Wolf 359: The Prelude (Part II) - JTVFX

  • Опубликовано: 31 май 2023
  • Part 2 and the epic conclusion to the prelude to the Battle of Wolf 359!
    Part 1 of the Massacre is out! • Wolf 359: The Massacre...
    Captain Picard has been captured by the Borg which has set a course for Earth. Meanwhile, Admiral Hanson mobilizes a fleet at Wolf 359.
    All Rights go to CBS/Viacom/Paramount Global, etc.
    Nebula-class Melbourne naming issues - memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/...)
    Nebula-class Melbourne canonicity - memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/...)
    USS Melbourne: Excelsior vs. Nebula (halfway down page) - www.ex-astris-scientia.org/ar...
    BOBW part 1 script - tng.trekcore.com/episodes/scr...
    BOBW part 2 script - tng.trekcore.com/episodes/scr...
    Emissary part 1 script - ds9.trekcore.com/media/script...
    Hanson's starship Memory-Alpha - memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/...
    Memory-Alpha article on ships at Wolf 359 - memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/...
    Memory-Beta article on ships at Wolf 359 - memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/B...
    Wolf 359 Ship Classes - Ex Astris Scientia - www.ex-astris-scientia.org/ar...

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @JTVFX1
    @JTVFX1  Год назад +372

    I'm sure everyone already knows this, but just as a friendly reminder, this video is *fan fiction.* This is just one mans interpretation of events, I'm not trying to be canon nor should these videos be taken as such.
    *Q&A for Prelude Part II*
    *1) Two USS Melbourne's?*
    My work is loosely based on the short story "Trust Yourself When All Men Doubt You" in the anthology book "The Sky's the Limit" which establishes that the Nebula-class Melbourne was in fact under construction and intended to replace her Excelsior-class predecessor. The new Melbourne was launched early before the old Melbourne could have a proper decommissioning when the Borg attacked, and both ships were lost at Wolf 359.
    Like the novel, the Excelsior-class Melbourne was to be "mothballed" in the coming weeks. But because of the sudden Borg invasion, she was hastily rechristened as USS Roma NCC-62451 for fleet identification purposes but with no time to re-label the hull before departure. So on computer displays and inter-fleet communications, the Excelsior-class Melbourne would be addressed as the USS Roma *despite* the Melbourne name and registry still on the hull.
    Basically, while there are two ships labeled USS Melbourne, there is only *one* official USS Melbourne at the battle in my interpretation. Only here, it's the Nebula-class version.
    *2) Why rename the Excelsior-class Melbourne?*
    While there is nothing in canon firmly establishing this practice, it is my belief is that Starfleet would not have two ships with the same name and/or registry in service at the same time, even during an emergency. But at the same time, I wanted to respect canon by acknowledging the Excelsior-class Melbourne's registry on the hull but also acknowledge the "new" Melbourne as well. So this is what I came up with.

    *3) NCC-62043-A? The Melbourne's registry is supposed to be NCC-62043.*
    Technically, you are correct. However, since the Nebula-class Melbourne was never clearly identified on screen while the Excelsior-class version is, I felt I had some leeway to play around with *how* and *what* the new Melbourne came to be. So I embellished a bit by using the Titan-A/Enterprise-G rechristening as a reference by advancing the registry number to NCC-62043-A.
    I had intended for her to be the Melbourne-class instead of Nebula-class and was going to use the Soyuz-class as my basis in canon, but chose not to. Instead, she remains Nebula-class but the first in a new design that would have later been named after her (Melbourne-class).
    *My made up backstory (long read):*
    "The Nebula-class USS Melbourne was the prototype of what would have become the new Melbourne-class starship line which was intended for long-term deep space exploration. Using the cheaper to produce Nebula-class design as the basis, the idea behind this project was a design that could be massed-produced and sent into the furthest known reaches of space; large enough to function independently of starbases, and with enough endurance and power reserves to operate at high warp velocities for long duration's.
    The name Melbourne was chosen because of the surprisingly illustrious career of her namesake the Excelsior-class USS Melbourne, which made contact with of over 20 new species and was instrumental in preventing, not one, but *two* renewed conflicts between the Tzenkethi and the Federation.
    While visually similar to other Nebula-class starships, the Melbourne incorporated radical design changes to the secondary hull for better warp field dynamics and revised warp coils for enhanced long-term endurance. Another design change included the addition of specialized auxiliary warp nacelles in place of the modular platform which were designed to cycle on and off to reduce the load on the primary nacelles in high speed situations. These enhancements extended travel time between shutdowns at maximum warp from 10 hours to 24 hours and also enhanced the top speed which exceeded even the Galaxy-class with a reported maximum velocity of warp 9.75.
    Other noteworthy changes included:
    - An experimental class 6 warp core design which improved power efficiency by nearly 30%
    - 20% larger deuterium storage tanks for greater energy reserves
    - An enhanced sensor array using modified sensor modules which improved sensor range and resolution by 12%
    According to one engineer involved in the project 'all these enhancements combined, in theory, could have extended the range of space exploration by as much as a factor of 10 and would have set a new standard for starships to come.'
    After successfully completing trial runs, the Melbourne was nearly ready for active duty and was scheduled to be commissioned on stardate 43998.3. Commander William T. Riker was offered to attend the upcoming commissioning ceremony and was Starfleet's choice to command the new Melbourne, but Riker turned down the promotion to remain first officer of the Enterprise.
    On stardate 43998.9 during the twilight hours of what would have been her commissioning ceremony, the USS Melbourne was rushed out of dry dock (now under the command of Captain Thomas Halloway) to join a fleet of 40 starships assembling at Wolf 359 in a desperate attempt to stop a Borg invasion of Earth. Unfortunately, during the battle both this Melbourne and her predecessor were lost.
    After suffering devastating losses at Wolf 359, Starfleet was forced to re-evaluate it's priorities and chose not to pursue the Melbourne-class project and to limit long-term exploration for the time being. While long-term exploration missions were still an important focus for Starfleet, it became secondary to defending the Federation from threats like the Borg. To that end, Starfleet began refocusing its efforts on ship building and fleet consolidation and developing more combat effective designs like the Defiant-class in preparation for another Borg invasion.
    Though gone but not forgotten, the research gleaned from the Melbourne-class project would be incorporated into future designs such as the Intrepid-class and Prometheus-class starships."
    I made this little backstory to help the Nebula-class Melbourne tie-in better with established canon.
    *4) Where did you get the live action for the Righteous?*
    The footage comes from the Japanese DVD version of the game "Star Trek: Borg" I bought several years ago from eBay where the footage is episode quality and 30 fps. I up-scaled the footage and re-interpolated it down to 24 fps to match the rest of the video.
    I may at some point do specific scenes from the game with newly built shots. I'll have to play it by ear (no pun intended).

    *5) Last minute Righteous*
    The video game "Star Trek: Borg" seems to imply that the USS Righteous was a last minute arrival to Wolf 359 (the Righteous was near the cube throughout most of the game and beamed back an away team from the cube less than a minute before the battle began).
    To make this work, I cut a line of dialogue from Admiral Hanson's final briefing specifying that there were 40 starships already mobilized at Wolf 359 and made up a reason why the Righteous was contacted so late (warp drive repairs.)

    *6) The Victory, Potemkin, Reliant and Hood are supposed to be at the battle...*
    With the exception of the Endeavour (which is needed to give an ending to my version of events), the participation of these ships at Wolf 359 isn't canon, but their participation during the Dominion War *is* canon.
    I chose not to include them because they are older designs and would have to be badly damaged enough to be considered lost by Starfleet. It doesn't make sense to me that Starfleet would waste the resources on trying to salvage such badly damaged older ships instead of simply salvaging components from these ships and building new ships to replace them.
    So for my version of events, I'm having the Victory and Potemkin inbound for Wolf 359 but will arrive late.
    *7) Why does Hanson's fleet look like that?*
    It's based off of what little we see in "Emissary." We see the Saratoga and Melbourne engaging the cube first followed by the Bellerophon and Yamaguchi soon after. I felt that the majority of ships should be assigned to attack wings allowing Hanson to simply order the wing instead of cherry picking individual ships, streamlining the process. I also wanted the wings spaced out a bit to give the feeling that each wing was isolated from each other so that it fits into what we see in "Emissary" better.
    "Battle group Hanson" is different than the attack wings because these ships are assigned to protect the admiral's ship. His group also acts as a control group for the fleet.

    Unlike the Dominion War, the idea behind Hanson's tactics was that Federation ships would be cycled in and out of battle to keep continuous fire on the cube while giving the ships previously in combat a chance to repair any damage sustained before being cycled into battle again. Obviously, this tactic doesn't work against the Borg. But Hanson doesn't know that yet...
    *8) Are the Klingons are going to be at the battle?*
    No, the Klingons are only depicted here to show that they are on the way. They will arrive a day late.
    *9) When is the battle coming?*
    Right now, no ETA. I'll make a post after I've made some more progress which will give an ETA.
    *Hanson's fleet manifest in next comment:*

    • @JTVFX1
      @JTVFX1  Год назад +55

      *Hanson's fleet manifest*
      *Battle Group Hanson*
      USS Auriga - NCC-71797 - Galaxy-class
      USS Kadosca - NCC-1994-C - Narendra-class (Probert's original Ambassador)
      USS Princeton - NCC-59804 - Niagara-class
      USS Champlin - NCC-53914 - Pegasus-class (Ambassador era Nebula-class)
      USS Agincourt - NCC-1813 - Constitution II-class Type-2 (Cargo docks in saucer, sideways nacelles)
      USS Liberator - NCC-67016 - New Orleans-class
      USS Firebrand - NCC-68723 - Freedom-class
      *Attack Wing 1*
      USS Bellerophon - NCC-62048 - Nebula-class
      USS Yamaguchi - NCC-26510 - Ambassador-class

      *Attack Wing 2*
      USS Roma (Melbourne) - NCC-62451 (NCC-62043) - Excelsior-class Type-1
      USS Saratoga - NCC-31911 - Miranda-class Type-3

      *Attack Wing 3*
      USS Melbourne - NCC-62043-A - Nebula-class (Long range prototype)
      USS Tolstoy - NCC-62095 - Rigel-class
      USS Kyushu - NCC-65491 - New Orleans-class
      USS Righteous - NCC-42451 - Excelsior-class Type-1

      *Attack Wing 4*
      USS Chekov - NCC-57302 - Springfield-class
      USS Gage - NCC-11672 - Apollo-class
      USS Bonestell - NCC-31600 - Oberth-class

      *Attack Wing 5*
      USS Buran - NCC-57580 - Challenger-class
      USS Taurus - NCC-25127 - Excelsior-class Type-5 (similar to Curry-class)
      USS Pisces - NCC-16113 - Stingray-class (Constitution variant, Centaur-like scout)

      *Attack Wing 6*
      USS Tyrargo - NCC-29456 - Esmeralda-class (Ambassador variant with 4 nacelles)
      USS Hoagland - NCC-31842 - Miranda-class Type-1
      USS Torrens - NCC-28348 - Trent-class (small Ambassador era scout)

      *Attack Wing 7*
      USS Constance - NCC-10367 - Constellation-class
      USS Star League - NCC-2101 - Federation-class
      USS Leonov - NCC-20104 - Excelsior-class Type-3 (Early prototype design)
      *Attack Wing 8*
      USS Ahwahnee - NCC-71620 - Cheyenne-class
      USS Montoro - NCC-69721 - Diomos-class (Galaxy era variant)
      USS Demeter - NCC-26295 - Miranda-class Type-1

      *Attack Wing 9*
      USS Endeavour - NCC-71805 - Nebula-class
      USS Trent - NCC-27017 - Trent-class (small Ambassador era scout)
      USS Monarch - NCC-29995 - Renaissance-class (Ambassador era medium cruiser)

      *Attack Wing 10*
      USS Anesidora - NCC-26680 - Ambassador-class
      USS Roosevelt - NCC-2573 - Excelsior-class Type-2 (Enterprise-B Type)
      USS Pulsar - NCC-10508 - Constellation-class

      *Attack Wing 11*
      USS Columbia - NCC-37402 - Excelsior-class Type-1
      USS Paris - NCC-20818 - Excelsior-class Type-4 (Four nacelle variant)

      *Attack Wing 12*
      USS Yorktown - NCC-61137 - Zodiac-class (Nebula variant, upswept nacelles, phasers only)
      USS Rutherford - NCC-18353 - Miranda-class Type-4 (No rollbar, but phaser cannons remain)

    • @anymyo9882
      @anymyo9882 Год назад +27

      @@JTVFX1 You sir are awesome

    • @brianh1701
      @brianh1701 Год назад +8

      Wonderful work. Keep it up!

    • @esecallum
      @esecallum Год назад +14

      This should have been in Fist Contact but the miserable stingy bean counters did not allow it.

    • @destinycaptain247
      @destinycaptain247 Год назад +8

      Do I see a FASA games Klingon ship in their fleet.

  • @tiriusA
    @tiriusA Год назад +500

    This is not science, it is magic. You sir, are a wizard and I am completely blown away by these. Thank you for sharing it with us! :D

    • @shep9231
      @shep9231 Год назад +7


    • @JoeKawano
      @JoeKawano Год назад +2


    • @keithrees4755
      @keithrees4755 Год назад +5

      oooo so can't wait when he releases part 3 going to be very fun to watch

    • @sfeath520
      @sfeath520 10 месяцев назад +2

      Magnificent 🫡

    • @excrono
      @excrono 7 месяцев назад

      This is not science, it is ART!

  • @shininginshadows
    @shininginshadows Год назад +336

    The shots of Admiral Hanson were unexpected and well executed!

    • @fjh5249
      @fjh5249 Год назад +22

      Yeah that was seriously impressive, seeing him at his desk and on the bridge was very moving

    • @alexgataric
      @alexgataric 10 месяцев назад +3

      I was hoping he'd talk like CGI Tarkin in Rouge One but that'd be asking a lot :)

    • @excrono
      @excrono 10 месяцев назад +4

      Those still shots are like a prestige, so short you don’t notice but still get the jist.

  • @shep9231
    @shep9231 Год назад +106

    "My Friends. Songs will be sung of this day" - General Martok.
    All of us TNG fans have waited years for this. Thank you for bringing this creation into existence!

    • @JeffreyPiatt
      @JeffreyPiatt 5 месяцев назад +3

      Martok's actor was present on that day as Sisko's Vulcan Captain.

    • @shep9231
      @shep9231 3 месяца назад +3

      @@JeffreyPiatt I know. :)

    @MR2PROSHOOTER Год назад +117

    Love how USS Constance gets a mention shaws ship and the fleet shot looks like a early fleet formation form Picard season 3 very well done

  • @Silentnarcotic
    @Silentnarcotic Год назад +169

    This is unreal! The fact we are going to get one of the most historical battles in this franchise's lore... On behalf of the fan base we cannot thank you enough. As beautiful as the ships and the animations look, your interior renders, use of source material, just great! We are so privilidged to watch this and watch it done right!

    • @richarddennis3793
      @richarddennis3793 9 месяцев назад

      all i can say is YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

    • @CrazyTobster
      @CrazyTobster 9 месяцев назад

      This is epic. How did you get around copyright?

  • @cha02psc
    @cha02psc Год назад +82

    The inclusion of the Star Trek Borg footage was perfect. And the little nod to the Constance. This is absolutely spot on. Can’t wait for the conclusion!

  • @DangerousDac
    @DangerousDac Год назад +20

    Masterful. The Wolf 359 miniseries we could never get writ large.

  • @Lachie66
    @Lachie66 Год назад +124

    I didn’t get to grow up during the era of The Next Generation but you have given me a taste of what it must have felt like to anticipate the conclusion to The Best of Both Worlds cliffhanger. And the knowledge of knowing how the Battle of Wolf 359 actually pans out along with the music adds so much dread and tension. The Next Gen aesthetic has been superbly recreated. Truly amazing work. Thank you for this

    • @beepthemeep12
      @beepthemeep12 Год назад +6

      This was the same thing I was thinking. I'm waiting for the next episode. I mean theres no way the Federation can lose?...right?

    • @terrywest111
      @terrywest111 Год назад +10

      This why I truly believe that the Next Gen aesthetic would still work for new shows.

    • @Nergalsama01
      @Nergalsama01 Год назад +6

      Mhm. The video captures the old atmosphere really well. I like to think that those ships, the ones that arrived early at Wolf 359, must've felt a lot safer once the big taskforces showed up. 9 ships here, 16 ships there, plus more was on the way. Nobody could've anticipated that things would go that bad that fast. :(

    • @mathematics5573
      @mathematics5573 Год назад +3

      I recall some of the next part., Won't ruin it.

    • @Lachie66
      @Lachie66 Год назад +1

      @starwarslegends8583 Woahhhh true. I never thought of it like that. Unfortunately I didn’t have Part 1 on VCR and I watched Part 2 first 😣. So I went into Part 1 already knowing it was the Borg that wiped out that colony.

    @MR2PROSHOOTER Год назад +27

    It’s like a extended best of both worlds that’s how good this is

  • @StarTrekMarco
    @StarTrekMarco Год назад +127

    This is one of those rare moments (for me at least), where I give a thumbs up even before I saw the whole video. Didn't regret it a bit. And I LOVE your explanation for why there were two Melbournes at Wolf 359, simple, believable and well executed!

    • @johnwilson1851
      @johnwilson1851 Год назад +13

      Agreed...it's a perfect explanation for two Melbournes

  • @angryman2406
    @angryman2406 Год назад +33

    My dad and I always wanted to see more of THE Battle at Wolf 359; the snippet we got in DS9 has had to hold us over for all these years and as good as it was with giving us Sisko's character, we really wanted something like this. Amazing work!

  • @jbee3
    @jbee3 Год назад +11

    You got cliffhanger at the end just right, you magnificent bastard!

  • @RingLordSonic
    @RingLordSonic Год назад +58

    What a build up JTVFX you’re such a tease! Bloody good job btw :D

  • @jvstice56
    @jvstice56 Год назад +25

    The tension mounts and the intimidation factor of the cube is impressive.
    I'm enjoying this fan recreation. Can't wait for the main event. 😊

  • @Brendan1259
    @Brendan1259 Год назад +40

    Can't wait to see it, loved the fact you used the Borg cube approaching shot from First Contact due to it being one of the most Iconic visuals out there.

  • @sinisterintelligence3568
    @sinisterintelligence3568 Год назад +34

    It's like reliving the summer of 1990 all over again, thank you!!! I actually was born in '92, but still.

    • @kargaroc386
      @kargaroc386 Год назад +5

      Giving the youngins (which is a lot of people now lmao) a taste of what it was like, and that's great

    • @sinisterintelligence3568
      @sinisterintelligence3568 Год назад +1

      @@kargaroc386 Totally agree!!

    • @sfneurosurgeon
      @sfneurosurgeon 3 месяца назад +1

      Was in university back then and I watched TNG every week. Seeing the Borg episodes and Ryker come into his own as captain of the Enterprise was so enthralling. Thanks for these videos!!!

    • @josebrown5961
      @josebrown5961 Месяц назад +3

      I was just out of college and was TNG crazy. I recorded every episode and saved them. I watched BOBW 1 about 10 times that summer and waited with bated breath for the next season.
      Is Patrick Stewart leaving the show?
      Is the Enterprise going to get Riker for Captain?
      Does that mean Cmdr Shelby is going to be the new Number One?
      Well none of that happened but we had to wait for 3 months to find out!

  • @mito-pb8qg
    @mito-pb8qg Год назад +61

    Goosebumps all over. Good job. The Righteous blasting by with all she's got really drives home how much of a performance jump the Excelsiors once were.

    • @ChuloRob617
      @ChuloRob617 10 месяцев назад +1

      I just randomly found the other trailer and that was what I commented..GOOSEBUMPS! lol

    • @kargaroc386
      @kargaroc386 9 месяцев назад

      That's transwarp for you. (better known as "warp" once it replaced the warp 8 engine)

  • @Destructor111
    @Destructor111 Год назад +35

    Ok, now that I can think again: I continually stunned at how you UTTERLY nail the TNG model-work look. That shot of Admiral Hanson's Galaxy Class Stardrive flying around the camera has triggered sense memories of the equivalent stock shot of the 4-foot model each and every time. Absolutely amazing how you do that.
    There's something about the texturing of the windows and the motion blur settings that just completely nail it.
    GREAT job. I hope you're as happy with this as we all absolutely are.

  • @Mole9990
    @Mole9990 Год назад +27

    I felt like Garak in DS9. I really hoped the Klingon fleet would make it to Wolf 359. After I read the description, "They're going to miss a very interesting fight" with O'BRIEN's comment "I have a feeling we're going to miss having them." Well done!

    • @mahmoudsalaheddine8358
      @mahmoudsalaheddine8358 7 месяцев назад +1

      Still sad the klingons missed the battle, just imagine chants before the combat starts

  • @saquist
    @saquist Год назад +10

    Amazing work...I APPROVE the use of TWO Melbourne's transition to the new ship.

  • @ShannonCarter55
    @ShannonCarter55 Год назад +30

    😮 whoa. I loved what you did to get the footage of Admiral Hanson.

    • @NS6677
      @NS6677 Год назад +9

      Gotta love todays editing. It looks so good.

    • @saquist
      @saquist Год назад +13

      Yeah that first scene totally fooled me ....Whoa is that NEW Footage...until I realized it was a still image that was put in motion. Genius stuff.

    • @excrono
      @excrono 10 месяцев назад +5

      @@saquistThe shot was short enough where you didn’t overtly notice that but still got the intended value and perspective from it.

  • @dannyonana
    @dannyonana Год назад +10

    I heard USS Constance and I got chills + flashes of Lt Liam Shaw 😢

  • @Nergalsama01
    @Nergalsama01 Год назад +26

    I love the attention to detail here, like the Bellerophon and the Yamaguchi being assigned to the same attack wing, just like the Saratoga and the Excelsior-Melbourne. :) Good work! Looking forward to part 3.

  • @tranzphaziktorpedo
    @tranzphaziktorpedo Год назад +23

    Forget the interpretation! This (so far) is a MASTERPIECE! 😊❤ I'm loving all the elements you put into this; from Sisko all the way to Star Trek: Borg! Lol! I whooped at the sight of the USS Righteous and said, "Yeah! This is gonna be a good series of vids!" 😁 Keep this up! I am eagerly awaiting the next one... hopefully the full battle itself! WooHoo! Be safe and healthy! LLAP! 🖖😎

  • @DrummingWriterTrekfan84
    @DrummingWriterTrekfan84 Год назад +15

    Making everyones dreams of wolf 359 come true!!! Amazing!!!

  • @MKucheran
    @MKucheran Год назад +13

    I grew up on TNG, DS9, and VOY. One thing that always stood out to me was how we never truly did see Wolf 359 but it was often referred to and was clearly a major turning point event in starfleet’s history. I recently watched season 3 of Picard, not since those earliest days of watching TNG with my old man have I felt the same amount of joy and wonder. I woke up this morning with these things on my mind, and in my early morning foggy brained haze of making coffee and feeding the cats and dog I saw this post. Figuring it to be just some mash up of TNG and DS9 scenes, and clicked on it not expecting much.
    Boy, am I impressed. Seriously very well done. I am eagerly anticipating the next part.
    Wish my dad was still here. He would’ve loved Picard season 3 and he would’ve loved this video.
    Thank you.

  • @FR3SH180
    @FR3SH180 Год назад +12

    the ending is HYPE. 11,000 lives... gone in minutes. some of the best work I've seen. hopefully at some point we can see a battle of sector 001 shot like this. impressive man

  • @thethinkingcatakaneonormie3527
    @thethinkingcatakaneonormie3527 Год назад +79

    Wish Star Trek online had a battle of Wolf 359 as much like the Earth Romulan war it's one of those tantalisingly gaps in trek history

    • @tyranusfan
      @tyranusfan Год назад +5

      Way back when STO came out, I hoped that if you traveled to Wolf 359, there would be an encounter there where you could fight a Borg cube, but all they ever had was a ship graveyard. (Which was dumb, because Starfleet would leave all those hulls floating there.)

    • @L0kias1
      @L0kias1 Год назад

      @@tyranusfan it’s still there to this day if u log on

    • @adambrown6669
      @adambrown6669 Год назад

      There was a mission ages ago that did take place during the battle, you where onboard a ship facing off against next gen era borg drones, the mission involved Q hence why you ended up there in the first place.

    • @Debbiebabe69
      @Debbiebabe69 9 месяцев назад

      STO is set much later though, when SF tech was advanced enough that warships could happily engage cubes.

    • @coldestblood
      @coldestblood 5 месяцев назад +1

      It is in todays update!

  • @-GeordieDan-
    @-GeordieDan- Год назад +27

    This is ridiculous good. You’ve made the CG look like the production models and move just like those on the TNG era shows. The sound mixing/editing is excellent. Paramount should hire you. Especially if they ever remaster DS9/VOY for HD etc.

  • @scottkingentertains
    @scottkingentertains Год назад +23

    As someone who ran a Trek creative writing group for 15 years, and made 2 dozen “found footage” clip trailers, I must say that this is masterful story-telling. Kudos to you and your efforts.

    • @Armageist
      @Armageist Год назад +8

      People like you paved the way for this. Never forget that.

    • @josebrown5961
      @josebrown5961 Месяц назад

      Trek fans are the best.👍🏾

  • @nightrunner914
    @nightrunner914 Год назад +6

    You son of a gun, it keep getting better and better, I can’t wait for the next release

  • @mitchellwooldridge5118
    @mitchellwooldridge5118 Год назад +56

    SIMPLY STUNNING! This absolutely did not disappoint! Well done and can't wait for more! :D
    Edit: You even included footage from Star Trek: Borg --- nice touch! :)

    • @acmenipponair
      @acmenipponair 10 месяцев назад +2

      I just wanted to say, I know that footage... damn, that game was tense, even though it was only a quicktime movie :D

    • @mitchellwooldridge5118
      @mitchellwooldridge5118 10 месяцев назад

      @@acmenipponair Hugely underrated! The story, the acting, the sets and props, musical score - all fantastic! :)

  • @tempest20000
    @tempest20000 Год назад +15

    Fantastic. Great job. Can’t wait for the next part.

  • @fernandoqueirozpopovic7024
    @fernandoqueirozpopovic7024 Год назад +13

    holy mother of mercy this was such a wonderful build up.
    i can hardly even come up with a valid response to such a masterpiece, everything, from ship movements to the warp effects to the timeline of events, you went far above and beyond what any star trek fan creator could have thought of. you set the bar so high it's out of the galactic bounds.

  • @EmisoraRadioPatio
    @EmisoraRadioPatio Год назад +4

    You captured the sense of unpreparedness and desperation of the Federation during Best of Both Worlds.

  • @Hobbie375
    @Hobbie375 Год назад +11

    This is really well done and well thought out.
    Wish CBS/Paramount would support fan content more than they do. Having a Paramount + minisodes from fan creators could really help their streaming service

    • @kargaroc386
      @kargaroc386 Год назад +3

      I wish they would just leave it alone like they used to. They are *hurting themselves* by directly attacking their fans. Why would I want to engage with their beloved franchise if all it'll bring is pain and suffering.

  • @crownprincesebastianjohano7069
    @crownprincesebastianjohano7069 Год назад +19

    Brilliant. Your fleshing out of Hanson's role is terrific use of legacy footage and new material. I think this is quite important as I often believe people assume Starfleet was a little too smug in thinking they could stop the Borg at Wolf 359. On the contrary, Hanson was an extremely diligent and conscientious leader and his preparation and dispositions prior to the battle were of high quality. It just so happens that it is extremely difficult to defeat an enemy that knows one's tactics and doctrinal methods. A great example of the difficulty is the 1813 Campaign during the Napoleonic Wars wherein despite being one of the greatest generals of all time, Napoleon lost because his enemies were privy to his methods and had insights into his way of war thanks to his short-sighted attack on Sweden which led to one of his former Marshals, Bernadotte, forming the Sixth Coalition, and then creating the Allied campaign plan. With Picard assimilated by the Borg, Hanson's fleet stood little chance of victory no matter the admiral's planning and care. Well done!

    • @thedasher98
      @thedasher98 Год назад +5

      Great insights, there.👍🏾
      (Mind you, I felt both the Federation and Starfleet were definitely guilty of overconfidence regarding penetrating and settling planets on the other side of the wormhole in DS9…but that’s a whole other discussion, and, ofc, series🖖🏾)

    • @carolinehirst4921
      @carolinehirst4921 Год назад +2

      I wonder if the Kilingons had made it with 25 ships and some were Vorcha attack cruisers whetheer that would have changed the outcome.

    • @PaiSAMSEN
      @PaiSAMSEN Год назад

      @@carolinehirst4921 I doubt it would even make a different.
      We could argue about if Starfleet was underprepared and overconfident or not later, I doubt anyone can really be prepare to face something like the Borg. They were barely slowed down in what we saw in DS9:Emissary.

  • @spartan1171926
    @spartan1171926 Год назад +9

    Bravo!! Fantastic work and amazing attention to detail. Loved the scene where the fleet jumps to warp. Can’t wait for part 2 🤩🤩

  • @adrianwolf90
    @adrianwolf90 Год назад +7

    This is sooooo good. I always wanted to see the Wolf 359 incident in more detail than what we have seen on screen. Kudos to an amazing, amazing creation that captures the TNG vibes perfectly.

  • @Thunderchyld
    @Thunderchyld Год назад +4

    Side note--the Ready Room; the visuals...and the surprises---the music--this has it all...I can't wait for the next part!!

  • @somebuddyX
    @somebuddyX Год назад +6

    That was absolutely thrilling!
    I'd forgot Sisko was at Wolf 359 somehow. Seeing Avery Brooks pop up alongside JG Hertzler was a nice surprise. I like that you're pulling from a variety of sources like Star Trek: Borg. I think fans of that game would get a real kick out of seeing the footage and in nice quality. Just take your time with this and release whenever. I hope you're having fun making this because we all are watching it.

  • @jordancarson
    @jordancarson Год назад +7

    If Paramount actually gave Star Trek the budget back in those days, this would’ve been what I would imagine. Looking forward to the next video!

  • @mrredherring2900
    @mrredherring2900 Год назад +5

    Love that you gave those ships this elaborate background info. ❤👍

  • @captainwallisfx5143
    @captainwallisfx5143 Год назад +5

    This is perfection.

  • @jamesavalos4555
    @jamesavalos4555 Год назад +5

    What a cliffhanger.....outstanding!!! Amazing work 👏 🙌 👌 !!!

  • @calumscott8737
    @calumscott8737 Год назад +11

    Outstanding work, thank you to the JTVFX team!!

  • @CC-jb5id
    @CC-jb5id Год назад +4

    You’ve outdone yourself. That is incredible

  • @DrossRotzank
    @DrossRotzank 10 месяцев назад +68

    Fantastic work.

  • @captainyossarian388
    @captainyossarian388 Год назад +2

    Love that last scene of the slow flyby of the cube at a low angle, and then seeing the fleet waiting in the background.

  • @aldoaguirre8064
    @aldoaguirre8064 5 месяцев назад +1

    You literally had me at the edge of my seat bitting off my finger nails!!!
    What a superb masterpiece.
    It immediately took me back to 1993 when I saw my first episode of TNG... You brought tears of nostalgia, a time when most of us where still innocent little boys and girls still in Junior High School.
    Over 30 years of watching and playing all Star Trek series and PC games, this was the culmination of our Starfleet training!
    The epic battle of Wolf 359...
    I anxiously await part 👌of this 3-part masterpiece!!!

  • @nicholaswake1147
    @nicholaswake1147 Год назад +5

    Sir, your work is amazing. I want you to know that I've been looking forward to this since I saw part 1.

  • @stevefoster8185
    @stevefoster8185 Год назад +8

    Utterly superb! 👏

  • @lloydcameron9953
    @lloydcameron9953 Год назад +2

    Brilliant! Keep up the good work. Giving us something we should of seen the next generation episodes, looking forward to the battle scene

  • @noahletwinski6955
    @noahletwinski6955 Год назад +4

    Using the end credits them from the first part of best of both worlds at the end was an really nice touch despite the actual outcome. Awsome series of videos so far.

  • @Schalldampfer
    @Schalldampfer Год назад +6

    Wow! Again you surprised me with wonderful animation and story!! So glad u found a way to add in those clips of the Saratoga and Righteous crews! Also great job on adding in Hanson on board the Auriga. I can't wait to see the battle! Keep up the excellent work!!

  • @diegofranco7500
    @diegofranco7500 Год назад +9

    Whoa! I feel any compliment I could give you would be an understatement. You did an amazing job, gave me goosebumps. Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

  • @filigrant
    @filigrant Год назад +7

    This is amazing!!!! It's incredible how you got the effects and pacing right, almost as if it were actually made in the same time as the original show... Some of the best fan fiction out there... 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @ConstitutionNCC1700
    @ConstitutionNCC1700 Год назад +3

    Outstanding. Nice touch turning the JTVFX logo Borg green at the end there.

  • @KardboardKenny
    @KardboardKenny Год назад +5

    more proof that the fans are doing the best work.

  • @NLaertes
    @NLaertes Год назад +5

    Star Trek Borg! Great tie-in/crossover with the USS Righteous

  • @omnoplea
    @omnoplea Год назад +11

    Utterly fantastic. One day this should be added into the Blu-ray editions of BoB Parts 1 and 2. You do incredible work, and make us true Star Trek fans proud.

    • @Clenched.Cheeks
      @Clenched.Cheeks Год назад +3

      My skills are nowhere near this guy's skills with editing. But I might just make that a project of mine to integrate everything together into an extended version. I wonder if JTVFX would be kind enough to sell the original files to me.

    • @brendanstone3073
      @brendanstone3073 Год назад

      @@Clenched.Cheeks There might be other worthwhile versions one could make from this, such as a 'VHS-recorded August 1990' edition.

  • @michaelrae8595
    @michaelrae8595 Год назад +4

    OUTSTANDING!!! Thank you for creating these scenes that fans have wanted to see for decades.
    Can't wait for the next part!!!

  • @Alan1701b
    @Alan1701b Год назад +6

    Absolutely superb! Amazing attention to detail and great memory for also remembering Star Trek: Borg was in part set during this time too...*chef's kiss*! Great work! Well done! I'm eagerly looking forward to Part III!

  • @mrhay2u
    @mrhay2u Год назад +4

    I love the fact that the detail you put in such as the constitution refit not many people know that one was in the wreckage at wolf 359

    • @et3inuyasha
      @et3inuyasha 6 месяцев назад +1

      It was the USS Republic, NCC-1371

  • @SpyHardsPodcast
    @SpyHardsPodcast Год назад +6

    This is truly phenomenal work. I honestly cannot wait for the conclusion.

  • @1stSgtFritz
    @1stSgtFritz Год назад +2

    I was in the Gulf for the first war when TBOBW aired. My brother sent it to me on vhs. That final music cue still give me chills. I was so pissed that the episode ended there I started throwing folding chairs aroun our tent. No one could understand why I was so upset…
    Great job!

  • @user-jt6dp1rb6e
    @user-jt6dp1rb6e Год назад +4

    OMG!!! I can't wait for part III. Incredible work.

  • @martind4721
    @martind4721 Год назад +4

    Really awesome stuff, you make the Kind of Star Trek so many people want to See and it is truly amazing, don't let anyone Tell you otherwise!!

  • @the7percentsolution
    @the7percentsolution Год назад +3

    AHHHHH!!! I LOVE the use of the Saratoga and use of clips from DS9! Brilliant!

  • @hornet718
    @hornet718 Год назад +1

    FANTASTIC!!!! I got those old time goosebumps waiting for the next episode!!!

  • @the7percentsolution
    @the7percentsolution Год назад +6

    Omg and the Borg PC game too??? You were super thorough with this. I'm loving every second of it!

    • @pferreira1983
      @pferreira1983 Год назад +1

      I may have mentioned something in a video somewhere. 😎

  • @Questara
    @Questara Год назад +9

    Awesome work! This is great!

  • @AdmiralKarelia
    @AdmiralKarelia 9 месяцев назад +1

    Ooh, I love those Enterprise-style flybys of the Excelsior-class. That ship deserved more than a few guest roles in movies and episodes.

  • @NarianaZone
    @NarianaZone 11 месяцев назад +2

    This way cool. More please...more please! Awesome job!

  • @thegreenmanofnorwich
    @thegreenmanofnorwich Год назад +4

    I absolutely love it. I really like that you made an effort with the Melbourne registry and that Thomas Holloway gets a mention. I love that youve created soemthing closer to the earlier Borg cubes, but also recreated that shot from First Contact.

    • @excrono
      @excrono 10 месяцев назад

      Makes you think about how the Battle of Wolf 359 would have played out in the alternate Picard pacifist timeline from “Tapestry” where Holloway survived as captain of the Enterprise in season 6 due to his cowardice.
      Would the Borg have assimilated Holloway as Locutus instead of Picard? Obviously the the Enterprise still succeeded in destroying the Cube.

  • @markequinox
    @markequinox 5 месяцев назад +14

    When a fan produces something 10x more entertaining, thoughtful and creative then official Star Trek.

  • @toocooldogs3596
    @toocooldogs3596 Год назад +2

    Awesome!!! I've often thought that a "Wolf 359" miniseries, depicting various ships at the battle would be a good idea. We'll done!

  • @uwecwiz
    @uwecwiz Год назад +4

    Really great stuff here. Just excellent.

  • @TadeoDOria
    @TadeoDOria Год назад +4

    Beautiful work, I love the 3D style insets you did for Hanson in his office and the Righteous crew!

  • @JoshuaSchwiemLRX707
    @JoshuaSchwiemLRX707 Год назад +3

    Okay the ending with the armada in fleet formation shapes similar to S3 of Picard... Absolutely incredible. Very very well done! Hopeful for more to come!

  • @Bringer33
    @Bringer33 11 месяцев назад +7

    Can't wait for part 3!

  • @brandonbrooks2845
    @brandonbrooks2845 Год назад +4

    That was too fun to watch, great job, can't wait to see the next segment!

  • @tizianodangelo6247
    @tizianodangelo6247 Год назад +2

    Everything I dreamed they would show us when I first heard about Wolf 359...it's finally coming to fruition, thank you very much!

  • @darrenjaundrill2010
    @darrenjaundrill2010 Год назад +3

    I've said it before and I'll say again - this is fantastic work. Truly. Well done to you and all those involved. Keep it up!

  • @nbrindlow
    @nbrindlow Год назад +8

    Superb work! Really looking forward to the conclusion.

    • @saquist
      @saquist Год назад +2

      I truly hope the battle is intricate and not just a bunch of ships firing at the cube.

    • @brendanstone3073
      @brendanstone3073 Год назад

      "And now, the conclusion."
      I was really hoping to hear that in PIC:S3, but I'm glad what they did instead.

  • @vialupa1779
    @vialupa1779 Год назад +7

    The job is really good and well done

  • @logicplague
    @logicplague Год назад +4

    Can you imagine what it was like being on one of those ships, waiting three months to find out if the Enterprise stopped the Borg? Unbelievable.

  • @Firefox13A
    @Firefox13A Год назад +4

    Amazing work. Really adds to the lore with the right tone.

  • @ange1uk
    @ange1uk Год назад +3

    Superb work, can't wait for Part 3!

  • @voyagesfanfilm
    @voyagesfanfilm Год назад +4

    Amazing work! Love that you included Star Trek: Borg into the story as well! :D

  • @michaelmayhill5464
    @michaelmayhill5464 Год назад +1

    Just outstanding work. Very exciting. Can’t wait for Part 3

  • @joestewart6027
    @joestewart6027 Год назад +3

    You sir are a very talented artist. I have loved the videos! GREAT work!

  • @jestermazza5212
    @jestermazza5212 Год назад +4

    I love how you incorporated the Star Trek Borg PC game into this! Quality work Sir!

  • @UESPA_Sputnik
    @UESPA_Sputnik Год назад +8

    The visuals look stunning! And not only that, they look like they're coming right from early 90s Trek. They don't have that artificial feel to them, like most modern CGI. Very impressive! I also liked how you used audio snippets from Sisko and Martok.
    One minor nitpick: if the Saratoga was in Drydock right before the battle, why didn't they drop off the civilians? I always assumed that they were on a mission and didn't have the chance to drop them off before the battle.

    • @ShannonCarter55
      @ShannonCarter55 Год назад +2

      Probably had only just arrived and was beginning to overload but got cancelled without time to finish.

    • @TheLAGopher
      @TheLAGopher Год назад

      It would make sense that the civilians on the Saratoga were the families of the Bridge Crew's most senior officers
      who would have been brought aboard and settled first as a privilage of rank,but would have been the last to be sent
      ashore as part of the senior most officers (and their families in the case of a civilian evacuation) being expected to be the last off as part of the same traditions.
      It's also possible that the older smaller Mirandas and even Excelsiors, which were not optimized like the Galaxys and Nebulas
      for long term deep space exploration, and had more limited berthing space, may have limited families to those of senior officers as a privilage of rank.

  • @toddwatson7381
    @toddwatson7381 Год назад +3

    Outstanding!! Absolutely amazing!! I appreciate the hard work you have done and enjoy your keeping to cannon and making visuals of all things mentioned from the original episode as well as including updated information we learn about later in Trek lore ( ie USS Constance ).
    Thanks again and I look forward to part 3

  • @anymyo9882
    @anymyo9882 Год назад +6

    Cant wait for part 3!

  • @dannyonana
    @dannyonana Год назад +1

    I'm amazed and cannot wait for part 3!!

  • @mintydog06
    @mintydog06 Год назад +2

    Bloody amazing!! It managed to give me chills throughout! A 30 year old battle that I know exactly how it's going to end, and I had chills! BOBW never gets old, never stops feeling amazing.
    Thank you for doing these amazing videos, I can't wait for Part 3.

  • @stevenwyatt1670
    @stevenwyatt1670 Год назад +3

    Beautiful - this has been a pleasure to watch, all I can say is thank you for bringing this to light!