It pains me to report that next week John is taking a much needed respite. I will see everyone on March 5 (edit: at 7PM Eastern) for the next Hamercopia of Knowledge.
Please make sure anything and everything is seen to in order to keep that person sound and sane. The odd break is really the very least of it. A successful regular RUclipsr's schedule is no joke, a ditto live streamer's even less so. The Algorithm is a harsh and erratic master. May John Hamer enjoy the respite to the fullest, however long it last. With love and respect from Norway.
I could imagine a world in which pastors and preachers had the knowledge that John has. Not just the education, but the level of clarity and compassion that accompanies his knowledge. The reality, the truth of the events that he teaches, doesn’t sway him in his faith. If anything, it makes him even more certain. I do wish this approach was part of my story when I was growing up in the Church.
An old joke: A hotel keeper on the East coast of Ireland has mostly weekend clientele from England. He's tired of people stealing his towels, so he puts a sign up in each room "Remember the 7th Commandment". His business falls off dramatically. From his Catholic point of view, the 7th commandment is against stealing. But to his Anglican clientele, it's against adultery.
Which was Jesus's sixth commandment? (Notice that Jesus lists only the secular commandments that make no mention of God): 1. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. (Matthew 19:17-19) 2. Honor thy father and mother: Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honor thy father and mother. (Mark 10:19) 3. There was no sixth. Jesus listed only five commandments: Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother. (Luke 18:20)
Always appreciate and enjoy your sermons John. Your wealth of knowledge and analysis is amazing and , more important, heartfelt. Thank you. Blessings to all.
So an old guy goes up a mountain, talks to 'god' (no witnessess), comes down with tablets, and says here's how you will behave. The audience takes umbrage, the old guy has a hissy fit and destroys the evidence. On the other hand, Moses is the first to download text from the cloud to a tablet.
Thank you for your lectures.. With a History background I find them most intetesting. Would there possibly be a lecture on Christian symbolism such as the various crosses etc... Hope you enjoy your break, and best wishes!
While Moses was standing on the Mount, the Lord said unto him, "If thy people giveth thee a headache, take two these two tablets now; break them and use with some water. But if thy headache continues, come back unto me and take two more tablets."
He *also* said:" Running bear will win the 3.30 at Epsom and if anyone offers you better than evens, bite his hand of( notwithstanding section 14(b) of the ten commandments:" Thou shalt not end a sentence with a preposition save where para 1900000099of schedule 4778965432 herein provides.) If it were no so I would not halve told you would ? Innit. Anyone got a light; this green Moroccan is crap, anyone got any Afghani black?"
Its a frequent adult sunday school question.....Before the Ten Commandments, how did people know if what they were doing was good and God would be happy?
*The Book of Jubilees actually explains that the commandments of God were made known to humans long before Moses, that's why in the book of Genesis God tells this o Isaac: " I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring[a] all nations on earth will be blessed,[b] 5 because Abraham obeyed me and did everything I required of him, keeping my commands, my decrees and my instructions.". To Moses all these commandments were only handed together as part of the eternal contract (covenant) that God made with Israel.*
@@vhawk1951kl Freedom to come on a comment section, use vulgarities and attack people having a conversation? Good thing God stepped in or we'd all be like YOU!
I enjoyed the explanation of the Yahwist set of Commandments. I'd noticed that set of Commandments, but I had never heard or seen it explained so well. Thanks.
I like listening to these lectures. One comment from the Jewish perspective: The Torah does not call them 10 "Commandments." Commandments would be "mitzvot" in Hebrew. The Hebrew word for the 10 is "Dibrot", which might best be translated as "sayings".
Hi! I've been really curious about this. Exodus 34:28 appears to call them the ten commandments in the original Hebrew. That's the version with the boiling milk, not the one that they try to put in courthouses in schools in America today. Am I missing something obvious?
It seems to me that the evangelical movement, despite their appreciation for the 10 commandments and some selective commands in Leviticus seem to suggest that "salvation" mainly is achieved through profession of a defined theological viewpoint. Apparently God divides humanity by the adoption/rejection of a specific theological viewpoint rather than by deeds. This runs very much counter to the Matthew (and James) tradition in which theological viewpoints of an individual are irrelevant (even pushed aside) in the final judgment and only the actions of the individual count.
Evangelicals & the World have a LOT of Things Wrong. But I Suppose they're doing their Best just like Us. However, as Jesus Taught - Love the Lord Thy God aka Heavenly Father with All Thine Heart Soul Mind Might ... is the 1st and Great Commandment. If Everyone one of us Focussed on this Daily, We Would See the Heaven on Earth & the Heaven WITHIN that Jesus Talked About 🙏
Hey, ease up on the P source. It’s very important to know how many cubits of fabric should be left over from the cutting for the curtain of the 3rd antechamber of holies
Thanks for the lecture. I grew up catholic where there is far less emphasis on the Old Testament and really don't know much about its creation or even what is in there beyond the really famous narratives.
Sad to have missed this one! Would’ve loved to ask about the Letter of Barnabas’ interpretation of Moses smashing the tablets of the Law declaring that that event basically made the Law null and void from the start and basically necessitated a new covenant, which, of course, “Barnabas” identifies with Jesus and his followers.
Letter of Barnabas, an early Christian work written in Greek by one of the Apostolic Fathers (Greek Christian writers of the late 1st and early 2nd centuries). Ascribed by tradition to St. Barnabas, a missionary mentioned in The Acts of the Apostles, the writing dates possibly from as late as 130 CE and was the work of an unknown author who refers to himself in the letter as a teacher.
Thanks for this lovely lecture. btw. I guess the "My ppl, your ppl" thingy --> does 'your ppl' refer to the additional ppl who were not supposed to be a part of but allowed to join the exodus and thus influenced the complaining, rebellion & idolatry ?
Very interesting that there are ten additional commandments in Exodus 34. Indeed, it says that Moses wrote this new set, but it also says in verse 1 that God (not Moses) would write "the words that were on the former tablets." I always assumed that the new commandments were simply in addition to the original ones, but I never noticed that there were ten of them and that these could be what the text is referring to as "the ten commandments."
The golden age spoken about at the 1 hour 43 minute mark in this talk, is I do believe the Millennial reign of Christ and His saints. Jesus stated plainly in Matthew 16:27 and 28 that some of the people of that day/age/generation would not "taste death" before seeing Him/Christ return in the clouds just as He/Jesus told the Sanhedrin in Mt. 26 verses 63 and 64. This is also confirmed by Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 and in many many other places in the scriptures. This being the fact of the matter, we now find ourselves in Revelation chapter 20 verses 7 and 8 with verses 9 and 10 soon to follow. Are you ready? Ready or not, this age of deception is nearly over and the great white throne judgment is near. Blessings from southeast Kentucky.
Noahide Law is a Rabbinic Judaism invention derived from some parts of the Torah but primarily from Jubilees (which they themselves ironically don't consider scriptural). There is no indication that it was understood to be commandments by Jews of the Second Temple period. Neither Philo nor Josephus seem to have been aware of any such idea. The biggest promoter of this idea was Maimonides, so it's probably relatively recent.
As a follower of modern Catastrophism, I really like the symbolism behind Moses origin. The Baby in the basket is like a little Noah on his Ark. Maybe these stories about mythical founding figures are how we remember, that the all too real founders of our human post-cataclysm-civilization really were „drawn out of the water“ as survivors of the Great Flood? The „Son of“ the unnamed God maybe is more like the Son of the lost civilization. - Also think of the doubling in the Jesus story: surviving the killing of the newborn( „out of Egypt I have called my son“). - Also during the Exodus again the motif repeats: the killing of the first born Egyptians, and the Drowning of Pharaohs army; we consider ourselves as the cultural descendants of the people that got away. If Moses and Jesus are symbolical stand-ins for the the restart of human civilization, how great is it to find admitted the role of Egypt (- and Egypt of course as Graham Hancock teaches considered itself as the heirs to the pre-flood civilization). Also: the sacrifice of the first born to me always seems like re-enacted trauma (- questionably therapeutical?) for the immense survivors guilt the people after the cataclysm must have had. It’s ritually always remembering the sacrifice of the first born (lost) civilization, the lost golden age. - Of course the other strategy is demonizing them:“they had it coming“ / they must have sinned, else God /(„bad Karma“?) wouldn’t have wiped them from the face of the Earth. In my catastrophist reading, Jesus as the Lamb of God, thus the last sacrifice, was just another cultural / religious attempt to psychologically get over the trauma / the survivors guilt / „original sin“: an attempt of making peace with the almost forgotten near-death-experience of human civilization, that only survives in stories of the great flood and the fall from grace in paradise we are separated from in time by a flaming sword, and our own fear of being inadequate and ill prepared for the next end of the world (- that will come like a thief in the night.) No wonder, that again in the Apocalypse we have the motif of the „remnant“ repeated. Some always make it into the next age: but what do we have to do to be amongst them? - „The last will be first, and the first will be last“ - in my reading that has to do with the end of the age / the next cataclysm: the last generation pre-cataclysm will be the first generation post-cataclysm. And the first generation in the new age will be last generation to remember our current era. That’s how big an extinction event these things are for human civilization. P.S.: I tried watching some other channels on what is said about the pre-flood history, but all the Book of Enoch / Book of Giants / Nephilim crap is either presented in extremely literal reading, or convoluted with Alien visitation / „The Watchers“ and Fallen Angels interpreted as distinctly non-human history on this planet, which stretches even my imagination.
If one reads 2 Kings 2:17 you see one response to the death of Elijah and the disappearance of his body. People searched for the body for 3 days, rather than accept the flaming chariot and horses of fire explanation. It is impressive that 50 men could not find the body of Elijah. No one knows just how Elisha disappeared the body. There is a slight parallel to this with the death of Moses. While in perfect health, he is said to have suddenly died, but there is no grave location.
So was Ezra the redactor? In the documentary hypothesis. I think maybe it is a mixture of both? Couldn't it be supplementary but with texts that already existed and that started circulating (inserted in)?
So do the fundamentalist Jews, like those studying to be priests understand that Moses did not write the Torah etc. or us it like fundamental christians that believe every word of the NT as true?
The pun on 'mose' is interesting. Puns were quite popular in ancient literature. The (presumably Yahwist) author of the Babel myth also made a clever pun on the name Babel, didn't he. Long before both of those, the Sumerians made a pun for Nin-ti, a name meaning both 'woman of the rib' and 'woman who gives life,' or something to that effect. The Jews then turned Nin-ti into Eve, using one of those two meanings. They couldn't carry the pun in their language, but they kept the rib motif.
John said, during the Q&A, that the 10 Commandments were a part of Second Temple Judaism. Was he implying that they were not an important part of First Temple Judaism and older traditions?
Church will say that commandments on the tablets either do not differ, or that only the ones which god wrote directly, matter. Even when confronted directly
The TC are not fine. THE DAY OF WORSHIP: Did the Creator of the universe really state that working on the Sabbath is a cosmic violation or was this more likely a Priest's idea that a weekly community worship was a day not to be missed? Isn't every day a gift from God? Why not choose from the Hebrew bible, what should be: *"Thou shalt give thanks every day".*
1:29:31 - Some food for thought. Matthew may have a far more nuanced view on keeping the law of Moses than as presented here. Generally , people think that matthew teaches that everyone needs strict adherence to the law, not one jot or tittle removed. This may be a misreading and misunderstanding of matthew however. The jesus that matthew presents goes around the the whole gospel adding and subtracting from the law immediately after. Jesus adds the requirement to love your enemies, to pray for them, to bless them. This was never a command in moses. This is adding to it. Jesus also takes away some of moses. He forbids oaths, he forbids "eye for eye", he forbids divorce, he voids temple taxes. Matthew also still uses the argument that David and the priests break the law and are guiltless in chapter 12. It may be a misreading to think Matthew was supporting the law of Moses in the letter. It is perhaps of interest that matthew doesn't say that heaven and earth will pass away before the law changes, rather He says that nothing will change in the law until "all is fulfilled". Ps- Also, To properly explain pauls viewpoint, whether we agree with him or not, he had the idea that the Messiah had brought a new Torah with him, 1 Corinthians 9:21. Basically, this would be all of the Messiah's teachings, whether before resurrection or afterwards. Some were the same as Moses, other different. It wouldn't be a matter of observe leviticus or not, but rather what did the Messiah teach regarding the individual commands of leviticus.
But Hosea does not mention Moses. He says that Israel should consider itself as descendents not of the trickster Jacob but as descendents of those who came from Egypt.
prior to the creation of the rules of basketball, we can prove through logic that all society existed in a state of complete chaos - genius! utter genius! I've now proven that there is no basis for the historicity of basketball
The exodus story is related because the trouble with the Egyptians began with the Jews asking to have time to worship (instead of working all the time). That was when the Pharaoh started to increase their labor (having them build twice as much with half the straw etc), therefore the Sabbath (designated time to worship) was directly related.
Krishna's origin story is almost identical from even earlier than Sargon. Some researchers link the Hyksos with the Israelites, so could be their expulsion is the basis of the exodus story. The actual 10 commandments obviously come from the Egyptian book of the dead.
The TC are not fine: Each decalogue proclaims women [and children, implied] are "coveted property" - meaning - "owned by men". This along with identifying all women as the "help" in numerous bible verses (ex. Gen 2:18) subordinates females and continues to adversely influence the rights of women (49.7% of the pop.) today. Women had little autonomy then over their lives and bodies. Daughters were bought and sold like cattle. It also implies one-way loyalty to the owner. Hebrew men had concubines - and, that's why we never read, what should be: *"Thou shalt be faithful to your spouse".*
Matthew 5:17-20 KJV Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Which was Jesus's sixth commandment? (Notice that Jesus lists only the secular commandments that make no mention of God): 1. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. (Matthew 19:17-19) 2. Honor thy father and mother: Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honor thy father and mother. (Mark 10:19) 3. There was no sixth. Jesus listed only five commandments: Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother. (Luke 18:20)
The 10 Commandments are an extract of the Egyptian Laws of Ma at (truth). Where your heart is weighed against a feather. Which indicates to me that the Israelites were Hyksos Canaanites. The Exodus was an Expulsion by the Thebens. In 1500 BC. Not 1200. Canaanites worshipped Ba al. A bull god. And, they were known for sacrificing their firstborn. They were still doing it in Carthage during the so called Punic period. Abraham, from Ur, wasn't having that.
Josh Hamer baffles me. Brilliant guy. Excellent lectures. But what he teaches seems to support atheism more than Christianity. Seems to strike at the very foundation of Christianity (which, as an atheist, I support). I’d love to see him leading a humanist group.
You don't understand his Christianity because you're used to Christians who see the Bible as inerrent and literal instead of as inspired. This congregation seems to be fine with finding Truth in the Bible and teachings without confusing Truth with Historical Facts.
It's worth mentioning that these lectures are explicitly historical lessons rather than sermons. There are other videos where he talks more about theology and comes across more religious there.
Hamer has stated in interviews that his aim is to be a community for people displaced from other traditional religions (usually LDS Mormonism, but not exclusively) due to crises of faith, sexual orientation, ritual/cult/sex abuse, atheism, etc. Like Unitarians, his church is nominally Christian due to its history, but does not require members to hold any theological beliefs, and espouses a voluntary community humanist ethic. Rather than preach religion, his sermons are academic discussions of the history and philosophy of world religions.
1 commandment: You should love god over everything. Love is a present and as such can't be demanded. In Deuterenomy god menace with horrible punishment. " And if you stop loving me i will make you watch how other men take your wife and i will make you eat your own children". No thanks. Nobody is going to force me to love
Paul could not condemn the law as the multitude, to have a movement towards the ideal, must have it. But he lives to sow the seeds; he must take a stand he does in Romans 7 - that alluvial soil may bear superior fruit… 60 and 120 fold.
Possibly the thought of The Deuteronomist was that the bondage in Egypt could be commemorated by giving Judean slaves one day off a week. Quite humane really.
It does look as though these lesser deities, whether bulls or cherubim, are there to protect the Holy of holies. The cherubim stretch their wings over The Ark.
The TC are not fine. SLAVERY: Every decalogue is silent on slavery [translated "coveted servants"] - because slavery was condoned in the Hebrew world. There are 50 million people enslaved, today. Hebrew men owned slaves and owned all the children born of slaves - and, that's why we never read, what should be: *"Thou shalt not enslave people".*
The TC are not fine. THE TAKING OF LIFE: Some English translations incorrectly state "Thou shall not kill" instead of the more correct Hebrew tr. "Thou shall not murder" (but the Torah is replete with immoral killings and mass murders allegedly sanctioned by God. Arguably, religion has never had a big problem with murder; more people have been killed in the name of God than any other reason). The more devout people seem, the more they make unwarranted murder negotiable, especially if the opponent prays to a different god. The bible says the Hebrew conquest of Canaan included genocide and, it is why some Israelis want Palestinians out of Gaza today. That's why we never read, what should be: *"Thou shalt not murder or start wars".*
Love to think about, that if you read the bible, then its first wrong to kill, after the 10 comanmends mening that Cain did nothing wrong and got punished by god wrongfully, curs the only law, god had issued at that time, was not to take the fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
I love the scholarly lectures but I don’t understand why you wanna give apologetics for Christianity and monotheism. Just give the scholarly answer and if anyone is bothered by it they should go look for apologetics themselves.
We dont have the ten commandments God gave to Moses because he smashed them to bits. That is one strong old man. I could give charles atlas a sledge hammer and it would take a day to do it. Then God made a secnd set, i would not have liked to be Moses explaining that i gt mad and broke them. I broke a lamp when i was a kid but this is big time bad! Then that was placed in the Ark of the covenant. If you open it you die. Somehow that was lost. More people on Gods shit list.
How interesting, everyone always says that there's no morals without the Bible and apparently there was no morals before the Ten Commandments so what kind of animals were they at that time that God so loved them so much that they were his chosen people?
"Everyone" is some several billions of beings of whom you canvased how many? Behold*one* of the reasons why it is best to avoid universals(ask a grownup)
You may find answers in canaan mythology. Bible says that the most high El divided nations to his sons elohim. And yahve got Israel. In mythology yahve was a god of war and storm. Baal was his brother and ashtarte his wife
His premise is wrong. The narrative informs that the 10C law existed before Sinai (see Ex 16). It also informs us that Abraham kept God's law at least 430 years before Sinai, (see Gen 26:5)
The main reason why they killed the Messiah was he lived and prospered in a communal brotherhood. No possessions, all things shared. Laboring for commune and equality. A Kibbutz
And how does that prove anything? Other than you believe in a triune god and you need it to mean pre imminent. One scripture is about a nation and another about kings.
That's my question. How can someone decide which scroll is okdest if we don't know was it original or copy of a copy. Moreover, who decided that all bible was God's inspired? The deeper one goes, the less sense it makes
If you watch the video, you find out, he's not only read the text but he's studied the text and read many commentaries and scholarly studies about the texts Did you listen to the video?
Obviously if he had studied the actual text, he would have an appreciation for it’s structure, which is so complex and sophisticated that it’s quite baffling. To suggest that the text suggests that the storyline before Sinai was chaos and this is the first interjection of order is beyond absurd. Just another drivilling idiot who thinks a bunch of rabbi’s got together and backwrote history. Simply stuck in linear thought without any clue as to the purpose of the text in its original or prophetic context.
The first four commandments require a belief in and worship of a barbaric Hebrew god named Yahweh invented by the Israelites and described in ancient Hebrew literature. Some people are fascinated with this sort of thing.
The primordial soup from whence we all come is nature and is by definition barbaric It's easy to stand elevated and look down on our collective past and call it barbaric. But alas, it is your mother and father and you would not be here judging it, has it never been the way it was to begin with
You are talking nonsense. YHWH is not barbaric, He is not cruel! It was the people of those times and places who were barbaric and cruel and invoked God YHWH! In those times i.e. 2-3-4 thousand years ago, invoking God that He told me to e.g. sacrifice a child or kill other people, was as common as today 'good morning.' Also Abram before he became Abraham invoked God! -NEVER before Jesus, neither saw God nor heard God! -Worship by sacrificing children and other human beings, was an invention, a command of the ancestors. -Jesus speaks of this repeatedly. Read and listen with understanding and not repeat like a parrot.
@@wicekwickowski3798 & @catsoffirstave1091 Exodus 22:29 "You shall not delay to offer from the fullness of your harvest and from the outflow of your presses. The firstborn of your sons you shall give to me."
James Richard Wiley, aren't you a little old to be sounding like an edge lord? That's stuff I was saying when I was a fifteen years old goth kid who thought I was so much more intelligent than I was. You don't come off sounding like you clearly think you do
You really have to be careful of people in this day and age.... This guy is really good at taking things out of context because he knows you will not study a matter. Paul was talking about how The Law points out Sin and Sin leads to Death but, The Holy Spirit leads to Life. Is the Law evil, God Forbid! For if it wasnt for the Law, I would know not Sin. The Hebrews thought of themselves higher status because they had the physical sign of circumcision. Paul went on and talked about how the circumcision of the Heart is more important than your male member.
@@vhawk1951kl El is a Canaan God which is the supreme God. You may account for names as: IzraEL, DaniEL, NathaniEL, GabriEL, and so on. EL is embedded in so many names.
@@vhawk1951klYes there were many various types of caanaite religion And many traces of the religion can be found in ancient israeli practice So the ancient hebrews did not neglect the religion which they came from
It pains me to report that next week John is taking a much needed respite. I will see everyone on March 5 (edit: at 7PM Eastern) for the next Hamercopia of Knowledge.
Rest well, and many thanks for your tireless ministry and scholarship ❤
Please make sure anything and everything is seen to in order to keep that person sound and sane. The odd break is really the very least of it. A successful regular RUclipsr's schedule is no joke, a ditto live streamer's even less so. The Algorithm is a harsh and erratic master.
May John Hamer enjoy the respite to the fullest, however long it last.
With love and respect from Norway.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Thank you all. John for his wonderful lectures, and all those behind the scenes that make these gems of knowledge available to all.
I could imagine a world in which pastors and preachers had the knowledge that John has. Not just the education, but the level of clarity and compassion that accompanies his knowledge. The reality, the truth of the events that he teaches, doesn’t sway him in his faith. If anything, it makes him even more certain. I do wish this approach was part of my story when I was growing up in the Church.
An old joke: A hotel keeper on the East coast of Ireland has mostly weekend clientele from England. He's tired of people stealing his towels, so he puts a sign up in each room "Remember the 7th Commandment". His business falls off dramatically. From his Catholic point of view, the 7th commandment is against stealing. But to his Anglican clientele, it's against adultery.
Which was Jesus's sixth commandment?
(Notice that Jesus lists only the secular commandments that make no mention of God):
1. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself:
If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
(Matthew 19:17-19)
2. Honor thy father and mother:
Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honor thy father and mother.
(Mark 10:19)
3. There was no sixth. Jesus listed only five commandments:
Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother.
(Luke 18:20)
Can’t tell you just how much I love you, John!
See you when you’re rested!
One of the best presentations on this topic I've seen backed up by evidence. Thank you.
Always appreciate and enjoy your sermons John. Your wealth of knowledge and analysis is amazing and , more important, heartfelt. Thank you. Blessings to all.
Thanks so much for another lecture!
So an old guy goes up a mountain, talks to 'god' (no witnessess), comes down with tablets, and says here's how you will behave. The audience takes umbrage, the old guy has a hissy fit and destroys the evidence.
On the other hand, Moses is the first to download text from the cloud to a tablet.
Someone should do a tshirt with that…lol
😂😂😂 In Mel Brooks HISTORY OF THE WORLD (Movie) Moses had 20 Commandments & Dropped One Tablet Containing 10 & Says, " I nean 10 Commandments"
He didn't participate, they threatened to kill him ( Coran)
@@lebladfulwhat?? Who threatened to kill him? For what?
Well done!
Thank you for your lectures.. With a History background I find them most intetesting. Would there possibly be a lecture on Christian symbolism such as the various crosses etc... Hope you enjoy your break, and best wishes!
While Moses was standing on the Mount, the Lord said unto him, "If thy people giveth thee a headache, take two these two tablets now; break them and use with some water. But if thy headache continues, come back unto me and take two more tablets."
He *also* said:" Running bear will win the 3.30 at Epsom and if anyone offers you better than evens, bite his hand of( notwithstanding section 14(b) of the ten commandments:" Thou shalt not end a sentence with a preposition save where para 1900000099of schedule 4778965432 herein provides.)
If it were no so I would not halve told you would ? Innit.
Anyone got a light; this green Moroccan is crap, anyone got any Afghani black?"
Its a frequent adult sunday school question.....Before the Ten Commandments, how did people know if what they were doing was good and God would be happy?
Depends on what you mean by good and god.Maybe they were free and did not give a sh1t
*The Book of Jubilees actually explains that the commandments of God were made known to humans long before Moses, that's why in the book of Genesis God tells this o Isaac: " I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring[a] all nations on earth will be blessed,[b] 5 because Abraham obeyed me and did everything I required of him, keeping my commands, my decrees and my instructions.". To Moses all these commandments were only handed together as part of the eternal contract (covenant) that God made with Israel.*
Freedom to come on a comment section, use vulgarities and attack people having a conversation?
Good thing God stepped in or we'd all be like YOU!
I enjoyed the explanation of the Yahwist set of Commandments. I'd noticed that set of Commandments, but I had never heard or seen it explained so well. Thanks.
Great and eyeopening lecture. Thank you!
I like listening to these lectures. One comment from the Jewish perspective: The Torah does not call them 10 "Commandments." Commandments would be "mitzvot" in Hebrew. The Hebrew word for the 10 is "Dibrot", which might best be translated as "sayings".
Hi! I've been really curious about this. Exodus 34:28 appears to call them the ten commandments in the original Hebrew. That's the version with the boiling milk, not the one that they try to put in courthouses in schools in America today. Am I missing something obvious?
It seems to me that the evangelical movement, despite their appreciation for the 10 commandments and some selective commands in Leviticus seem to suggest that "salvation" mainly is achieved through profession of a defined theological viewpoint. Apparently God divides humanity by the adoption/rejection of a specific theological viewpoint rather than by deeds. This runs very much counter to the Matthew (and James) tradition in which theological viewpoints of an individual are irrelevant (even pushed aside) in the final judgment and only the actions of the individual count.
Evangelicals & the World have a LOT of Things Wrong. But I Suppose they're doing their Best just like Us.
However, as Jesus Taught - Love the Lord Thy God aka Heavenly Father with All Thine Heart Soul Mind Might ... is the 1st and Great Commandment.
If Everyone one of us Focussed on this Daily, We Would See the Heaven on Earth & the Heaven WITHIN that Jesus Talked About 🙏
Jesus, the 2nd Person of the Trinity
Leandro giving him a tablet at the end remains my favorite thing about this video.
When I first read in the Bible how Moses got his name I was like "wait, why did that egyptian woman speak hebrew?"
Because people are miltilingual
@@skylarkprowrestler it's still strange that she wouldn't use her native language when talking to herself.
Hey, ease up on the P source. It’s very important to know how many cubits of fabric should be left over from the cutting for the curtain of the 3rd antechamber of holies
Church say you never know why god put this in the bible. Must be something important, deeper meaning
must be the shroud
Like capitalizing God
This is so good. Thank you for this bright presentation.
Thanks for the lecture. I grew up catholic where there is far less emphasis on the Old Testament and really don't know much about its creation or even what is in there beyond the really famous narratives.
Sad to have missed this one!
Would’ve loved to ask about the Letter of Barnabas’ interpretation of Moses smashing the tablets of the Law declaring that that event basically made the Law null and void from the start and basically necessitated a new covenant, which, of course, “Barnabas” identifies with Jesus and his followers.
Letter of Barnabas, an early Christian work written in Greek by one of the Apostolic Fathers (Greek Christian writers of the late 1st and early 2nd centuries). Ascribed by tradition to St. Barnabas, a missionary mentioned in The Acts of the Apostles, the writing dates possibly from as late as 130 CE and was the work of an unknown author who refers to himself in the letter as a teacher.
I know what it is lol. Didn’t need a Wikipedia excerpt.
Was adding to, not informing you...
Hoping to edify others...
Are you planning an episode on St Helena?
Thanks for this lovely lecture. btw. I guess the "My ppl, your ppl" thingy --> does 'your ppl' refer to the additional ppl who were not supposed to be a part of but allowed to join the exodus and thus influenced the complaining, rebellion & idolatry ?
Statues of the Ten Commandments?
That sounds like an idol.
I recommend sharing this around as a malicious compliance guide for Louisiana schoolteachers.
Very interesting that there are ten additional commandments in Exodus 34. Indeed, it says that Moses wrote this new set, but it also says in verse 1 that God (not Moses) would write "the words that were on the former tablets." I always assumed that the new commandments were simply in addition to the original ones, but I never noticed that there were ten of them and that these could be what the text is referring to as "the ten commandments."
The golden age spoken about at the 1 hour 43 minute mark in this talk, is I do believe the Millennial reign of Christ and His saints. Jesus stated plainly in Matthew 16:27 and 28 that some of the people of that day/age/generation would not "taste death" before seeing Him/Christ return in the clouds just as He/Jesus told the Sanhedrin in Mt. 26 verses 63 and 64. This is also confirmed by Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 and in many many other places in the scriptures.
This being the fact of the matter, we now find ourselves in Revelation chapter 20 verses 7 and 8 with verses 9 and 10 soon to follow.
Are you ready?
Ready or not, this age of deception is nearly over and the great white throne judgment is near.
Blessings from southeast Kentucky.
Great 👍
Boy, I thought that I had a bad temper!
Didn't the Noahide Law and Covenent apply before Sinai?
Noahide Law is a Rabbinic Judaism invention derived from some parts of the Torah but primarily from Jubilees (which they themselves ironically don't consider scriptural). There is no indication that it was understood to be commandments by Jews of the Second Temple period. Neither Philo nor Josephus seem to have been aware of any such idea. The biggest promoter of this idea was Maimonides, so it's probably relatively recent.
As a follower of modern Catastrophism, I really like the symbolism behind Moses origin.
The Baby in the basket is like a little Noah on his Ark. Maybe these stories about mythical founding figures are how we remember, that the all too real founders of our human post-cataclysm-civilization really were „drawn out of the water“ as survivors of the Great Flood?
The „Son of“ the unnamed God maybe is more like the Son of the lost civilization. - Also think of the doubling in the Jesus story: surviving the killing of the newborn( „out of Egypt I have called my son“). - Also during the Exodus again the motif repeats: the killing of the first born Egyptians, and the Drowning of Pharaohs army; we consider ourselves as the cultural descendants of the people that got away.
If Moses and Jesus are symbolical stand-ins for the the restart of human civilization, how great is it to find admitted the role of Egypt (- and Egypt of course as Graham Hancock teaches considered itself as the heirs to the pre-flood civilization).
Also: the sacrifice of the first born to me always seems like re-enacted trauma (- questionably therapeutical?) for the immense survivors guilt the people after the cataclysm must have had.
It’s ritually always remembering the sacrifice of the first born (lost) civilization, the lost golden age. - Of course the other strategy is demonizing them:“they had it coming“ / they must have sinned, else God /(„bad Karma“?) wouldn’t have wiped them from the face of the Earth.
In my catastrophist reading, Jesus as the Lamb of God, thus the last sacrifice, was just another cultural / religious attempt to psychologically get over the trauma / the survivors guilt / „original sin“: an attempt of making peace with the almost forgotten near-death-experience of human civilization, that only survives in stories of the great flood and the fall from grace in paradise we are separated from in time by a flaming sword, and our own fear of being inadequate and ill prepared for the next end of the world (- that will come like a thief in the night.)
No wonder, that again in the Apocalypse we have the motif of the „remnant“ repeated. Some always make it into the next age: but what do we have to do to be amongst them? - „The last will be first, and the first will be last“ - in my reading that has to do with the end of the age / the next cataclysm: the last generation pre-cataclysm will be the first generation post-cataclysm. And the first generation in the new age will be last generation to remember our current era. That’s how big an extinction event these things are for human civilization.
I tried watching some other channels on what is said about the pre-flood history, but all the Book of Enoch / Book of Giants / Nephilim crap is either presented in extremely literal reading, or convoluted with Alien visitation / „The Watchers“ and Fallen Angels interpreted as distinctly non-human history on this planet, which stretches even my imagination.
This is like... the ultimate english teacher 'reading into the text' moment. Especially the 'therapeautic trauma' of the firstborn plague. lmao
If one reads 2 Kings 2:17 you see one response to the death of Elijah and the disappearance of his body. People searched for the body for 3 days, rather than accept the flaming chariot and horses of fire explanation. It is impressive that 50 men could not find the body of Elijah. No one knows just how Elisha disappeared the body. There is a slight parallel to this with the death of Moses. While in perfect health, he is said to have suddenly died, but there is no grave location.
So was Ezra the redactor? In the documentary hypothesis. I think maybe it is a mixture of both? Couldn't it be supplementary but with texts that already existed and that started circulating (inserted in)?
Thanks, we have your question and we'll give it to John tonight (Oct 22) for our second episode of "Let There Be Answers."
So do the fundamentalist Jews, like those studying to be priests understand that Moses did not write the Torah etc. or us it like fundamental christians that believe every word of the NT as true?
Good to know
The pun on 'mose' is interesting. Puns were quite popular in ancient literature. The (presumably Yahwist) author of the Babel myth also made a clever pun on the name Babel, didn't he. Long before both of those, the Sumerians made a pun for Nin-ti, a name meaning both 'woman of the rib' and 'woman who gives life,' or something to that effect. The Jews then turned Nin-ti into Eve, using one of those two meanings. They couldn't carry the pun in their language, but they kept the rib motif.
John said, during the Q&A, that the 10 Commandments were a part of Second Temple Judaism. Was he implying that they were not an important part of First Temple Judaism and older traditions?
Church will say that commandments on the tablets either do not differ, or that only the ones which god wrote directly, matter. Even when confronted directly
The TC are not fine. THE DAY OF WORSHIP: Did the Creator of the universe really state that working on the Sabbath is a cosmic violation or was this more likely a Priest's idea that a weekly community worship was a day not to be missed? Isn't every day a gift from God? Why not choose from the Hebrew bible, what should be: *"Thou shalt give thanks every day".*
If deuteronomy is called second law what is first law?
The earlier books, Genesis through Numbers.
1:29:31 - Some food for thought. Matthew may have a far more nuanced view on keeping the law of Moses than as presented here.
Generally , people think that matthew teaches that everyone needs strict adherence to the law, not one jot or tittle removed.
This may be a misreading and misunderstanding of matthew however. The jesus that matthew presents goes around the the whole gospel adding and subtracting from the law immediately after. Jesus adds the requirement to love your enemies, to pray for them, to bless them. This was never a command in moses. This is adding to it. Jesus also takes away some of moses. He forbids oaths, he forbids "eye for eye", he forbids divorce, he voids temple taxes. Matthew also still uses the argument that David and the priests break the law and are guiltless in chapter 12.
It may be a misreading to think Matthew was supporting the law of Moses in the letter. It is perhaps of interest that matthew doesn't say that heaven and earth will pass away before the law changes, rather He says that nothing will change in the law until "all is fulfilled".
Ps- Also, To properly explain pauls viewpoint, whether we agree with him or not, he had the idea that the Messiah had brought a new Torah with him, 1 Corinthians 9:21. Basically, this would be all of the Messiah's teachings, whether before resurrection or afterwards. Some were the same as Moses, other different. It wouldn't be a matter of observe leviticus or not, but rather what did the Messiah teach regarding the individual commands of leviticus.
This lecture does not have enough likes
But Hosea does not mention Moses. He says that Israel should consider itself as descendents not of the trickster Jacob but as descendents of those who came from Egypt.
Some contemporary scholars propose that acts may be based on Josephus. Bart Earman mentioned this in a recent talk.
prior to the creation of the rules of basketball, we can prove through logic that all society existed in a state of complete chaos - genius! utter genius! I've now proven that there is no basis for the historicity of basketball
What about Hashem as a name for the tetragrammaton?
The exodus story is related because the trouble with the Egyptians began with the Jews asking to have time to worship (instead of working all the time). That was when the Pharaoh started to increase their labor (having them build twice as much with half the straw etc), therefore the Sabbath (designated time to worship) was directly related.
Are you not hearing what he is saying? There were no Jews in Egypt at the time. There is no evidence of it .
I gotta watch the Ten Commandments now
Krishna's origin story is almost identical from even earlier than Sargon. Some researchers link the Hyksos with the Israelites, so could be their expulsion is the basis of the exodus story. The actual 10 commandments obviously come from the Egyptian book of the dead.
Well, this happened after the Jews started worshiping a golden cow after they said that they would only worship one God.
you are the best channel on youtube. a shame mr beast gets the fame and fortune. what a world....
The TC are not fine: Each decalogue proclaims women [and children, implied] are "coveted property" - meaning - "owned by men". This along with identifying all women as the "help" in numerous bible verses (ex. Gen 2:18) subordinates females and continues to adversely influence the rights of women (49.7% of the pop.) today. Women had little autonomy then over their lives and bodies. Daughters were bought and sold like cattle. It also implies one-way loyalty to the owner. Hebrew men had concubines - and, that's why we never read, what should be: *"Thou shalt be faithful to your spouse".*
The first thing that Moses did with the Ten Commandment is kill his own people. How prophetic.
Matthew 5:17-20 KJV
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Which was Jesus's sixth commandment?
(Notice that Jesus lists only the secular commandments that make no mention of God):
1. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself:
If thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
(Matthew 19:17-19)
2. Honor thy father and mother:
Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honor thy father and mother.
(Mark 10:19)
3. There was no sixth. Jesus listed only five commandments:
Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother.
(Luke 18:20)
I saw this but other stuff was on.
If you want more hits run your show on the weekend i think.
lots of people don't stream on the weekends.
It's called smashing the ten commandments, yet it takes you 7 minutes to say Exodus.
These lectures are difficult. What is scholarly opinion relied upon for the assertions?
He speaks with the authority of human intellect. The most popular religion on earth - PRIDE. His faith in his own powers of analysis is astounding.
The 10 Commandments are an extract of the Egyptian Laws of Ma at (truth). Where your heart is weighed against a feather.
Which indicates to me that the Israelites were Hyksos Canaanites. The Exodus was an Expulsion by the Thebens.
In 1500 BC. Not 1200.
Canaanites worshipped Ba al. A bull god.
And, they were known for sacrificing their firstborn. They were still doing it in Carthage during the so called Punic period.
Abraham, from Ur, wasn't having that.
Do you mean biblical Abraham? Whe was about to sacrifice his son?
Those that abuse capital letters emphasises nothing but the hysteria of the abuser who may wekll need a new keyboard
@@vhawk1951kl Abuse capital letters that's your come back how stupid can you possibly be
@@vhawk1951kl You can't be serious. You're criticizing somebody for using capital letters. How damn stupid can you possibly be
@vhawk1951kl You are so so so full of it
28:12 Totally sounds like a biblical hip hop crew
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
Abraham DGAF about his wife, he’s just trying to preserve himself. He figures pharaoh gonna have her either way, so Abe might as well keep living
Josh Hamer baffles me. Brilliant guy. Excellent lectures. But what he teaches seems to support atheism more than Christianity. Seems to strike at the very foundation of Christianity (which, as an atheist, I support). I’d love to see him leading a humanist group.
This tension and paradox are why his lectures are so satisfying and interesting!
You don't understand his Christianity because you're used to Christians who see the Bible as inerrent and literal instead of as inspired. This congregation seems to be fine with finding Truth in the Bible and teachings without confusing Truth with Historical Facts.
It's worth mentioning that these lectures are explicitly historical lessons rather than sermons.
There are other videos where he talks more about theology and comes across more religious there.
Hamer has stated in interviews that his aim is to be a community for people displaced from other traditional religions (usually LDS Mormonism, but not exclusively) due to crises of faith, sexual orientation, ritual/cult/sex abuse, atheism, etc. Like Unitarians, his church is nominally Christian due to its history, but does not require members to hold any theological beliefs, and espouses a voluntary community humanist ethic. Rather than preach religion, his sermons are academic discussions of the history and philosophy of world religions.
1 commandment: You should love god over everything. Love is a present and as such can't be demanded. In Deuterenomy god menace with horrible punishment. " And if you stop loving me i will make you watch how other men take your wife and i will make you eat your own children". No thanks. Nobody is going to force me to love
Paul could not condemn the law as the multitude, to have a movement towards the ideal, must have it. But he lives to sow the seeds; he must take a stand he does in Romans 7 - that alluvial soil may bear superior fruit… 60 and 120 fold.
Possibly the thought of The Deuteronomist was that the bondage in Egypt could be commemorated by giving Judean slaves one day off a week.
Quite humane really.
Boiling a kid in its mother's milk is gross.
It does look as though these lesser deities, whether bulls or cherubim, are there to protect the Holy of holies.
The cherubim stretch their wings over The Ark.
The TC are not fine. SLAVERY: Every decalogue is silent on slavery [translated "coveted servants"] - because slavery was condoned in the Hebrew world. There are 50 million people enslaved, today. Hebrew men owned slaves and owned all the children born of slaves - and, that's why we never read, what should be: *"Thou shalt not enslave people".*
What's the deal with Deep Dives?
Alliteration ftw
Thou shalt not have slaves. Oh yeah the perfect being forgot that one.
The TC are not fine. THE TAKING OF LIFE: Some English translations incorrectly state "Thou shall not kill" instead of the more correct Hebrew tr. "Thou shall not murder" (but the Torah is replete with immoral killings and mass murders allegedly sanctioned by God. Arguably, religion has never had a big problem with murder; more people have been killed in the name of God than any other reason). The more devout people seem, the more they make unwarranted murder negotiable, especially if the opponent prays to a different god. The bible says the Hebrew conquest of Canaan included genocide and, it is why some Israelis want Palestinians out of Gaza today. That's why we never read, what should be: *"Thou shalt not murder or start wars".*
Love to think about, that if you read the bible, then its first wrong to kill, after the 10 comanmends mening that Cain did nothing wrong and got punished by god wrongfully, curs the only law, god had issued at that time, was not to take the fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
The rich boys destroyed the religion of the poor
I love the scholarly lectures but I don’t understand why you wanna give apologetics for Christianity and monotheism. Just give the scholarly answer and if anyone is bothered by it they should go look for apologetics themselves.
Aaron didn't parricipate in that idolatry they threatened to kill him) Coran,)
We dont have the ten commandments God gave to Moses because he smashed them to bits. That is one strong old man. I could give charles atlas a sledge hammer and it would take a day to do it. Then God made a secnd set, i would not have liked to be Moses explaining that i gt mad and broke them. I broke a lamp when i was a kid but this is big time bad! Then that was placed in the Ark of the covenant. If you open it you die. Somehow that was lost. More people on Gods shit list.
Met God no mouth😊
What a curse from a false god.
How interesting, everyone always says that there's no morals without the Bible and apparently there was no morals before the Ten Commandments so what kind of animals were they at that time that God so loved them so much that they were his chosen people?
"Everyone" is some several billions of beings of whom you canvased how many? Behold*one* of the reasons why it is best to avoid universals(ask a grownup)
You may find answers in canaan mythology. Bible says that the most high El divided nations to his sons elohim. And yahve got Israel. In mythology yahve was a god of war and storm. Baal was his brother and ashtarte his wife
Wow - you really need to keep up with scholarship Centre Place.
His premise is wrong. The narrative informs that the 10C law existed before Sinai (see Ex 16). It also informs us that Abraham kept God's law at least 430 years before Sinai, (see Gen 26:5)
The main reason why they killed the Messiah was he lived and prospered in a communal brotherhood. No possessions, all things shared. Laboring for commune and equality. A Kibbutz
12:52 ts
And how does that prove anything? Other than you believe in a triune god and you need it to mean pre imminent. One scripture is about a nation and another about kings.
Wouldn't the rocks hurt your junk?
Oldest? The 3000 year old proto-Deuteronomy from near the time of Ezekiel. All we have are copies of copies.
That's my question. How can someone decide which scroll is okdest if we don't know was it original or copy of a copy. Moreover, who decided that all bible was God's inspired? The deeper one goes, the less sense it makes
Like has this dude ever read the text?
He knows far more about the bible than you or me.
Like did you even listen to the lecture?
What specifically do you think he got wrong ?
If you watch the video, you find out, he's not only read the text but he's studied the text and read many commentaries and scholarly studies about the texts
Did you listen to the video?
Obviously if he had studied the actual text, he would have an appreciation for it’s structure, which is so complex and sophisticated that it’s quite baffling. To suggest that the text suggests that the storyline before Sinai was chaos and this is the first interjection of order is beyond absurd. Just another drivilling idiot who thinks a bunch of rabbi’s got together and backwrote history. Simply stuck in linear thought without any clue as to the purpose of the text in its original or prophetic context.
The first four commandments require a belief in and worship of a barbaric Hebrew god named Yahweh
invented by the Israelites and described in ancient Hebrew literature.
Some people are fascinated with this sort of thing.
Barbaric for the Canaanite slaughter? Or the animal sacrifice? Or was it His life and death stance against child sacrifice that you find so barbaric?
The primordial soup from whence we all come is nature and is by definition barbaric
It's easy to stand elevated and look down on our collective past and call it barbaric. But alas, it is your mother and father and you would not be here judging it, has it never been the way it was to begin with
You are talking nonsense. YHWH is not barbaric, He is not cruel! It was the people of those times and places who were barbaric and cruel and invoked God YHWH! In those times i.e. 2-3-4 thousand years ago, invoking God that He told me to e.g. sacrifice a child or kill other people, was as common as today 'good morning.' Also Abram before he became Abraham invoked God! -NEVER before Jesus, neither saw God nor heard God! -Worship by sacrificing children and other human beings, was an invention, a command of the ancestors. -Jesus speaks of this repeatedly. Read and listen with understanding and not repeat like a parrot.
@@wicekwickowski3798 & @catsoffirstave1091 Exodus 22:29 "You shall not delay to offer from the fullness of your harvest and from the outflow of your presses. The firstborn of your sons you shall give to me."
James Richard Wiley, aren't you a little old to be sounding like an edge lord? That's stuff I was saying when I was a fifteen years old goth kid who thought I was so much more intelligent than I was. You don't come off sounding like you clearly think you do
Mount Cyanide
There was never an era when it was okay to murder and steal. Adultery... well...
There was a time when making graven idols was ok too.
You're making my knee jerk
what about now? post modern relativism.
Need to research the origins of the 10 Cs - you don't explain why they are in court houses. The origin may surprise you.
You really have to be careful of people in this day and age....
This guy is really good at taking things out of context because he knows you will not study a matter.
Paul was talking about how The Law points out Sin and Sin leads to Death but, The Holy Spirit leads to Life.
Is the Law evil, God Forbid! For if it wasnt for the Law, I would know not Sin.
The Hebrews thought of themselves higher status because they had the physical sign of circumcision.
Paul went on and talked about how the circumcision of the Heart is more important than your male member.
All the Hebrew laws should be smashed, for neglecting Canaan religion in which it came from.
"in which it came from"(sic)?
Who told you that there ever was a "Canaan(sic) religion," and why do you believe them?
@@vhawk1951kl El is a Canaan God which is the supreme God. You may account for names as: IzraEL, DaniEL, NathaniEL, GabriEL, and so on. EL is embedded in so many names.
El is their generic word for god
did you have a point?
@@vhawk1951klYes there were many various types of caanaite religion
And many traces of the religion can be found in ancient israeli practice
So the ancient hebrews did not neglect the religion which they came from
@@langreeves6419 If you please but who*told* you that "there were many various types of caanaite(sic) religion" and *Why* do you believe them?
Only three of these commandments have any modern validity.
Tendentious little puppy isn't he?