요 ?
My mom always looks out for me. She often makes some side dishes for my family to take a load off my shoulders. She tells me to gain weight because l'm too thin. One of things I have trouble the most is getting more fit.
출근하기 전에 휴대폰 같은거 잊지 않게 잘챙기길!
Make sure not to forget your things kind of cell phone before you go to work.
자전거 탈때 차키 잃어버지리 않게 조심해야해! 때때로 호주머니에서 빠져나오거든
Please keep your car key carefully when you ride a bike. Sometimes, it gets out of your pockets.
저 누나는 항상 나를 잘챙겨죠. 그래서 좋은 감정을 느끼고 있어.
그런데 알보고니 나만 그런게 아니야. 그녀의 성격인거야. 날 착각하게 만드네
She always looks out for me so, I have a good sentimental emotion to her.
But it turned out she treats very well not only everyone also me. It's just her characteric and it make me confusing.
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아 뜻이 통하면 된다고!!! 설명해주면서 계속 웃음 참을 때 같이 웃음 터짐
You're not gonna forget the book fot tomorrow, right? (내일 책이 필요한데 안챙길까봐 make sure하는 상황 전치사 for를 넣는거랑 없는거랑 뭐가 더 자연스러울까요?)
오늘도 무지 감사합니다 쌤
앗 선생님 미처 어제 라이브방송때 질문 못드린 게 있는데요! 외국인 손님이 결제를 위해 꽂아둔 카드를 챙겨달라고 말하고 싶을땐 어떻게 영어로 말해야 할까요? Take it out your card, please. 는 너무 직설적인 표현 같고... Don't forget your card. 라고 하면 카드 잊지 말고 챙기라는 표현이 될 수 있을까요? (이때 끝에 플리즈 붙이는 정도면 공손해보이려나요...ㅎㅎ)
Hey, you have money, right?
yeah, I'm gonna take some extra cash just in case. But don't worry. we have a smartphone.
Does he look out for you a lot?
왜 전 ''정신 좀 챙기다''가 먼저 떠오르는지.ㅜ.ㅜ
A: Mom, Don't say again you forgot to buy a 문제집 I'd asked you to the other day.
B: I really hate to say...but I forgot.
A: Again?? Please pay more attention to it! (정신 좀 챙기세요!)
I also hate to say this... it looks like your head is a sieve.
B: What,what,what?(Smashing him on the back^^)
깜박 잘 하는 사람한테 정신 좀 챙겨란 말을 어떻게 표현해야 할지 몰라 저렇게라도 쓰긴 했는데요^^ 말 찾는 게 재밌어요😄
쌤 너무 김사해요.
딸아이 외국인 직장 남자 상사에게
우리딸 좀 잘 부탁해요는 어떻게 표현할까요? 괜히 오해하지 않게 사용할 수 있는 말이 있을까요?
외국인회사에는 그런 개념 자체가 없는 것으로 알고있는데요..
look out for을 강조해서 "정말 잘 챙겨준다"라고 말 하고싶으면
He always looks out for us very much..(?)라고 하면 될까요?
A: I think I left my phone around 10 minutes ago.
Can you look it up, please?
B: Oh, it's here.
A: Can you take care of it?
I'll be there soon.
Mom, make sure you turn off the gas before you leave.
선생님 혹시 Don't let your bag leave. 이런거는 말이안되나요?
Hey. Don't forget your bag / phone / shoes(?).
Hey. Don't forget to take your meds, OK?
Make sure you take your meds, OK? (=Make sure to take your meds)
Don't forget and make sure you take your meds.
You have the car keys, right?
Don't worry. I brought an extra (one) just in case.
Hey, let's take an extra external battery just in case.
Let's pack an extra battery just in case.
Mr. Kim? He's a great boss.... I love Mr. Kim. He always looks out for us.
He always makes sure we have what we need.
- - - - -
Hey. Don't forget to take your meds, OK?
Make sure you take your meds, OK? (=Make sure to take your meds)
저맥락 : 챙겨라, 잊지마라 = forget
저맥락 : 꼭 챙겨라, 확인해봐라 = make sure
Hey. Don't forget to take your meds, OK?
고맥락 : 영어에서 챙겨라라는 표현이 따로 없다.
A:it's already check out time.
Make sure you have everything.
B:yeah ,actually, i forgot things these days.
Thanks you always look out for me .
A:the forecast said it's gonna rain today.
Did you bring an umbrella?
B: no ,i haven't . What about you?
You brought an umbrella?
If you had an umbrella, could i share it with you?
I always check and make sure i have my phone
before i go to work beacause i have to see a stock market.
Don't forget your bag / phones / shoes
Don't forget wearing a mask inside the building
Don't worry I brought an extra external battery just in case.
Just in case.
looks out for someone
He always looks out for me /
he always makes sure we have what we need
정신 단디 챙기레이
A : Can you tell me not to forget my sunglass before we leave?
B : OK. Ah! let's pack some coats just in case. The weather might be cold at night.
A : Are you ready to go out?
B : Yes! Let's go! Give me a bag.
A : Don't worry about it, and you just look out for kids. You have the car keys, right?
B : It's safe in my pocket. Anyway what time we will get there?
A : About.. 8 pm.. why?
B : It's 금쪽같은 내새끼 broadcasting day! I never miss that show.
A : 나가기전에 나한테 썬글라스좀 챙기라고 말좀 해줄래?
B : 알았어. 아! 외투도 챙기자. 밤되면 추울수도있어.
A : 나갈준비 됐어?
B : 응! 가자. 가방 하나줘.
A : 신경쓰지말고 애들이나 챙겨. 차키 챙겼지?
B : 내 주머니에 잘 챙겨놨어. 그나저나 우리 몇시쯤 도착해?
A : 한.. 8시쯤 왜?
B : 오늘 금쪽같은 내새끼 방송하는 날이자나. 나 그거 항상 챙겨보거든.