21:58 "The only way you can get all the teeth in, the tongue in the mouth and not in the throat, and an airway that doesn't collapse at night is to create a really good looking face." I don't think many people understand what he's saying completely. Beauty isn't just about vanity...it represents health and function. This is why so many people seek it out.
completely agree, in fact you don't even have to change the entirety of you facial bones like we think with mewing. There's people with "Hunter" facial bones that are not good looking, and probably not healthy. And you can have a healthy face on a "craniofacial dystrophy" face, that will look beautifull (and original). A funny thing to point out is that a happy face is a beautifull face, so the best lifting ever is to be happy
I heard a biologist once say "beauty is the promise of function, and unattractiveness is the promise of failure"....if 70% of men have no success on dating apps, what does this tell us?
@@esh3325 Yup, woman strive for attractiveness and thus have better health and function. Maybe it's even why we live longer. If we're talking about biology, woman are wired to choose the strongest men and/or men that will protect them in face of danger so they can carry children. You're completely right. Half these men on tinder likely don't fit that mold, But also to credit men, tinder is unrealistic, it's been proven that you skew your sense of choices because there are literally so many "options." Many woman would date the person in real life but were noted that they would have "swiped-left" in tinder. It's not an accurate representation of real life.
im here completely impressed with the thumbnail example and they barely talked about it, i wanna see more of these surgeries that mimic natural development for once instead of just kids stuff
Hello. A few years ago, I learned about your father's invention and started using his method. At that time, I was 40 years old and had many health problems, starting with scoliosis of the thoracic spine and starting with dislocation of the jaw joint and deformation of the lower jaw. Your father's method literally saved my disfigured face. Now I am in your country because there is a war in my country (I am a refugee from Ukraine). I am very sorry that a brilliant invention is unrecognized in the homeland of my genius. With respect and gratitude, your online patient.
I am 40 and have the same features you describe: scoliosis, asymmetric jaw/face, etc. I started mewing 1.5 months ago but I just noticed sleep apnea events so I am scared. Did you notice sleep apnea at first?
@@helloairglow yes, I have the same issue unfortunately. It is caused because of postural (not skeletal) changes caused by mewing. The head tends to get pulled back correcting any forward head posture after a while on mewing. This also unfortunately reduces the size of the airway. Long term, any skeletal changes caused by mewing would improve sleep apnea. But in the short term, you would need to adjust the sleep posture (mimicking forward head posture) while sleeping. This will keep the airway open reducing apnea.
@@MegaLeoben How do you adjust sleep posture? Higher pillow? Or left side sleep with bit of forward head? And how do you know what you are saying is correct? I am really scared… I mewed 3 years ago for 1 year and noticed good changes without the sleep apnea
@@helloairglow I do double pillows sleep on my stomach with forward heard posture. My apnea events drop from 13 to 1. Terrible for posture I know but helps with apnea.
Food for thought at 37:22 "One of the big concerns that I have with the adult community who is trying to use posture alone (all these adult Mewers) to improve their airway will actually create an environment where they increase their sleep apnea."
So does that mean that adults are not recommended to try mewing? The messages are very mixed concerning this. I feel like there needs to be a better overview video on this channel (for the everyday viewer) of the techniques employed in their treatment and who these techniques are recommended for. If they're not for adults to try then they need to be much clearer on this point. If the goal is to improve public health, then give all of the knowledge necessary for it. Otherwise there will be a lot of average people being misinformed still. If there are comprehensive videos on this, please could someone enlighten me.
@@KunoichiKasumi it's not a matter of being adult or not but if you have enough tongue space. If you don't you shouldn't start Mewing. I agree this channel needs a simple and clean overview video and it should include some sort of test to check if you have enough tongue space.
He’s out of Alberta? Nice. I’m there. I got a Septoplasty with turb reduction in December which opened me up enough to properly Mew. So far I’ve gone from 32mm intermolar width to 34mm. I’m 36 years old.
@@MegaLeoben My teeth aren’t angled outward now or anything. I measure from the point where the tooth meets the gums so a tilt wouldn’t affect it really anyway. Or are you saying the teeth may be staying straight but migrating further outward on the bone?
43:58 "Please proof me wrong.. Please show me what i can learn from you.." That's ironic when people around me are trying so hard to be "appear as the best" or "appear as the rightest".
You were taking about Dr Wolford, then at 12:36 it’s stated “then what HE did was…” and shows an article by someone other than Dr wolford, and starts describing a 2-part surgery where the jaw is widened, left to heal, then moved forward in another surgery. But WHO is doing this 2-part surgery? The article doesn’t state Dr Wolford as a contributor. Also…if cuts are made to allow the maxilla to expand, I believe the MAXILLA ONLY is expanding. If you extended WITHOUT making the surgical cuts, then tried to expand the maxilla, you will expand the midface as well. Which also allows the nasal volume to expand, and assists in the treatment of nasal breathing and hence assists in treatment of sleep apnea.
Yes, agreed. And I think that's what a lot of people miss, the fact that, if there are no surgical cuts, the expansion can also have drastic benefits on the nasal volume which I think we tend to underestimate
Excellent Video. It all makes sense. I wish more dental/facial specialists would get it too. This pretty much focuses on child development, which is hugely important, but what about the adults such as myself which suffer from sleep apnea and all of the attributes which may come along with it?? (Excessive vertical dimension with narrow face that has grown clockwise) What predictable treatment can we have done?
Great discussion. Unfortunately Simon referred me to full facial reconstruction in Spain when I was about 16. Thankfully I avoided that and am on a non-surgical approach which is aiding the development of my jaw
@@juanvi3979 im not sure what surgery the person in the video got sorry. The slide before the before and after photos of the man mentions "5mm genio advancement"
Why would it be unfortunate to have facial reconstruction? I've been trying non-surgical methods for a couple years now and found no luck so I'm considering surgery.
20:40 "Rise in Neurodiversity".... really interesting point. I was just found to have ADHD, at 33 years old, and am also convinced I have autism (although that assessment was inconclusive). I am a mouth breather, find great difficulty breathing through my nose (it feels like breathing through a straw), sometimes stop breathing during the night then wake up gasping for air, have dealt with severe fatigue my whole life.... I had to have a pallet expander as a kid and still feel like my tongue doesn't fit in my mouth sometimes. Have been very self-conscious of my profile in recent years... chin is not as far out as it should be, have some swelling in my cheeks near my nose and mouth, no cheekbones or jawline. Just really interesting to ponder if it all might be connected.
At 16:36 the presenter keeps saying “he….” “He…” To which “he” is the presenter referring? At 21:25 he said “Stanley said my goal is to…” So is “Stanley” the “he” that the presenter is referencing?
so is it okay to improve the posture to get better airway while having a cross bite and not making it worse (asymmetrical face, etc) ? what should be done first?
I personally domt have research obviously but my personal experience is yes. I started mwinf with quite an unsymmetrical face (I still have one, but no where near as much) and it's worked out fine. I can breathe better and as far as I know no damage and it's gotten better
Im wondering if anyone around here could give me some advice - to give some background I am now 17 and was a mouth breather since a child and had developed some overcrowding, just over a year ago I started braces as I was self conscious about the overcrowding. Only recently, after having 4 premolar extractions had I discovered orthotrophics and did research on mewing, chewing, expanding the palate etc. Then recently I had decided to visit an orthodontist who also practices myofunctional therapy and is against the traditional dentistry such as extractions etc. We had a discussion and what he said made sense to me and some I had already known from doing a lot of research, he explained how I have a tongue tie due to my habits as a child and because I had trouble with breastfeeding. He pointed out the downswing of my mandible and how it can’t properly be fixed without visiting a maxillofacial surgeon, he said he could try to expand the palate but that there would be a large open bite between the top and bottom teeth which would lead to further problems. He says the only option for me as of now is to continue the good habits I have discovered such as nose breathing, mouth taping etc, but to actually fix the facial structure I will need surgery. Also he is the only dentist on my island that practices this so there isn’t really another opinion I can get. I don’t see myself being able to afford surgery for now and it feels like something I might have to live with although I am not severely recessed just that my palate is high arched and mandible downswung. I don't feel like I am severely ugly and continue to work on myself everyday in terms of gym, diet etc. If the case came that in the coming years surgery became an option for me, which would mean upper and lower jaw surgery, followed by releasing my tongue tie and learning myofunctional therapy to allow me to have natural tongue posture, would you advise someone in my position to go ahead with it, or to continue improving myself as I am, but learn to live with the possible health and aesthetic affects that came with my childhood bad habits. Thanks
I am 36 and started treatment with a DNA appliance to expand my palate about a month ago. I do not (yet) have enough room in my palate to raise my tongue fully to the roof of my mouth, and my dentist mentioned possible tongue tie release down the road during treatment. I had third molars extracted around age 20, and definitely my tongue tends to fall back into my throat while sleeping. Point being, I relate to your situation, except I did not learn about orthotropics until I was around 30. It took me six years to feel like I was ready to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak, and get treatment. I spent months trying to mew on my own, as they discuss in the video, but in retrospect it got me nowhere because my mouth was just too small for my tongue to get things going in the right direction. That may or may not be your situation. Regarding surgery, I would think it much preferable to go the route of an appliance (Bioblock, DNA, AGGA, etc) that gradually expands your palate, rather than go under the knife. An expander at least lets your body do the growing, slowly, over time, the way it was meant to. Even if it takes you 5, 10, or 15 years to get treatment, it is worth waiting to get the kind of treatment that is right for you. Get a second opinion, because surgery is far from the only option, and it is definitely not the best option from my understanding.
Hi, Dr Mike mew. Why do you promote Bio block which is a tooth borne or hyrax expander when you could be using pure borne expanders? Tooth borne and hyrax both have a high chance of causing TMJ and don't acknowledge the actual issue which is narrow Jaws.
The Bioblock is nothing like hyrax. And it addresses the very issue of narrow jaws very effectively. Look up videos about it on this channel. It works very differently from traditional expanders if used correctly.
Is it normal for a person to switch their tongue posture within a day. I can’t naturally do it and forget like people who have always had good tongue posture but at the start of the day it was impossible but now I can hold it indefinitely. Another thing is my Essix retainer makes it hard to keep the suction and is sharp on my tongue, any work around or should I permanently take it out? I’m 17 and have had braces which have ruined my jaw line and side profile. Never been a mouth breather but I could’ve done with learning about tongue posture when I was much younger 😂. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication ❤❤❤
I have a question does removing of the wisdom teeth change the structure of your face like make it more defined. Couse now after i got mine removed i can mew so much easier without feeling pain in my teeth like before
Refinement of jaw or spot reduction of muscle mass in the mandible can be done with or without wisdom teeth extractions I would Say the only thing that would happen if You are an adult and You had your wisdom teeth removed,is that You are essentially getting more Surface area for the palate to expand when mewing
I have overbite too you should pull back your tongue to the throat it can help but not totally you can get double jaw surgery in South India under 6k his name is Richardson something like that I'm going to get double jaw surgery and genioplasty
That's kind of what I'm getting. For an adult, especially above 30, it seems like surgery would be the only option :/ ... Don't take my word for it though, do your research, but it seems to be what they are pointing at, without really saying it.
@@rasn NO, you should look into surgery, orthodontics by its very definition only makes things worse, lenghens the face and forces you to not use your jaw muscles, only benefit beign aligning the teeth wich doesnt improve your face overall and doesnt improve your health either
@@aguspuig6615 Nah, it depends. I'm using invisalign and they gave me elastics for an underbite. It's pulling my mandible forward and my jaw back. So it's actually providing forward growth to my face + mewing. Surgery is worse than braces. Underbites happen because of misalignment of the jaw, not due to overgrowth of the jaw.
@@rasn you are wrong bro, I used elastics thinking the same thing and the only thing they do is move your teeth, not your jaw, my chin is still recessed
@@jayjiber lmao why are you saying I'm wrong when u dont even know me. Even my friends have pointed out that my jaw got smaller. It's literally used for under/overbites. Just cause it didn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work for anybody.
Hello. I am at 29 years old. I am doing bioblocs and will next month be doing my own independent xRays to see if there is bone movement or teeth tilting. MSE can and does work on adults if you weaken the suture somehow. Curtipuncture maybe? Edit: 8 months treatment so far. I have befores and will get afters.
@@antonioarmando1938 Thanks for your comment; i am very interested in your progression, please do share with us all how it turns out for you. Wish you good luck and that you may get maximum expansion. I am trying to find MSE but where i live there are no providers......only Hyrax which i do prefer not to take.....Biobloc is also very difficult to get here alas...very far away from where i live and my age makes it even more difficult.
I‘m really new to this. So I started this „mewing“ by placing my tongue at the top of my throat and pressing like hell. I do get a really weird burning sensation like I never had before in this area. I think it could be the lacto acid building up as my tongue muscles are not adapted to such stress🤔. I‘m a chemist, not a biologist🤷🏻♂️.
as an adult posture is more for keeping things good as oposed to creating actual growth, you should get surgery and then mantain the results with good habits, also for jaw withd do some chewing, it really helps
I’m sure feeling better about himself, improved respirations, and the positive attention he now receives say otherwise and has nothing to do with him being lazy.
@@Bestiola I didn't say that you can't, its just not guaranteed because it requires a lot of patience and discipline. plus I haven't see any real proof it can work for people over 14.
21:58 "The only way you can get all the teeth in, the tongue in the mouth and not in the throat, and an airway that doesn't collapse at night is to create a really good looking face." I don't think many people understand what he's saying completely. Beauty isn't just about vanity...it represents health and function. This is why so many people seek it out.
completely agree, in fact you don't even have to change the entirety of you facial bones like we think with mewing. There's people with "Hunter" facial bones that are not good looking, and probably not healthy. And you can have a healthy face on a "craniofacial dystrophy" face, that will look beautifull (and original). A funny thing to point out is that a happy face is a beautifull face, so the best lifting ever is to be happy
I heard a biologist once say "beauty is the promise of function, and unattractiveness is the promise of failure"....if 70% of men have no success on dating apps, what does this tell us?
@@esh3325 men earn puberty through wrestling and fighting in most cultures.
@@esh3325 Yup, woman strive for attractiveness and thus have better health and function. Maybe it's even why we live longer. If we're talking about biology, woman are wired to choose the strongest men and/or men that will protect them in face of danger so they can carry children. You're completely right. Half these men on tinder likely don't fit that mold,
But also to credit men, tinder is unrealistic, it's been proven that you skew your sense of choices because there are literally so many "options." Many woman would date the person in real life but were noted that they would have "swiped-left" in tinder. It's not an accurate representation of real life.
It makes perfect sense for us to be innately attracted to healthy faces.
8:15 airway
10:12 moving bones /relapse
17:12 Adjustments to jaw to teeth/mouth
21:58 Growth development/ bone structure/posture
28:00 appliance/posture
30:20 Everything forward, better function
32:20 wisdom teeth fitting
38:20 Mewing
Hey pls could tell me what surgery that guy got? idk much English Ty :)
"Everything" forward? Even the head/neck?
im here completely impressed with the thumbnail example and they barely talked about it, i wanna see more of these surgeries that mimic natural development for once instead of just kids stuff
Same, me too. That's really why I clicked on the video. Was hoping to hear more about hat.
It's called double jaw surgery, look up the channel "Instituto Maxilofacial Barcelona", they post great results on their channel
Mike mew joe Rogan podcast
He was mentioned to Joe Rogan once by Ben Greenfield.
Maybe he can recommend him to Rogan.
Lets make it happen
How can we make this Happen??
Should happen. Definately.
And how do we do that?
Hello. A few years ago, I learned about your father's invention and started using his method. At that time, I was 40 years old and had many health problems, starting with scoliosis of the thoracic spine and starting with dislocation of the jaw joint and deformation of the lower jaw. Your father's method literally saved my disfigured face. Now I am in your country because there is a war in my country (I am a refugee from Ukraine). I am very sorry that a brilliant invention is unrecognized in the homeland of my genius. With respect and gratitude, your online patient.
Which method are you talking about? Mewing?
I am 40 and have the same features you describe: scoliosis, asymmetric jaw/face, etc. I started mewing 1.5 months ago but I just noticed sleep apnea events so I am scared. Did you notice sleep apnea at first?
@@helloairglow yes, I have the same issue unfortunately. It is caused because of postural (not skeletal) changes caused by mewing. The head tends to get pulled back correcting any forward head posture after a while on mewing. This also unfortunately reduces the size of the airway. Long term, any skeletal changes caused by mewing would improve sleep apnea. But in the short term, you would need to adjust the sleep posture (mimicking forward head posture) while sleeping. This will keep the airway open reducing apnea.
@@MegaLeoben How do you adjust sleep posture? Higher pillow? Or left side sleep with bit of forward head? And how do you know what you are saying is correct? I am really scared… I mewed 3 years ago for 1 year and noticed good changes without the sleep apnea
@@helloairglow I do double pillows sleep on my stomach with forward heard posture. My apnea events drop from 13 to 1. Terrible for posture I know but helps with apnea.
Food for thought at 37:22 "One of the big concerns that I have with the adult community who is trying to use posture alone (all these adult Mewers) to improve their airway will actually create an environment where they increase their sleep apnea."
So does that mean that adults are not recommended to try mewing? The messages are very mixed concerning this. I feel like there needs to be a better overview video on this channel (for the everyday viewer) of the techniques employed in their treatment and who these techniques are recommended for. If they're not for adults to try then they need to be much clearer on this point. If the goal is to improve public health, then give all of the knowledge necessary for it. Otherwise there will be a lot of average people being misinformed still.
If there are comprehensive videos on this, please could someone enlighten me.
@@KunoichiKasumi it's not a matter of being adult or not but if you have enough tongue space. If you don't you shouldn't start Mewing. I agree this channel needs a simple and clean overview video and it should include some sort of test to check if you have enough tongue space.
I started mewing two months ago and my sleep quality decreased, noticed some sleep apnea events.
@@hankdendrijver how do i know if i have enough tongue space?
@@hankdendrijver how does one know that?
Notice how her neck posture improved also tremendously after bio block treatment. 35:40
Excellent video. I would like to see more information on the treatments being done for adults in the Orthotropic sphere.
Me too. It's always about children on this channel.
Yes. Very few dentists/orthodontists in my country even have understanding about this.
Very good 👍 I will always watch this channel
Excellent comments starting at 31:53 regarding how to determine what is a healthy profile.
Bro's jawline is impeccable
He’s out of Alberta? Nice. I’m there. I got a Septoplasty with turb reduction in December which opened me up enough to properly Mew. So far I’ve gone from 32mm intermolar width to 34mm. I’m 36 years old.
Hell yeah, age doesn’t matter. Just takes longer for us
@@yo_stephen Yeah and it’s something that doesn’t take up extra time. May as well give it a go.
That’s likely tooth movement not bone.
@@MegaLeoben My teeth aren’t angled outward now or anything. I measure from the point where the tooth meets the gums so a tilt wouldn’t affect it really anyway. Or are you saying the teeth may be staying straight but migrating further outward on the bone?
Hello pls could tell me what surgery that guy got? idk much English Ty :)
43:58 "Please proof me wrong.. Please show me what i can learn from you.."
That's ironic when people around me are trying so hard to be "appear as the best" or "appear as the rightest".
You were taking about Dr Wolford, then at 12:36 it’s stated “then what HE did was…” and shows an article by someone other than Dr wolford, and starts describing a 2-part surgery where the jaw is widened, left to heal, then moved forward in another surgery. But WHO is doing this 2-part surgery? The article doesn’t state Dr Wolford as a contributor.
Also…if cuts are made to allow the maxilla to expand, I believe the MAXILLA ONLY is expanding. If you extended WITHOUT making the surgical cuts, then tried to expand the maxilla, you will expand the midface as well. Which also allows the nasal volume to expand, and assists in the treatment of nasal breathing and hence assists in treatment of sleep apnea.
Yes, agreed. And I think that's what a lot of people miss, the fact that, if there are no surgical cuts, the expansion can also have drastic benefits on the nasal volume which I think we tend to underestimate
Excellent Video. It all makes sense.
I wish more dental/facial specialists would get it too.
This pretty much focuses on child development, which is hugely important, but what about the adults such as myself which suffer from sleep apnea and all of the attributes which may come along with it?? (Excessive vertical dimension with narrow face that has grown clockwise)
What predictable treatment can we have done?
Great discussion.
Unfortunately Simon referred me to full facial reconstruction in Spain when I was about 16. Thankfully I avoided that and am on a non-surgical approach which is aiding the development of my jaw
I wish you all the best with the heavy current situation Dr Mew!
Hello pls could tell me what surgery that guy got? idk much English Ty :)
@@juanvi3979 im not sure what surgery the person in the video got sorry. The slide before the before and after photos of the man mentions "5mm genio advancement"
Why would it be unfortunate to have facial reconstruction? I've been trying non-surgical methods for a couple years now and found no luck so I'm considering surgery.
Hi! What non surgical approach?
This is a gold mine
21:26 here for this banger of a thumbnail 👽
20:40 "Rise in Neurodiversity".... really interesting point. I was just found to have ADHD, at 33 years old, and am also convinced I have autism (although that assessment was inconclusive). I am a mouth breather, find great difficulty breathing through my nose (it feels like breathing through a straw), sometimes stop breathing during the night then wake up gasping for air, have dealt with severe fatigue my whole life.... I had to have a pallet expander as a kid and still feel like my tongue doesn't fit in my mouth sometimes. Have been very self-conscious of my profile in recent years... chin is not as far out as it should be, have some swelling in my cheeks near my nose and mouth, no cheekbones or jawline. Just really interesting to ponder if it all might be connected.
Look into MSE for that extremely poor nasal flow you mention.
3:51 thats why you dont put your whole tongue up if youre an adult, just some of it to make expansion start rolling
What do we do as adults to get this 3 dimensional expansion?
Okay so what about for adults that present with vertical facial growth? What’s the best course of action?
Amazing video!!
At 16:36 the presenter keeps saying “he….”
To which “he” is the presenter referring?
At 21:25 he said “Stanley said my goal is to…”
So is “Stanley” the “he” that the presenter is referencing?
He is referring to Stanley Liu,the first author on the DOME paper that was referenced
Was that girls transformation cause completely by proper oral posture via the appliance? No other appliances were used?
I been hearing from Dr. Gould that deficiency in vitamin D cause sleep apnea, any thoughts?
man i just realized how messed up my jaw is even with a reasonable jaw line and few crooked teeth
Which podcast combination should come first?
Mike Mew x Jaw Hacks
Mike Mew x Tim Ferriss
Mike Mew x Russell Brand
so is it okay to improve the posture to get better airway while having a cross bite and not making it worse (asymmetrical face, etc) ? what should be done first?
I personally domt have research obviously but my personal experience is yes. I started mwinf with quite an unsymmetrical face (I still have one, but no where near as much) and it's worked out fine. I can breathe better and as far as I know no damage and it's gotten better
So, the only option for adults is surgery? How does one find surgeons that are airway-focused?
Dr. Reza Movahed
Thanks a lot. Please try to inform us more about your opinion on distraction osteogenesis, specially about the aesthetic outcome.
Im wondering if anyone around here could give me some advice - to give some background I am now 17 and was a mouth breather since a child and had developed some overcrowding, just over a year ago I started braces as I was self conscious about the overcrowding. Only recently, after having 4 premolar extractions had I discovered orthotrophics and did research on mewing, chewing, expanding the palate etc. Then recently I had decided to visit an orthodontist who also practices myofunctional therapy and is against the traditional dentistry such as extractions etc.
We had a discussion and what he said made sense to me and some I had already known from doing a lot of research, he explained how I have a tongue tie due to my habits as a child and because I had trouble with breastfeeding. He pointed out the downswing of my mandible and how it can’t properly be fixed without visiting a maxillofacial surgeon, he said he could try to expand the palate but that there would be a large open bite between the top and bottom teeth which would lead to further problems.
He says the only option for me as of now is to continue the good habits I have discovered such as nose breathing, mouth taping etc, but to actually fix the facial structure I will need surgery. Also he is the only dentist on my island that practices this so there isn’t really another opinion I can get. I don’t see myself being able to afford surgery for now and it feels like something I might have to live with although I am not severely recessed just that my palate is high arched and mandible downswung. I don't feel like I am severely ugly and continue to work on myself everyday in terms of gym, diet etc.
If the case came that in the coming years surgery became an option for me, which would mean upper and lower jaw surgery, followed by releasing my tongue tie and learning myofunctional therapy to allow me to have natural tongue posture, would you advise someone in my position to go ahead with it, or to continue improving myself as I am, but learn to live with the possible health and aesthetic affects that came with my childhood bad habits. Thanks
I am 36 and started treatment with a DNA appliance to expand my palate about a month ago. I do not (yet) have enough room in my palate to raise my tongue fully to the roof of my mouth, and my dentist mentioned possible tongue tie release down the road during treatment. I had third molars extracted around age 20, and definitely my tongue tends to fall back into my throat while sleeping.
Point being, I relate to your situation, except I did not learn about orthotropics until I was around 30. It took me six years to feel like I was ready to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak, and get treatment. I spent months trying to mew on my own, as they discuss in the video, but in retrospect it got me nowhere because my mouth was just too small for my tongue to get things going in the right direction. That may or may not be your situation.
Regarding surgery, I would think it much preferable to go the route of an appliance (Bioblock, DNA, AGGA, etc) that gradually expands your palate, rather than go under the knife. An expander at least lets your body do the growing, slowly, over time, the way it was meant to.
Even if it takes you 5, 10, or 15 years to get treatment, it is worth waiting to get the kind of treatment that is right for you. Get a second opinion, because surgery is far from the only option, and it is definitely not the best option from my understanding.
@Gabriela How do you know that appliances have a low success rate?
Here in France you do these surgeries for free thanks to your insurance, it's a pity that it's not the case everywhere
@@marie_anne_paris What?!? In Canada, these surgeries can cost $30K and upward.
@@RS54321 that's why France wins in rankings for the best health care in the world...
I'm genuinely interested why is that sir John Mew didn't use those appliences on himself and kept his face very long?
I think he did, but was already too old for it to have a very significant effect.
Great content
Hi, Dr Mike mew. Why do you promote Bio block which is a tooth borne or hyrax expander when you could be using pure borne expanders?
Tooth borne and hyrax both have a high chance of causing TMJ and don't acknowledge the actual issue which is narrow Jaws.
The Bioblock is nothing like hyrax. And it addresses the very issue of narrow jaws very effectively. Look up videos about it on this channel. It works very differently from traditional expanders if used correctly.
interesting talk, made me think alot
Very interesting video thank you 👏🤗 are there any practitioners in New Zealand? Last time i looked i couldn't find any 😥
21:41 was there a specific name for the surgery that was performed here or for the dental practice that performed it ?
i think its double jaw surgery in orthognatic or maxilofacial.
Is it normal for a person to switch their tongue posture within a day. I can’t naturally do it and forget like people who have always had good tongue posture but at the start of the day it was impossible but now I can hold it indefinitely. Another thing is my Essix retainer makes it hard to keep the suction and is sharp on my tongue, any work around or should I permanently take it out? I’m 17 and have had braces which have ruined my jaw line and side profile. Never been a mouth breather but I could’ve done with learning about tongue posture when I was much younger 😂. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication ❤❤❤
I have a question does removing of the wisdom teeth change the structure of your face like make it more defined. Couse now after i got mine removed i can mew so much easier without feeling pain in my teeth like before
I had orthodontic interventions. Didn‘t seem too bad. I mean it fucked up my face but at least I can properly chew food.🤷🏻♂️
I mean, YEAH!. you can now chew your tasty food while at the same time being ugly af, that's good to hear bro, keep it up
@@KIke190JRF Haha😂 I had to pay a big price for chewing food😂
Can someone please tell me how can I keep my tongue wet while mewing. Like do I have to take a rest every time it gets dry?
can I find a good surgeon as dr Wong in San Diego ?
I am 25 years old, I had my 4 wisdom teeth removed when I was 18, can the extraction of wisdom teeth "reduce" and refine the jaw?
Refinement of jaw or spot reduction of muscle mass in the mandible can be done with or without wisdom teeth extractions
I would Say the only thing that would happen if You are an adult and You had your wisdom teeth removed,is that You are essentially getting more Surface area for the palate to expand when mewing
i have overbite and idk where to push my tongue forward or backward can anyone help me :I
I have overbite too you should pull back your tongue to the throat it can help but not totally you can get double jaw surgery in South India under 6k his name is Richardson something like that I'm going to get double jaw surgery and genioplasty
So, if you are already an adult, then it's too late??
That's kind of what I'm getting. For an adult, especially above 30, it seems like surgery would be the only option :/ ... Don't take my word for it though, do your research, but it seems to be what they are pointing at, without really saying it.
What surgery did that guy get?
while mewing my tongue touch's my lower teeth and it feels like its pushing them forward . any tips ?
I'm facing the problem
Any thoughts on the oralift device?
Can someone tell me if mewing works at age 20. I read somewhere that it’s hard when youre over 18 years old. IM LOSING HOPE
It can work, but you should also look into orthodontic treatment as well.
@@rasn NO, you should look into surgery, orthodontics by its very definition only makes things worse, lenghens the face and forces you to not use your jaw muscles, only benefit beign aligning the teeth wich doesnt improve your face overall and doesnt improve your health either
@@aguspuig6615 Nah, it depends. I'm using invisalign and they gave me elastics for an underbite. It's pulling my mandible forward and my jaw back. So it's actually providing forward growth to my face + mewing.
Surgery is worse than braces. Underbites happen because of misalignment of the jaw, not due to overgrowth of the jaw.
@@rasn you are wrong bro, I used elastics thinking the same thing and the only thing they do is move your teeth, not your jaw, my chin is still recessed
@@jayjiber lmao why are you saying I'm wrong when u dont even know me. Even my friends have pointed out that my jaw got smaller. It's literally used for under/overbites. Just cause it didn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work for anybody.
Is Biobloc also effective for 40 year olds or is surgery the only option at this age? Or MSE?
Hello. I am at 29 years old. I am doing bioblocs and will next month be doing my own independent xRays to see if there is bone movement or teeth tilting. MSE can and does work on adults if you weaken the suture somehow. Curtipuncture maybe?
8 months treatment so far. I have befores and will get afters.
@@antonioarmando1938 Thanks for your comment; i am very interested in your progression, please do share with us all how it turns out for you. Wish you good luck and that you may get maximum expansion. I am trying to find MSE but where i live there are no providers......only Hyrax which i do prefer not to take.....Biobloc is also very difficult to get here alas...very far away from where i live and my age makes it even more difficult.
@@esh3325 I will do so. Do remind me at the end of month just in case.
@@esh3325 I have before and after scans. 0 expansion with Biobloc at age 29. 9 months treatment.
@@antonioarmando1938 any other changes? Hasn’t it moved the teeth? What have you decided to do next?
Form follows function
I‘m really new to this. So I started this „mewing“ by placing my tongue at the top of my throat and pressing like hell. I do get a really weird burning sensation like I never had before in this area. I think it could be the lacto acid building up as my tongue muscles are not adapted to such stress🤔. I‘m a chemist, not a biologist🤷🏻♂️.
Keep it up im doing it too. For the last couple weeks at least i hope a month from now that can be my tongue posture at rest lol
That means ur doing it right
Do you see results with mewing?
I’m 22, and have started as my jawline is slightly receded, and it’s probs my biggest insecurity.
Tips are welcomed!
Research Orthognathic surgery.
as an adult posture is more for keeping things good as oposed to creating actual growth, you should get surgery and then mantain the results with good habits, also for jaw withd do some chewing, it really helps
Theres also a relationship between Male pattern balness and this
Probably not , as u can see John Mew still has less hairs though he has correct form .
@@rayhn5125 this is open for accadmic debate I would share my findings and not rule them out after looking at these certain cases.
@@XtergoBlue i would like to know your findings male pattern baldness is also my subject and i m going through it and i do have a receded chin
@ZAbdulZ ruclips.net/video/Yehk_h_Uj6k/видео.html
Pull up and planks give better results
Dr.mike mew can you make a video about bone smashing?
Common Mike mew W
protip: play at 1.25 speed when Simon starts to speak ;-)
I do that with all vids which are just people sitting around talking.
Are we too vain, such obsession on tuning facial aesthetics
Funny, making that statement and using that avatar. 😂😂😂
@@icecreamcake1457 I can't help it, I'm big boned. mf's wish they had my jaw lines
Facial aesthetics are a secondary gift with purchase. It comes along with having good balance, if the growth has been lead "correctly".
natural aesthetics and function are the same thing.
To be honest, I never knew that something was wrong with my face before I watched Mew's video. It took my confidence down to zero.
Lazy f instead of doing to work goes to surgery
I’d say brave. I wouldn’t have gone for a surgery of this type, but maybe that’s because I don’t got that much knowledge about this surgery’s
I’m sure feeling better about himself, improved respirations, and the positive attention he now receives say otherwise and has nothing to do with him being lazy.
@CatVsBobcat mewing also requires a lot of work and you're not guaranteed facial changes after puberty.
Hes way too old to do progress
@@Bestiola I didn't say that you can't, its just not guaranteed because it requires a lot of patience and discipline. plus I haven't see any real proof it can work for people over 14.