Something about this reminds me of Matt Jefferies' shuttlecraft concept, except the pylons supporting the warp nacelles aren't W-shaped. Very handsome design!
I loved when this came up in the calendar in my classroom, and it's cool seeing all the lighting in action here. Is there a way to build original ship ideas like this and your other crusiers without a 3D printer? Scratch-building seems harder for Trek ships that are dominated by curves.
Love the Design, can see the influences dotted about here and there
Amazing work! The lighting is so detailed.
The Shackleton from the Endurance... nice reference.
Something about this reminds me of Matt Jefferies' shuttlecraft concept, except the pylons supporting the warp nacelles aren't W-shaped. Very handsome design!
Hi just joined, via World of Wayne recommendation...
I loved when this came up in the calendar in my classroom, and it's cool seeing all the lighting in action here.
Is there a way to build original ship ideas like this and your other crusiers without a 3D printer? Scratch-building seems harder for Trek ships that are dominated by curves.
This is mostly scratchbuilt styrene over ribs. The nacelles were 3D printed, cast in resin and further modified.