加港救生艇計劃-就職篇: 社工及輔導員 Canada HK LifeBoat - Careers: Social Worker & Counsellor

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 132

  • @Hehehe527
    @Hehehe527 3 года назад +1


  • @chaukaman
    @chaukaman 3 года назад +1

    你好,有見加拿大的Social Services內有一職位是Activation Worker,我想查詢及了解。我在香港的Rehab院舍內從事福利工作員(Welfare Worker),故此查詢兩者的工作內容和類型,以及入職條件、學歷要求的差距,謝謝。

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      Activation Workers design programming and deliver exercise and social programs for seniors in nursing homes and day programs. These are typically 2-year college programs in Social Service Workers and Recreation Workers in Gerontology.
      Welfare Workers do applications and referrals for clients, like case management. They can also be Social Service Workers and can be registered with OCSWSSW in Ontario. They need to understand the medical and social systems very well, and typically sit in offices to do paperwork and meet with families.

    • @chaukaman
      @chaukaman 3 года назад

      @@CFSO Hi mate, many thanks for got you reply.
      Recently I got to know the Activation Worker/Aide, PSW are very professional positions in Canada, and needing take the individual programmes or such as study diploma in the college before involve the career.In Hong Kong, we don’t need holding diploma or individual programmes, we don’t needed study this flied courses, very simply involved. You’ll know everything when you staring the job.
      I working in Mentally Retarded caring house, been a Welfare Worker, my position are design programming, creating leisure event(festival banquet, big group day trip), holding group, tailor-made individual training plan on one by one, such as teaching them how to flow bedding/ living skills etc, supervise by Social Workers. Moreover, observing my case(clients)the living, health, behaviour, sensory or any obstacle etc. Grooming, purchasing and prepare annual case conference. Excuse me, may I know my duties is it close to Activating Worker or same flied please? Thanks mate

  • @mswcchan
    @mswcchan 2 года назад +1

    Hi CFSO, thank you for the video, all videos are very helpful. I have Master Degree in Counselling from HKU, can you advise where I can apply for the Assessment of International Credentials for counsellor? Thank you

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад +1

      If you are coming to Ontario, the regulatory body is CRPO. It gives the title of Registered Psychotherapist. Check here: www.crpo.ca/recognized-accepted-programs/
      The process may be long. So in the mean time, you can still go through the CASW and OCSWSSW process to see if you can get RSW first, which allows you to practice counseling to a certain degree. If you are ever interested in joining our agency CFSO precise counsellimg and psychotherapy, please apply to info@cfso.care.

  • @tonyng1035
    @tonyng1035 3 года назад +1

    唔知會唔會推出關於汽車行業,因為汽車在加拿大是必須品,而範疇也很廣闊,希望可以介紹一些汽車行業,包括sales, 售後服務等工種便更好了。

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      We are working on that. We do not get funding to put on this project, and we rely heavily on volunteers. We are adding more professions. Thanks a lot for your patience.

  • @ntronitro409
    @ntronitro409 3 года назад +1

    睇咗成個video,我好似無聽到一次"輔導員"... 可唔可以加多啲資料係counsellor post 到...

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      This is the video on Counsellor, which is called Psychotherapists in Ontario. If you are ready to leave and restart your career in Toronto, our agency is hiring Psychotherapist now. But we cannot wait months.

  • @spencerluk5524
    @spencerluk5524 2 года назад +1

    1. 可否先由申請CASW認證,然後先申請OWP?
    2. 想行stream B,大學要年尾先有畢業證書,但而家已經完成晒課程,出晒GPA,問可唔可以叫大學出封信證明我完成課程,申請住先?(申請CASW同埋OWP)

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад +1

      CASW and OWP applications are separate. You can apply for both at the same time or at different times, no interdependency.
      Yes, you can, but would need a letter from your school showing successful completion of all program requirements, to go through ECA.

    • @spencerluk5524
      @spencerluk5524 2 года назад +1

      @@CFSO great! Thank you for information.

    • @spencerluk5524
      @spencerluk5524 2 года назад +1

      我本身個社工課程係master,我見CASW要求由大學填寫verification form 證明我完成左呢個master,連埋official transcript 由大學寄出。
      我想問下我本身Bachelor degree 同associate degree,係social science嚟,需唔需要由大學直接填verification form去證明我完成左?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад +1

      @@spencerluk5524 I would suggest you do the Bachelor one as well, just to be safe.

    • @spencerluk5524
      @spencerluk5524 2 года назад +1

      @@CFSO thank you. I will have a try.

  • @Tan123yo
    @Tan123yo 3 года назад +1

    Hello!I have watched several videos from your channel. It was very informative and clearly presented!
    I am a occupational therapist in HK and would like to know more about the job market and prospects in canada. I wonder if your channel could do an episode on it?🙌🏻🙌🏻

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      We are working on it. Please subscribe and share the word. Thanks a lot.

  • @kwanpuilam802
    @kwanpuilam802 2 года назад +1

    你好,有三樣嘢想請教一下的,首先,想問如果我本身已有bachelor of social work,但現時讀緊master of counselling ,出年畢業後才到加拿大用owp工作,我到時加拿大前先向CASW申請認可bachelor 學歷後,日後master畢業到步後需再把master都再申請認可,對嗎?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  Год назад +1

      You don't need a master's degree to apply or RSW. Your matters degrees may be used for CRPO evaluation for Registered Psychotherapist though.

  • @霍佩霜
    @霍佩霜 2 года назад +2

    我想問下加拿大Toronto 有無啲社福界的求職網?好似Jump 果啲咁?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад +1


  • @fishtoeverywhere
    @fishtoeverywhere Год назад +1

    本人是香港高級文憑社工,知道到加拿大後不能成為認可的社工,但請問成為Social service worker 需要學歷認證嗎

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  Год назад +2

      Yes. Check Ocswssw. There is a Registered Social Service Worker category.

  • @royfa-yj9oo
    @royfa-yj9oo Год назад +1


    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  Год назад +1

      This answer will come out after your CASW evaluation. You can ask them to provide that to you so that you can top up on the placement hours.

  • @wongivy4535
    @wongivy4535 Год назад +1

    請問當年先DIP IN SW 畢業 已有800小時實習
    5年後 BSW 畢業, 實習時數是400 小時
    實習足夠 ?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  Год назад +1

      You need OCSWSSW is evaluate your for Registered Social Worker and CRPO to evaluate your for Registered Psychotherapist. We can give a valid opinion here based on this info.

  • @27648281
    @27648281 3 года назад +3

    想問下 因為我係2年social work asso 升上另一間院校既 BSW 係咪就要分別要請兩間院校將transcript send去CASW?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      You need to give birth to CASW or there will get confused and consider it a tell year diploma instead. Best to also air the program description of your top up degree, that it is from two year top up to 4yr degree.

    • @27648281
      @27648281 3 года назад +2

      @@CFSO thanks for the reply! 但我係non jupas入返ugc-funded既course,唔係top-up course黎架喎...

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      CASW will assess you.

  • @lavenderchow696
    @lavenderchow696 3 года назад +1

    Hi, 想請問Social service worker的工作內容和所需學歷。如果HK有副學士認可的社工學歷及社工工作經驗,可以在加拿大註冊及從事Social service worker? Thanks a lot!!!

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      It should be ok with social service worker. GPO through equivalency assessment with CASW, thank with that report, apply for registration in your province where you find your job.

  • @wongivy4535
    @wongivy4535 3 месяца назад +1


    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 месяца назад +1

      A few months at CASW, which you can do before you arrive in Canada. Then when yo get work permit status in Canada, it is another month or two in your own province.

  • @poppop4534
    @poppop4534 2 года назад +1

    請問申請OWP時做的WES credential evaluation, 可以比埋CASW一次過做認證嗎?因為見到WES有分移民用途或者專業註冊用途…

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад +1

      The one you did for OWP works have been a "report for IRCC for immigration purposes". The one for CASW is "report for professional licensing". They are different reports.

  • @easonng1982
    @easonng1982 3 года назад +1

    According to the video, it seen that it is not a must to obtain IELTS test result during the registration process as a social worker in Canada, in case of the media of instuction of the HK social work degree is English, is it correct? Thanks a lot!!

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      In theory yes, but in practice, OCSWSSW may still ask
      If your language of instruction was English, you should be comfortable enough to just go do one to be safe.

  • @chmalnis
    @chmalnis 2 года назад

    Hello 影片資訊好有用 我大學畢業(非社工專業,會計畢業)工作咗5年 有約1年係NGO/社企到做 另一年就做社企相關研究 後來投身商界做推廣但我都係想入番社福界多點 我諗住讀社工master 轉行 本身都申請左加拿大owp 想問下加拿大讀社工master 有無邊間大學推介?否則我都係諗香港讀一年(學費平點,過到來再搵工)謝謝

  • @Anna19961120
    @Anna19961120 3 года назад +4


    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      You can educational credential bridging help from this program at Ryerson: continuing.ryerson.ca/contentManagement.do?method=load&code=CM000092
      A two-year Social Work diploma should be equivalent to a Social Service Worker in Canada.

  • @deniskwok914
    @deniskwok914 3 года назад +2

    你好呀,多謝你分享咗咁多有關加拿大社工嘅資訊。宜家我係香港part time 讀咗一年msw,但又考慮緊想去加拿大移民,所以爭扎緊應唔應該讀埋個課程攞埋香港社工牌先再走。想問下知唔知道如果fresh grad 無工作經歷casw 會唔會唔認可我個牌?同埋如果攞住香港社工學歷會唔會係加拿大好難搵工?

    • @izzieyan2211
      @izzieyan2211 3 года назад +2

      Hey, would you be able to transfer your current program to a legit post secondary institution in Canada? If so, you are legit to stay here on a student visa. We do have a shortage of Master degree prepared SW here in BC.

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      You can find an MSW program and apply, and apply for transfer your credits over, the complete the MSW degree in Canada.

    • @deniskwok914
      @deniskwok914 3 года назад +1

      @@izzieyan2211 Thanks for your comments. It seems difficult to apply for credit transfer as I only complete one year of the program. I am struggling as I can complete MSW in Hong Kong way cheaper than MSW in Canada. But I understand that if I want to live in Canada permanently, the best way should be study MSW in Canada.

    • @deniskwok914
      @deniskwok914 3 года назад +1

      @@CFSO Thanks for your comments. It seems difficult to apply for credit transfer as I only complete one year of the program. I am struggling as I can complete MSW in Hong Kong way cheaper than MSW in Canada. But I understand that if I want to live in Canada permanently, the best way should be study MSW in Canada.

    • @izzieyan2211
      @izzieyan2211 3 года назад +1

      @@deniskwok914 I understand.... I know a SW who did her undergrad in Shanghai and studied her MSW here in BC. Jobs are literally flying to her....

  • @alvinmok1344
    @alvinmok1344 3 года назад +2

    我想了解CASW 個認證完成後有冇時限,因未有PR 身份,待有PR 身份再向OCSWSSW 註冊可以嗎?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      A work permit plus a relevant Jon and get your licenced with OCSWSSW.

    • @alvinmok1344
      @alvinmok1344 3 года назад

      @@CFSO OK. Thanks!

  • @davedave1141
    @davedave1141 3 года назад +2

    你地好,我係昆士蘭完BSW,條篇好詳盡多謝晒。我想問學術認證要去CASW定要去其他5大機構例如Wes? 定要2個都做晒?多謝你地睇我留言。

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      CASW needs you to go through ECA providers like WES. CASW reviews your credentials according to the ECA reports. So you need to go through ECA first, like WES, and for you selection for WORK, to get your CASW recognition. You can use the same WES account, but this is separate from your IRCC OWP application. For your lifeboat OWP application, you select IRCC in WES. So they are 2 different payments.

    • @davedave1141
      @davedave1141 3 года назад

      @@CFSO 多謝您地

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад

      @@davedave1141 actually, I was wrong. With social work, your can go though CASW directly in most cases, unless there was distance learning in your education. CASW cavity verify anything related to distance learning.

  • @pegpegmiu9107
    @pegpegmiu9107 3 года назад +2

    多謝你嘅資訊,你喺片中不斷講Registered of social worker, 咁請問喺香港剛完成咗Master of counselling, 都係同你片中講嘅機構認證嗎?同埋喺加國counsellor前境點樣呢?多謝!

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      This is the video on Counsellor, which is called Psychotherapists in Ontario. If you are ready to leave and restart your career in Toronto, our agency is hiring Psychotherapist now. But we cannot wait months.

    • @pegpegmiu9107
      @pegpegmiu9107 3 года назад +1

      @@CFSO Thank you very much for your info and particularly your offer, I was inspired and encouraged. I should start apply the CAD visa now. It properly take 6 months, is that possible for your agency wait for 6 months? BTW, in what language I would serve your clients normally, Cantonese, English, or Mandarin?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      @@pegpegmiu9107 languages: all of the above.
      Canadian employers typically wait 2-3 weeks for new hires.
      OWP takes 3 months

    • @pegpegmiu9107
      @pegpegmiu9107 3 года назад +1

      @@CFSO do i need an job offer before i land Canada?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      @@pegpegmiu9107no, if you enter with an OWP

  • @yantak01
    @yantak01 2 года назад

    Hi I have a bachelor degree from Social Work/CUHK. After years of work, I find my interest is in counselling and would like to study a Master degree in counselling. However, it seems that my bachelor could not fulfill the prerequisite of the master program. Is it possible for me to study in master of social work in Canada and find a counselling job? Thank you in advance.

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад

      4 years degree in social work should be eligible to do Masters in counsellng or social work. For masters in Counseling or Psychotherapy, try Yorkville U (online program) and Tyndale University (in person program in Toronto). We take their placement students at our agency. If your degree is not eligible to do Masters in Counseling, then it is not eligible for MSW either.

  • @mansteve1724
    @mansteve1724 3 года назад +1

    當年的BASW 係3年制
    實習時數是800 小時
    需要考ielts 先向CASW 申請學歷評審?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      You still have to go through CASW. It will tell you what you are missing, if any.

  • @sir7449
    @sir7449 3 года назад +1

    你好 想問一下 我在澳洲完成MSW
    有AASW 認證
    都需要 CASW再申請嗎 謝謝

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      yes, must. but if there are reciprocal agreements, then it is should be easy.

  • @yuching9288
    @yuching9288 2 года назад +1

    Hello, 如果明愛社工學士課程(兼讀制)的畢業生,有一定年資的註冊社工經驗,是否難通過ECA/CASW的認證?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад +2

      Has to be equivalent to a four years bachelor's degree. 3yr degrees and associate degrees do not work. Doesn't matter whether you took it by full time or part time.

    • @yuching9288
      @yuching9288 2 года назад +1

      @@CFSO thanks for your answer

  • @yiunicholas3105
    @yiunicholas3105 3 года назад

    你好想問一個問題,本人係香港有非social work 既degree,想去加拿大讀番個social work 既degree(year 3 entry),想問如果考取到social work 既資格省轉省既可能性高唔高麻唔麻煩。另外想問邊個省份對social worker既需求較大同較需要華語既社工。

    • @loveMraw
      @loveMraw 3 года назад

      安省(多倫多)華人需求大 同埋基本上一畢業就可以拎牌 唔洗考

  • @andyhuiwangchow4033
    @andyhuiwangchow4033 2 года назад +1


    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад +2

      Yup get into social work masters, you need a four year bachelor's degree in social work from an accredited university. There are many of such programs in Canada, some are online too. Google "MSW online Canada".

    • @chmalnis
      @chmalnis 2 года назад +1

      @@CFSO what about a non social work bachelor degree? Could I still apply MSW in Canada? Thank you

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад +1

      @@chmalnis you can apply for a degree, but you won't get RSW until you actually finish the MSW.

  • @davedave1141
    @davedave1141 3 года назад +1

    您好,我想再問多少少,如果做左 CASW 認證係咪Ocswssw 都會承認?還是要睇省要求?多謝晒

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      For OCSWSSW to register you, you need to have legal status for work, i.e. citizen, PR, or work permit, AND you need to be in a SW job. This is different from locals who can automatically register as RSW after graduation.

    • @davedave1141
      @davedave1141 3 года назад

      @@CFSO 多謝您地,甘即係要去wes做完認證再去CASW regisation 就可以?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад

      @@davedave1141 i believe for social work equivalency, you can go through CASW for assessment. If you need the ECA for your immigration or work opportunity application, then you need to go through WES, and choose the IRCC option.

  • @hahacoee
    @hahacoee 3 года назад +1


    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад

      WES Report for IRCC is for your OWP application.
      WES Report for Professional Licensing is what you need for CASW application.
      After your CASW approves, then you use that report, and the OWP that you get upon your arrival at the airport to apply for RSW in your province. After you get your RSW, then you can legally work as Social Worker.

  • @rain9619
    @rain9619 Год назад +1

    你好,想了解如果落腳點在安省以外其他省份,已有CASW學歷認證,是否可以向安省OCSWSSW申請註冊社工?是否必須於安省有相關工作才可向OCSWSSW ? 🙏🏻 謝謝

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  Год назад +1

      You need to show that you have various status to work in order to get licensed by OCSWSSW. So once you have a work permit, you can apply. You don't need o have a job to apply.

  • @amandachou3031
    @amandachou3031 3 года назад +1

    Hi 請問其他省的註冊社工程序,可以在什麼地方找到?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      Google "College of Social Work" and your province name.

  • @mickeyismy9911
    @mickeyismy9911 3 года назад +1

    想問英語要求, 若ocswssw的三項英語要求我也不是, 我還有其他方法證明我的英語能加, 例如IELTS可以嗎?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      IELTS ok

    • @mickeyismy9911
      @mickeyismy9911 3 года назад +1

      @@CFSO 他們的IELTS要求是幾多分? 有沒有單項要求?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      No English requirement for CASW.
      For OCSWSSW, applicant may need to do IELTS test - academic.
      There are 3 questions in the application form regarding the English proficiency of the candidate. An applicant who answers “No” to all of the language fluency questions needs to take the Eng test.
      OCSWSSW has renewed its application method into online application.
      applicant can check the question after signing up the online portal.

  • @mlh9950
    @mlh9950 3 года назад +1


    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      College diplomas will not qualify you for Registered Social Worker designation in Ontario. It will only qualify your for Registered Social Service Worker designation. The pay and the scope of practice will be different. This is the licensing body for Ontario: www.ocswssw.org/

    • @Joanna-hb7ep
      @Joanna-hb7ep 3 года назад


  • @liberalstudiesmaterials899
    @liberalstudiesmaterials899 2 года назад +1


    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  2 года назад +1

      That is the same question that apples to all people. No different as everybody needs to find their job in the industry, or venture outside of their industry, is that does not work.

  • @smedleysfok
    @smedleysfok 3 года назад +3

    Hello 你好,
    我係香港first degree 唔係社工,但完成左Msw課程, 現時係註冊社工, 但Msw 課程時數較短,做左800 個鐘placement +100 個鐘placement 相關workshop , 請問香港呢類Msw 課程會比較難拎到Canadian of social work association 的認證嗎??
    定我可以拎到 social service worker 認證做住先?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      not sure. you may email CASW to ask. They may require a BSW.

  • @tungmo9881
    @tungmo9881 3 года назад +2


    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      We are not familiar with that.

    • @izzieyan2211
      @izzieyan2211 3 года назад

      How about clinical counseling? Would you be interested? I see more opportunities in this field

  • @wchzhang1111
    @wchzhang1111 3 года назад +1

    想問bc省 認證社工資格?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1


  • @幸福の滋味
    @幸福の滋味 3 года назад +1

    HELLO,想請問如果只係持有香港DIPLOMA IN SOCIAL WORK學歷,係咪申請唔到成為加拿大註冊社工?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      You can try social service worker, but not social work

  • @suilanwong6114
    @suilanwong6114 3 года назад +2

    Hi 🙋‍♀️,可否幫我兒子

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +1

      Please have him read the information the IRCC website first, watch our videos, and if he still has questions, he can ask us directly and we will try to help him.

    • @suilanwong6114
      @suilanwong6114 3 года назад +1

      首先多謝🙏你會幫忙,請問如果他現在是大學一年級學生,是否可以申請open work permit?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +3

      ​ @Sui Lan Wong
      1. Again, we are NOT immigration consultants. We cannot process any applications for anyone. We only provide information on this program.
      2. As mentioned in most of our videos, AND in the official government websites, this program is eligible for those who have graduated from a degree or 2-year post-secondary program.
      3. Your son can read up on the government websites and watch our videos to suee if he is eligible, and complete his own application if he is eligible. He should be able to do all this research and application work by himself since he is in university already.
      4. We cannot talk about fees nor comment on chances because we do not process any applications.
      5. This program is very straight-forward. If you meet the eligibility, then he can apply. It is a very simple application that he can complete online by himself.

  • @alexrommel1
    @alexrommel1 3 года назад +1

    Hello~ I am a registered social worker in Hong Kong. I am just a bit confused about the CASW 's credential assessment and the WES credential assessment....If I am planning to immigrate with the express entry, it seems I have to apply WES's service? But if I want a job in Ontario, I also need to have the credential assessment by CASW, before I apply for the registered social worker here in Toronto?
    Thank you so much for your answer!

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +3

      We are not familiar with EE but are only doing public education for lifeboat. CASW is required before your province will licence you, and you to have a work permit and a job to qualify for the provincial licence.

    • @alexrommel1
      @alexrommel1 3 года назад +1

      @@CFSO icic No problem! The information is already good enough! Thank you so much!

  • @fanwan4123
    @fanwan4123 3 года назад +2


    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      According to the writing yes, but lately someone world a job Ruth worth CASW certification also got OCSWSSW RSW.

    • @fanwan4123
      @fanwan4123 3 года назад +1

      @@CFSO 麻煩想澄清一下,是否有朋友申請左CASW都同時有安省認證?

    • @CFSO
      @CFSO  3 года назад +2

      @@fanwan4123 CASW first, your can apply from hK. AFTER you arrive and receive your work permit from the airport, you can use that to apply for Ontario RSW

    • @fanwan4123
      @fanwan4123 3 года назад +1

      @@CFSO thanks for your reply🙏🏻

  • @historyhongkong7521
    @historyhongkong7521 3 года назад
