John Thomas - How does one know if a dream is from God?

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 186

  • @nicy637
    @nicy637 7 лет назад +35

    I had this one dream where I was walking in total darkness, but as soon as I turned a corner, I saw a big bright cross shining in the dark sky. I was overjoyed and immediately knelt down to worship. I believe it was a dream from the Lord.

    • @TheBiblicalDreamInterpreter
      @TheBiblicalDreamInterpreter 7 лет назад +13

      Easter Young The dream shows you experiencing a dark time in your life, but as you go through a spiritual transition (turning a corner), keeping your eyes on things above (cross in sky) will bring joy and fulfillment. God has given you this dream to encourage you to focus on Him, and He will lighten your path. Great dream!

  • @genaharding6176
    @genaharding6176 6 лет назад +36

    Also, just to trying to help...I always pray with my kids at night for them (and myself) to have only good dreams and no bad dreams, in Jesus' Name. Never too old to pray for that.

    • @edadan
      @edadan 4 года назад +2

      That's a great suggestion. Thanks Gena!

    • @lovelong4767
      @lovelong4767 3 года назад +2


  • @god563616
    @god563616 2 года назад +2

    Every dream I've ever had have been colorful. This is a great sign. I always knew my dreams had meaning.

  • @Believer_75
    @Believer_75 3 года назад +2

    I got my answer a minute in this video. Thank you! This brought me peace.

  • @SocialAloeMinistries
    @SocialAloeMinistries 5 лет назад +19

    Here are some additional ways to discern when a dream is most likely from the enemy:
    o You engaged in activity you would not engage in real life because it was like you were sedated or hypnotized.
    o Every decision leads into trouble, which produces hopelessness.
    o You have difficulty moving in a desired direction as if something is holding you back, you are traveling in mud, you are surrounded by fire or other obstacles, you are in a prison or you enter a room and you or someone else closes the door, etc. You may even see yourself bound in chain and fetter. You sit in a classroom and then put on a seatbelt.
    o Graphic sexual activity, to include sexual activity with your spouse.
    o People do not appear as how they are in real life such in character and/or appearance. The same applies to places or things. For example, you dream of a camera and you see the make and model. However, when you look up the camera in real life there are some subtle or even significant differences.
    o Dreaming of the deceased, which is most likely the enemy leading you into necromancy.
    o Receiving an offer to have a spirit guide.
    o Dreams with an emphasis on bodies of water, whether clean or dirty, to include being pulled under water, being tossed around in water, or even standing in water. The emphasis of the dreams overtly or covertly point to water.
    o You sign paperwork but you have no idea what you are signing.
    o Things are handed to you with no time to react or without explanation.
    o You wake up from the dream and may even feel euphoric but you see, hear, or otherwise perceive an evil presence in your sleep area.
    o You frequently wake up after a dream with no recollection of what happened, especially if you have been rebuking recent demonic dreams.
    o You recently engaged in occult activity (to include yoga) or even watched a horror movie or listened to music from the enemy

    • @nokwethembambatha630
      @nokwethembambatha630 4 года назад +1

      Thank you sharing, I've been dreaming about bodies of water from time to time and the colour in all the videos is black and white and just creepy. I'm curious as to why a born again believer would receive such dreams?

    • @SocialAloeMinistries
      @SocialAloeMinistries 4 года назад +5

      Nokwethemba Mbatha Sin lets devils in. Therefore, when a Christian is NOT living in unrepentant sin, the enemy will try to covertly access the believer’s life. In addition to mimicking God, who speaks via dreams and visions, the enemy is a thief, who when he cannot get in via an invitation (from the believer) resorts to intrusion. That is a part of why Jesus said, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.’ ~ John 10:1 (KJV)
      The thief does come to steal, kill and destroy, but he also tries to plant “evil seeds” (such as fear and sexual immorality) while people sleep. That is based when Jesus told “The Parable of the Wheat and Tares”:
      “Another parable put He forth unto them, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
      🔥But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.🔥
      But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
      So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, ‘Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? From whence then hath it tares?’
      He said unto them, ‘An enemy hath done this.’
      The servants said unto him, ‘Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?’
      But he said, ‘Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.’ ~ Matthew 13:24-30 (KJV)
      The enemy’s time is short and he is desperate. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. In addition, I close with this reminder from the Lord:
      ‘My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of Mmy hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand. I and My Father are one.’ ~ John 10:27-30 (KJV)
      No weapon formed against you shall prosper.😇

    • @nokwethembambatha630
      @nokwethembambatha630 4 года назад +2

      @@SocialAloeMinistries thank you for the scripture reference when making your points. It makes sense. In my case, I have been entertaining horrible thoughts, and at first, I would rebuke them and meditate on Phil 4:8. But at some point, I started 'normalizing' my thoughts and telling myself they're just innocent (these were thoughts about my church crush and I getting married, having kids and serving the Lord together). But these thoughts slowly and VERY subtly turned x-rated. Though I initially rebuked them and would replace them with scripture, I started to then having dreams (not frequent) of having sexual intercourse or being aroused (not with the crush, or any one I know for that matter) this freaked me out! as the dreams felt so real and that was extremely awkward for me as I am a virgin (about to turn 30). I then would wake up and spend hours pondering and reflecting on the dream which in retrospect wasn't useful as it kept me focused and 'meditating on the crude dream. In hindsight I've realised that satan is such an opportunist (argg he is annoying), its like he spends hours studying us and trying to find ways to inflitrate us. I am just glad that I know and am convinced that he is defeated! I wont lie though, it annoys me so much that i have unconsciously 'allowed' him some access into my life...i feel exposed and violated.
      But Thank God for the finished work of Jesus🙌🏽🙌🏽! Greater is He that is in me than the one who is in the world. Im guarding my heart with all diligence now as the word says. Thank you so much for this interaction, im suprised i opened up so much 🙈😀. I have something else i wanted to ask, but its not related to dreams. But ill ask some other time.

    • @thabuneni26nxaa
      @thabuneni26nxaa 3 года назад +6

      @@nokwethembambatha630 As for water bodies, pray against ancestral altars, maybe way back your ancestors were traditional healers/diviners, coz they didn't know it at that time (we cannot blame them, they did not have the info we now have so it can hardly be said they were sinners), that they were serving satan and that he will have a hold in their family line until he is rebuked and renounced. I myself started dreaming of snakes at around 6/7 yrs, am 36 now, then water bodies since 2017 after I went to visit my granma's resting place (wasn't there for her burial). My grandpa was a pastor, my granma was a church goer and a very sweet humble somebody all her life, and she never revealed anything to us. It was after her death that we heard that she was 'supposed' to be a traditional healer but adamantly refused, that her dad was b4 joining church also. So great grandpa burnt the 'things'and went to church but whatever it was still had a hold on granma, she suffered till her death at 86 but she resisted all that time, my moms (sisters, the way some people will just be giving each other kids!😄) both suffer from multiple health conditions, extreme poverty and nightmares. Then came innocent carefree me in 2017 (had been strangely unlucky from 2010 whereabout, but just blissfully unaware and so happy and with no money in the bank), oh how I suffered, financial, health, could not even get internship after my Master's, everything was in chaos. I made a mistake of finally consulting sangomas early 2019 and was told I am 'supposed' to be a healer/diviner and that there was no way out of it or else I would lose my mind, I would never have a family of my own, I would keep losing money, I would perpetually be poor. I entertained the thought of initiation for like 6 months b4 God intervened and called me back. I am back with the Lord, still couch surfing and jobless (but always always with enough money to contribute to rent and feed myself, from seasonal piece jobs) and filled with demonic, like serious demonic dreams and physical occurences which i rebuke around 5 times every night, I've fasted to break ancestral curses and altars and satan tries every night to reconnect... Overall, I am back to that carefree woman just as says
      Matthew 6:34
      "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."

    • @Isaiah--vj2xu
      @Isaiah--vj2xu 3 года назад +2

      @@thabuneni26nxaa wow... Hope things are improving, hold on dear. Also try listening to Kevin Ewing on these things, it could help. ❤️❤️

  • @whatisthemeaningofthislife1758
    @whatisthemeaningofthislife1758 4 года назад +2

    I have a dream last night, actually these pastweek was terrible, i was so jealous of my friends blessing (they are far more successful, they are more happier, they are doing really good), why they are so blessed than me, i serve Him more... so i decided to stop believe in Him, no pray anymore, no read scripture and etc
    That dream there was a guy, i cant remember his looks but he told me 3 things
    1. Believe in his plan/believe him/he is everyday (what does that even mean?)
    2. Dont leave, dont join evil
    3. I will die young cuz heart disease

    • @jessicat7245
      @jessicat7245 3 года назад +1

      I don't know what your dream means, brother. However, pray to God if this dream was truly from Him. It seems like your dream might contain a mix of Truth and lies. That doesn't sound like God it's actually sounds like the enemy to me... God bless you and I wish you peace and happiness.

  • @robertgabuna355
    @robertgabuna355 6 лет назад +23

    Dream from GOD comes when it comes true.
    Dream from GOD information was revealed.
    Dream from GOD is confirmed by fellow believer.

    • @god563616
      @god563616 5 лет назад +3

      Not always

    • @okebaram
      @okebaram 3 года назад +1

      @@god563616 exactly correct you are! Until we learn that, we will keep deceiving ourselves and calling things from God that are not.

  • @honeybee5788
    @honeybee5788 3 года назад +2

    Thank you very very much for this great explanation on dreams...this was the exact answer I was looking for and you brought great confirmation to me! Praise God for you and God Bless you in a great and special way in Jesus name!!!! 🙌❤🙌❤🙌❤🙌❤🙌❤ P.S. This was the greatest and best explanation I've heard on how to disern dreams!!!! Could you please be so kind and do a video on how to disern if a vision is from God or is demonic? Thank you again sooo much for this great video and explanation!!!! ❤

  • @firebug1892
    @firebug1892 6 лет назад +5

    So do you interpret dreams or does God interpret dreams? Because when I read Genesis Joseph on both occasions stated to pharaoh the cup bearer and baker, interpreting dreams is God’s business. Please give God the glory!

    • @okebaram
      @okebaram 3 года назад +1

      Fire, that's why Joseph and Daniel got the meaning of dreams right and everyone today who say they interpret dreams just spit out garbage and interpret nothing, actually giving prophetic meanings to dreams that were not even from God in the first place. They think they can interpret dreams based on their analysis and understanding

  • @boynton20
    @boynton20 3 года назад +3

    I had a rapture dream last year of the rapture there was no bright color. It happened at night time. I was left behind. I didn't feel Gods presence it was fast I felt like it was from my soul or from the enemy . It was quick. This dream as left me questioning whether or not I'll be included in the rapture. This dream as planted doubt in my heart about been left behind. The part of the dream which was weird is after the rapture happened I found myself running to my best friends house to tell him that the rapture was taking place . I feel the lord maybe wants me to remove this friend from my life . I've been feeling like this friend as been trying to use me

  • @teslafagetan699
    @teslafagetan699 4 года назад +1

    I would love to know what my dream means. A few years ago I dreamt the world was dark and full of violence and my step father and I were running from something, not sure what, but we got to a building and entered it for shelter and inside were Catholics, Christians of other denominations, and Muslims all praying to the same God in peace and love and harmony and respect for one another and in their own ways. It was scary outside but it felt peaceful in there.

  • @Summerxh2
    @Summerxh2 Год назад

    When I was pregnant and didn t know (or not sure at all). I ask God what was going on, why do I felt so bad and then that night I had this dream: I was taken out of the earth to the space when everything was black and then little stars begin to show up. Then I saw a name formed by tiny stars: ANTONELLA. i knew I was pregnant and thats the name of my kid now.

  • @genaharding6176
    @genaharding6176 6 лет назад +20

    Scripture says that even Satan can masquerade as an angel of light.

    • @rn3302
      @rn3302 4 года назад +3

      He is that an angel of light with a sword and shield but what comes out of his sword ... spirit and what's that spirit dragon spirit and what dragon spirit kundalini energy .....

    • @bryanshiley5101
      @bryanshiley5101 4 года назад +2

      What's your point

  • @vitocardinas2430
    @vitocardinas2430 3 года назад

    Have u been in the Philippines? I'm not sure but I remember the name John Thomas, he shared the word of God into me when he saw me in the Hotel because I'm working at that Hotel...

  • @Ario26
    @Ario26 5 лет назад +1

    I was dreaming about snakes many times for fighting with snakes, got bitten by snakes etc. Years later, when my family was served in deliverance, brothers who served us saw spirits like snakes wrapped around my sister and brother.
    I had dreams about many figures like dark, tall monster, a scary grandma etc. Apparently they all were the familiar spirits around our family...

  • @sharonarmell8812
    @sharonarmell8812 4 года назад +1

    So what if the dream is disturbing, chaotic, you are in it and seems like a warning. Yet when you wake up you cannot recall the details?

  • @maruscatarabella9623
    @maruscatarabella9623 4 года назад +4

    In my experience with dreams, not necessarily all dreams in black and white are from the enemy.
    I have lots of them, and although one would think so, being dreams that seems night , i have seen situations in those dreams which were very significative.
    For a born again Christian, dreams that are withouth colors, could reflect a difficult season he/she is going through, i have certainly experienced that myself. Ultimately God is
    allowing any dream for a reason.
    Most of my dreams seems to take place as is the night there .. very intense dreams .. emotional and some scary, and some have been revelatory or warnings.
    But i have learned from them to discern the state i am in, therefore i can testify that God, even through what seems from the "dark side" wants to help us interpret the meaning. We cannot be totally judging in a "black and white" manners. Then of course there are dreams totally from Satan, but a born again person would know.
    Satan was allowed to come to me 3 times when i was sleeping, with the same scenario and his intimidation... the 4th time was a different scenario and he was not so near me, but he got my attention ( he wanted that) he started to rise up with arms outstreched above .. and laughing and trying to make me believe that he won over me.
    Well... i know that God allowed that as to warn me really seriousely.
    And i can testify that.
    Unfortunatelly i failed to see what was that satan would use ( when the temptation came) to almost destroy my relationship with God and family .. .but has Satas won?? No. Because " no one will pluck out a true Christian from God' s hands. Hallelujah, praise you Jesus.

  • @Featheredprop
    @Featheredprop 3 года назад +10

    A dream from God is generally in color? And how do you propose that we can objectively know if this is true? The Bible does not tell us that this is the case. Can you demonstrate that this is true?
    It is frightening that people might watch this and actually believe it could be true.

  • @1clay_vessel
    @1clay_vessel 2 года назад +3

    I have never ever ever in my whole life had a black and white dream. All of my dreams are in color.

  • @praisegodjesussaves2283
    @praisegodjesussaves2283 4 года назад +1

    Is it common to be shown people and situations that are unfamiliar to you and feel like you are meant to pray for/against what the dream showed? I think God is giving me things to pray about even people I don't know and trouble

    • @EmmeStAnne
      @EmmeStAnne 4 года назад +1

      Yes God does that and may be asking you to intercede an event or to pray for someone. This is how Jane Harmon got into the prophetic. Check her out.

  • @kristyb3077
    @kristyb3077 3 года назад +1

    I had a dream that I was stood in a hospital side room and when I looked out into the ward of the hospital, the ceiling was covered in people hanging from noose's. My initial thought was that it was from Satan, but now I can't shake it, and wonder if God was trying to tell me something?

  • @Velvet_Rosee
    @Velvet_Rosee Год назад +1

    This is subjective. Seek the Holy Spirit alone for your dream interpretations.

  • @rsbrehm
    @rsbrehm 7 лет назад

    Thank you John. This spoke to me. I have had very bright dreams which I hope are from God but I feel a deep groaning in my spirit because these have not come to pass as of yet. Our years are but three score and ten, four score if we have the strength... So we are not here forever. I think it goes for many of us when I say we need a vacation in the spirit LOL. Times of refreshing.

    • @okebaram
      @okebaram 7 лет назад +3

      Roderick, color vibrancy or lack thereof do not come anywhere close to differentiating whether a dream is from God or not. Obviously, God will not give senseless meaningless dreams, and even color will be reasonable (black and white sounds like silliness to me). However, the enemy WILL give dreams that APPEAR meaningful, colorful, reasonable and the rest. In other words, you can tell a dream is definitely NOT from God when it is garbage... but you cannot tell that it IS from God based on how vibrant or even meaningful it appears to one's natural mind/understanding. This well-intended video, like many others, is looking for a shortcut to replace the contention for true discernment. That "easy" way out does not exist. The core of Satan's strategy has always been to complicate things to ridiculous levels as much as possible so that the people of God will fall for his tricks and deception as long as they continue to lean on their own understanding, experiences, rules and other formulas like those presented in this video

    • @genaharding6176
      @genaharding6176 6 лет назад +1

      I learned the hard way that if we don't know for sure that something is from God, it isn't. I could be wrong. But God is never wrong. He is crystal clear when He communicates.

    • @waletoday
      @waletoday 3 года назад

      @@genaharding6176But he wasn't crystal clear when he was talking to Pharaoh through a dream as well as Nebuchadnezzar

    • @Isaiah--vj2xu
      @Isaiah--vj2xu 3 года назад

      @@okebaram I mean more towards your version.. Colorful dreams being a way of knowing if it's from God doesn't sit well with me. Please then, tell us how you discern if it's from God or not. Thank you in advance

    • @okebaram
      @okebaram 3 года назад +1

      @@Isaiah--vj2xu There is no shortcut to discerning if a dream or any other spiritual experience, such as a vision, a prophetic revelation, an impression or voice, is from God. You cannot correctly discern what's not from God based on your emotions, feelings, how accurate it is to scriptures and God's personality judged by your own understanding, or even the outcome (for example the "prophetic revelation" came to pass, like it actually happened, or your experience SEEMS to have drawn someone to God or to get saved). The bible says Satan transforms to an angel of light just so that he can deceive even mature believers too (2 Cor. 1:14) and he does this extremely well. The only way to discern whether it is from God or not is by looking to God to supernaturally allow you to know and recognize by revelation only and not by any of your understanding or analysis whether it's His voice or a counterfeit of the enemy. This is what the Bible calls the gift of discerning of spirits (1 Cor. 12:10), a gift which many believers claim and think they have but don't have at all, because their so-called discernment is also based on "prophetic revelations" that are also counterfeit, or it is based on rules like the ones in this video. You can actually ask God to show you if a dream was from Him or not. If you do so with a blank slate, meaning you let all your assumptions and emotions die so that you are completely open to whatever God could reveal, and if you do it with the understanding that Satan tries to also reveal lies pretending to be from God, and if you also do it with simple but true faith that recognizes that you cannot by any wisdom overcome Satan's ability to pretend to be God but you now trust in simple faith for God to give you knowing of His voice or the enemy's because He is good to those who are weak, and if you are patient and sober so that your emotions do not compete with God's opportunity to answer you, then He will answer your request and He will suddenly make you know the enemy's voice from His voice in that experience because He will confirm to you with a witness in your spirit (discernment) what is from Him and what isn't. But if you do not ask this way I have just described, or if any of those things are missing, then even though you may ask Him to show you, the enemy will still have some leftover ability to deceive you. This is why even believers who know God's will for a supernatural lifestyle are so deceived and think they know God's voice but do not and are instead bothered by counterfeit transitions. Haven't you seen how many men and women of God, real believers who love and seek God from their hearts, prophecied based on counterfeit visions and experiences that Trump will be president in 2021 elections not knowing it was a lie, which God cannot lie. The people of God have been prophecying from counterfeit experiences for generations. Sometimes it comes true, what was prophecied or given as a word of knowledge, but it was still counterfeit. God is wanting us to understand the things I have just said to you so that He can help us to begin to experience the REAL supernatural lifestyle including real prophecy and the other gifts. God bless you!

  • @roxanaobrien4936
    @roxanaobrien4936 2 года назад

    I am a born again Christian and ALL of my dreams are in black, white, gray....does that mean God did not send me this dream?
    Many of my dreams have something to do with what I talk to God about

  • @pam4christ187
    @pam4christ187 7 лет назад +27

    sweet pea I've been dreaming for 35 years and u can't pinpoint or put rules on them. A well known Minister and Author I'm sure if I mentioned u would know came and did a seminar and told us he never heard of a person that dreamed more than 10 Dreams per night and I've had up to 12per night and the spirit told him the 2nd day of the seminar he was wrong and he told me I was unique and the 1st to dream like that never knew anyone that has ever done that. Dreaming has too many aspects and can't be ruled with rules, there will always be exceptions, I'm a witness and testimonial to that, dreams interpretation is based on relationship with God. God can show u What He wants, When He wants, and How He wants...

    • @okebaram
      @okebaram 7 лет назад +2

      12 dreams a night! Wow! it doesn't surprise me that you could have 12 dreams in a night if they are blurry parts of the same dream session, but being separate dreams that you are able to distinguish and recall later, then I am like "wow". Doesn't mean the dreams are from God though, and this well-intended video does not do any justice on how to differentiate if a dream is from God or not. Unfortunately, the majority of dreams are not from God, people can get mad all they want concerning such a statement but it is a fact. It doesn't take anything away from God's awesomeness or His provision to admit where the enemy has us in bondage that we need to break free from.

    • @kevinellis110
      @kevinellis110 6 лет назад +2

      I agree Pam4Christ. That's the exact same thing I was thinking and what the Lord put in my spirit. Some try to interpret a dream off of knowledge alone. Daniel said it best when he said this, Daniel 2:30 but as for me, this Secret is not been revealed to me because I have more wisdom then anyone living, but for our sakes who make known the interpretation to the king and that you may know the thoughts of your heart. it was Daniel's relationship with God to know when God was speaking and that relationship also brung understanding.Daniel 2:26-30. Be blessed

    • @a5anointed705
      @a5anointed705 5 лет назад +2

      I believe that God has always communicated to me mostly through dreams. I had a situation that has really left me confused and frustrated. Years ago I met someone I really liked. Not long after meeting him I started dreaming about him. The dreams gave me a funny feeling and I thought I should stay away from him before I get hurt. I did get hurt. He rejected me and a mutual friend of mine knew about it and went after him. They dated briefly. When that happened, I believed those dreams were from God warning me that I would be hurt. Afterwards the dreams about him did not stop, and went on for 6 years straight. I’ve talked to many people who said they have never heard of a situation like mine; where you dream about the same person for years. It wasn’t every night, but about every month. I thought I tried my best to seek God for answers as to why it was happening. What was going on in my heart to cause this. I dated other people as well. Then I met someone who gave an interpretation. He said the dreams is God showing me what he would do in the future. That me and this person were not ready for each other and would come together later. That these dreams were meant to confirm it when it happens. This was spoken to me exactly one year ago and I don’t believe it’s true. I’m hearbroken, not because I can’t be with this person, but because I’m still alone and I’m no closer to a real answer. I don’t pay much attention to my dreams these days. I don’t feel I have the discernment to know when I’m being deceived or not.

    • @a5anointed705
      @a5anointed705 5 лет назад +1

      Thank you for your response. I know someone better than that guy can come along, but since no one has yet its increased my hurt and frustration. I was receiving these dreams and given a false interpretation. Now I’m struggling to believe that God will provide in this area. I’m skeptical of receiving the next “prophetic word.” Not that I’m looking for one. I will check out that video.

    • @nikkiwilson9
      @nikkiwilson9 5 лет назад

      A5 anointed 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @catalinanurse3387
    @catalinanurse3387 4 года назад +1

    Hi, I'm not sure that you'll respond to me but how can I get your help with interpretation of my dreams, as I believe that the Lord is saying something to me by these, please help me, thanks so much

  • @genaharding6176
    @genaharding6176 6 лет назад +2

    Almost forgot...just a side note, from a lesson I had to learn myself. Try not to take any sleep medication. I've taken various prescription and over the counter meds. I think it gets in the way of that veil, that barrier God has in place between our reality and the other "world" - like in Ephesians 6:12. So yeah, I really think that pharmaceuticals can do more harm than good - not just in the normal, physical sense. God Bless all of y'all. Xoxo

  • @Placard1203
    @Placard1203 7 лет назад

    great job. I share this when a dream subject comes up in conversations.

  • @jameshopkins22
    @jameshopkins22 2 года назад +1

    I dreamed my ex girlfriend hugged me and said please don't leave my life. It felt so real. I miss her so much. Should I have hope?

    • @ruthy2539
      @ruthy2539 2 года назад

      For now, just pray for the ex girlfriend. God will show what to do next if that his will for you. Remember, God knows you better than anyone including you

  • @aakk009
    @aakk009 5 лет назад +3

    I’m having End Time dreams. And I’m not even that well-read in the Bible... Get ready, friends!

    • @-lee7867
      @-lee7867 4 года назад

      this didn’t age well

  • @DebbieIngramR
    @DebbieIngramR 5 лет назад +1

    What if you are in the middle of a sermon and you have a dream or vision? In color yet 10 minutes into the sermon. And seemed like I came to and still on track with the person's message?

    • @carolalexander1429
      @carolalexander1429 3 года назад

      Delightful! A thousand years is as one day, God can use minute amounts of time to relay a lengthy message. He will never be boring, for sure. Thank you for sharing this message.

  • @naillife2133
    @naillife2133 6 лет назад +6

    So what if you dream dreams and some actually play out in real life does that mean its coming from God?

    • @GreengirlEl
      @GreengirlEl 5 лет назад +6

      Ashley Gibson yes! That’s called a prophetic dream

    • @bcas1827
      @bcas1827 4 года назад +1

      Yes i have had 8 dreams come to pass

  • @nathantaylor5939
    @nathantaylor5939 3 года назад +1

    I think I had a dream from God but I had a negative feeling about it afterwards

  • @Angie-GoneSoon
    @Angie-GoneSoon Год назад

    I had a dream a few years ago.. in fact, I've had several prophetic dreams over the years.. But this one I'm about to share with you was weird. I dreamed my husband and i had separated, and he was at our old trailer we used to live in, when we lived together before we got married. I saw myself walk to the door, and go inside. He had a girlfriend. I felt unwelcome, so i opened up the door to leave. I didn't see the porch, and yard. I saw all the planets, all hovering in the yard.. all bright, vibrant colours. The planets were turning as if still in space. I got scared and shut the door, then woke up. Could someone please interpret this dream?

    • @StreamsMinistriesIntl
      @StreamsMinistriesIntl  Год назад

      Thank you for reaching out to Streams! Due to our limited staff, we are unable to interpret dreams that are sent to us at this time.
      You can send in your dream to and they will return your request at their earliest convenience.
      We have some fantastic FREE resources which may help you find what you’re looking for. We have several videos on RUclips covering different dream elements and on Free Media on our website.
      Every 3rd Wednesday at 5:00 (CST), John Thomas does live dream interpretation and teaching which you can also access on our RUclips page:
      You can check out Dream Labs on our website:
      Should you desire a more in-depth study on dreams:
      Understanding Dreams and Visions course
      Everything Dream bundle
      Also, Streams Academy Modules 4 & 5 are both on learning dream interpretation.

  • @Xoxo968
    @Xoxo968 2 года назад

    I keep dreaming a lot of times about the end of the world and how I survive in the end . I don’t know it’s just a dream or what . I dream about it a lot and my mind isn’t even there . One of this days when I dreamt about it I saw a bright light and I saw myself alive after the end . Is that prophetic dream or just a random ? I’m still confuse with myself a lot. I even remember in one of those dreams I prayed to God and as I said I saw a bright telling me something which I didn’t understand unfortunately

  • @frankielong3288
    @frankielong3288 4 года назад +11

    I beg to differ God gives me dreams about both positive and negative dreams that come to pass in real life.

    • @Curtoonstv
      @Curtoonstv 2 года назад

      That’s my only question, what if it comes to pass, actually happens shortly after dream and exactly like the dream??

  • @Hennie1373
    @Hennie1373 3 года назад

    I asked God for a sign in these difficult times
    I belive I had a Rapture dream. White bright light was present. I felt extremely emotional but very peaceful. I was disappointed when I woke up.

  • @mrahcs8005
    @mrahcs8005 2 года назад

    December 2021
    I Dreamt of a black and white. There is a high gate like in heavens that it was sealed. I was on the light side seeing the dark side that a high gate was separating me from the dark side. I saw a woman in black cloak and holding 3 red roses. Just standing up and when my eyes zoomed in I saw my mom's face in it. There are people walking at the.dark side but blurred. When I woke up I felt so.scared. I used to have dreams I remember and do a drawing about it but this on is so different I felt fear in it. Like it's telling something.but I couldn't interpret. Can someone interpret it thank you.

  • @joanitafernandes6732
    @joanitafernandes6732 5 лет назад

    Recently I had a dreamt I was flying & going somewhere, I don't know where, it was pitch darkness but I was not afraid, I was singing songs while flying, I was few meters above the ground, on my way there were huge huge green trees all around me. I reached to a small house built by rocks, when I reached to that house, it was sunshine, I stopped there, but I was suppose to be going ahead, it was little further but I stopped at this house. I didn't reach to my actual destination. End
    Sir can you tell me, if it is from devil?

  • @yahwehsgirl7020
    @yahwehsgirl7020 4 года назад

    This makes so much sense

  • @MelB868
    @MelB868 6 лет назад

    That was a good video I liked it. One time I had a dream it was night and I was flying there was a man in it I said there's something not right about that man. The dream basically meant people in my church didn't love me is what the dream pointed out and what he said. I was thinking they didn't and we didn't have a pastor at that time and the church seemed to be falling apart. In real life. I was thinking not again. Anyway we visited around and gone for maybe 3 weeks. We couldn't never find a church that satisfies us and came back. When I came back I ordered books but took time off teaching Sunday school. When the preschool Sunday school teacher and her husband decided to go to a different church I told them God wanted me to teach Sunday school just privately to someone in the church I started teaching it and I feel that's where God wants me and I teach a bible study for kids once a month. I know now the enemy was trying to keep me away from God's plan. Some days I have one kid some days maybe 6 kids but no matter how many I have in there it's important to me and grateful for the ones I have. Wednesday night one of the kids ask me if we could go to class I said not tonight. There wasn't any Sunday school and our bible study was last week. I would never been happy at any other church.

  • @willmunoz360
    @willmunoz360 6 лет назад

    Live interpretation on FB! What!? Thank you Jesus!!! I’ll be on FB more often...blessings.

  • @Jacen777
    @Jacen777 6 лет назад +4

    So, I'm not saying this was from GOD. Because I don't know. But I have had a couple Dreams as of late. I'll tell you about the latest one. I'll try to keep it brief. It's important you understand, I don't normally remember my dreams.
    It's daytime, and I'm driving home from work. I look up and out of my windshield and see 2 or 3 military fighter jets and I think an attack heliocopter. They rocket over my car and are heading in the same direction as me at a very high rate of speed. I think to myself, "this must be a drill or training excercise of some sort."
    I continue to watch them roar off into the distance, then I notice the jets launch their missiles and fire their cannons at an unseen target far in the distance. I can see the intense light from the missiIe engines ignite and streak forward. The guns begin to blaze tracer fire. Then I become very confused, because I think this is a "live fire" exercise but there aren't any military bases near my location.
    Then suddenly, I see "them". I'm thinking to myself, those look like Angels! (Note: I've never seen an Angel, so I don't know why I thought this.) They had no wings and were wearing white and gold clothing. I think they were robes but they were moving so fast and so high, I can't be certain. There were 3 to 5 of them and they were all encased in a single transparent, bright red ball of what looked like fire. It was one large ball of red energy and the angels were inside. They were heading toward me at incredible speed. I don't know for certain, but I think they destroyed the military jets. I never saw the aircraft again. But remember thinking the Angels must have taken them out of the sky. They then roared overhead past me, and vanished into a giant red storm cloud behind me, and a fair distance away. The cloud looked like a massive, bright red column.
    I remember thinking to myself. I have to get home right now! I remember being terrified for my family. I'm in my car and I'm zipping through the traffic on the interstate. I get off at my exit and out of the corner of my eye I see a massive black F-5 Torando appraoching my city. I can see it ripping everything apart and know I have to get to my family. So I go faster and as I approach my street, I can see there are at least 2 more massive tornados already there smashing everything in sight and coming right for me. I make a hard turn down my street thinking I can still make it home.
    But I feel my car start to shudder and leave the ground. I'm taken up into the tornando and cry out to GOD to help me. I remember thinking, "this is it", and I knew I was going to die in that moment. As I begin to be thown into the air, my vision blurs and the entire world turns gray. I blackout.
    In the dream, I wake up in a shallow pool of water. I'm at the bottom of this pool. I see two blurry figures standing above the pool. I know they are looking down at me. I think they are waiting for me. I don't try to move.Then one of the figures reaches into the pool, takes my hand and pulls me up and out of the water and onto the dry land. The first figure was a 20 something female with long blonde hair. The second was another young blonde female, but much taller than the first. They were both wearing strange clothing, I can't descibe. I remember, they were very clean, but I don't remember thinking they were Angels. I did believe they were somehow "special".
    I take in my surroundings, and I can see I'm still in my city and it's night. All of the tornados are gone now. All I see is total destruction in every direction. I see no other living souls save the pair of women at my sides. The taller women says something very stange to me. I still don't know what it means or if that's what she even said. But I think she said, "You should know, you are gloved" or "You have been gloved". I remember not knowing what that meant.
    Then the shorter woman turns me around to face her. She says in a very calming voice, "You will know everything now. You are gloved". She then reaches up and places the palm of her hand on top of my head. I look into her I eyes and she's looking at me as if expecting a reaction.
    Suddenly, I felt different. I don't know how I felt different and can't explain it but I was different. I knew something, but I didn't know and still don't know what it was. The last thing I remember (I think) is both the women were looking up towards the dark night sky and I thought to myself, "we are going to fly now."
    Does anyone have any idea what to make of this dream? I've had these before, but not this intense (I think).

    • @kerrykay3665
      @kerrykay3665 6 лет назад +2

      The dream is very intense but in its simplest form, God is showing you a time of great destruction ( Isaiah 60) and darkness that is coming and it will affect you and your family ( in other words you will be alive to see it ) but the double witness of angelic help and protection upon your life. Seraphim angels are known as Fiery Ones) but the fact that you landed in a shallow pond or pool of water and didn't drown is evidence that you will be protected IF you lean on the Lord. Make sure your family is saved my friend and be diligent to pray that God draws them as well ... powerful prophetic dream. This is a warning dream but should also be comforting You are under THE HAND ( gloved) of God bless you @ lostRanger ps contact me if you have questions

    • @Jacen777
      @Jacen777 6 лет назад +3

      Thank you. I prayed as well, and believe this assessment is correct. I've not been able to remember a dream since this one. May GOD bless and protect you.

    • @thatlovelydancerIlao
      @thatlovelydancerIlao 5 лет назад +1

      @@kerrykay3665 I hope things are ok. Praying for you to continue to have confidence and peace in harder times and that you and your love ones will seek the Lord to the end. Life can be hard but I believe you will be fine. God bless you and God's love be around you

  • @pratyushpanigrahi5370
    @pratyushpanigrahi5370 Год назад

    hi sir can u pls help me out with my dream abit..interpretation..i m in deeply pain and confused..

    • @StreamsMinistriesIntl
      @StreamsMinistriesIntl  Год назад

      Hi! Normally we go live every Wednesdays at 5pm CST, and every other week John E. Thomas does live dream interpretation where you can type your dream in the chat. Our next scheduled Wednesday live which will be on March 1, 2023, he should be doing live dream interpretations, where you can put your dream into the chat.
      Right now we are praying for you and we bless you to have the peace of the Father to be present with you and for revelation to come from God for your dream.

  • @ralpholegna8213
    @ralpholegna8213 5 лет назад

    I dreamed of God last night. Hes floating in the sky. And someone besides him.. Its like im trembling when i saw him. I prayed. And he looked at me.. But there is a roofing so he moved me to the side so that that i can see him.. And im so nervous. And i woke up. I dont know what it means

  • @Yanna_6199
    @Yanna_6199 5 лет назад +1

    I had a dream I was apart of a crowd and complete chaos broke out and birds starting swooping down attacking the people. I feel like God was showing me after the Rapture how completely chaotic it will be, not sure why the birds were there. Or maybe I am under attack spiritually because this was before I re dedicated my life over to him
    2nd Dream - This felt like a lucid dream, I was completely conscious in this dream if that makes sense and I was walking downstairs because the house was sooo dark and I hit the lights switch and nothing came on walked downstairs hit the switch nothing came on then I heard distant laughter then I woke up.
    3rd Dream. It was in black in white and all I remember was a Tarot Card that said DEATH
    After that dream I immediately gave my life over to God and repented of all my sins and I been chasing him ever since.

    • @Sunshinest8
      @Sunshinest8 4 года назад +1

      I dreamt that I was standing at a threshold with a door on each side the height of a 4 story building. Before me was a winding path and at the end in the distance was a throne huge like a building many stories high. A bright light like a man sat on the throne. On my right, on the other side of the threshold, was an angel standing as tall as the doors that blew a horn and said, "prepare for your judgement day."
      Needless to say when I woke up I repented of my backsliding and went back to church.

  • @okebaram
    @okebaram 7 лет назад +1

    I keep hearing about these black and white dreams. I have NEVER recalled a dream I would describe as black and white (and have no desire to have one obviously). My question to other viewers, have you ever had any such thing? My guess is only a few people have had black and white dreams but Christian ministers who consider themselves dream interpreters think it is common when it isn't.

    • @jondough7777777
      @jondough7777777 7 лет назад +1

      Okebaram E I have a relationship with GOD, listen to the word often, pray in the spirit daily and the majority of my dreams are in black n white/ grey scale.
      GOD has spoken to me and my situation in those dreams as well. Confirmed by others too. I guess I'm weird...

    • @okebaram
      @okebaram 7 лет назад +1

      Jon, thanks for sharing! I guess people do have dreams that they remember specifically as black and white, still unsure how common it is but I am not surprised about such dreams anyway. I do want to say that, contrary to the teachings of this video and the wonderful people of Streams ministries, the color of a dream or is no test for whether it is from God or not. There's nothing weird about you having dreams because you don't create your own dreams, they either come from the enemy or the Lord. And I intentionally put the enemy first, not because he even deserves to be mentioned in the same sentence as the Lord, but because as much as Christians are blind to it, our lack of knowledge of Satan's devices has allowed the fact that the bulk majority of dreams people have from all walks of life are not from God. In fact, none of the things you have stated in your comment are an assurance that your dreams were actual communications from God. There is a higher place of discerning that comes through revelation from God's Spirit and that you would have to walk in yourself to differentiate between the enemy's false "prophetic" dreams and dreams that are really from God. A place of discernment that believers are just simply not walking in

    • @MelB868
      @MelB868 6 лет назад

      Joe are you color blind

    • @rickspalding3047
      @rickspalding3047 2 года назад

      Neither have I, this guy is full of crap

  • @24carrotgold8
    @24carrotgold8 3 года назад +1

    I have a title and expertise in an area which I was able to discover some financial corruption in my local government. I asked God if I should attempt to expose the people involved. I dreamed I was on a snow covered mountaintop and a female skier in shiny black spandex whizzed passed me over the edge down the slope. There was an immediate avalanche. God said to me "even an expert will not survive an avalanche." God was telling me "no". I would not survive the fall out from the criminals I would expose. Black is the color of the expert ski slopes, and the female skier was representative of me!

  • @amazonwater7778
    @amazonwater7778 2 года назад

    I have biblical dreams every day I don’t know who to talk to? Any comments?

  • @irishstock2108
    @irishstock2108 4 года назад

    I had a dream that I went to a coffee shop, which I usually frequent and picked up the tray which usually has 3 muffins and 1 coffee..instead the tray had 1 coffee and 1 donut...,I waited and after nearly what seemed to be 1 hour, I got angry and frustrated, that I didn't get the full order..I then woke up, still angry and frustrated. I sensed that the dream was from God. What does it mean?

  • @mercyymwende
    @mercyymwende 4 года назад

    I z a dream about my friends dead Dad..He suddenly showed up in my dream alive and was acting like he was not dead at all.When people saw him they acted normally and he would give them Instructions to do Something and they would follow right away..When his family saw him they welcomed him very happily but his wife Was not happy because it was like they had been having Issues before he died...I was only observing in the dream and following all he was Instructing..I was never close to him it's only that he was my friends Dad and was ill for sometime..Can someone tell me what this is about

  • @alexormarkhawkins7074
    @alexormarkhawkins7074 5 лет назад +2

    I have had reoccurring dreams of being choked or smothered.
    And I'm struggling to get away.

    • @Isaneelol
      @Isaneelol 4 года назад +3

      I think there is something in your life you need to turn away from? Im not sure but I had a lot of sexual dreams before but I recently got a breakthrough and now those dreams and thoughts are gone. Let jesus in your life 100% again. Im not sure this is your case but maybe! :) God bless you! I got on my knees and told God I couldn't do it myself and I didn't have the power to change alone! He answered my prayer and healed my heart :)

  • @latricasmith2991
    @latricasmith2991 2 года назад

    Dream 2-12-2021
    I was flying over a big
    Mansion with 2 crouse ships one was bigger then the other and everything was covers in snow large Mountains and water so blue it was so gorgeous then I saw a Mexican man in blue and a big hat on his head but his face was black so I pointed my finger at him and said. in the name of Jesus you can't touch me and I started flying up higher and got dey from him and started looking around again but I keep my eye on him and he had his head looking down to the ground then I woke up

  • @jessenone3708
    @jessenone3708 6 лет назад

    God gave me like 200 dreams this year, but all of a sudden they just stopped. I can't recall any dreams in black and white.

  • @fancyjose4853
    @fancyjose4853 6 лет назад +1

    I really appreciate abt wat u said...but my dream was kinda different..u know like I had a snake bite from a snake nd then another snake on my back nd my dad told me to throw it away to the bushy side but there were children 0lsying si u told him I can't bcoz theere r children playing nd then he went inside bd the dream ended...i dont understand wat this means ..the colour was like not black nd white but not colourful. It was black..Nd types of black with some other colors but it was dull except for white..Nd i didn't feel anything after I woke up from my dream..this is it..can u help me with this. ..I really don't know wat to do nd i dont feel safe. ...please help me ..I hope you will reply..

    • @kerrykay3665
      @kerrykay3665 6 лет назад

      Snakes mean tales being told about you behind your back ( snake bite on the back) you not wanting to throw them back shows your maturity because they are children ( immature) God always tells us what is going in so we can respond right ...good dream!

  • @andreakoledic4079
    @andreakoledic4079 2 года назад

    Few days ago I had a dream my husband and I were moving to another city. We were running to our car and escaping from a man who was trying to either kill us both or just my husband. My husband is not born-again christian. As we managed to escape I was telling him the name of the city we're going to and started asking God in prayer ''God, why that city? From all cities we would like to live in we're going to this one.'' In reality my husband doesn't want to move away because in that way his parents who are old would be alone. We're the only one who help them here where we live. And in that dream I asked my husband ''Don't you feel bad we're leaving them there?'' and he said calmly ''They have doctors if they need one.'' As we were driving on the roads of that city the colors were bright and I had a feeling of happiness and peace. I was actually excited for us moving there. And when I woke up I didn't have a bad feeling, I actually wanted to go back to sleep so I can continue dreaming that dream. This wasn't the first time I was dreaming that type of dream, but in each dream there was a different city we were going to and that's why it's confusing me wheter it is from God or not.

  • @martinathom5167
    @martinathom5167 6 лет назад +14

    I had a dream of a man and two children a blonde daughter and dark haired. 9 months later I met the man in the dream. no children yet though

    • @malenemjau
      @malenemjau 5 лет назад +2

      martina thom wow! Thats amazing❤️

    • @anitacruz6656
      @anitacruz6656 4 года назад +2

      martina thom your man?

    • @rn3302
      @rn3302 4 года назад

      Your dating him

    • @yousefkhoury5732
      @yousefkhoury5732 3 года назад

      Wait so could it be that girl that appeared in my dream was real? Before i slept i asked God to give me a Good dream

  • @latricasmith2991
    @latricasmith2991 2 года назад

    Dream 2-12-2021
    I was flying over a big
    Mansion with 2 crouse ships one was bigger then the other and everything was covers in snow large Mountains and water so blue it was so gorgeous then I saw a Mexican man in blue and a big hat on his head but his face was black so I pointed my finger at him and said. in the name of Jesus you can't touch me and I started flying up higher and got dey from him and started looking around again but I keep my eye on him and he had his head looking down to the ground then I woke up
    Please someone I have a lot of dreams

  • @xoxdmfmxox
    @xoxdmfmxox 4 года назад

    I had a dream last night where the scene i remember i was arranging a bag of flour and 2 packs of pasta noodles and i was sensing that i was going to cook it for my family.

  • @genaharding6176
    @genaharding6176 6 лет назад +1

    One more thing...and it is pretty simple. Our God is not a God of confusion. I do not know of any instance in the Bible where God was "trying" to communicate with someone. If God wants to say something, He will. No exceptions, no "IFs" and no confusion. In other words, God doesn't have to "try" to do anything. God just *does*.

    • @wendyann3333
      @wendyann3333 5 лет назад

      Amen...years who the Holy Spirit spoke this to me
      He said most say "God is Trying to tell me something or trying to show me something"..he said I am not trying I am communicating clearly but it's you guys that's trying to understand.."

    • @persevere6326
      @persevere6326 3 года назад

      Good point

  • @NoisySheep7
    @NoisySheep7 6 лет назад

    Thanks Thomas! I had a vision , I saw The Son and The Father side by side pretty clearly. I was more like half awake and half sleep, awake in my soul. I would love your opinion on the vision, I can give more detail. I also plan to make a video about it.

  • @ariestheram2548
    @ariestheram2548 4 года назад

    I talk to god 1 hour ago.. Can you explain to me

  • @lizbethdiehl318
    @lizbethdiehl318 6 лет назад +1

    Looking for a dream interpretation! Anyone out there gifted with this ability? If so, please help!! I had my very first dream (EVER!!) in vibrant color so I *know* God is speaking to me but don’t know what it means! Please, if you are gifted and can help, let me know...

    • @lizbethdiehl318
      @lizbethdiehl318 6 лет назад

      Here it is... I recently had my very first vivid dream in color a few months ago. I'm hoping you (or someone else reading this) can help... I rarely dream and if I do, I almost never remember them or they are dull or in black and white, so this was a first for me. I was standing a good distance from the coast line, it was a coastline similar to how I imagine Ireland or Northwest California coast looking, on a beautiful clear sunny day. I'll never forget how both beautiful and blue both the sky and ocean were and the green grass I was standing on. As I stood there looking towards the ocean I saw a huge (white) commercial airplane gradually descend (facing right) as if it was approaching a landing when all of the sudden the airplane, in almost slow motion, did a back flip and began heading upside down towards the sea. Because of how far and high up I was (overlooking a cliff from afar) I couldn't actually see the crash landing itself. That is when I thought to myself, 'I wish I could see what happened'. As soon as I had the thought, I immediately began to fly high up and over towards the coastline. I remember feeling the wind and looking down towards the ground in awe and amazement that this was actually happening. If I had to guess, before I took off I was maybe only 1-2 miles from the coast but landed at my desired destination within just a matter of a few seconds and had a perfect landing, with my feet planted firmly on the wet but solid sand. I was in such awe throughout this whole experience, I kept looking down at the ground wondering if this really just happened and is when I awoke. If you have any insight on what this means, please let me know. I know God is speaking to me, I just don't know what it means. Lastly I feel the need to mention that even though I “wished I could see what happened” the *thought* of actually flying *never* even crossed my mind as a possibility which is why it caught me so off guard. I’ve had flying dreams but none as vibrant and colorful as this and almost all the other dreams were me facilitating or initiating the flying. This was totally different. It felt as if I was along for the ride rather than actually directing or facilitating it. Also, in real life I normally would have been worried sick about the passengers aboard the flight but it was as if I knew it was going to happen and part of the Lord’s plan (?...I can only speculate as to why I wasn’t panicked). But was this dream literal, metaphorical or both? And If it was metaphorical, what does the commercial airplane represent?

    • @lizbethdiehl318
      @lizbethdiehl318 6 лет назад +1

      mikaelmosa That would be great! I copied and pasted the dream in the comment thread above.

    • @lizbethdiehl318
      @lizbethdiehl318 6 лет назад

      mikaelmosa Thank you for that! Any thoughts on whether it was a literal dream of a future event or metaphorical one and if the later what does the airplane represent?

    • @kerrykay3665
      @kerrykay3665 6 лет назад

      You can contact me and I will help you if Holy Spirit gives it to me. He usually does!

    • @kerrykay3665
      @kerrykay3665 6 лет назад

      Are you in a mega church? Or it could also mean a large company you are at...It means something that use to soar is coming down and their will be circumstances you don't understand but God will allow you to soar up over it ( He is with you) and you will not be affected. I don't know who these people are that are giving such random interpretations...interpretation comes from the Lord and to understand symbols you have to read the word and see the law of first mention,i.e. Daniel and the 3 bread baskets meaning 3 days etc. I have studied at least 100+ hours of dream interpretation because that is my me if you have questions...bless you @elizabeth Diehl

  • @sherryslama
    @sherryslama 7 лет назад

    I had a dream of a black Horse in a field, i tried to walk up to pet it and it made me feel like it was going to attack me, i moved back and picked up two
    round stones to throw at the horse or protection if needed, it didnt attack, but then the next thing that happened was i had a camera taking a picture of the top of my head where i found out i had some bald spots. i am a women. can you tell me if this means something please

    • @kerrykay3665
      @kerrykay3665 6 лет назад

      Horse means Gods power...(could be you are feeling attacked in church?) hair on a woman means wisdom...lack of hair means you need some wisdom concerning the former issue is God allowing you to see thru the lens (or something you are unable to see yourself..).

  • @bryanshiley5101
    @bryanshiley5101 4 года назад +1

    My dreams are always in color, not bright color but still color

  • @mexicanbeautyqueen7988
    @mexicanbeautyqueen7988 3 года назад

    I dream dim with vibrant color at the same time.. Or black background with a blue laser

  • @Hopeof7suns
    @Hopeof7suns 5 лет назад


  • @samuelvillalta3140
    @samuelvillalta3140 3 года назад

    Can someone help me determine my dream

  • @Grace-fc8zx
    @Grace-fc8zx 3 года назад +1

    God cannot give you a dream that you yourself cannot interpret. God is not a fool. Why do we need others to interpret our dreams. Ask God directly. Dont be fooled by others telling the truth about your dreams.

  • @smitmarv
    @smitmarv 7 лет назад +3

    Amen, relationship!

  • @robertvasquez613
    @robertvasquez613 4 года назад

    I have a question can anyone help me.

    • @jdrwas
      @jdrwas 4 года назад

      what is it?

  • @mallayadiggs5181
    @mallayadiggs5181 5 лет назад

    What if the dream is blurry

  • @lornalewis4547
    @lornalewis4547 7 лет назад

    From God short and to the point Satan like a movie without end going around and around

  • @libbie7777
    @libbie7777 6 лет назад +1

    Well I don't know what dead people mean in people's dreams that means God wants those people dead in your life because I had that dream interpreted by people at church that had that gift of interpretation and this was back in the 70s where there was a lot of spiritual gifts and there was people that were really in prayer so I know this dream and the meeting was real and true

  • @markscholey5300
    @markscholey5300 5 лет назад +1

    could be might be is all your saying not telling anything at the end of the day did not want to listen after 3 to four minutes no clear definition only uncertainty

  • @lindahitchcock1892
    @lindahitchcock1892 4 года назад

    I had a dream I was at a large White House I found my self at the door knocking. Beyonce opens the door and let's me in smiling , Than she disappears. I went looking for her and found my self in along hallway , there was a door and O opened it and went in, there in the bed was Beyonce she raised up and smiled , thenJZ raise up behind her and smiled at me I said Oh, I didn't know you were here. Than I trun around and saw a crib with two baby's one was boy he had his head down and would not look at me, the other was a girl who said hi with a big smile ! I said Hi baby and woke up. What is this saying to me thank you Blessings on you in Jesus Name .

  • @nomatusi7514
    @nomatusi7514 4 года назад +2

    Satan is not dark as they show him in the movie. He is the Angel light. He is pale.

  • @RoselynTeves
    @RoselynTeves 4 года назад

    I dreamed being with people in school.

    • @thabuneni26nxaa
      @thabuneni26nxaa 3 года назад

      You will need to consult with God coz some will tell you it means there is some area of your life that you need to improve while some will say it is a spirit of backwardness as you've already graduated from school stage in real life. I dream of school all the time and both these interpretations do not seem to fit for me, so I continue asking God to clarify what it means, if the dreams are even from him, because sometimes I just feel that something is not right even in the dream.

  • @pratyush755
    @pratyush755 Год назад

    Can someone interpret my dream pls..

    • @StreamsMinistriesIntl
      @StreamsMinistriesIntl  Год назад

      Hi! Normally we go live every week at 5pm CST, and every other week John E. Thomas does live dream interpretation where you can type your dream in the chat. At the moment we do not have the capacity to interpret dreams after the live. Our next scheduled Wednesday live which will be on March 1, 2023, he should be doing live dream interpretations.

  • @happy777abc
    @happy777abc Год назад

    Hmmm have had plenty, 100s of dreams, of dreams. Black and white ones were not all from enemy, to be sure.

  • @user-nl9oj1sc5h
    @user-nl9oj1sc5h 4 года назад

    How do you know? Daniel said it’s god who’ interprets dreams. Stop deceiving people.
    You can’t interpret dreams. Stop.

    • @thabuneni26nxaa
      @thabuneni26nxaa 3 года назад +2

      Yes God is the interpreter, but he may do so directly with the dreamer or he may do so with a 3rd person. Joseph's brothers were able to interprete his dreams, he himself interpreted Pharoah's dreams. I don't understand if you mean to say being able to interprete dreams is a sin or what..?

  • @tga253
    @tga253 4 года назад

    I've had many dreams of people I know, friends and family that have come true always less than a month later. Even people I'm not in contact with. I would call them precognition. However, I've never thought dreams come from God. I wouldn't know; no way of telling except people's views. Other times, I've dreamt of deceased family members. I've recently learnt they are familiars, bad spirits and not my family. But I really cannot see how anyone can tell if dreams come from God. Most of my dreams are in colour by the way, hardly ever black and white.

    • @thabuneni26nxaa
      @thabuneni26nxaa 3 года назад +1

      Why did you never think your dreams were from God, especially as they continued to come through indicating that you were a prophetic dreamer? Or you mean you never really paid attention to the source of your dreams?

    • @tga253
      @tga253 3 года назад

      @@thabuneni26nxaa yes, precisely. I never thought of the source at all. I'm 53, and only since 2 years ago, have I got closer to God and Christianity.

    • @tga253
      @tga253 3 года назад

      @@thabuneni26nxaa can you interpret dreams?

    • @thabuneni26nxaa
      @thabuneni26nxaa 3 года назад +1

      @@tga253 No unfortunately not, even my own I do not understand coz I am not a straight dreamer like you, I dream in symbols amd I usually have to ask God for so many days to reveal the meaning before I get it. I mean, I dreamt of snakes from 6/7 yrs old and it was only at 30 that I got the meaning

    • @tga253
      @tga253 3 года назад +1

      @@thabuneni26nxaa I see. Well, most of my dreams are symbolic also, I guess. Not all so literal and straightforward unfortunately. There's dreams of a specific person that I don't fully understand. I can't find anyone to help me with that.

  • @tracisamuel7077
    @tracisamuel7077 3 года назад

    The dreams in the bible were mostly bad and they were all from God. I do not believe all bad dreams are from the enemy. I actually don’t believe the enemy can give us dreams. 🤷‍♀️

    • @andreakoledic4079
      @andreakoledic4079 2 года назад

      That is not true. The enemy surely can give you dreams to distract you from being close to God.

      @RAWALITY Год назад

      @@andreakoledic4079 God sends dreams

    • @andreakoledic4079
      @andreakoledic4079 Год назад

      @@RAWALITY So does the enemy. I'll give you an example. A woman is married to a certain man, they're both faithful to eachother and they love Jesus with all of their heart. A man dreams someone comes to him and says ''You should divorce your wife because she's not for you and marry this another woman.'' You really believe that dream is sent to him by God? The Bible says you should not divorce and then marry to someone else.

      @RAWALITY Год назад

      @@andreakoledic4079 God is in control of everything even allows the devil to test you

    • @andreakoledic4079
      @andreakoledic4079 Год назад

      @@RAWALITY That's correct. God allows the devil a certain level of influence in your daily life, even dreams. But to say only God gives you all of your dreams is not true.

  • @Afkhealing
    @Afkhealing 3 года назад

    I actually have a dream weapon that came from god himself. It's a gold berserk sword that comes out from light itself. I would have to chant the words. I only use it to kill demons. It is very heavy and I use no shield. It is very long. To see dreams of certain people. You have to talk about the greatness of god and get to work. They give you missions to do in the dream realm. They even have angel school. Recently I dreamt of lucifer and chef gordon watching me be a chef. I did feel a little insulted but i got shy and tried to hide behind gordon showing me the ropes. Idk why I was teleported there.

  • @ladystarart888
    @ladystarart888 5 лет назад

    i dream about that i have Gold Halo Angel Ring on my head soo nice and powerful dream i research dreams for many years and i dream my art so i paint my art

  • @rickspalding3047
    @rickspalding3047 2 года назад

    Lol, so when the predator is chasing me in color, that's from go

  • @TheOopsEdaisy
    @TheOopsEdaisy 3 года назад

    ...Im just not feeling this video..

  • @pamelameela
    @pamelameela 5 лет назад

    Dreams of darkness or dreams of darkness and evil attacks are warnings from God that either you are doing something evil in His sight or that something evil is coming your way. He is saying that you have left the light and gone into darkness.

    • @nomatusi7514
      @nomatusi7514 4 года назад +1

      Satan is referred to as the Angel of light. Satan is pale not as dark as they show in the movie.

    • @okebaram
      @okebaram 3 года назад

      zuriel your statement is one of the most ignorant statements I have found on this video

  • @mrthomas4378
    @mrthomas4378 3 года назад
