I too had a problem with purgatory so I began to research and learn the topic. The more I learned the more I thought it was a no brainer that purgatory is real. My protestant friends still think I'm "lost" or have been "brainwashed" by the Catholic doctrine, but in my heart I know and nothing they can do or say will deter me away from my Catholic faith. I'm stronger than ever and continue to learn and practice.
Mark Lim Jesus did not say that Peter was The Rock. We all know that Jesus is The Rock. Matthew 16:18 is talking about Peter's faith, not Peter himself.
aerodave1 Yup, Jesus is the Rock. But He knows He will leave, but He will not leave His flocks without a shepherd. He designate Peter (Peter, meaning Rock) as Rock upon whom he will built His Church. Why would Jesus change Simon's name to Peter (Peter-=Rock) if he is not referring him to be the Rock? Absurd...
aerodave1 The Rock of Matt 16:18 is both Peter AND his profession of faith. Do you have a reason why it can't be both, or more specifically why it cannot be Peter?
There are 68 times writers of the New Testament quote from those seven books. Jesus quotes from them. Paul quotes from them. John quotes fro them. To say those books are wrong, you would have to admit Jesus is wrong for quoting from them. Is that a stance anyone would want to take? I don't think so. Since I know no one will take my word for it, here are a few of those verses and the books they are quoting from. Matthew 6:19-20 Jesus' statement about laying up treasure in Heaven follows Sirach 29:11Matthew 16:18 Jesus' reference to the "power of death" and "gates of Hades" references Wisdom 16:13Matthew 24:15 The "desolating sacrifice" Jesus refers to is taken from 1 Maccabees 1:54 and 2 Maccabees 8:17Mark 4:5, 16-17 Jesus' description of seeds falling on rocky ground and having no root follows Sirach 40:15Mark 9:48 Jesus' description of hell where "worm does not die and fire is not quenched," references Judith 16:17Luke 21:24 Jesus' words "fall by the edge of the sword" follows Sirach 28:18Acts 17:29 Paul's description of false gods as like gold and silver made by men follows Wisdom 13:10James 1:19 James' instruction that every man should be "quick to hear and slow to respond" follows Sirach 5:11Romans 9:21 Paul's reference to the potter and the clay making two kinds of vessels follows Wisdom 15:7James 5:3 James' teaching about silver that rusts and laying up one's true treasure follows Sirach 29:10-11There you go my protestant brothers, 10 of the 68. Let's put this nonsense to bed and admit the seven books that Luther took out should be in your Bible. After all, they were part of the Bible for 1,500 years before Luther. Jesus quotes from them, that's good enough for me. You better have some really good reason it's not good enough for you.
For future posts, i would love to see the Scriptures referenced listed in the details, pretty please :) thank you for all you do for helping us sharpen our faith. God Bless
actually its purgatorium.. a latin word for cleansing of the soul.. because its hard for everyone to enter the heaven if we had a single little sin that is why we have a purgatory.. read Hebrew 1:3 and translate it to Latin you will find the word .. God bless everyone
Ian Lorenzo "qui cum sit splendor gloriae et figura substantiae eius portansque omnia verbo virtutis suae purgationem peccatorum faciens sedit ad dexteram Maiestatis in excelsis" from Vulgate Latin Bible.
1 corinthians 6 :9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men verse10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. verse 11 part 1 And that is what some of you were. verse 11 part 2 But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. since the bible says that we have been washed, sanctified, why the need for purgatory
God says "if your hand--even your stronger hand--causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell" if he is giving us extreme measures just so we won't go to hell, then why would purgatory exist? I also wonder why there are words for "heaven", "hell", & "baptism", but there is no word for "purgatory" in the bible.
+Klarity*11 Gehenna was not Purgatory, it was a burning fire. Gehenna was actually a place where they burned their trash in those days. That was all they could use to compare to people about what hell fire would be like.
1 Corinthians 3 is referring to building your treasure upon Jesus and not earthly things because they will burn. It is not referring to purgatory. Purgatory voids the blood of Christ because what it assumes is that it is not by His blood in which we are saved, but that of our own which is a false statement. When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, our Heavenly Father sees His Son, not our transgressions. I agree with the caller's friend on not following the catholic church. We are meant to follow God, not a building or the people therein. My advice, influenced by scripture, is to have a relationship directly with God and ask Him the questions you have because He has all the answers and He is our truth.
Prots like Felipe like to twist the Catholic Church's teaching on this. Purgatory is not a 3rd state, separate from Heaven and Hell in the sense that it's a third location one's soul could end up. It's simply a final purification process for those ALREADY saved and who are on their way to Heaven. It's just a way to ensure that nothing unclean will enter Heaven as is referenced in Revelation. It's very biblical and very real.
First of all, we don't "cleanse ourselves" in Purgatory-Almighty God does it. Secondly, Holy Scripture does more than just "hint" at the concept of Purgatory. Try reading 1st Cor 3:11-15. Tell me what that is talking about. If it's not Heaven and it's not hell, what is it? If it weren't for man-made, heretical tradition, you'd be able to read more about Purgatory in the books of your bible that were removed by the people who revolted against the Bride of Christ and started their own traditions (talk about twisting Scripture!). The Catholic Church has been proclaiming the truth for over 2000 years. The tradition you follow is new-only about 500 years old and is a corrupted version of Christianity. I'm sure you mean well and that you love Christ, but I'll stick to the Church that our Blessed Lord Himself founded-not some man-made tradition. But for more scriptural "hints" of Purgatory, I believe Luther still left Revelation in, so I urge you to read in that book how nothing impure will enter Heaven. I don't know about you, but if I am blessed enough to make it to Heaven, I'm sure I'm not going to be 100% pure and that I'll need some final cleansing before I will be allowed to see God. I am so thankful that the mercy of our Lord has given us a process to be cleansed on our way to Heaven that Jesus laid out for us. I will pray that God will open your heart to the truth that is the Holy Catholic Church. God Bless.
***** Jesus does it at the second coming. The bible says he gives us glorified immortal bodies already cleansed at that time. There is no reason to have a purgatory. No scripture mentions it anywhere. 1st Corinthians does not say anything about Purgatory. What it says is that our works are tested through fire, if everything you have is burned away what would be left? - nothing about a place to go to be cleansed in. If God had a place for us to be cleansed before Heaven then he would have mentioned it clearly.
aerodave1 You may want to read verse 15 again in 1st Cor: : But if someone’s work is burned up, that one will suffer loss; the person will be saved,* but only as through fire. Sounds as if God mentions it pretty clearly there to me.
aerodave1 More on 1st Cor: This text speaks of the judgment of God where the works of the faithful will be tested after death. It says our works will go through “fire,” figuratively speaking. In Scripture, “fire” is used metaphorically in two ways: as a purifying agent (Mal. 3:2-3; Matt. 3:11; Mark 9:49); and as that which consumes (Matt. 3:12; 2 Thess. 1:7-8). So it is a fitting symbol here for God’s judgment. Some of the “works” represented are being burned up and some are being purified. These works survive or burn according to their essential “quality” (Gr. hopoiov - of what sort). What is being referred to cannot be heaven because there are imperfections that need to be “burned up” (see again, Rev. 21:27, Hab. 1:13). It cannot be hell because souls are being saved. So what is it? The Protestant calls it “the Judgment” and we Catholics agree. We Catholics simply specify the part of the judgment of the saved where imperfections are purged as “Purgatory.” Most importantly, however, this idea of “works” being “burned up” apart from the soul that performed the work contradicts the text itself. The text does say the works will be tested by fire, but “if the work survives... he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he shall suffer loss.” And, “he will be saved, but only as through fire” (Gr. dia puros). The truth is: both the works of the individual and the individual will go through the cleansing “fire” described by St. Paul in order that “he” might finally be saved and enter into the joy of the Lord. Sounds an awful lot like Purgatory. More Scripture: Jesus declares in the New Testament: In Matthew 5:24-25, Jesus is even more explicit about Purgatory: Make friends quickly with your accuser, while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison; truly I say to you, you will never get out till you have paid the last penny (Matthew 5:25-26). For Catholics, Tertullian for example, in De Anima 58, written in ca. AD 208, this teaching is parabolic, using the well-known example of “prison” and the necessary penitence it represents, as a metaphor for Purgatorial suffering that will be required for lesser transgressions, represented by the “kodrantes” or “penny” of verse 26.When we add to this the fact that the Greek word for prison, phulake, is the same word used by St. Peter, in I Peter 3:19, to describe the “holding place” into which Jesus descended after his death to liberate the detained spirits of Old Testament believers, the Catholic position makes even more sense. Phulake is demonstrably used in the New Testament to refer to a temporary holding place and not exclusively in this life.
Purgatory no such place. Paul is simply saying, you're not going to anything past God. If you agree this is the judgment, your motives behind your works ( traditions, religious rituals, self merit) will burn up, leaving nothing to lean on except.Christ. Paul say everything I have gain count it a loss, call it all( works) rubbish, it will burn up. Prison is where every sinner is at until the last penny is paid, only way it will be paid in FULL is by Christ. Quit making it so complicated.
The holy BIBLE says for believers to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord not temporary hell to purge out sin. Jesus told the thief on the Cross this day u will be with me in paradise. Not purgatory first then paradise. The BIBLE warns in revelations of adding and taking from the BIBLE.. Purgatory is not scriptural.
Many, many things are not in the Bible and that is why Christ built his authoritative Catholic Church. That is, so that of God's truth is accurately and authentically taught. Christ gave his authority on earth to the Church for this exact reason until the end of the world, when all are in Heaven with Him directly.
The Maccabees help see this in the Old Testament and how praying assists both the deceased as well as us. Corinthians and the test by fire to purify our remaining impurities whatever they are and even if they come in the last moments of life.
Vincent Licitra Yes. 1st Corinthians says nothing about Purgatory. It only says that when Jesus comes back he will separate the sinners from the saved. If you are saved you will receive a new immortal body and your bad works will be burned up and you will be saved with him. Those saved will rise together with him and those that do not believe will either die or remain in the grave until after the thousand years is over. Maccabees is not part of the bible. Never was and never will be by Jews or Christians. It was listed as a secondary work alongside the bible but not part of the original biblical cannon. Nowhere in the Old or New testment does it mention anything found in Maccabees or any of the other six books of the Apocrypha. That's why they were never included in the bible.
aerodave1 What faith denomination are you drawing your conclusions from? Are you non-denominational? I gave you a web address to which you can refer and from which you can see the issue you wish to question. Any thoughts on that information. Rev. 21:27 ; Habakkuk 1:13 Matthew 12:32 Sin which will not be forgiven. Matthew 5: 24-25-26. I Corinthians 3:11-15. When all the various an numerous denominations work their way, through humility, back to the Catholic church bring with them their wonderful enthusiasm and steadfast belief in Jesus Christ, then will the Church stand as a bull work against Satan. I'd refer you to some wonderful RUclips videos of Scott Hahn for additional clarification..
Vincent Licitra I rely solely on the bible for my information. I go by what the bible says - not what man says. The Catholic church is not the original church that Jesus built. It was the first man-made church. Matthew 16:18 to 20 says nothing about Peter being the first pope. That was a mistranslation of the orginal Greek and Hebrew. You can't go by Catholic sources for all of your information. The catechism is definitely man-made and contradicts the bible. You have to use objective sources to verify what the bible says. If you can find ANYTHING in scripture that says that the Catholic church has any authority please let me know. People have been searching for that evidence for thousands of years. No one has found it yet.
Vincent Licitra I've watched several Scott Hahn videos and even talked to him in person. He can't seem to answer questions clearly and he is not a very good speaker. He doesn't usually quote scripture and if he does it is usually a mistranslation of what the scripture actually says. He only repeats back what the church says and not from the bible. Doug Batchelor and David Asscherick are much better speakers on various biblical topics. They are much more scripturally accurate.
Interesting that the purgatory not taught in bible What is taught in the bible totally contradict this catholic teaching Ec 9.5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun.
The bible says that there is No repentance in the grave. Why would anyone dispute that? It also says Woe to those who ADD or SUBTRACT from the words of God. You can;t buy your way there, ye who have ear let him hear. please just read Gods words and not mans excuse...bless you
Catholic Answers, first thanks for this video and your thoughts on this subject. I have a similar question, and my question hasn't been answered by your video. I agree that a "Word," doesn't have to be specifically mentioned in the bible, but you didn't answer where the word "purgatory" comes from. Even Maccabees didn't mention the word Purgatory, while the Bible mentions the words Sheol, Hades, and hell. I do believe in a place, where we go to, when we die. I also know that that KJV Bible (it's a shame I have to be specific about what Bible I refer too), talks about a place where the dead go to. So I will pray and search more.
+CandaceWhite nonsense. Read Maccabees 2 though in your Bible if it's a translation attacked by Luther it won't be in it. There is only one true church founded by Christ my friend and there's no getting away from that fact.
+CandaceWhite purgatory wasn't a middles ages idea at all. The very early church believed in it. Read the church fathers from the time after the NT til the 8th century. Much was written on the belief.
+CandaceWhite Hi CanaceWhite. Thank you for your view. I generally agree with you, as I've found MANY scriptural references pertaining to death and where people go when they die, including the one you mentioned in John ch 5. I still have questions about our conscious state, after we die, although there are many references in which the Bible says we know nothing and that we are asleep, etc. Specifically, 1 Peter 3:19-20, where it says when Jesus died, he also went and preached to the spirits in prison.? What or where is prison? Who are the spirits that Jesus spoke to there? Can you help me with this? Thanks.
+CandaceWhite I wanted to also include 1 Peter Ch 4:6 in my question. "For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead..." Candice, I'm not sure I understand these passages. On the surface, they seem to be in contrast to so many other scriptures. Thanks again for letting me ask you questions.
I'm not trying to be offensive, so don't take what I write as that tone. But what he said doesn't make good doctrinal sense. 1) Solo scriptura is probably one of the best concepts one can come across, so they aren't melded with worldly and fleshly teaching. 2) Just because a text historically records an action, doesn't mean it's a precedent. So just because Mr. Maccabee took up an offering and prayed for the dead, doesn't mean it's sound doctrine, or helpful in anyway. Take for example Ruth, we clearly do not want to send our attractive, young daughters to sleep next to older single men, regardless of how humanly good those men might be. Just because Abraham said his wife was his sister, doesn't mean we should let other men sleep with our wife if we're scared. 3) People's journey to heaven may not be yet complete? And Jesus said to him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” -Luke 23. This seems pretty clear that it's not a journey, God takes us there instantly since he is outside of time. 4) Paul writes the quality of our work will be tested by fire. Yes, he does. When you run from a burning building you have nothing with you to show for it, you took no treasures with you. Congratulations, you did no good works but arrived in heaven by grace alone through faith alone.
Any time you build a doctrine of the faith around obscure verses especially Maccabees should be careful. THe verse in corinthians chapter 3 talks about works our sanctification not out justification before God. the rest is semantics
I'm sorry but if purgatory is not in the Bible then is not real. purgatory was invented by man and Pope. everything that is written on the Bible that's the word God.
Quoting from Maccabees is like quoting from the Quran. Useless. Maccabees is not a part of the Jewish Canon and even Josephus never quoted from it. Should never be used as "sacred" If purgatory existed Christ died for nothing! Galatians 2:21. 1 Cor ch 3 is talking about works!!!! And how the work are tested not the person! The word work is mentioned seven times. Paul is not talking about sin but Christians works which will be tested by fire. How one builds up a whole doctrine of false purgatory on these verses is beyond reason. If purgatory is needed then Christ should not have said in the Cross it Is finished!
Jewish Canon did not come about until after Jesus had died. In fact the scriptures that Jesus used (the greek translations that most Jews used at that time) included the deuterocanons. In fact they are referenced several times. In addition to removing 7 books from the bible, martin luther also came close to getting rid of hebrews, james, and a few other books. And it wasn't until the 1800s that bibles stopped having these books, as they were usually in another section of the bible (separate from old and new testament). So the bible protestants use, is missing what the majority of Christians for the majority of time have used. If the bible is the inspired word of God, then why would God allow a false bible for so long? only for it to be changed due to a very unfortunate (and I think both protestants and catholics should agree any split in christianity is unfortunate) split. In fact the rejection of these 7 books points out the very weakness in protestantism. By whose authority do you get the bible? In 3 books of the Bible Jesus hands this authority to peter and his disciples. And from the succession of these disciples do we first get the bible.
BornAgain happyfriday "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 Christ will complete the work that He began in us; in this life or the next.
After DIsincarnation a person will often wait in the Transitional Staging Existence (TSE) or "purgatory" for about three days before they will ultimately crossover. The amount of guilt and unfinished business as well as physical attachment issues will determine whether they will holdout or crossover in a timely manner. Although third party factions like Jesus are nice to think about, crossing over is a natural event that happens to everyone and the only real determiner to any problems is with the individuals conscience. Planning for death is the best thing for most people since many don't and have trouble at the end, eventually having to "write off" everything before moving on.
I too had a problem with purgatory so I began to research and learn the topic. The more I learned the more I thought it was a no brainer that purgatory is real. My protestant friends still think I'm "lost" or have been "brainwashed" by the Catholic doctrine, but in my heart I know and nothing they can do or say will deter me away from my Catholic faith. I'm stronger than ever and continue to learn and practice.
Great testimony. ☺
Tell them that you have faith on the promise of Christ re: the gates of hell will not conquer nor destroy the Rock of His Church. Case close
Mark Lim Jesus did not say that Peter was The Rock. We all know that Jesus is The Rock. Matthew 16:18 is talking about Peter's faith, not Peter himself.
aerodave1 Yup, Jesus is the Rock. But He knows He will leave, but He will not leave His flocks without a shepherd. He designate Peter (Peter, meaning Rock) as Rock upon whom he will built His Church. Why would Jesus change Simon's name to Peter (Peter-=Rock) if he is not referring him to be the Rock? Absurd...
aerodave1 The Rock of Matt 16:18 is both Peter AND his profession of faith. Do you have a reason why it can't be both, or more specifically why it cannot be Peter?
There are 68 times writers of the New Testament quote from those seven books. Jesus quotes from them. Paul quotes from them. John quotes fro them. To say those books are wrong, you would have to admit Jesus is wrong for quoting from them. Is that a stance anyone would want to take? I don't think so. Since I know no one will take my word for it, here are a few of those verses and the books they are quoting from. Matthew 6:19-20 Jesus' statement about laying up treasure in Heaven follows Sirach 29:11Matthew 16:18 Jesus' reference to the "power of death" and "gates of Hades" references Wisdom 16:13Matthew 24:15 The "desolating sacrifice" Jesus refers to is taken from 1 Maccabees 1:54 and 2 Maccabees 8:17Mark 4:5, 16-17 Jesus' description of seeds falling on rocky ground and having no root follows Sirach 40:15Mark 9:48 Jesus' description of hell where "worm does not die and fire is not quenched," references Judith 16:17Luke 21:24 Jesus' words "fall by the edge of the sword" follows Sirach 28:18Acts 17:29 Paul's description of false gods as like gold and silver made by men follows Wisdom 13:10James 1:19 James' instruction that every man should be "quick to hear and slow to respond" follows Sirach 5:11Romans 9:21 Paul's reference to the potter and the clay making two kinds of vessels follows Wisdom 15:7James 5:3 James' teaching about silver that rusts and laying up one's true treasure follows Sirach 29:10-11There you go my protestant brothers, 10 of the 68. Let's put this nonsense to bed and admit the seven books that Luther took out should be in your Bible. After all, they were part of the Bible for 1,500 years before Luther. Jesus quotes from them, that's good enough for me. You better have some really good reason it's not good enough for you.
For future posts, i would love to see the Scriptures referenced listed in the details, pretty please :) thank you for all you do for helping us sharpen our faith. God Bless
actually its purgatorium.. a latin word for cleansing of the soul.. because its hard for everyone to enter the heaven if we had a single little sin that is why we have a purgatory.. read Hebrew 1:3 and translate it to Latin you will find the word .. God bless everyone
Ian Lorenzo "qui cum sit splendor gloriae et figura substantiae eius portansque omnia verbo virtutis suae purgationem peccatorum faciens sedit ad dexteram Maiestatis in excelsis"
from Vulgate Latin Bible.
1 corinthians 6 :9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
verse10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
verse 11 part 1 And that is what some of you were.
verse 11 part 2 But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
since the bible says that we have been washed, sanctified, why the need for purgatory
God says "if your hand--even your stronger hand--causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell" if he is giving us extreme measures just so we won't go to hell, then why would purgatory exist? I also wonder why there are words for "heaven", "hell", & "baptism", but there is no word for "purgatory" in the bible.
Jewish tradition acknowledges Purgatory but calls it "Gehenom".
+Klarity*11 That means hell
Do ,some research. Jews have traditionally seen it as a temporary place, not hell.
+Klarity*11 Gehenna was not Purgatory, it was a burning fire. Gehenna was actually a place where they burned their trash in those days. That was all they could use to compare to people about what hell fire would be like.
The same word can be used multiple ways. The fires of hell and purgatory are the same.
1 Corinthians 3 is referring to building your treasure upon Jesus and not earthly things because they will burn. It is not referring to purgatory. Purgatory voids the blood of Christ because what it assumes is that it is not by His blood in which we are saved, but that of our own which is a false statement. When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, our Heavenly Father sees His Son, not our transgressions. I agree with the caller's friend on not following the catholic church. We are meant to follow God, not a building or the people therein. My advice, influenced by scripture, is to have a relationship directly with God and ask Him the questions you have because He has all the answers and He is our truth.
i realize this is from 2 years ago but i hope the caller's friend didnt leave the church...
People are delusional these days, we are in the end days, Jesus could come any day now.
Prots like Felipe like to twist the Catholic Church's teaching on this. Purgatory is not a 3rd state, separate from Heaven and Hell in the sense that it's a third location one's soul could end up. It's simply a final purification process for those ALREADY saved and who are on their way to Heaven. It's just a way to ensure that nothing unclean will enter Heaven as is referenced in Revelation. It's very biblical and very real.
First of all, we don't "cleanse ourselves" in Purgatory-Almighty God does it. Secondly, Holy Scripture does more than just "hint" at the concept of Purgatory. Try reading 1st Cor 3:11-15. Tell me what that is talking about. If it's not Heaven and it's not hell, what is it?
If it weren't for man-made, heretical tradition, you'd be able to read more about Purgatory in the books of your bible that were removed by the people who revolted against the Bride of Christ and started their own traditions (talk about twisting Scripture!). The Catholic Church has been proclaiming the truth for over 2000 years. The tradition you follow is new-only about 500 years old and is a corrupted version of Christianity. I'm sure you mean well and that you love Christ, but I'll stick to the Church that our Blessed Lord Himself founded-not some man-made tradition.
But for more scriptural "hints" of Purgatory, I believe Luther still left Revelation in, so I urge you to read in that book how nothing impure will enter Heaven. I don't know about you, but if I am blessed enough to make it to Heaven, I'm sure I'm not going to be 100% pure and that I'll need some final cleansing before I will be allowed to see God. I am so thankful that the mercy of our Lord has given us a process to be cleansed on our way to Heaven that Jesus laid out for us.
I will pray that God will open your heart to the truth that is the Holy Catholic Church. God Bless.
***** Jesus does it at the second coming. The bible says he gives us glorified immortal bodies already cleansed at that time. There is no reason to have a purgatory. No scripture mentions it anywhere. 1st Corinthians does not say anything about Purgatory. What it says is that our works are tested through fire, if everything you have is burned away what would be left? - nothing about a place to go to be cleansed in.
If God had a place for us to be cleansed before Heaven then he would have mentioned it clearly.
aerodave1 You may want to read verse 15 again in 1st Cor: :
But if someone’s work is burned up, that one will suffer loss; the person will be saved,* but only as through fire. Sounds as if God mentions it pretty clearly there to me.
aerodave1 More on 1st Cor: This text speaks of the judgment of God where the works of the faithful will be tested after death. It says our works will go through “fire,” figuratively speaking. In Scripture, “fire” is used metaphorically in two ways: as a purifying agent (Mal. 3:2-3; Matt. 3:11; Mark 9:49); and as that which consumes (Matt. 3:12; 2 Thess. 1:7-8). So it is a fitting symbol here for God’s judgment. Some of the “works” represented are being burned up and some are being purified. These works survive or burn according to their essential “quality” (Gr. hopoiov - of what sort).
What is being referred to cannot be heaven because there are imperfections that need to be “burned up” (see again, Rev. 21:27, Hab. 1:13). It cannot be hell because souls are being saved. So what is it? The Protestant calls it “the Judgment” and we Catholics agree. We Catholics simply specify the part of the judgment of the saved where imperfections are purged as “Purgatory.”
Most importantly, however, this idea of “works” being “burned up” apart from the soul that performed the work contradicts the text itself. The text does say the works will be tested by fire, but “if the work survives... he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he shall suffer loss.” And, “he will be saved, but only as through fire” (Gr. dia puros). The truth is: both the works of the individual and the individual will go through the cleansing “fire” described by St. Paul in order that “he” might finally be saved and enter into the joy of the Lord. Sounds an awful lot like Purgatory.
More Scripture: Jesus declares in the New Testament:
In Matthew 5:24-25, Jesus is even more explicit about Purgatory:
Make friends quickly with your accuser, while you are going with him to court, lest your accuser hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the guard, and you be put in prison; truly I say to you, you will never get out till you have paid the last penny (Matthew 5:25-26).
For Catholics, Tertullian for example, in De Anima 58, written in ca. AD 208, this teaching is parabolic, using the well-known example of “prison” and the necessary penitence it represents, as a metaphor for Purgatorial suffering that will be required for lesser transgressions, represented by the “kodrantes” or “penny” of verse 26.When we add to this the fact that the Greek word for prison, phulake, is the same word used by St. Peter, in I Peter 3:19, to describe the “holding place” into which Jesus descended after his death to liberate the detained spirits of Old Testament believers, the Catholic position makes even more sense. Phulake is demonstrably used in the New Testament to refer to a temporary holding place and not exclusively in this life.
Purgatory no such place. Paul is simply saying, you're not going to anything past God. If you agree this is the judgment, your motives behind your works ( traditions, religious rituals, self merit) will burn up, leaving nothing to lean on except.Christ. Paul say everything I have gain count it a loss, call it all( works) rubbish, it will burn up. Prison is where every sinner is at until the last penny is paid, only way it will be paid in FULL is by Christ. Quit making it so complicated.
The holy BIBLE says for believers to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord not temporary hell to purge out sin. Jesus told the thief on the Cross this day u will be with me in paradise. Not purgatory first then paradise. The BIBLE warns in revelations of adding and taking from the BIBLE.. Purgatory is not scriptural.
Many, many things are not in the Bible and that is why Christ built his authoritative Catholic Church. That is, so that of God's truth is accurately and authentically taught. Christ gave his authority on earth to the Church for this exact reason until the end of the world, when all are in Heaven with Him directly.
The Maccabees help see this in the Old Testament and how praying assists both the deceased as well as us. Corinthians and the test by fire to purify our remaining impurities whatever they are and even if they come in the last moments of life.
aerodave1 Any thoughts?
Vincent Licitra Yes. 1st Corinthians says nothing about Purgatory. It only says that when Jesus comes back he will separate the sinners from the saved. If you are saved you will receive a new immortal body and your bad works will be burned up and you will be saved with him. Those saved will rise together with him and those that do not believe will either die or remain in the grave until after the thousand years is over.
Maccabees is not part of the bible. Never was and never will be by Jews or Christians. It was listed as a secondary work alongside the bible but not part of the original biblical cannon. Nowhere in the Old or New testment does it mention anything found in Maccabees or any of the other six books of the Apocrypha. That's why they were never included in the bible.
aerodave1 What faith denomination are you drawing your conclusions from? Are you non-denominational? I gave you a web address to which you can refer and from which you can see the issue you wish to question. Any thoughts on that information.
Rev. 21:27 ; Habakkuk 1:13
Matthew 12:32 Sin which will not be forgiven.
Matthew 5: 24-25-26. I Corinthians 3:11-15.
When all the various an numerous denominations work their way, through humility, back to the Catholic church bring with them their wonderful enthusiasm and steadfast belief in Jesus Christ, then will the Church stand as a bull work against Satan. I'd refer you to some wonderful RUclips videos of Scott Hahn for additional clarification..
Vincent Licitra I rely solely on the bible for my information. I go by what the bible says - not what man says. The Catholic church is not the original church that Jesus built. It was the first man-made church. Matthew 16:18 to 20 says nothing about Peter being the first pope. That was a mistranslation of the orginal Greek and Hebrew. You can't go by Catholic sources for all of your information. The catechism is definitely man-made and contradicts the bible. You have to use objective sources to verify what the bible says.
If you can find ANYTHING in scripture that says that the Catholic church has any authority please let me know. People have been searching for that evidence for thousands of years. No one has found it yet.
Vincent Licitra I've watched several Scott Hahn videos and even talked to him in person. He can't seem to answer questions clearly and he is not a very good speaker. He doesn't usually quote scripture and if he does it is usually a mistranslation of what the scripture actually says. He only repeats back what the church says and not from the bible. Doug Batchelor and David Asscherick are much better speakers on various biblical topics. They are much more scripturally accurate.
Interesting that the purgatory not taught in bible
What is taught in the bible totally contradict this catholic teaching
Ec 9.5
For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward, because all memory of them is forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they no longer have any share in what is done under the sun.
Love the show!
The bible says that there is No repentance in the grave. Why would anyone dispute that? It also says Woe to those who ADD or SUBTRACT from the words of God. You can;t buy your way there, ye who have ear let him hear. please just read Gods words and not mans excuse...bless you
Amen. Praise be to God. :-)
Catholic Answers, first thanks for this video and your thoughts on this subject. I have a similar question, and my question hasn't been answered by your video. I agree that a "Word," doesn't have to be specifically mentioned in the bible, but you didn't answer where the word "purgatory" comes from. Even Maccabees didn't mention the word Purgatory, while the Bible mentions the words Sheol, Hades, and hell.
I do believe in a place, where we go to, when we die. I also know that that KJV Bible (it's a shame I have to be specific about what Bible I refer too), talks about a place where the dead go to.
So I will pray and search more.
+CandaceWhite nonsense. Read Maccabees 2 though in your Bible if it's a translation attacked by Luther it won't be in it. There is only one true church founded by Christ my friend and there's no getting away from that fact.
+CandaceWhite purgatory wasn't a middles ages idea at all. The very early church believed in it. Read the church fathers from the time after the NT til the 8th century. Much was written on the belief.
+CandaceWhite Hi CanaceWhite. Thank you for your view. I generally agree with you, as I've found MANY scriptural references pertaining to death and where people go when they die, including the one you mentioned in John ch 5. I still have questions about our conscious state, after we die, although there are many references in which the Bible says we know nothing and that we are asleep, etc. Specifically, 1 Peter 3:19-20, where it says when Jesus died, he also went and preached to the spirits in prison.? What or where is prison? Who are the spirits that Jesus spoke to there? Can you help me with this? Thanks.
+CandaceWhite I wanted to also include 1 Peter Ch 4:6 in my question. "For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead..." Candice, I'm not sure I understand these passages. On the surface, they seem to be in contrast to so many other scriptures. Thanks again for letting me ask you questions.
+CandaceWhite Good answer. Most people on this site don't bother checking the bible for themselves. Otherwise, they would know these things are true.
I'm not trying to be offensive, so don't take what I write as that tone. But what he said doesn't make good doctrinal sense.
1) Solo scriptura is probably one of the best concepts one can come across, so they aren't melded with worldly and fleshly teaching.
2) Just because a text historically records an action, doesn't mean it's a precedent. So just because Mr. Maccabee took up an offering and prayed for the dead, doesn't mean it's sound doctrine, or helpful in anyway. Take for example Ruth, we clearly do not want to send our attractive, young daughters to sleep next to older single men, regardless of how humanly good those men might be. Just because Abraham said his wife was his sister, doesn't mean we should let other men sleep with our wife if we're scared.
3) People's journey to heaven may not be yet complete? And Jesus said to him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” -Luke 23. This seems pretty clear that it's not a journey, God takes us there instantly since he is outside of time.
4) Paul writes the quality of our work will be tested by fire. Yes, he does. When you run from a burning building you have nothing with you to show for it, you took no treasures with you. Congratulations, you did no good works but arrived in heaven by grace alone through faith alone.
Purgatory is NOT biblical. There is ONLY Heaven or Hell PERIOD!
I won't enter the Catholic church even if it costs my life, JESUS ONLY!
Well, then it'll cost your soul
necesito que los mensajes sean traducidos al español.
Matthew 7:13-14 and 7:23
Not in the new testament, period! What a con! Salvation in fully fulfilled through the blood of Christ and nothing else is necessary.
Any time you build a doctrine of the faith around obscure verses especially Maccabees should be careful.
THe verse in corinthians chapter 3 talks about works our sanctification not out justification before God.
the rest is semantics
I'm sorry but if purgatory is not in the Bible then is not real. purgatory was invented by man and Pope. everything that is written on the Bible that's the word God.
Not satisfactory... tell her to read Luke 12: 47-48
Quoting from Maccabees is like quoting from the Quran. Useless. Maccabees is not a part of the Jewish Canon and even Josephus never quoted from it. Should never be used as "sacred" If purgatory existed Christ died for nothing! Galatians 2:21. 1 Cor ch 3 is talking about works!!!! And how the work are tested not the person! The word work is mentioned seven times. Paul is not talking about sin but Christians works which will be tested by fire. How one builds up a whole doctrine of false purgatory on these verses is beyond reason. If purgatory is needed then Christ should not have said in the Cross it Is finished!
Jewish Canon did not come about until after Jesus had died. In fact the scriptures that Jesus used (the greek translations that most Jews used at that time) included the deuterocanons. In fact they are referenced several times. In addition to removing 7 books from the bible, martin luther also came close to getting rid of hebrews, james, and a few other books. And it wasn't until the 1800s that bibles stopped having these books, as they were usually in another section of the bible (separate from old and new testament). So the bible protestants use, is missing what the majority of Christians for the majority of time have used. If the bible is the inspired word of God, then why would God allow a false bible for so long? only for it to be changed due to a very unfortunate (and I think both protestants and catholics should agree any split in christianity is unfortunate) split. In fact the rejection of these 7 books points out the very weakness in protestantism. By whose authority do you get the bible? In 3 books of the Bible Jesus hands this authority to peter and his disciples. And from the succession of these disciples do we first get the bible.
purgatory will be in the space/time domain just like here?
+Murphy Legion The Church makes very very few claims on the details of Purgatory, but Purgatory is a part of Heaven.
2 Corinthians 5:8
Murphy Legion Sorry I don't see the connection.
BornAgain happyfriday my original post was a question. I then commented w a verse number. How did I add anything?
BornAgain happyfriday "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
Christ will complete the work that He began in us; in this life or the next.
After DIsincarnation a person will often wait in the Transitional Staging Existence (TSE) or "purgatory" for about three days before they will ultimately crossover. The amount of guilt and unfinished business as well as physical attachment issues will determine whether they will holdout or crossover in a timely manner. Although third party factions like Jesus are nice to think about, crossing over is a natural event that happens to everyone and the only real determiner to any problems is with the individuals conscience. Planning for death is the best thing for most people since many don't and have trouble at the end, eventually having to "write off" everything before moving on.
Sorry I didn’t have time to watch the whole video: what is purgatory??
Catholic theology. Purgatory is not in the bible. Be a Romans Ch 8 believer !!
Penticostil is the safest rout 2 heaven
False prophet it should be in the Bible