This finishes half way through part 4 - then nothing. So if you do not wish to be disappointed and waste time, best not to start watching at all until you have checked to see if the rest of the episode has been uploaded.
From experience, ( 1950's/60's ), I can say RAF officers were often as stuffy and tight-lipped as scripted here...not now, however. Then, the so-called English sang froid manifested itself in officers as haughty distancing coupled with a misplaced sense of self importance. This was only alleviated in those with a sense of humour, unfortunately as rear as sweat on a rocking horse.
Wonderful series. Watching it is a rich, immersive experience.
Many thanks for letting us see this excellent tv series.
Marvellous production
This finishes half way through part 4 - then nothing. So if you do not wish to be disappointed and waste time, best not to start watching at all until you have checked to see if the rest of the episode has been uploaded.
So this is what Fred Thursday did in the war
The mystery is solved!
Was this recorded from the other side of a net curtain?
Good.. but this is a story not facts.. And I think the rotating Radar display is a bit premature.
What a load of twaddle he's already fought in the Battle of Britain and they are just explaining RDF and about Home Chain.
I really don't know, but I'm guessing this plot is all made-up.
From experience, ( 1950's/60's ), I can say RAF officers were often as stuffy and tight-lipped as scripted here...not now, however. Then, the so-called English sang froid manifested itself in officers as haughty distancing coupled with a misplaced sense of self importance. This was only alleviated in those with a sense of humour, unfortunately as rear as sweat on a rocking horse.
Your comment is most illuminating .