+xmod evo i second this, with current patch it's better to allocated some agi to other stats rather than maxed it out but 90 str is too much. Critical build required at least 50 luk to make ur hit 80%crit.
Good day, Mugenjou, ive been playing ragnarok for weeks now and I enjoy thief class which sooner to be an assassin, I search for a guide about assassin build and I found your video which very cool and I want that kind of build, I want to ask what stat should I focus on while leveling? my stat ( str 50/ agi 50/ dex 20 ) this is my ideal end game stat 70str 90agi 60vit 40luck. And also I don't have enough zenny yet what do you recommend for items(weapon, clothing, accs.) and cards should I use? before getting the items like yours 😊, hoping for your response and regards. Have a wonderful day. By the the way I play Ragnarok Philippines.
+pid yong thank you, i would say 70str 90agi 60vit 40luck is a balanced build for critical assassin as long you have a proper gears, for equipment you can use slotted pantie and undershirt to get additional stats (check this out ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=item_db&comid=53 ) but it will be expensive so i'd recommend to use ninja suit/thief clothes and muffler since it cheaper. Katar/jamadhar should be good for lvling and if you wants to pvp you can use [1] infiltrator (this is the most expensive weapon for assassin lol) . Talking about cards, the one that i'm using on the videos seems affordable (2xkobold, ss and bapho jr cards) or you can use paper ghost set cards if Amatsu dungeon released on your server (ratemyserver.net/re_item_db.php?item_id=4172&ird=0&small=1&back=1)
Hi dude, just wondering if you could help me out with a build for an assassin. Currently I am playing on a Classic (pre-renewal) server with 2-2 job. Is it possible to get your views re: what I should build my Assassin. Going to use it mainly for farming cards, equipment and items. Can you also put base stats + items needed?
+Lucas which one? The music used in this video: 00:00 Versaille - MASQUERADE 00:16 Ragnarok Online ~ Tricky Cheeky [BGM 141] 00:56 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion 05:11 Mega Man X5 GUITAR METAL ARRANGEMENT - "Duality" [Maverick Rising - 2012]
kalo untuk woe bisa sih ini cuma tipe nunggu kastil rolingan breaker kastil rolingan, tapi buat def sama jebolin kastil def wasalam ini mah ya..buat hitter ini mantebh
+twice yuppp bisa di blg gtu haha soalnya kalo mau woe vit harus tinggi, agi 90 udah cukup. Btw kalau buat bantu def bisa kayaknya main racun (Venom Splasher + venom dust) gak tau deh efektif apa gak di server ini :D
+ antony Yang gw udah pernah coba sih pake katar +7 isi 1 assaulter sama 1 ss card trus gw compare sama infil +5 (no slot) msh gedean infil damage nya beda 200an++. Nah kalau untuk str 70 agi 90 luk 50 udah cukup asal pake 2 school bag isi kobold, yup sisanya bisa naikin ke vit. ni bro gw buatin simulasinya i.imgur.com/EMrRzFf.jpg
gan butuh pencerahan. asasincrit murni kan ga butuh def sama sekali. lah ente pas jadi thief ga naikij dex apa bisa hit momon ? maksudnya apa gak miss2an itu mukulnya? trus levelingnya gmn pas jd thief.
Hi sir. Question. Ive been seeing posts about "DD overrides crit". Is it bad to use. Hybrid Jamadhar with 2COC? I was thinking that ill be having a hard time hitting monsters if i focus on DD with COF.
Agi for Sonic Blow type is not really needed in PVP since your objective is to deal damage without having to stay for long in the place of engagement. It's kinda like a hit-and-run method thing.
+thek to increase your hit rate and the chance of success of your sonic blow. Anyway if you're playing revo classic dex don't increase significant amount of your aspd.
That's exactly what i thought :D mungkin bisa dilihat dsini bro. forum.gravindo.id/showthread.php?966-Aspd ini gw pake permen dan ganti gear dari pake raydric ke bapho Jr aja bsa beda 1 ASPD
aspd renewal emang berat, tapi klo emang benar-benar up todate renewalnya balance (epsode 15.2) agak enteng kok , tambahan Aspd disuppaly ama card dan eq kayak temporal AGI, cenere card, dan masih banyak lagi
+angga tergantung buildnya gan, bisa tambah Skeleton Worker atau SS 1 lg, jangan isi sidewinder card ya gak bagus kombinasinya. Oh ya karena jur itu senjata lvl 2 jadi attacknya agak kecil bisa di bilang katar +7 lebih bagus dari pada jur +10 bisa dilihat dsini gan ane kasih contoh, cek base bonus nya i.imgur.com/irSg9cm.jpg Untuk headgear masih bagusan peco karena nambah movement speed, cuckoo hat jg bagus tp kemungkinan buat Autocast skill Crazy Uproar nya kecil.
Tanya satu lagi gan, udah pernah nyobain ganti SBnya ke brooch (kiri kanan total agi +2) lalu PHB/FAW nya ke stat headgear yang nambah agi (misal lady tanee agi +2) kira-kira kencengan mana ya sama item yang nambah %aspd. Ragu juga nih buat equip endgame, mungkin agan bisa kasih pencerahan, trims.
+Bagus hendik, ini kalau kita bicara tentang ASPD dengan base agi 99 ya. Gw pernah coba pake SB isi kukre x2 sama aj hasilnya ASPD mentok 185 (tanpa bless dan increase agi), kalau ganti PHB dengan gear lain kyk lady tanee ASPD jadi turun ke 184. saran gw kalau agan mau tipe pvp gak usah terlalu mengandalkan aspd, dapet 183-185 udah cukup yg penting HIT sama ATK nya gede (pake infiltrator lebih bagus klo tipe katar). Karena msh bnyk gear yg belum update gw saranin pake 2x SB aj gan untuk saat ini.
@@MugenjouSmithX gan mau tanya, saya jg main skrg assasin crit dimana senjata saya colok 2 as, sb colok kobold 2 misal senjata saya, saya ganti infiltrator, lebih bagus dari katar + 2ss? Apa nda ngaruh banyak ke kritikalnya nanti ya? Tq
@@Gotosky999 colok 2 ss ya maksudnya? kalau masalah lebih bagus tergantung situasinya gan, misal untuk PVE aja atau sekalian PVP. Assassin pakai senjata jenis katar (jur,infil,jamadhar, etc) kritikal statnya bakal di kali 2, kalau agan liat di 00:20 itu kritial statnya 50 berarti di kali 2 = 100 (dimana 100 ini bakal kluar crit 100% lawan monster/player yang gak ada stat LUK nya). Contoh : lawan Angeling yg punya stat 200LUK dimana tiap 4 LUK = 1 crit, jadi 200/4= 50% crit def. Agan punya total 90% kritikal rate maka hasil akhirnya 90-50 = 40% kritikal rate agan ke Angeling. Saran : kalau style full hit senjata type katar, usahakan crit stat nya 35-40 dimana agan bakal punya 70-80% crit rate. -Mugen
+Mugenjou Smith ohh, iyah gan baru ngeh kalo thief/assasin ga bisa pake berserk 😅 Yah. Udah terlanjur dicolok ss card jur gw gan. Kirain dari slot kartunya mempengaruhi juga. Emg si kalo dibandingin damage nya lebih besar katar ketimbang jur Makasih info nya gan. 👍🏼
How about, 45 str, 90 agi, 80 vit and 45 luk? then will use 3assaulter card and kobold card for accessories to reach 45 critical rate, 80 vit for WoE, and have some str for PvP (Dont know if 45 str will deal some damage will just boost the damage by 3assaulter card) not sure how much damage with this build with PvP will rely on the atkspd.
that's a good choice , yup it's expensive at the start especially when you play on the new server, it took me 2-3 weeks to completed all my crit gears since i had to farm kobold, SS and bapho jr cards by myself. I stopped playing at the moment and might come back when assassin cross are out lol
Both build have pros and cons. However, if you're looking for a "cheap" build that could be use in every map , i'd suggest to make a critical build. why? because you only need 1 weapon also critical hit is "never" miss and good for PvP/MVP, the best is if you have +8 weapon above.
+vanity there's no minimum requirement for luk, as long you able to get total 45++ crit rate from stat and gears it will be good which is doubled if you're using katar class weapon. i've observed from 2 official servers (TH and indo) Peco-peco headband will gives you attack speed as well (another info from tallon server wiki.talonro.com/Peco_Peco_Hairband_Quest)
+vincent gw pernah diskusi sama yg tipe katar double attack (isi sidewinder), kalau bisa jgn setengah2 mending full crit atau sidewinder sekalian. Ya yg dibilang DPR memang ada benarnya tapi ketika lw mencapai aspd 185 buat ke 186 itu butuh agi yang banyak karena perhitungan ASPD sebenernya gak Flat, bisa di baca dsini forum.gravindo.id/showthread.php?966-Aspd contoh di video ini dari aspd 185 (agi 99+25) ke 186 (agi 99+37) gw butuh tambahan 12 agi itupun pakai phb dan 2 school bag, Oh ya btw ini khusus job assassin ya :D gw gak make kukre card karena gw butuh tambahan crit dari kobold card dan pernah coba jg pake brooch 2 biji hasilnya sama aja aspd stuck di 185 tp critical turun :D
Assassin DD jangan naikin skill katar mastery , full right and left hand mastery aja dan gak perlu naikin luk, kalau senjata pake yg SSK biar gede dmgnya. main DD gak bisa dapet max aspd, itu aja yg gw tau :D
+jemmy gak msk hitnya gan, makannya gw sediain katar element lw bisa lihat di shortcut F9 gw itu gw pake katar element tanah, kalau pakai enchant poison lawan tipe ghost dmg yg masuk cuman 50%, contoh bisa dilihat di table elements nya : ratemyserver.net/mob_db.php?mob_id=1061&small=1&back=1
ooo gt y gan.. kok nd pakai angin aja gan? kan 100% damage.. mahal kek nya y.. T_T tp aneh y gan momon tipe ghost itu, di hit sama element ghost malah 175% damage nya.. pdhl klo momon api di hit api jg damage nya imut bahkan miss..
+jemmy gw punya katar angin jg, sama aj damage nya katar tanah,angin,api,air ke ghost property itu 100%, nah kalo ghost ke ghost gw kurang paham formula nya gmn, tp setau gw satu2nya senjata yg element ghost cman Immaterial Sword
o iy gan sama semua y element ke ghost, 100% semua.. maklum udah malem, hehehe.. wogh immaterial swrd.. sering2 MVP TG nih biar dpt.. hehehe.. thx gan sarannya..
+jhon Perfect dodge is based on LUK (you can check here irowiki.org/wiki/Perfect_Dodge) meanwhile AGI will gives you flee and attack speed, so if you wants to build assassin with high aspd and perfect dodge, i'd say you can make critical assassin since this build require high AGI and LUK.
I have this build Str:62+8 Agi:99+17 VIt: 36 + 2 Int: 1 + 4 Dex: 12 + 9 and Luk: 50 with +7 jur (3 ss card) pantie, undie and 2 thief fig gear is this good for farming/mvp/pvp/woe?
permisi bos. kalau nubi polosan berencana ningkatin crit nih. sekarang crit rate cuma 15. pengen nya sih sampe 20-30 lah biar enak farming nya sebagai asinan katar. yg paling cepet dan mudah didapat itu kayak apa ya? apakah lewat equip, card, buff, dsb? anggeplah modal RP / Z ada deh, tapi yg pengen didapetin ya yg gampang2 dicari dulu. kira2 apa ya bos? terima kasih sebelumnya.
+fuuuuIND yg gampang kalau mau crit pakai sisir gan (crit +6) skrg masih dijual di IM harga 35k cash, school bag x2 isi kobold card (total +8 crit +2 str), nah kalau senjata double critical katar aj (2x SS card total 18 crit) minimal +7 ya biar ada damagenya. Atau agan jg bisa lihat disini ruclips.net/video/h7GVYfPef3o/видео.html dengan build critical bisa jg double attack pakai jamadhar isi sidewinder minimal+7 kalau gak +8 dah mantap.
kalau agan kenapa gak pake hair clip? apakah hairclip posisi nya bentrok sama peco2 hairband? ane juga pake peco2 hairband nih bos. sayang warna nya gak bisa dirubah. agak2 cantik warna nya ya ombre lentik gitu.
+fuuuuIND HAHAHAHAHA lentik melambai gitu? Pakai costume headgear aj gan. Btw pas gw bikin video ini kan belum ada sisir di IM. Ia itu headgear juga bentrok sama peco2, kalau gw gak pake peco2 paling aspd drop 1 ke 184.
makasih bos buat tips2 dasar nya. sangat berguna buat nubi. berarti sekarang saat nya belajar nempa, terus pantengin vending cari SS, kobold, mineral tempa, dan katar [2].
+soulegacy because critical hit "never" miss :) in renewal critical damage is 1.4x normal damage and it will ignore flee but it does not ignore Perfect Dodge, meanwhile DEX do not give significant damage and aspd ( irowiki.org/wiki/Stats ). It doesn't matter if you're newbie or not, we are here to share each other. cheers~
Pakai food buff yg di IM gan (Cooked Nine Tail Box +10 luk) , nah itu dia ternyata crit 50 gak jamin 100% critical smua walaupun pakai katar, gw test di raydric paling ada 1 kali serangan normal sisanya crit.
bro mau tny dong. klo lv 94 asinan crit utk pvm dgn stat agi 85, str 80, dex25, luk 50 oke ga? eq msh dr NPC sih haha. kira2 mndg sisanya ke str ato luk? klo cm pvm mndg jur ato katar ya? mayan bisa tmbh 9 crit dr SS. mohon inpohnya gan. makasih.
+Pandu mending ke vit kalo gw bilang biar bisa MVPan jg. Pake katar gan dmg jauh lebih besar cek dsini i.imgur.com/irSg9cm.jpg atau jamadhar isi sidewinder card ruclips.net/video/h7GVYfPef3o/видео.html
+Ryan Well, this video is purposely to show what's max aspd you can reach with base agi 99 and of course this is not the best build. There are some people who posted their stat on the comment and i pinned it to let newbie players to know the balanced build for assassin. Based on my experience with this build, i still able reach the emper and down it, all i need to do is change the gears with demi human reduction and prepare a lot of white potion.
Hi zero, katar will doubles your crit but it doesn't show in the stat window. However target luk will reduced your critical rate. i.e, you have 50 crit (doubles with katar 100) - target luk, means your crit will not always be 100%, if you see closely to my video you will notice that my attack doesn't do 100% crit.
+Holt yup gw jg pernah main di PS pake double sword aj bisa crit mulu dmg 2-3k per hit aspd 193 lg, emang beda jauh PS sama official ini jg msh job 2-1 aspd max 190. Btw ini official brasa PS lhoo :x
yes, tp tergantung servernya juga. gw udah nyoba main di server pre-renewal tanpa equip item mall dengan stat agi 99 ++, dex 30 ++, pakai buff BS and berserk potion dari alchemist , pet green petite masih mentok di 189 -Mugen
+kei your build is almost perfect :) but i suggest you to add more vit since high HP would help you in PvP,WoE and MVP. 70 str is good if you have a decent gears (pls take a look at this imgur.com/irSg9cm ) +8 weapon and above is a must! another thing is 10 dex and 50++ luk is enough if you're a critical build, good luck! :)
+vallen thomas stat ini kurang bagus buat pvp, tapi gw pernah test suruh org lain SB gw dan pada miss SB nya, paling dari 10 kali SB yg masuk 2 kali itupun gw gak pake whisper card. masuk tidak nya hit dari SB itu tergantung dex dan flee musuh, klo full crit hit lw masuk smua skitar 90%.
Vallen Thomas di ro ini kan ada quest sonic acc itu efeknya succes rate SB +50%entah gimana hitung2annya tapi yg pasti succes rate = persentase keberhasilan...
i put some dex to help me level up in first stage and also dex useful for double attack build. You can make perfect critical build without any dex as long you have proper gears and you critical rate is above 50
+howard ahahaha it's ok bro, you'd still need dex to increase the chance of success of your sonic blow cuz it's depends on your hit rate and enemies dodge as well. if you wanted to follow my build i'd suggest you to NOT put 99 agi cuz it might waste ur stat point, my build are good but lack of HP. btw do you like pvp?
Mugenjou Smith Yes, I do pvp sometimes. You shoud go check our server, its the official server in the Philippines. Here is the link www.ragnarokonline.com.ph/
+christian arden Untuk saat ini gw rasa belum, karena seperti yg kita lihat pas gw ganti senjata dual dagger (di menit 08:45) ASPD mentok di 187 fullbuff, mungkin kalau pakai pet petite + buff secret kafra item yg nambah ASPD 10% kyknya baru bisa.
+christian arden hahaha card sultan, ane gak punya card gtuan :D lagian gak worth jg kalau harus di pasang di dagger :p .OOHHH yaa semenjak update pantie dan Undershirt sepertinya dual dagger ada kemungkinan buat nyentuh aspd 188/189 tapi harus di slotin dulu, isi bapho jr di undershirt sama thief bug card di pantie dapet tambahan agi 9 (5+3+1) trus ACC isi kukre x2. (Note: For aspd lover only :D )
+cheezzy skill for dual daggers or katar? If you're a katar user the basic is you need to put full skill for katar mastery, sonic blow, grimtooth and the rest is up to you. Some people say if you wants to be an emper breaker you need to max your cloaking for movement speed and if you like PvP you need to max your venom splasher
hi khoo,my skill build are pretty much same as other assassin, if you're playing katar type you should maxed your katar mastery and if you use dual dagger you should maxed ur right and left hand mastery. I forgot where i put my skill SS lol, if i recall my build are max grimtooth, sonic blow, katar mastery. -cloaking level 3 ( you can put it max if you need movement speed while in hiding state, mostly for emper breaker), -enchant poison level 5 -poison react level 5 -venom dust level 5 -venom splasher level 5
klo mau full crit bikin 1 aj dexnya, max 15 klo dah 35 sayang stat pointnya, tetep bisa asal gearnya bagus dan crit rate lw bisa 45++ tp gw saranin mending buat baru kalo msh level awal, biar enak nantinya.
Miss this game when it was simple, with simple gears and mechanisms.
Its still here?0
simple gears lol
mantaaapp banget broo...jdi pingin main RO lg
90str 90agi the rest is vit. equips can make your atkspd ang crit better. 99agi is wastin stats
+xmod evo i second this, with current patch it's better to allocated some agi to other stats rather than maxed it out but 90 str is too much. Critical build required at least 50 luk to make ur hit 80%crit.
Mugenjou Smith 70str 90agi 60vit 40luk. thats the best thing
Xmod Evo no dex?
nicholas macas no need dex if u are a critical type. if u want to use dagger put mummy card or stone shooter on the left dagger
Pure critical build doesn't need dex as long u have high crit rate.
Do you have the song list used on the video? amazing playlist sir :D
+ emerson riberio Thanks sir :D
00:00 Versaille - MASQUERADE
00:16 Ragnarok Online ~ Tricky Cheeky [BGM 141]
00:56 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion
05:11 Mega Man X5 GUITAR METAL ARRANGEMENT - "Duality" [Maverick Rising - 2012]
That's why it's familiar, you're a touhou player as well??
+alvin Yuupp!
Wahhh masih suka ane nihhh, apalagi yang ada, program "jump", pindah dari titk asal ke titik sekitar 1 atau 2meter lebih dari posisi
Dex is redundant for katar type when your crit is @ 50+%.
saran gan... coba di tambah pake Concentration Potion, ane biasa dobel potion gitu.. mayan loh nambah aspd juga.
+Krab udah nyoba sama aj hasilnya gak nambah, kalau 185 ya 185. lw nambah dari brp ke brp?
Klo ane nyobain bisa di 181 ke 182 gan
+KRAB WTF hahahaha, ia barusan gw nyoba nambah jg dari 183 ke 184 tp klo di atas itu gak nambah lg. nice info gan (y)
that touhou solar sect nuclear fusion remix tho :D
glad you noticed it :D
Good day, Mugenjou, ive been playing ragnarok for weeks now and I enjoy thief class which sooner to be an assassin, I search for a guide about assassin build and I found your video which very cool and I want that kind of build, I want to ask what stat should I focus on while leveling? my stat ( str 50/ agi 50/ dex 20 ) this is my ideal end game stat 70str 90agi 60vit 40luck. And also I don't have enough zenny yet what do you recommend for items(weapon, clothing, accs.) and cards should I use? before getting the items like yours 😊, hoping for your response and regards. Have a wonderful day. By the the way I play Ragnarok Philippines.
+pid yong thank you, i would say 70str 90agi 60vit 40luck is a balanced build for critical assassin as long you have a proper gears, for equipment you can use slotted pantie and undershirt to get additional stats (check this out ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=item_db&comid=53 ) but it will be expensive so i'd recommend to use ninja suit/thief clothes and muffler since it cheaper. Katar/jamadhar should be good for lvling and if you wants to pvp you can use [1] infiltrator (this is the most expensive weapon for assassin lol) . Talking about cards, the one that i'm using on the videos seems affordable (2xkobold, ss and bapho jr cards) or you can use paper ghost set cards if Amatsu dungeon released on your server (ratemyserver.net/re_item_db.php?item_id=4172&ird=0&small=1&back=1)
thank you infonya bro.. keep sharing ya.. :)
Can I have the BGM please? I know it's nuclear fusion but I like this version. Please link!
+RUla Draws sorry, i just read your comment. This version by 彩音 ~xi-on~
Hi dude, just wondering if you could help me out with a build for an assassin. Currently I am playing on a Classic (pre-renewal) server with 2-2 job.
Is it possible to get your views re: what I should build my Assassin. Going to use it mainly for farming cards, equipment and items.
Can you also put base stats + items needed?
Name in the songs?
+Lucas which one?
The music used in this video:
00:00 Versaille - MASQUERADE
00:16 Ragnarok Online ~ Tricky Cheeky [BGM 141]
00:56 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion
05:11 Mega Man X5 GUITAR METAL ARRANGEMENT - "Duality" [Maverick Rising - 2012]
Mugenjou Smith Thank you my friend ;)
kalo untuk woe bisa sih ini cuma tipe nunggu kastil rolingan breaker kastil rolingan, tapi buat def sama jebolin kastil def wasalam ini mah ya..buat hitter ini mantebh
+twice yuppp bisa di blg gtu haha soalnya kalo mau woe vit harus tinggi, agi 90 udah cukup. Btw kalau buat bantu def bisa kayaknya main racun (Venom Splasher + venom dust) gak tau deh efektif apa gak di server ini :D
hello can you shhow your assassin skill build. thanks
Im really like this RO
Base max lvl 99
coba katar sidewinder om gg bener dah
+andi yup, skrg gw lg nyari jamadhar +7/+8 :D pake katar dmgnya kecil. ntar gw coba deh
+andi udah niyh gan :D emang mantap!!!
anjayy ni game seru bet bkin lupa waktu sumpah ahahhaha
yoiii gan emg seru bet hahahah btw dah tau blm ada game yang lebih kece abis?
@@florentinastefani4825 hah game apaan ni cuy?
@@dikadarmawan6631 ini nih 3 kingdom hahaha legend banget si ni game masa gatau cuy?
@@florentinastefani4825 asyappp tau cuuy, cmn g prnh cobain aja hheheheh seru kah?
@@dikadarmawan6631 yoii seru bet dah job2nya keren2 ama plot storynya kece abis, wajib deh cobain ehheheh
why wear the pecopeco hairband? doesn't that take 10% off of your aspd?
mau nanya pendapatnya donk.... bagusan pake assaulter card(Inflict 10% more damage with Critical attacks.
Critical Rate + 7 on DemiHuman monster.),apa ss card klw sama2 pake +7 katar (buad pvp) trus klw pake 2 assaulter card pake stats build luck 50 cukup ga yah ?(assume kita pake 2 school bag isi kobold)minta pendapatnya donk sekedar compare thanks
mungkin mau buat assasin stats str 70 agi 90 luck 50 sisanya vit(minta pendapatnya ya thanks)
+ antony Yang gw udah pernah coba sih pake katar +7 isi 1 assaulter sama 1 ss card trus gw compare sama infil +5 (no slot) msh gedean infil damage nya beda 200an++. Nah kalau untuk str 70 agi 90 luk 50 udah cukup asal pake 2 school bag isi kobold, yup sisanya bisa naikin ke vit. ni bro gw buatin simulasinya i.imgur.com/EMrRzFf.jpg
Versailles ❤️
gan butuh pencerahan. asasincrit murni kan ga butuh def sama sekali. lah ente pas jadi thief ga naikij dex apa bisa hit momon ? maksudnya apa gak miss2an itu mukulnya? trus levelingnya gmn pas jd thief.
dex maksudnya bukan def
Hi sir. Question. Ive been seeing posts about "DD overrides crit". Is it bad to use. Hybrid Jamadhar with 2COC? I was thinking that ill be having a hard time hitting monsters if i focus on DD with COF.
Skill Builds please for DA AND CRIT AND SB TYPE
bisa itu gan, make akaraje yang 1box sama abrasive. itu ASPD 10%, mentok dah :3
should use JUR +10 3 slot critical card... and +ur STR.. dont need + LUK in high point :P
Just use +10 jur 1crit, 1double attck and sedora card for 15% crit damage
Hi question about assassin build. if I go SB type 40+ agi, vit 80 dex 40, stre 90, is this a good build? thanks!
Did you mean sonic blow? honestly i have no idea about SB build haha, but the basic i know is this build required a lot of dex and str.
I see ok thanks!!
Agi for Sonic Blow type is not really needed in PVP since your objective is to deal damage without having to stay for long in the place of engagement. It's kinda like a hit-and-run method thing.
guys , what function we put some dex ?
+thek to increase your hit rate and the chance of success of your sonic blow. Anyway if you're playing revo classic dex don't increase significant amount of your aspd.
owh , thanks dude !
Muy cheto
saya kok rada aneh ya sama aspd disini, susah banget naiknya kalo dah 180
apa di semua RO renewal yg base 99/50 begini juga?
That's exactly what i thought :D mungkin bisa dilihat dsini bro.
ini gw pake permen dan ganti gear dari pake raydric ke bapho Jr aja bsa beda 1 ASPD
aspd renewal emang berat, tapi klo emang benar-benar up todate renewalnya balance (epsode 15.2) agak enteng kok , tambahan Aspd disuppaly ama card dan eq kayak temporal AGI, cenere card, dan masih banyak lagi
Sebenernya aspd 187+ di renewal itu mudah banget, asal tau trick nya aja.. Welcome to idRO dimana org indo beranggapan renewal jelek 😂😂
rip gravindo
mau nanya om kalo pake jur slot 3 bagusnya 2 SS card tambah card apa
kalo headgearnya bagusan peco2/ cuckoo hat
tolong kasih saya pencerahan
+angga tergantung buildnya gan, bisa tambah Skeleton Worker atau SS 1 lg, jangan isi sidewinder card ya gak bagus kombinasinya. Oh ya karena jur itu senjata lvl 2 jadi attacknya agak kecil bisa di bilang katar +7 lebih bagus dari pada jur +10 bisa dilihat dsini gan ane kasih contoh, cek base bonus nya i.imgur.com/irSg9cm.jpg
Untuk headgear masih bagusan peco karena nambah movement speed, cuckoo hat jg bagus tp kemungkinan buat Autocast skill Crazy Uproar nya kecil.
thx gan untuk pencerahannya
189? O meu pegava 190 antes de ter lvl 90
are you playing on renewal or classic server? because both server have a different mechanic system.
hey im new to RO may i know how to get that light surrounding your character?
+Guala the light surrounding is call aura, you will get the aura when you reach max level
Tanya satu lagi gan, udah pernah nyobain ganti SBnya ke brooch (kiri kanan total agi +2) lalu PHB/FAW nya ke stat headgear yang nambah agi (misal lady tanee agi +2) kira-kira kencengan mana ya sama item yang nambah %aspd. Ragu juga nih buat equip endgame, mungkin agan bisa kasih pencerahan, trims.
+Bagus hendik, ini kalau kita bicara tentang ASPD dengan base agi 99 ya. Gw pernah coba pake SB isi kukre x2 sama aj hasilnya ASPD mentok 185 (tanpa bless dan increase agi), kalau ganti PHB dengan gear lain kyk lady tanee ASPD jadi turun ke 184. saran gw kalau agan mau tipe pvp gak usah terlalu mengandalkan aspd, dapet 183-185 udah cukup yg penting HIT sama ATK nya gede (pake infiltrator lebih bagus klo tipe katar). Karena msh bnyk gear yg belum update gw saranin pake 2x SB aj gan untuk saat ini.
@@MugenjouSmithX gan mau tanya, saya jg main skrg assasin crit dimana senjata saya colok 2 as, sb colok kobold 2 misal senjata saya, saya ganti infiltrator, lebih bagus dari katar + 2ss? Apa nda ngaruh banyak ke kritikalnya nanti ya? Tq
@@Gotosky999 colok 2 ss ya maksudnya? kalau masalah lebih bagus tergantung situasinya gan, misal untuk PVE aja atau sekalian PVP. Assassin pakai senjata jenis katar (jur,infil,jamadhar, etc) kritikal statnya bakal di kali 2, kalau agan liat di 00:20 itu kritial statnya 50 berarti di kali 2 = 100 (dimana 100 ini bakal kluar crit 100% lawan monster/player yang gak ada stat LUK nya).
Contoh : lawan Angeling yg punya stat 200LUK dimana tiap 4 LUK = 1 crit, jadi 200/4= 50% crit def. Agan punya total 90% kritikal rate maka hasil akhirnya 90-50 = 40% kritikal rate agan ke Angeling.
Saran : kalau style full hit senjata type katar, usahakan crit stat nya 35-40 dimana agan bakal punya 70-80% crit rate.
Coba pake berserk potion gan? Kayanya Bisa lebih 190 Aspd nya.
Trus katar sama jur lebih bagusan mana gan
thief gak bisa pake berserk potion :D
Katar lebih bagus dari jur kalo menurut gw, senjata lvl 3 damagenya lebih gede
+Mugenjou Smith ohh, iyah gan baru ngeh kalo thief/assasin ga bisa pake berserk 😅
Yah. Udah terlanjur dicolok ss card jur gw gan. Kirain dari slot kartunya mempengaruhi juga. Emg si kalo dibandingin damage nya lebih besar katar ketimbang jur
Makasih info nya gan. 👍🏼
How about,
45 str, 90 agi, 80 vit and 45 luk?
then will use 3assaulter card and kobold card for accessories to reach 45 critical rate,
80 vit for WoE, and have some str for PvP (Dont know if 45 str will deal some damage will just boost the damage by 3assaulter card) not sure how much damage with this build with PvP will rely on the atkspd.
crit build seems expensive. maybe i'll switch to crit when the transcend class are out. until then i might stay on dual dagger/grimtooth build
that's a good choice , yup it's expensive at the start especially when you play on the new server, it took me 2-3 weeks to completed all my crit gears since i had to farm kobold, SS and bapho jr cards by myself. I stopped playing at the moment and might come back when assassin cross are out lol
is critical build still viable ?
or dual daggers are good now ?
and also which one is good for price = performance thing
Both build have pros and cons. However, if you're looking for a "cheap" build that could be use in every map , i'd suggest to make a critical build. why? because you only need 1 weapon also critical hit is "never" miss and good for PvP/MVP, the best is if you have +8 weapon above.
Mugenjou Smith but some say critical doesnt ignore monster flee anymore?
+Vanity that's why i put a " on my comment haha, critical will ignore flee but not ignore perfect dodge in renewal server
Mugenjou Smith and oh btw atleast minimum 60 luk? also y u wearing peco headband doesn't that reduce your atkspd?
+vanity there's no minimum requirement for luk, as long you able to get total 45++ crit rate from stat and gears it will be good which is doubled if you're using katar class weapon. i've observed from 2 official servers (TH and indo) Peco-peco headband will gives you attack speed as well (another info from tallon server wiki.talonro.com/Peco_Peco_Hairband_Quest)
broo kalo boleh tau skill build nya apa aja yah?? boleh kah di kc tau rinciannya
And with ice pick you can kill those way faster not even level 99 without all your wasted food.
ini sih hitternya serem bgt boss. tp klo woe darahnya tipis bener om
itu msh ada sisa stat point blum gw naikin, mau naikin vit nanti :D
kalau WoE gak tau deh bakal ikut apa gak ntar
Mugenjou Smith sayang bgt om eq ud lumayan ud cape2 aura juga tp ga woe rasanya hasil kerja ga di pake buat refreshing
Hervin Aryanto Ini sih enaknya buat farming zeny, WOE mah siap bolakbalik aja hahaha, kena SG langsung keluar kastil
I love your build bro,
Mugenjou masih main ga digravindo ?
apa uda pensi hahaha
kalo masih main yok kongko, gw mau tanya2 bro soal build stats ass
klo tipe crit isi sidewinder gmn ya? bgs ga?
mnrt dpr utk dpt aspd tinggi, malah incar eq agi sebanyak2nya cth brooch kukre, thief bug, male thief bug dan eq agi lainnya.
+vincent gw pernah diskusi sama yg tipe katar double attack (isi sidewinder), kalau bisa jgn setengah2 mending full crit atau sidewinder sekalian. Ya yg dibilang DPR memang ada benarnya tapi ketika lw mencapai aspd 185 buat ke 186 itu butuh agi yang banyak karena perhitungan ASPD sebenernya gak Flat, bisa di baca dsini forum.gravindo.id/showthread.php?966-Aspd contoh di video ini dari aspd 185 (agi 99+25) ke 186 (agi 99+37) gw butuh tambahan 12 agi itupun pakai phb dan 2 school bag, Oh ya btw ini khusus job assassin ya :D
gw gak make kukre card karena gw butuh tambahan crit dari kobold card dan pernah coba jg pake brooch 2 biji hasilnya sama aja aspd stuck di 185 tp critical turun :D
gan katar mastery max ?
right hand sama left hand dilevel up berapa poin ?
ngiler banget aspd nya
+Onta the Explorer ia max, gw gak naikin right sama left hand soalnya bukan tipe DD
+Mugenjou Smith Thanks gan
minta sarang dong buat assasin double dagger bro.. thanks yah
Assassin DD jangan naikin skill katar mastery , full right and left hand mastery aja dan gak perlu naikin luk, kalau senjata pake yg SSK biar gede dmgnya. main DD gak bisa dapet max aspd, itu aja yg gw tau :D
minta saran buat stat nya dong.. bingung banget sama stat nya wkwkwk
waduh, statnya gw kurang paham kalau buat tipe DD, yg pasti str,agi,vit,dex haha
Bapho jr nya sudahbpunah di gravindo entah mau nyari dimana momon nya
Pake set ghost paper juga bagus kok, eh btw amatsu udah keluar blom? dah lama bgt gak main di gravindo gw haha
can this be achieved in Transcendence?
gan kalo ane pake jur 3SS card gimana ??soalnya sayang statnya kalo buat naikin luck (nutupin kekurangan crit biar 50) jdi bsa ane masukin ke STR atau VIT gitu... thx
+Toni bisa gan tp attacknya kecil, mending pake katar sekalian. Gak perlu crit 50 jg gpp kok, 43 jg udah cukup sisanya bisa dari sisir (crit+6)
tanya dong gan..
klo critical tanpa asper, masuk nd klo hit monster tipe ghost kayak whisper, nightmare, dll..
+jemmy gak msk hitnya gan, makannya gw sediain katar element lw bisa lihat di shortcut F9 gw itu gw pake katar element tanah, kalau pakai enchant poison lawan tipe ghost dmg yg masuk cuman 50%, contoh bisa dilihat di table elements nya : ratemyserver.net/mob_db.php?mob_id=1061&small=1&back=1
ooo gt y gan.. kok nd pakai angin aja gan? kan 100% damage.. mahal kek nya y.. T_T
tp aneh y gan momon tipe ghost itu, di hit sama element ghost malah 175% damage nya.. pdhl klo momon api di hit api jg damage nya imut bahkan miss..
+jemmy gw punya katar angin jg, sama aj damage nya katar tanah,angin,api,air ke ghost property itu 100%, nah kalo ghost ke ghost gw kurang paham formula nya gmn, tp setau gw satu2nya senjata yg element ghost cman Immaterial Sword
o iy gan sama semua y element ke ghost, 100% semua.. maklum udah malem, hehehe..
wogh immaterial swrd.. sering2 MVP TG nih biar dpt.. hehehe..
thx gan sarannya..
Dude are tyou MugenjouSEA from Ro2?
Yes, I am.
this build work on renewal server?
you indo
Keren, bro! 😆
Ножи не такие! Есть комплект на Aspd.
Sir Mugen do you have aspd perfect dodge build?
+jhon Perfect dodge is based on LUK (you can check here irowiki.org/wiki/Perfect_Dodge) meanwhile AGI will gives you flee and attack speed, so if you wants to build assassin with high aspd and perfect dodge, i'd say you can make critical assassin since this build require high AGI and LUK.
I have this build Str:62+8 Agi:99+17 VIt: 36 + 2 Int: 1 + 4 Dex: 12 + 9 and Luk: 50 with +7 jur (3 ss card) pantie, undie and 2 thief fig gear is this good for farming/mvp/pvp/woe?
permisi bos. kalau nubi polosan berencana ningkatin crit nih. sekarang crit rate cuma 15. pengen nya sih sampe 20-30 lah biar enak farming nya sebagai asinan katar. yg paling cepet dan mudah didapat itu kayak apa ya? apakah lewat equip, card, buff, dsb? anggeplah modal RP / Z ada deh, tapi yg pengen didapetin ya yg gampang2 dicari dulu. kira2 apa ya bos? terima kasih sebelumnya.
+fuuuuIND yg gampang kalau mau crit pakai sisir gan (crit +6) skrg masih dijual di IM harga 35k cash, school bag x2 isi kobold card (total +8 crit +2 str), nah kalau senjata double critical katar aj (2x SS card total 18 crit) minimal +7 ya biar ada damagenya. Atau agan jg bisa lihat disini ruclips.net/video/h7GVYfPef3o/видео.html dengan build critical bisa jg double attack pakai jamadhar isi sidewinder minimal+7 kalau gak +8 dah mantap.
kalau agan kenapa gak pake hair clip? apakah hairclip posisi nya bentrok sama peco2 hairband? ane juga pake peco2 hairband nih bos. sayang warna nya gak bisa dirubah. agak2 cantik warna nya ya ombre lentik gitu.
+fuuuuIND HAHAHAHAHA lentik melambai gitu? Pakai costume headgear aj gan. Btw pas gw bikin video ini kan belum ada sisir di IM. Ia itu headgear juga bentrok sama peco2, kalau gw gak pake peco2 paling aspd drop 1 ke 184.
makasih bos buat tips2 dasar nya. sangat berguna buat nubi. berarti sekarang saat nya belajar nempa, terus pantengin vending cari SS, kobold, mineral tempa, dan katar [2].
gan m, itu potion dexnya beli dimna ? butuh soalnya lvling thief miss mulu
Bang tanya dong scarlet rose kalo di bangdingin sama samurai mask ( tambah 1% serangan fisik ) ??
+ichang kalau gw mending scarlet rose soalnya tambahan 1% serangan fisik tuh kecil bgt nambahnya
mirip kaya asinan ane...str 69 vit 30 dex 30 luk 40...btw itu poping candy brpaan ..jadi pengen nyoba wkwkw.
+Jou R popping candy isi 10 = 3500 cash
how come cri sin dont need dex? sorry newbie here
+soulegacy because critical hit "never" miss :) in renewal critical damage is 1.4x normal damage and it will ignore flee but it does not ignore Perfect Dodge, meanwhile DEX do not give significant damage and aspd ( irowiki.org/wiki/Stats ). It doesn't matter if you're newbie or not, we are here to share each other. cheers~
how to u survive grinding with 1 dex?
High agi will help you to survive while grinding
Buff LUK (56+10) pakai apa ya kk? Trus pas lawan golem krit udah 50 tapi masih masuk serangan normal satu dua kali, normal ya? trims.
Pakai food buff yg di IM gan (Cooked Nine Tail Box +10 luk) , nah itu dia ternyata crit 50 gak jamin 100% critical smua walaupun pakai katar, gw test di raydric paling ada 1 kali serangan normal sisanya crit.
momon punya crit def.
Bagus Hendik kalo momonnya punya skill endure ampe budeg juga kagak keluar kritnya..wkwkw
Hi! Is your server revo-classic?
nope, this is ragnarok indonesia's server
kaya kertas ya om tipis
gw dah naikin vit lumayan lah 9k hehe
bro mau tny dong. klo lv 94 asinan crit utk pvm dgn stat agi 85, str 80, dex25, luk 50 oke ga? eq msh dr NPC sih haha. kira2 mndg sisanya ke str ato luk? klo cm pvm mndg jur ato katar ya? mayan bisa tmbh 9 crit dr SS. mohon inpohnya gan. makasih.
+Pandu mending ke vit kalo gw bilang biar bisa MVPan jg. Pake katar gan dmg jauh lebih besar cek dsini i.imgur.com/irSg9cm.jpg atau jamadhar isi sidewinder card ruclips.net/video/h7GVYfPef3o/видео.html
Owh oke bro. Tp crit msh 19 sih ini. Ada rekomen eq/card biar nambah selain dr 2SS katar ga? Makasih bro.
+pandu ada pake sisir gan (headgear crit +6), bisa cek di IM harga 35k cash. Card yg pure nambah crit ke status cuman SS sama kobold untuk skrg ini.
Oke bro. Makasih infonya. Oia klo utk card utk eq selain weap sm acc apa ya yg rekomen?
that build is going to get crushed in woe
+Ryan Well, this video is purposely to show what's max aspd you can reach with base agi 99 and of course this is not the best build. There are some people who posted their stat on the comment and i pinned it to let newbie players to know the balanced build for assassin. Based on my experience with this build, i still able reach the emper and down it, all i need to do is change the gears with demi human reduction and prepare a lot of white potion.
coba deh Gtt cross 120 AGI Luck 123 habis itu garment fallen angel wing
Gua cuma mau ngeliat Gue gak punya test server
How come always crit 50 only? My assasin lvl 95 crit is 65 doesnt crit always
Hi zero, katar will doubles your crit but it doesn't show in the stat window. However target luk will reduced your critical rate. i.e, you have 50 crit (doubles with katar 100) - target luk, means your crit will not always be 100%, if you see closely to my video you will notice that my attack doesn't do 100% crit.
itu katar apa machine gun??? /heh
Wtf that flee
Rip ro
Record na pk progam apa bro klo bole tw?
pk bandicam bro
ohh makasi bro info na
What server is this? Is this still on?
Hi Jayson, this is the combination of pre-renewal with classic gears. Sadly, the server has shut down permanently.
kambing, gw naikin 30 vit 23 dex, udh terlanjur jadi assassin lgi gw. hadeh ga mau ngulang gw, gimna ya.
vit 30 bagus tp dex 23 kegedean, kalau baru2 jadi assassin dan mau perfect stat gw saranin ngulang aj kcuali lw mau nunggu job GX
Mugenjou Smith okok sip ty
gan kalo pke jur [3] ss bakal sakit gk ya??
bang bikin katar build dong
sagitu ya :v
bang kalo buat pertama kali char ny type asinan crit str agi dex bukan
ya gw naikin str,agi,dex pas baru bikin char kalau mau build full crit dex 9 jg udah cukup cuman awal2nya susah hunt.
what card did this character use ???
i'm using basic card for crit assassin : kobold card (accessories), soldier skeleton (weapon), bapho jr (garment) and matyr card on boots.
Mungkin karena gw main di high rate server dimana aspd 195 udh biasa, ngeliat ini kok jadi kyknya lambat bener atknya damage kecil lagi.
+Holt yup gw jg pernah main di PS pake double sword aj bisa crit mulu dmg 2-3k per hit aspd 193 lg, emang beda jauh PS sama official ini jg msh job 2-1 aspd max 190. Btw ini official brasa PS lhoo :x
Have fone better with "the paper Combo" And drinking edp
Indeed, but the time when i posted this video there's still no amatsu and only job job 2-1 available lol
Mugenjou Smith hmm my bad
Kenapa gak pakai ifrit card 2 biji?.
belum termasuk buff Blacksmith sama berserk potion kan?? itu yg terbaru mungkin
yes, tp tergantung servernya juga. gw udah nyoba main di server pre-renewal tanpa equip item mall dengan stat agi 99 ++, dex 30 ++, pakai buff BS and berserk potion dari alchemist , pet green petite masih mentok di 189
menurut abang lebih kenceng crit atau double attack katar dps nya?
Menurut gw Double attack katar buat DPS , ini contohnya.
That hp..haaa
bang bikin assasin type double attack donk
+ari Double attack katar apa dual dagger? ntar deh gw bikin :D
+Ari Coba cek disini gan :D
Mugenjou Smith double attack katar
ini mata gua yg salah apa emang warna assassin nya jadi merah ya? maksud gua baju nya bukan biru tp merah ...
eq belom max banget kayaknya ya om? kaya diisi card mvp misalnya hehe
hahaha ia nih udah jrg main jg eq gak ngembang, wahh mvp card sih buat sultan :p
ahaha pelan pelan, yg maennya santai juga ntar sama kaya yg sultan :v tapi ya mungkin lama haha
double critical katar ini isinya sidewinder y?
+vendy xiao bukan, ini isinya 2x soldier skeleton card kalau isi sidewinder itu hybrid katar
74str 90agi 25vit 16dex 60luk ?? what you think Mugen??
+kei your build is almost perfect :) but i suggest you to add more vit since high HP would help you in PvP,WoE and MVP. 70 str is good if you have a decent gears (pls take a look at this imgur.com/irSg9cm ) +8 weapon and above is a must! another thing is 10 dex and 50++ luk is enough if you're a critical build, good luck! :)
Mugenjou Smith thnks bro..
Mugen.. bout the weapon .. is it logical to get Jur[3] for the double crit? +3 SS cards ? ..thnks again :3
i'd prefer to use katar still :) but Jur[3] would be good if you wanted to use ghost paper cards set,
om kalo stat seperti ini untuk pvp bagus tidak? btw sonicblow tergantung dex atau tidak yah?
+vallen thomas stat ini kurang bagus buat pvp, tapi gw pernah test suruh org lain SB gw dan pada miss SB nya, paling dari 10 kali SB yg masuk 2 kali itupun gw gak pake whisper card. masuk tidak nya hit dari SB itu tergantung dex dan flee musuh, klo full crit hit lw masuk smua skitar 90%.
Vallen Thomas di ro ini kan ada quest sonic acc itu efeknya succes rate SB +50%entah gimana hitung2annya tapi yg pasti succes rate = persentase keberhasilan...
+tata yup makasih dah nambahin info :D Sonic Acceleration itu nambah 50 hit yg brarti nambah persentase berhasilnya SB
cara dapetin doble critical katar gimana gan ?
+Dnind gimana apanya? dulu gw farm di pyramid hunt SS pas baru jadi assassin, kalo katarnya nempa sendiri ke +7
ss itu apa sih gan card ya (newbie) :v
Ss itu soldier skeleton
Why did you put some dex?
i put some dex to help me level up in first stage and also dex useful for double attack build. You can make perfect critical build without any dex as long you have proper gears and you critical rate is above 50
Mugenjou Smith Damn, I already put some dex because I’m trying to follow your build. Hahahah! I’m a crit assassin btw.
+howard ahahaha it's ok bro, you'd still need dex to increase the chance of success of your sonic blow cuz it's depends on your hit rate and enemies dodge as well. if you wanted to follow my build i'd suggest you to NOT put 99 agi cuz it might waste ur stat point, my build are good but lack of HP. btw do you like pvp?
Mugenjou Smith Yes, I do pvp sometimes. You shoud go check our server, its the official server in the Philippines. Here is the link
kalo dual dagger ? kira2 bisa ga ya nyentuh apsd 189 ?
+christian arden Untuk saat ini gw rasa belum, karena seperti yg kita lihat pas gw ganti senjata dual dagger (di menit 08:45) ASPD mentok di 187 fullbuff, mungkin kalau pakai pet petite + buff secret kafra item yg nambah ASPD 10% kyknya baru bisa.
kyk nya pake dopple card baru bisa gan wkwkwk
+christian arden hahaha card sultan, ane gak punya card gtuan :D lagian gak worth jg kalau harus di pasang di dagger :p .OOHHH yaa semenjak update pantie dan Undershirt sepertinya dual dagger ada kemungkinan buat nyentuh aspd 188/189 tapi harus di slotin dulu, isi bapho jr di undershirt sama thief bug card di pantie dapet tambahan agi 9 (5+3+1) trus ACC isi kukre x2. (Note: For aspd lover only :D )
skill pls thanks man
+cheezzy skill for dual daggers or katar? If you're a katar user the basic is you need to put full skill for katar mastery, sonic blow, grimtooth and the rest is up to you. Some people say if you wants to be an emper breaker you need to max your cloaking for movement speed and if you like PvP you need to max your venom splasher
link for your skill build?
hi khoo,my skill build are pretty much same as other assassin, if you're playing katar type you should maxed your katar mastery and if you use dual dagger you should maxed ur right and left hand mastery. I forgot where i put my skill SS lol, if i recall my build are max grimtooth, sonic blow, katar mastery.
-cloaking level 3 ( you can put it max if you need movement speed while in hiding state, mostly for emper breaker),
-enchant poison level 5
-poison react level 5
-venom dust level 5
-venom splasher level 5
sorry mau nanya kalau udah assassin masih bisa quest skill back sliding ga ya ?
+pradika Bisa Bro!! gw aj baru ambil smua platinum skill pas dah jadi assassin lvl 99 lg haha
mau nanya lagi dong hehe mending double crit hybrid apa triple crit ya ? atau ada combinasi katar yang lebih sabi ? terimakasih.
Beli weapon berapa zeny mas?
kalo dex ny 35 masih bisa gk jdi asinan crit
klo mau full crit bikin 1 aj dexnya, max 15 klo dah 35 sayang stat pointnya, tetep bisa asal gearnya bagus dan crit rate lw bisa 45++ tp gw saranin mending buat baru kalo msh level awal, biar enak nantinya.
Mugenjou Smith Tapi gua udh lvl 65
Mugenjou Smith gimana dong
Bro mau nanya nihh, build kayak gini worth gaa
str: 75
agi: 94
vit: 20