Não escolha a extinção

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • Não podemos mais ignorar as mudanças climáticas.
    É hora de parar de inventar desculpas e começar a promover as mudanças.
    Junte-se a nós e a Frankie, o dinossauro, para promover a ação climática antes que seja tarde demais: dontchooseextinction.com
    #DontChooseExtinction #NãoEscolhaExtinção #COP26 @pnudbrasil
    Acompanhe o trabalho da ONU no Brasil e no mundo nas nossas principais redes sociais e em nosso site:
    ℹ️ / onubrasil
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    ℹ️ / onubrasil
    ℹ️ brasil.un.org

Комментарии • 55

  • @bessibasilio9412
    @bessibasilio9412 2 года назад +13

    Sinceramente... Se a população humana continuar aumentando descontroladamente, todo esse blá blá blá muito bonito não adiantará de nada!

  • @MIShopStore
    @MIShopStore 2 года назад +13

    PORQUE NINGUÉM TOCA EM CONTROLE DE NATALIDADE? Não é "só"mudar hábitos, é preciso pararmos de procriar como coelhos. AGORA! Precisamos de programas de Preservação, Educação Ambiental e Controle de Natalidade, AGORA! #FORABOLSONARO

    • @renatojunior4647
      @renatojunior4647 2 года назад

      O que o Bolsonaro tem a ver com uma política que tá causando a ruína da China?

  • @cleudemarinho1397
    @cleudemarinho1397 2 года назад +6

    Se existisse a possibilidade de a gente ser extinto seria um favor pro planeta kkk

  • @sergiobaccho2889
    @sergiobaccho2889 2 года назад +7

    Gretanosauro.... 😬 😬 😬

  • @kaislife426
    @kaislife426 2 года назад +7

    ‘A letter to a dinosaur’
    Dear Rex friend,
    I agree with you Mr. Rex, you could sell some tears with this magnificent UN speech, however, I couldn’t keep silence for too long as I usually do I decided to speak up and reply to an extinct dinosaur can’t deny it, Still working on my throat chakra. Speaking up my truth… (thanks in advance for letting me use this channel to heal my throat ) sorry no need to read but I do need to write to release it and maintain coherence in my physical body. gratitude for those who patiently give themselves permission to read with an open mind and heart.
    I would kindly like to add something to your
    majestic entrance and speech as well as SFX (expensive digital special effects). Could we do some editing before sharing this video at next UN meeting? (I am such a dreamer!)
    Animal product consumption, cow’s fart and burps, yes Rex, I said those words, also massive deforestation for producing food to feed and raise those animals including but not limited to fish, cows and chickens we eat daily are drastically harming our planet as well as affecting biodiversity, depleting our oceans and causing serious problems that affects the whole planet, NOT countries, governments, cultures neither religions but the planet, well, and so, who talks about it? Not many because if we change our diet, we DO affect our culture, our meal routine, our patterns, our family ties, our roots, traditions, our friends?, and mainly our Nutrition beliefs. I don’t think becoming vegan is the ultimate and only solution either…(the campaign ‘segunda-feira sem carne’ ‘Mondays without meat’ in Brazil sounded like a great solution to bRing awareness … especially in a culture in which eating meat is a sign of social status. Well not sure this statement is true, and please elite friends don’t take it personal, but once I hear the statement from a friend at first it sounded very stupid because it doesn’t fit my beliefs so don’t quote me on that! Don’t like ‘generalizations…’ brazilian friends may know more than me about brazilian culture… so the statement here about meat and Brazilians is not my personal view but someone else view…
    Fossils is definitely a cause, totally agreed, but not the only major problem, even though we are aware is an issue we still drive cars, take flights, use roads, and use oil and gas-based products in almost every single movement and desision we take and service we consume daily… including writing this message and trust me, I had conversations with my husband about options he could change his career and stop digging Earth so we move from oil and gas into green energy… once I said: what about working with the power of the wind, or sun, water? Let’s go back to the elements baby! We can do it! can geophysicists do that?? he smiled at me… but when I realized a piece of meat on my family’s dinner table is worse for our bodies as well as the planet more than producing an oil barrel … when I learned that leaving the water tap open a bit longer could have fewer impacts on the planet than drinking a cup of cow’s milk… Just then, I changed my mind and decided to learn how to truly become or start to be conscious… still working on it though. There are always options behind the possibilities we are offered. There is always more that we don’t know. I am still there… There are many other stuff than what’s shown for us on the shelf. We just need a critical eye or perhaps an intuitive eye to see it…
    I am learning to see beyond what’s been sold on the store. I am learning to see beyond what’s sold in the news… I am even learning how to stop giving the responsibility to the UN, secret societies, world health organizations and governments, doctors, and I am slowly starting to take responsabilty in each action, word and thought I create and express… can’t deny had a stupid argument with my kids today when they wanted to watch more than an hour of TV rather than doing games and intuitive play on a Sunday afternoon … by the way! I also learned in a very harsh way that having differences is not bad, this is definitely another pattern I am consciously breaking thru… so feel free to think different than me. I won’t feel guilt anymore …
    Not having differences with people is not the solution either, the key is in fact biodiversity, is to live with the one is different than you… living with your mirror, living harmoniously with the one who shows you a distorted version of yourself until you accept yourself. when I learn that not speaking my truth can actually harm my body, and my closest friends, I decided to also change that… it’s not easy… not everyone is ready to hear our own truth …(unless you are Dutch, and/or my friend ) but I also learned that each of us go through different process of learning … so do not worry if by now, you are thinking I am nuts, crazy and weird and different, don’t feel bad, because I AM all of that and probably even more ! But I am finally so proud to say it and accept it!
    Energy definitely a problem for climate change, no discussion, but well, we also know we are harming the planet as soon as we hear the ‘click sound’ of the light switch, we all know that. But! we all need to turn lights at night, who wants to go back to candles and ghosts? Who has a solar panel at home? Wish many… I don’t, unfortunately.
    We all know buying more plastic toys and consuming products harms the environment, CO2 , etc, especially affecting directly families in China who work more than 14 hours a day massively manufacturing products for us and putting masks on children’s faces due to critical air contamination even before the word COVID was in fashion… but who can stop buying toys as gifts? Cell phones? And stuff ? Not our family yet …
    Water Overuse is another major, but well, who collects rain? Who stops taking warm showers? Not me! Europeans ? …. Not us yet
    over population is another major problem, but well, we all have sex anyways… who doesn’t ?
    Breathing?!! Another issue!? Or not? Each human produces 500 litres of CO2 a day! so, what do we do? stop breathing?Who would volunteer? Not me! Although some of us try to learn how to breath longer and less every day and so producing less CO2 without even being conscious of it.
    Oh oh wait a minute! What if we do finally become a bit conscious and we all change into a plant-based diet, are we all going to fart and burp more just like cows and produce more methane ? so we will harm the planet’s atmosphere as well considering there are already close to 8 billion gassy butts around? or maybe our humans farts won’t affect like cows because we only have one stomach?
    so what’s the solution?! is there even a problem? Perhaps humanity has to go to an end at some point Mr. Rex so don’t be so dramatic, it’s part of the cycle… life on earth will continue for sure! With or without us… Wait! By the time planet earth is not longer a place to live for some animals neither some humans let’s say by 2100 we can always conquer Mars! We will have the technology by then, mmm but we already have it! Just not everyone knows … well guess what? Who can have uncontrolled sex with no gravity wearing space suits?? all babies will be controlled and created in a lab… no more over population issues once we conquer space! but wait! Who needs babies that cry if we can create robots that work? mmm, enough… back to your heart… ok. I am here. Back to my heart
    I have been around this topic of climate change in circles for the past couple of years reflecting trying to see what could I do… and coming to an understanding that consciousness could possibly be the only thing that can bring balance to our planet
    Not strict veganismo, not green energy alone, not light workers, not healers who fight the darkness, not rules (like in china) about overpopulation and Child’s birth control, not a prepared vaccine that may cause infertility in the population to bring a solution to uncontrolled and unprotected sex so only those with financial resources who can feed a new human and who can pay for creating a baby in a lab are allowed to have children, not even a very good government, not women, not feminine empowerment, not even a new world order, but true loving and pure consciousness. Pure and authentic unconditional love and awareness can transform us and so we transform the world.
    I honor you as you honor me
    Thank you for your openness Rex …
    PS: By the way Mr. Rex, did you really buy the meteor human’s theory idea about your extinction? kkkk with love, a true new carioca who loves deeply Brazil and its people!!

  • @anamariagomesdemelocaldas
    @anamariagomesdemelocaldas 2 года назад +8

    Emocionante, chorei muito. Ah se os poderosos se sentissem tocados dez porcento do que me senti. Precisamos nos salvar de nós mesmos. Que DEUS o Nosso Criador nos salve. 🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏❤️

  • @mariaeduardacastro9645
    @mariaeduardacastro9645 2 года назад +4

    que propaganda INCRÍVEL!

  • @beatrizgomes897
    @beatrizgomes897 2 года назад +2


  • @simonealves7357
    @simonealves7357 2 года назад +2


  • @gabrielcosta5533
    @gabrielcosta5533 2 года назад +6

    pena q nao vai mudar nd. ainda seremos culpados pela nossa própria extinção. eu só vejo promessas vazias

    • @gabrielberriel14
      @gabrielberriel14 2 года назад

      Tenha alegria mesmo que oq vc falou seja verdade

  • @Splitz_66
    @Splitz_66 2 года назад +5

    ONU o que custava deixar ele com penas?

    • @nicknamer4860
      @nicknamer4860 2 года назад +2

      Kkk isso me incomodou pra kct vdd

    • @nicknamer4860
      @nicknamer4860 2 года назад +1

      @Jonh JG infelizmente é a verdade 😔

  • @assembleiadedeusprimitivao6813
    @assembleiadedeusprimitivao6813 2 года назад +9

    É isso que eu venho falando desde sempre, arrumar a terra para nossa espécie não morrer. O povo se preocupa com a vida após a morte, e isso é ótimo. Porém, enquanto vivermos aqui, devemos salvar a terra de um extermínio humano, isso é o apocalipse.

    • @Lucia-zu8gt
      @Lucia-zu8gt 2 года назад +1

      Misericórdia, quem tem que salvar o planeta e o senhor Jesus,esses satanistas estão de olho é nas riquezas do mundo inteiro,e acabar com os humanos, nunca se preocuparam com ser humano, adoradores de Gaia,a mãe natureza.
      O sábado será trocado pelo domingo, está no documento do Papa, laudato si,e o povo ainda acredita nesses globalistas

  • @MrPinta-pt5uv
    @MrPinta-pt5uv 2 года назад +7

    Esse vídeo é tão útil quanto a ONU

    • @martapmsp
      @martapmsp 2 года назад

      Não tem utilidade alguma

  • @helioparanaiba
    @helioparanaiba 2 года назад +1

    Triste realidade. Oremos e deixemos a ignorância para trás.

  • @MatrixMundial
    @MatrixMundial 2 года назад +8

    Não seja enganados. Chegou o momento, entregue sua vida ao criador e esteja pronto para tudo que virá.

    • @ROMULOPj
      @ROMULOPj 2 года назад +2


    • @MsPedross
      @MsPedross 2 года назад +1

      Deveras fantasiento!

    • @putaqpariu168
      @putaqpariu168 2 года назад +2

      Vamo manda o bolso, serve ?

  • @MsPedross
    @MsPedross 2 года назад +2


  • @YochanandaFonseca
    @YochanandaFonseca 2 года назад +1

    Não precisamos de dinheiro, nem de politicos, nem de usarmos nossa vontade de receber. Precisamos de amar nosso próximo, amor no coração para todas as pessoas, uns com os outros. Somente isso e mais nada.

  • @rodrigooliveira5400
    @rodrigooliveira5400 2 года назад +1


  • @robertomagalhaes8925
    @robertomagalhaes8925 2 года назад +1

    Subsídio aqui no BR é reverso, as garantias à Petrobras e governo são dolarizadas, subsidiamos lucros e impostos em dólar e recebemos em reais.
    Se esses subsídios caírem, a gasolina vai a 3 reais.
    Mas não... Querem que ainda paguemos mais.
    Para isso, basta falar de pobres e, agora, de pandemia.
    Enquanto as pessoas não pensarem, fica difícil.

  • @mcalves3
    @mcalves3 2 года назад +2

    Wise words.

  • @sarahleticia7117
    @sarahleticia7117 2 года назад


  • @marcio5658
    @marcio5658 2 года назад +2


    • @robertomagalhaes8925
      @robertomagalhaes8925 2 года назад

      Viva sua vida deixe de mi-mi-mi pois a natureza só não tem solução para burrice e Safadeza de políticos.

    • @roniferreira9748
      @roniferreira9748 2 года назад +1

      Tecnocratas ricaços chegando a Glasgow em jatinhos privados, hospedando-se em luxuosíssimos hotéis 5 estrelas, e andando de limusines com chauffeurs em amplas comitivas irão passar as próximas duas semanas nos dando sermões sobre como devemos reduzir nosso padrão de vida.

  • @kayroluizsantosdasilva2893
    @kayroluizsantosdasilva2893 Год назад

    Dinossauro coloco moral na humanidade

  • @rogerioz5516
    @rogerioz5516 2 года назад +1

    Sensacional 🦖🌍⏳👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  • @TI-rn5dn
    @TI-rn5dn 2 года назад

    A contradição do capitalismo.

  • @TaiguaraLima
    @TaiguaraLima 2 года назад +3

    Essa é uma das campanhas mais bizarras apelativas que eu já, vocês perderam a noção da realidade ... Utilizam as palavras sem a mínima responsabilidade (extinção?!? Vocês sabem o que significa isso?) ... Tudo vale para criar um impacto emocional no público ... Quando as palavras graves são usadas para isso, para lacrar em campanhas, como denominaremos a situação daquelas espécies que estão LITERALMENTE em processo de extinção? Sejam mais responsáveis! Apelar dessa forma para chamar a atenção para um problema não ajuda, muito pelo contrário, prejudica a pauta ... Essa campanha certamente virará um meme ... Campanha desastrosa!

  • @elianedamiana3912
    @elianedamiana3912 2 года назад +11

    Não acredito obra do antriscrito

    • @anadeboragoal
      @anadeboragoal 2 года назад +5

      Negacionostas é que trabalham silenciosamente pelo anticristo, pois nem tem a capacidade de perceber que estão sendo manipulados, graças ao seu fanatismo.
      Acordem e sejam verdadeiros cristãos pregando o amor e a tolerância, que foram os principais ensinamentos de Jesus. Os fariseus não conseguiram entendê-lo, pois que estavam presos ao ego de serem os únicos a qual o Divino protegia.

  • @s4muelmesquita
    @s4muelmesquita 2 года назад +1

    Eu amei isso não escolham a Extinção

  • @marisedoebeli906
    @marisedoebeli906 2 года назад


  • @ygorgames8558
    @ygorgames8558 2 года назад

    Anticristo chegando 🤔

    • @weemiguel1526
      @weemiguel1526 2 года назад

      Q poha a merda do anticristo tem ave com um negócio da ONU??????

    • @Lucas-um7zc
      @Lucas-um7zc 2 года назад +3

      @@weemiguel1526 mano o impressionante nisso é que tem gente que acha que qualquer coisa assim é anticristo mds. N tem nada haver, isso é uma luta contra a nossa própria extinção