Conspiracy Law Basics

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 20

  • @peopleofthestateofcaliforniLLC

    Wake forest was among one of the top education facility next to Pennsylvania

  • @hyojinlee
    @hyojinlee 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for this video❤️

  • @Axis.Mundis.
    @Axis.Mundis. 4 года назад +2

    Sir I really need your help. I’m in serious danger and have a conspiracy against me on camera with more than enough evidence of everything you spoke of in the video. The police are in Volvo’s as well which I can also prove no problem. All because I put my camera on a stick and spun in 2 circles. 5 days later they acted in the conspiracy with the cops and 8 days I was the one charged with disorderly conduct and harassment. Funny thing is I had a camera in my hand the entire time and 8 security cameras on that side of my house. No question I’m right about this I just need help moving it along. I already have an hour long video laying it out. Message screenshots admitting to have knowledge before hand and on my camera saying they need muscle, fight words and things like that. I never once looked over in the 30 minutes I was out front. I knew what they were doing and you can even see me telling my future self this is the point when it just tied together.
    I have been sleeping 3 days a week out of both fear and trying to defend myself against this nonsense. I was doing a constitutionally protected act on private property and some how I’m the one going to court when I can prove every line in the affidavit is a lie by my footage. I’m gonna have to sell my house I just finally obtained after 20 years of hard work. I’ve lost money and time plus the extreme anguish. There are only 10 cops in this town I’m sure you can understand how easily that could be corrupted and 200% is for sure.

    • @Dinesy16
      @Dinesy16 3 года назад

      If you have their IDs and audio recording of the conspiracy, you're sweet bro

  • @martylynchian8628
    @martylynchian8628 5 лет назад +3

    This is a Conspiracy theory!

    • @AndreaSzabo7171
      @AndreaSzabo7171 Месяц назад

      This is the law to protect innocent people.

  • @Axis.Mundis.
    @Axis.Mundis. 4 года назад +1

    Is conspiracy for defamation of character: slander? I have video of the initial slander then days later when the conspiracy happened it was verified by a 3rd party (also on film) who was involved in the conspiracy. If that makes sense.
    Basically the conspiracy is a retaliation of an event days prior when the slander was first brought about. I am in a serious situation and am in fear of the police retaliation that’s coming after standing up for my rights on private property.
    Practicing my 1st amendment right on my own property. The cops then come onto my property, put there hands on me and tell me I’m detained. I asked over and over “what crime?” Never an answer. All on film btw. This just happened yesterday but I will be uploading and laying out my conspiracy case. Them when the retaliation happens they’ll be evidence after the cops kill me.

    • @Axis.Mundis.
      @Axis.Mundis. 4 года назад

      One time the cops came for a knock and talk. The problem is they went onto my property uninvited to run my license plate of my car reversed into my drive so that the plate isn’t visible from public. Ran my plates then knocked on my door. There is no way that is legal. The knock and talk sure that’s like ok, “I don’t answer questions” is always my reply. Entering my property then Running my tags for a parked car, unrelated to why they showed up has to be a constitutional violation

  • @greenearthblueskies8556
    @greenearthblueskies8556 6 лет назад +1


  • @bosssleep4284
    @bosssleep4284 7 лет назад +1

    I just been charged with conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute a control substance.but I don't no the individuals that I've been indicted with. never had a convo with neither of them. looking for a great defense.

    • @heather2956
      @heather2956 6 лет назад +1

      Boss Sleep maybe I'm a little late to add to this, and I am no attorney! Best thing you can do as innocent individual is to keep your mouth shut write a writ if you're incarcerated for a speedy trial even if you're not incarcerated as soon as you have been charged in during arraignment you should have the right to get your Discovery if they hold back on it which they likely will you may not get your Discovery an arraignment plead not guilty horse and then put it in you write the DA's office your attorney if you're going to be your own it trying you'll get it quicker but you might not be that good at being an attorney all you can do is wait don't say anything to anyone or in any public place people go to jail the time for a conspiracy but that's because they assumed you knew something and you had it so you lead me to believe that you've been up to whatever they say you have they wouldn't be charging you with conspiracy if you were guilty everybody's guilty of conspiring something so if it's a conspiracy case then they can pretty much smoke you! Don't get shook no matter what! stay strong and read everything you can about your own States laws and the federal laws regarding the crime in which you have been accused of once they feel they've got you......should be getting a discovery you need the discovery as soon as possible!!! You may not get it or understand it but you can use the internet if you're not incarcerated to look up any and all laws rules and regulations and if you are incarcerated you can put in a request for legal books regarding your case! The discovery may not tell you names it'll likely just have CI numbers etcetera which you can put together through a time frame if you did do what they said. you should remember if you were whatever they say you were and who you were with! If you can't remember anything in the discovery that they're alleging then they're just hoping you'll admit! You and your lawyer are by definition conspiring a defense. But the way in which the court system works when it comes to conspiracy it works in their favor if you take things too jury, fuck that if everybody took things to jury trial it would bankrupt the system instead they have inmates fighting amongst inmates and not thinking at all about their own shit in realizing they are at War! Last thing I'd like to say that intent is hard to prove they need people to back it up a lot of these informants get their deal after your conviction remember that keep your mouth shut to everybody unless it's your lawyer! If it's a public defender they're going to tell you to plea. This gentleman with his tiny thumbnail video probably knows more than I! If they are accusing you of a conspiracy case expect a worst-case scenario and also expect to see people that you knew loved and trusted to possibly appear in your Discovery paperwork as well as in the courtroom the Gestapo drug syndicate will not stop trying to smoke you if everybody would work together this excludes murderers rapists sexual deviants so forth we could honestly not be spending our life behind cement walls and bars. Convictions are all that matters to them, they will just put you on probation and eventually lock you up on a Petty bullshit violation it's extremely easy to do and they've got their convictions always watch your six I wish I knew more I don't want you to get into your story especially online hopefully you can get a reasonable defense attorney! Conspiracy charges are bullshit but you need somebody that's willing to fight for yourself and whom better than you to do that! if you've already spoken to the police try to get that thrown out! Colluding is something Cops and DA's love these kinds of cases because they are easy to get a conviction and they will give you as much time as possible! Simply because you informed yourself and dared to go to court and fight. Don't be punked out because that's what they're counting on!if they have any evidence you'll find out everything in your Discovery this can take a few months to get that's why you have to be on top of it. it doesn't mean you have to be convicted they have to prove intent and is extremely hard to do so especially when you're willing to fight I hope this reaches you in time. Take care and keep your head up

    • @heather2956
      @heather2956 6 лет назад

      The paperwork is almost always bullshit I just can't stress that enough! Obviously you were doing exactly what you were supposed to be doing otherwise, they wouldn't say you were conspiring they have no true evidence and they made try to hit you with more charges if you speak I know I'm repeating myself I just hate seeing people get fucked over for stupid stuff like this!! Take care and write to the judge that you would want to spend Carl that you need Discovery if your attorney isn't busting his ass then let the judge know by writing him and request a new attorney but more than anything get that discovery there a statue of limitations there's a number of things you need to learn but it would appear if they don't have any actual evidence physical material evidence and you can do something about it having Joe Blow come and in and say this for that for a reduced sentence means nothing is that where they can you should be very easy to fuck everybody like people you don't ! Like I said before they can put you in jail for a super long time but if they don't have actual evidence then what do they have hearsay words so on and so forth but a conspiracy is a plan or a plot to carry something out and there was no evidence that you did what they are alleging

    • @DBFJay
      @DBFJay 6 лет назад

      can you message me Heather

  • @AndreaSzabo7171
    @AndreaSzabo7171 Месяц назад +1

    And the court case will be
    starring everyone. 🌈
    💖💖💖💖💖💕 🫠

  • @RichardsWorld
    @RichardsWorld 6 лет назад +1

    That music added to this video got annoying.

    • @barbt.9211
      @barbt.9211 6 лет назад

      And stupid, don't hire this guy.

  • @tanvoi2873
    @tanvoi2873 3 года назад +2

    Very nice….