Solidarity across borders - Green Party Trade Union Group
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- A Green Party Trade Union Group meeting about international solidarity - how workers collaborate across borders, disrupt multinationals and work across unions and industries for shared interests.
Join GPTU here -- gptu.greenparty...!
Our speakers:
James Schneider - Communications Director for Progressive International, speaking about the global Make Amazon Pay campaign
Garfield Hylton and Darren Westwood - Amazon workers and GMB reps in Coventry. Read about their resistance to Amazon here: ‘We’re not going away’: UK strike trio bullish over battle for Amazon union.
Saorsa - from Workers for a Free Palestine, a grassroots network of trade unionists, workers and activists in Britain organising against the Israeli war machine.
excellent stuff
'Promo SM' 💃