Greenwood Shooting Press Conference

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @thomascacioppo3057
    @thomascacioppo3057 2 года назад +188

    This young man saved many lives. And this is a perfect example of the 2 Amendment and why us good citizens don't need more laws on our guns or taken away.

    • @nieshiabell3274
      @nieshiabell3274 2 года назад +14

      Yes he did save many lives of yesterday. He did good jobs.

    • @F_U23
      @F_U23 2 года назад +10

      @@nieshiabell3274 He deserves a medal ❤

    • @lukewayne
      @lukewayne 2 года назад

      These cowards will always look for fast kill. They will go to insane rejects gov like hochul where law abiding citizens are the enemy making it very difficult to defend themselves to jump through hoops to get ccp. They will come to criminal friendly states for mass shootings. Sue the hell out of your state get your rights back before you become a victim!!

    • @solidrockofjesuschristmini2423
      @solidrockofjesuschristmini2423 2 года назад +15

      Sadly you have ppl against guns bc they know nothing about guns or been in horrible situations, it blows my mind the amount of ppl willing to throw out their rights

    • @amorrbaby8354
      @amorrbaby8354 2 года назад +12

      What this country needs is God

  • @tprestonmarshall4195
    @tprestonmarshall4195 2 года назад +199


    • @jplattimore6136
      @jplattimore6136 2 года назад +4

      Ban all guns

    • @garywarren6285
      @garywarren6285 2 года назад +5

      @@jplattimore6136 Right😂

    • @VideoServicesVB
      @VideoServicesVB 2 года назад +16

      @@jplattimore6136 ban all illegal drugs................

    • @ZarelidT
      @ZarelidT 2 года назад

      Yeah 4 good dead people to 1 bad person dead. Only Americans would celebrate this

    • @tprestonmarshall4195
      @tprestonmarshall4195 2 года назад +15

      There are 400 million firearms loose in the United States .Arming All Mentally Stable Citizens would stop mass shootings.

  • @ChanceTalksBusiness
    @ChanceTalksBusiness 2 года назад +107

    If only we had a man like that good samaritan in the Uvalde shooting. That 22 year old had more guts than a whole police force.

    • @benloyd1970
      @benloyd1970 2 года назад +12

      Uvalde did have a Good Samaritan, an off duty border patrol agent with a borrowed gun. A person who acted in spite of, not in conjunction with, the local law enforcement personnel.

    • @shannondavis6571
      @shannondavis6571 2 года назад +14

      We did! There was an armed citizen whom worked at the funeral home across the street, seen the shooter crash his truck and was going after him with a rifle. The police stopped him! Uvalde could’ve and should’ve been prevented. We can thank the cowards with badges for all the lives lost.

    • @Lea941
      @Lea941 2 года назад +2

      @@shannondavis6571 can you provide us with the details and verify

    • @justinmills4591
      @justinmills4591 2 года назад +5

      Stephen crowder bits Channel, "Armed Uvalde man says cops wouldn't let him in" a little opinion in the piece but I support the opinion

    • @PURE-BLOOD77
      @PURE-BLOOD77 2 года назад +1


  • @shaun9156
    @shaun9156 2 года назад +54

    To those thanking the hero, imagine an active shooting and you also start shooting to save the people. It takes huge balls of steel (or ovaries) to pull out a firearm during an active shooting and stop the threat. Due to you(the defender) being misinterpreted as an assailant. So glad the guy stopped the idiot shooting people, but just understand the "guts" it takes for this.

  • @utubeaddict252
    @utubeaddict252 2 года назад +69

    Cops are minutes away if you're lucky. You literally have seconds if you find yourself in a situation like this. More good people need to arm themselves.

  • @mikecain1000
    @mikecain1000 2 года назад +56

    God bless the young man who was there to step up and save lives. You are a hero to many who were there at that moment.

    • @jimeagle1155
      @jimeagle1155 2 года назад

      If the anti-gun Lobby would quit pushing to get rid of guns law abiding citizens then these mass shootings would be a thing of the past really qyick

  • @themanonmars
    @themanonmars 2 года назад +74

    The news doesn't want to talk about this anymore. Cause a 22 year old took out the 20 year old gunmen. They don't want u to think armed citizens can take out bad guys with guns. But most time its a good citizens that does something police can't

    • @jplattimore6136
      @jplattimore6136 2 года назад +3

      Its on cnn and fox cnbc...what news are u talking about

    • @apersonwhoknows
      @apersonwhoknows 2 года назад +6

      Yet the cops wanna pat themselves on the back like they did something.😀

    • @Cindychartier
      @Cindychartier 2 года назад +2

      More people who own guns are killed by a gun than vice versa. Educate yourself. Dont trust just anyone to give accurate information please.

    • @samizdat113
      @samizdat113 2 года назад +11

      @@Cindychartier "More people who own pools drown in pools than vice versa."

    • @ManyLegions88
      @ManyLegions88 2 года назад

      Yes we need another biased comment from a professional RUclips civilian. It's not a matter of who's better it's a matter of taking care of the situation at hand. The only thing you take care of us flapping your f****** lips.

  • @mymindtalking3794
    @mymindtalking3794 2 года назад +79

    Thank You!! To the person who was able to stop this, my heart goes out to the families this could have been much worse if not for the help of the person who took out this person before he was able to kill anymore.

  • @curt3669
    @curt3669 2 года назад +42

    I commend the police for their response-but this was over before the first of them arrived, because a good guy with a gun, stopped this bad “guy” with a gun. Great job Elisjsha!

    • @seansimmons73
      @seansimmons73 2 года назад +1

      In all fairness there were 2 wounded. The police response provided medical attention which prevented more death, so I don't have an problem with them being praised too

    • @alexcusma4908
      @alexcusma4908 2 года назад +3

      Let’s be honest, This was over before dispatch put out the call to the units to respond. However I’m sure a lot of follow up work has to be done after the situation.

    • @backwoodscharlie8483
      @backwoodscharlie8483 2 года назад

      @@alexcusma4908 exactly all these departments working together we're only there to sort things out it was over before they even got there the police are minutes away when seconds count. This incident proves the point.

    • @nielvanderwalt1965
      @nielvanderwalt1965 Год назад +1

      Most crimes are over by the time the police get there.... thats why people should be able to defend themselves

  • @zski66
    @zski66 2 года назад +14

    So nearly 400 police couldn't stop a single gunman from killing 19, yet one armed citizen took out the gunman, and saved dozens of lives.

    • @justinjones8278
      @justinjones8278 2 года назад

      But we all know the police are gonna be praised more than the good Samaritan

    • @charlessarjeant8121
      @charlessarjeant8121 2 года назад +1

      Very true. 400 plus highly trained fully armed police with "life-vest" couldn't save a bunch of little kids from ONE young shooter at a school. How sad. Very sad.

  • @johnklingensmith7758
    @johnklingensmith7758 2 года назад +71


    • @lukewayne
      @lukewayne 2 года назад

      These cowards will always look for fast kill. They will go to insane rejects gov like hochul where law abiding citizens are the enemy making it very difficult to defend themselves to jump through hoops to get ccp. They will come to criminal friendly states for mass shootings. Sue the hell out of your state get your rights back before you become a victim!!

    • @petercollingwood522
      @petercollingwood522 2 года назад +1

      Pity the "armed citizen" needed to be stopped in the first place.

    • @justinmills4591
      @justinmills4591 2 года назад

      @@petercollingwood522 we would all like your ideal utopia but it doesn't exist. Knives, bats, tire irons, they are all "Assault Weapons"

    • @petercollingwood522
      @petercollingwood522 2 года назад

      @@justinmills4591 No, they are not.

    • @justinmills4591
      @justinmills4591 2 года назад

      @@petercollingwood522 well then semi auto matic rifles aren't either.

  • @LawNerdClips
    @LawNerdClips 2 года назад +17

    This Hero saved lives and Put down the Bad Guy when he didn’t have the advantage of an AR, Good on him! 👏❤️

  • @joeyride58
    @joeyride58 2 года назад +18

    Thank God that this responsible armed young man , was there to help save who knows how many others from the shooter. We are praying for you and we thank you !

  • @pomeroy82
    @pomeroy82 2 года назад +23

    We should all be holding up that 22yr old good samaritan as a HERO!

  • @edwardmartinez
    @edwardmartinez 2 года назад +61

    Thank god for this Armed citizen it is why we bear arms because the bad guys are always trying and many times successfully killing innocent people.

    • @petercollingwood522
      @petercollingwood522 2 года назад

      That is "not" why we bear arms.

    • @MarkyMark2177
      @MarkyMark2177 2 года назад +3

      @@petercollingwood522 it’s one reason and that makes his statement valid

    • @petercollingwood522
      @petercollingwood522 2 года назад

      @@MarkyMark2177 The 2nd refers to bearing arms because militias are needed to preserve the citizens from government tyrrany. It has nothing to do with self defense. It's also imbecillic that kids under 25 are allowed to purchase semi auto bullet hoses in this country.

    • @MarkyMark2177
      @MarkyMark2177 2 года назад

      @@petercollingwood522 self defense requires bearing arms doofus

    • @seansimmons73
      @seansimmons73 2 года назад

      Peter Collingwood- The guy who stopped the mass shooter was under 25 & did it with a "semiautomatic bullet hose". Go away fudd. I think the the nurse is ready to bring you your pudding

  • @John-li6tn
    @John-li6tn 2 года назад +38

    I'd like to commend the police chief for defining the firearms as rifles instead of the media's favorite name.

    • @heydeereman1040
      @heydeereman1040 2 года назад +5

      He did a good job catching himself. Almost let the made up word slip out

    • @John-li6tn
      @John-li6tn 2 года назад +3

      Noticed that but he caught it & went on before any media caught on

  • @jamesbarca7229
    @jamesbarca7229 2 года назад +56

    Who would have thought our constitutional carry law would end up paying such high dividends so quickly?
    This guy didn't have a carry license but was able to carry nonetheless, saving countless lives, b/c our state actually respects the Second Amendment.

    • @snowkitty1914
      @snowkitty1914 2 года назад

      So he basically broke the law

    • @mastnero8227
      @mastnero8227 2 года назад +6

      @@snowkitty1914 how did he break the law? Do you know what constitutional carry law is? It means you don't need a permit to carry a firearm concealed or open carry. I highly recommend reading up on gun laws

    • @deanhibler3117
      @deanhibler3117 2 года назад +3

      @@snowkitty1914 in what way did he break the law?

    • @thatoneguyRyan1
      @thatoneguyRyan1 2 года назад

      @@snowkitty1914 he broke other states’ laws. For example New York, US citizens cannot have guns.

    • @angelsamongus9528
      @angelsamongus9528 2 года назад +1

      @@thatoneguyRyan1 Indiana is not NY. Doesn't NY have one of the highest gun related violence? Seems like your laws need to be restructured. You have no ground let alone a leg to stand on.

  • @TwoStageTrigger
    @TwoStageTrigger 2 года назад +26

    Guarantee the ATF didn't do shit.

    • @papawmc2345
      @papawmc2345 2 года назад +2

      Ummm,they didnt get the chance to,the hero citizen eliminated the threat almost immediately,are ya without ANY facts? That said baffle us some more and describe what ATF should have done in this situation?

    • @nerblebun
      @nerblebun 2 года назад

      @@papawmc2345: Doesn't everybody carry an ATF agent in their back pocket for just such an occasion?

    • @papawmc2345
      @papawmc2345 2 года назад

      @@nerblebun lol,indeed

  • @georgesmith8255
    @georgesmith8255 2 года назад +53

    OMG I am so happy they acknowledge this young man who saved lives… I just knew they were gonna give this kid a hard time… This just proves that people who carry LEGAL hand guns are not bad people… if I could I would shake this young man’s hand…Also it seems the media only cares about the gun this young man carried… or this or that about him… this is all that needs to be known…there was a threat…he jumped to his feet .. he protected people …he had no training.. he could have ran and yet he didn’t …put his life in jeopardy to save other people lives. This young man is a total hero and he needs to left alone right now… what else’s needs to be said about this young man.. except he deserves a metal for his bravery..
    EDIT… someone said a few weeks ago .. can’t remember who said and I quote…”this country is turning into the Wild West”
    I agree it’s turning into the Wild West and everyone will be carrying side arms if this keeps up.. I have never wanted or even thought about carrying a gun.. but it’s coming to it if something is not done soon…

    • @nerblebun
      @nerblebun 2 года назад +8

      @George Smith: Mr.Smith, I watched a news video today of a police officer who'd seen the malls security tapes of the shooting. The officer said, "The young man has no military background, nor police training, yet his response was the most professional I've ever seen. The 22 year old HERO pulled his firearm while gently pushing people behind him until he had a clear shot, then delivered a single shot to the shooters head from quite a long distance. He did all this in a matter of seconds."

    • @ellenfarmer3498
      @ellenfarmer3498 2 года назад +2

      I read that he took 10 shots to the perp, how many hit the perp, how many strayed , hit victims? He also is not trained, unless you count tour of duty now as training....yeehaw

    • @Jeff-xn1ew
      @Jeff-xn1ew 2 года назад +7

      A gun on the hip is better than a cop on the phone!! Carry a gun to protect your family and others victims of senseless crimes,,

    • @johnwow4u
      @johnwow4u 2 года назад +7

      The "wild west " didn't have soft, target-rich, and disarmed environments like this. People were much more polite.

    • @piperp9535
      @piperp9535 2 года назад +4

      @@ellenfarmer3498 How many strayed and hit victims? There were four killed, two wounded. The dead were the criminal shooter killed by the "hero" (for simplicity sake), a young man who initially was right in front of the shooter as he exited the bathroom, and an older couple who the shooter took deliberate aim at. One young woman was also hit in the leg by aimed fire, and a young girl, who was running, had a small injury from a bullet fragment. They did not release how many of the ten shots fired hit the gunman. The Police said that he "had no Police or Military training that they knew of". There are many other ways that a person can gain firearms training including Private Firearms Training, and training by family members like a father, or simply personal training, it's really not that hard to learn. But it does take practice to become proficient.
      I'm not sure why you would, in the face of the Police report, try to cast some shadow over the only bright spot in the event, which was a terrible thing on it's a face, and could have been so very much worse. What it sounds like is that you "disapprove". I know this will piss you off, but by your comment, one can only suppose you were rooting for the bad guy?

  • @bhamptonkc7
    @bhamptonkc7 2 года назад +33

    Thank you armed citizen I pray you recover from what you have been through. you had the means and the will to defend yourself and others. I understand the cops got there as quick as they could, team effort, citizens and police.

  • @nerblebun
    @nerblebun 2 года назад +18

    There could easily have been 30 or more people dead by the time police arrived at the scene, and as we all saw at the Uvalde school shooting there's no guarantee police would do anything to stop the shooter; however, a private citizen legally carrying a firearm stepped forward and took out the mass murderer with a single shot to the head mere seconds after the nut job opened fire on a crowded mall.
    A 3 year study by the CDC concluded: Private citizens legally carrying firearms PREVENT between 500,000 & 3,000,000 crimes a year. Think about that while Democrats are trying to destroy our 2nd Amendment rights.

    • @Monkey-fc9nc
      @Monkey-fc9nc 2 года назад +1

    • @neilgelinas9926
      @neilgelinas9926 2 года назад +1

      I like your comment, but like so many others here commenting "legally" carrying his Gun. That emplys state carry laws. The second ammendment does not infer keep and bear arms only at home. As as far as laws go, I would consider the Mall a gun free zone. This criminal intentionally went to a place were he figured defenseless people would be there. Thank GOD for this young man defending the innocent.

    • @nerblebun
      @nerblebun 2 года назад

      @@neilgelinas9926: Mass shooters love Gun Free Zones, and I've NEVER implied our 2nd Amendment ceased to exist outside the home.

  • @VideoServicesVB
    @VideoServicesVB 2 года назад +38

    I think was a collaborative effort of Smith, Wesson and a 22yr old. Respectfully. Situation-handled.

    • @oscar-mu9jb
      @oscar-mu9jb 2 года назад +3

      you are right. I always go anywhere with my friends Wesson and Smith.

    • @Blap552
      @Blap552 2 года назад +1

      The Chief said Glock!

    • @doughesson
      @doughesson 2 года назад +1

      "Smith, Wesson & him just surrounded them sayin' Go ahead, make my day"~TG Sheppard/ Clint Eastwood

    • @VideoServicesVB
      @VideoServicesVB 2 года назад +1

      @@Blap552 correct. I was just using literary license. Lol. 👍

  • @frankbiz
    @frankbiz 2 года назад +12

    Proves when seconds count the police are minutes away. Those who conceal carry are a blessing to have them among us.

  • @musclesmouse
    @musclesmouse 2 года назад +14

    Taking on a man with an AR with just a handgun is really scary. This is why 10 rounds is not enough. SCOTUS has spoken on these gun control laws. Good samaritan should have will have to process taking of a life. shooting and being shot at is very scary.

  • @boejames9342
    @boejames9342 2 года назад +16

    Just a young samaritan that has had some weapons training and comfortable with the weapon hes carrying is all it took.. Not a cop or military background. Just a guy trying to do the right thing and stop a bad situation.

  • @johnklingensmith7758
    @johnklingensmith7758 2 года назад +44

    My heart goes out to all the families involved 💔 😢

    • @tracyshute5399
      @tracyshute5399 2 года назад +3

      @DON'T BE DECEIVED Yes your right, GOOD people taking out BAD people.

    • @angeldesigns1385
      @angeldesigns1385 2 года назад +2

      @DON'T BE DECEIVED I’ve never named a gun before, but coincidentally, I just happened to complete another AR build a day prior to this Endeavor. I’m going to name it @DON’T BE DECEIVED. In fact, I’m Fixing to design a font and laser it on the side of my receiver when I get to my shop in the morning.🚀✨🚀✨🚀

    • @angeldesigns1385
      @angeldesigns1385 2 года назад +1

      @DON'T BE DECEIVED and thank you for the inspection. 👍

  • @disgruntled6879
    @disgruntled6879 2 года назад +7

    That young man should never pay for a beer again.

  • @mattmendel9809
    @mattmendel9809 2 года назад +10

    Sounds like the Good Samaritan is the First Responder. Proves armed citizens can protect citizens.

  • @Carolesoriginalpieces
    @Carolesoriginalpieces 2 года назад +16

    Prayers for all of the deceased and injured and their loved ones.

  • @joey193650
    @joey193650 2 года назад +66

    This is why everyone who can legally carry should always carry. I make sure I strap on my gun before my wallet goes in my pocket. Better to have it and never need it then to need it and not have it. Condolences out there to the families involved. Just remember event the gunman had loved ones who are grieving. Not happy when anyone looses their lives, but thankful he was stopped before anymore could be killed or injured.

    • @priest0701
      @priest0701 2 года назад +1

      @@lizab8400, not attacking just looking for clarity, what are stating?

    • @tracyshute5399
      @tracyshute5399 2 года назад +5

      @UCtGXfMamq8IdKytPUDM8DxQ The PEOPLE are the MILITIA, not the state.

    • @charlessarjeant8121
      @charlessarjeant8121 2 года назад

      I shed no tears for the young stupid gunman who was shot & killed. He deserved what he got, happy riddance. I thank the God for the brave young HERO who took aim from 30 feet & shot that jack-ass, putting a stop to what could have been many more senseless deaths. My heart goes out to the families of the deceased.

    • @snowkitty1914
      @snowkitty1914 2 года назад

      The loved ones of the gunmen don't deserve sympathy tho.

    • @rslama9653
      @rslama9653 2 года назад +2

      @@snowkitty1914 the relatives were not the shooter, they lost a brother, uncle, son, grandson, nephew, a loved one. They are hurting from an unearned loss. Personally I think that they don't deserve judgement, they weren't there or involved. Hate not a brother but the action.

  • @AceofDlamonds
    @AceofDlamonds 2 года назад +22

    RIP to all of the victims

  • @littlewolfspirit7373
    @littlewolfspirit7373 2 года назад +4

    I am so amazed at how this Chief of Police handled this Q&A with the Media. He is soft spoken and very through as he can be at this time with his answers. He was kind
    as he was professional during this time. None of the self righteous stuff that people with power usually have. In fact all who were there including the Mayor and the forensic person all were just so wonderful that I just want them to know that a person who lives in Sacramento, CA is proud of the Men they are. I wish we had that kind of respect by our people in Government here. We have good police but they are not able to do the job they need to do because we have upper government Official in position who isn't even nice like you are there. Keep on being the men you are, God Bless you and your people.

  • @williamstalvey6920
    @williamstalvey6920 2 года назад +13

    Great job 22 yr old for having the Courage to take out perpetrator;
    Stay strong Indy
    God Bless America🇺🇲

  • @JSRocker1776
    @JSRocker1776 2 года назад +19

    God bless you young man. Fantastic job!

  • @debbieblair3329
    @debbieblair3329 2 года назад +10

    Great job to the young man for stopping this shooter.

  • @alfredwilliamson5108
    @alfredwilliamson5108 2 года назад +8

    Retired Tennessee Sheriff Deputy here reading comments. The law Enforcement responded as trained to go in and take the shooter out. Thank you gentlemen for your help.
    Those who are certified to carry need to go ahead and be ready to rock. It’s going to get pretty bad before it gets any better.
    Do all the training available to you and make sure your gun cannot be seen. Concealed got it? I hope the families can cope with their losses.

  • @valeriej291
    @valeriej291 2 года назад +13

    Thank God for an armed citizen who stepped up to the plate when seconds count.

    • @Alckee
      @Alckee 2 года назад +3

      Thank the media, they're the ones who continue to glorify these shootings.
      Amerrica is still the best country in thee world!

    • @FearNoSteel
      @FearNoSteel 2 года назад

      @DON'T BE DECEIVED complains about it but never moves away or tries to make it better.

  • @Angbwillinspireu
    @Angbwillinspireu 2 года назад +7

    My extended condolences to the innocent victims of this senseless tragedy. Greenwood is such a great place. If this could happen there, no place is safe.

  • @rslama9653
    @rslama9653 2 года назад +5

    Thank you Greenwood sheriff for common sense response to the heroic actions of the young hero!

  • @washingtonsriskiestrestaur7644
    @washingtonsriskiestrestaur7644 2 года назад +6

    This is the perfect reason why the public who are trained and capable of caring a firearm should. Because face it where was the Security Guards. Not there it took a 22 year old who was caring a firearm do protect everyone in the mall by him self. God Bless Him. Seattle Wa. is Standing up for you.

  • @joleencox5900
    @joleencox5900 2 года назад +9

    Thank God for the young man that brought this to a end. He is a TRUE HERO! Im praying for everyone involved, asking our heavenly father to wrap his arms around each and every person that has been affected by this evil. I pray that you can feel the presence of God and receive his peace and comfort during this time. God bless!

  • @pjlolful
    @pjlolful 2 года назад +30

    Thank you all for sacrificing your lives for us!!!! To that brave hero! Thank you may God continue to bless and protect everyone!!!

    • @mrJohnDesiderio
      @mrJohnDesiderio 2 года назад

      Yeah, this shooting had God's protection all over it. 😠 😡

    @PURE-BLOOD77 2 года назад +10


  • @honyovk
    @honyovk 2 года назад +24

    To see a room full of government officials at many levels patting themselves on the backs and thanking each other after a private citizen with a gun put an end to a crazy guy with a gun is disgusting. They were there to draw the thin blue chalk lines after the fact. We're starting to see more and more examples of police cowardice in these types of events, and we won't know from this one if these cops would have had the same bravery that the dude that took this loon down showed.

    • @JustMe-gn6yf
      @JustMe-gn6yf 2 года назад +3

      They did what they usually do which is take statements and fill out reports but to be honest they can't be everywhere and that's why I carry

    • @greenmirror5555
      @greenmirror5555 2 года назад

      @@JustMe-gn6yf all taxation is theft...and the thieves only interest is to continue the scam.

  • @Blackpanther_risen
    @Blackpanther_risen 2 года назад +3

    The good samaritan deserves the key to the city for his heroism. Takes guts and courage to do what he did. Hopefully the city helps him w/ his legal fees hiring the lawyer

  • @thebronzetoo
    @thebronzetoo 2 года назад +3

    Here's a pro tip: When you have a news conference have a microphone for the people asking the question, so we can hear WTF they're asking!!!

  • @ghostrider-gm2wg
    @ghostrider-gm2wg 2 года назад +10

    Haven’t seen any coverage of this on any of my local abc,cbs, and nbc channels. I guess its not convenient to talk or show how a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun from committing a greater atrocity. When will people wake up? My condolences to the victims families. Thank god for this good samaritan and god bless him.

    • @EmeryB152
      @EmeryB152 2 года назад +1

      That’s facts

  • @blaiseduncan1160
    @blaiseduncan1160 2 года назад +3

    I’m so glad the good Samaritan’s heroism is overshadowing the shooter’s notoriety that they hoped to gain from this.

  • @keksterbojester818
    @keksterbojester818 2 года назад +4

    Indiana just recently passed Constitutional carry too. Not a moment too soon, it's already proved to be a good move.

  • @jeannestapleton7514
    @jeannestapleton7514 2 года назад +16

    And the police didn’t shoot him mistaking him as part of the attack, as has happened before.

  • @alunderwood5332
    @alunderwood5332 2 года назад +15

    Now time to sue the mall for allowing a gun free zone, to help the killer out.

    • @willyjilly9684
      @willyjilly9684 2 года назад +2

      I heard other people saying the mall would kick out ccw carriers all the time.

    • @EddieBlueHalen
      @EddieBlueHalen 2 года назад +3

      You mean the magic signs didn’t work?!? That’s crazy talk!

    • @WC4WCRN
      @WC4WCRN 2 года назад

      Agree, the families should sue due to not providing a safe and secure environment to shop in. No signs stating that they are not responsible for your safety.

    • @nerblebun
      @nerblebun 2 года назад

      @@WC4WCRN: Their Liability Insurance will cover any law suits. The only way to get through to these fools is through their pocket book. Stop shopping at that particular mall.

    • @domingoliao2724
      @domingoliao2724 2 года назад +2

      @@willyjilly9684 If the mall would kick anyone carrying a gun, how come the shooter got in with 2 rifles and a pistol with several rds. of ammo???

  • @OnaMuir
    @OnaMuir 2 года назад +1

    Thank you Chief and GPD! All responders and ED!

  • @PhillipwRider
    @PhillipwRider 2 года назад +5

    Here's my warning to the media don't harass this young man!! He needs to come to terms of what happened!!!

  • @terrybrown2556
    @terrybrown2556 2 года назад +10

    Be ready out there folks, today is a much different world than what most of us grew up to know. Don't be a victim.

    • @thaistomp
      @thaistomp 2 года назад +2

      How the hell did it get this bad though? Lol.

    • @terrybrown2556
      @terrybrown2556 2 года назад

      @@thaistomp boils down to bad parenting. Lots of other issues, however, many parents are not raising their kids with the same values, call them old fashioned values, but the past 25 years there has been a complete collapse of the" traditionalfamily". Coddling criminals, everybody gets a trophy atmosphere, no discipline,love,respect,integrity and kids are not being raised to be accountable. Social media glorifies violence, glorifies being a thug, disrepecting anyone of authority. But it all comes down to the parents, to instill good values at a young age and to continue being a stable part in kids lives. I think if you look at the 20 year old killers background and upbringing compared to the 22 year old good samaritans background and upbringing, you will see how the parents of both played a pivitol roll in this tragic outcome.

    • @thaistomp
      @thaistomp 2 года назад +2

      @@terrybrown2556 I definitely agree with on that. Society has lost it's morals in the last 20 years for sure. No respect, no balls, no accountability... The mass shootings is what I'm really talking about though. Why do you think this has become the new trend to wanna be a mass shooter in America?

    • @terrybrown2556
      @terrybrown2556 2 года назад

      @@thaistomp because the people doing them want to go out in a blaze of glory. They most likely have never felt like they were,"somebody", they become suicidal and instead of taking themselves out, they want to be somebody. If the news media would seize any and all news about any mass shootings, no social media posts, no videos of it, then the mass shootings would end.

  • @frankbutta9344
    @frankbutta9344 2 года назад +12

    There would have been a lot more grieving if it weren’t for an Armed Hero! 👍👍👍👍

  • @mikemiller551
    @mikemiller551 2 года назад +3

    This was not a mass shooting, this was a mass saving.

  • @tujolamonte2359
    @tujolamonte2359 2 года назад +8

    Disgraceful these people trying to take ANY CREDIT for what an armed citizen did on his own. NEVER INFRINGED

    • @charlessarjeant8121
      @charlessarjeant8121 2 года назад

      Very true indeed. It's the cops all the time, always thanking themselves for doing little or nothing. All they did was arrive at the seen, took pictures of the dead, & then sanitized they hands, like they did at the school shooting while the little kids were waiting for them to come and save them.

  • @jerrydavenport2364
    @jerrydavenport2364 2 года назад +4

    This young man done a damn good job ! Need to thank him , he saved many ! So sorry to those who died!

  • @damndredidthatt
    @damndredidthatt 2 года назад +10

    Hope we get to see the surveillance

  • @rowdyrager-9403
    @rowdyrager-9403 2 года назад +9

    Praise the 2nd amendment people. This could have been more tragic if the hero citizen did not take action.
    That heroic citizen did what cops in uvalde couldn't.

  • @chapmanscreekrevival
    @chapmanscreekrevival 2 года назад +6

    God bless the good Samaritan who saved countless lives.

  • @littlewolfspirit7373
    @littlewolfspirit7373 2 года назад +3

    And yes the young man who put up his own life to save many people. He is a hero. I'm sorrow for him because he had to take a life to save lives. He is a Hero to those who were there and still alive because of his actions.
    God Bless him too and all the survivors of those who were killed. I'm so sorry for the loss you will always feel because of this terrible actions of a very disturbed young man.

  • @solidrockofjesuschristmini2423
    @solidrockofjesuschristmini2423 2 года назад +4

    It blows my mind the negative comments on this young man, what is wrong with ppl, he is a hero to me

  • @georgefoster3520
    @georgefoster3520 2 года назад +3

    Great job young man! I pray for you for what your are going through.

  • @victorpena324
    @victorpena324 2 года назад +6

    What collaboration! The 22 year old shot the active shooter. Why all the recognition to all these agencies

    • @seansimmons73
      @seansimmons73 2 года назад +1

      Because they didn't prevent citizens from stopping the shooter like the ones in Uvalde did

    • @Bobbymull7174
      @Bobbymull7174 2 года назад

      @@seansimmons73 it was all over be for first cop showed up nothing left for them to do but disarm & detain the hero.

    • @seansimmons73
      @seansimmons73 2 года назад

      @@Bobbymull7174 Nah, they gave band aids to the survivors

  • @albertodiazsaldana9380
    @albertodiazsaldana9380 2 года назад +4

    He was neutralized in two minutes by the good samaritan. How long before the police got there?

  • @ColtonBarrett
    @ColtonBarrett 2 года назад +1

    21:27 He almost slipped up and regurgitated the media's narrative. He was like "hey wait a min, nope not doing that". I like how he caught that at least. If you know you know. He's doing a good job handling this, props to all involved.

  • @The_Cyber_Nomad
    @The_Cyber_Nomad 2 года назад +1

    That young man stepped up and did the work men were built for. God bless him.

  • @dragonf1092
    @dragonf1092 2 года назад +4

    I hope every Hoosier stands behind and in defense of the young man.

  • @reymendoza8901
    @reymendoza8901 2 года назад +8

    Constitutional carry, lots of people are afraid of this I myself constitutional carry and we are not bad guys like you think. We are just as responsible.

    • @loke5551
      @loke5551 2 года назад

      The perpetrator was constitutionally carrying, too

    • @reymendoza8901
      @reymendoza8901 2 года назад

      @@loke5551 I don’t know if that low life did or didn’t have a license to carry, I don’t know that states law They didn’t say or I just missed it. But rather he did or not you think that was gonna stop him from killing people. Being able to constitutional carry don’t mean now people are gonna start killing people. If someone set on doing it they don’t care what the law is they gonna do it anyway.

  • @watersplitter
    @watersplitter 2 года назад +8

    What did the police do?

    • @1just4laughs
      @1just4laughs 2 года назад +7

      Take credit

    • @VideoServicesVB
      @VideoServicesVB 2 года назад +4

      Thought same. But whatever they did, was more than Uvalde........

    • @papawmc2345
      @papawmc2345 2 года назад +4

      Paper work,goofy,the armed citizen responded so fast the police just needed to rope it off and do paperwork. That and assist victims.

    • @sorrowsharvest7891
      @sorrowsharvest7891 2 года назад +1

      Not a damn thing......

    • @PuddilyOops
      @PuddilyOops 2 года назад

      Police aren’t there until after the crime has happened though.

  • @rickbrenner6079
    @rickbrenner6079 2 года назад +9

    Thank goodness for that heroic young man👏🏼. Who knows how many more innocent people would’ve been wounded or killed. Prayers to those who died and their families👏🏼. And I wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. WHAT IS WRONG WITH
    THIS COUNTRY OF OURS?!?! This epidemic of indiscriminate mass killing that has terrorized us for the past 20 years. I totally understand suicidal impulses. I also can even understand
    homicidal impulses toward a specific human being that ruined your life or brutalized one of your loved ones.
    I can even understand a high school student having fleeting thoughts of getting revenge on his long-time bullies in a violent manner that ignores consequences. But I can’t understand
    blowing away random, indiscriminate people that never even met you and never did anything to you personally.
    And for THAT evil behavior to spread like wildfire across a nation continues to escape me. After Bruce Wayne presumed initially that the Joker must be hungry for money and power, Alfred Pennyworth corrected him.
    He said, “Some men just want to see the world burn”. I guess our country has inadvertently created a bunch of

    • @petercollingwood522
      @petercollingwood522 2 года назад +1

      Unfortunately true.

    • @rslama9653
      @rslama9653 2 года назад

      Think about it evidence shared indicates that the perp was attempting suicide by cop. An eviction notice, attempting to destroy cell phone evidence, attempting destruction of the laptop ( oven on high and laptop and propane container inside to start house fire) come on man.

  • @kidglove100
    @kidglove100 2 года назад +8


    • @domingoliao2724
      @domingoliao2724 2 года назад +1

      CARRY not Carrie!

    • @kidglove100
      @kidglove100 2 года назад

      Carrie on

    • @domingoliao2724
      @domingoliao2724 2 года назад

      @@kidglove100 “Carrie” the movie!

    • @kidglove100
      @kidglove100 2 года назад

      @@domingoliao2724 Carrie comes from German origin it means FREE MAN. ... CONSTITUTIONAL FREE MAN

    • @domingoliao2724
      @domingoliao2724 2 года назад +1

      @@kidglove100 I may look up to it! (but if you have the caption) “French word” I won’t bother

  • @ClearAdventure
    @ClearAdventure 2 года назад +6

    They should _never_ show the picture of the gunman, _never_ say their name, and only refer to them as "The idiot-loser", and always show the picture of and name the hero with praise that killed them. This shit would end in a month or two. Fact.

    • @hansoak3664
      @hansoak3664 2 года назад

      That's very dangerous. There have been several shooters that the media had tried to spin a false narrative around. Many of us downloaded social media and other evidence before it was scrubbed. If we had not, whatever the media said would have been taken as gospel.
      It's the current thing to say don't publicize the name of the shooter and it sounds good but it really opens the door to censorship and propaganda. It's a bad road to travel. The truth is always the best way.
      Without facts, especially something is basic as the shooter's name, we could never verify what is true and what is false and would have to just accept whatever media told us. How many times has the media's first story been correct. I found it to not be often.

  • @Fake-moon-landing.
    @Fake-moon-landing. 2 года назад +2

    ELISJSHA has more than proved himself under extreme stress. I hope all the Emergency services offer him a position of his choice.

  • @terrygotwhatheheaskedforfo7789
    @terrygotwhatheheaskedforfo7789 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for telling us the truth ❤️

  • @danielcarlson800
    @danielcarlson800 2 года назад +1

    God Bless this young man, who saved COUNTLESS lives.

  • @terrygotwhatheheaskedforfo7789
    @terrygotwhatheheaskedforfo7789 2 года назад +3

    I just thank God the Hero was there at the right place at the right time and thank God he has a CCW He saved so many people's lives 🙏🙏

  • @JB91710
    @JB91710 2 года назад +4

    People, this is really easy so pay attention.
    1. Guns are here to stay.
    2. Criminals and crazy people are here to stay.
    3. Governments that allow those people to buy guns are here to stay.
    So, what's the answer to crime and especially mass shootings? If you want to be safe, buy a gun legally, train with that gun until you are as comfortable shooting and carrying it as you are with your wallet. Whatever!
    When someone starts shooting or better yet, before they can get that first shot off, you draw your weapon and kill them. You also don't dump a 16-round magazine into them like the cops do because you don't have a union and massive and Free legal assistance to protect you. You put the front site on the center of mass and press off just as many rounds as you need to put them down and keep them down.
    Now, that's the world we live in, and you better get used to it or just be the victim and wait your turn to be their next target. There is no worse feeling than to be helpless and there is no better feeling than taking care of yourself.

  • @LeonSteelpaw
    @LeonSteelpaw 2 года назад +1

    And yet there's some in the media already trying to demonize the samaritan because the property owner for the mall has a rule stating that weapons are not allowed on their property

    • @Bobbymull7174
      @Bobbymull7174 2 года назад

      Bet they don't rethink there stupidity.

    • @hearmeout9138
      @hearmeout9138 2 года назад +1

      Considering the history of shootings at this mall, the insurance company should raise their premiums as long as that rule is there. The people with criminal intent aren’t obeying the rule so their rule just increases the probability that a malevolent shooter will have free reign until the cops arrive.

  • @Iceman-bu1eg
    @Iceman-bu1eg 2 года назад +4

    There have been numerous incidents at this very mall. Gang shots fired, and other serious violent crimes. How much common sense does it take to say someone should be armed at this mall? Specifically, police or security. The lunatics are out and there must be a combat response in schools and densely populated public areas to these atrocities.

    • @toddyork5698
      @toddyork5698 2 года назад

      Simon's response to all the violent crime taking place in the parking lots was cameras with license plate recognition....

  • @gregorygermann5975
    @gregorygermann5975 2 года назад +1

    In an age, sadly, almost devoid of heroes...a fanfare if you please for this 22 year old American every man. Here!here!

  • @therealjoshuacaleb4873
    @therealjoshuacaleb4873 2 года назад +3

    See guns aren't the problem, bad people are the problem. Blame the human, not the tool.

  • @irenekhan52
    @irenekhan52 2 года назад +1

    This young man Elisjsha is truely a hero! His parents should be so proud of him! I think we are all proud of him!

  • @krylon128
    @krylon128 2 года назад +1

    This is the model to be analyzed and studied in how to prevent mass shootings.

  • @_Delta_P_
    @_Delta_P_ 2 года назад +3

    It took way too long to show this hero. But they show the shooters like they are the Kardashian’s. Politicians want us weak.

  • @cindylewis13
    @cindylewis13 2 года назад +3

    Mayor of greenwood should give key to city to citizen with gun who be saved the day

  • @WC4WCRN
    @WC4WCRN 2 года назад +5

    Just wondering if the DA is going to press murder charges against the legal citizen?

    • @justintime753
      @justintime753 2 года назад +2

      Murder how?

    • @justinjones8278
      @justinjones8278 2 года назад

      In these days and times i wouldnt doubt it even tho the good Samaritan did absolutely nothing wrong. He did what was right

    • @hearmeout9138
      @hearmeout9138 2 года назад

      In a lot of jurisdictions in the US, he would be prosecuted just because he made the police look like the ineffective drain on public resources that they are. Doing 51 in a 50mph zone and they’ll be there. Have a gunman trying to kill dozens of people… well, as soon as someone finishes writing a traffic ticket, we’ll send them over. We will never have a true justice system as long as George Soros pays better than the jurisdictions.

    • @hansoak3664
      @hansoak3664 2 года назад

      There's practically zero chance that the DA there will try to cook up some murder charge for a clear case of self-defense. If it were in some commie US city? Yeah, I would expect the DA to do something stupid like that. Look at how they put Rittenhouse through the ringer for a clear case of self-defense. But I don't think there's any danger of that in that county of Indiana.

  • @davidpotts3844
    @davidpotts3844 2 года назад +1

    Why is the local police taking the credit in handling this shooting The police were not responsible for taking out the shooter, just the clean up

  • @AmandaHugginkiss69
    @AmandaHugginkiss69 2 года назад +2

    The more alchohol you consume as well as the higher your blood pressure is, leaves you w a redder face. I always find it amusing when watching get togethers like this

  • @patriotfour3374
    @patriotfour3374 2 года назад +3

    Thank the lord the good citizen did not obey the no gun policy of the mall.

  • @bobswanson8464
    @bobswanson8464 2 года назад

    Police Chief is also thanking and praising the dept that DID NOT have to stop the shooter. Unless the EMTs were standing behind them, he should ONLY be thanking the "Hero".

  • @skippymagnus868
    @skippymagnus868 2 года назад +3

    This one will not be on mainstream media, doesn't fit their narrative.

    • @toddyork5698
      @toddyork5698 2 года назад

      Since when is fox not considered msm?

  • @garyvanrijn9511
    @garyvanrijn9511 2 года назад

    The number of killings from a mass shooter is directionally proportional to the time it takes for a good person with a gun to arrive on the scene and confront the shooter.

  • @donnieweston3249
    @donnieweston3249 2 года назад +1

    Question is, why did a 20 yr old have to shoot a 22 year old. No one is asking the right questions. Thank God he was there and had the courage to, but why.

    • @hansoak3664
      @hansoak3664 2 года назад

      Because there is evil in the world; always has been and always will be until the Lord returns.
      Everyone's best bet is to prepare to combat that evil. Presently, the best way to be prepared includes being armed always and knowing how and when to use it.

  • @33Jenesis
    @33Jenesis 2 года назад +2

    Just a sunday afternoon being in an air conditioned food court to get some guilty pleasure to reward a week’s work done, who’d have thought a deranged person would plan to do mass killing? All these public shootings truly made me rethink about personal safety and situation awareness at all times. No place is safe; not grocery store, church, mall, park, streets, 7-11……..

  • @dannyb2783
    @dannyb2783 2 года назад +2

    thank god for the young man who took care of this, because by the looks of the Greenwood Police, they would have been stopped by a steep flight of stairs.

  • @terrygotwhatheheaskedforfo7789
    @terrygotwhatheheaskedforfo7789 2 года назад +1

    The shooter thought nobody in the Mall had a gun that's why he went there I bet he couldn't believe it when he found out he was wrong 🙏🙏

    • @EmeryB152
      @EmeryB152 2 года назад +1

      I think he knew he was gonna die but idk

  • @bobswanson8464
    @bobswanson8464 2 года назад

    The Mayor should have thanked the "Hero" before thanking the Department Behind him & First Responders. He thanked everyone before thanking the "Hero".
    The "Hero" showed Texas Police what they SHOULD have done, instead of WAITING an hour or so to confront the shooter...seconds make a huge difference and can save lives.

    • @hansoak3664
      @hansoak3664 2 года назад

      I noticed that too and it bugged me.

  • @SecondClassCitizen
    @SecondClassCitizen 2 года назад +1

    I would like to know how the interaction between the police and the Good Samaritan went about. Did he still have his gun out when they arrived on scene, did he call in ahead of the cops getting there, did he check to see if the shooter was dead before they got there?