Aw, I'm so sorry, James. 🙏🏼 Prayers. 🙏🏼 Do you live apart from your wife? Together? Do you go to Mass together? Do you go to Adoration with your wife? Do you go to confession often? Do you pray together at home?
This is definitely an eye opener. Often times, I am not even aware that I am doing some of these things that hurt me and my relationship with God. I pray for the souls in purgatory through our Blessed Mother. Help me, Jesus, to refrain from doing the things mentioned here.
Jesus has just called me to radical forgiveness; I think the words He gave to me were "forgive deeply" because the sin of gossip/complaining about someone continually has sent me to confession way too many times. I need to heal from the hurt done to me and it will only happen through radical forgiveness on my part. Praise God, He is so good!
When completely stepping back from gossip, observe, observe, observe others. You will not ever want to return to such ugliness. Your efforts instead will turn to praying that others see the light.
Father RIPPERGER SAYS…Whenever we choose the lesser good we commit the sin of Malice. This is huge important information. Usually we fight and defend ourselves when someone has done actual hurtful things to us. We want our feelings to be comforted and emotional satisfaction of defending ourselves or biting back but when for The Love Of God, [and this must be the only reason] we choose to be quiet and take the punch for Gods sake, in the act of charity and give up our right to be justified it’s essentially the 😊higher good. Offer that pin prick or sometimes knife in your heart [it can physically hurt by the way] to Our Good Father for reperation for that person who is hurting you and save his soul. The Merit is in the will folks!!!
I firmly believe that our sufferings in Purgatory will be the knowledge of having sinned against a Love, so profound, and on Fire for each of us without any exceptions; and the Tears of Joy that Jesus sheds for each of us his children. We will see His Love with such clarity that that reality of our neglect will cause the most pain.
I'm asking people to Pray for amelia the girl whose name was mentioned by Our Lady at in .... she amelia will be in purgatory till end of time..... I was lying in bed and thought to myself I wonder is she still in purgatory..... that same instant I heard noises like incessant desperate scratching on my bedroom window. This window is about 70 feet from the ground and I live on a hill.... which would make a ladder to clean window from outside difficult. ... I know it was nothing human.... and has only ever happened when I was considering this girls fate...... enough said..... please Pray for amelias soul.
I've often thought of her, too. But if Mary said that, perhaps it's perfect justice that allows her to remain there, or Mary would have said that they could pray for her to get her out sooner. I don't know, so I think it's still a good idea to pray for those most in need, which includes her. You have a kind heart.
Amazingly 1917 Fatima would have been much more holy as the present age. My thoughts on Amelia are that when Our Lady told the children many would have prayed for Amelia and this may have lessened her time and suffering in purgatory.
Alvaro had video of soul that asked for suffering of a mystic. Otherwise he had to remain in purgatory until end of time. That makes me think - we can help her soul.
Exactly what I needed to hear. It's so easy to let an uncharitable word out when you are frustrated or tired. Sooo easy. May God have mercy on us all. I think this has been the number one thing holding a lot of us back in holiness.
I believe it fortuitous I found this video today. I accuse myself of being guilty of this too often. Lord forgive me, heal my hard heartedness. I will strive to work on this. It is my intention to get the words of this message deep into my heart. I will watch this video every morning for the next month...not as a penance, but to change my heart.
" I will watch this video every morning for the next month...not as a penance, but to change my heart" What will you do if your "heart" is not changed? Will you watch the video indefinitely? or if it is "changed" how can you be sure it was the video that changed it? Thank you.
It’s so tough. We are surrounded by stuff u just want to call out.. to rip into people , to demand revenge …to defend ourselves ,to shame and demand justice in the most brutal way all the while being utterly sinful ourselves… *massive sigh. I feel u.
I appreciate your channel very much. It takes a lot of effort to put out regular content. Your content is very simple and practical. That is a life changing combo.
Thank you for your charity in reminding us of the importance of acts of kindness and acts of charity for our salvation and the salvation of other souls . Mea maxima culpa...
What I’ve learned is that the Holy Spirit needs to do this work in us - he has a connection with words and can place kind and holy words on our lips that we may not otherwise say!! Holy Spirit make us kind in our hearts and in our words!!!!!
Wow!!! I am blown away!!! Thank u for sharing . I do wish there was more examples of the final one bec I needed them but otherwise - this is a much needed video and I will be sharing to everyone I can
Please pray for my mother Rufina Caritativo, my sis Ma. Nelly Macop, aunt Purisima Caritativo and Emilia Cape grand mother. God bless you all and sincerely thankful for helping pray for their souls. May our God give mercy and rest they rest in peace.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you …. This is so true… How easy I can fall into this and still remain so weak… even after confession…. Prayer is the answer and the one you gave us, I will remember… forgiveness…. Seems not so hard but it is without understanding our hurts…. I have been so tempted through my hurts so much during my life…. Jesus heals…. bring all our hurts to him… he gives us the grace to forgive and to love…but every day, with every conversation it is necessary to remember and to ask for help to always speak kindly about others. 🙏🙏🙏📿📿📿
As Catholic Christians we must always strive for Heaven. I am always praying for the souls in Purgatory, when I attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when I pray the O My Jesus prayer.
Thank you alvero for sharing this important information, I'm guilty of giving out, I know I need to be more charitable, in my thoughts and actions, and be mindful of the things I say about anyone.i appreciate everything you have said will help me I'll keep you in my prayers and your wife and family Patricia 🇮🇪❤️❤️
Munda cor meum ac labia mea, omnipotens Deus. Que labia Isaiae prophetae calculo mundasti ingnito. Ita me Tua grata misseratione. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum. (Cleanse my heart and my lips, almighty God, who didst clean the lips of the prophet Isaiah with burning coal. Thus deign to cleanse me with Your gracious mercy through the same Christ our Lord)
Great talk. One of the difficulties is the conscience can devolve into scruples with open ended charity. I always think of Justice as related to Scripture to interpret and govern the situation. Sometimes people just don’t want your help and anything you do is perceived negatively. In that case the best Charity is to just pray for them. I try to remember any Charity is ultimately not from me but a reflection of God’s Grace. Therefore I am a steward of his Grace and must act accordingly to His Law and His Will, not my own.
In purgatory according to St Catherine of Genoa, we don’t contemplate our sins, only desire to see God. That longing is continual until we are released.
The first two decades of the Joyful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary center on the two greatest commandment: (1) love for God above all things (The Annunciation) and (2) love for our neighbor (The Visitation). And Mary perfectly fulfilled both with humility.
Thank you, brother, for sharing this message. I'm going to offer any merits from my food bank donation this Thanksgiving (Oct 14 in Canada) for the holy souls. God bless you.
TY GOD through you i now understand what to do with my family who are so greedy envious jealous because of money they are to inherit. In this case money in our family is the root of evil. I will say to jesus forgive so and so and continue to pray for them and ask the souls in purgatory to help me. ❤
Yes, I agree to speak words of kindness and do acts of Chairity for others. But there are times while using kindness and Chairity to teach and evangelize, it can be very upsetting to the recipient when he or she is told that they must stop committing the sin of adultery or fornication. It must be done if we really love the sinner.✝
@@fredricos9468 You didn't say he died _from_ alcoholism. You said he "died an alcoholic". Was it on purpose? Did he approve of his alcoholism till the end?
Hello! There is a part in the Bible that says our works will be tested going through fire. If your works are made of silver and gold, you shall not suffer loss; but if your works are made of wood and hay, you will suffer loss but saved through this fire. So, it does not mention the purgatory nor specifics, but it tells you about it: a process of purification, just like intense heat over millions of years transforms coal into gold. I do not recall where in the Bible, but I read it.
There is purgatory...hear interviews with Mirjana Soldo..Vicka...Ivanka..Jakov...(Visionairs Medjugorje.) Read TLIG Vassula Rydèn...Jesus Speaks to this generation...
@daniellebrea3852 listen to the visionaries who see and or hear our Blessed Mother. Read what mystics say what Jesus and or Mary showed them. Again ..the bible shows us the life of Jesus on earth etc . The word of God stops NOT there.
This is exactly how St Therese became a Saint. She practiced charity everywhere. It’s extremely hard. And so few truly understand her little way. But she never let an opportunity escape her. Whenever tempted against charity in thought she sought out the Sister’s virtue. That’s how she became a Saint so fast.
I love this Alvaro! The inability to forgive or to get closure is a big stumbling block that feeds the sins you mentioned (sins against charity). When memories that result in feelings of resentment occur - is that a spiritual attack? or simply not having forgiven like one thought they did when they make that "conscious" decision/declaration?
I remember from an exorcist - as long as you remember smth negativity - keep forgiving and praying for abuser. Lord heals abuser threw victim. As Lord Jesus healed us with His sacrifice on the cross. One day you will remember the event without negative feelings. 🙏😊
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” -1John 1:9 “…for by one sacrifice, he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy…” -Heb . 10:14 “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is.” -1 John 3:2 The scripture is clear that Christ has forgiven us once for all, that His sacrifice is good enough, and that if we confess our sins He will not only forgive us but cleanse us from all unrighteousness. And finally, any sin that still remains will be removed when we see Him as He returns. There is no purging from our sins through some sort of disciplinary action, because Christ suffered for our sins, and we trust in his sacrifice, not ours.
Amazing how much people want to save themselves. Even though salvation is a free gift nothing you can do to earn it. Like you said brother Jesus did it all. Once people understand this and seek forgiveness from they will understand true love true mercy and unimaginable Grace
Pray the rosary every day. Pray the rosary of divine mercy at 3:00 p.m. every day. Pray the rosary of St Michael the Archangel. Pray the rosary of St. Gertrude the Great for the souls in purgatory for sinners within the universal church and sinners throughout the world. Pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday if possible and don't forget the rosary of the Precious Blood of Jesus. The sacrament of reconciliation and the mass.❤❤❤❤
If you recite the rosary of St. Gertrude the Great it is 50,000 souls from purgatory released and 50,000 souls of sinners who will not go to hell but to purgatory.
So I have a question for any compassionate Catholic/ clergy : if I shout at somebody non-present while in my car like with the windows rolled up and I'm on the highway so nobody can hear me kind of thing and I'm doing that because they frustrate ir infuriate me and I do not want to blow up at them face to face so in other words the offending party is not there not anywhere close by... is it still sinning against charity? or is it an act of Mercy as I am processing my anxiety to be able to go confront them compassionately later?
Well, I'm guilty of that too. I think it would be a venial sin. But I think we should still aspire to be patient in those situations. But I totally get where you are coming from.
I totally get you. Guilty of this. It's obviously better in some sense to keep the poison to ourselves- but ultimately, voiced or unvoiced - IT STILL REMAINS !! Aahhh! I just ask forgiveness immediately for my screaming wound. Knowing its not good enough, begging to be turned by God's grace.
The greatest weapon of Christians is the weapon of forgiveness and kindness. The greatest defense of Christians is having Jesus/God in your heart. -Nothing in Satan's arsenal can defeat the above.
Forgiveness does not depend on if the offender is sorry or not. Forgiveness has to do with yourself. Forgiveness doesn’t lessen or take away or explain away hurtful and wounding actions or words. It is about you not being held by them. It is the gift you give yourself. Jesus on the Cross forgave the very people who nailed him to it. St. Maria Goretti forgave her assailant who brutally stabbed her 14 times, underwent surgery with no anesthesia and died forgiving Alessandro. She won his soul. He was even later adopted by Maria’s mother Assunta and lived a penitent life as a lay Capuchin brother until he died - longing for years to be reunited with “his Angel Saint.” Forgiveness is mentioned frequently by Jesus in the Gospels. Most specifically He taught us to pray @forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against. We need to pray hard for this gift from Jesus in order to exercise it. Remember in John 15 it says “Apart from me you can do nothing.” That means that any gift from above (including the ability to forgive) must be asked for. Ask, see, knock for it. Finally, if someone is abusive, distance yourself from the abuse.
Yes you can. I have prayed to our Lord that "I forgive x-person or anyone who has hurt me. I apologize to all the people I have hurt. I also humbly ask You Lord to forgive them and me too.". Or something similar.
Thank you for this video. You mentioned your "clients" in this video. I probably missed your introduction of your professional background. Were or are you a Spiritual Director?
Word to remember
Charity. To others to those who has done wrong to us. Let’s be aware. HUMILITY IS ESSENTIAL
You have to surrender, and leave pride and greed behind.
Aw, I'm so sorry, James. 🙏🏼 Prayers. 🙏🏼
Do you live apart from your wife? Together? Do you go to Mass together? Do you go to Adoration with your wife? Do you go to confession often? Do you pray together at home?
I know how you feel.....pray for me and exits husband too😢❤
Are the both of you married thru the Church?
We need to pray for the people we see during our day. Everyone, everyone needs prayers
May the whole world burn with love for Jesus and Holy Mary 🙏❤️
You are so Right.
This is definitely an eye opener. Often times, I am not even aware that I am doing some of these things that hurt me and my relationship with God. I pray for the souls in purgatory through our Blessed Mother. Help me, Jesus, to refrain from doing the things mentioned here.
I am guilty of this for sure 🙏🏻 oh how my tongue has gotten me into so much trouble… I pray for sinful people to love ❤
It’s a disease today. I have decided not to say anything bad about anyone. It’s our toxic culture. If you come from a big family that’s tough lol
I've gone on a diet of speaking less
Same here. It's the most difficult penance. I start praying a Hail Mary as soon as something negative comes to mind about anyone. It's a lifetime work
@@lilianaquiroga4127 Terrible 😞 upset you I’m trying to
@@financefirewallsreviews me to I think if I can't say anything good I'll keep my mouth shut
Jesus has just called me to radical forgiveness; I think the words He gave to me were "forgive deeply" because the sin of gossip/complaining about someone continually has sent me to confession way too many times. I need to heal from the hurt done to me and it will only happen through radical forgiveness on my part. Praise God, He is so good!
Same for me. That's my main fault GOSSIP. Please pray for me🙏🙏🙏
But it's Not a Mortal Sin ...
When completely stepping back from gossip, observe, observe, observe others. You will not ever want to return to such ugliness. Your efforts instead will turn to praying that others see the light.
The merit is In The Will says Saint Faustina
Father RIPPERGER SAYS…Whenever we choose the lesser good we commit the sin of Malice. This is huge important information. Usually we fight and defend ourselves when someone has done actual hurtful things to us. We want our feelings to be comforted and emotional satisfaction of defending ourselves or biting back but when for The Love Of God, [and this must be the only reason] we choose to be quiet and take the punch for Gods sake, in the act of charity and give up our right to be justified it’s essentially the 😊higher good. Offer that pin prick or sometimes knife in your heart [it can physically hurt by the way] to Our Good Father for reperation for that person who is hurting you and save his soul. The Merit is in the will folks!!!
I firmly believe that our sufferings in Purgatory will be the knowledge of having sinned against a Love, so profound, and on Fire for each of us without any exceptions; and the Tears of Joy that Jesus sheds for each of us his children. We will see His Love with such clarity that that reality of our neglect will cause the most pain.
That’s what St Faustina said! She had visions of purgatory and the souls there said longing for God was their worst torment
I'm asking people to Pray for amelia the girl whose name was mentioned by Our Lady at in .... she amelia will be in purgatory till end of time..... I was lying in bed and thought to myself I wonder is she still in purgatory..... that same instant I heard noises like incessant desperate scratching on my bedroom window. This window is about 70 feet from the ground and I live on a hill.... which would make a ladder to clean window from outside difficult. ... I know it was nothing human.... and has only ever happened when I was considering this girls fate...... enough said..... please Pray for amelias soul.
I've often thought of her, too. But if Mary said that, perhaps it's perfect justice that allows her to remain there, or Mary would have said that they could pray for her to get her out sooner. I don't know, so I think it's still a good idea to pray for those most in need, which includes her. You have a kind heart.
Amazingly 1917 Fatima would have been much more holy as the present age. My thoughts on Amelia are that when Our Lady told the children many would have prayed for Amelia and this may have lessened her time and suffering in purgatory.
Alvaro had video of soul that asked for suffering of a mystic. Otherwise he had to remain in purgatory until end of time.
That makes me think - we can help her soul.
@@astraruza9001 thank you.
I *ABSOLUTELY* believe in Maria Simma. But I don't believe her that John Lennon is in Heaven.
Lord have Mercy on me a sinner ✝️ 💕
Exactly what I needed to hear. It's so easy to let an uncharitable word out when you are frustrated or tired. Sooo easy. May God have mercy on us all.
I think this has been the number one thing holding a lot of us back in holiness.
I believe it fortuitous I found this video today. I accuse myself of being guilty of this too often. Lord forgive me, heal my hard heartedness. I will strive to work on this.
It is my intention to get the words of this message deep into my heart. I will watch this video every morning for the next month...not as a penance, but to change my heart.
" I will watch this video every morning for the next month...not as a penance, but to change my heart" What will you do if your "heart" is not changed? Will you watch the video indefinitely? or if it is "changed" how can you be sure it was the video that changed it? Thank you.
It’s so tough. We are surrounded by stuff u just want to call out.. to rip into people , to demand revenge …to defend ourselves ,to shame and demand justice in the most brutal way all the while being utterly sinful ourselves… *massive sigh. I feel u.
@@HumanbeingonfloatingEarth " *massive sigh. I feel u." LOL. can you prove your god is real? sigh. I bet not. Good luck.
thank you...I needed that
I appreciate your channel very much. It takes a lot of effort to put out regular content. Your content is very simple and practical. That is a life changing combo.
Thank you James. That means a lot.
Very helpful, to understand what we do daily that wounds our souls and those around us! Thank you.
Thank you for teaching this.
Heres a prayer for you," i forgive, help my unforgiveness"
Thank you for speaking about this today. It’s made me deeply think of my actions, thoughts and what I can do to change 🙏
Thank you for your charity in reminding us of the importance of acts of kindness and acts of charity for our salvation and the salvation of other souls . Mea maxima culpa...
I really needed to see this today!!🙏
Thank you for sharing this. You have my attention and from this moment on I need to be conscious and intentional.
This is a very good lesson for ALL of us.
What I’ve learned is that the Holy Spirit needs to do this work in us - he has a connection with words and can place kind and holy words on our lips that we may not otherwise say!! Holy Spirit make us kind in our hearts and in our words!!!!!
Love the Blessed Mother! Never, ever let go of her guiding hand that will lead us to Jesus. Pray the Rosary daily for her intentions. Love her!
Thank You so much Alvaro! These are spiritual treasures. I Love this teaching and feel very Blessed to be a part of your ministry 💙🙏💙
Thank you Alvaro .im so bless and learn a lot to your reflections ..God bless you and your family.
4:22 Forgiveness formula
7:28 Works of Charity
So much valuable these teachings.🙏❤️🙏
I JUST read that in the book! Strong words! Thank you, Alvaro.
Wow!!! I am blown away!!! Thank u for sharing . I do wish there was more examples of the final one bec I needed them but otherwise - this is a much needed video and I will be sharing to everyone I can
Thanks for this video. Is something I need to hear daily so it goes deep into my subconscious.
Thank you for this revelation!!!!! I will be kind in what I say online to the people who are hurting so many people.❤❤❤❤😂
Please pray for my mother Rufina Caritativo, my sis Ma. Nelly Macop, aunt Purisima Caritativo and Emilia Cape grand mother.
God bless you all and sincerely thankful for helping pray for their souls.
May our God give mercy and rest they rest in peace.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
May they all rest in Peace and Perpetual light shine upon them 🙏 🙏 🙏
Thank you for bringing this to our attention Alvaro
Thank you for this information.
Thank you, from Ireland 💚
Thank you and God bless you 🙏
Probably your best video ever. Many thanks and God Bless
Thank you !! I needed to hear this today.
Thank you I need to go to confession for speaking I do thank you as we need reminders.May God bless you
I ask prayers for my brother Anthony and my best friend. Steve, who I fear are in purgatory but they were such good people
May they rest in Peace and Perpetual light shine upon them 🙏 Amén and Amén!!! Keep them in your prayers always!!🙏
Thank you …. This is so true… How easy I can fall into this and still remain so weak… even after confession…. Prayer is the answer and the one you gave us, I will remember… forgiveness…. Seems not so hard but it is without understanding our hurts…. I have been so tempted through my hurts so much during my life…. Jesus heals…. bring all our hurts to him… he gives us the grace to forgive and to love…but every day, with every conversation it is necessary to remember and to ask for help to always speak kindly about others. 🙏🙏🙏📿📿📿
Greetings from Rwanda brother
Thank you for this, today❤
As Catholic Christians we must always strive for Heaven. I am always praying for the souls in Purgatory, when I attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass when I pray the O My Jesus prayer.
I recite St
Gertrude 's prayers for the Souls in Purgatory
Thank you alvero for sharing this important information, I'm guilty of giving out, I know I need to be more charitable, in my thoughts and actions, and be mindful of the things I say about anyone.i appreciate everything you have said will help me I'll keep you in my prayers and your wife and family Patricia 🇮🇪❤️❤️
Our human nature doesn’t want to be charitable, that’s why we must ask the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts and lips!!!
Thank you alvero well said I will ask for that grace before I go to bed much appreciated Patricia 🇮🇪❤️❤️❤️
Yes, we too were guilty of the "sins, even murder in the heart" before we joined in the repentant! Veritatis Missio
I agree! I wouldn't know about it either if I didn't some across this video.
Thank you for this reminder! Good bless you!
I love the forgiveness formula 🙏
Munda cor meum ac labia mea, omnipotens Deus. Que labia Isaiae prophetae calculo mundasti ingnito. Ita me Tua grata misseratione. Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum.
(Cleanse my heart and my lips, almighty God, who didst clean the lips of the prophet Isaiah with burning coal. Thus deign to cleanse me with Your gracious mercy through the same Christ our Lord)
Ideo laudetur Iesus Christus semper! Veritatis Missio
Great talk. One of the difficulties is the conscience can devolve into scruples with open ended charity. I always think of Justice as related to Scripture to interpret and govern the situation. Sometimes people just don’t want your help and anything you do is perceived negatively. In that case the best Charity is to just pray for them. I try to remember any Charity is ultimately not from me but a reflection of God’s Grace. Therefore I am a steward of his Grace and must act accordingly to His Law and His Will, not my own.
Very well said
Thank you so much this ❤️ certainly helped me 🙏🏼
Boy did I need this!! His bless us all!!
In purgatory according to St Catherine of Genoa, we don’t contemplate our sins, only desire to see God. That longing is continual until we are released.
Thank you, great reminder.
Thanks for making this video with a helpful reminder for all of us.
The first two decades of the Joyful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary center on the two greatest commandment: (1) love for God above all things (The Annunciation) and (2) love for our neighbor (The Visitation). And Mary perfectly fulfilled both with humility.
This is one the best videos. Thank you Alvaro, you truly help us to be better people As well as helping the souls in purgatory. God bless you. 🙏🏻🕊️🙏🏻
Thank you, brother, for sharing this message. I'm going to offer any merits from my food bank donation this Thanksgiving (Oct 14 in Canada) for the holy souls. God bless you.
Many thanks for the tips.
TY GOD through you i now understand what to do with my family who are so greedy envious jealous because of money they are to inherit. In this case money in our family is the root of evil. I will say to jesus forgive so and so and continue to pray for them and ask the souls in purgatory to help me. ❤
This is a powerful video. Jesus help us put it into action. Thank you!!!❤❤❤
Good question!
🙏 for all .God forgives us our sins.
Yes, I agree to speak words of kindness and do acts of Chairity for others. But there are times while using kindness and Chairity to teach and evangelize, it can be very upsetting to the recipient when he or she is told that they must stop committing the sin of adultery or fornication. It must be done if we really love the sinner.✝
I Needed to hear this.Salve Maria.
I need to do more... helping my family , donating more to Catholic Church
Help out strangers too. ✝️
@@fredricos9468 Get a grip
@@fredricos9468 Did he die purposefully as an alcoholic?
@@fredricos9468 🤨... What is?
@@fredricos9468 You didn't say he died _from_ alcoholism. You said he "died an alcoholic".
Was it on purpose? Did he approve of his alcoholism till the end?
Hello! There is a part in the Bible that says our works will be tested going through fire. If your works are made of silver and gold, you shall not suffer loss; but if your works are made of wood and hay, you will suffer loss but saved through this fire. So, it does not mention the purgatory nor specifics, but it tells you about it: a process of purification, just like intense heat over millions of years transforms coal into gold. I do not recall where in the Bible, but I read it.
There is purgatory...hear interviews with Mirjana Soldo..Vicka...Ivanka..Jakov...(Visionairs Medjugorje.)
Read TLIG Vassula Rydèn...Jesus Speaks to this generation...
Maccabees and other parts mention purgatory but it has to be the Catholic Bible
@daniellebrea3852 listen to the visionaries who see and or hear our Blessed Mother. Read what mystics say what Jesus and or Mary showed them. Again ..the bible shows us the life of Jesus on earth etc . The word of God stops NOT there.
Ave Maria 🌹
This is exactly how St Therese became a Saint. She practiced charity everywhere. It’s extremely hard. And so few truly understand her little way. But she never let an opportunity escape her. Whenever tempted against charity in thought she sought out the Sister’s virtue. That’s how she became a Saint so fast.
I love this Alvaro! The inability to forgive or to get closure is a big stumbling block that feeds the sins you mentioned (sins against charity). When memories that result in feelings of resentment occur - is that a spiritual attack? or simply not having forgiven like one thought they did when they make that "conscious" decision/declaration?
Good question . I've often wondered. When it happens I remember to pray for them / pray a chaplet for them etc
I think it's temptations - the devil uses our wounds (weaknesses) to bring us down. We must always recognize them for what they are and overcome them
Very good! Thank you!
I remember from an exorcist - as long as you remember smth negativity - keep forgiving and praying for abuser. Lord heals abuser threw victim. As Lord Jesus healed us with His sacrifice on the cross. One day you will remember the event without negative feelings. 🙏😊
A great example is Saint Maria Goretti and her attacker Alessandro Serenelli. One of the greatest acts of forgiveness from a 13 year old child.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
-1John 1:9
“…for by one sacrifice, he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy…” -Heb . 10:14
“Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is.”
-1 John 3:2
The scripture is clear that Christ has forgiven us once for all, that His sacrifice is good enough, and that if we confess our sins He will not only forgive us but cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
And finally, any sin that still remains will be removed when we see Him as He returns.
There is no purging from our sins through some sort of disciplinary action, because Christ suffered for our sins, and we trust in his sacrifice, not ours.
Amazing how much people want to save themselves. Even though salvation is a free gift nothing you can do to earn it. Like you said brother Jesus did it all. Once people understand this and seek forgiveness from they will understand true love true mercy and unimaginable Grace
@@bigbuck9984 AMEN.
Please pray for my parents and grandparents and all the family that had passed on also for Father beard
I love Maria Simma, I read her book after I lost my son to suicide🙏
I'm so very sorry. 😢
@@karenmunch4316So am I , we should pray for him
Pray the rosary every day. Pray the rosary of divine mercy at 3:00 p.m. every day. Pray the rosary of St Michael the Archangel. Pray the rosary of St. Gertrude the Great for the souls in purgatory for sinners within the universal church and sinners throughout the world. Pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday if possible and don't forget the rosary of the Precious Blood of Jesus. The sacrament of reconciliation and the mass.❤❤❤❤
Great video content and presentation. Thanks very much.
Great video. Really made me think
If you recite the rosary of St. Gertrude the Great it is 50,000 souls from purgatory released and 50,000 souls of sinners who will not go to hell but to purgatory.
True we need to forgive to be forgiven.
Thanks Alvaro.
So simple and yet so profound: "In the Name of Jesus, I forgive..." Gracias, Alvaro 🤍
What if you’re standing up to somebody? Or your warning others about someone? Thanks for your answers
Thank you!!
Good video
A very helpful video.
Lord Jesus Christ ✝️ Son of the Living God have MERCY on me a Sinner.
Thank you. ❤
Very nice❤
Jesus I trust in you🙏
So I have a question for any compassionate Catholic/ clergy :
if I shout at somebody non-present while in my car like with the windows rolled up and I'm on the highway so nobody can hear me kind of thing and I'm doing that because they frustrate ir infuriate me and I do not want to blow up at them face to face so in other words the offending party is not there not anywhere close by... is it still sinning against charity?
or is it an act of Mercy as I am processing my anxiety to be able to go confront them compassionately later?
Well, I'm guilty of that too. I think it would be a venial sin. But I think we should still aspire to be patient in those situations. But I totally get where you are coming from.
I totally get you. Guilty of this. It's obviously better in some sense to keep the poison to ourselves- but ultimately, voiced or unvoiced - IT STILL REMAINS !! Aahhh! I just ask forgiveness immediately for my screaming wound. Knowing its not good enough, begging to be turned by God's grace.
The greatest weapon of Christians is the weapon of forgiveness and kindness. The greatest defense of Christians is having Jesus/God in your heart.
-Nothing in Satan's arsenal can defeat the above.
Can you forgive someone that's not sorry.
Forgiveness does not depend on if the offender is sorry or not. Forgiveness has to do with yourself. Forgiveness doesn’t lessen or take away or explain away hurtful and wounding actions or words. It is about you not being held by them. It is the gift you give yourself. Jesus on the Cross forgave the very people who nailed him to it. St. Maria Goretti forgave her assailant who brutally stabbed her 14 times, underwent surgery with no anesthesia and died forgiving Alessandro. She won his soul. He was even later adopted by Maria’s mother Assunta and lived a penitent life as a lay Capuchin brother until he died - longing for years to be reunited with “his Angel Saint.” Forgiveness is mentioned frequently by Jesus in the Gospels. Most specifically He taught us to pray @forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against. We need to pray hard for this gift from Jesus in order to exercise it. Remember in John 15 it says “Apart from me you can do nothing.” That means that any gift from above (including the ability to forgive) must be asked for. Ask, see, knock for it. Finally, if someone is abusive, distance yourself from the abuse.
Jesus did ….from the cross! There is not only the merit of doing that which is not deserved, but we also become more like Our Lord!❤👍👍👍🙌🙌🙌
Yes you can. I have prayed to our Lord that "I forgive x-person or anyone who has hurt me. I apologize to all the people I have hurt. I also humbly ask You Lord to forgive them and me too.". Or something similar.
@@dailybread300 Ok, So if say to God or Jesus that I,m not sorry for sinning against him, will he forgive me.
@@johnconcannon3844you don't have to have perfect contrition for forgiveness.
All true, but these are not an easy things at all, unless you are a saint, so Thank God for confession.
Thank you for this video. You mentioned your "clients" in this video. I probably missed your introduction of your professional background. Were or are you a Spiritual Director?
I've been wondering a long time but
When a Christian is deceived by a con man or scammer into losing all their money, is that "rewarded"?
all have sinned and come short of the glory of God