Eagle vs FDL - Elite Dangerous |PVP|

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Soz for any video buffer in the recording, my ps4 lackin. Also what did you expect the ending to be, me winning? 😂
    #elitedangerous #elitedangerousodyssey #elitedangerousgameplay #elitedangeroushorizons #playstation #kraitphantom #elitedangerousexploration #frontierdevelopments #starcitizen

Комментарии • 19

  • @cmdrbloodsign1397
    @cmdrbloodsign1397 7 месяцев назад +4

    On my Eagle, it's 37 seconds from shield down to 100%, (both rebuild + regen). That's with a 1C bi-weave, thermal resist, lo-draw, no boosters.
    I think it's always worth running a shield, even if it's just to protect from minor bumps. Your survival time with even a weak, fast regenerating shield goes up a lot. Plus it's annoying and demoralizing for your opponent to keep hearing "enemy shield online" lol
    Still, it took him a long time to take you down... one-sided as it was. :)

    • @cmdr_Yourmata
      @cmdr_Yourmata  7 месяцев назад +2

      thanks for the advice bro, i’ve tried the method of slapping fast charge 1c bi weaves but my distributor just gives me the middle finger 💀
      in fights against people that played the game for 50 weeks non stop, yea, gonna need to dump the shield generator and rely solely on manoeuvres around target. Speed and manoeuvrability is the key to lasting in fights against people with maxed out ships, even then i suck lol, i made this build like a month ago and it’s been crying in my basement (ship storage) so i decided to take it for a walk😂

    • @cmdrbloodsign1397
      @cmdrbloodsign1397 7 месяцев назад

      Fast charge is almost never the right choice... lo-draw actually charges faster in practice, because it doesn't rely on the distro as much. I use Elite Dangerous Ship Yard to work my builds, it lets you see the recharge rates and compare. But yeah, actual flying skills and maneuverability are important too... I'm still working on those, lol @cmdr_Yourmata ​@@cmdr_Yourmata

    • @cmdrbloodsign1397
      @cmdrbloodsign1397 7 месяцев назад

      What is strange is that some ships naturally are better shield tanks with higher base shield regen rates, while others just do very poorly with shields no matter what kind you put on them. Courier, corvette, FDL do great as shield tanks. The eagle has a very very fast shield rebuild/recharge with a 1C biweave, lo-draw. @@cmdr_Yourmata

    • @cmdr_Yourmata
      @cmdr_Yourmata  7 месяцев назад

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@cmdrbloodsign1397 yea, i might change that, gonna slap some low draw bi weaves 😂
      forgot they reduce distro draw and yea, some ships lack some don’t, kinda weird, sometimes feels like the same 1c bi weave on a adder or smth performs better

  • @shadowceph8608
    @shadowceph8608 6 месяцев назад +1

    I may have a dumb question, but why switch to alternate flight controls all the time? What does it do? I know what it does to disable the autopilot. What's that for?

    • @cmdr_Yourmata
      @cmdr_Yourmata  6 месяцев назад +3

      not a dumb question, actually a smart question. on pc, alternate flight controlled is already bonded with their mouse (i think), for console, it’s gotta be manually done by clicking R3. this makes it so i can move my ship left and right
      its important to do this as a small ship, because it’s nimble and so it’s useful in small ship, the reason i do that is because all ships that turn left or right (not move) have a extremely trash turn rate, this makes me move out of the firing line of the fdl allowing me to get some shots in without being shot, very effecting against people with fixed weapons. I hope this answered your question bro

  • @AushlinART
    @AushlinART 7 месяцев назад +5

    I start by making a couple assumptions.
    ~ You and FDL have similar engineering
    ~ You have atleast 100 hours of flight time.
    I feel the boost jousting combat you were running was a inherently flawed choice of tactics when fighting as an eagle Vs FDL. the weapons and defensive capability's of the Eagle do not warrant this strategy, and underutilizes the Eagle's superior agility.
    the Eagle's 3 class 1 weapons requires constant and consistent contact to effectively take down shields and cause hull damage, jousting is inherently burst damage. by comparison in this fight the 4 class 2s and 1 class 4 of the FDL dish out tremendous burst damage even if it is difficalt to get convergence on the smaller eagle, as well as the shild regen on the larger shild of the FDL still does a sizable amount of countering the small burst damage of a jousting eagle.
    You first needed to ignore causing damage at the start and use the Eagle's superior agility to jockey for optimal position of behind and just above the FDL then stick to that spot maintaining a range of around 200-400m. this position would allow you to maintain a barrage of cytoscrambler hits removing shields quickly, then allowing you to pinpoint your rail on to the internal modal you wan to shut down, either engines or power plant. This will also well as keep you in their blind spot and away from any potential damage the FLD could deal.
    ~~Brake Down~~
    I see you run shield less, i assume the choice was made to minimize weight as much as possible to maximize agility and ignore pip-manipulation, though i could also see the slot being used for more reinforcement at the cost of some agility. to me they seam equally as reasonable as runing a shield.
    I noticed that your speed was always set to 100% for entier fight, you want to be sure to maintain combat speed to gain optimal maneuverability so that you can better maintain position.(in the blue bar)
    I see extensive use of the boost, this causes multiple problums, the biggest is creating to much distance between you and the FDL. you were constantly over 1k distance and even in the 2k distances at time well out of your cytoscrambler range (typically cytoscrambler needs to be under 500m). it also destroys yoru ability to stay in the enamys blind spot. while you do gain some bonuses to your thruster efficiency for turning, the majority of the boost goes to the main thrusters causing you to boost away from your target and crating that distance gap problum. you can bleed some of the main thruster boost gain by using your vertical and lateral thrusters you will still maintain a large percentage of the boost in forward momentum. losing optimal firing position is not worth the use of the boost, and the boost does not help you get in to that optimal firing position.
    As i watch i can tell you are not leveraging your vertical and lateral thrusters to swing your self around and maintain target while moving with the enamy. you may be feeling the thrusters are sluggish because of you do not have your speed set to be in the blue bar. Try to think of the speed bar like this, your engine can only provide so much thrust, if you tell your ship to direct all the thrust to the main rear engines their will be almost no thrust avalible for the maneuvering thrusters that allow you to orient your ship. such as pitch/roll , lateral\vertical. keeping speed in the blue bar alows for much more power to be diverted to the maneuvering thrusters. on the flip side if you do not set your speed high enough, in the blue bar, then the engine will not be running hot enough to provide the high demand thrust the maneuvering thrusters requier.
    if you stay in the enamy blind spot, maintain optimal distance, utilize your maneuvering thrusters more effectively and keep your speed set in the blue bar for maximum maneuverability then the Eagle has the upper hand over the FDL and you should be able to win this fight.
    I reconize you are on PS4, you may need to look at remapping the controls if you feel you are missing some of the combat controls mentiond or they feel awkward to use.
    Good luck Commander, the Eagle is one of the most deadliest ship in 1V1

    • @cmdr_Yourmata
      @cmdr_Yourmata  7 месяцев назад

      thanks for the essay 💀
      jokes aside this was helpful, i’ve tried to implement these in my battles and i still struggle because the FDL has a top speed of something like 520m/s and my eagle about 560m/s so me and the FDL have basically the same speed except i have more manoeuvrability. Even then i suck, these people, even if i out manoeuvre these people, i get no shots in, if i try to line up for shots or trying to get in the “perfect” position, i get hit
      the community in shinrata are stupidly skilled but i’ll take your advice bro, thanks 👌

    • @AushlinART
      @AushlinART 7 месяцев назад

      @@cmdr_Yourmata no worrys. hope it helps some. you are right, thoes of high skill can take ships and perform what looks like magic. :D in my corvet Vs Krait i ended up in a 45 minut fight because neither of us were able to get any decent shot time on each other between all the maneuvering. I am not trying to say the FDL is an easy fight, its a top class PVP ship for good reason :D but an equally skilled piolet in an eagle does have the upper hand, if only a little bit.
      lt takes a lot of practice to learn distance and how to properly maintain it. their is a lot of micro adjustments happening all the time in their, along with the 3D awareness of ship movements and how the thrusters affect that at diffrent points in a maneuver.
      i am not sure how often you dink around in asteroid rings, but i did a lot of core mining and would fly though the rocks instead of above or below so that i could dodge and dance around the rocks. not the king money maker but i found it fun and relaxing at the same time while training my skills. lerning how flight assist off can assist you in combat could be helpful too. i find that lerning both FA on and FA off techniques alows me to use diffrent maneuvers at difrent times in combat, as FA on/off have diffrent things you can do.
      I have been out of the loop for a while now, so if you have a pvp group i would say speak with them about more tips and tricks if you dont have a PVP group their are usually a few around that are friendly... though i am PC so not sure how the PS4 comunity is. I also run Mouse and keyboard so i have a very diffrent feel of the game, as i have an entier windshield of buttons at my disposal. lol
      Good luck Commander. may your next vid show victories :D

    • @cmdr_Yourmata
      @cmdr_Yourmata  7 месяцев назад +2

      np man, again, thanks for the advice, got a lot of help from others in shinrata but they only know ship builds, not so much on how to piolet a eagle, most of em never flew one 😂
      but godspeed bro, 07

    • @crowsnest8295
      @crowsnest8295 7 месяцев назад +1

      Bravo good sir
      It is rare indeed to see a comment that really represents what the core community should be about.

    • @FlecheDeFer
      @FlecheDeFer 5 месяцев назад +1

      "the Eagle has the upper hand over the FDL" - yeah, that's the reason why the Eagle is so popular as a PVP ship...

  • @Sir-Complains-a-Lot
    @Sir-Complains-a-Lot 7 месяцев назад +2

    nice fight man! makes me wanna build an eagle for piracy!

    • @cmdr_Yourmata
      @cmdr_Yourmata  7 месяцев назад

      💯%, eagle is probably the best ship with the right pilot, you should go for making a piracy build with it, it’s fun as hell 👌

  • @herardpique7302
    @herardpique7302 7 месяцев назад

    adding phasing sequence would have made opponent less confident haha :)

    • @cmdr_Yourmata
      @cmdr_Yourmata  7 месяцев назад

      true, bro you’ve given me a good idea now 😂