I love everything about this. From you saying that agenting wasn't something you wanted to do your whole life, instead growing into it and feeling affirmed by it the more you learned, to you saying that you grew up in the Midwest (like me--you actually went to college at a university less than half an hour from me, at William Jewell) far away from the publishing world, and even the fact that you say you are still learning about the field but determined, borderline obsessively, to grow in it. I also really, really love how you aren't faking some grand persona for the sake of false appearance. You're just being straightforward about your experience, your history, and your interests. I honestly think you're someone who's level-headed enough to really do well in the industry long-term, with a healthy enough mindset to not be defeated by the inevitable roadblocks that come with building a new career. I also love your personal enjoyment of C.S. Lewis, since he wrote my favorite book of all time, Till We Have Faces. This is a breath of fresh air.
Thank you for sharing your background and aspirations to help writers find the right agent match.
I love everything about this. From you saying that agenting wasn't something you wanted to do your whole life, instead growing into it and feeling affirmed by it the more you learned, to you saying that you grew up in the Midwest (like me--you actually went to college at a university less than half an hour from me, at William Jewell) far away from the publishing world, and even the fact that you say you are still learning about the field but determined, borderline obsessively, to grow in it. I also really, really love how you aren't faking some grand persona for the sake of false appearance. You're just being straightforward about your experience, your history, and your interests. I honestly think you're someone who's level-headed enough to really do well in the industry long-term, with a healthy enough mindset to not be defeated by the inevitable roadblocks that come with building a new career. I also love your personal enjoyment of C.S. Lewis, since he wrote my favorite book of all time, Till We Have Faces. This is a breath of fresh air.
Thank you for the video, Anjanette, it was very informative!
Thanks so much for sharing, Anjanette!
Yay! 🎉 Congrats!
YAAAAY! Congrats :)
Thanks, this is very informative. Best of luck in your literary agent pursuits!
congrats! hope you got some queries!
This is awesome! Congrats Anjanette! :D
My first novel is out for beta reading, and after I revise with that feedback, I plan to send you a query. I'm aiming for September. Happy reading!
I have many questions about publishing. I'm really frustrated. I write poetry , prose , Flash etc
I live in Ireland
My work colleague is named annette Barr...how cool is that?