おうちで旅行気分♪ 日本のご当地グルメ6選

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • ぜひ作ってみてくださいね!
    00:07 <大阪府>関西風お好み焼き
    01:01 <愛知県>えび天むす
    01:59 <北海道>チーズいももち
    02:51 <長崎県>豚角煮まん
    04:19 <宮崎県>半熟卵の肉巻きおにぎり
    05:31 <広島県>広島風お好み焼き
    キャベツ(粗みじん切り) 200g
    長いも(すりおろし) 150g
    豚バラ肉 120g
    薄力粉 100g
    だし汁 100ml
    卵 2個
    天かす 大さじ4
    紅しょうが 小さじ1
    油 適量
    お好みソース 適量
    マヨネーズ 適量
    青のり 適量
    鰹節 適量
    1. ボウルに卵とだし汁を入れてよく混ぜ合わせる。薄力粉、長いもを順に加えてよく混ぜる。
    2. (1)にキャベツ、天かす、紅しょうがを加え、スプーンで空気を入れるようにして、さっくりと混ぜる。
    3. ホットプレートを熱して油を薄くひき、生地の半分を流して丸く形を整えたら、豚バラ肉をのせる。
    4. 生地の周りが白っぽくなってきたら裏返して6〜7分焼き、再び返して2〜3分焼く。
    5. ソースを塗ってマヨネーズをかけ、竹串で模様を描く。青のりと鰹節をかけたら、完成!
    えび 8尾
    卵 1個
    薄力粉 150g
    冷水 150ml
    だし 200ml
    しょうゆ 60ml
    みりん 60ml
    ごはん 600g
    塩 少々
    1. えびは尾を残して殻と剣先をむき、尾の先を切って、包丁の先で汚れをしごき出す。揚げたときにまっすぐになるように、腹側に5箇所ほど切り込みを入れて身を反らす。塩(分量外)を少々ふっておく。
    2. 衣を作る。ボウルに卵を入れて、白身のコシを切るようによく溶きほぐす。薄力粉と冷水を加えて混ぜ、少し粉が残る程度で混ぜるのをやめる。冷蔵庫に入れて冷やしておく。
    3. えびに薄力粉をまぶし、余分な粉ははらう。衣をまとわせたら180℃の揚げ油に入れ、えびが浮いてくるまで揚げたら、紙などにとって油を切る。
    4. 天つゆを作る。小鍋にだし、しょうゆ、みりんを入れて火にかけ、ひと煮立ちしたら火から下ろす。
    5. 手に水と塩をつけてあたたかいごはんを少量手に取る。えび天を天つゆにひたし、しっかり汁気を切ってごはんの中心にのせ、尾がはみ出るようにして三角形ににぎる。
    6. 細長く切った海苔を巻いたら、完成!
    じゃがいも 4個
    片栗粉 大さじ3
    牛乳 大さじ2
    ピザ用チーズ 40g
    バター 20g
    しょうゆ 大さじ2
    みりん 大さじ1
    砂糖 大さじ1
    1. いももちを作る。鍋に水とじゃがいもを入れ、中火で15分茹でる。
    2. フォークがすっと入るくらいやわらかくなったら湯を切ってボウルに入れ、片栗粉を加えて、なめらかになるまでマッシャーでつぶす。
    3. 牛乳を加えて混ぜ、4等分にする。中央をへこませてチーズを包み、平たい円形に形作る。
    4. たれを作る。すべての材料を鍋に入れて中火にかけ、ひと煮立ちさせたら火から下ろす。
    5. フライパンにバターを入れて中火にかけ、バター溶けたら(3)を並べ、。両面に焦げ目がつくまで焼く。はけなどで両面にたれを塗ったら、完成!
    豚バラ肉ブロック 500g
    しょうゆ 大さじ4
    砂糖 大さじ4
    酒 大さじ4
    水 400ml
    塩 少々
    小麦粉 150g
    熱湯 100ml
    牛乳 80ml
    砂糖 大さじ 2
    ベーキングパウダー 大さじ1 
    サラダ油 大さじ1
    ごま油 適量
    片栗粉 小さじ1
    水 小さじ2
    スライスチーズ 1枚
    1. 角煮を作る。ボウルに煮汁の材料を入れてよく混ぜ合わせる。
    2. 豚バラ肉を適当な大きさに切り、脂身を下にしてフライパンに並べ、中火にかける。
    3. 両面がこんがりと色づくまで焼いたら炊飯器の内釜に入れ、(1)を注ぎ入れて蓋をしめ、ふつうに炊く。
    4. 皮を作る。ボウルに小麦粉、砂糖、ベーキングパウダーを入れてよく混ぜる。牛乳とサラダ油を加えて混ぜ合わる。生地がポロポロとまとまってきたら、表面がなめらかになるまでよくこね、ラップをかけて冷蔵庫で20分ほど休ませる。
    5. 生地を冷蔵庫から取り出して4等分にし、めん棒で楕円形に伸ばす。内側になるほうにごま油を塗って半分に折り、油をひいたフライパンに並べる。中火で軽く焼き色がつくまで焼いたら、熱湯を注いで蓋をしめ、弱火で8分間蒸し焼きにする。
    6. 角煮が炊けたら皿などに取り出し、煮汁をフライパンに移して中火にかけ、煮立たせる。水溶き片栗粉を加えてとろみをつけたら、角煮にたっぷりとかける。
    7. (5)にスライスチーズと角煮を挟む。余熱でチーズを溶かしたら、完成!
    卵 2個
    ごはん 200g
    豚バラ薄切り肉 200g
    大葉 4枚
    薄力粉 大さじ2
    油 大さじ1
    酒 大さじ2
    砂糖 大さじ2
    しょうゆ 大さじ2
    白ごま 適量
    青ねぎ 適量
    1. 鍋に湯を沸かし、沸騰したら卵を入れて7分茹でる(黄身が中心にくるように、最初の2-3分は箸で転がす)。氷水にとって冷やし、まだ少し温かいうちに殻をむく。
    2. ラップにごはんを薄く広げ、ゆで卵を包む。俵型に握り、上下に大葉を貼りつける。
    3. (2)に豚バラ肉を巻きつけ、薄力粉を全体的にまぶす。
    4. 油をひいたフライパンを中火で熱し、肉の巻き終わりを下にして(3)を入れる。
    5. しっかりと火が通ったら、酒、砂糖、しょうゆを加え、照りが出るまで全体に絡める。
    6. 白ごまと青ねぎを振ったら、完成!
    薄力粉 100g      
    水 160ml
    みりん 小さじ1
    かつお粉 少々
    キャベツ(千切り) 160g
    天かす 適量
    もやし 120g
    豚バラ肉 8枚
    油 適量
    焼きそば麺 2袋
    お好みソース 適量
    卵 2個
    お好みソース 適量
    マヨネーズ 適量
    青のり 適量
    鰹節 適量
    1. 生地の材料をボウルに入れてよく混ぜ合わせる。
    2. ホットプレートを熱して油を薄くひき、お玉1杯分の生地を直径20cmほどに円になるように薄く広げる。かつお粉、キャベツ、もやし、天かす、青ねぎをのせる。
    3. 豚バラ肉を並べて、お玉の半量の生地をかけたらうら返す。へらでかるく押さえ、肉と野菜に火を通す。
    4. ホットプレートのあいているところに油をうすくひき、焼きそば麺をのせて、お好みソースをかけてよく和えたら(3)をのせる。
    5. ホットプレートのあいているところに卵を割り、へらで黄身をくずして、丸く整えながら火を通す。卵が焼けたら、(4)を卵の上にのせて、へらでかるく押さえる。
    6. ソースを塗って、マヨネーズ、青のり、鰹節をかけたら、完成!

Комментарии • 228

  • @lienhuongnguyen9390
    @lienhuongnguyen9390 5 лет назад +222

    When the recipes include Japanese ingredients and you have no idea where to buy them

    • @ferociousmaliciousghost
      @ferociousmaliciousghost 5 лет назад +10

      Amazon is your friend.

    • @lilyjaboh
      @lilyjaboh 5 лет назад +22

      Your local asian stores, I am sure you'll find them :) If not, buy them online, but at a store that can be trusted.

    • @cassialucie8445
      @cassialucie8445 5 лет назад +6

      Shopee hoặc mấy cửa hàng tạp hóa lớn hoặc mấy shop nội địa Nhật :v

    • @waywardhero1177
      @waywardhero1177 5 лет назад +8

      Definitely look for them at your Asian isle at the super market or you Asian supermarket. You can find all this stuff there. Trust me all these are worth the purchase since they can be used as really good ingredients for other non Asian recepies

    • @kazuma9167
      @kazuma9167 5 лет назад +2

      Asian groceries..

  • @miar1652
    @miar1652 4 года назад +1

    Hiroshima okonomiyaki is one of the best foods I’ve ever tried

  • @saboteneyes
    @saboteneyes 4 года назад +1

    肉巻き美味しそう〜So Big!!!!!😆

  • @KamalikaMukherjee81
    @KamalikaMukherjee81 4 года назад +4

    I never knew so many Japanese recipes are quite doable, even when you don't get all the ingredients easily. The steamed bun they did, with ingredients which I actually have in my pantry (minus the pork belly, but I can probably substitute with chicken)...so awesome! At least, I can make a Japanese-inspired dish if I can't get hold of all the ingredients.

  • @Love-uk9qg
    @Love-uk9qg 5 лет назад +2

    The color of the egg yolks they use to make japanese food look soo pretty

  • @kreepyspooky8879
    @kreepyspooky8879 6 лет назад +232

    Japanese people are so creative daaammnn

    • @berbnobirbyes.8583
      @berbnobirbyes.8583 5 лет назад +5

      HahaItsPatrick woah, that sounds a bit too strong to say lol

    • @berbnobirbyes.8583
      @berbnobirbyes.8583 5 лет назад +2

      HahaItsPatrick ? What’re you confused about?

    • @greekvlogs3483
      @greekvlogs3483 5 лет назад +5

      IKR in Texas it’s just bbq bbq bbq bbq

    • @M7S4I5L8V2A
      @M7S4I5L8V2A 4 года назад +3

      @@greekvlogs3483 You live in a pretty sorry place if you don't have Tex-Mex or even southern homestyle food.

    • @greekvlogs3483
      @greekvlogs3483 4 года назад +2

      M7 S4i5l8v2a barbecue tastes good in all but it’s not that creative or different

  • @itriedchannel9925
    @itriedchannel9925 5 лет назад +366

    Tasty Japan: sliced pork belly
    Me: bacon

    • @thomasreule8575
      @thomasreule8575 5 лет назад +3


    • @natmanstr1828
      @natmanstr1828 5 лет назад +25

      Uncured bacon not as salty changes the flavour a lot

    • @itriedchannel9925
      @itriedchannel9925 5 лет назад +4

      HahaItsPatrick sad why does this happen every time I comment something I’m not trying to fight sorry if I offended you in any way possible

    • @mazenagami503
      @mazenagami503 5 лет назад +3

      I tried channel me(a Muslim): smoked turkey mortadella

    • @TV-tr6su
      @TV-tr6su 4 года назад +3


  • @onapecco
    @onapecco 5 лет назад +48


    • @AmnaAleem2845
      @AmnaAleem2845 5 лет назад +5

      I can't read japaneese and i don't know what it says but i still liked it for some reason

    • @jumplover5346
      @jumplover5346 5 лет назад +10

      Amna Aleem
      In Japan there are 2 main types of Okonomiyaki the Osaka or Kansai style and the Hiroshima style. The people in Osaka say that their okonomiyaki is the ‘okonomiyaki’ and the Hiroshima one is named ‘Hiroshima Style Okonomiyaki’. While the people in Hiroshima say, their okonomiyaki is called just ‘okonomiyaki’ and the Osaka style is called ‘Kandai style okonomiyaki’. So they’re fighting over which is the actual original? Okonomiyaki. So Basically this comment states that, to prevent war within the comment section, the video named both okonomiyaki’s, ‘Kansai\Osaka style okonomiyaki’ and ‘Hiroshima Style okonomiyaki’

  • @katelynwtl4289
    @katelynwtl4289 5 лет назад +85

    I love Japan😍😍😍 their food seem so delicious and breathtaking. They always do things in a traditional way. I love traditional😊

  • @user-xq9fh2pp9o
    @user-xq9fh2pp9o 5 лет назад +11


  • @thebluerainbow
    @thebluerainbow 5 лет назад +4

    Dat potato mochi oh my God...may make it one of these days... 🤤The Okonomiyakis and the two Onigiris looked delicious, too. 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

  • @ongong1376
    @ongong1376 5 лет назад +3

    Thích ẩm thực nhật bản thực sự luôn 😍😍

  • @user-oh4un3by3g
    @user-oh4un3by3g 6 лет назад +38


  • @meanpotato2948
    @meanpotato2948 4 года назад +2

    😭Waaaahhhh!!! I've already miss Japanese cuisine like I want to go back to Tokyo!!!

  • @user-ej3im5ne2z
    @user-ej3im5ne2z 5 лет назад +12


  • @ivymaynhu
    @ivymaynhu 6 лет назад +8

    I miss eating okonomiyaki when I was in Japan

  • @mclaire9447
    @mclaire9447 5 лет назад +15

    I wish these recipes were on the tasty app...

  • @marie.i2819
    @marie.i2819 5 лет назад +58


  • @johnpaulbdeluna
    @johnpaulbdeluna 6 лет назад +178

    I love 🇯🇵
    I love Tasty 🇯🇵
    I love Okonomiyaki 😘🌹❤️💯

    • @MuthuKumar-ow2yz
      @MuthuKumar-ow2yz 5 лет назад +1

      ruclips.net/video/hviyfW95WLQ/видео.html 私のヴィラージュをビデオで見る

    • @user-hb2lb9bu2f
      @user-hb2lb9bu2f 5 лет назад +1


    • @silentgamerharold536
      @silentgamerharold536 5 лет назад +2

      Ore mo! 💗💕💖💟💟💖💕👊👍😊

  • @freshavocadou9782
    @freshavocadou9782 5 лет назад +36

    That braised pork bun was so thicc they can't even take a good bite into it 4:17

  • @moochijimin2899
    @moochijimin2899 5 лет назад +2

    I would like some oriental music in the background of these tasty videos just saying

  • @grovvy_essence.1070
    @grovvy_essence.1070 3 года назад +2

    Your food is loveee.❤❤❤❤❤❤😍

  • @yutxu
    @yutxu 6 лет назад +11


  • @fernandocastillo7491
    @fernandocastillo7491 6 лет назад +3

    Sueño con ir a Japón y probar esos manjares

  • @chopperleta8010
    @chopperleta8010 5 лет назад

    It looks sssoooooo delicious

  • @oscarsoto_053
    @oscarsoto_053 5 лет назад +2

    Me gustaría probar de todo, en especial el Okonomiyaki Hiroshima 🇯🇵

  • @shadyslim7103
    @shadyslim7103 6 лет назад +60

    They covered up all that hard work at 0:47 :/

    • @donutgirl5007
      @donutgirl5007 6 лет назад +16

      Shady Slim I meannn that's how its supposed to be-- it's really tasty tho!

    • @hongkong0730
      @hongkong0730 6 лет назад +4

      Donna Chong yeaa if you have tried it you would know the sauces are really tastyy

    • @smithofhearts3026
      @smithofhearts3026 6 лет назад +4

      They just ran the tip of chopstick on the sauces, it's not really hard work ahah

    • @mliem5959
      @mliem5959 6 лет назад +2

      That’s why they learn something on 6:20

    • @altherim3870
      @altherim3870 5 лет назад +1

      What is that white suace

  • @solkhu
    @solkhu 5 лет назад

    sake and mirin are the cheese and parsley of tasty japan

    • @audreyli_creations
      @audreyli_creations 4 года назад +1

      Not to be a boomer, but they ARE classic-ish ingredients in their food

  • @kkikumaru9514
    @kkikumaru9514 5 лет назад +1


  • @6telephone
    @6telephone 4 года назад +3


  • @user-vl7nw5qf7r
    @user-vl7nw5qf7r 5 лет назад +1


  • @quinqi8206
    @quinqi8206 5 лет назад

    Can you make a video about how to make takoyaki and okonomiyaki sauce??

  • @blossomflower61
    @blossomflower61 6 лет назад +2

    Amazing music and wonderful and delicious
    Food your making as well
    I would love to try all that food

  • @meijingchang1223
    @meijingchang1223 2 года назад +1

    I love japan local gourmet! Wow, so good japense.

  • @mr.knight1677
    @mr.knight1677 5 лет назад +2

    Mmmmm I always wanted to try okonomiyaki !

  • @leby_leby
    @leby_leby 5 лет назад

    I like nagasaki best because it has a 𝑬𝑿𝑷𝑳𝑶𝑫𝑰𝑵𝑮 taste

  • @marianecruz2705
    @marianecruz2705 5 лет назад +1

    I wonder what is that paper looking food that’s moving (the orange one)? The first part

    • @kfma6291
      @kfma6291 5 лет назад +2

      They're fish flakes. They're common toppers on okonomiyaki and takoyaki! They're creepy when they move, but delicious!

    • @marianecruz2705
      @marianecruz2705 5 лет назад

      Thank you for the information ❤️

  • @kellydourty1902
    @kellydourty1902 4 года назад +1

    Mmm so good

  • @Naiuhz
    @Naiuhz 6 лет назад +21

    Hiroshima Okonomiyaki is my favourite. That Miyazaki dish was pretty bizarre

    • @theocoxd
      @theocoxd 6 лет назад +1

      Naiuhz Though I want to taste it, a deep fried onigiri wrapped in bacon is bizarre food?

    • @Naiuhz
      @Naiuhz 6 лет назад +4

      Juan Jacobo Guzman It's bizarre enough that my friend who grew up in Miyazaki since high school never heard of this dish

    • @sarahimbat5933
      @sarahimbat5933 5 лет назад

      Naiuhz, that can be strange sometimes!

  • @caglabot
    @caglabot 5 лет назад +1

    i don't like pork and this video made me extremely hungry

  • @lepidoptery
    @lepidoptery 3 года назад

    buta kakuni is so good, i haven't had as good outside of Nagasaki. i didn't have it with a cheese slice though, it was paired with a little bit of greens though i forget exactly what they were (it wasn't green onions but something a little leafy, along the lines of parsley/cilantro/basil/whatever). I've tried making it before (results were so-so) but stovetop, I've thought about using a slow cooker or rice cooker, though.

    • @Trueshogunate
      @Trueshogunate Год назад

      Would that herb be perilla or mitsuba parsley?

    • @lepidoptery
      @lepidoptery Год назад

      @@Trueshogunate i wouldn't have known at the time and i don't remember what it looked like clearly enough to figure it out now, sorry!

    • @Trueshogunate
      @Trueshogunate Год назад

      @@lepidoptery No it's ok! I wanted to take some guesses out of curiosity lol

  • @PrettyH8Mach1n3
    @PrettyH8Mach1n3 5 лет назад +2

    1:40 kind of reminds me of scotch eggs.

    • @elianaa3180
      @elianaa3180 4 года назад

      PrettyH8Mach1n3 how there was no eggs there

  • @pameladeav7958
    @pameladeav7958 5 лет назад +1

    It all looks sooo delicious 🤤😍

  • @milkishouse4404
    @milkishouse4404 5 лет назад +1

    Hiroshima okonomiyaki is my favourite 😍

  • @Rikirinku
    @Rikirinku 5 лет назад

    Половина ингредиентов не знакомая, но очень интересно.

  • @ZombieLeo94
    @ZombieLeo94 5 лет назад +8

    I always wonder
    Is that green powder they put on the okonomiyaki matcha powder?

    • @yolostaar4865
      @yolostaar4865 5 лет назад +18

      Dry nori seaweed in powder 😅

  • @lawrencewei3583
    @lawrencewei3583 6 лет назад +11

    I was able to do this because I'm in hospital 😞 so that's good and bad

  • @ellenz2100
    @ellenz2100 5 лет назад

    I love It 🤤🤤😍😍

  • @mrsstyles4296
    @mrsstyles4296 5 лет назад +1

    I need to cook them but I'm so bad at cooking I need a Japanese friend

  • @Ghaithtayeb600
    @Ghaithtayeb600 5 лет назад +1

    الموسيقي جعلتني ارقص

  • @satrickptar6265
    @satrickptar6265 5 лет назад +5

    Bad thing to watch at night! Now, I'm hungry asf.

  • @yangyangbartolome
    @yangyangbartolome 5 лет назад

    I'm drooling and i just ate dinner

  • @avahuynh
    @avahuynh 5 лет назад +1

    So yumm yah 😆❤️

  • @lanit2615
    @lanit2615 5 лет назад +1

    Так вкусно)

  • @applk9020
    @applk9020 6 лет назад +2

    I love this! More videos like this please hehe

  • @aryakupte4391
    @aryakupte4391 6 лет назад

    Hokkaido's recipe were very good

  • @alria2133
    @alria2133 5 лет назад +1

    The moment after hours try to find when to buy the ingredients, Google translate pop up and tell you that you have everything, just not the same name.

  • @tomboyjessie1352
    @tomboyjessie1352 6 лет назад

    I want to try the Shrimp Onigiri and Okonomiyaki, right now.

  • @M_JackOfAllTrades
    @M_JackOfAllTrades 5 лет назад


  • @empress9554
    @empress9554 5 лет назад

    I wish I could make this but I don’t have these tools or these ingredients where I live

  • @user-yp2cs6os9h
    @user-yp2cs6os9h 6 лет назад +1


  • @SS_cats
    @SS_cats 6 лет назад +1


  • @nekoha122
    @nekoha122 5 лет назад +11


  • @user-kk6fw9nf7g
    @user-kk6fw9nf7g 5 лет назад +15


      @SASASANOSA 5 лет назад +1


  • @izzatihassan1475
    @izzatihassan1475 6 лет назад

    more of unique dishes videos please!

  • @uy1116
    @uy1116 6 лет назад +3


  • @blujay.e
    @blujay.e 5 лет назад

    Are all Japanese eggs a bright orange??

    • @-keicake9019
      @-keicake9019 5 лет назад

      @June Chen
      I don’t know about “all”, but definitely most of the time. I lived there for about a decade, in various different prefectures, and the eggs were always that rich orange colour. A lot of eggs here in the US have really y e l l o w af yokes. Depending on the maker though, some eggs even here are a little orange like in JP. I don’t know if it’s all in my head, but to me the darker the yolk, the better it tastes 😅

  • @bleachiniac
    @bleachiniac 5 лет назад +1

    Is there any substitute ingredients for sake?i can't take alcoholic things

  • @zenaidacezara4609
    @zenaidacezara4609 5 лет назад

    These recipies are so tasty but i can't do them bc i live in Romania and here we don't have asian stores where ce can find those ingredients. :'(

  • @rachaelnguyen8769
    @rachaelnguyen8769 6 лет назад +1

    Omgosh I want to try the potato Mochi 🥔

  • @arvanitrezniqi7300
    @arvanitrezniqi7300 6 лет назад +2


  • @sugarasu5766
    @sugarasu5766 5 лет назад


  • @allyssonsengupta7591
    @allyssonsengupta7591 5 лет назад

    I did the potato mochi just without mirin

  • @koshokreation
    @koshokreation 5 лет назад +1


  • @syntaxerror5781
    @syntaxerror5781 6 лет назад +35

    I wonder whos hands belong to Rie.

    • @jul2447
      @jul2447 5 лет назад +1

      Rie doesnt work for tasty japan tho

    • @syntaxerror5781
      @syntaxerror5781 5 лет назад +3

      @@jul2447 yeah.but they actually merge videos from tasty and tasty japan. And considering Rie is japanese, she does japanese dishes as well.

    • @yellowcoom1741
      @yellowcoom1741 5 лет назад

      Maybe the one with the ring

    • @arlandeetagaytayan4154
      @arlandeetagaytayan4154 5 лет назад +1

      She featured the Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki in her Tasty Video so I think it's hers.

    • @wmb2k5
      @wmb2k5 5 лет назад

      The hiroshima style okonomiyaki

  • @ffrances491
    @ffrances491 5 лет назад

    What is yam and where can I get it? Can’t really find it on google..

  • @chrgnhp
    @chrgnhp 5 лет назад +13


  • @gulyaswift1503
    @gulyaswift1503 5 лет назад


  • @vanessabulintao6476
    @vanessabulintao6476 5 лет назад +2

    The ingredients are so hard to find😭

  • @teneathyn799
    @teneathyn799 Год назад

    Est-ce que ça veut dire la cuisine régionale japonaise?

  • @waywardhero1177
    @waywardhero1177 5 лет назад

    Hey this is cool and all, but y’all ever had a frito pie?

  • @MeiYiChang3210
    @MeiYiChang3210 22 дня назад


  • @sof6527
    @sof6527 5 лет назад +1

    pls add subtitles to tasty Japan videos

  • @barusa0275
    @barusa0275 6 лет назад +1


  • @kazuma9167
    @kazuma9167 5 лет назад

    The only food I can do is onigiro With pork and chicken siracha honey.

  • @Ghoststone1
    @Ghoststone1 5 лет назад +1

    Slow it down please! Way too fast. A recipe would be nice after each one. We can freeze it and actually read how to make it.

  • @muhammadhanif4447
    @muhammadhanif4447 5 лет назад

    Please, with subtitle English or indonesian

  • @satchman666
    @satchman666 4 года назад


  • @fariedcorner605
    @fariedcorner605 5 лет назад +1

    Tasty japan : Okonomiyaki
    Me : Bakwan
    Tasty japan : Potato mochi
    Me : perkedel

  • @A.I.12321
    @A.I.12321 3 года назад +1


  • @aaaasari__
    @aaaasari__ 5 лет назад +1


  • @V8-bh
    @V8-bh 5 лет назад


  • @paulcardo01
    @paulcardo01 6 лет назад +6

    Does anyone knows where to get Dashi or Mirin?

    • @caleb12naruto
      @caleb12naruto 6 лет назад +4

      any asian specialty market in your area

    • @jinspomu7103
      @jinspomu7103 6 лет назад

      Jackie A
      Whats the ratio of sugar water?

    • @FreedomValentine
      @FreedomValentine 6 лет назад +1

      Mirin might be hard but if you have any mushrooms or seaweed (not nori, you want the thicker kind), try soaking in distilled warm water overnight.

    • @jolly5139
      @jolly5139 6 лет назад +1

      Try online, too! If there is none in an asian market or asian aisle.

    • @asianangel1905
      @asianangel1905 6 лет назад

      There are alot of substitutes and tutorials on how to make them in youtube you can check it out if you want

  • @sarahimbat5933
    @sarahimbat5933 5 лет назад

    What is the song here!

  • @itstwinklerkate
    @itstwinklerkate 5 лет назад

    Where do I buy dashi and mirin in the ph :(

    • @ScarletGinger
      @ScarletGinger 5 лет назад

      you can buy it on amazon if you don't have a Japanese grocery store near you

  • @cookingforlilliput
    @cookingforlilliput 5 лет назад

    Yummy 😋

  • @eddymadison9655
    @eddymadison9655 5 лет назад

    Are those Bao Buns ?

    • @lepidoptery
      @lepidoptery 5 лет назад

      Nagasaki has a lot of foreign Chinese influence. Gwa bao are Taiwanese, the guy from momofuku just reinvented the wheel.

  • @cheyennebokuhoot3153
    @cheyennebokuhoot3153 4 года назад

    I'm not allowed to eat pork so.. What do you guys think could be a good substitute?

  • @user-xw1rf4bm6v
    @user-xw1rf4bm6v 5 лет назад

    臺灣的刈包 什麼時候變日本料理了

  • @user-eu3gh2xu2z
    @user-eu3gh2xu2z 6 лет назад +9


    • @Aoi_-lp6nk
      @Aoi_-lp6nk 5 лет назад +1
