THE DAY GOD SNEEZED: South Pasadena - 12/1/2011

  • Опубликовано: 30 ноя 2011
  • When a power outage sets me free from work, I take to the streets of South Pasadena after a night of winds that ripped trees out of the ground all over the place, to document the destruction. December 1st, 2011.

Комментарии • 51

  • @donde2k
    @donde2k 11 лет назад +3

    Currently enjoying the firewood I harvested from that storm :)

  • @AppleJuiceStudios
    @AppleJuiceStudios 11 лет назад +1

    We were sent to school in those winds. Then they suddenly cancelled school. Due to my parents being at work, I had to walk home in the winds, crossing Huntington, which was extremely dangerous.

  • @RSatAustin
    @RSatAustin 12 лет назад

    Holy #@$! I had no idea it was that bad. Good job documenting the damage.

  • @dcs0studios
    @dcs0studios 12 лет назад

    Oh my god... it's like stepping back in time. We had that exact same thing in Ohio a few years back. Trees well over a hundred years old either uprooted, or, even more shockingly, blasted apart. Power was out for weeks for some people. Never seen anything else like it, until now.

  • @IllegalOfficialBand1
    @IllegalOfficialBand1 12 лет назад

    I live in south pas and i was freaked out while this was happening. I managed to sleep through it. All the schools were closed but since my school is in downtown LA, i still had to go to school. There were still trees out in the streets at least 3 or 4 weeks after all of this happened.

  • @Adjustvolume
    @Adjustvolume 12 лет назад

    Ya we got high winds for over 24 hours straight no stopping here in Burbank. I didn't really see any downed trees though. Except for a small one in my apartment complex. I know there were some power outages though. Side note, really loving the lightsaber I got from you. I have it as a desk prop at work. Everyday at least one person comes by my desk to play with it.

  • @leodem170173
    @leodem170173 12 лет назад

    Wow lots of damage. Glad youre ok dude. May the force be with you.

  • @RyanWieber
    @RyanWieber  12 лет назад +1

    @TheAtomicBlog Decided to change it, as it's in the first few second anyway, and it is much funnier. I should trust my first instincts.

  • @pete072313
    @pete072313 12 лет назад

    I've seen wind damage like this frequently in the Chicago area, but I didn't realize it was a problem in So Cal, too.

  • @ernwackie65
    @ernwackie65 12 лет назад

    I grew up in South Pas-during late 40s to '61 when I graduated SPHS. I NEVER saw anything like this, ever. In 1980, my folks visited me here in Humboldt County and took home a redwood seedling which is (hope it's not gone!) now about 40-50 ft tall. The recent dry spell has probably not helped it. Look straight up the driveway of 304 Grand......

  • @Doodenmier
    @Doodenmier 12 лет назад

    That happened to us in Wisconsin back in June this year. It was like a hurricane went through here

  • @SetsunaMegami
    @SetsunaMegami 12 лет назад

    I live in South Pas and not only were trees uprooting all over the place, there were electric explosions all over the place like there was a wizard's war going on. All my south pas friends are posting your vid on facebook as soon as they find it. xD

  • @JoshSemans
    @JoshSemans 12 лет назад

    You have good taste in music, sir.

  • @kalel2380
    @kalel2380 11 лет назад

    Reminds me of how things looked after Hurricane Sandy here in NJ!!!

  • @zenmom42
    @zenmom42 12 лет назад

    Thanks for the pictures! I grew up in SoPas, now living across the continent in Salem, Mass. I remember when I was little (it must have been in the 1950's) there was a windstorm after a soaking rain, and many of the big, mature pine trees in the Alhambra Road block south of Fremont came down in the same way. Out of caution, they later removed the remaining big trees, and replaced them with puny crepe myrtle trees. I've resented crepe myrtle trees ever since.

  • @duderyandude9515
    @duderyandude9515 3 года назад

    The font that “The Day God Sneezed” was written in looked like the same font that Richard Dawkins’ book “The God Delusion” has on the front cover.

  • @spleen1666
    @spleen1666 12 лет назад

    The world is getting more turbulent as the years go on. 100mph winds, Hurricane Irene makes landfall in a major metropolitan area, volcanoes screwing up the atmosphere all over the earth, earthquakes hit Japan, Chile and Haiti, tidal waves, snow in October, etc. Weather in general SUCKS.

  • @RyanWieber
    @RyanWieber  12 лет назад +1

    @TheAtomicBlog Cleaver, huh? Yeah, I was originally going to, but I thought that would take all the humor out of it in context of the video.

  • @TheKillaz50
    @TheKillaz50 12 лет назад

    i live in the northern side of pasadena i live in santa rosa were all the trees are at (aka christmas tree lane) and dude the branches were all over the place and the power was out and all i had were candles -_-

  • @Kardia_of_Rhodes
    @Kardia_of_Rhodes 12 лет назад

    @Tibor0803 Do you remember the Libson tsunami, the volcano in iceland. and mount Vesuvius?

  • @kaptainkarnage69
    @kaptainkarnage69 12 лет назад +1

    I remember a big storm doing the same sort of damage in my area when I was a kid. Seeing trees that have been there for decades suddenly gone really alters a neighbourhood.

  • @Bluesonic506
    @Bluesonic506 10 лет назад

    I was there a few months before

  • @MeesterPanda
    @MeesterPanda 12 лет назад

    That's the San Gabriel Valley for you guys, aka Home

  • @whatwazthat1
    @whatwazthat1 12 лет назад

    this is why i call this town.. South pasadangerous

  • @luciankevi123
    @luciankevi123 12 лет назад

    i had no idea that south pas was hit that hard. i thought we did pretty good until i saw this.

  • @RGBeanie
    @RGBeanie 12 лет назад

    Are the Dragons ok though?

  • @robojot
    @robojot 12 лет назад

    ha a lot of wind here in norway too but it only smashed some boats

  • @hsano6294
    @hsano6294 6 лет назад

    Ironically, six years later and we have winds again. Albeit not nearly as strong.

  • @Houdiniman121
    @Houdiniman121 11 лет назад

    That was 1 year ago and I still have affect from

  • @DJFAMDaniel
    @DJFAMDaniel 11 лет назад

    Luke! Trust yo Instincts!

  • @ericfak
    @ericfak 12 лет назад

    Holy crap

  • @Kardia_of_Rhodes
    @Kardia_of_Rhodes 12 лет назад

    Who the hell did they hire to build the roads? I saw three foot deep craters where some trees hit the ground.

  • @ascharamoranon
    @ascharamoranon 11 лет назад +1

    Lol had no skool for four days

  • @Tibor0803
    @Tibor0803 12 лет назад

    @MAXZONE47 I don't really cause I never lived them out, but I found some information about those disasters and the only thing what i can say for it is 'Unbeleivable what happens if the climate changes so suddenly'.

  • @364dragonrider
    @364dragonrider 12 лет назад

    wow, that's gotta sting

  • @Tibor0803
    @Tibor0803 12 лет назад

    What a terrible place can be this! I don't wish to live America cause of so many natural disasters and crimes, our European home territory not a safe place as well, but safer. I experienced a disaster in the year of 2006 and on the date of 20th august and my mother almost died at the time.

  • @GarySpatzScam
    @GarySpatzScam 12 лет назад

    hahaaaa love the title xD

  • @GreatAmazingGamingHD
    @GreatAmazingGamingHD 11 лет назад +1

    1:01 my house is the one to da left :)

  • @MooMoomans
    @MooMoomans 11 лет назад

    It's God showing you what happens when you plant a tree in soil it's not meant to grow in.

  • @KingCulta
    @KingCulta 12 лет назад

    Nice title

  • @CryptidClone
    @CryptidClone 12 лет назад

    Dang nature, you scary!

  • @robojot
    @robojot 12 лет назад

    @turbodude555 yes... i got a arrow im my knee

  • @queueue_
    @queueue_ 12 лет назад

    God did not sneeze. This is the work of Chuck Norris.

  • @ZL1clone
    @ZL1clone 12 лет назад


  • @MrJ01
    @MrJ01 5 лет назад

    hurricane Ryan Wieber

  • @ArodWingfoot
    @ArodWingfoot 12 лет назад

    Did you get your email?

  • @Ninjabot1994
    @Ninjabot1994 12 лет назад

    Ha...God didn't sneeze, You just got bored and unleashed the force didn't you?

  • @landporpus
    @landporpus 12 лет назад

    I wonder if Michael Bay had anything to do with this?

  • @JessFromMead
    @JessFromMead 12 лет назад

    Thats a fucking tree..........

  • @WarMachineGX
    @WarMachineGX 11 лет назад

    Lol the day god sneezed was wen sandy hit ny and nj lol

  • @AlexEwing
    @AlexEwing 12 лет назад

    God disliked this video