@@Mary_Cooper1 Simple, long as you have the old version of FO4, pre next-gen-update, which can be gotten using a downgrader, you can use vortex or any other mod manger of your choice to download and install it. It's a body replacer, so not exactly too tough to get working. Bodyslide and outfit studio is another thing to go along with it, since that can allow adjustments to the body if you want to learn how to do that. CBBE also has a SFW version to use, which is great since it means you can still have the game be SFW but have different body shapes.
Everything can be filed by guns though, and it's better to use expendable, easily built robots to do your work than risk the lives of some of the brightest minds in the commonwealth
@@shyguy3353 So you don't think with all their advanced technology and resources, they could develop any kind of synth that is at least resistant to bullets?
@@B0Yextreme Yeah, the dialogues make the coursers out to be like some endboss level threaths. On the other hand a lot of what the institute is doing makes very little sense.
@@autinjones7194but in the reason update Enclave remnants are receiving orders from higher command and a secret location they still could be around in large numbers building up strength
@@autinjones7194I think what he means is prior to all that. Prior to the events of Fallout 2. Lemme rephrase his comment: “With how advanced Institute tech is, you’d think they would’ve been targeted a long time ago prior to Fallout 2?” I mean, if I was President of the Enclave and I catch wind of such technology, I’d make the Institute the primary target. Capture the Institute and its tech (rather than mindlessness blowing it all up to smithereens).
@@barricadedpurifier that makes sense. Since you can find all sorts of really old Enclave armor lying around. Perhaps The Enclave only had a very brief presence in the Commonwealth before abandoning whatever they were doing there. And at that time the Institute was not as well known or powerful. Very likely early on they barely had Tech that was at all better than what was available in a standard vault.
1st and 2nd generation synths are fairly sophisticated robots while 3rd generation synths are effectively 3D printed humans with computer chip embedded brains. The technological gap is mind-boggling.
@@UltraZombie115 Unmutated sample or not, the ability to assemble a fully grown, fully functional (?) and pre-educated human being in a matter of minutes is still an unbelievable feat of bioengineering.
@@net343 I feel like that’s an unfair comparison. The synth component is a computer interface that allows data, up to and including a simpler AI’s memory (eg, Curie,) to be uploaded directly into a Gen III’s artificial human brain - they’re more akin cybernetic homonculi than a robot like a Mr. Handy or a Sentry Bot. The only real similarity between the three is that all three were created in laboratories.
With the speed they make them and the number of people you actually run into in the Commonwealth, they could probably replace everyone within about a year
In video it was about 2 minutes and 10 seconds from start to synth emergence. Each minute outside of combat is 30 minutes in the game. This means one synth maker can produce: 0.92 Synths/hour 22.15 Synths/day 8086 Synths/year. Considering we see 3 makers in this room they could produce about 24k synths a year…idk what the total commonwealth pop is but I think they could do it.
@@DarkFoxZero77 They don't intend to replace humans entirely, it's about secretly doing it. The synths would be under Institute control. It's not some long term plan.
Luckily the one place in these modern gen synths that is still got machine parts in it is the brain. Prolly helps modulate their reaction to becoming alive when you’ve got a computer controlling how they think.
I think robco might have made some not long before the bombs fell. It's why the pip-boy is so small. The existence of the platinum chip too would suggest that they did eventually make some sort of smaller electronics
imagine in the future of fallout after like a thousand years of like wasteland they finally reach the modern age of technology, it just took them a bit longer than us irl
I watched the process and timed it on the pip-boy because I was thinking about how fast they were producing them (and RP-wise, it's something the Brotherhood of Steel would want to know) and from start to finish was about 40 minutes in-game. So The Institute is producing about 36 synths a day which is terrifying.
Well many synths are seen in the game being interrogated and eliminated from the communities where they replaced existing humans, due to odd behavioral patterns. Seems like either the Institute have some programming errors to iron out, or they should, I dunno, stop replacing people and just make new people?😅
Not really, more than half the technologies they use existed pre-war. It's just that unlike most other factions they manufacture their own stuff and don't find a 200+ year old piece of scrap and tie some rags to a piece of wood or something like that.
@@Snowytiger000 I don't think so, at least not directly. They'll be some hints of someone in the show being a synth, but they never outright confirm or deny it.
I felt the same way to be fair. I think it’s something about a thorough mind that makes it want to uncover every detail in an open game like Fallout, and also delight in doing so.
I love the level of detail, including the DMEM / BME bioreactors towards the end of the video, with an agitator which might also serve as a heat source to keep the bioactive cultures alive.
All synths have your son's DNA and genetic info, which effectively makes all of them your sorta-grandkids. *Think about this before sticking it in a synth. You reprobates.*
It's kinda stupid you can't just get her a new body straight from the production line if you're the leader of the institute already but Bethesda quests rarely affect another quest's outcome.
Does somebody remember that one quest in Fallout 3 where the Snyths are introduced and also the railroad? I totally forgot about that until yesterday when I started to play it again. They had that shit planned so long ago. Cudos dear devs
Yes! I went back and replayed Fallout 3 the month leading up to the show coming out. It’s always funny when they use the reset code on the fella from rivet city lol she just flops then gets up like nothing happened.
First a polymer synthesis process, alongside a 3D printing needle jabbing along fine wires in the form of a human skeleton, then secondly the dipping of the structure into a stem cell culture. And now the muscles are injected with human blood. More needles protrude from the ring’s mechanisms and shock the strange body. Eureka, life!
As I recall, there's not a single quest objective in the game that requires you to set foot in this room. You'd think the Institute quest line could've made more use of this room, or the area could've been larger.
I agree that the place should be larger. Lots of opportunities to show at least a few more ways that the Institute works in. The robotics I found were underwhelming compared to other divisions. I mean, synths are the basis of a lot of side stories.
Yeah it’s a great attention to detail for world-building but it’s still gets hate somehow. If it was new vegas it would be used as evidence for why it’s a “masterpiece” lol
If they made the machines linear instead of a big round room they'd be able to make these synths a hell of a lot faster. Conveyer belts exist for a reason.
@@bedecktI always imagined that there is a giant hall filled with these like you said but just sealed off from the explorable area for game limitations (time, cost are factors).
something i did not understand, why the institute was so.... dumb? like they needed more energy, but instead they spend time wasting hundreds of synts on infiltrating instead of, you know.... getting larger?
The Institute, or at least its leadership, may be very smart when it comes to science, but they're not smart about everything - their weakness is being extremely out of touch with reality on the surface and being inept at politics. Psychopaths tend to gravitate to leadership roles as well, which further explains why they were ok with the kidnapping/murder/replacing of civillians.
Just imagine coming into this world like that. Blinded by the lights around you, sore all over from being rapidly constructed, you've probably got a massive headache, too. No memories of who you are, if you were anyone at all before you were formed.
Personal theory: Cells are cultivated in the laboratory and this process just puts the dormant/cryogenized cells into the body, for the juice to then act as an enzyme to finish constructing the anatomy
That makes a lot of sense for what can be seen in the video! It also seem that they have a 3D printed polymer bone structure, or perhaps the same cells that create the muscle can turn into bone using a different frequency of electricity.
Instead of using magical underwear, they could have had a claw like machine that covered the private area as it lifted the synth out of the pool. They could have also done a conveyer belt type thing in another room that you could only see through windows. That way they could easily disguise it by limiting your view.
It's kinda weird to think that the 3rd generation synths are basically just clones, but everyone treats them like they're some sort of highly advanced robot. I feel like empathizing with the railroad would have been a lot easier as well as a whole slew of other things taking a much more morally ambiguous tone if that was just sort of leaned into more.
thank you very much for this very informative and straight to the point tutorial, ill be doing my own synths in my basement for now on thank you very much
This room made me side with the Railroad. It humanised the synths when you realise that they are flesh and blood the same as everyone else, just made in a different way.
It makes sense that I found out Jonathan Nolan is a Fallout fan after he ended up on the Fallout TV series, because there is no way he did not take inspiration from this scene for similar scenes in Westworld.
super mutants: Scary animation of dipping restrained humans in FEV, does not always work synths: *whole ass high tech assembly line that makes something you could call a person in 3 minutes*
And in the end, a lot of us ask, what is the end point exactly? MY anology is "A friend of mine, who is a very decent upstanding fellow, I replaced with a one to one robotic duplicate, so what did I accomplish exactly? Well I wasted a shit ton of resources and time". However its a weird way to "help" mankind, which I think the phrase counter intuitive embodies here. A motive I cannot side with, Caesar's legion is cartoonishly evil yet, I understand their motive to the core, the institute, I have to have a room temperature IQ to agree.
The institute are intensely isolationist. They've got a good thing going in their underground bunker, and they are well aware the surface is an lawless and irradiated death zone where everyone and everything will try to kill you including the insects. They need resources from the surface, but there's no way in hell they are going up there themselves. So they built synths - first purely mechanical, and later these biomechanical creations that can pass as human to send on covert missions.
It isn't. The room is in the institute and easily accessed while you're there, but there is no quest that requires you enter the room. If you spend the whole game following markers you'll never find it, you have to actually explore.
The Institute is the faction I often end up siding with in Fallout 4. They are by far the only group in post-nuclear USA who not only was able to restore (albeit limited to their underground paradise) humanity to pre-war status, but they advanced technologically to an insane degree. Their isolationist ways make perfect sense to me, given how so many groups in the Wastland are incredibly selfish, exposing themselves would only put everything they've accomplish in danger. The Enclave would do anything for that kind of tech, the NCR are too self-centered to not smother the scientists under demands and burocracy, and pretty much all other factions would want the Institute destroyed out of fear. No one is without sin, but for all they've accomplished, the Institute rarely causes casualties. A couple dozen abductions over the decades is NOTHING compared to the horrors many other groups inflict on people every single day. Even the NCR who is generally considered to be a good-guy faction is willing to throw hundreds if not thousands of lives into the meat-grinder if it means securing more power to the republic and more political power to it's suits. The Institute's worst sin was likely dumping their FEV rejects with no regard to what those Super-Mutants would do to the population. If Shaun wasn't so obsessed with being in control, from what we can learn talking to the Institute department-heads, they're all extremely reasonable and level-headed people who only want to keep their paradise safe and continue their research. Some even suggest giving their obsolete tech (which still is much better than whatever the wastlanders have) away to save face and help the people in the wastes. About the synths...it's a dumb and dangerous idea. It feels like something the Think Tank from Big MT would create, not because they should, but because they could. The Synths, especially the Coursors, are extremely dangerous considering they VERY MUCH SO have free will, even if that will is bound by computer codes. The Institute is not made of soldiers, and they're walking on a knife's edge by creating what essentially are elite soldiers who as far as we know only stay in line because they were brainwashed to do so.
I agree strongly about pretty much everything said here about the Institute. It truly is a bastion of light and advancement on a technological, safety, and perhaps even moral/social level. However, I concur that the synths are like a double edged sword which may fall back on the scientists of the Institute themselves.
After reading all of this I realized I'm a wokie dumbass simp who fell hook line and sinker for pipers activism. To be fair though the entire rest of the world wasn't easing my paranoia about the institute either.
@@Stingra87 No, they're evil. To be amoral, truly, you need to be without morality, like a robot. They're human. They can understand that what they're doing is wrong and hurting other people.
@@Stingra87When comparing to the people of the wasted surface, the Institute are simply far more moral, even if amoral from a current, objective standpoint.
@@dennischen2642 He simply said it was it was "like" westworld. How does the release date pertain to its similarity? Not to be rude but can you even read?
@@goose1114 Extra words add implication to a statement. Him adding a though at the end of the sentence turns it into more than just a "simple statement". Not to be rude but can *YOU* read?
@@JusticeGamingNY yes the 1970s films TOTALLY had a scene exactly like the one in Fallout 4 here, which the game CLEARLY drew inspiration from and is TOTALLY what we're talking about right now
True. Either some programming flaws need to be ironed out or they need to stop being so over controlling about their creations. I would still side with them based off of the technology though. Once you have the Institute in your political favor, it’s A Game buddy!
I feel like tech like this could be possible someday, perhaps even today, but not in minutes. It would probably take at least a year to culture all the cells, assemble everything correctly, and many millions of dollars. And ofc the ethic and legal concerns.
This Scene is in the Original Fallout 4 game, no modding is done
The location of the Factory in This Link:
there is also a mod that adds this to you Base-Building menu
Half the fallout 4 budget went into animating this.
And the other half to the synth gorillas
@@alistaircraig7849 Our game has 4 min loading screens on SSD's? Nah, better look at this!
Didnt know this room existed
@hidea7361 my game don't lol
@@hidea7361Unless you are using the "ultra hd textures" from bethesda, your game shouldnt take more than a minute or two to load
Underwear is part of the human anatomy of fallout
Explains alot, no way in hell would half the raiders wear them if they had the choice.
me using cbbe: ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
@@saintcodeinhow do you even get cbbe working?
@@Mary_Cooper1 f4se, use some sort of mod organizer. Its all plug and play when it comes to modding a Bethesda game. It's one of the most used mods
@@Mary_Cooper1 Simple, long as you have the old version of FO4, pre next-gen-update, which can be gotten using a downgrader, you can use vortex or any other mod manger of your choice to download and install it. It's a body replacer, so not exactly too tough to get working. Bodyslide and outfit studio is another thing to go along with it, since that can allow adjustments to the body if you want to learn how to do that. CBBE also has a SFW version to use, which is great since it means you can still have the game be SFW but have different body shapes.
Mark Zuckerberg birth video.
@@viktorvondoom9119 indeed.
Higher hair, need Higher hair now
Nah, he's probably a gen 2
@@lunytoonz3466 😄
Bro was born with boxers and 2 years of powerlifting
Thats way more than 2 years dude 😭
I just imagine that’s the case for half the people born in downtown Boston
And no balls
Easy life
you forgot to mention duck skin. Water repellant.
_How to tell if someone is a synth._
That pot of soup give them the balls, also the underwear. You could call it ball soup/juice, maybe even ball goo.
The guy that got kick in the balls:💀
The woman:💀
The guy who wants to be a girl💀
What if female?
@@anthonyfloyd2327 I just said that lol
Wait were tf is my comment
"You smell like you've been above ground" lmao
She smell well, she like to smell people.
The nice way of saying: “You smell like you haven’t bathed in days or weeks”
That dialogue always made me laugh by myself for some reason
Also equivalent of someone that have touched grass
@@AutoFish6484”actually I haven’t bathed or showered in 210 years”
This is the most high effort animation that's ever been in a Bethesda game.
brooo :D
yeah after this its just went downhill
Fr. Now we have Starfield - the sandless sandbox @@Bos_Meong
@@concept5631how about the sand on the beaches of the earth like planets?
and it's still mid tbh
Has untold levels of tech and resources
**wastes it on robots that can be killed by guns, and one good Nick Valentine**
A lot of scientists in a nutshell
Everything can be filed by guns though, and it's better to use expendable, easily built robots to do your work than risk the lives of some of the brightest minds in the commonwealth
@@shyguy3353 So you don't think with all their advanced technology and resources, they could develop any kind of synth that is at least resistant to bullets?
@@_DMNO_ they probably are specially the coursers.. the problem is... everyone in this game is a bullet sponge.
@@B0Yextreme Yeah, the dialogues make the coursers out to be like some endboss level threaths.
On the other hand a lot of what the institute is doing makes very little sense.
With how crazy advanced the institutes tech is, you'd think that they'd be a target of the enclave.
enclave is all but wiped out. its explained in new Vegas i think. that's why in 4 you can only find antique enclave armor.
the enclave has been defeated multiple times
there arent many of them left
@@autinjones7194but in the reason update Enclave remnants are receiving orders from higher command and a secret location they still could be around in large numbers building up strength
@@autinjones7194I think what he means is prior to all that. Prior to the events of Fallout 2. Lemme rephrase his comment: “With how advanced Institute tech is, you’d think they would’ve been targeted a long time ago prior to Fallout 2?” I mean, if I was President of the Enclave and I catch wind of such technology, I’d make the Institute the primary target. Capture the Institute and its tech (rather than mindlessness blowing it all up to smithereens).
@@barricadedpurifier that makes sense. Since you can find all sorts of really old Enclave armor lying around. Perhaps The Enclave only had a very brief presence in the Commonwealth before abandoning whatever they were doing there. And at that time the Institute was not as well known or powerful. Very likely early on they barely had Tech that was at all better than what was available in a standard vault.
1st and 2nd generation synths are fairly sophisticated robots while 3rd generation synths are effectively 3D printed humans with computer chip embedded brains.
The technological gap is mind-boggling.
I mean that is kinda the point of Shaun. They weren’t able to get this until Shaun made a major breakthrough through his DNA.
@@UltraZombie115 Unmutated sample or not, the ability to assemble a fully grown, fully functional (?) and pre-educated human being in a matter of minutes is still an unbelievable feat of bioengineering.
@@JohnnyConquest76 i known. I was just giving the reason the games said.
@@JohnnyConquest76thats where the chip comes in handy? They are still robots, but instead of metal they have meat and bones
@@net343 I feel like that’s an unfair comparison. The synth component is a computer interface that allows data, up to and including a simpler AI’s memory (eg, Curie,) to be uploaded directly into a Gen III’s artificial human brain - they’re more akin cybernetic homonculi than a robot like a Mr. Handy or a Sentry Bot. The only real similarity between the three is that all three were created in laboratories.
that underwear came from nowhere
So nice of the Institute to at least give him some dignity. Good guys all along.
Thats not underwear, its flesh
fused to its form
That's not real underpants.
It's a synth of underpants.
pegi18 my ass
With the speed they make them and the number of people you actually run into in the Commonwealth, they could probably replace everyone within about a year
In video it was about 2 minutes and 10 seconds from start to synth emergence. Each minute outside of combat is 30 minutes in the game. This means one synth maker can produce:
0.92 Synths/hour
22.15 Synths/day
8086 Synths/year.
Considering we see 3 makers in this room they could produce about 24k synths a year…idk what the total commonwealth pop is but I think they could do it.
@@SailingROX4321 It does make you wonder how many get through processing though, and how much production is limited to resources.
@@SailingROX4321wait does the time scale change in combat?
But still nobody can explain me their gorgeous plan with the synths, replace all humans? And then what? Can synths reproduce? Do they live forever?
@@DarkFoxZero77 They don't intend to replace humans entirely, it's about secretly doing it. The synths would be under Institute control. It's not some long term plan.
It's got "5th Element" vibes written all over it. Literally the most advanced machine in Fallout to date. Crazy.
Are you "acoustic"?
Looks like west world to me
@@nitroxide17 Literally
I was thinking Blade Runner: 2049.
5th element? Aether
Imagine a synth stands up from the pool and just starts screaming in existential dread
Bladerunner 2049
Luckily the one place in these modern gen synths that is still got machine parts in it is the brain. Prolly helps modulate their reaction to becoming alive when you’ve got a computer controlling how they think.
There’s always a chance something can go faulty
they are just meat puppets, not human beings their programming sells the illusion of a living beign they are hollow cyborgs.
They used to, but they installed the "anti-existential-dread-inator" chip that prevented that
this isnt canon i am just making this up
I like to think in fallout the institute finally found out how to make transistors. Which would explain the amazing tech they have.
I think robco might have made some not long before the bombs fell. It's why the pip-boy is so small. The existence of the platinum chip too would suggest that they did eventually make some sort of smaller electronics
Yes. Its not "transistors were never invented", its more like "transistors were invented later".
I'm pretty sure thats one of the junk items that's around there
Very cool finding about the lore of their game version of the world!
imagine in the future of fallout after like a thousand years of like wasteland they finally reach the modern age of technology, it just took them a bit longer than us irl
Dumping them into the largest pool of tomato sauce to bring them to life is something I never expected to be required to make synths.
they was jump started on the station before the "tomato sauce"
That's how Italians are made😊
@@gemstonegynoid7475 sono italiano e condivido, noi nasciamo letteralmente dal sughetto bono pazzurdo
@@Gastonepisellone confermo
I have never even seen this before. Was kind of surprising. I never knew they went into full detail on showing how it's done in the game.
at institute
You'd only not have seen this if you just kinda... Ignored exploring the institute at all. Which is fair if you've killed Shaun immediately.
@@AlexDenton0451 Of course I did. BOS for life. Flesh is weak, but steel endures! OORAH!!! Lmaoo
@@Spartan_Spencer they don't yell "oorah"
@@Cricket0021 No shit
I watched the process and timed it on the pip-boy because I was thinking about how fast they were producing them (and RP-wise, it's something the Brotherhood of Steel would want to know) and from start to finish was about 40 minutes in-game. So The Institute is producing about 36 synths a day which is terrifying.
Well many synths are seen in the game being interrogated and eliminated from the communities where they replaced existing humans, due to odd behavioral patterns. Seems like either the Institute have some programming errors to iron out, or they should, I dunno, stop replacing people and just make new people?😅
Actually I lead the institute and made them a lot more militarized with mods! It’s not terrifying it legit bad ass!🤣
Can't believe this is Fallout, it's just so different from the usual atompunk.
It’s a very interesting place and faction that makes me think about how our own societies could develop over time to include line-blurring technology.
Not really, more than half the technologies they use existed pre-war. It's just that unlike most other factions they manufacture their own stuff and don't find a 200+ year old piece of scrap and tie some rags to a piece of wood or something like that.
Gonna tell my kids this is how babys are made
During processing they’re put in a trash compactor to return to baby height.
@@RobKaiser_SQuestCOMEDY GOLD
Just like god used to make, fully formed and everything.
That’s some Westworld
vibes right there
Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy produced westworld and now the Fallout show, I bet they're gonna do synths in season 2 or 3
Why is fallout so much worse than season 1 Westworld? Shit is juvenile
@@Snowytiger000 I don't think so, at least not directly. They'll be some hints of someone in the show being a synth, but they never outright confirm or deny it.
My thoughts exactly
What is westworld
That was unusually well animated and detailed for a Bethesda game.
Why every time I go into the Institute I just spend a lot of time in that room, like seeing that machine at work is so weirdly relaxing
I felt the same way to be fair. I think it’s something about a thorough mind that makes it want to uncover every detail in an open game like Fallout, and also delight in doing so.
I love the level of detail, including the DMEM / BME bioreactors towards the end of the video, with an agitator which might also serve as a heat source to keep the bioactive cultures alive.
So this is what Curie’s human-like body came from before transferring her data and consciousness from automaton to a synth.
All synths have your son's DNA and genetic info, which effectively makes all of them your sorta-grandkids.
*Think about this before sticking it in a synth. You reprobates.*
It's kinda stupid you can't just get her a new body straight from the production line if you're the leader of the institute already but Bethesda quests rarely affect another quest's outcome.
Does somebody remember that one quest in Fallout 3 where the Snyths are introduced and also the railroad? I totally forgot about that until yesterday when I started to play it again. They had that shit planned so long ago. Cudos dear devs
Yea The Replicated Man
Yes! I went back and replayed Fallout 3 the month leading up to the show coming out. It’s always funny when they use the reset code on the fella from rivet city lol she just flops then gets up like nothing happened.
More like "we vaguely hinted at some things many years ago and now we are forced to make up the rest"
@@Dr.MSC.W.Kruegerthat is… generally how you make a story. you start with an idea and keep working on it until you have a finished piece.
That's soo awesome. You have to admit. Seeing a robot put a human together piece by piece...
Needed to have the How It's Made narrator in AI perfectly explaining this and music from those episodes
Next, the robot adds the fleeb. The fleeb is important for reasons you wouldn't understand.
@@k.k.9378 How dare you insinuate that I am incapable of comprehending the myriad technological applications of fleeb juice!
First a polymer synthesis process, alongside a 3D printing needle jabbing along fine wires in the form of a human skeleton, then secondly the dipping of the structure into a stem cell culture. And now the muscles are injected with human blood. More needles protrude from the ring’s mechanisms and shock the strange body. Eureka, life!
As I recall, there's not a single quest objective in the game that requires you to set foot in this room. You'd think the Institute quest line could've made more use of this room, or the area could've been larger.
I agree that the place should be larger. Lots of opportunities to show at least a few more ways that the Institute works in. The robotics I found were underwhelming compared to other divisions. I mean, synths are the basis of a lot of side stories.
People bash Bethesda but this kinda stuff is gold
I think they bash the writing and overall story more
Like another comment said. Bethesda blew most their budget on this lol
ist ja nicht nur die grafik sndern das Ganze, die Atmospähre, Geschichte und vorallendingen: durchaus realistisch
Yeah it’s a great attention to detail for world-building but it’s still gets hate somehow. If it was new vegas it would be used as evidence for why it’s a “masterpiece” lol
@@TS111WASD No, Fallout 3 and 4 are objectively bad when it comes to plot and adding to the lore. Bethesda is extremely overrated.
If they made the machines linear instead of a big round room they'd be able to make these synths a hell of a lot faster. Conveyer belts exist for a reason.
It's for the WOW factor,
sure, linear is fast but not impressive
most impressive would be a huge factory hall with hundreds of these round machine room things that each raise a human in 2 minutes
That assumes speed of assembly is the limiting factor, rather than speed of component manufacture or even desired quantity.
@@bedecktI always imagined that there is a giant hall filled with these like you said but just sealed off from the explorable area for game limitations (time, cost are factors).
My favorite part of being in the institute is just watching the synths be made
so satisfying to watch somehow
something i did not understand, why the institute was so.... dumb? like they needed more energy, but instead they spend time wasting hundreds of synts on infiltrating instead of, you know.... getting larger?
The Institute, or at least its leadership, may be very smart when it comes to science, but they're not smart about everything - their weakness is being extremely out of touch with reality on the surface and being inept at politics. Psychopaths tend to gravitate to leadership roles as well, which further explains why they were ok with the kidnapping/murder/replacing of civillians.
Gordon freeman went to MIT and he doesn't even know how to speak, so there you go
mad scientist vibe
Because Father is a terrible leader.
I'm not saying it's because of bad writing... but it's because of bad writing
He could be in this very room! He could be you. He could be me! He could even be-
*Gets blown to bits*
*He was not a synth*
Woah woah woah!!
What? It's obvious he was the synth! Look there will be a synth component anytime now...
@@Ebaker6357 Aaaany second now...
You see red! No wait that's just blood.
Just imagine coming into this world like that. Blinded by the lights around you, sore all over from being rapidly constructed, you've probably got a massive headache, too. No memories of who you are, if you were anyone at all before you were formed.
"Who am I? Where am I? Oh, download complete. Crisis over."
Personal theory: Cells are cultivated in the laboratory and this process just puts the dormant/cryogenized cells into the body, for the juice to then act as an enzyme to finish constructing the anatomy
That makes a lot of sense for what can be seen in the video! It also seem that they have a 3D printed polymer bone structure, or perhaps the same cells that create the muscle can turn into bone using a different frequency of electricity.
Alan is voiced by Robert Picardo, AKA the holo doctor from Voyager
Cool, the doctor was a really good character.
Love him
He was in stargate too
What is the nature of your medical emergency?
Instead of using magical underwear, they could have had a claw like machine that covered the private area as it lifted the synth out of the pool. They could have also done a conveyer belt type thing in another room that you could only see through windows. That way they could easily disguise it by limiting your view.
Or just show human genitalia, I love how they are ok with showing peoples head being blown off but a dik or vag are too much 😂
Or they could give them a big fat 🐓 too but noooo censorship 🤬
Ah I love those ideas. Totally agree about them.
2:28 wait he GREW UNDERWEAR?!?!?!
It's kinda weird to think that the 3rd generation synths are basically just clones, but everyone treats them like they're some sort of highly advanced robot. I feel like empathizing with the railroad would have been a lot easier as well as a whole slew of other things taking a much more morally ambiguous tone if that was just sort of leaned into more.
Fallout 4 could have had an incredibly engaging and philosophical story if the Institute wasn't entirely set on being semi-evil and isolationist.
thank you very much for this very informative and straight to the point tutorial, ill be doing my own synths in my basement for now on thank you very much
Honestly I like the way they are make. The lines between organic and machnie seems blurry with synts if you ask me
I always assumed the Synths were simply androids. Robots built with a human likeness. But this? It looks more like cloning after the halfway point.
@@ShawndaPrawn I always assumed it was biology mimicked through synthetic material. Basically the same as us but an artificial process.
@@grayfox6930I think father implies that most of the synths are like clones of him in some form or another.
This room made me side with the Railroad. It humanised the synths when you realise that they are flesh and blood the same as everyone else, just made in a different way.
@@TS111WASD that and a video from oxhorn showing synths talking and acting differently when regular humans aren't around.
“We have 200,000 units ready with 1 million more well on the way.”
"Impressive, aren't they?
Yes, Elder, this video right here
It makes sense that I found out Jonathan Nolan is a Fallout fan after he ended up on the Fallout TV series, because there is no way he did not take inspiration from this scene for similar scenes in Westworld.
Practical, they come out of that soup with pants. :)
This whole sequence reminds me a lot of The Fifth Element
Making of a cyborg starts playing in the background.
I have 1k hours in this game and I’ve never seen this room. Wild
Bro how
super mutants: Scary animation of dipping restrained humans in FEV, does not always work
synths: *whole ass high tech assembly line that makes something you could call a person in 3 minutes*
Institute superiority!
I mean synths can actually even mate and are also immortal and radiation resistant.
I love the Vitruvian Man theme. The perfect anatomical structure. It's the perfect logo for The Institute.
It reminds me of that one scene from the fifth element.
Thanks! Now all i have to do is to buy synth making tools and follow this wonderful and perfectly executed tutorial!
Note to self:
underwear comes pre-built in any bethesda character,even synths
Oh Wow It's Like The Fifth Element
I don't think I ever noticed that when it zaps the muscles... that's when the synth starts moving, like. What if they remember this.
The zaps are to tone up the meat that is on the body, not give it life. The skin bath is likely where a Synth's consciousness activates.
Sending electric pulses just causes the muscles to contract, not a sign of consciousness or anything.
We barely remember when we were born. But also its part of their life so it's probably not traumatic if they do.
@@gemstonegynoid7475barely? We don't.
The synths seem to be aware but also comfortable with their existence as synthetic, conscious beings.
1. Building skeleton
2. Building flesh
3. Electric shocks
4. Blood pool
Synopsis be like:
@@ChaseCasimiro Hi
Build a bear sure has changed
🧸 🧫🧬🩸
I hope this is the future. It will be possible to create a perfect humans as there will be no defective individuals born.
I will tell my kids this is how babies are made
No matter what method of human production is invented, the traditional process will never erase!!!!
Here’s my son, he came from a vat of Campbell’s soup
This is more impressive then all the reload animations combined
Elon musk recording the birth of his son
Mind. Blown. Elon is getting ready for total takeover (jokes aside, he’s a cool guy doing great stuff)
@artisticgamer777 OK Elon Snüsk
This is actually insanely well animated and detailed
So that's how Danse and Curie was made
I’ve played fallout 4 over 400 hours and I’ve never seen this animation until now.
Go check it out on the game, really satisfying to see
And in the end, a lot of us ask, what is the end point exactly?
MY anology is "A friend of mine, who is a very decent upstanding fellow, I replaced with a one to one robotic duplicate, so what did I accomplish exactly? Well I wasted a shit ton of resources and time".
However its a weird way to "help" mankind, which I think the phrase counter intuitive embodies here. A motive I cannot side with, Caesar's legion is cartoonishly evil yet, I understand their motive to the core, the institute, I have to have a room temperature IQ to agree.
The institute are intensely isolationist. They've got a good thing going in their underground bunker, and they are well aware the surface is an lawless and irradiated death zone where everyone and everything will try to kill you including the insects. They need resources from the surface, but there's no way in hell they are going up there themselves. So they built synths - first purely mechanical, and later these biomechanical creations that can pass as human to send on covert missions.
This is some Westworld-level shit
Forgot all about this that's actually pretty dope. The Institute was a cool storyline/big bad
I bet every fallout 4 player has watched this process at least one time
It's just a prank bro.
The Prank:
what kind of comment is this? ai generated?
@@rrai1999 a funny one
When you fall asleep first at the sleepover:
The video would need to be reversed for that kind of joke my dude.
@@abyssstrider2547 wrong
I think the first time I saw this, I was just sitting there, watching for around 5 loops.
Big Westworld vibes
I admire the sound engineer that created the sounds for the game
Yes, sounds are very important for the atmosphere of the game
I wanna drink the forbidden Irn-Bru
That would likely make your stomach pregnant.
@@autinjones7194 😏
That's probably just blood
@@Keyboard_Thoughts more likely it's some mixture of stem cells. Blood wouldn't cause them to instantaneously grow skin.
Nice of them to add a 6-pack from the factory, and you get trousers put on in the tank
"Let him cook took" takes all another meaning in this game
Khorne trying to make the perfect demon:
All that insane technology and process just for the synth to just walk over to a small hole in the wall and climb through
They should have shown more of the facility, perhaps through narrow glass windows to limit the players’ sight of the game
Yeah 1000% glad I turned that place into a cloud of plasma without a 2nd thought
Poor Institute just wants to help in their own way.
@@ChaseCasimiro Kidnapping people and replacing them is no way helpful to anyone.
My dad watched the show and believed the great war happened before the 2000's. He shouldve seen this kind of technology they have.
How its made: Synths
Thanks for the tutorial! All the other videos didn't have what i needed but yours did the job!
Should have used that red dead redemption 2 song when they build a little house.
Missed opportunity.
The Combine thanks you as we had forgotten how to do it with humans, it sure will help the great transhuman arm of the Combine.
I totally missed this, which part of the questline was this in?
It isn't. The room is in the institute and easily accessed while you're there, but there is no quest that requires you enter the room. If you spend the whole game following markers you'll never find it, you have to actually explore.
I just saw this in the game for the first time today, now RUclips recommends it to me.
"bro fell asleep first at the sleepover"
I need this to have the How It’s Made theme playing over it. Double bonus points if you add the voice too. 😂
The Institute is the faction I often end up siding with in Fallout 4. They are by far the only group in post-nuclear USA who not only was able to restore (albeit limited to their underground paradise) humanity to pre-war status, but they advanced technologically to an insane degree. Their isolationist ways make perfect sense to me, given how so many groups in the Wastland are incredibly selfish, exposing themselves would only put everything they've accomplish in danger. The Enclave would do anything for that kind of tech, the NCR are too self-centered to not smother the scientists under demands and burocracy, and pretty much all other factions would want the Institute destroyed out of fear.
No one is without sin, but for all they've accomplished, the Institute rarely causes casualties. A couple dozen abductions over the decades is NOTHING compared to the horrors many other groups inflict on people every single day. Even the NCR who is generally considered to be a good-guy faction is willing to throw hundreds if not thousands of lives into the meat-grinder if it means securing more power to the republic and more political power to it's suits. The Institute's worst sin was likely dumping their FEV rejects with no regard to what those Super-Mutants would do to the population.
If Shaun wasn't so obsessed with being in control, from what we can learn talking to the Institute department-heads, they're all extremely reasonable and level-headed people who only want to keep their paradise safe and continue their research. Some even suggest giving their obsolete tech (which still is much better than whatever the wastlanders have) away to save face and help the people in the wastes.
About the synths...it's a dumb and dangerous idea. It feels like something the Think Tank from Big MT would create, not because they should, but because they could. The Synths, especially the Coursors, are extremely dangerous considering they VERY MUCH SO have free will, even if that will is bound by computer codes. The Institute is not made of soldiers, and they're walking on a knife's edge by creating what essentially are elite soldiers who as far as we know only stay in line because they were brainwashed to do so.
Underrated comment.
I agree strongly about pretty much everything said here about the Institute. It truly is a bastion of light and advancement on a technological, safety, and perhaps even moral/social level. However, I concur that the synths are like a double edged sword which may fall back on the scientists of the Institute themselves.
After reading all of this I realized I'm a wokie dumbass simp who fell hook line and sinker for pipers activism. To be fair though the entire rest of the world wasn't easing my paranoia about the institute either.
Synths are what Supermutants meant to be
A creation made to be capable to survive and thrive in the wasteland
@@ChaseCasimiro Well, as the new Director, you can theoretically sheath that double-edged sword.
Synths: are perfect replicas of human
Also synths: has no pp
This animation made me pick Institute in my first playthrough. I know they were extremely evil, but nobody else's pitches felt worth destroying this.
I would say amoral rather than evil.
@@Stingra87 No, they're evil. To be amoral, truly, you need to be without morality, like a robot. They're human. They can understand that what they're doing is wrong and hurting other people.
@@Stingra87When comparing to the people of the wasted surface, the Institute are simply far more moral, even if amoral from a current, objective standpoint.
Also, I found that a lot of the inhabitants of the Institute’s facilities were pretty chill. It’s not the people, but the leaders who are corrupt.
in my BOS playthrough, it felt such a waste blowing up all that tech.....
More work and thought went into this animation than all of Fallout 4 and 76 combined.
it's very like to westworld tv show tho
Fallout 4 came out 2015......West World Show first aired 2016
@@dennischen2642 He simply said it was it was "like" westworld. How does the release date pertain to its similarity? Not to be rude but can you even read?
@@goose1114 Extra words add implication to a statement. Him adding a though at the end of the sentence turns it into more than just a "simple statement". Not to be rude but can *YOU* read?
Westworld has been around a long time before fallout was even conceived
@@JusticeGamingNY yes the 1970s films TOTALLY had a scene exactly like the one in Fallout 4 here, which the game CLEARLY drew inspiration from and is TOTALLY what we're talking about right now
Very helpful and informative how to. Can't wait to try this in the school lab next class.
Wait a minute so that's where all these undies come from
Alan: "hope our synths havent caused you any trouble, we just kind of give them guns and release them into the wild lol"
True. Either some programming flaws need to be ironed out or they need to stop being so over controlling about their creations. I would still side with them based off of the technology though. Once you have the Institute in your political favor, it’s A Game buddy!
almost every other line from institute personnel is trying explain what their doing isn’t actually evil but is a victim of circumstances instead
I feel like tech like this could be possible someday, perhaps even today, but not in minutes. It would probably take at least a year to culture all the cells, assemble everything correctly, and many millions of dollars. And ofc the ethic and legal concerns.
*trillions, due to lawsuits