Doctors, Have You Ever Had A REALLY STUPID Patient?

  • Опубликовано: 21 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 89

  • @bloopertanooki415
    @bloopertanooki415 7 месяцев назад +50

    "I'm on his side. That dude shouldn't reproduce"
    No truer words have ever been said.

  • @Memento_Mori_Morals
    @Memento_Mori_Morals 7 месяцев назад +78

    Just FYI, working in a pharmacy for years, you usually can identify dozens of pills by sight alone. Also there are many pill identification apps/sites that have been around for decades, so finding unfamilliar pills is a task that takes seconds.

    • @justinbradford6086
      @justinbradford6086 6 месяцев назад +2

      I know this because of the junkies I hang with to see what they are smoking or snorting

    • @Memento_Mori_Morals
      @Memento_Mori_Morals 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@justinbradford6086 better than doing it blindly, if you're gonna use drugs recreationally at least try to be as safe as you can?

  • @GillianBergh
    @GillianBergh 7 месяцев назад +5

    I am a health-care assistant, and had a patient who was apologetic about getting an injury, while playing football. I told him, that while I am not at all sporty, I thought what he described sounded normal. I also told him I knew someone who got injured while playing a board game. They dropped the dice on the floor, and hit their head on the table when bending to pick it up!

  • @83gemm
    @83gemm 7 месяцев назад +14

    In 2019, I got a gig teaching English online. When lockdown hit, kids overseas were available all day to take classes. This meant I could work about 13 hours with minimal breaks. Overnight.
    I had been out of work a long time and so I took every available opening. I did this for about 8 months taking a long weekend here or there, grabbing sleep in little chunks during the day while also taking care of my house and lawn and just trying to get through lockdown.
    One day in the fall, I started feeling really wonky. I went to go to sleep and as I was lying there, I felt like I was outside my body. My heart started racing and I thought I was having a heart attack.
    I drove to urgent care (great plan of one is having a heart attack, but I was completely out of it- not an ounce of rational thought happening).
    They hooked me up and checked me out. Everything was fine.
    Doc came in to talk to me and asked about my life. I told her my schedule and she kind of blinked. She asked how long I’d been doing that. I told her 8 months. She said, “You’ve been working 13 hours five days a week for 8 months?”
    I said, “Oh, no. I’m a contracted worker so I can work 7 days.”
    She said, “Do you ever take time off?”
    I told her that, yes, I had taken a long weekend in September and April and a full week in June.
    She said very patiently, “How much sleep do you get every day on average?”
    I said (still not picking up what she was putting down), “I make sure to get at least four hours straight and I nap when I can.”
    She was so nice. She just smiled and said, “My recommendation is that you make whatever adjustments to your schedule that you can. I think it’s likely you’ve not been getting adequate sleep.”
    I processed this… slowly. Then I went red and asked, “Oh my God. Did I just come to urgent care because I’m TIRED?!”
    She assured me that I was right to check and that they wish everyone came in with concerns. That this outcome was so much better than not coming in when there WAS a serious issue.
    I scheduled myself four days off as soon as I could and slept for about two days. I then cut back on my hours and got back into exercising. I was a-ok in about three months.
    I randomly wonder if that doctor tells stories about how stupid I was.

    • @Repicheep22
      @Repicheep22 7 месяцев назад +3

      Even while sleep deprived, you still had the presence of mind to seek help. You listened to the doctor when she offered advice and then followed through when let out on your own. You were probably a breath of fresh air and a welcome bit of normalcy after seeing who knows how many people like the ones in the video. I bet she remembers you fondly.

    • @83gemm
      @83gemm 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@Repicheep22 Thank you so much! I’ve felt stupid about this for over three years now! I hadn’t thought of it that way. That it was a relief to have a harmless outcome instead of the reverse.
      You truly just made me feel so much better!

  • @JAYDOG1337A
    @JAYDOG1337A 7 месяцев назад +39

    That last one was strangely wholesome.

  • @dude988
    @dude988 7 месяцев назад +46

    I had a girl asking a similar thing regarding a pregnancy test. She had done _it_ the night before and wanted to know if she could already use a test. She was maybe 16 and I'm glad she asked instead of just peeing on the stick thinking she wasn't pregnant. But oh boy, that was uncomfortable for both of us. I worked at a supermarket, not a pharmacy. Whilst I did know the stuff about waiting until you are late because the HCG hormone levels need time to rise over a certain point to be measurable, talking about it with a scared teen was new to me at that point.

    • @Memento_Mori_Morals
      @Memento_Mori_Morals 7 месяцев назад +6

      I'm just glad there were internet searches by the time I was 12/13 and my friends began doing that sorta stuff. Or else I mighta been thinking similar.

    • @ericb3157
      @ericb3157 7 месяцев назад +5

      oh, just a day or two ago i read a story on "not always right" where a crazy customer thought a pregnancy test had MADE her daughter pregnant!

    • @arianebolt1575
      @arianebolt1575 7 месяцев назад

      @@ericb3157 That's kind of how Sims work.

  • @supposedly1-2
    @supposedly1-2 7 месяцев назад +8

    I worked in pharmacy so we had a lot of i'd say odd rather than dumb questions or requests. My favorite was on a night with a full moon there's always something weird during a full moon, but this woman called to speak to the pharmacist with questions and she called and called and called he couldn't get anything else done and eventually he hung up and just frustrated threw his hands in the air and said that woman is nuts! She wanted him to diagnose or tell her if she had cancer over the phone! she just kept insisting he could help and he had given her advice and being as nice as could told her to go to a dr and let them give her the appropriate testing. she had other questions but had him on the phone that last time for 45 minutes!! he later joked he should have told her we were not a psychic pharmacy!

  • @Shenn3165
    @Shenn3165 7 месяцев назад +5

    Paramedic here, had a patient with “children’s bubble” soap in their eyes, waited for us to show up, only for me to have my tech run water into her eye to flush the soap, the patient then asked if they needed to go to the hospital, and asked why “ before we’d gotten to the home” it continued to burn. I had to calmly tell them that it will burn if you do nothing to get it off of your eye, we got a refusal and left.

  • @elizabethalderman8749
    @elizabethalderman8749 7 месяцев назад +6

    Not a doctor but former nutritionist aide - had a high risk guy who had to lose weight to qualify for his next surgeries and had had his stomach stapled. Strict 1000 cal diet for HIS WHOLE DAY - warned what could happen/he could DIE if he burst his staples. He secretly ordered all the food he wanted and did just that. Emergency surgeries later he barely survived-his wife divorced him and he had to stay on IV only feeding. Hope the double bacon cheeseburger and pizza were worth it

  • @InksAutism
    @InksAutism 7 месяцев назад +6

    Weird Alabama your sister.
    My new favorite quote

  • @Stonedsheepu8906
    @Stonedsheepu8906 7 месяцев назад +12

    The blood transfusion guy was hilarious. I’m just imagining him with a thick southern accent and an equal number of teeth to match his brain cells

  • @smokinggnu6584
    @smokinggnu6584 7 месяцев назад +8

    "Common sense". So rare it's a fraking superpower.

  • @supposedly1-2
    @supposedly1-2 7 месяцев назад +2

    Story 15: I worked in the medical field or related field and i am bad to look things up online veterinary websites and not just one or two i do hours of research before i make a decision but i changed my cats insulin because it was a holiday and we were out and my vet was closed and i read online that most vets were switching their pets with diabetes to an insulin that i also take for my diabetes. and i was very careful and watched her closely and she did just fine as it was a week before i could get in touch with my vet but ... changing to that insulin actually cured her diabetes my vet was amazed and every time he sees her he just smiles because of that i think he probably gives that one more now than before although it is expensive if you aren't taking it and getting it on your insurance and it is only good for 30 days once you pierce the vial. but sometimes us 'idiot pet parents' aren't so dumb after all! btw i worked in pharmacy as a CPhT so medical adjacent but medication is something i have some knowledge about.
    irrelevant info but i thought interesting story below:
    I have been going to that vet for 23 yrs and i have had as many as 10 fur babies at one time and i treat them on my own as much as possible including one who was shot by a neighbor it wasn't even my dog at the time just one that was dropped off in the neighborhood and another neighbor was feeding. anyway thankfully it was a thru and thru and I was able to clean it out and pack it with triple antibiotic ointment i had some aspirin, which is safe for dogs in the right dose which i determined by his weight, and i had some prednisone to help with swelling and he was up and about in a few days and was totally healed in about 4 weeks. (obviously i had clean and pack the wound regularly and giving him his meds etc just so no one says i just did it once and he was cured lol) that was the sweetest dog in the world and i already had the other sweetest dog in the world!
    i was out of work and we my mom and I were living on her $584 dollar SS check with 10 pets so i kind of had to treat them myself if i could, but my vet and i have a mutual respect and lord knows he helps me out when he can, especially during that very low income time and i am so thankful my vet doesn't think I'm just an idiot pet parent!

  • @James68W
    @James68W 7 месяцев назад +2

    [12F to ER with eye pain and partial loss of vision] Mother of patient: "I just... why are you having her do this eye exam when we already know there's something wrong with her eyes"
    Me: 😀

  • @luckyluciano6552
    @luckyluciano6552 7 месяцев назад +2

    He had his pacemaker OUTside of his body😳holy cow

  • @DavidRichardson153
    @DavidRichardson153 7 месяцев назад +8

    This might be more anecdotal, on top of the whole "not a medical professional" disclaimer.
    My father was the first one in my family to contract Covid, and he spread it to the whole family. I was the only one spared, and that was solely because I was overseas (and still am). My father has quite the history of bringing diseases home; the last time he brought the flu into the home was what I used to convince my mother to get vaxxed against Covid (my older brother was the first to get vaxxed - my own was delayed due to being overseas and thus not as prioritized for vaccine shipments as the US).
    Well, Covid hit the family hard, though thankfully, at least according to my brother, no one has Long Covid. Fast forward to my brother getting a physical after recovering, and he is talking with our father's GP. The GP mentions that he was the one who first tested our father for Covid (he went to the GP when he started to really feel sick), and that was the first postive result. He asked if the family tried to be careful, and my brother said that any and all attempts to be careful were overturned by our father. Basically, our father loves to act like Pepe Le Pew - yeah, so much touching and kissing of everyone. The GP and my brother both very quickly noticed that he kept that behavior up AFTER he had tested positive.
    According to my brother, that was when the GP, who is a retired Navy Physician, said with quite the flat stare, "You know, if I heard that any of you had killed your father during that time, maybe even now, I would have testified that you were acting in the interest of maintaining national security and that you had eliminated quite the public menace."
    Yeah, our father really is quite the test for his GP. Evidently, whenever the GP gives him any advice, he does more-or-less the opposite. After that story, I have no idea if our father still goes to him (probably not, but that might be for the better, especially for the GP - sometimes just gotta let idiots finish themselves off and just hope that they take no one else with them).
    So remember folks, the Hippocratic oath is no excuse to be an idiot or an @$$hole to a medical professional. Yes, there are medical professionals who are genuine @$$holes, but if every med prof you interact with is being one to you, it is not them, but rather you, and there will likely come a time when that oath and others like it are not going to save your stupid @$$.

  • @hanoh2904
    @hanoh2904 7 месяцев назад +8

    That woman with a sick baby need House to give her a lecture

  • @labyrinthgirl17
    @labyrinthgirl17 5 месяцев назад +2

    I bet my first gynecologist thought I was dumb.
    When he asked me if I was sexually active, I said, "Only with myself."
    He snorted and turned away, so at least he laughed at my stupidity. xD

  • @lucindawelenc2191
    @lucindawelenc2191 7 месяцев назад +1

    The person who asked the vet for an exam room with a window may have been trying to keep the overhead fluorescent lights from giving them a migraine. Natural daylight helps take the curse off fluorescent.

  • @mariahanczewska8109
    @mariahanczewska8109 7 месяцев назад +20

    I ask again- what's this awesome looking game in background?

    • @MrOakridge
      @MrOakridge 7 месяцев назад +14

      It's called Townscaper. It's $5.99 on Steam.

    • @DaFancyBird
      @DaFancyBird 7 месяцев назад +2

      ​@@MrOakridge THANK YOU!

  • @marcopohl4875
    @marcopohl4875 7 месяцев назад +7

    Granted, the first one's logic was sound, it's just that their research wasn't.

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 7 месяцев назад +13

    Story 5:
    *Karens in a Nutshell*

  • @annamichalska6144
    @annamichalska6144 7 месяцев назад +2

    Not my proudest moment. Me (as a patient) talking about upcoming procedure with nurse)
    Nurse: Do you have any implants?
    Me: No
    (5 minutes later)
    Me: When you asked about implants....did you mean breast implants? (The procedure was on my chest)
    Nurse: No. Metal implants in your body
    Me: Oh. I that case....i have 4 of them

  • @blairbunny4873
    @blairbunny4873 25 дней назад

    "If she left him he'd get lost in his own house and starve" that was one of the funniest things I've ever heard I cackled 😂omfg

  • @harryboyes2812
    @harryboyes2812 5 месяцев назад

    Story 13. Totally agree with your remark.

  • @ajayramsey9133
    @ajayramsey9133 6 месяцев назад +1

    dam the pace maker one fudge

  • @nationalinstituteofcheese3012
    @nationalinstituteofcheese3012 3 месяца назад

    I will give the first guy props. He was an idiot and didn’t realize that domestic cats can’t kill a zebra and pack on the pounds and have food for days, but he did accept the advice from the doctor

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 7 месяцев назад +22

    Lack of common sense = summary of antivaxxers and Karens

    • @doll9340
      @doll9340 7 месяцев назад

      Well I wouldn't say it's a lack of common sense for antivaxxers but usually misinformation and those worried about the side effects

  • @redfailhawk
    @redfailhawk 7 месяцев назад +6

    Hate the animal mistreatment stories...

  • @aleksandarvil5718
    @aleksandarvil5718 7 месяцев назад +7

    Story 3:

    • @anonmouse15
      @anonmouse15 7 месяцев назад +2

      Darwinism always finds a way.

  • @AskRick11
    @AskRick11 7 месяцев назад

    Bombastic, to say the least. I laughed my ass off
    Nice idea with the name of the channel in the form of hieroglyphics

  • @xlsfd
    @xlsfd 7 месяцев назад +2

    Is it just me or is someone else also interested what game is being played while the stories are read?

  • @Eainai
    @Eainai 7 месяцев назад

    Last story is bothwholesome and concerning

  • @ninabriesch4184
    @ninabriesch4184 7 месяцев назад +1

    15:35 Bad News+Good News
    Bad News.. you are going blind...
    Good News... your memory is fine.

  • @edward002gaming
    @edward002gaming 6 месяцев назад

    He is slowly making hi cat starve, because he researched the wrong species? Take that man away from everything

  • @bjtaylor-j9w
    @bjtaylor-j9w 7 месяцев назад +2

    Doctors think they are gods, and demand respect, whilst treating patients like something the doctor stepped in. Doctors do not listen to, or take seriously, patients concerns. Women are dismissed as 'hysterical' or 'neurotic', or 'it's hormones', or 'it's all in your head'. Pain in women is dismissed by doctors. and women are dying, from heart attacks, as the medical establishment, and companies, refuse to do any research on women, and refuse to accept that women have different heart attack symptoms to men; and cervical cancer, as doctors say the woman is 'too young' to have cervical cancer. People with mental illness have every symptom dismissed as 'all in your head', and are dying as a result. People are dying, and accused of 'faking it' or 'attention seeking' because their symptoms did not tick a box. Doctors need to learn respect and courtesy, and start treating patients like the human beings they are.

  • @monroerobbins7551
    @monroerobbins7551 4 месяца назад

    1:01 plus, large cats that eat every 3-4 days, guess what? They’re not eating kibble or whatever, they’re eating FULL ON ANIMALS. Calorically dense, primarily meat and fat, and will fill them up for days. Definitely more food than what will last for one day, and wild large cats have also evolved to be able to have spaces between meals because they need to hunt, and those hunts take time, so therefore their bodies need to be able to ration the calories they have. Meanwhile, house cats have evolved to be fed a lot more, and are a lot more active since they need to eat more, and can only capture smaller prey they can’t just coast on for a few days. Their metabolisms are a lot faster, and since they didn’t evolve to have multiple days between hunts, they also evolved to be a lot more active, which only burns more calories.
    I’m not an expert, nor do I claim to be a primary source, this is just what I recall from past readings for a project, but it still boggles my mind when pet owners compare Fluffy, the eight pound calico to Princess, the 100 pound panther.

  • @Amoth_oth_ras_shash
    @Amoth_oth_ras_shash 7 месяцев назад +1

    12:50 ish+ harm a pet thats stamped as 'yours' ..and not only will you now face eternal suffering by the paws of old gods for having ignored the learned ones advice and caused a subservient creature torture ,but you also be dragged before the progenitors of their species to be judged , not in a fair way either.. but by cruel 'might makes right' way... and their progenitors will be finding you not just lacking ,but your excuses hollow due to the arrogance that you made them out of..
    harm domesticated animals , or worse.. one you yourself have legal dominion over and the void holds no pity for you

  • @errorsansthedestroyerofaus188
    @errorsansthedestroyerofaus188 7 месяцев назад +5

    What’s that game in the background called?

    • @xlsfd
      @xlsfd 6 месяцев назад

      I found it on Steam. It's called "Townscaper".

  • @neilusdin2389
    @neilusdin2389 7 месяцев назад +2

    That game in the background looks interesting. What is it? I'd like to try it out.

    • @mx.netherlands6588
      @mx.netherlands6588 7 месяцев назад +2

      Townscaper, $5,99 on steam

    • @neilusdin2389
      @neilusdin2389 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@mx.netherlands6588 Thanks, Heard about it but I never knew.

  • @KobiHameed
    @KobiHameed 7 месяцев назад +1

    5:22 not the spongebob sound 💀

  • @lornainlondon4527
    @lornainlondon4527 6 месяцев назад +1


  • @fralee
    @fralee 7 месяцев назад +3

    I know this is kind of off topic...But I have to know what is the game that they're playing in background? I've seen it but I can't remember the name.

    • @pokegirl1799
      @pokegirl1799 7 месяцев назад +2

      I've never played or seen it, but somebody else asked and got a response so I figured I'd answer you. It's called Townscaper

  • @IShy2
    @IShy2 7 месяцев назад

    14:18 Left me rolling

  • @critter_guy2197
    @critter_guy2197 7 месяцев назад +1

    What game is being played in the background? It looks fun.

  • @MossyDawn
    @MossyDawn 7 месяцев назад +1

    You should put the game names in the description.

  • @griffindragonhands1293
    @griffindragonhands1293 7 месяцев назад +1

    What is the game being played in the background?

  • @braniganirby3586
    @braniganirby3586 6 месяцев назад

    0:21 😶

  • @Shadoboy
    @Shadoboy 7 месяцев назад +1

    I'm... finding the game surprisingly satisfying. How is it called?

  • @cannett8966
    @cannett8966 7 месяцев назад +1

    The reason why 87 percent of your viewers do not subscribe is your graphics. Otherwise, your channel is very good.

    • @RufusReadit
      @RufusReadit  6 месяцев назад

      What do you mean by graphics?

  • @Auriorium
    @Auriorium 7 месяцев назад

    Story 11 ... how?!?

  • @aiglos2
    @aiglos2 7 месяцев назад +1

    what game is playing in background ?

  • @raymondsims537
    @raymondsims537 7 месяцев назад +1

    story 5 i do hope they called child services and /or the police

  • @anij80
    @anij80 7 месяцев назад

    Wow, total lack of common sense or intelligence.

  • @buildertherobloxian4731
    @buildertherobloxian4731 7 месяцев назад +2

    What Game is this?

  • @jordonhowland6419
    @jordonhowland6419 7 месяцев назад +1

    whats the game being played

  • @melitagermaine534
    @melitagermaine534 7 месяцев назад +4

    Why is the word 'bra' censored?

    • @moonythespoonie9551
      @moonythespoonie9551 7 месяцев назад +1

      Better safe than sorry with RUclips's autostriker

    • @doll9340
      @doll9340 7 месяцев назад

      ​@@moonythespoonie9551but yet it wasn't censored the first time

    • @KurisuBlaze
      @KurisuBlaze 7 месяцев назад

      @@doll9340 Probably more a deal with Reddit, and the posters generally have their own sense of censoring.

    • @doll9340
      @doll9340 7 месяцев назад


  • @Bambams__world
    @Bambams__world 6 месяцев назад

    If you're going to make jokes about incest at least get the state right it's either Mississippi or Arkansas

  • @Slicer1475
    @Slicer1475 7 месяцев назад

    Pretty much all liberals in general.

  • @Fullmetaljinchuuriki
    @Fullmetaljinchuuriki 6 месяцев назад

    What game is this?