आयुर्वेद से ऑटो-इम्यून बिमारियों का ईलाज / Ayurvedic Management of Auto-immune Disorders

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
    Ayurvedic Management of
    ऑटो-इम्यून रोगों का आयुर्वेद से इलाज
    Dr. Brijbala Vasishth
    Dr. Sunil Vasishth
    If a patient complains that for the last many months or years, he/she has -
    - Local or general pain and inflammation;
    - Weakness and tiredness;
    - Recurring fever;
    - Pain in abdomen;
    - Digestive problems; etc.
    Keep in mind that he/she may have some Auto-immune disorder.
    Auto-immune disorders result, when a person's Immune system becomes abnormal and starts attacking his/her own cells, tissues, organs, and systems.
    Many factors make the Immune system abnormal, especially -
    - Abnormal genes;
    - Chemicals in the environment;
    - Infections;
    - Unhealthy food and food habits,
    - Mental stress;
    - Deranged bacterial flora; etc.
    So far more than one hundred Auto-immune disorders have been recognized, including -
    • Rheumatoid arthritis;
    • Ankylosing spondylitis;
    • SLE;
    • Psoriasis;
    • Hashimotto's thyroiditis;
    • Graves disease;
    • Lichen planus;
    • Ulcerative colitis;
    • Celiac disease;
    • Crohn's disease;
    • Alopecia areata;
    • Diabetes type-I;
    • Myasthenia gravis;
    • Fibromyalgia; etc.
    Here we discuss general ayurvedic treatment to manage Auto-immune disorders -
    Judicious use of any one or more of the following drugs could help modulate immunity -
    Revplaq tab - Containing Bhallatak, Chitrak, Guggulu;
    Imunie tab - Containing Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Tulasi, Pippali, Yashad;
    Imunie Gold tab - Containing Suvarna, Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Tulasi, Pippali, Yashad;
    Bhallatak - Ghan tab, Revplaq tab;
    Ashwagandha - Ghan tab, Imunie tab, Imunie Gold tab;
    Guduchi - Kvath, Ghan tab, Imunie tab, Imunie Gold tab;
    Madhuyashti - Ghan tab, Lergex tab;
    Tulasi - Swaras, Ghan tab, Imunie tab, Imunie Gold tab;
    Suvarna - Bhasma, Vrihat-vata-chintamani rasa, Imunie Gold tab.
    Inflammation is the major underlying abnormality in majority of the patients with auto-immune disorders. You could manage the inflammation by the judicious use of any one or more of the following drugs -
    Loswel tab - Containing Shallaki, Erandmula, Jatiphal;
    Revplaq tab - Containing Bhallatak, Chitrak, Guggulu;
    Shallaki - Shallaki tab, Loswel tab,
    Erandmula - Ghan tab, Loswel tab;
    Madhuyashti - ghan tab;
    Parijata - ghan tab;
    Nirgundi - ghan tab;
    Bhallatak - ghan tab.
    Pain could be the troubling symptoms in a large number of patients with auto-immune disorders. You could manage the pain by the judicious use of any one or more of the following drugs -
    Dolid tab - Containing Jatiphal, Vatsanabh, Godanti, Hingul;
    Dolid dry syrup - Containing Jatiphal, Tagar, Parsika-yavani;
    DeAlco tab - Containing Jatiphal, Tagar, Parsika-yavani, Rakta-marich;
    Parsika-yavani - Ark;
    Parijata - Parijata ghan tab;
    Nirgundi - Nirgundi ghan tab;
    Jeevan Rasayan - Ark;
    Lavang - Tail.
    Judicious use of any one or more of the following drugs could help improve the immunity:
    Lakshmana - Ghan tab;
    Shilajit - Shuddha tab;
    Amalaki - Ghan tab;
    Mushali - Ghan tab;
    Minovit tab - Containing Shilajit, Amalaki, Muktashukti, Abhrak, Svarnamakshik, Yashad;
    Ossie tab - Mukta-shukti, Amalaki, Abhrak, Yashad;
    Higro tab - Ashwagandha, Kapikachhu, Shilajit, Yashad.
    Judicious use of any one or more of the following drugs could help improve mental health:
    A. Anti-anxiety Drugs:
    If the patient has underlying anxiety or mental stress, use any one or more of the following -
    Stresyl tab - Containing Brahmi and Tagar;
    Brahmi - Ghan tab;
    Mandukparni - Ghan tab;
    Tagar - Ghan tab;
    Ashwagandha - Ghan tab.
    B. Anti-depressant Drugs:
    If the patient has underlying mental depression, use any one or more of the following -
    Eleva tab - Containing Jyotishmati, Akarkara, Vacha, Gandira;
    Jyotishmati - Ghan tab, Oil;
    Kapikachhu - Ghan tab.
    Following lifestyle helps manage Auto-immune disorders -
    • Pranayam, Sattva-avajaya, Yama-niyama, Dhyana, Ishwar-pranidhana;
    • Healthy foods and eating habits;
    • Enough physical activity and exercise; and
    • Restful sleep.
    Shared for the information of ayush doctors, by:
    Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies
    डॉ.वसिष्ठस् आयुरैमॅडीज
    अहमदाबाद, गुजरात, भारत
    M. 94192 05439, 70430 03374
    Email: drvasishth@drvasishths.com
    Web: www.drvasishths.com

Комментарии • 15