Is Rome the Great Harlot? // THE BOOK OF REVELATION: Session 54

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 382

  • @donnarussell3994
    @donnarussell3994 Год назад +13

    Not just the argument about who is mystery Babylon…but also the coming of Christ…people get down right militant about both issues…they both are not salvation issues…but they still dogmatically cling to their opinions …I actually heard a person say if you don’t believe in pre-Tribulation you will be left behind …Sad to cling to ideas that separate Christians 🥹 God and His Magnificent Son be with us All 🙏🏻💕🙏🏻

  • @gsmiro
    @gsmiro Год назад +5

    One thing about the Roman Catholic Church is that it has persecuted and killed many tens of thousands if not millions of true followers of Christ. The French persecution of the Huguenots come to mind. St. Bartholomew Days massacre 70,000 killed in one day. The persecution of the Bohemian Christians, John Huss, etc. years of war that wiped out all the Protestants in Bohemia. Study closer and deeper you will see Rome is filled with the blood of the martyrers

  • @ingridblagrove9044
    @ingridblagrove9044 Год назад +5

    I thank the team of FAI for their hard work and their dedication to serve us as they open up the scriptures more for all to understand it in this time, may God bless you all in Jesus name 🙌🏾❤️🙏🏾

    • @craiggreshaw8510
      @craiggreshaw8510 Год назад +1

      Read the Scriptures for yourself, take time to watch a very enlightening video documentary on the creation and foundation of Islam called “The Islamic Connection” by Walter Veith, and you will see that Catholicism and Islam are LITERALLY JOINED AT THE HIP!!!

  • @ravensixkiller3166
    @ravensixkiller3166 Год назад +7

    Wow, Joel I come from the same experience within the Catholic Church. Went to Catholic school til I was 12 but they asked us not to comeback after my parents divorced. Really destroyed my view of God. Thankfully I found grace 2years ago.

    • @candyclews4047
      @candyclews4047 Год назад +1

      Who asked? Because a priest would not and could not be able to ask this. If it was a Parishioner, they were wrong.

    • @oddlycreatetiff8920
      @oddlycreatetiff8920 Год назад

      One of my oldest friends is Catholic. He had a similar experience; parents divorced when he was a kid, the priest told his mom not to return until she remarried her husband. He actually ended up returning to Catholicism as an adult, surprisingly.

  • @ClassicClassics
    @ClassicClassics Год назад +5

    Preterism is NOT the same as historicism. Preterists believe Revelation fulfilled largely in 1st century which is false. Historians know that Revelation mostly -not all- fulfilled over the last 1900 years. And the papacy did NOT preserve Scriptures but has manipulated and tried to destroy it. History proves the Roman church of the popes proclaimed many man-made doctrines which are contrary to Scripture!
    In 593 AD, the unscriptural doctrine of purgatory was established.
    In 600 AD, they began using Latin in prayer and worship, to hide the Scriptural faith.
    In 600 AD, prayers began to be directed to Mary and the dead.
    In 709 AD, the kissing of the pope’s feet was established.
    In 788 AD, the veneration of the crucifix, relics and images began, which breaks the second commandment.
    In 850 AD, the unscriptural use of ‘holy water’ began.
    In 995 AD, the unscriptural canonization of dead saints began.
    In 1079 AD, the unscriptural demand of the celibacy of priests began, which has led to priests being homosexual, and raping nuns and children.
    In 1090 AD, the unscriptural use of repetitious prayers to Mary using a rosary began.
    In 1184 AD, the unscriptural, wicked Inquisition began, when they tortured and killed Messiah’s saints whom they proclaimed were heretics.
    In 1190 AD, the unscriptural sale of indulgences began.
    In 1215 AD, the unscriptural doctrine of transubstantiation and the confession of sins to a priest began.
    In 1220 AD, the adoration of the Eucharist wafer (which symbolizes the sun god of the Babylonian Mystery Religion) began.
    In 1229 AD, the popes issued bulls to ban and burn the precious handwritten Scriptures, and kill those who possessed them!

  • @sketchbook1
    @sketchbook1 Год назад +3

    Remember that Rome never quite died, but becomes the empire that is "partly clay and partly iron," which is the final empire, New Rome so to speak, which will be in the end and also destroyed by Christ's kingdom, the "rock made not by human hands...."
    It's not really talking about the ecclesiastical Rome or the Roman Church, but about the political entity and organization during the last kingdom...

    • @lanec5672
      @lanec5672 Год назад +1

      I agree completely... Islam, being largely a creation of Rome, is currently a 'tool in their hands'. What Joel seems to be overlooking is how the secret societies that came out of Rome (jesuits, masons, knights of malta, etc) are the 'hidden hand' influencing & controlling world finances & politics while trying to unite world religions through the ecumenical movement & social justice.

  • @BlueMonkey23rd
    @BlueMonkey23rd Год назад +4

    I disagree with your assessment of the Catholic Church. I grew up orthodox (ie Greek Orthodox) and later in life became catholic. My conversion to Catholicism is a story on its own but the point I want to make is that Catholics do in fact believe in a personal relationship with Jesus. Yes there is the rosary to Mary and there is that unique relationship with Mary that Catholics have. As far as the reference to the wheat and tares, I do not agree that the Catholic Church has the greatest ratio. I would actually say it is many Protestant churches who do not have many of the same sacraments that Catholics and orthodox Christians do. I would say that the Orthodox Church still reigns supreme in terms of holding the truth, the word and the way. The Orthodox Church is closest to the original followers of Christ from the beginning. So I mention the sacraments. It is wrong to say that Catholics believe that once they are saved they are saved, or that the sacraments alone are the source of their salvation. This is false and a lie. Catholics and orthodox individuals know that it requires constant prayer, fasting and suffering to purify ourselves for salvation. I would even argue that the Orthodox Church is better at expressing this fact. We must be in CONSTANT repentance every moment of our lives. The battle is not over while we are here on earth. But to say that Protestants who put so much on the Bible and barely anything else, they are missing so much of what it means to be a Christian. Even satan knows every word in the Bible. How will we be better than him by simply also knowing the Bible? There is SO much more.

    • @dudleygordon6191
      @dudleygordon6191 10 месяцев назад +1

      Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV
      For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: [9] Not of works, lest any man should boast.
      1 Timothy 2:5 KJV
      For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

  • @ladyhawkNone
    @ladyhawkNone Год назад +1

    Thank you!

  • @Hiker_Mike
    @Hiker_Mike Год назад +17

    Not sure the Jesus that Roman Catholics worship is the same Jesus of the Bible. Most definetly the Mary that the Roman Catholics worship is not the same Mary of the Bible. The Pope claims to be the "Vicar of Christ", allows himself to be referred to as "The Holy Father"... would God share his glory this way? Roman Catholicism (doctrines, traditions) align with a false religion, IMO. Not sure a Bible believing, born again Christian, could remain in the Roman religion, or any false religion, long-term.

    • @ReapingTheHarvest
      @ReapingTheHarvest 11 месяцев назад

      The Catholic Church is the church Jesus established. They canonized the Bible that you make up your own interpretations for. Protestants removed 7 books from canon. Catholics don't worship Mary. You'll have to give an account for every lie and for bearing false witness.

    • @amnobody117
      @amnobody117 11 месяцев назад +2

      Agreed. I mean how many true Christians did they martyr already?

    • @trip8263
      @trip8263 10 месяцев назад

      I spent many years as a practicing Catholic. I assure you as a Bible Christian. The Catholic church's Jesus Christ is the same as the protestants Jesus Christ. ISLAM believes in Jesus but their Jesus is NOT the same Jesus that protestants or Catholics believe. They mock our Jesus Christ.

    • @cjm7151
      @cjm7151 5 месяцев назад

      Try reading the Apostle’s Creed that is said in every liturgy- that expresses what they believe. See what parts you disagree with

    • @JustinDOehlke
      @JustinDOehlke 2 месяца назад

      The god they worship is Deus which is Zeus, and they chose to spell and pronounce "Jesus" in such a way to pay homage to Zeus.

  • @paulmarsland2911
    @paulmarsland2911 Год назад +1

    A reallly great exposition of history for us all to understand the contexts of Christianity and of Islam. It is however interesting that the Abrahamic Family House has just opened in Abu Dhabi, which has been supported by Pope Francis, in the interest of "interfaith coexistence" ... Maranatha!

  • @Chris.A.H
    @Chris.A.H Год назад +6

    This video is basically a defense of Catholicism. Smh

  • @sabrinagilmusic
    @sabrinagilmusic Год назад +15

    Hey guys... just to let you know that I did not receive a notification for this video, just came across it randomly now in my suggestions, 3 days after the upload. I usually receive notifications for all your videos... weird. Just thought I should let you know, in case that's happening to other people as well. Maranatha!

  • @daveseibert9390
    @daveseibert9390 Год назад +1

    Thanks boss. Greatly appreciated.

  • @Tom-uh9kk
    @Tom-uh9kk Год назад +3

    love FAI, buuut sorry Joel but you almost sound like a apologist for Catholicism, this is NOT a grey area, Catholicism was NOT found on Apostolic succession, IT was founded over 300 years later by "yoking" paganism with Christianity, (2 Corinthians 6:14-17) "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? {15} And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? {16} And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. {17} Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
    Although they honor the GODHEAD, they add to the GODHEAD co-redeemers such as "Mary" and the "saints" (Acts 4:12) Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
    Catholicism also teaches works salvation which is "another" gospel (Galatians 1:8-9) "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. {9} As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."
    off course we could go on and on about the lies of Catholicism, but I think this is enough, although I do NOT believe Rome is Mystery Babylon, I do believe it is part of ALL the false religions that will worship the "Beast"

  • @ericgray1312
    @ericgray1312 Год назад +2

    On a serious counterpoint to the Catholic church, out of their own doctrine they espouse that the body and blood literally inhabit the bread and wine, so therefore Christ is sacrificed over and over again for sin. How is this issue not considered apostate while direct opposition to scripture?

    • @candyclews4047
      @candyclews4047 Год назад +3

      Christ’s bloody sacrifice on Calvary took place once, and it will never be repeated. This is what the Bible says and this is what Catholics believe. I think there is confusion amongst non-Catholics because they equate sacrifice with death. To understand the sacrifice of the Mass, it is essential that one understand the biblical picture of a sacrifice: It is always a gift; it is not always a killing. This is why Scripture can speak of a sacrifice of praise (Hos. 4) and the sacrifice of thanksgiving (Ps. 50:14). So the sacrifice of the Mass is not repeating the murder of Jesus, but is 'remembering' what never ends: the offering of Christ to the Father for our sake (Heb 7:25, 9:24) it is a gift, something to be joyous about. As Luke 22:19 says, “And he took bread, and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to them, saying, ‘This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me’” .I hope this helps clarify? (This may come as a shock, but are you aware that over 75% of Christians believe the Mass to be a sacrifice (a gift). When you add up the Catholics, Orthodox, Abysinnians, Coptics, Assyrians, Armenians, et cetera, Protestants are in the minority. Perhaps they are not taught this by their Pastors?

    • @ericgray1312
      @ericgray1312 Год назад

      @candyclews4047 I've read the doctrine of the Catholic church. I'm not sure there is confusion when the doctrine says Christ is sacrificed in the Mass for sin. The remission of sin is only accomplished through the death of Christ. So when his body and blood are called into the wine and bread, according to catholic doctrine of transsubstantiation, then yes his body is being broken and blood spilled for sin every single Mass. That is against the ordination of remembrance, where it is simply a picture of what took place.

    • @TrixRN
      @TrixRN Год назад +2

      @@ericgray1312Obviously you either didn’t read all of the Catechism re the sacrament, or didn’t understand what you were reading. We are not re-sacrificing Christ. Catholics have a view of Calvary similar to the Jewish view of the Passover, a timeless view. The Mass is timeless in that it re-presents the sacrifice of Calvary in an unbloody manner. In other words it brings that one sacrifice forward in time to the present day. God is timeless & always beholds His Son on the Cross sacrificing Himself for love of the Father & for us; the Mass joins together Heaven & Earth & Time.
      I recommend listening to Catechism in a Year by Fr. Mike Schmitz if you really want to know what Catholics believe.

    • @ericgray1312
      @ericgray1312 Год назад

      @TrixRN please don't throw insults out when you don't know what I read or what I understand. Stating "obviously" is dismissive and condescending. The whole doctine is called transubstantiation. If it wasn't a thing, then there wouldn't be a word to describe the doctrine. We could get into a whole other discussion about all the other abhorrent beliefs of catholics. The eucharist is just one.

    • @TrixRN
      @TrixRN Год назад +1

      @@ericgray1312 That’s exactly why I say “obviously”. You don’t understand or you refuse to understand what the Catholic Church teaches. It’s not an insult, just an observation.

  • @ZeroGravitySoccer
    @ZeroGravitySoccer Год назад +15

    "Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist-denying the Father and the Son. " 1John 2:22. Although Roman Catholicism does have many unbiblical doctrines and traditions, it does not deny Christ or the Father. So it can't be the religion of the Antichrist. However, Islam/Koran explicitly teaches that God can't be a father and Jesus is not the Son of God. Islam is the best candidate for the antichrist religion.

    • @ourdailybread1099
      @ourdailybread1099 Год назад

      100%. Islam also denies Jesus' resurrection, it denies the trinity, it denies that Jesus is the son of God and it denies that God cannot become flesh. Islam still, to this day, persecutes Christians. Also, Muhammad was a false prophet Antichrist, and Islam itself is the religion of Satan. The bible even says Christians will be killed as a service to a false god, which is Allah. And it also states Christians will be beheaded in the end days. I have to ask, are you a Westerner?

    • @christianmichael8
      @christianmichael8 Год назад +2

      There is another religion that also denies Christ if we are being honest.

    • @4ucarla885
      @4ucarla885 Год назад +1

      Although Catholicism does not deny Christ nor the Father, Catholicism is still in error when the church ("Holy Mother Church") supersedes and supplants what is soundly written as biblical doctrine. True believers can't be hearers of the word only, but they must also be doers of the word. Better to obey than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22). There is a difference between professing faith and possessing faith. Keep in mind, the Antichrist isn't just a person that opposes Christ, but he puts himself in the place of Christ--essentially making himself Jesus Christ. Although Catholicism doesn't deny Christ openly, they are allowed to use Mary as a mediator of all grace between Christ and humanity, but the Scriptures make no such claims (1 Timothy 2:5). And she holds the title of "Queen of Heaven," which comes from the pagan deity Ishtar (Semiramis, Nimrod's wife), and a several ancient sky goddesses. Also, Catholicism believes in the Assumption of Mary (believing her body was assumed into heaven). The Scriptures do not support this belief (1 Corinthians 15:50). And as for denying the Father, the Pope makes himself the Holy Father by claiming infallibility on issues of faith and morals when he occupies the "Chair of Saint Peter" and speak Ex cathedra. No human being is sinless and infallible outside of Jesus, the Christ.
      It is not my intent to hurt anyone, but only the truth can set sinners free from eternal damnation, and that truth is not found in any man on earth, nor in any earthly church or denomination, but in accepting Jesus the Christ as Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9--10). It is the Body/Church headed by Jesus, the Son of God, that is known and triumphant. Come out of her (the worldly Church) and be reconciled to God.

  • @marinahyre2213
    @marinahyre2213 Год назад +3

    Thank you for, again, for another amazing message.

    • @craiggreshaw8510
      @craiggreshaw8510 Год назад +1

      Read the Scriptures for yourself, take time to watch a very enlightening video documentary on the creation and foundation of Islam called “The Islamic Connection” by Walter Veith, and you will see that Catholicism and Islam are LITERALLY JOINED AT THE HIP!!!

  • @dianathomas2674
    @dianathomas2674 Год назад +1

    Great and thorough teaching. I have no intent to argue what the great harlot is.
    When it comes rome, I don't see how it is much different today than at the peak of the empire, other than we don't see any visible persecution today. We still see worship of idols and a god-like leader who's word counts as divine. Pagan holidays and customs are still upheld, and they are throughput times responsible of massive and disturbing persecutions of followers of the Bible, even after claiming that they sail under the flag of Christ. Rome today has tremendous power, though less than it had back then.

    • @JuliaL55
      @JuliaL55 Год назад +1

      Add in to the number of Catholics the number of protestants (who broke off the catholic church) who are still following the pagan ways.
      Adventists, Baptist, Congregationalists, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians... still following the Sunday worship practices.

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 9 месяцев назад

      @@JuliaL55 Sigh, SDA?

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 9 месяцев назад

      The Roman Church is not right in many ways, and it does have a uniquely vile history of persecution of believers and of the ugliest sins in the highest places, and some things that I think reach the level of heresies. That said, so do many other religious organizations.
      The city in the desert is different. It is the one that joins with the BEAST power, which is on a "whole other level." The final whore religion will be the power that kills Christians and Jews in numbers that will make the Holocaust and Inquisitions seem mild.

    • @JuliaL55
      @JuliaL55 8 месяцев назад


  • @30dayride67
    @30dayride67 Год назад +2

    Is there any way that the Pope's efforts to sell his "Chrislam" could play a role in any of this? I'll admit that I don't pay much attention especially to this Pope's activities, so I don't know what he even means or wants to accomplish by combining the two into one word. After the last few years I no longer assume these people in power can't accomplish their crazy goals. I'm just curious.

  • @robinhusted7329
    @robinhusted7329 Год назад +1

    Brilliant Joel…always

  • @crystalaviles4091
    @crystalaviles4091 3 месяца назад

    Not sure how to interpret this but Hagar was sent to the wilderness. Genesis 21: 8-21 talks about an Egyptian maid whose name was Hagar together with her son Ishmael and how they were sent away from Abraham’s family. Uncertain about her future life, Hagar and Ishmael ended up as wanderers in the wilderness of Beer-sheba. Life was so hard in the wilderness. Also in Exodus 25-26 it talks about the scarlet of purple and gold and also about the 7 lampstand. Jerusalem also has seven mountains. Jerusalem's seven hills are Mount Scopus, Mount Olivet (Mount of Olives) and the Mount of Corruption (all three are peaks in a mountain ridge that lies east of the old city), Mount Ophel, the original Mount Zion, the New Mount Zion and the hill on which the Antonia Fortress was built.

    • @crystalaviles4091
      @crystalaviles4091 3 месяца назад

      Isaiah 3:8-10 For Jerusalem stumbled,
      And Judah is fallen,
      Because their tongue and their doings
      Are against the Lord,
      To provoke the eyes of His glory.
      9 The look on their countenance witnesses against them,
      And they declare their sin as Sodom;
      They do not hide it.
      Woe to their soul!
      For they have brought evil upon themselves.
      10 “Say to the righteous that it shall be well with them,
      For they shall eat the fruit of their doings.

  • @Duskrunner
    @Duskrunner Год назад +4

    I'm going to go out on a limb here as someone raised Catholic and who's come to believe as I do that this teaching in the video is in error, and I'm going to say that I believe the harlot is indeed to be found within Christianity, and here's why.
    When Jesus came to do his ministry, Judea was occupied by Rome, neighbored with Greece, Egypt, and a number of others, but Jesus went to battle not against these nations subscribing to false religions, but with the false teachers found in Judaism itself. He was a Jew that went to war against the spiritual leaders of his own people. Joel's not wrong in saying that Islam is far more likely a candidate of being the largest "apostate church" - but they fall into the category of unbelievers, still. As much as we want to absolve Christianity in Revelation, unfortunately, the war Jesus wants us to fight is spearheaded by wolves in sheep's clothing. There is nothing new under the sun. The brood of vipers yet exists, only Judaism has given way to Christianity, and it is the leadership of Christianity that Jesus wants us to focus on. The harlot is the tares, it is the apostate church, it is that which seeks to contort the word to make it suit it's agenda.
    Now, much like Joel, I don't think that Catholics are at fault any more than I think Mormons are at fault - true believers have come out of both, despite the errancy taught by the leaders of these denominations. This is a testament to the power of God's word. But it is wrong to look outside for the harlot. We Christians have gotten so used to "this denomination" or "that denomination" - in truth, Jesus doesn't see his bride this way. He doesn't care if you're Seventh Day Adventist or Eastern Orthodox. The apostate church - the harlot - is found trying to lead astray the elect in EVERY denomination, and ultimately, when you place Revelation in this proper context, you'll find that the fingers fit the glove all too well, and that if you're looking for a Caiaphas-like figure to hold as being responsible for this attempt to deceive if possible even the very elect, then every Christian in the world will look first towards Rome.
    Everything is done in scale, guys. Israel played the part of the harlot time and time again, all throughout the Old Testament, but because we only saw it as a small nation, we don't see it taking place on a worldwide stage. But everything starts from something, and it always starts out smaller in scale before escalating to greater proportions. Christianity exploded from a backwater Abrahamic faith carried by shepherds into a worldwide religious movement. So when we are looking for something of a scale to understand what Christ is talking about in terms of virgins and harlots, he's not talking about Islam or Hinduism. He's talking about the harlot being found within his own people. This is the separation of the wheat and the tares, and the sheep from the goats. We look similar, we sound similar, we're both compared to types of women.. but we are vastly different.
    Sorry Joel. I think you need to step back a bit, and see this the way Jesus saw the root of his problem found in the Pharisees and Sadducees.

    • @lynnmallett4027
      @lynnmallett4027 Год назад

      I agree 100%. The Bible tells us many times-Esau is Edom. Matt 23 Pay close attention to the Woes of the Pharisees. 'Ye are the children of them that killed the Prophets" "ye compass the land to make converts and they become two fold more the child of hell than you are". Matt 25:29-32 you testify against yourself that you are the descendents of those who killed the prophets". John 8:44 "ye are not of God, your father is the devil" John 6:70 speaking to the disciples, 'one of you is a devil" Judas was Edomite. Matthew 10:4 Simmon the Cananite sat with Judus. Who is this in their mist from the land of Canaan? Genesis 36:3 Esau took to wife the daughter of Ishmael. Acts 1:13 who was this Simon the Zelote? Judas father name was Simon. Constantine met with the Priests and leaders of ,what he thought was the Christian church. They were actually the descendants of the Pharisees in Jesus day. I believe it was the descendants of Esau (Edom) who was instrumental in the formatiin of the Roman Catholic Church. This union between Catholic (Edom) and Islam (Ishmael) will be a strong, powerful demonic church and will convince all religions to join them. They already are.
      The Herods, Pharisee, teachers of the law, Judas were all Edomites. Very very interesting study to see how Satan got them to their positions. Love Joel's teaching but think he is missing the boat when it comes to the demonic origins of the Catholic Church and the union between Esau and Ishmael. And I say this with Christian love.

    • @Theescapist_87
      @Theescapist_87 10 месяцев назад

      I agree 100% with you.

  • @TheWatchmanWebsite
    @TheWatchmanWebsite Год назад +7

    Great teaching. Islam is prime candidate!

    • @craiggreshaw8510
      @craiggreshaw8510 Год назад

      Read the Scriptures for yourself, take time to watch a very enlightening video documentary on the creation and foundation of Islam called “The Islamic Connection” by Walter Veith, and you will see that Catholicism and Islam are LITERALLY JOINED AT THE HIP!!!

    • @ghost831520
      @ghost831520 Год назад

      @@craiggreshaw8510 Did you even watch the study??

  • @rodolphodesouza8608
    @rodolphodesouza8608 Год назад

    Great teaching!!!
    Are you sure you’re not a comedian?!! Lol !! I enjoy the jokes hahaha. Thank you for bringing great biblical teaching, sound doctrine!!!

  • @jeaniekelly6803
    @jeaniekelly6803 Год назад +2

    how can a born again holy spirit filled believer recieve the love of the truth through the pure Gospel possibly sit under the Roman Catholic church??? with all its false doctrine no you can't ..don't agree with you...

  • @uncommonunity787
    @uncommonunity787 Год назад +4

    Thank you brother for clearing up a lot of stuff that even I questioned.
    It just goes to show how much the adversary has been manipulating things for centuries and how little people actually understand what God's Word clearly shows us.

  • @cruddddddddddddddd
    @cruddddddddddddddd Год назад

    Good stuff.

  • @timjones8765
    @timjones8765 Год назад +1

    What about Dubai? Has 7 kings, and the center for one world religion, plus much more.

    • @sarahhardridge2392
      @sarahhardridge2392 Год назад

      The part that interested me about Islam being the harlot... I immediately went to the city of Dubai and their glass wall that in two episodes ago we discussed how fire would rage inside it. You'll have to go back to the episode that he put out because I can't remember the exact verbiage

  • @bertlorenz4203
    @bertlorenz4203 Год назад

    Joel- You make a great argument for how the glove fits best on the hand of Islam. I find it interesting how the earthquake today will likely weaken Turkey and Iran will want to take the prominent position and become dominant in the end times.

  • @chelseam754
    @chelseam754 Год назад +2

    I appreciate this refreshing take on end times. I'm currently in the process of converting to Catholicism and it's been so sad to hear how some protestants talk about it. I've only experienced a passionate love of Christ in the Church. I see the Catholic Church as encouraging practices of faith that help us persevere until the end. We are the church militant and how do we armour up? Pray, fast, read scripture, fellowship with one another, keep our hearts and minds on Jesus above all things. The gates of hell will not prevail against the church

  • @rosevirginiatasker7583
    @rosevirginiatasker7583 Год назад

    Hi Jose, I'm catholic. I have also been a Anglican, LDS and Judaism. In what Joel said there are wheat and tares in the church. And have been called a false catholic by a catholic. Also,bi had the pleasure in meeting Joel on the One King tour in Jerusalem.
    Because I tend to follow some of the Orthodox churches views. Like I do not believe in original sin. I do not venerate the Saints. I do not pray before statues or pictures. And differently do not kiss relics. I do not pray to Mary, though I do respect and honour her in the right way as a Christian should. I pray to the Lord directly as is told in the New Testament.
    Yes, at the moment the church is upset with Pope Francis, but he was elected.
    But he is not infallible as some may think. Yes, the church, as all churches is going through a trial.
    In the Protestant churches that formed after the Reformation, here I be mostly talking about the Anglican church. Do have sacraments, they are baptism, conformation ( receiving the Holy Spirit), Reconciliation, Marriage , blessing the sick, giving last right before death. That's the sacraments and the Priesthood is followed on from the Catholic church. The ranks are the same, except for the Pope. Instead they have the Archbishop to be the head and he wears purple. The Cardinals wear red .
    In John 6: 53 - 58, please read it. This is the only difference between Anglicanism and Catholism. At the Eucharist in the Catholic church is turn into the body and blood of Christ. Where to the Protestant it is symbolic.
    But before the Catholics and the Orthodox went their different ways were together. It foundation is the early Church that the Lord did set up. Many people will refuse to believe this. Peter was the 1st follower of Christ. And at Jesus's death there were 500 people. The church was set up and is still following the way of worship that was done back then only not so much scriptures being read.
    But over the centuries and people being people. It started to pick up things that should not be there. Most in the 12th to 17th century. The Rosary is a 18th century add on.
    Why I and my husband are in the catholic church. I was baptised at 8yrs as a catholic, but my family was not religious. I also have Jewish ancestry. So when I was 19 yrs old I went to Israel and work on the kibbutz (1976).
    Didn't think much of Christianity and decided to follow Judasim.
    Back to now, the Protestant churches ( the main churches, not born agains )are falling they no longer follow the truth. It is dying.
    The Carholics are having troubles too. But not as bad as the Protestant Churches, but getting close.
    The reason we are there us because it is the church that the Lord Jesus Christ and his followers set up, along with the organising of the offices of the Priesthood. It may not look like the few followers of the early Church, but it has grown and ad it came big it had to change the reposibility of the bishops, Elders and deacons to help the Lord's people ( sheep).
    Hope that explains it. Yeah, I find it hard to talk about Jesus too. But I do not live in America. Here it is different. And not everyone is on the same page.
    And yes, Catholics are saved.

    • @soulchristen
      @soulchristen Год назад

      Hi Rose, thanks for sharing your perspective and understanding of the Roman Catholic church. Joel did make a good point; there are wheat and tares in every denomination. I would suggest doctrinally that is the case as well. If you are Jewish, have you considered a messianic congregation? Many protestants are actually seeking the understanding of Messiah that predated Christ (and informed His words), and by extent, predate Rome as well. The first church was in Jerusalem, then Antioch, not Rome. The first disciple may have been Andrew, according to John's gospel. It's interesting how the historicity changes depending on ones sources. :) May the Lord richly bless you as you worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

    • @rosevirginiatasker7583
      @rosevirginiatasker7583 Год назад

      @@soulchristen Hi Anastasia, thank you for your suggestions. I have to say yes and no to what you have said.
      When my husband and I left the LDS church. When I join that church I thought all churches were the same. As I really didn't understood things, well then. But after leaving we attended the Aglican church at Christ Church in Oxford. Then I started to look at other churches and listen to various people on RUclips. Where I come across One for Israel and Joel.
      Anyway to cut the story short, I did look into Messianic groups, but had no luck. Only one synagogue which was in Leicester. Here I didn't agree that anyone who wasn't Jewish and wanted to participate in the synagogue life had to convert to Judaism and circumcised as well. That is not scripture.
      Where I am living now there is only one and they meet once a month. And they follow Maimonides creed. What is wrong with the Apostles Creed? What I see here is them and us.
      So no I do not attend any Messanic worship groups.
      Regarding to your comment on that the Church was only in Jerusalem and Antioch is not true, even the LDS say that. Where ever the saint are that is where the church is. It is made of people. Paul and Peter were in Rome, with the saints there. The Roman Christians were heavily persecuted over the period, on and off during the 1st to the 4th century. This is false information that you and others are giving, is to discredit the church in Roman.
      Yes, it and along with other being Protestant church did horrible things to the Jewish people. But as the Lord said we are to forgive and leave it in his hands to judge.
      That is one of the problems I have notice since I started to look into other faiths. There is really no unity. We are supposed to be of
      One faith. One people.
      Galatians 3:28 " There is neither Jew nor Gentile, nor is there slave nor free, nor female nor male, for we are all one in Christ." And that I do not see. (Just a quick note the Galatians were a French celtic group (Gauls) that move down to Asia minor during a period in Europe, where they and other people groups were moving in great numbers. It is good to understand the historical background of different time periods. It is not as simple as you may think.)
      Now the church is worldwide and we are no longer just one ethnic group but many. And unfortunately we really do not act as if we are one body.
      So I follow the Lord and his teachings. And I'm not the only person with a Jewish ancestry in the Catholic church. And catholic means universal.
      I hope that has given you some more insight to the church which started in Jerusalem and now is grown from there.
      Shalom, may the Lord bless you and keep you. Until we meet again.

  • @Krakondack
    @Krakondack Год назад

    It's a good policy, when judging a faith, to use their official statements of faith, to judge them, and not popular misconceptions, positions that are touted by some but rejected officially, or abuses committed even by many, but are still abuses. Those are the criteria by which you judged the Catholic Church, when you should have taken the trouble to look in the Catechism, which is the official statement of the faith. Otherwise, you're judging the faith by its tares.

  • @ounooi2008
    @ounooi2008 Год назад

    Good points for, me a paradigm shift,and for biblical facts the Jews are in the centre in the middle east Jesus spoke about the Israel not the world so we must see Israel today as respective the age we are now,

  • @corneliacarden4344
    @corneliacarden4344 Год назад +1

    Forgot to add the harlot is a city where there are 7 hills. Mecca/Medina have mountains nearby, but I don’t know if that qualifies. I read your excellent scholarly book the The Islamic AntiChrist. I believe the Beast radical Islamic caliphate will destroy Medina/Mecca and Saudi Arabia. What do you think? I hope will address my thought. Thank you for your insightful teaching. God Bless you your family and the FAI family 🕎📖✝️🔥🕊🙌🏻❤️

    • @mikewalsh1402
      @mikewalsh1402 Год назад +1

      The Harlot of Revelation is Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam.

    • @craiggreshaw8510
      @craiggreshaw8510 Год назадвидео.html

  • @19nineteenthirteen19
    @19nineteenthirteen19 Год назад +2

    The belief that the papacy is the harlot is central to the SDA church it seems. Walter Veith postulates that the catholic church also invented Islam in the sixth century and weaponized it against Byzantium. The catholic church and Islamic mosques are rife with moon and stars. That same old song and dance from the ancient Babylonian priesthood. Samaramaz and Tammuz. Estarte... the moon goddess and so on. And the catholic church makes Mary a gatekeeper as well in the old tradition...
    I dunno but it sure is interesting. I enjoy and appreciate your incite Joel. Your teachings bless me. Maranatha.

    • @JoelRichardson
      @JoelRichardson Год назад +1

      I debunk this stuff in the next session.

    • @lanec5672
      @lanec5672 Год назад +1

      @@JoelRichardson You can try... 😉 I do appreciate your efforts, Bro Joel. I listen to everything from those who are sincere -- it's an important part of developing an informed opinion.

    • @lanec5672
      @lanec5672 Год назад +1

      I don't believe EGW & the SDA Church has all of the answers. I don't believe any one sect of Protestantism does. But after decades of study, trying to make sense of everything available, I've yet to find a better explanation & interpretation of end times prophecy & the Bible than what can be found taught in the SDA Church.

  • @lisagalindez8606
    @lisagalindez8606 Год назад

    Lol, love the two finger analogy

  • @mytwocents777
    @mytwocents777 Год назад

    Reasonable, Joel. Your points lead me to be less stalwart about the glove fitting Rome, though I would like to see how more fingers of Islam fit as well as how some of Rome's do not, if that makes sense.

  • @josephgrant1039
    @josephgrant1039 Год назад +9

    Great teaching! Book by Joel mystery Babylon opened my eyes on a lot of things. Not just who's the mystery Babylon, antichrist. But applying proper hermeneutics concerning biblical prophecy.

    • @craiggreshaw8510
      @craiggreshaw8510 Год назад

      Read the Scriptures for yourself, take time to watch a very enlightening video documentary on the creation and foundation of Islam called “The Islamic Connection” by Walter Veith, and you will see that Catholicism and Islam are LITERALLY JOINED AT THE HIP!!!

  • @U10coach
    @U10coach 2 месяца назад

    Does FAI or Joel ever address Rome and the Sabbath? I really appreciate all these videos.
    Another characteristic is how the anti Christ attempts to change times and laws. I think most people here understand this connection.
    Thank you.

  • @darnellgriffin6005
    @darnellgriffin6005 9 месяцев назад +1

    Mystery Babylon has to be an institutional or national entity that once was and is not, yet is meaning it once was in league with the Almighty but strayed away and fornicated with other gods/religions. God was the sole ruler of her. She was the prized "lady of kingdoms", the capital of the world but her pride and bloodlust brought her to ruin. She slew the prophets and Christ and throughout her history, did away with the true believers.

  • @stephenszucs8439
    @stephenszucs8439 Год назад

    I say that the SDA, with their hyper-focus on Rome as the "Hislopian" source of all evil, is barking at the letter-carrier as the thief comes in the back door.

  • @ClaudiaLudwig2509
    @ClaudiaLudwig2509 Год назад

    Oh my word... Been asking myself the same questions 😳

  • @jordin83
    @jordin83 Год назад


  • @Chris.A.H
    @Chris.A.H Год назад +4

    It’s obvious that as a former Catholic, he still has a sentimental connection to Catholicism. There is no ambiguity here, Catholicism is unequivocally a false religion. He keeps saying well yes they practice idolatry, they worship Mary, they teach purgatory, they belief on salvation is wrong, they have all these false teachings BUT they defend the trinity and they believe the foundational tenets of Christianity soooooo…they aren’t a false religion. That’s preposterous.
    And I don’t even disagree with this video per say. I’m not writing this comment to say it’s Catholicism and not Islam. I’m not disagreeing. But to go to that length to defend Catholicism is borderline laughable. It’s a false religion and it’s not even close.

  • @emenem6131
    @emenem6131 6 месяцев назад

    Dave Hunt’s “A woman rides the beast” is interesting. But I’ve heard all different opinions on this topic

  • @geoffreyturnham4640
    @geoffreyturnham4640 Год назад

    loved your presentation Joel

  • @jesusgeek7680
    @jesusgeek7680 Год назад

    Totally agree starting to bring awareness to this as well good work brother I LOVE YOUR BOOKS as well !

    • @craiggreshaw8510
      @craiggreshaw8510 Год назад

      Read the Scriptures for yourself, take time to watch a very enlightening video documentary on the creation and foundation of Islam called “The Islamic Connection” by Walter Veith, and you will see that Catholicism and Islam are LITERALLY JOINED AT THE HIP!!!

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 9 месяцев назад

      @@craiggreshaw8510 This is from two sources; a book by Alexander Hislop, which was totally debunked by the protestant ministers and scholars of his time, (Jack Chick found and republished it to the delight of 20th century fundamentalists who often place it on equal footing with the Bible), and a series of comics and books by a proven fraud, called "Alberto."
      The truth is more complex and frightening. When Mohammed told his wife of the "visitor" who assaulted him in the cave, his initial reaction was that he had seen a "djinn." That is, an evil spirit. The wife devised a very poor "test" to determine if the being was an angel or evil. She assured Mohammed that the being passed the test and was an angel, which made Mohammed a prophet.
      Of note is the fact that Mohammed was observed to have physical signs and symptoms when the being appeared to him. Also, as a child Mohammed reportedly was tormented at times by "djinns."
      Compare that story to that of Joseph Smith. Then compare the practices of Islam and LDS.
      The story of Nimrod and the RCC being behind Islam are false. It was a demon or fallen angel. I think it is possible that the same being visited both men.

  • @stevetipton1059
    @stevetipton1059 Год назад +1

    I am a nobody who has been welcomed home by our Father ... as was the prodigal. I'm not intelligent. I wish I was, but I'm not. I'm certainly not holly. But I do have a few questions sir. If you would please?
    1. In the Dan 11 passage, the Hebrew evidently says that the prince does not regard the "gods" plural of his fathers - Strong's H430. This would indicate other than Islam and it's singular god? What is your thought on that sir?
    2. The Rev 17:3 passage about John being carried away into a place that you say is a desert - Strong's G2048, is most often translated "wilderness" as in a desolate area or not populated. For example, in 95 AD if Michael had let John view the USA it would have seemed like a "wilderness"? Your thoughts there please?
    3. The Dan 2 passage seems to indicate that the final kingdom will be similar to the fourth - Roman based. Feet partly of iron. Would you agree that part of the ten nation grouping may be southern Europe?
    4. I recognize that you and your team are hyper focused on Islam as a threat to Israel. Makes perfect sense. Yet as it relates to the end time so called "judgements" by God, would agree that His so called wrath is most likely released on the false church rather than a false non church (Islam or other)?
    5. Rev 18:24 indicates that the beast is responsible for killing the "prophets" and the saints. Islam did not kill the prophets? Apostate Judaism did. How would you factor that into your thinking sir?
    6. Finally, Rev 16:19 says the the Great City will be split into three parts, apparently by a great earthquake. What middle eastern city has three tectonic plates converging under it? Have you noticed the three plates under Italy? Please view the attached website showing those three plates and let me know your thoughts?

  • @joca1129
    @joca1129 Год назад +3

    hey Joe, you said that there are some catholics that are saved. does it mean that they don't practice what their catholic brethren do. such as praying to saints let alone Mary, now if they are saved shouldn't they leave the church all together? like you aim a son of the reformation aim protestant, but I want to understand how can a catholic be saved and still be in a church that is works oriented. help me understand.

    • @candyclews4047
      @candyclews4047 Год назад +1

      If someone believes in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and his redemptive work on the cross, he is saved. This is what Catholics believe so I don't understand why you would think a Catholic was not saved? Catholics also believe in Ephesians 2:8-9 in that salvation is a free gift to those who believe in Christ (although Paul is talking about Works of the Law (Mosaic Law) which no longer applies, under the New Covenant). Paul then turns our attention away from works of the Mosaic Law and toward the kind of works a Christian should be interested in- good works: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10). This is our Godly life, after we have been saved. Am I missing something as I don't really understand why people think Catholics have to do good works in order to be saved - this has never, ever been the case. It is after we have been saved that we try to do good works (Ephesians 2:10)

    • @4ucarla885
      @4ucarla885 Год назад +1

      ​@@candyclews4047 , demons also believe and tremble (James 2:19). Believing in Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection is good; however, one must BELIEVE in one's heart, and confess with one's mouth, and that brings salvation by faith (Romans 10:9--10). There is a difference between professing and possessing. As one pastor had said as an example, there once was a famous tightrope walker that would walk several yards between buildings without a safety net. He was given many applauses and accolades for his talent of tightrope walking. One specific fan in particular would sing his praises and follow the tightrope walker from city to city to watch his performances. Then one day the tightrope walker announced that he was going to walk the tightrope with a wheelbarrow, so he asked the fan, "Do you believe I can achieve this next performance?" And the fan praised him and said, "Of course! I've been watching you for many years and you're the best!" So, the tightrope walker said, "If you truly believe, then get into the wheelbarrow."
      I need not tell you the moral of that story because I'm sure you already know, or probably heard that story before. 😀

    • @Jenn_Psalm25.4-7
      @Jenn_Psalm25.4-7 Год назад

      ​@@candyclews4047 I think the key that's missing is BORN AGAIN. Many people believe Jesus is the son of God, died and rose again...even for their sins...yet they still live like heathens. I did exactly that UNTIL I was BORN AGAIN 🕊🙏❤️

    • @candyclews4047
      @candyclews4047 Год назад

      @@Jenn_Psalm25.4-7 Catholics are born again - through baptism when water and the Holy Spirit enter us, after which we are justified (Eph 2:8-9) and grow up, having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. One of the reasons we know this is about baptism (water) and born from above (holy spirit) is when Jesus rebuked Nicodemus in John 3:10 - "you are Israel's teacher...and you do not understand these things?" because he expected Nicodemus, as a Pharisee and a member of the Sanhedrin, to be familiar with Ezekiel's prophecy about future baptism (Ezekial 36:25-27)

    • @Jenn_Psalm25.4-7
      @Jenn_Psalm25.4-7 Год назад

      @@candyclews4047 if one is born again as a catholic I can unequivocally say they would never stay in a catholic church praying to Mary/saints, doing repetitive prayers, believing in purgatory etc. I suggest you look deeper into the Catholics extra biblical materials that state you must WORK for salvation

  • @saulih123
    @saulih123 Год назад +2

    I sincerely view secular humanism as a religion. Have you considered it as a candidate?

    • @davidryan7486
      @davidryan7486 Год назад +1

      Secular humanism has no god. The Antichrist claims he is god and above the true God not that there is no god. Why did they crucify Christ? Blasphemy he claimed he and the Father were one not that there was no god. Hope this helps. I find the Old Testament provides many more answers than the new.

    • @davidryan7486
      @davidryan7486 Год назад

      Of course the greatest issues are the matters of the heart. Only the righteous inherit the Kingdom and they will know while the wicked will not understand.

    • @saulih123
      @saulih123 Год назад

      @@davidryan7486 I have some thoughts on this that I will review and come back to add a reply.
      Just one thought as an initial reaction. It doesn’t matter what humans think about a particular philosophy and what not, only how God views it. The fervent dogma of atheists when they make their truth claim that ‘there is no God’ is a deception of the evil spiritual forces. To God that is a belief. That is a religion that they will kill unborn children for. They will euthanize those that are expendable for, and ultimately those that are undesirable (consider the eugenics of Nazi Germany).
      Their beliefs about God’s created order of Man and Woman is upended into the gender studies we are now seeing.
      These are all a work of the forces of evil. It is not a benign and neutral philosophy. We must view them in that light.
      What I would like to know is if Joel has considered this as a possible identity for the harlot. I am willing to admit that I have not.

    • @davidryan7486
      @davidryan7486 Год назад

      Joel was correct a lot of weird ideas. The Bible has to be taken as a whole not a part. Personally I cannot fathom how any true Christian who seeks the face of God for wisdom cannot understand these things.

    • @sarahhardridge2392
      @sarahhardridge2392 Год назад

      Science is the new religion I'm telling you people. When they come on your TV and say you just have to have faith in science that is the biggest bingo in your face contempt for God our Father

  • @mr.arevalo5042
    @mr.arevalo5042 Год назад

    Thank you, Joel and the entire FAI family for all the work that goes into these short and lengthy videos. I am learning a lot and absolutely grateful for all you do.
    Joel, most of the message was great. I was only left wondering why you believe Amir Tsarfati is a false prophet and not what the Catholic Church is teaching. Yes, I see Amir’s teaching is “distorted” with the pre-trib stuff but he is speaking from the Bible, yet the Catholic Church has gone beyond the Bible to form their own teachings which I find much more distorted and would seem more false than Amir. At the end, my faith is not based on others but thought I’d share that you were gentle in this video when speaking against distorted or false teaching and you have your reasons. Again, thank you for everything. Look forward to seeing you in Dallas, Tx.

  • @19nineteenthirteen19
    @19nineteenthirteen19 Год назад +2

    Isn't there an Islam/catholic/Christian temple being built in Saudi Arabia?

    • @logiciskey7
      @logiciskey7 Год назад +1

      Yes, mosque for Islam, Synagogue for Judaism, church for Catholicism, a 3 cube facility called The Abrahamic Faith House in Abu Dhabi, the building is not permitted to have a cross on it

  • @penjoba9744
    @penjoba9744 Год назад

    I agree w you. I want to add that the harlot could be a collection - the Climate change religion just created by the cath church, Muslims at the Abrahamic house in Abu Dhabi.

  • @richhava
    @richhava Год назад +3

    And you did say some things in this teaching that had a positive impact. You always give a take on things that no one else says and that is very valuable
    I like to know as many scenarios as I can.
    I have learned towards Rome being the harlot but the way you explained that it varies in different centuries
    Is beautiful logic and at the moment, I no longer put Rome in the top least until I think it through.
    I have never trusted Roberto or whatever his name is
    And you just told me why I have not trusted him.
    Can you answer this ? I cannot verify nor deny this.
    Did Mohammad marry the daughter of a high Catholic official....I do not want to waste any time trying to connect Islam with Catholicism but if he did marry this person, it might be worth looking into.
    I think you said you are going to dig into some digging to the Muhammad situation I'll be looking forward to hearing that.
    There's too many things that I hear flopping around in my head and I'd like to eliminate the ones that are false and adopt the ones that are true otherwise there's no way to make a real informed opinion on the matter

    • @craiggreshaw8510
      @craiggreshaw8510 Год назад

      Read the Scriptures for yourself, take time to watch a very enlightening video documentary on the creation and foundation of Islam called “The Islamic Connection” by Walter Veith, and you will see that Catholicism and Islam are LITERALLY JOINED AT THE HIP!!!
      Muhammad’s wife was a rich Catholic Nun…

    • @richhava
      @richhava Год назад

      He put it all together for me too

    • @nancybennett6134
      @nancybennett6134 Год назад

      @@craiggreshaw8510 Thank you -- I was not sure of the details -- or when -- I remember something with Walter Veith -- I also am aware where many 'ministers" of differenet nations -- INCLUDING AMERICA ! -- met at the VATICAN -- in joining with the VATICAN to welcome the NEW WORLD RELIGION of joining Catholicism to Isam called CHRISLAM -- How would Jesus EVER accept joining with the RELIGION of Islam ?!? It is totaly Anti-Christian !! They teach Islams to KILL ALL INFIDELS ! WE - Christians - are the infidels !!

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 9 месяцев назад

      Mohammed never married a Roman catholic anything. His first wife was the niece of a COPTIC Christian. The idea that the uncle influenced Mohammed is pure conjecture. The fact that is recorded is that Mohammed thought initially that the being was evil, but his wife exposed herself and asked if the being had left. It had, so she told Mohammed that the fact that it would not stay with a naked woman was proof that it was an angel. Strange, but the real story.
      Muslim HATE and KILL Catholics too. Coptic Christians do NOT accept a pope or the notion of purgatory.

  • @raymondschlichting6778
    @raymondschlichting6778 Год назад

    Great teaching. I still don’t know for sure. I have considered both views for over a year. I do lean towards Islam producing the beast.

  • @trip8263
    @trip8263 10 месяцев назад

    That was excellent! We need to open our eye's and see, and save people from joining ISLAM.

  • @Mynamesnotwarren
    @Mynamesnotwarren Год назад +1

    The Church needs to stop trying to play friends with the Catholic church. 1 is idolatry, 1 worships the one true king, Jesus.

  • @pascalfelleiter7740
    @pascalfelleiter7740 Год назад

    Dear Joel
    I really like a lot of your teachings and have been blessed by it. Thank you very much!
    One major concern I do have though. It's strange how you quote Daniel 11, Psalm 2 and 1 John 5 and say that it's always TWO: God and His Son. But then in the end you say, that we actually have to worship THREE or otherwise we are heretics: God, the Father, God, the Son and God, the Spirit.
    Why is God, the Spirit left out from Daniel 11, left out from Psalm 2, left out from 1 John 5, left out from the introduction to all of Paul's epistles and left out from all the creedal statements about God in the whole Bible?! Even the term "God, the Spirit" never shows up in the Bible. And by the way, the term "God, the Son" neither.
    In Daniel 11, Psalm 2 and 1 John 5 we always have only ONE, who is God. Yahweh, who is the Father. In those passages the son is described as "the desire of women", "the anointed one of Yahweh" and "the son of God", but not as God himself, not as the God of the fathers and not as Yahweh. Yahweh and His Messiah are differentiated throughout the Hebrew Scriptures and throughout the New Testament.
    Luther and Calvin did not completely break free from Catholic false doctrine. They both admired "Saint" Augustine, who was thoroughly Catholic and thoroughly steeped into Greek philosophy. They didn't rediscover all the Biblical truths that first century Believers held on to. One of those truths is that the Father is "the only true God" - as Jesus himself said in John 17:3.
    I highly recommend you to have a look at one of these websites:
    May you be blessed by the God of Israel and His Messiah!

  • @adamlee3056
    @adamlee3056 Год назад +3

    Great teaching Joel. Thank you.

  • @mikewalsh1402
    @mikewalsh1402 Год назад +2

    The Harlot of Revelation is Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam.

  • @donanz3914
    @donanz3914 Год назад

    Read " Last Days in America " by Bob Fraley.

  • @corneliacarden4344
    @corneliacarden4344 Год назад

    I finished the teaching, the mountains aren’t literal but figurative repressing kings.

  • @perpetuam_uitae
    @perpetuam_uitae Год назад

    I really appreciate the teaching, but it took 13 minutes to actually get there...
    From my perspective, we could do with less histrionics... It distracts from the quality of the message, which is excellent and can stand alone, and for which I am grateful.

  • @sheiladale6802
    @sheiladale6802 Год назад

    Totally agree… one morning walking down Ben Yehuda in Jerusakem, just as the stores were staring to open, there was a well meaning but delusional young man dressed in what he thought was old testament garb, carrying a long staff, and shouting “Repent”!
    “I’m John the Baptist and I’m telling you you are all going to hell if you don’t repent…. Jesus is the messiah!”
    Well the shop owner I talked to said the police were in the way. He would be put on a plane back to his country of origin.

  • @tylerwickwire1522
    @tylerwickwire1522 Год назад

    Do you think the City could be Abu Dhabi? In UAE? They are very wealthy and have a massive amount of Muslim culture there.

  • @pastorherrera341
    @pastorherrera341 Год назад +4

    Sorry but you lost me at “catholics are still christians”

    • @meadow9166
      @meadow9166 Год назад

      They are a watered down version.

    • @candyclews4047
      @candyclews4047 Год назад +1

      Surely a definition of a Christian is someone who believes in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and his redemptive work on the cross? That is exactly what Catholics believe (and that salvation is a free gift from God - Eph 2:8-9). I would be interested in your definition of a Christian because clearly it is not this.

    • @pastorherrera341
      @pastorherrera341 Год назад

      1 Corinthians 10:19-21 it’s what catholics do

  • @Sonofthe1655
    @Sonofthe1655 Год назад

    As for Islam the Prophet Muhammads aunt and uncle were devout believers in Yeshua who took him to see their priest Bahira when he had his first visions is often referred to as his secret religious instructor.

  • @Jonesaustin
    @Jonesaustin Год назад

    Nathan Shepard nailed it years ago about Babylon the Great imo. It’s the United States.

  • @TheCrawfojo
    @TheCrawfojo Год назад

    I now totally agree with you about Islam being the harlot you convinced me I used to believe the harlot was the Catholic church until I learned thar Mohamed married a 6 year old girl and consummated the marriage when Isha was 9 years old I was flabbergasted when I learned this. I knew very little about Islam until now do you homework learn about Islam then decide who the harlot is

  • @tubelisao
    @tubelisao Год назад

    why was my comment deleted that showed that Christ declared the Pharisees were responsible for the death of the prophets? Luke11:49-51 & Matthew 23:34-36 - showing that its not islam that is the harlot ... the harlot rides the seven headed beast, she has been riding assyria, egypt, babylon, medo persia, and still is riding the two legs of rome, east & west empires

  • @victorvicgutierrez5433
    @victorvicgutierrez5433 Год назад +2

    Hey FAI Team!!
    God continues to bless and strengthen your ministry.
    Been following your messages for over a year now, excellent stuff.
    Quick question. What can we say about these recent meetings between the Catholic church and other religions headed by the Catholic church?
    It seems that the Catholic church is the main player in pushing this to happen.
    God Bless

    • @craiggreshaw8510
      @craiggreshaw8510 Год назад

      Read the Scriptures for yourself, take time to watch a very enlightening video documentary on the creation and foundation of Islam called “The Islamic Connection” by Walter Veith, and you will see that Catholicism and Islam are LITERALLY JOINED AT THE HIP!!!

  • @aviarozmarc1366
    @aviarozmarc1366 Год назад

    Hai, Im a seventh-day adventist..but since I follow your teaching, I came to the conclusion that actually Islam is the beast and the false prophet. There is no way the sunday law is coming sooner as the adventist teach, I see the shariah law is already at works specially in islamic country like where i live now. Thanks for opening my eyes Fai Studio!

  • @jayhumphries3463
    @jayhumphries3463 Год назад +1

    Very, very, very good presentation brother... You definitely have encouraged me to dig in and chew on this a little more! 🙏 Thank you for the teaching brother Joel. God bless you!

  • @ParabolicMind
    @ParabolicMind Год назад

    Curious to know where the distinction between the harlot and the beast is in your thinking if it is indeed Islam.

  • @jslevenson101
    @jslevenson101 Год назад

    Rome was probably very similar to Western society today rough, greedy, narcissist, cruel, course, violent, intelligent and elegant but lacking empathy, kindness, science, wisdom, understanding, and common goodness for all.

  • @pattiliba8188
    @pattiliba8188 Год назад +2

    Concerning the catholic church,I have a problem with them changing the 10 commandments.Exodus 20:4 to be exact.'you shall not make for yourself a carved image-any likeness of anything that of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath,or that is in the water under the earth, you shall not bow down to them nor serve them.For I,the Lord your God is a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and forth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands who love Me and keep my commandments.These same commandments are repeated again in Deuteronomy 5.I have been given word salad as to an explanation about why this was done.Either it's word salad or I'm told I hate catholics BUT they will pray for me...I literally feel nauseated when I see people pray to these statues,then I feel incredibly sad.

    • @candyclews4047
      @candyclews4047 Год назад

      I'm sorry you feel like that because the good news is that the RCC did not change the 10 commandments. Though the commandments are said to be “ten” in Exodus 34:28, they were not originally numbered by the inspired authors of Sacred Scripture . and if you count the “you shall nots” along with the two positive commandments of keeping holy the Sabbath and honoring father and mother, you end up with 13 commandments. But concerning the commandment in question, that you mention, early Scripture sees it as merely an extension of the first: “You shall have no other gods before me.” Immediately after, God prohibits the making of “graven images,” he says “You shall not bow down to them or serve them.” The prohibition is against idolatry, not the making of images in an absolute sense. Indeed, if the commandment were a prohibition against making images, then God would have contradicted himself when he commanded Moses in Exodus 25 to make two gold cherubim and put them over the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant.

    • @pattiliba8188
      @pattiliba8188 Год назад

      @@candyclews4047 The 10 commandments are in Exodus 20,and again in Deuteronomy 5:6-21.The RCC changed them around 500 years ago.Deuteronomy 4:2;You shall not add onto the word which I command you, neither shall you diminish from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you. Deuteronomy 12:32;Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it:you shall not add to it nor take away from it.Your pope just recently changed the wording of the Lord's Prayer,Just last week he (quote)said 'Jesus is not a good bookkeeper,the pope said,he always leads us to the imbalance of love....So if you go back to the 2 warnings in Deuteronomy,and research the changing of commandments,even though it was hundreds of years ago,God never changes,he is the same yesterday,today, and tomorrow.So what he says is the same,your pope just changing the Lord's Prayer recently would give me pause,if I were a catholic.Shalom

    • @candyclews4047
      @candyclews4047 Год назад

      @@pattiliba8188 First of all the Catholic Church did not change the Commandments but second of all, if you are talking about changing the Bible, I presume you are aware the Protestants threw out 7 books. Prior to the Reformation ALL Bibles contained 73 books, now your Protestant Bibles contain 66 books. Why you ask? because they largely underpinned Catholic teaching and the Reformers couldn't have that. It's fine if you are happy with the Inspired Word being changed but from your reply, I don't think you are.

    • @pattiliba8188
      @pattiliba8188 Год назад

      @@candyclews4047 Galatians 5:22; But the spirit is love,joy,peace,long-suffering, kindness goodness, faithfulness ,gentleness,self-control.Againest such things there is no law.And those who are Christ's have crusified the flesh with its passions and desires.If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit.I mean no harm to you,I live by scripture.If you read your Bible,Jesus had much to say to both the pharasees and the sadducees,the both mostly religious hypocrites of that Era.I am sincerely

    • @candyclews4047
      @candyclews4047 Год назад +1

      @@pattiliba8188 It's also worth noting that the Catholic Church is 2,000 years old and the numbering of the 10 Commandments therefore followed the ancient Jewish numbering which put the 1st and 2nd Commandments together as one. This is because in the ancient world, Polytheism and idolatry were always united - idolatry being the outward expression of Polytheism. I am not Catholic but I studied Theology at University and you then really begin to understand the ancient history of Scripture, something which is not talked about in modern day Churches.

  • @ingridblagrove9044
    @ingridblagrove9044 Год назад

    I also believe it's Islam, because they still hold Ishmael as the true son and not Issac, so that's the real war. Who belongs where and who will inherit the kingdom. May the true church stand in Jesus name 🙏🏾

  • @reborndaughter445
    @reborndaughter445 Год назад

    Thank you so much for this session, Joel. It was very good. Thank you, brother. Do you think you could expound on the False Prophet, please? I'd love to hear what you teach on the subject. Will he be another Muslim?

    • @stephenszucs8439
      @stephenszucs8439 9 месяцев назад

      Islam expects "Jesus" to return from Heaven 7 to 10 years before the end of the age. BUT their "Jesus" is called "Issa" and he never died for anyone's sins; and he is not the son of God. Further, the Muslim "Messiah" hates Jews and is a Muslim. He will be there to assist the "Mahdi" (AC.) Will he also be an ethnic Arab or Jew? Possibly.

  • @corneliacarden4344
    @corneliacarden4344 Год назад

    Greetings Brother in Christ,
    Could Babylon the Great be Medina/Mecca?
    I haven’t finished this video yet, so you might say who the great harlot is. It’s in the desert, Saudi Arabia is very wealthy, the last days caliphate will destroy this city.

  • @JasonCarney.
    @JasonCarney. Год назад +1

    Hope all is well with you all at FAI Studios since the earthquakes in the past hours. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @iohn9138
    @iohn9138 Год назад +1

    Thank you för yet another great video! A question rose to mind as I was listening, regarding the desert where the harlot is sitting: Do we know the desert is supposed to be understood as a litteral desert or could it be a symbolic picture of something else? Is the desert for example elsewhere in the Bible interpreted symbolically or is it always a litteral desert? I sometimes find it hard to draw the line between what is supposed to be taken litterally and what is supposed to be understood as symbolical. In this case the woman is a symbol for a city, but the desert is apparently to be seen as a real desert? Why is that? Thanks!

    • @CalderaFinance
      @CalderaFinance Год назад

      I believe Joel would say it is a literal desert. I believe that because I read his book, Mystery Babylon, which I recommend.

    • @JoelRichardson
      @JoelRichardson Год назад +4

      Most often through Revelation, if something is symbolic, the interpreting angel explains its meaning. There is no explanation here. The verse also is a near perfect parallel to a later statement where John says "Then I was taken away in the Spirit and saw a very tall mountain" which is Mount Zion. Identical phraseology, using literal language. All said, it seems best to assume that this should be understood as literal.

    • @BelovedSigel
      @BelovedSigel Год назад

      @@JoelRichardson Is there room, in your opinion, to consider current prophetic dreams that pertain to biblical prophecies?

  • @donanz3914
    @donanz3914 Год назад

    Democracy is drunk on the blood of the saints.

  • @loweeization
    @loweeization Год назад +1

    I read your book, the Islamic Anti-Christ, and was convinced. I used to believe when I was an immature Christian, that it was the Vatican, Pope, etc, but you cleared that up. Thank you, Joel and FAI.

  • @tamikafrison5842
    @tamikafrison5842 Год назад +1

    You want to be able to enter into Heaven Follow Jesus Not Sunday Worship it is not Our Sabbath Our Sabbath is A Ten Commandment 7th Day Holy Romans 3:31 and Ephesians 2:1-5 We are The Elect the rest is blinded Read Romans 11 "11:7" in KJV Holy Bible the other versions do not deliver God messages as properly....

  • @AndersErichsen-rr7vs
    @AndersErichsen-rr7vs Год назад +4

    Stinks like a Papist defending Roman Catholicism, less then a minute listening.

    • @candyclews4047
      @candyclews4047 Год назад

      Wow, you have clearly come straight out of the 16th Century Protestant movement or perhaps you would feel right at home in Pagan Rome, who for over 400 years persecuted and reviled the early catholic Christians.

  • @rictrician
    @rictrician Год назад

    Mecca has 7 mountains surrounding it also

  • @aaronbeery6769
    @aaronbeery6769 Год назад +1

    Joel looks too close… it’s like holding a map an inch away from your face and trying to interpret it. You’re over analyzing.

  • @andreaallen1988
    @andreaallen1988 Год назад

    And I say AMEN to that! Very good teaching! Blessings!👏👏👏

  • @tiffanystarkey6620
    @tiffanystarkey6620 Год назад +1

    Question not an argument because I’ve learned so much from this channel. It’s long but if you have time I would like your take.
    Ok you know when the Tower of Babel was built, and how Nimrod, Semiramis (his wife, and Tammuz were considered gods. Then God confused their languages of the people and they went out into the world still believing this system but calling it by a different name. They were supposed to be Sun/Moon gods and goddess. Which to me explains why so many world religions either have a father god, mother god, son god, or have they sun and moon as their emblems. So, technically all these world religions have the same root just different names.
    So with that above information and being that Rome was around in that day and called Babylon. We know emperor Nero murdered Christians for sport. Then when Constantine couldn’t get rid of the the Christians he just changed the gods they were worshiping names to fit Christianity. The father god, mother god, sun god, and all their other gods. Just changing the names of their gods to The Father, Jesus/son, and Mary/mother. Hence why they reverence Mary so much. Being that Muslim and all the religions stem from the above, due to the scattering and changing of languages. Then we have the crusades, through the Catholics cleaning true Christians for not conforming. Same religion, different names, both spill the blood of the saints.
    The Pope has a lot of power including political. He’s even made his rounds with other religious leaders saying they are the same. Which is true because their origin was formed through the scattering at the Tower of Babel. I know Muslims are looking for their Mahdi and Jesus to come back.
    My question is because the readers of that day called Rome Babylon and technically they all stem from that one religion, can that both be true? I’m not arguing at all. I LOVE this channel and I’ve learned a lot. So, really wanted this to get your take.

  • @AndreaDaughterofMostHigh
    @AndreaDaughterofMostHigh Год назад

    The document signed as the human fraternity makes me question if the pope is going to be the false prophet...

  • @sammygeiger3562
    @sammygeiger3562 Год назад

    Great video as usual Joel, gives me alot to think about. However the part about the desire of women referring to the messiah, I cant get behind that one. All thought scripture it speaks of Men when talking about people, here it specifically calls out Women. Having no desire for women specifically. I cant understand how that is saying it will be blasphemous towards the messiah? Maybe you could elaborate on that one in a future video. Another question, if God is the Son and not an actual Son but is God himself, how does he sit at the right hand of the father? Thanks for the great video though!

    • @smithsmithington
      @smithsmithington Год назад

      I personally believe the "won't regard the of desire women" part could be just a simple statement that he won't take a wife and won't care to. However, Joel does highlight in his book that their are several scholars that point out that "the desire of women" could be a reference to a common Hebrew social idea that was known to the Hebrews of the first century. That would be that the chief desire of Jewish women was that they dreamed they would be the woman that the messiah would be born from. So, the antichrist not paying any regard to the desire of women would be sort of an idiom/slang from Jewish culture in reference to the antichrist not having any regard for the desire for a messiah. I feel like it is a stretch personally. So, I just look at it as a simple statement that he won't care about women, won't respect women, and won't take a wife since it is very obvious that he will be directly opposed to Christ ... it is in the name "Anti"-Christ

  • @sarahsmile0827
    @sarahsmile0827 Год назад +1

    Love your teachings and videos. I do have a question... Is it possible that the great harlot is the demon spirit of Ishtar? She is from Mesopotamia and is known as a harlot, has seduced many generations to worship her in her various forms (Aphrodite, Venus, etc) and her sensuality. She is definitely the head of a false religion. I can't say about other areas of the world, but she's definitely being worshipped by the western world currently.

  • @deannaJesusIsLord
    @deannaJesusIsLord Год назад +1

    Whether or not the harlot is the Catholic church, the fact remains that that church retains its views despite “repenting” and believes it is the only true church, keeps Jesus on that cross dead as an idol at the front of every church, exalts a human being (Mary), and other pagan practices that keeps its members in bondage with lies. We must worship only Jesus Christ, the One true God, the God of the Old Testament that came down to earth and gave His own life for us. God is Holy … He is THE Holy Spirit. The Catholic church has infiltrated our Protestant churches with the Trinity, which the apostles never claimed. If God says He is God and there is NO other, then there is none other than Him. This trinity concept is from satan. God calls Himself the Rock, the Salvation in the Old Testament. He is the deliverer in the Old Testament. He is Jesus … the body that He begot for Himself.
    We defy the Lord and celebrate Catholic traditions of Easter (fertility god with all the bunnies and eggs which are pagan) and Christmas which is actually a pagan holiday, putting those trees decked with silver and gold and bow before it when you place those gifts under it. Did the disciples do this? No. No. In fact they warned about deceivers keeping into the church to pervert the gospel. God detests magic and yet there is a magical spirit all around the season. We are deceived to think that there were 3 wise men when it did not mention the number. We are mislead by our pastors that there were only 2 of every animal in the ark when if you read on in the Bible that there were also 7 pairs of every clean animal. We must read the Word for ourselves … from front to back and not just a verse here and a chapter there. If we are so easily mislead on “little” things, how much more are we easily led astray if we don’t read for ourselves.
    Returning to the Catholic topic and the apology, see the article below about the Italian Pentecostals not buying it and they don’t see why the West is:

    • @deannaJesusIsLord
      @deannaJesusIsLord Год назад

      And by the way I agree with you that there is not a pre tribulation rapture. And I didn’t agree after watching your teachings, not saying anything bad about them, but I reached this conclusion by reading the Bible myself, and it was standing out so obviously.

  • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
    @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc 5 месяцев назад

    ⚔️ TRUTH v DECEPTION = Spiritual War ⚔️
    Half Truth = Whole Lie

  • @paulsharp8118
    @paulsharp8118 Год назад +1

    Actually.. if we are honest. The "religion" that completely denies Jesus..the "religion" that persecuted and crucified Jesus and despises Christ followers is ... Judaism. Judaism is waiting on a false messiah... and the restoration of sacrifice in the new Temple in Jerusalem.

  • @BGr8ful4all
    @BGr8ful4all Год назад +5

    In the publication called “estimate of the number killed by the Papacy in the middle ages and Later,” by David A. Plaisted in 2006, he quotes Dowling in his History of Romanism that says “ from the birth of popery in 606 to the present time, it is estimated by careful and credible historians, that more than 50 million of the human family have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy by Popish persecutors, an average of more than 40,000 religious murders for every year at the existence of popery.”
    -“History of Romanism,” pp. 541, 542, New York: 1871
    I am of the belief that we could definitely not discount one of the richest institutions of the world if not the richest. Who do you think the military of America works for? But we all must keep an open mind, forever seeking truth. 🙏🏼❤️

  • @TouchTheUniverse
    @TouchTheUniverse Год назад

    The harlot is not so much sitting in the desert as she is sitting on the beast in the desert. Saying the Harlot is from a desert region just from that line might be stretching it at the least, if not downright disingenuous when you don't say the actual quote but take words out - because you know the full quote doesn't explicitly state this.

  • @andrealmoseley6575
    @andrealmoseley6575 Год назад

    No theory I've heard totally fits though🤣

  • @davethedave4060
    @davethedave4060 Год назад +1

    I love this guy but there are some things I don't get. He seems to be pointing to Mecca : 1 Is The Antichrist going to destroy Mecca and obviously Antichristian Islam? 2. I don't get, don't really see the "in the desert" part in The Bible, not saying it's not there though. I may be missing something but, it doesn't seem to add up that Satan, i. e. his beast, would burn Mecca and Destroy Islam his great end time helpers. Maybe he explains in the next installment.

    • @tempstep4058
      @tempstep4058 Год назад

      When he gets powerful enough, he'll install himself as god. For that to happen, he has to destroy all the historical religions. Wouldn't be a surprise if he goes around and destroy holy sites of the various religions.

    • @sarahhardridge2392
      @sarahhardridge2392 Год назад

      I am with you on this matter I have watched all of the episodes of this playlist and the last three have just blown my mind how they reminded it is become.

  • @zanebiele7260
    @zanebiele7260 Год назад

    How about islam and chatolic church has very much similarities? And they come together in ecumenism? They come together and say: we worship same God? If you say that chatolic church is not a false religion then what is it?