Been driving for 50 years and during that time i've had 2 serious accidents, both times caused through people driving too close and when I've had to make an emergency stop the car behind has gone straight into me. I drive 100 miles at least every day and the tailgaters who are many are not only putting their own lives at risk but also the cars that they are following and trying to intimidate.
They're probably in a rush though, so they don't care about you or anyone else using the circuit - err sorry roads. it's a case of GET OUT OF MY WAY :(
Would it be possible to capture this happening at ANPR camera locations? (ie measure the distance between two vehicles, automatically send an infringement notice)
@@zzonedout No. In the case of SPECS average speed cameras, they measure time, not distance, basic ANPR cameras measure nothing. It is not the distance between two vehicles that matters, but the time. Crawling along at slower than walking pace 12ft is perhaps fine, at 70mph less so by an order of magnitude. A far better solution is....wait for it...... a return to lots of well trained traffic police who actually patrol rather than rely on databases to intercept. Tailgaters, seperation, drivers under the influence, excess speed for conditions, or over the limit away from cameras, all are invisible to automated systems, and are often better dealt with by way of a friendly roadside chat than fixed penalties.
Its not a new campaign, it has been around but very low-key for a couple of years at least I got sticker packs of all my vehicles when it was launched. Amusingly one of the original sponsors was National Express, infamous for using 1ft per 10mph as a separation guidline. Rather than bananas, elephants, hippopotamuses or such, I still teach "Only a fool breaks the two-second rule", takes two seconds to chant out loud and contains a subconscious nudge to reinforce it.
I use that and it's helpful. Speaking of buses, coaches, and trucks, why on Earth do they insist on being 2 inches from your rear bumper when you stop at lights?
@@davidyoung9561 "Sometimes"? :) There is not much as satisfying as flicking on the "POLICE" sign in the rear window when one of them does that. Part of the sticker pack was a little space invader on a clear background that was supposed to be placed on the windscreen as a reminder to the driver to not be a space invader too. Guess they were never fitted on such vehicles
Best advice is get out of their way... That whole clip he made no progress overtaking the car in the left hand lane so he doesn't need to be in the overtaking lane.
@@ianphil397 Wrong. Getting out of "their way" (it's not their way at all) encourages them (you, judging from your comment) to behave like the cretins they (you) are. If the car in your lane is doing way under the speed limit, then first it's probably because you're tailgating and they've slowed for safety, and second, on a motorway, you have a third lane - use it.
If I come up with a device (similar to the dash cam) that can be used to record the video, speed and distance to the tailgating car then can I use that as a proof to report the 'space invaders' ? Or maybe there's already such a device in the market?
The Vauxhall is literally in the overtaking lane but not making any progress. This is laughable. No wonder the space invader was tailgating Drive in lane 1 unless overtaking. Then move over as soon as safe to do so
Not only does it not make it ok to tailgate, it's completely irrelevant. The "lane hogger" was not overtaking - so someone tailgated as a result of that? How on Earth do the 2 relate? How does being an idiot tailgater make someone overtake?
@@rogueuniversities6866 tailgate so they see you in the mirror and realise they’re being a nob. So many people struggle with the most basics of driving. LANE FUCKING ONE UNLESS OVERTAKING
@@leenevin8451 Nope, the person being a knob (and a nob, since you can't spell) is you and other tailgaters. You're putting lives at risk because you're annoyed at where someone is on the road. In which case, since you are breaking the rules yourself, you have no room to moan about other people breaking the rules. They see you in their mirror anyway. TWO SECOND FUCKING GAP. Not difficult, there's even a rhyme that describes you - "only a fool breaks the two-second rule". Helps you not behave like a cretin. It's simple logic - when catching a vehicle ahead of you, you either back off or overtake, not get on their bumper. I slow right down to 20 or less for mongs like you until you get the message and back off. Even if someone is doing something wrong (and the left lane rule is a "should" not a "must", though important to follow generally), that doesn't make it OK for you to do something wrong too. That's as idiotic as saying "that knob went through a red light, they've annoyed me so now I'll drive on the pavement". And again, since you have difficulty reading, a left lane can, and often does, become a turn-off only lane - hence someone changes lane so they go the right way, meaning they're in the middle for a short time, until they can be on the left again.
Yeah they may well LOL at it and if they are, it just shows how selfish & ignorant they are and then if/when they have a accident who'll be LOL-ling then? b/c it won't be them. I've seen a advert a few years ago, not about drink driving but driving w/o a seatbelt, they have a crash and blood is spilt at the end.
@@pistonhedd I think what we need is more policing. Teresa May getting rid of 20000 coppers was a big mistake and she should have been sacked for incompetence. She's an idiot.
This happens on country roads and BUA's too, not just dual carriageways & motorways. Blind bends & summits, hidden dips, solid white lines I've seen the lot happen. Even when you're complying with the NSL, some twat still wants you to go, go, go faster. I think when mankind is virtually extinct insurance premiums will come down to earth a bit.
Then teach people to keep left unless their overtaking. Just because youre doing 70 doenst mean you can sit there and hog a lane. Undertaking is dangerous also
@@carlgraham9382 That's not just the problem, there's no fear while driving for experienced drivers. Everyone tale gates for many reasons and the number one reason is to stop others cutting in while overtaking another vehicle next time you're on a motorway try and do 70 while overtaking 2 lorries by using the right lane keeping a 2 second gap (Which is mandatory to stop safely in an emergency) You'll have drivers in the middle and left lane slotting into the gap you've left for safety. Worst of all you back off again to keep that gap open someone else will do the same thing, guess what the lorry that was in lane 2 has moved over and you're stuck in lane 3 "Hogging it" While Bmw's, audis and merc's undertake and carry on doing 90+ mph or worse you get brake checked for doing the right thing... Making safe progress!
Although lane hogging may be annoying, that's no excuse for tailgating, whereas you were clearly suggesting it was at the time you wrote your comment, you mong. Anyway, often people don't want to hog a lane but have to be in it for a while BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU who ignore the 2-second rule, meaning the "lane hogger" can't actually safely move to the left because there's no gap. And of course sometimes it's necessary to avoid a wrong turn if a left lane becomes a left-turn only lane, which many do on dual carriageways.
@@wumpty93 "Everyone tale gates (poor spelling left in)". No, they don't, because it's moronic and dangerous. The number one reason is lack of attention by the tailgater, the number 2 reason is intentional crappy driving by the tailgater. It's normal for people to change lanes - you should be able to deal with it as a good driver.
Keep strong. Dont forget that despite the struggles and madness in this world today, God is full of justice, mercy and love. Justice said we broke His perfect law - causing the world's previous perfection to be destroyed - and therefore we deserve Hell (like a punishment in any legal system but this is eternal as His perfect law is eternal too). Don't think you fit in that category? Ever done one of these?: lying, stealing - regardless of how small the object EVER, hating others - which is murder in God's perfect law, lusting (plus God sees our entire thought life). Justice says "the soul that sins shall die" - if we break one in thought/word/deed it's as if we're guilty of all of them. Quite simply, living by the law (which is doing everything perfectly) is impossible for sinful humans . The law shows us that 1. We will die in Hell if we fail to follow it and 2. We cannot save ourselves BUT, 3. God's perfect, immovable law points us to Christ, who followed and fulfilled the law in thought, word and deed perfectly in our place. He did what we couldn't and did it on our behalf. He was then sentenced to death on a cross, and took our personal punishment for our sin, paying our penalty (like paying our fine) completely FOR us, and has given us freedom. If we turn from the sins we have committed and repent (pursue the opposite direction of love through Christ) He will, overtime, recreate us back into that previously perfect image through The Holy Spirit which Jesus sends to all who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior of their life. He will help us through the struggle, the stress, and anything we experience in the world. It's about letting Christ in to guide and teach you and obeying Him through His power (not ourselves, we need Him to help us as it's impossible without depending on His power and instruction). He is our substitute in His life, death and resurrection. He essentially rewrote history in our place so that, if you believe in Him, it will be as if you had never sinned if you accept Christ's death as our own in our place. He is in Heaven right now preparing a place for us so that He can take His faithful, believing children home with Him when He returns. He will ressurrect us from death when He returns, giving mercy to those who accept His love, instruction and teachings in their life, and give justice to those who refuse it. He doesn't want ANY of us to go to Hell and die for continuing in evil and rejecting His way to life, thats why He died FOR us. Hes giving EVERYONE a chance, He wants everyone to take the free gift of salvation from Hell. He wants us to be His and begin to follow His life of love and service through His power and abiding (staying) with Him. So long as we keep our hearts near to Christ through His strength, strive to follow His will of perfect love revealed in the Bible, and let Him lead in the midst of (very certain) pitfalls and struggles, we will, in time, win the ultimate victory over sin, pain and DEATH through Christ. Even if you are willing to be made willing, pray for Jesus to come in and He will do what we can't. Give us The Holy Spirit who will guide us in the right way. Christ says in John 16:33: I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.] - (AMPLIFIED version) NOTE: You are NEVER too sinful or messed up that God cannot turn your life around through Jesus. EVER. Regardless of what you've done or what you're going through you CAN make it through Jesus. Xxxx
These adverts are a waste of time and waste of money because they simply don't work. I drive for a living and everyday, people tailgate my vehicle. So clearly these adverts are not working. We need more traffic police to catch tailgaters and issue fines and penalty points.
This clown is clearly driving about 30-40 mph on a countryside dual carriageway in good weather in the right hand lane at the same speed as the person in the left, no wonder the Space Invader following is up his ring. About time the government funded adverts to teach people to move left so everyone else that has stuff to do can get on with their day.
I'd tweek the campaign. Drop 'space invader' and instead use 'Twat'. And they're talking to you drivers in BMWs, Trade vans and mums in Chelsea tractors.
OR, you could have said, tailgating is a criminal offence, if caught you WILL get penalty points and hefty fine for dangerous driving, except police never ever do this, even when there's been a serious collision!You only need see how police treated that massive smash in Kent a few years back in fog when there were clearly loads of people driving too fast and too close. What did plod do, let them all off with a slap on the wrist warning! Without enforcement and severe punishments this campaign is meaningless!
Exactly. But as the cops themselves tailgate at times, hard for them to hand out tickets without looking like massive hypocrites. But yeah there should be proper enforcement.
This is such a good ad campaign. Catchy, simple, and punny. Its great. Give a raise to the people who came up with it! Job well done
What a waste of money......again
that is until you hear it on your radio, while driving your car. that gives you the chills.
It is still being used on cinema adverts
This is a great campaign - leaving some space in front of you is a life saver.
not every everyone realizes that though unfortunately.
@@pistonhedd Most people don't take any notice of these adverts. They are a waste of time.
I hope they put this on mainstream tv!
Let's hope they don't
Wasting more money on a pointless exercise
Sadly I see it everyday. 😔
As do I but tailgating is trivial compared to other more dangerous driving habits.
Been driving for 50 years and during that time i've had 2 serious accidents, both times caused through people driving too close and when I've had to make an emergency stop the car behind has gone straight into me. I drive 100 miles at least every day and the tailgaters who are many are not only putting their own lives at risk but also the cars that they are following and trying to intimidate.
They're probably in a rush though, so they don't care about you or anyone else using the circuit - err sorry roads. it's a case of GET OUT OF MY WAY :(
Lane 1 unless overtaking
@@pistonhedd I just slow down the closer they get.
@@davidyoung9561 the only trouble with that is, it can wind them up and could encourage road rage.
I love that game over theme XD
I love this!
When I first saw this ad at a cinema I thought for the first few seconds that it was an ad for the sequel of that video game movie
i suppose this advert on the radio does the job, the sound makes me so anxious
i'm forever getting spunk trumpets tailgating me
stay in lane 1
@@leenevin8451 Stop tailgating, di**head
@@leenevin8451 keep out of the BMW/Audi/Merc lane, yeah?
Would it be possible to capture this happening at ANPR camera locations? (ie measure the distance between two vehicles, automatically send an infringement notice)
Oh yeah snapshots prove everything ....Doh....
@@zzonedout No. In the case of SPECS average speed cameras, they measure time, not distance, basic ANPR cameras measure nothing. It is not the distance between two vehicles that matters, but the time. Crawling along at slower than walking pace 12ft is perhaps fine, at 70mph less so by an order of magnitude.
A far better solution is....wait for it...... a return to lots of well trained traffic police who actually patrol rather than rely on databases to intercept. Tailgaters, seperation, drivers under the influence, excess speed for conditions, or over the limit away from cameras, all are invisible to automated systems, and are often better dealt with by way of a friendly roadside chat than fixed penalties.
Its not a new campaign, it has been around but very low-key for a couple of years at least I got sticker packs of all my vehicles when it was launched. Amusingly one of the original sponsors was National Express, infamous for using 1ft per 10mph as a separation guidline.
Rather than bananas, elephants, hippopotamuses or such, I still teach "Only a fool breaks the two-second rule", takes two seconds to chant out loud and contains a subconscious nudge to reinforce it.
I use that and it's helpful. Speaking of buses, coaches, and trucks, why on Earth do they insist on being 2 inches from your rear bumper when you stop at lights?
And sometimes NX drivers are the biggest culprits.
@@davidyoung9561 "Sometimes"? :) There is not much as satisfying as flicking on the "POLICE" sign in the rear window when one of them does that. Part of the sticker pack was a little space invader on a clear background that was supposed to be placed on the windscreen as a reminder to the driver to not be a space invader too. Guess they were never fitted on such vehicles
When you tailgate you also have the chance of scaring the person in front
(Making them constantly look back)
That can cause an accident too...
This is really cool nice work
What at bloody 20 miles an hour?!
best advice is to just ignore them, eventually they give up or overtake, if they want to die early its up to them
Best advice is get out of their way... That whole clip he made no progress overtaking the car in the left hand lane so he doesn't need to be in the overtaking lane.
@@ianphil397 Wrong. Getting out of "their way" (it's not their way at all) encourages them (you, judging from your comment) to behave like the cretins they (you) are. If the car in your lane is doing way under the speed limit, then first it's probably because you're tailgating and they've slowed for safety, and second, on a motorway, you have a third lane - use it.
Stay safe, stay back. So somebody else can fill that gap!
If I come up with a device (similar to the dash cam) that can be used to record the video, speed and distance to the tailgating car then can I use that as a proof to report the 'space invaders' ? Or maybe there's already such a device in the market?
Don't lane hog and you won't be tailgated simple really
He was overtaking
Its an overtaking lane and he was overtaking. But does that really give anyone an excuse to tailgate?
@@Harryjw67 watch again. No progress being made. Also overtaking is a manoeuvre so do it quickly. Shouldn’t be using cruise control etc.
Not true, mong
@@djrphotography Not at all
Maybe he should go the speed limit then, get out the right lane if you want to go slow
They do a good job with these type of adverts!
If only the car ahead shoots the space invader like in the real game! ;)
The Vauxhall is literally in the overtaking lane but not making any progress. This is laughable. No wonder the space invader was tailgating
Drive in lane 1 unless overtaking. Then move over as soon as safe to do so
Not only does it not make it ok to tailgate, it's completely irrelevant. The "lane hogger" was not overtaking - so someone tailgated as a result of that? How on Earth do the 2 relate? How does being an idiot tailgater make someone overtake?
@@rogueuniversities6866 tailgate so they see you in the mirror and realise they’re being a nob. So many people struggle with the most basics of driving. LANE FUCKING ONE UNLESS OVERTAKING
@@leenevin8451 Nope, the person being a knob (and a nob, since you can't spell) is you and other tailgaters. You're putting lives at risk because you're annoyed at where someone is on the road. In which case, since you are breaking the rules yourself, you have no room to moan about other people breaking the rules. They see you in their mirror anyway. TWO SECOND FUCKING GAP. Not difficult, there's even a rhyme that describes you - "only a fool breaks the two-second rule". Helps you not behave like a cretin.
It's simple logic - when catching a vehicle ahead of you, you either back off or overtake, not get on their bumper. I slow right down to 20 or less for mongs like you until you get the message and back off.
Even if someone is doing something wrong (and the left lane rule is a "should" not a "must", though important to follow generally), that doesn't make it OK for you to do something wrong too. That's as idiotic as saying "that knob went through a red light, they've annoyed me so now I'll drive on the pavement". And again, since you have difficulty reading, a left lane can, and often does, become a turn-off only lane - hence someone changes lane so they go the right way, meaning they're in the middle for a short time, until they can be on the left again.
I agree with u on this 😊
Watch it again?
Tailgaters will laugh at this and then carry on. A drink driving advert from the 1990s shocked me and has stayed with me until this day.
Yeah they may well LOL at it and if they are, it just shows how selfish & ignorant they are and then if/when they have a accident who'll be LOL-ling then? b/c it won't be them. I've seen a advert a few years ago, not about drink driving but driving w/o a seatbelt, they have a crash and blood is spilt at the end.
@@pistonhedd I think what we need is more policing. Teresa May getting rid of 20000 coppers was a big mistake and she should have been sacked for incompetence. She's an idiot.
This ad somehow makes me laugh 😂
Me too!
This happens on country roads and BUA's too, not just dual carriageways & motorways. Blind bends & summits, hidden dips, solid white lines I've seen the lot happen. Even when you're complying with the NSL, some twat still wants you to go, go, go faster. I think when mankind is virtually extinct insurance premiums will come down to earth a bit.
Then teach people to keep left unless their overtaking. Just because youre doing 70 doenst mean you can sit there and hog a lane. Undertaking is dangerous also
Well said totally agree it's worst when your in roadworks and the speeds down to 50 mph no one will pass anybody dose my head in
@@carlgraham9382 That's not just the problem, there's no fear while driving for experienced drivers. Everyone tale gates for many reasons and the number one reason is to stop others cutting in while overtaking another vehicle next time you're on a motorway try and do 70 while overtaking 2 lorries by using the right lane keeping a 2 second gap (Which is mandatory to stop safely in an emergency) You'll have drivers in the middle and left lane slotting into the gap you've left for safety. Worst of all you back off again to keep that gap open someone else will do the same thing, guess what the lorry that was in lane 2 has moved over and you're stuck in lane 3 "Hogging it" While Bmw's, audis and merc's undertake and carry on doing 90+ mph or worse you get brake checked for doing the right thing... Making safe progress!
Although lane hogging may be annoying, that's no excuse for tailgating, whereas you were clearly suggesting it was at the time you wrote your comment, you mong. Anyway, often people don't want to hog a lane but have to be in it for a while BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE YOU who ignore the 2-second rule, meaning the "lane hogger" can't actually safely move to the left because there's no gap. And of course sometimes it's necessary to avoid a wrong turn if a left lane becomes a left-turn only lane, which many do on dual carriageways.
@@carlgraham9382 Why would they pass? If the speed is 50 and everyone is driving at 50, the only way to pass is by speeding, which means poor driving.
@@wumpty93 "Everyone tale gates (poor spelling left in)". No, they don't, because it's moronic and dangerous. The number one reason is lack of attention by the tailgater, the number 2 reason is intentional crappy driving by the tailgater. It's normal for people to change lanes - you should be able to deal with it as a good driver.
Fun fact: I searched for this ad
I thought this came out in like August 2021 LOL
Keep strong. Dont forget that despite the struggles and madness in this world today, God is full of justice, mercy and love.
Justice said we broke His perfect law - causing the world's previous perfection to be
destroyed - and therefore we deserve Hell (like a punishment in any legal system but this is eternal as His perfect law is eternal too). Don't think you fit in that category? Ever done one of these?: lying, stealing - regardless of how small the object EVER, hating others - which is murder in God's perfect law, lusting (plus God sees our entire thought life). Justice says "the soul that sins shall die" - if we break one in thought/word/deed it's as if we're guilty of all of them. Quite simply, living by the law (which is doing everything perfectly) is impossible for sinful humans
. The law shows us that 1. We will die in Hell if we fail to follow it and 2. We cannot save ourselves BUT, 3. God's perfect, immovable law points us to Christ, who followed and fulfilled the law in thought, word and deed perfectly in our place. He did what we couldn't and did it on our behalf. He was then sentenced to death on a cross, and took our personal punishment for our sin, paying our penalty (like paying our fine) completely FOR us, and has given us freedom.
If we turn from the sins we have committed and repent (pursue the opposite direction of love through Christ) He will, overtime, recreate us back into that previously perfect image through The Holy Spirit which Jesus sends to all who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior of their life. He will help us through the struggle, the stress, and anything we experience in the world. It's about letting Christ in to guide and teach you and obeying Him through His power (not ourselves, we need Him to help us as it's impossible without depending on His power and instruction).
He is our substitute in His life, death and resurrection. He essentially rewrote history in our place so that, if you believe in Him, it will be as if you had never sinned if you accept Christ's death as our own in our place.
He is in Heaven right now preparing a place for us so that He can take His faithful, believing children home with Him when He returns. He will ressurrect us from death when He returns, giving mercy to those who accept His love, instruction and teachings in their life, and give justice to those who refuse it.
He doesn't want ANY of us to go to Hell and die for continuing in evil and rejecting His way to life, thats why He died FOR us. Hes giving EVERYONE a chance, He wants everyone to take the free gift of salvation from Hell. He wants us to be His and begin to follow His life of love and service through His power and abiding (staying) with Him. So long as we keep our hearts near to Christ through His strength, strive to follow His will of perfect love revealed in the Bible, and let Him lead in the midst of (very certain) pitfalls and struggles, we will, in time, win the ultimate victory over sin, pain and DEATH through Christ. Even if you are willing to be made willing, pray for Jesus to come in and He will do what we can't. Give us The Holy Spirit who will guide us in the right way.
Christ says in John 16:33: I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]
- (AMPLIFIED version)
NOTE: You are NEVER too sinful or messed up that God cannot turn your life around through Jesus. EVER. Regardless of what you've done or what you're going through you CAN make it through Jesus.
Like it - everyone hates a tailgater yet who hasn’t done it themselves? You ain’t going to stop if you’re half a second off someone else’s bumper.
I like tailgaters don't know what all the fuss is about people getting together on the roads ....
Imagine a wii sports one
POV: you're a learner driver.
These adverts are a waste of time and waste of money because they simply don't work. I drive for a living and everyday, people tailgate my vehicle. So clearly these adverts are not working. We need more traffic police to catch tailgaters and issue fines and penalty points.
This clown is clearly driving about 30-40 mph on a countryside dual carriageway in good weather in the right hand lane at the same speed as the person in the left, no wonder the Space Invader following is up his ring. About time the government funded adverts to teach people to move left so everyone else that has stuff to do can get on with their day.
You might have had a point if tailgating were restricted to dual carriageways.
The people who came up with this commercial are definitely related to God
Erm no, they're definitely trying to get a message accross to keeping the UK's roads just that tiny bit safer.
I'd tweek the campaign. Drop 'space invader' and instead use 'Twat'.
And they're talking to you drivers in BMWs, Trade vans and mums in Chelsea tractors.
OR, you could have said, tailgating is a criminal offence, if caught you WILL get penalty points and hefty fine for dangerous driving, except police never ever do this, even when there's been a serious collision!You only need see how police treated that massive smash in Kent a few years back in fog when there were clearly loads of people driving too fast and too close. What did plod do, let them all off with a slap on the wrist warning! Without enforcement and severe punishments this campaign is meaningless!
Exactly. But as the cops themselves tailgate at times, hard for them to hand out tickets without looking like massive hypocrites. But yeah there should be proper enforcement.
Sort out the pot holes on the M65 muppets.
Pass me DON'T harass me. would be a great bumper sticker.
Don't be a BMW driver 🤣
If you're cut up by anyone you then automatically become a space invader ????? What a waste of time and money ...