[DOOM II] Invasion UAC - MAP31 UV-Max in

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Runner: Daniel, the NCR Veteran
    IWAD: Doom2.wad
    PWAD: iu-part5-zd109c.wad
    Category: UV-Max
    Map: 31
    Source Port: ZDoom 2.8.1
    Kills : 100%
    Items : 100%
    Secrets : 100%
    Time : 38:22
    This is my second ever demo, the first one was a 41 minute demo of this
    same map, but I ran the wrong .bat file and overwritten it. Oh well.
    Like all of Invasion UAC, this is a map made for co-operative play,
    which means that it features many, many monsters in very small areas.
    The beginning isn't easy for me, personally. I'm still a bit rusty at
    dodging fireballs from multiple directions, and in this case I have to
    push back imps with a super shotgun, and as they fire at me, the ones
    on the opposite side also fire at me. I first tried to correct my mistakes
    from my first run, turn around and try to anticipate the fireballs behind
    me, but it left me confused as they blended in with the bodies and the imps
    I was trying to push got smarter. I also tried doing back and forths, but
    I believe I wasted more time getting close again to the other side than
    continuing to push back the one from before. I even outrunned fireballs
    that were behind me and ran into them! This part needs working on.
    As for the spectres... They weren't a problem to deal with, the only thing
    annoying about them is that they're invisible in a very dark place, the only
    way to know where they are is to just keep shooting the super shotgun and
    see the blood particles.
    Moving on to the second part of the run, a 4-wave invasion. I memorized the
    switches, but there's always that last one I stumble around... definetly
    better than the first time I did it, that's for sure.
    Wave 1: The easiest wave out there, the cacodemons weren't a threat, my
    strategy is to let them get in close and just super shotgun away. Chipping
    at their health when they're far with the chaingun probably doesn't help
    much, but damage is damage.
    One thing I've noticed with enemies is that while they do make their way
    closer to you, like they always do, the pathfinding in this level seems...
    odd. They seem to have this priority to get to the center building, or
    as close to it as possible, it's unknown why but they sometimes just hide
    in rooms and corners, chilling, instead of coming to me (or semi-chilling
    and slowly coming to me, it's very weird). It does help with the cacodemons.
    Wave 2: Imps. Too many imps. There's nothing much you can do until they
    stop their spawning, the most ideal way is to kill as many as you can and
    avoid taking damage (or else you'll have to go inside the central maze
    structure to heal and it wastes time). Once their spawning stops, it is
    way more easier to strafe around them and kill a bunch with one super
    shotgun shot.
    Wave 3: I've played this map alone before and I've conceived a strategy a
    long time ago. There's a room in the central structure that only has one
    entrance into it (others have multiple = possibility of getting flanked),
    with medkits and mega armors. The imps come from both sides, so standing by
    the door way, looking each way and blasting them when you see them is a good
    tactic, almost like you're peeking in a tactical shooter. There's about
    almost 200 imps, if maybe 200 or more, sometimes blocked by the arachnotrons,
    so you've got shooting to do. Eventually, once the imp population is
    managable, the next part of the strategy is to go right and into a tight
    area where you have tiny bits of walls as cover between two openings with
    arachnotrons. Fortunately, they can't enter, but the remaining imps can.
    Keep shooting back and forth until enough arachnotrons die on both sides
    so that you can squeeze through one and just strafe and kill the rest.
    Remaining imps could be hiding nearby in the central structure, so keep
    an ear out for their cackling.
    Wave 4: Boss fight, with 4 easy bosses. The idea here is to get them to
    infight as much as possible, I got lucky with two of them, one killed
    the other and was left at such low HP that a super shotgun blast or two
    killed it. Unfortunately, the other two were more resilient to
    infighting, which cost me a boss revenant missile in the face trying to
    get them to infight. It doesn't take too many super shotgun shots to get
    them from 2000 HP to 0, though, and strafing around them is enough to
    dodge their attacks (use the central building against the revenant
    missiles, if they're still tracking) so in about 5 minutes, I finish off
    the other two and beat the map.
    Victory! 38:22. A -3 minute timesave over my last attempt, but can definetly
    be improved at multiple points. Better start, faster switch pressing,
    have perfect boss infighting and probably general improvements in combat
    during the 2nd wave.
    I hope you enjoyed reading this description and my demo. Until next time.

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