Healthy Eating For Weight Loss Pt 1

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
    Weight Control
    Principles of Weight Control:
    1. Don’t plan to "go on a diet." Plan to change your eating habits- PERMANENTLY
    2. Become a vegetarian!
    - Natural plant foods are
    High in fiber, mostly low fat, high unrefined carbohydrates
    Filling, satisfy appetite, relatively low calorie
    Decrease cholesterol, other blood fats
    Protective against heart dis, cancer, diabetes
    - Animal products are
    low or no fiber,
    high fat,
    too high in protein
    Calorie dense: small amounts yield high calories
    Raise cholesterol, other blood fats Increase risk of heart disease, cancer, etc.
    3. Decide beforehand how much to eat; NEVER have seconds!
    4. NEVER eat between meals!
    5. Two-meal a day plan: Large breakfast, good lunch, no supper
    6. Fast a day or two (if very overweight) a week, not consecutively
    Eliminates calories for the day
    Improves insulin receptors, decreasing insulin resistance
    Helps your will power!
    7. LOTS of water between meals (herbal teas o.k.) Drink instead of eat!
    8. Eliminate free fats-even vegetable oils (butter, lard, margarine, oils); and refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, etc)
    9. REGULAR exercise; preferably daily. Walking one of the best, but any is o.k.
    Especially after meals
    At least 30 minutes a day; try to gradually increase to 1 hour or more (Not necessary to be all at one time).
    "..increasing body weight suggests reduced physical activity may be the most important current factor explaining the rising prevalence of obesity.
    Recognizing the difficulties in sustaining energy-restricted diets in the presence of fast foods & social feasts, the current trend toward increasing body weight is not likely to be reversed solely through ...further reductions in energy intake. In all likelihood, activity levels will have to increase in response to an environment engineered to be more physically demanding." Weinsier et al. Am J Med 105(2):145, 1998 Aug.
    10. Be aware of the body’s "set points" (tendency for the body to maintain a metabolic equilibrium).
    Factors that lower set point (helpful):
    a. Short-term fasting
    b. Exercise
    c. Low fat & refined carbohydrate foods
    d. Avoidance of large meals, especially in evening or at night
    e. Avoidance of eating between meals
    f. Avoid too many varieties at meals
    g. Possibly: raw foods
    Factors that raise set point (deleterious):
    a. Inactivity
    b. Fatty foods
    c. Refined carbohydrates
    d. Evening or night meals
    e. Between-meal snacks
    f. Overeating, even of healthful foods
    g. Skipping breakfasts
    h. Staying up too late at night
    i. Alcohol & caffeine
    j. Crash diets
    11. Remember that we lose weight in a "stair step fashion;" not a straight line. That is, we may lose quickly to begin with; then there is a plateau for a time; then a period of rapid loss again; then another plateau, etc. The plateauing is due to changes in the set points. If the plateau is too prolonged, one can become discouraged. Often a short fast, or increased physical exercise, or a short period with an all-raw diet, or various combinations of these will "reset" the set point, and start the weight loss again.
    12. Finally, courage and an abundance of faith in the healing power of God is all-important. Satan wants you to destroy your-self, and he will help you do it if you allow him. But our loving Lord is yearning to assist you in getting the victory over Satan and self- "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health."
    Claim the promises, and mighty things can be accomplished!

Комментарии • 2

  • @samkadya
    @samkadya  11 лет назад

    Video discussion on healthy ways of controlling your weight.

  • @ethereal6347
    @ethereal6347 4 года назад

    Love it