When I was a kid, it took a foot of snow to affect schools. They would open a little late. It took 18 inches to close the schools for the day. Why the difference compared to 2024? The power of the teachers unions, which makes the power of having educated children nonexistent.
Are you on your empowered journey? Is it an authentic journey of authenticity, and a humble journey where you hold space while navigating your loving kindness journey of self discovery as you journey your lived experiences and walk in your truth on your very noble journey of authenticity? May your journey be bold and robust! Journeys are so empowering!
How stupid is our society when schools are closed because of 1 and an half inches of snow our country is going downhill fast when nothing is making much sense anymore in our country
Stay Warm Philly! This is Brick Cold 🥶 😫🧱🌬
When I was a kid, it took a foot of snow to affect schools. They would open a little late. It took 18 inches to close the schools for the day. Why the difference compared to 2024? The power of the teachers unions, which makes the power of having educated children nonexistent.
Are you on your empowered journey? Is it an authentic journey of authenticity, and a humble journey where you hold space while navigating your loving kindness journey of self discovery as you journey your lived experiences and walk in your truth on your very noble journey of authenticity? May your journey be bold and robust! Journeys are so empowering!
I want snow in north Philly
How stupid is our society when schools are closed because of 1 and an half inches of snow our country is going downhill fast when nothing is making much sense anymore in our country