King Abdullah II of Jordan - a policy address

  • Опубликовано: 2 мар 2008
  • Speaker: King Abdullah II, the reigning monarch of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
    Date of event: Feb 29, 2008
    Location: Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs

Комментарии • 83

  • @hyaseen
    @hyaseen 11 лет назад +1

    If the world had more leaders like this, there would certainly be peace in the world.

  • @raybadiassaf
    @raybadiassaf 14 лет назад

    Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty and freedom of Jordan as a kingdom. Jordan 1st

  • @fatimabaha
    @fatimabaha 13 лет назад

    Allways shine and bright your majesty God bless you
    may your majesty is the reason who Allah help him
    to be the reason which may cover the world starting from
    Palastine and Iraq ect . . .
    wish all support your majesty the Hashemite
    Good Luck
    Fatima Alhossayny

  • @zreaqat
    @zreaqat 14 лет назад

    I'm Jordanian and this man is doing pretty well, he's open-minded and this is being reflected on Jordanians.haters here are probably Palestinians who don't want a developed Jordan. We're moving forward with democracy, women rights, education and economy but as king abduallah said, we still need help so Jordan can stand as a model to be followed by other countries in the region. We also seek peace with Israel not only on papers but also on the ground with natural friendship and mutual respect

  • @PhiloAmericana
    @PhiloAmericana 12 лет назад +1

    He gives me hope for the Middle East.

  • @hashoomk
    @hashoomk 16 лет назад

    I agree the prices are high everywhere, I am Jordanian and I live in the US, the prices are high in the US but the only difference is that in America the income is better, but the King has nothing to do with prices, we are not an industrial nation, and we don't have oil wealth, we have our brains and our love to our country and our King :)

  • @navarre9
    @navarre9 13 лет назад

    a truly wise and passionate man. he is a great king.

  • @Zweina81
    @Zweina81 15 лет назад

    He said bismillah al rahman al raheem.. which means in the name of God, most gracious, most merciful. this is the traditional arab and muslim way of beginning to speak.

  • @hashoomk
    @hashoomk 16 лет назад

    I agree, I have my own business in the united states and I ship everything from Amman, I took advantage of the free trade agreement, one attitude we need to change in my opinion, instead of thinking what Jordan can do for me we need to think what can I do for Jordan, Good luck Man :)

  • @9bahai9
    @9bahai9 14 лет назад

    This king and his father before him, are great human beings. Jordan has a constitutional monarchy which I believe is the closest thing to an ideal form of government.

  • @chernobilski
    @chernobilski 15 лет назад

    what does he said at 7:13?

  • @hashoomk
    @hashoomk 16 лет назад

    Peace for all...

  • @misarah01
    @misarah01 14 лет назад

    Yaqidh, no, not in his/her dream, it's reality.. Probably u dont like it but it's real and this country is moving rapidly towards globalisation in all aspects. Most importantly in the aspect of the MIND and willingness to accept change. God bless u all anyway.. I'm Jordanian too :D

  • @nolovenohate
    @nolovenohate 14 лет назад

    Jordon is a small place but its strength surpasses its size so please don't miss with it

  • @wingsmith9003
    @wingsmith9003 6 лет назад

    He speaks English with a very distinct British Accent !!!!!!

  • @Italblessings
    @Italblessings 13 лет назад

    @hatem816 I agree. King Abdullah is a man of integrity and honour.

  • @hashoomk
    @hashoomk 16 лет назад

    Let's all be against radicals from both sides and promote the more moderate voices from both sides.. Blood will only brings in more blood.. I think it is every ones responsibility to contribute and pressure a two state solutions that offers peace and security for both and making sure they maintain a relationship based on mutual respect If we didn't move now the future is not bright and for any seasoned politician he could tell you if this issue is not solved a clash is on the way thx ur majesty.

  • @mnooful
    @mnooful 11 лет назад

    I agree with every word

  • @RAFAAJ2000
    @RAFAAJ2000 15 лет назад

    I admire his command of English

  • @bham84
    @bham84 13 лет назад

    @Yaqidh It is not about religion anymore

  • @hashoomk
    @hashoomk 16 лет назад

    What he is doing is great but in my opinion it is not a long term solution for our problems, although the new towers looks really nice but it is not a lasting investment, as Jordaians we need to invest more in the industrial sector this will create more jobs and its a lasting source of income....

  • @Titus0RA
    @Titus0RA 16 лет назад

    he speaks good....gooder then me duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

  • @hashoomk
    @hashoomk 16 лет назад

    El mayet la yajoz 3aleyh ela el ra7meyh, and you are not in his shoes or his father shoes, all Jordanian love him, Jordan is safe modern and developing he knows and understand politics and in the mean time what he is saying is right, Do you want him to go into a war? or do what exactly? and who will help him or send him arms if he went to war? Egypt? Saudi arabia? he is on his own and he knows how to keep his country safe as his father did. think peace for now.

  • @hashoomk
    @hashoomk 16 лет назад

    Not this one though, what people don't understand about the hashemite family that they are really close to the people and we truely love them, we have never ever had some one excuted in Jordan because of his political opinion for example, most arab countries people hate their leaders, but in Jordan although I might disagree with some policies but we love our King and our country not sure why you think he need to be headed!!! It is really sad you think that way.

  • @osotoron
    @osotoron 14 лет назад +1

    Abdallah:The Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Im-man'u-el (Isaías 7:14)And shall bring forth a son, and you shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21) I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For to you is born in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord (Luke 2:10,11) Believe in Jesus Christ and be saved you (Acts 16:31)

  • @9bahai9
    @9bahai9 13 лет назад

    @9bahai9 ,
    Continuing.... So, what "The Democracy Index," whoever they are means nothing. Does it work in Jordan? Are the people reasonably happy and contented? That's what I need to know and finding out those answers I think are beyond the scope of what we can do here. I'm just saying to keep an open mind and don't be too quick to judge.

  • @mouhsinelkhairi7927
    @mouhsinelkhairi7927 10 лет назад

    viva jordan

  • @demain2007
    @demain2007 13 лет назад

    READ READ THIS BOOK..King Abdullah, Britain and the Making of Jordan

  • @cybermotaz
    @cybermotaz 15 лет назад

    I am jordanian...Jordan ranks 37 on the LEAST corrupted countries list, n that's according to the UN, the second among arabs, after UAE. It dropped at his time 42 spots, also, the GDP of jordan has doubled in the last 10 years, since he started his reign, exports went up 2000%, foreign investments increased by 900%...check wikipedia for those numbers...

  • @samin62
    @samin62 14 лет назад

    whats with your name?

  • @misarah01
    @misarah01 14 лет назад

    Yeah, he's haf British, so what? Jordanians in particular have plenty of inter-cultural marriages where there are so many Jordanians married to Americans, Europeans, Russians, Asians and even Israelis. It doesn't matter whether u r pure Arab, half Arab or no Arab at all, what matters is how u think and what ur attitude is. What matters is also ur loyalty to the place u live in. Most importantly, Jordanians love him and this matters. Peace all. Happy Valentine's day by the way.

  • @tonylee1973
    @tonylee1973 15 лет назад

    you mind lending him to the US for a while? lol. we could use a little help in that area.

  • @markheithaus
    @markheithaus 13 лет назад

    let your anger be towards Israeli government policies and toward Hamas and other extremists on BOTH sides. DO NOT however aim your hate at a people as a whole. Do not fuel the fire.

  • @israelipiper
    @israelipiper 13 лет назад

    Abdullah failed to mention that his British-created country occupies most of Palestine, & that his own Hashemi family claims historical connection to Mecca in Arabia.He is bright, & a nice guy, but he has got to admit that Trans-Jordanian Palestine is almost 80% of Palestine. The Hashemi have no right to claim eastern Palestine as a Hashemite kingdom when most of the people are Palestinians. Abdullah's Arabic is getting better, and is not bad for a native English speaker!

  • @hashoomk
    @hashoomk 16 лет назад

    Sadat was a man full of honour his mistake was to sign peace with Israel alone, he should made the proposal as peace with all arabs or nothing, when egypt signed peace agreement the strongest arabic army is now on the side and can't interfer if there was a conflict, then Iraqi army was so strong until saddam invaded kuwait and 92 countries joined forces to destroy him, no need to mention mama and daddy we are mature talk like adults or shut up.

  • @israelipiper
    @israelipiper 13 лет назад

    @Arabman666 The King of Israel, a decendant of King David, a Torah Jew, the Islamic messiah? Using the name, and meaning the same person, are two different. Evangelical Christian Arabs & Muslim Arabs do NOT mean the same "Jesus" or "Isa" at all. The Qur'an says the Torah of the Israelis & the Gospels were correct in the original form, but that Israel and Christians have illegitimate, distorted versions. You may not be aware if you do not study the Qur'an.

  • @Betaplayer366
    @Betaplayer366 13 лет назад

    He's my king! ONLY MY KING! :D hehe.

  • @hashoomk
    @hashoomk 16 лет назад

    To tell you the truth I want peace for every one regardless of their religion, all of those countries you mentioned are great countries with great people, Israel is not a country, Israel is a force No weapons= No Israel on the other hand palestinians have no weapons for 60 years and they are still in Palestain Iam positive that Israel won't last for ever they don't even have the numbers that they need to last!!! I just hope they leave palestine safe with no blood but they are gone thats for sure

  • @LizzyDion
    @LizzyDion 16 лет назад

    First of all you don't know me to attack me in person, right ? as i didn't attack you.. second Sadat is the one who planned for the 1973 and the one who brought it back and the one who brought peace to the arab nations, and he is not "CiA boy" couse if you read his life story you will see that he did alot of things aganisst USA will, and for his countries good, for instance he was part of the revolution...anyway read on the topic you are talking about before you start spreading hate.......

  • @poswoll
    @poswoll 16 лет назад

    Please, let's be realistic...

  • @skaterboy21292
    @skaterboy21292 15 лет назад

    elighten you? haha how so?

  • @mnooful
    @mnooful 11 лет назад

    In your dreams

  • @LizzyDion
    @LizzyDion 16 лет назад

    Its funny how both of you just analyzed the king's action in couple of sentences, And woohaa the first couple of words you attack his Majesty and then you start saying how great man he is!!!... and ya now Egypt and other countries are the bad guys and Jordan for life..... if am not mistaken Egypt and Syria saved the arabs countries before ? am i wrong, dont replay on comment.... pm me if you really feel like it .

  • @skaterboy21292
    @skaterboy21292 15 лет назад

    Before this man speaks in such a florid manner about international conflicts, he should deal with the great poverty and governmnet corruption within his own country. If you've been there you'd know what i mean.

  • @armaqsurah
    @armaqsurah 14 лет назад

    عائلة الملك في الاردن من اصول يهوديه والدليل ولائهم الشديد للصهاينه
    واعطائهم القدس والاقصى لليهود عام ٦٧ دون قتال- والهاشميون كذبه
    من العيار الثقيل انطلت على البدو رعاء الشاء والغنم في الاردن

  • @nolovenohate
    @nolovenohate 14 лет назад

    yo man stop talking if u have nothing good to say than dont say anything at all ok

  • @Ahuitzotol
    @Ahuitzotol 14 лет назад

    yeh it stain the royal blood an bring great shame to jordan

  • @cybermotaz
    @cybermotaz 15 лет назад

    are you talking to me?...dude got it all wrong :)
    i was talking to "mafmedooo" the guy who said "soon we will get rid of this king who ruind jordan and the free republic of jordan will rise"...that's why i said fasharet...
    anyway I like your attitude...keep it up...and I agree with everything u said except me being a piece of shit lol...alla said your from palestine...n that makes u more than a bro ;) fa betmoon...

  • @tonylee1973
    @tonylee1973 15 лет назад

    what he is saying is true. but do american politicians have the will to take on the israel lobby? can the west get along with itself?(I don't think so. look at the first 50 years of the last century. (the smartest thing americans did then was to try and stay out of europes nonsense.

  • @cybermotaz
    @cybermotaz 15 лет назад


  • @cybermotaz
    @cybermotaz 15 лет назад

    If you want to talk about corruption, check the palestinian authority and Hamas...want talk about selling to the 2 million palestinians that flee from their land without fighting, the same time the jordanian army successfully kept the whole west bank for almost 30 years n lost it in the stupid six days war that naser started without asking king history and check figures before you talk...

  • @yrashed12
    @yrashed12 11 лет назад

    i'm greatly sorry to bring this up but what you said is utterly pure ignorance. do some homework!!

  • @RoSiTo8969LEViS
    @RoSiTo8969LEViS 14 лет назад


  • @RenShiWu
    @RenShiWu 16 лет назад

    57 of the worst states in the world: Saudi Arabia, Libya, Pakistan, Iran, Syria. Jordan ain't that great, either. It's a thinly veiled military dictatorship invented by the British for imperial reasons. What exactly does Israel have to do with the fates of Indonesians, Malaysians, Bangladeshis, Nigerians, or any anybody else, Abdy? My guess is that Israel's reclamation of its land after 1400 years of Islamic colonialism is too much to take for Islam's adherents, as it's a supremacist religion.

  • @navarre9
    @navarre9 13 лет назад

    a truly wise and passionate man. he is a great king

  • @hashoomk
    @hashoomk 16 лет назад

    Let's all be against radicals from both sides and promote the more moderate voices from both sides.. Blood will only brings in more blood.. I think it is every ones responsibility to contribute and pressure a two state solutions that offers peace and security for both and making sure they maintain a relationship based on mutual respect If we didn't move now the future is not bright and for any seasoned politician he could tell you if this issue is not solved a clash is on the way thx ur majesty.