Aero Tech XT Operation Tutorial - Transmission driven PTO direct drive carpet cleaning truck mount


Комментарии • 7

  • @BillDeWaal
    @BillDeWaal 12 лет назад

    Looks good. Its an impressive truck.

  • @ward8453
    @ward8453 Год назад +1

    how much!

  • @joshuajayden77
    @joshuajayden77 7 лет назад

    nice truck, those carpets were not that dirty

  • @BlissLifeProd.
    @BlissLifeProd. 7 лет назад

    nice equitment

  • @CleantechSaskatoon
    @CleantechSaskatoon 10 лет назад +1

    lol actually quite a few Ronny

  • @bat__bat
    @bat__bat Год назад +1

    Damn. I tried hydro sprayer and it was not as good as just mixing hot water and prespray in a cheap 2gal pump sprayer. Don't need a hose, a spray gun, water pressure, etc. Then I see techs prespray a whole house with the hydro before wanding it out. Wtf? The prespray needs 8-12 mins. to dwell. If u wet the whole house, some rooms you won't get to for an hour! Beyond 20 minutes it risks drying out and u gotta rewet it or you're not doing shit. Then u got acid rinse in there neutralizing your prespray! U think the wet acid solution is keeping the prespray active? You got a window of time man... never seen such bs b4. Then when u mix a hydro sprayer it's that heavy ass concentrated mix that you're stuck with. What if you want to quickly spray down a different prespray? Or protector, deodorizer, pet stain treatment, etc? You what have 5 different hydro sprayers? That's like $1000 in sprayers 😂 They all require upkeep with those dumb metering orifices and hoses and valves. Ugh. I ran a hydro on my truck for one week. Both my helper and I couldn't wait to go back to pump sprayers. Even with a dedicated solution line for the prep tech. All hype, no improvement, and a time sink. Got a 2gal sprayer for go 2 pre spray, got 3 1gals for other sprays. Grab hot water tap at the truck or from the wander inside, you can mix your strength as a one-off after you scoped out the house. With hydro sprayer your options are way less and you'll be dumping a solution into a bucket to save it while u clean the thing and put a different solution in it. You gotta do all that even if you want the same spray at a different strength. Madness. It's just so time consuming. And how are none of these techs sweating? As soon as I park the truck and open the cargo doors, my shirt is stuck to me and I'm dripping sweat from my face. Then u go in a bedroom and blast 200+ degree steam in there while pushing a 2.5 inch hose on a 5 blower? That wand is gonna be like pushing a stalled truck up a hill! And no sweat? Ok are the humans in this video actually androids? Robots of some sort? I'm gonna hate on hydros a little more. What's with the spray pattern too? 😂 What if I don't want to prespray the walls, beds, curtains, ceilings, windows 😂 that stupid pattern shoots a fan spray 15 feet long. It's asinine. A pump sprayer has a small conical pattern with more than enough pressure to wet down even the thickest carpets. Then u can use the same sprayer, probably cut it with a bit more hot water and u can do upholstery now that it's weaker. Faster and easier and the carpet comes out as good or better. I don't use a rinse either. I had used one for many years on my first truckmount. God if only I could get back the money I spent on wasted detergent mix. U just need halfway decent soft water. U can get a good filter for your fresh tank and change it yearly. Fuck the rinse chemical. What if you gotta clean natural stone, marble, etc? You really gonna risk acid rinse on it? Oh you're gonna change to alkaline rinse in the middle of the job? Oh with that stupid expensive double valve injection system? Now you gotta mix, prime, purge all the old acid out the 400ft of hoses? Sounds harebrained as fuck. I'm glad I found a fast, easy to teach system that works incredibly well and tolerates no gimmicks. Hydro sprayer is a gimmick and a half. Oh back to rinse. If you want an acid rinse, fine. Put it in a 1gal sprayer! So you prespray with your strong alkaline as usual. Dwell. Rake. Then right before you steam extract, hit the room with a quick spray from the acid rinse pump sprayer. Takes less than 1 minute to put down that rinse. Doesn't need to dwell. Hit that shit quick to get the pH moving in the right direction and then go your extraction. It's not necessary tho because that regular water does a fine rinse when you're at that stupid 8-12 flow level anyway. I would only rinse spray if the prespray was too super powered or if I'm using a smaller flowing wand like as a second or third wander. Oh boy