On rare occasions you meet a person who engages in malice as a major consideration of their being. Even more rare is getting to see behind the mask and witnessing / recognizing of that evil. You operate quite differently in the world when you are certain that evil exists. Then witnessing that malice carried out, seeing the horror of it, you get to carry it around and have to internalize it and tame it to ensure you do not perpetuate this "disease" or be paralyzed by it. Do not "turn the other cheek", cast it out with great intolerance.
I have met someone like that. I remember that, from the first moment I saw him, I saw something terribly wrong in him. When I got to know him better, I learned that I was absolutely right. He really was evil. But I don’t regret getting to know him, because he inspired me to be everything I am today. (To stand up against people like him).
Oh man. The more I listen to Dr. Peterson, the more I love him, admire him and respect him. I pray daily that God protects you, guides you and blesses you, you and your family and the ones you love. The world will be a much different place, a much more enlightened place and a much better place once Dr. Peterson is done with it. There is so much I want to discuss with you Dr. Peterson. God willing I’ll be able to get in touch with you soon. I’m just collecting my thoughts and my ideas in the hope of delivering my message properly and in the fear that I’ll be too blown away by your magnificence that I won’t be able to organize my thoughts 😂 From the bottom of our hearts. We love you man ❤️
When one knows that one *can* cause misery in others deliberately, one does not need to witness further Evil to understand that it (evil) exits. Just because one "wouldn't" does not excuse one being ignorant that they themselves _could_ be their own or someone else's "evil villain." Be your own hero first, because by example _maybe_ others will want to replicate those things you are getting right. [ eg: like sharing your psychological insights ;) ]
Evil obviously does exist on some level of consciousness but ultimately evil can have no 'real' existence. Evil is like darkness. Darkness is obviously real and yet it has no real existence of it own. It only exists in the absence of light, light having real existence. People of the lie is a great example of this. A lie can be told and the effects of that lie can have real existence but the lie is a lie, it is not real.
@@CC-mr5xqhave you ever listened to anything JP or any of the great psychoanalysts said??? We all have the natural capacity for evil. The story of Cain and Abel shows us the first man outside the garden Cain, killed his brother before built a city and founded civilisation. The point is we are not above evil, the serpent is in our hearts. That’s the point of free choice. The Nazis and Soviets chose to act out the evil in their hearts.
In my eyes, I understand my own evil. I understand what I have been, what I could become. Even though I am in a better place now, I know that some evils are greater than and lesser than others. Evil exists, and that which can be rid of it, the better.
I think it's actually very important to recognize that you are capable of doing really terrible things. There are a lot of people who don't think they could ever be the bad guy. If you don't understand that in yourself, then it's much easier to commit evil acts and think you're doing the right thing.
Evil could be defined as "that which steals". Mark Passio makes a good case for that definition. Jeremy Locke also has an interesting perspective in his book "The End of all Evil". I like to define it as "That which steals freedom, that which seeks control, because when you take freedom away, you diminish the ability for good to manifest. Evil is in all of us.
Kieth Ledger's Joker pointed out in one of his manic, narcissistically disordered moments, how he didn't want to kill Batman. No, he insisted that he could not exist without Batman, and that Batman's mortal existence completed him. Batman and the Joker are our quintessential good-and-evil characters.
I get it. "Virtue" that originates from pride and not love. Sometimes I think the only reason many people want to go to Heaven is to spit on everyone below. I'm going to request that I be buried with an umbrella.
Evil obviously does exist on some level of consciousness but ultimately evil can have no 'real' existence. Evil is like darkness. Darkness is obviously real and yet it has no real existence of it own. It only exists in the absence of light, light having real existence. A lie is a great example of this. A lie can be told and the effects of that lie can have real existence but the lie is a lie, it is not real.
Yes, so true. Devil is the master of deception. He enters our lives to kill, steal and destroy. Something that seems good is actually evil. I experienced so much trauma because of the evil person who destroyed my life that it is hard to go on. The trauma lasts for year, the guilt, the reliving the circumstances, it never goes away.
After being ambitious for many years - and maybe being such above my real abilities and vocations - my greatest achievement in life - for now - is deciding that I need only 3 things to be happy - peace, garden, and books. :) This seems to be so little but its enough for me. But in recent years I m sorrounded by people who seem to be so indocrinated for this or that dogmatism, and living in so many of different fears probably manufactured for them by medias, (and frustration becouse of it maybe) that they seem to not be able to stand my basic needs - peace, garden, books - and cannot stand basic idea "live and let live" :) From every part they want to accuse me of being on the others side, or mobbing me to do and say things I dont want to do and say, or dominate me in debate, or put me in one of their ideological or religious "boxes", its so strange becouse I just wanted to be left alone thank you very much :)
Jesus could have taken that path too, but He had a purpose to serve. Lucifer said "I will not serve", Jesus came to show it is through serving the world is improved.....and, in the end, the improvement may be in eternity.
@@josephcioppa1943 Your words are nice, but I realy dont understand what your text has to do with my text? :) Show me the connection between them. Are you telling me that I should serve? Well, I would love to but in reality no one cares for any of my help. :D
Sorry, but im with Joseph on this one. Of the requirements you listed, where do you think “peace” comes from? Sadly, tragically, it is almost always fought for and certainly sacrifices are made to both earn it and maintain it. Every November 11th I acknowledge the sacrifices others made to ensure peace for me. Life is like that is so many ways. You can’t just sit back and “smell the roses” and be happy although some of that is healthy. You really need to work (serve) to improve the lot of others. It’s hard sometimes but when you do, no other reward is more enduring. Oh, and you forgot the greatest requirement of all..Love. (Giving and receiving)
@@bradsmith9189 Of the requirements you listed, where do you think “peace” comes from? I dont think I was speaking about peace in political way. I think it was about peace as in private life :) What was 11th of November? You really need to work (serve) to improve the lot of others. I agree. Its not that I would not like it to do, its others never cared for being helped and improving my ideas or working with me in realising something which can help them or us. I never have problem with giving, its mostly others who got problem with receiving from me. :) Thats why now I m thinking that I would be able to help and to work with only those who want it. :) Giving AND receiving you know. :) As for me, in recent years I m of the opinion that sometimes receiving is also a kind of giving :) Giving chance to others to be of help, to planning, to tutoring, to improving, to being listened to, to express ideas and feelings. Its IMO easy to give, when you were for most of your life raised in such way by parents and grandparents and by school and by examples of your ancestors and your heroes, and your idols. It is the receiving which is in todays (postmodern, narcisistic, egoistic) society the lost art actualy :) And btw I dont like political ideologies - in recent years my idea about political ideologies is that they are created to divide us, as a screen of real politics, to stop us from having mutual goals and needs by manufacturing fake problems to divide the majority. The fewer people rule the world the more political ideologies are created day by day (and forved upon as by "social" medias) to divide the majority for more fighting groups and sub-groups becouse only such way we "working people" and esp. "middle-class" (between "milioners class" and "poverty class" in need of social benefits) are not enough power and are enough canalized into this or that "boxes" to actualy start require something of our true needs from those who rule this poor planet :) Those true needs are IMO only 3 : - peace (no to manufacturing and spending bilions on wars by military-industrial complex) - honest work for honest money, with ability to safe for old age or for your kids, - safety of kids - in school and on the streets. And IMO as of today - though it can be changing I guess - the only area where I honestly can think that I can SERVE and with honor, and that I want to serve for the honor of my ancestors, for 6 generations before me who'd served in 2 world wars and 3 national insurections - is the kind of intelectual and ideological war between... lets say it that way... light and dark side of force. :) I can serve in "culture war" against those who deem that the cathegory of truth must be abandoned. I dont think so, becouse I deem that this cathegory is most important for any kind of DEVELOPMENT, including technology, and culture, and law, and ethics. I can serve in that thing which people call "cultural war". As far as I can see it its the war in which we got two sides. One side is mine - the protectors of cultures. Of being based in written sources, of literature, of mythologies. Of that which is a sedimentation growing with centuries. Be it high culture or popculture, be it western culture or tribal cultures. All kinds of cultures who are equipped with any kind of DEEP roots are in MORTAL danger now. Those cultures will be at first used to politics and if not enough useful they will be erased from our memory. Those who are not able to tell chronologicaly about the changes in architecture and literature and philosophy from the last 3 000 of years are the first tools and victims of the builders of "idiocracy". Those builders of idiocracy want to dominate us and use us, or eventualy eradicate all of that which is not at its roots a part of politics. Politics wanting to rule culture is like a tail who wags the dog ! Those builders of idiocracy are - corporations - who want to devour and to use as tool every possible particle, every small relict of independent cultures. By independent I mean independent from big-buissness and independent from politics, and - political ideologies - who are going hand in hand with corpos, or maybe are installed in corpos to be spread on the world via their copo-medias. I was educated in law/forensics/history of law. But never got job in this area. I try to understand what media show us from the area of politics, though I know that its difficult for me becouse there is not much to see, most things are actualy secret, (IMO its not much above 20% of events what we actualy see in TV) and I dont have much schooling in this matter, though I can bring together bits and pieces and speculating about it using methods of thinking from legal study. I dont know much about economy/money so my understanding is about some basics from school only. Thats why I cannot be of much use in that area. :) But I in recent years I read more and understand more about cultures and popculture, becouse of my education and my non-profesional interests. So in that area I can SERVE.
SS Obergruppenführer Reinhardt Heydrich, (THE mastermind behind the Holocaust ) while being a truly evil demon, was a loving father, he was extremely clever, fluent in hebrew, a violin virtuoso, who played Beethoven and even cried of joy while doing it.
Love Jordan’s talks. Book recommendation for anyone interested in this subject matter: “Man Being Volume 1: The Transmission”. It covers everything from time travel, death, the afterlife, extraterrestrials, the Vatican Archives, the Renaissance secrets, the Pyramids and Pharaohs, Jesus, Sinai, Hebrew letters…etc. Wild read. Best I’ve had in years.
Evil is real. But the Devil is just a symbol of that evil. Just a metaphor. The really scary thing is that the evil is not in some supernatural being. The evil is in the hearts and souls and minds of people. We all have the potential for that evil. We are all more or less successful at choosing to act out the good and avoid doing evil. We are all tempted.
@@pdxnikki1 I've never seen the devil. But I have been tempted to do evil many times. But the temptation always came from real things. Never an evil fallen angel. So I have no evidence of the existence of the devil. How can you persuade me the devil really exists apart from metaphor?
"We are all tempted" - if temptation is not supernatural, we are tempted by what? And, even if the temptation is not supernatural, then where did the initial patterns of thought arise from?
@@josephcioppa1943 Desire. Let's say you were 10 lbs overweight. (just a hypothetical, of course.) And a co-worker brings in a dozen doughnuts. We are tempted to eat them, in spite of the fact that in the long-term, these will harm our health. Or, an old high-school flame is in town the same week as your wife is out of town. She calls you up... Or, you are in a store, and you really want something expensive, but lack the money. The clerk turns around, and you could pocket it. All three of these are immoral actions. Temptation comes from desire, and desire is in our nature. Hunger is a desire that keeps us from starving. Lust is a desire that keeps human beings reproducing. They are natural. You can say that God put these instincts in us if you like. I prefer to think of The Creator as the process of evolution with natural selection. But in EITHER case, the devil is a metaphor for temptation to do something that feels good in the short run, but hurts you and others in the long run.
To be honest, at first I took on a little too much responsibility, but it was easy to step back a little when I realized that my life had basically nothing but work in it and I figured I couldn't live like that for a prolonged period of time. My fiancée complained about the lack of time we spent together, which I'm grateful for because I'm not so sure I'd have listened to anyone else and give it enough weight. The possibility of people taking on too much responsibility theoretically exists, but it almost never happens to people who are experts in not taking responsibility. The people who do take on too much responsibility do not come from being convinced by your words, they did it all their life and need encouragement to cut back and have some leisure (I guess, because what do I know - I'm not one of those [un]fortunately).
Oh yes, lots of backseat drivers in the world, happy to be a passenger while others take on all responsibility and do all the work. I know, I was that person too, but not any more. I thought everyone was the same as me, they're not, some don't want to grow up and take responsibility on, even for themselves. They're more than happy to drive others on to do more. xxx
I am always very interested in all his videos, when JP talks about evil psychopaths because my brother in law is a very mallicious,sadistic, manipulative,envious, predatory,exploitative tetrad psychopath black magician and caused enormous suffering, trauma,pain and loss for our family. These type of people are very dangerous and we consider him a walking devil. Finally, though his mallicious lies are starting to catch up with him...What goes around comes around. I absolutely love JP's teachings ! They give me hope,insights and clarity with meaning.
He needs to learn the counterarguments to Manicheanism. According to st Gregory of Nyssa for example evil doesn't exist. It is just the absence of goodness. Even psychopaths aim for the lesser goods and therefore participate in the Love of God. The problem of reifying evil is that then you can identify The Enemy as something corporeal, in which case you will try to destroy it. There is also the implicit consideration that love is not more powerful than hate or whatever emotion evil is identified with. Everything is subject to love in Christianity, including hell.
" ...it must needs be that there was an OPPOSITION; even the forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter. Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other. "
I have worked with people who do ill deeds which they justify in their own heads. For example, i have known several people who knowingly lied. They would say “Everyone does it”. In other words, if you don’t lie, you are naive. In another case someone deceived me, which caused me to lose a job offer. His justification was that he had a family to support. In other words, the needs of his family justified the act of deception. The survival of his family was more important than my feelings. In reality it had nothing to do with his family, but a simple lack of morals on his part. In my experience lying and deception are very common in the workplace, and a significant proportion of those who rise to senior positions do so on the back of lying and deception.
Yes it does. If you know that life is easy, meaningless and you have high self esteem. Once you're in that nihilistic zone and you choose to do bad, you're evil
the Bible says "be angry, but do not sin", and also do not let the sun go down on your anger"......Jesus flipped the tables of the money changers.......righteous anger is real, and not evil
@@josephcioppa1943 "Be angry and do not sin" is referring to judgment. In other words see evil but do not judge evil. Also, Jesus never got angry when He flipped those tables. Read that scripture again and tell me where it says anger.
Just as dry is an absence of wet, evil is an absence of Goodness. Only in duality does evil become a possibility. Truth is an Infinite Absolute. Evil is an aspect of Maya.
Evil must be made accessible in order to have free will. Good can be made manifest without evil being made manifest, but good cannot exist without the 'potential' for evil. Evil does not have to be present, but it must be accessible. An excellent example of that is in the Garden of Eden. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was in the midst of the garden. It did not manifest as evil and never would have on its own, but it was accessible, and had the 'potential' to manifest. Evil did not manifest unless and until it was accessed. It was Pandora's box. It exists in a closed, contained state until someone accessed the box. Once that happened, it became accessible to everyone. The smoke was let out of the bottle. It still exists in that state. Accessible to all of us. We can choose to be evil, or chose not to be. It is not a necessary condition of existence, but it is a necessary condition of free will.
I can say as a practicing Catholic and growing in my faith in Jesus that Jordan Peterson has helped me get a greater understanding of the Human Being. Thank You for that.
not only is "Mother" Theresa not an example of a nearly perfect person, she fails the measure of the below average of the mean. read the Missionary Position by Christopher Hitchens.
Without evil in the world there would be no need for freewill. And without freewill there'd be no need to choose to love God and no hunger for spiritual growth.
*Evil does not exist.* "Evil" is a word we use to describe the lack of goodness. Goodness... now that exists. Goodness is like a wall... and evil is like a hole in that wall. The wall exists and has substance... but the hole is a gap and has no substance. Evil is the lack of mortality.
In a society that understands the Bible doesn't have to ask this question. The nature of man is self-serving and astray of God's design which he mercifully grants us the ability to redeem through Jesus Christ.
I have read and studied many of the things Dr. Peterson is referring to very carefully. It does not convince me that evil exists. I think it is impossible to come to the conclusion that "evil" exists. Nor do I come to the conclusion that these events or people or their behaviors are bad. I think this line of thinking is unfounded in objective reasoning. I have experienced some very difficult traumatic events personally, and I don't think they were bad or evil. I am wondering how that conclusion is being drawn from what is being discussed and brought up in this clip.
In some sense though having a belief in evil makes your life harder, like the person who screams at god for letting their grandpa die. You're compounding suffering. On top of the face value suffering that's there in the grief or the tragedy, there's the added moral suffering of the understanding of the evil, and being angry and sad etc about said evil. Jordan Peterson would say sure OK, if a belief in evil increases suffering, suffering is to be confronted, not run from. But then, isn't confronting suffering running from it? And running from suffering then confronting it? On the flip side, if you decide not to believe in evil, that gives you the personal freedom to commit evil acts, either acts that you know intrinsically are evil, or acts that are generally considered evil, and that would generally be considered bad.
To follow this point up though... Jordan Peterson has a line that a good man must be capable of evil, yet control it. So then a good man might not necessarily have to believe in good and evil. If forsaking a belief in good and evil opens you up to committing evil acts, and yet for your own reasons independent of general morals, you decide against the acts generally conceived of as evil, then that's Jordan Peterson's definition of a good man. I would guess it goes back to the eye of the beholder, or letting another man sing thy praises. You aren't really good just because you believe you are good, you're good if other people see your actions and asses you as good. So you can be amoral and still good, so long as self-interest keeps you in line with the conventional morality of those around you. Although you will probably be scary because people will see what you're capable of written in your eyes.
"God (good) and Devil (bad) are sitting "together" and God says to Devil look, look there is a man in the desert, and he found the Truth so its all over for you your job is done. Oh, not to worry my friend says the Devil I will help organise this Truth". For once it's organised it becomes a circus, a dangerous one. That's one evil, another is separation of good and bad, notice good and bad sitting together no polarities, opposites, divisions. Shakespeare wrote "There is nothing good or bad, just thinking makes it so." It only took me a little over twenty years to figure this one out, when I stopped thinking in terms of opposites. Rather, nothing good or bad, only WHAT IS, it's what happens. Never mind God or Devil.
time was given to know evil. its mere reason why was given. why? how else will ye bring forth justification? but to dwell among. how can a child know but to go through the dwelling place of the suffering and gnashing of teeth. nevertheless do you prefer the child to stay there. indeed many can even abort. Have forgotten! its because these innocents young sons and daughters. its the very reason why we nourished and bound any giants by their hands and feet. is like what is an innocents? is your life worth more than a precious baby? many of these same minds forgotten. baby they are once and same will they deny. if can't tell the difference? what else can these same minds can't tell the difference? sincere conversations can take root indeed.
Eleven Reasons Why God Allows Pain and Suffering 1. Every evil act of man or men has been allowed by God as part of the gift of free will that God has given mankind. God will not tamper with our free will because if he did, then we would be robots and, therefore, not responsible for our actions. Furthermore, free will is a requirement in order for a being to be able to love in the agape sense of the word. Love is a choice, and choices can only be made by beings of free will. God made a promise to man to give him dominion over the earth, and God cannot go back on his promises. Mankind could have continued in paradise, but man’s sins have made our earth full of suffering and misery. While evil seems to run rampant in our world today; ultimately, no one gets away with anything. There will be a payday one day. 2. Pain and suffering will make us go to God, but good times, blessings, and prosperity usually keep us distracted from God. So if pain and suffering turns a person towards God it would seem logical that God allows the consequences of sin to run its normal course; into pain and suffering. Moral evil is the result of humans with free will acting on their selfish, sinful desires and lusts. 3. Just like a muscle needs resistance to be built up, likewise, adverse circumstances are needed to build up and test our faith in Christ and the Bible. Pain and suffering result from adverse circumstances. 4. God wants mankind to learn experientially that in spite of a man recognizing the truth about sin and his self-determination to be good, sin inside of man inhibits the ability to be good. No matter who a person is or where they are in the world if they were to examine themselves and all of mankind and be honest, they would realize everyone has inherent selfishness that cannot be overcome by education, training, medications, or any other way. 5. God has allowed sin to continue so that its consequences can be seen in the lives of people throughout history. The history of the human race is a testimony as to why sin is so bad that it cannot be allowed to continue into eternity; that’s why sin must be eternally separated from those who are holy. That’s why hell is real and eternal. 6. People will talk at length about the existence of God as an intellectual philosophical exercise but pain and suffering make people more serious about understanding and seeking God. Pain and suffering can draw a person to God OR a person’s pain and suffering can cause their anger to lash out and blame God. But it seems like no one wants to blame the devil for anything. 7. Satan's, Adam's, and Eve's choice to sin gives God an opportunity to display his attributes of mercy, forgiveness, and grace. God uses what is selfish and sinful and works it out for the ultimate good and for His glory. Everything that has happened and will happen is being used by God for an ultimate purpose. 8. One reason God allows evil to run its horrible course through human history is to give a glimpse of how bad the universe would get without God to intervene against sin. Do we believe in God’s Word that says the sufferings in the world are temporary? Our life on earth is but a vapor. 9. The physical world that we live in is a temporary stage of existence by which we have the opportunity to develop a faith relationship with God. The way we are now, the way we think and act towards God and others in our mortal bodies will be the way we think and act towards God and others in our immortal bodies. Do we believe God that all things are for our good even if everything appears to be bad and out of control? 10. For Christians, God sometimes uses pain and suffering to move us into action or to change. 11. The pain and suffering caused by evil is a tool to train and prepare believers for eternity where they will have an intimate personal relationship with God and rule and reign over a part of God’s kingdom. Ultimately, we are to take on the character and unselfish holy nature of God. We are to grow up and become like our heavenly father. 1 Peter 1:14-16 (NLT) tells us, “So you must live as God's obedient children. Don't slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn't know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, ‘You must be holy because I am holy.’” No greater love has anyone but this - that a man (or woman) lays down their life for those they love. That’s why Jesus says to take up your cross and follow after me. Deny your self. If we love Jesus with our whole heart, then we will love the world by telling them the truth of the Gospel even if they reject, persecute, and kill us. These things we could never understand or learn to do except when there is pain and suffering from sin in the world.
What is inherently good to one is always inherently evil to another. Just a fact of life. And just like the difference between a patriot and a terrorist literally boils down to how much you know vs which side of the fence you stand. 🧐
7:35 "If something doesn't exist, how does its opposite exist?" Going by Descartes, "I think therefore I am." Going by Peterson (as well as many other Eastern idealogies), if something exists, then its opposite exists. Going by both, => "I think therefore I have an opposite." I wonder who my opposite is. I suppose she must be out there.
Then I think I need it explained to me better. I don't buy the idea that good and evil are symmetric and that good is perfectly balanced by evil. What is the point then if that's true
@@ethanjensen7967 there is no way to define or understand a concept without intrinsically defining and delineating the anthitesis, or opposite, of that concept. You can't have good without evil because by definition they're anthitetical to one another, it'd be like trying to define what "hot" means without also implying that such a thing as "cold" exists. It's baked within the definition, and this is baked within the concept of definition en large. Good and evil are pretty much entirely subjective concepts, therefore in order for them to have meaning we need to assign to them a set of definitions which exclude all other non pertaining definitions from the set that describes them. Therefore all definitions that make up the concept of good, inherently define what the opposite of good is, by being excluded from that alternative set
@@MJGianesello I understand your argument, but I don't think good is one of those things that works that way. I don't think they're symmetric opposites. What your argument suggests is that every attempt at making the world better is futile because reducing evil waters down the other goodness in the world because there's less evil to compare it to.
@@ethanjensen7967 no, what I'm saying is that the existance of one concept implies the necessary existance of the other, nothing of what I said relates to the state of the world or the prevalence of good things or events vs bad things or events. Obviously perspective changes depending on our understanding of the definition, so in a world that works better than ours the definitions will differ. That's inevitable in the same way that your definition of hot and cold weather changes depending on what you're accostumed to.
Evil is real. I experienced evil who destroyed my life. Watch real stories “Evil Lives Here” and you will see that there are some people who are evil, manipulative and deceptive. Don’t trust anyone. People look for their own benefit and don’t care if they destroy other people’s lives. I cried for the last 13 years because of the evil guy who betrayed me, who brought me to the lowest point in my life. To this day I blame myself for not seeing though him. I lost trust in people. I isolated myself so that I would not get hurt again. God is my salivation. Without my deep faith I don’t know if I still would be around.
The highest manifestation of evil is here revealed in the idea we are the only and ultimate discerners of the source of evil. That our suffering as 'gods' in some symbolic psychological way is what creates or defeats evil. One can indeed suffer without God the Father, His Son and their Holy spirit, for the good of the world and for ourselves and those we love, and yet without submission to God the Father, we cannot see how this actually empowers the evil that presides over the world of such men. Both those who appear as good and those who appear as evil. The difference cannot be discerned except by the Children of God. Those who deny the actual and real existence of God and take it upon themselves to determine the truth, rather than submitting to God, are in absolute fact, serving evil. At its most subtle manifestation. Except that you follow the way set Down by Jesus through His Church, of which to my experience only the Orthodox system still reveals, you are dead to this truth. Dead to God, and on the way to eternal Death. And the whole while you will imagine you are surely fighting evil and serving the highest good. You will never understand. Your pride and egoism will blind you. Submit to God in the living way Jesus left for you. Free for any and all to follow. Can you claim you were not aware of this option? All Glory to God.
More things you set in order... bigger the pain of the destruction you would witness with time since everything is going down the drain sooner or later... What's the upper limit?... very very very very low. Taking all the responsibility is making your life better in the short run and worse in the long run. That's how Nature lures us into the game, by promising us that we can control all this some day if we just make a little bit of an effort. People are myopic and think solving a problem today is fundamentally changing their lives... it's not. Entropy is unforgivable. Bigger and marrier your family is, bigger the number of funerals some of you would have to attend. For instance...no kids, no suffering caused by your death to them, it seems this responsibility is causing more harm than good in the long run which is what's happening with all responsibility since the universe is a meat grinder, the more you are invested in the game the more you lose, it's a flawed long term investment.
evil does exist, allow its the most fascinating off subjects too talk about, but in reality its also the must severely disappointing thing you will witness! and all the stories, start too make sense!
Evil and good are labels and stories we assign to things. They don’t actually exist. But human suffering exists. Death and pain and cruelty exist. The Holocaust exists. And right and wrong do exist. It’s so interesting. This is all just my opinion, but I don’t think good and evil exist objectively. But right and wrong do. And there’s a big difference. You can’t love the sinner if good and evil exists. But you can hate the sin if right and wrong exist
Yes; evil exists. satan is real. He incorporates most often through us should we allow it. And Jesus is the one who holds him at bay. You serve Jesus Christ or you serve satan.
“Some things are just wrong.” What qualifies things as “just wrong”? “Just wrong implies there is something intrinsic about an act that makes it evil. Theists will attribute “just” to god or some “objective” truth. But that is pointless because god isn’t something that can be proven to exist. The ONLY authentic way to approach evil is to base it upon who or what it applies to and that should be some objective truth, not a hypothetical truth. And what objective truth would apply to “evil”? Well, evil only applies to human beings. The rest of the natural world doesn’t have a (human) value system. I doubt even other primates think in terms of “evil”. To them things simply happen and to survive one has to adapt. That’s different than characterizing something as evil. Evil only exists in the minds of Homo sapiens. As a result evil is something that negatively affects people. It impacts our desires, security, etc. So evil is created by people. It’s a fabrication that applies only to people. The natural world has no sense of evil. And the idea of evil can be applied to the supernatural because no one really groks the nature of the supernatural. Since we don’t (and can’t) understand it it’s a cause for fear. And perhaps that’s one reason people fear the idea of god and are easily trapped into theistic worldviews. Believing if they don’t believe they’ll be punished. That fear is so widespread that the origin of that fear has morphed into something “real”, something that actually exists which is false. But the fact there is no evidence of god seems to be no deterrent.
I agree with the general statements of your talk but please, I respectfully ask that you watch your speech or you will create openings for attack. "Evil" is NOT the opposite of "good", otherwise anything that is not good would be evil. The word "evil" implies intention. The opposite of "good" is "bad" (the things, which have produced a negative result) and "evil" is a sub-category of "bad". The sub-category of things that are bad, which were done exactly with the intention of harming people and without any kind of necessity. It is exactly this tightness of constraints which constitutes evil behavior which makes it hard to prove/measure if someone is acting evil, which makes it a question of belief and common sense in most cases. This kind of differentiation is exactly what the SJW types lack so please don't make the same mistake. The question of your talk is not to be answered trivially. If there are actually people who meet the aforementioned criterias for evil behavior, then there are many more people who, when perfoming evil deeds, will (choose to) convince themselves of their necessity, so that they don't have to see themselves as evil people.
No, evil means immoral. So what you've described is just your private definition. Immoral means an act violates someone's morality. Obviously that depends on what their morality is (beheading apostates is evil to me, but a particular Muslim might consider it good, for example). It's hard to prove something is evil because nobody has evidence of objective morality. So nobody has a basis for calling anything objectively evil: it's always just whether or not some act violates an individual's morals. Unlike morality itself, _consequences_ are real. So that's why morality is still a critical topic, despite being subjective, because some consequences are dramatically worse than others and so we really should care about what acts we treat as good vs. evil. Personally I'm most fond of the moral goal of _overall well-being._ Once that subjective goal is picked, then in the case of well-being you can objectively measure it by measuring health, wealth, etc. By approaching things this way, you typically end up with a much more accurate and nuanced stance towards various topics (like instead of just weirdly being negative of all SJW stuff, admitting that some policy changes have objectively raised overall well-being, while others haven't had an impact, and some have _worsened_ well-being).
@@tonygoodkind7858 Not true. Evil is not equal to immoral action but unethical action and that means my definition of evil is not wrong, when the term "unethical action" includes that definition. Groups may define different standards for what they consider "good" or "evil" but that doesn't make things "good" or "evil". This decision is eventually made by individuals themselves (even if they act as part of a group) and they may deviate from what the group might have set as their standard. Ethics action are not something random. In fact it is quite the opposite. This is because the root of ethics is the same for anything that lives and feels: The capacity for suffering. As Confucius once said and Aristotle before him (albeit way more elaborate than what a simple quote can cover) : "Don't do to others what you don't want done to you". In the end any ethics always come back to this simple principle. Going by this principle, unethical action would be anything that someone would do to others, what that person wouldn't want done to themselves, which would come down to anything that would hurt them, that is done without necessity (for either side) and willingness (from the receiving side). Therefore my definition does indeed describe unethical behavior. But you good sir are, from what you've described yourself, a moral relativist. Therefore what you do, is just look at the outcome and not the means, which is exactly, what is at the root of the horrors from the last century. And while I agree that there is nothing that is objectively good (which is not the same as moral), the same is not true for unethical actions, since you can always put yourself into the shoes of another person. Of course that does not provide a valid measure for "good" things, because people value things differently. However, as I've mentioned before, suffering is universal, which means it is something that you can indeed measure. There is of course a lot of grey between "good" actions and unethical actions but if you do something to hurt someone without there being any necessity on neither side or willingness on the receiving side, then that is objectively evil.
@@DelaronZarath I do agree I was wrong to call your definition wrong. Mostly I took some extra time to realize that morality is principles of good/bad _behavior,_ which does imply intent is always involved. (And I probably wasn't clear enough last post, but it was the intent part of your definition I was previously (but not anymore) calling wrong.) Putting ourselves in the shoes of other people doesn't mean things are objectively evil. It's just that doing that is a great strategy if we're interested in crafting the best-possible subjective morality. (With "best" mostly just referring to _maximizing well-being for as many sentient beings as possible._ ) Perhaps you're already aware of the Veil of Ignorance (which is basically just a fancier way of saying we should form morality based on putting ourselves in others' shoes). Basically I find people dismiss moral relativism because they find it unappealing (and sure, I'd absolutely agree that some magical objective morality might make reality a nicer place to be; it's a comfortable lie). Yet the reason they find it unappealing always comes back to consequences. _And that's why it's such a shallow critique of moral relativism,_ because when a moral relativist forms their beliefs about morals _holistically_ (considering BOTH that morals are subjective and that consequences are real), the end result in that we form morals which try to maximize the well-being of everyone. And there definitely wasn't a case for maximizing well-being by doing those horrible historic things ( _the very fact that they're horrific_ proves they weren't maximal well-being, if that makes sense)
I was prsent during an exorcism. Evil exists and it's a being. I will never forget it. It completely changed my attitude to life. I always pray to protect my family and me from it. p.s. Devil was tormenting some German soldiers from WWII souls. They ended up in that terrible position because they were cursing there executer in moment of dying.
Peterson is to emotional (which isnt bad or good) to see that evil is just a matter of subjectivity. That doesnt mean that things like murder or rape should be accepted but saying its objectively evil is just wrong.
Beautiful words, and there is a lot of truth in what he says in the video. However, i think that he like almost everyone else who addresses the question of evil are only touching on understanding evil ONCE it is here, but the fundamental question of how is it POSSIBLE for evil to exist in the first place as God is all powerful and perfectly good. His answer of good needs evil to exist is inaccurate, as good is an affirmative concept which doesn't need (the contrast to) evil as part of its definition. What is true is that evil is necessary to EXPRESS or to REVEAL good but the question is much deeper, why couldnt God make everything good on the intrinsic level, without the need to express good, similar to God Himself who doesn't need evil to be good as He created evil for a purpose, which implies that before His creation of evil there was no evil as God is above time and the creation by definition is within time. My video delves into the root of the question with the logical proof (based on ancient jewish philosophy) why evil has to exist coming from a perfect creator, and in this context Dr Peterson and all the other very good answers to this question can be understood with a concrete foundation. ruclips.net/video/I_nN5rQ_vzk/видео.html&ab_channel=AdamHerskine I hope this helps everyone get a much more positive view on life!
The tree of the knowledge of good and bad = humans have invented the idea that there's anything wrong with the world at all. That is the only way evil actually exists. We made it up. A return of higher conciousness (Christ) makes you realize everything is exactly perfect as it is. And thus 'evil/Satan, D'evil ' dies.
We're all have an inner tiger in us. Rage hate anger, are all this primal animal part of us. When you're rageful your mind literally goes into a temporary state of insanity. If this logic happened to be true, then maybe evil is like that primal side of us, and evil acts are usually brought on when an animal feels trapped. You trap a friendly animal like even a chicken into a corner and it will fight you. They normally aren't like that if given their basic necessities like food, water, space, etc... Take those basic necessities away and trap someone mentally, and their primal tiger side comes out.
The opposite of good (advancing our civilization, helping each other so that us a whole can further succeed) is destruction (tearing down civilization, not helping us to further succeed). The original Hebrew bible never had good and evil. God's consequence was the fear. God is good and destruction. Humans can never achieve either. We are just here, we can choose to hurt our neighbor for our gain or help them for our gain, either way it is not good or evil.
While I more often agree with this wonderful man, I do not on this subject, because of the belief that "All has come from God and all is good." If we view relativity we come closer to the truth of the matter. To the orbit of the mouse, being eaten by the snake is evil, but to the orbit of the snake, it is good to eat mice. Another viewpoint , there is only heat and there is no cold - only the absence of heat. ( 0 Kelvin to infinity . . . or 72 deg. is lovely, but 32 deg. is not, but we are still measuring heat - not cold.) Thirdly, I believe God created "mankind" to love Him and to worship Him. (See Matthew, 22:35-40, KJV) To love anything, one must know that object.. Gaining knowledge of God, requires us to know that He the Forgiver of sins. To be a Forgiver of sins, there must be sins to forgive.
I just wish the good points made weren't hidden in dishonest language. 1:22 there's nothing _religious_ about being responsible. It's just that better decisions yield better results. That's it. No gods. No dogma required. We simply live in a reality that's overwhelmingly (and maybe entirely) deterministic, and so when you make good choices you get good consequences.
On rare occasions you meet a person who engages in malice as a major consideration of their being.
Even more rare is getting to see behind the mask and witnessing / recognizing of that evil.
You operate quite differently in the world when you are certain that evil exists.
Then witnessing that malice carried out, seeing the horror of it, you get to carry it around and have to internalize it and tame it to ensure you do not perpetuate this "disease" or be paralyzed by it.
Do not "turn the other cheek", cast it out with great intolerance.
I have met someone like that. I remember that, from the first moment I saw him, I saw something terribly wrong in him. When I got to know him better, I learned that I was absolutely right. He really was evil. But I don’t regret getting to know him, because he inspired me to be everything I am today. (To stand up against people like him).
Yes describes Peterson perfectly ! : (
Oh man. The more I listen to Dr. Peterson, the more I love him, admire him and respect him. I pray daily that God protects you, guides you and blesses you, you and your family and the ones you love.
The world will be a much different place, a much more enlightened place and a much better place once Dr. Peterson is done with it.
There is so much I want to discuss with you Dr. Peterson. God willing I’ll be able to get in touch with you soon. I’m just collecting my thoughts and my ideas in the hope of delivering my message properly and in the fear that I’ll be too blown away by your magnificence that I won’t be able to organize my thoughts 😂
From the bottom of our hearts. We love you man ❤️
@Dae Sung That’s your opinion which not many care about
The less you understand.
When one knows that one *can* cause misery in others deliberately, one does not need to witness further Evil to understand that it (evil) exits.
Just because one "wouldn't" does not excuse one being ignorant that they themselves _could_ be their own or someone else's "evil villain."
Be your own hero first, because by example _maybe_ others will want to replicate those things you are getting right. [ eg: like sharing your psychological insights ;) ]
I loved the book "People of the Lie"; it explains evil in such a way as to remove all doubt about its existence. It's one of my favorite books.
Evil as in people can become evil due to their background, or evil as in there is an actual force, an energy that is evil?
Mmmmh, yes, M Scott Peck, an excellent read. x
Evil obviously does exist on some level of consciousness but ultimately evil can have no 'real' existence.
Evil is like darkness.
Darkness is obviously real and yet it has no real existence of it own. It only exists in the absence of light, light having real existence.
People of the lie is a great example of this.
A lie can be told and the effects of that lie can have real existence but the lie is a lie, it is not real.
@@CC-mr5xqhave you ever listened to anything JP or any of the great psychoanalysts said??? We all have the natural capacity for evil. The story of Cain and Abel shows us the first man outside the garden Cain, killed his brother before built a city and founded civilisation. The point is we are not above evil, the serpent is in our hearts. That’s the point of free choice. The Nazis and Soviets chose to act out the evil in their hearts.
that is added to my list now thank you so much! If i can offer one back I really liked Alberts Camus' The Rebel and his The Myth of Sisyphus
As a Canadian, I think Bruce Cockburn said it best, “Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight.”
I have heard a similar one when I was a kid “Anything worth its value is worth fighting for.”
It's spelled "Cogburn," you pervert
the aptly named Bruce Cockburn
I hold the view that "fighting" itself is part of what makes our pursuits meaningful.
and a variation is “Nothing good comes easy.”
People who 'don't believe in evil' either haven't encountered it yet, or they are it.
Nonsense - People who believe in Evil spread Evil ! : (
In my eyes, I understand my own evil. I understand what I have been, what I could become. Even though I am in a better place now, I know that some evils are greater than and lesser than others. Evil exists, and that which can be rid of it, the better.
I think it's actually very important to recognize that you are capable of doing really terrible things. There are a lot of people who don't think they could ever be the bad guy. If you don't understand that in yourself, then it's much easier to commit evil acts and think you're doing the right thing.
Evil could be defined as "that which steals". Mark Passio makes a good case for that definition. Jeremy Locke also has an interesting perspective in his book "The End of all Evil". I like to define it as "That which steals freedom, that which seeks control, because when you take freedom away, you diminish the ability for good to manifest. Evil is in all of us.
Stupid definition of evil.
@@DontDrinkthatstuff Think man. Think! Lol.
As an addict i agree.
You have helped countless lives in a healthy way! Thank you sir!
Be Excellent To Each Other
Kieth Ledger's Joker pointed out in one of his manic, narcissistically disordered moments, how he didn't want to kill Batman. No, he insisted that he could not exist without Batman, and that Batman's mortal existence completed him.
Batman and the Joker are our quintessential good-and-evil characters.
Oh yes, evil exists. But it is a master of disguise, and most people mistake “evil” for “good.”
I get it. "Virtue" that originates from pride and not love. Sometimes I think the only reason many people want to go to Heaven is to spit on everyone below. I'm going to request that I be buried with an umbrella.
Evil obviously does exist on some level of consciousness but ultimately evil can have no 'real' existence.
Evil is like darkness.
Darkness is obviously real and yet it has no real existence of it own. It only exists in the absence of light, light having real existence.
A lie is a great example of this.
A lie can be told and the effects of that lie can have real existence but the lie is a lie, it is not real.
Yes, so true. Devil is the master of deception. He enters our lives to kill, steal and destroy. Something that seems good is actually evil. I experienced so much trauma because of the evil person who destroyed my life that it is hard to go on. The trauma lasts for year, the guilt, the reliving the circumstances, it never goes away.
Yep, Peterson is a living example of that.
Suffering is our prayer, Faith is our Armour
After being ambitious for many years - and maybe being such above my real abilities and vocations - my greatest achievement in life - for now - is deciding that I need only 3 things to be happy - peace, garden, and books. :) This seems to be so little but its enough for me. But in recent years I m sorrounded by people who seem to be so indocrinated for this or that dogmatism, and living in so many of different fears probably manufactured for them by medias, (and frustration becouse of it maybe) that they seem to not be able to stand my basic needs - peace, garden, books - and cannot stand basic idea "live and let live" :) From every part they want to accuse me of being on the others side, or mobbing me to do and say things I dont want to do and say, or dominate me in debate, or put me in one of their ideological or religious "boxes", its so strange becouse I just wanted to be left alone thank you very much :)
Jesus could have taken that path too, but He had a purpose to serve. Lucifer said "I will not serve", Jesus came to show it is through serving the world is improved.....and, in the end, the improvement may be in eternity.
@@josephcioppa1943 Your words are nice, but I realy dont understand what your text has to do with my text? :) Show me the connection between them. Are you telling me that I should serve? Well, I would love to but in reality no one cares for any of my help. :D
@@TallisKeeton - did you know some of the schemes of Satan are to isolate individuals? Read CS Lewis - The Screwtape Letters
Sorry, but im with Joseph on this one.
Of the requirements you listed, where do you think “peace” comes from?
Sadly, tragically, it is almost always fought for and certainly sacrifices are made to both earn it and maintain it.
Every November 11th I acknowledge the sacrifices others made to ensure peace for me.
Life is like that is so many ways. You can’t just sit back and “smell the roses” and be happy although some of that is healthy.
You really need to work (serve) to improve the lot of others.
It’s hard sometimes but when you do, no other reward is more enduring.
Oh, and you forgot the greatest requirement of all..Love. (Giving and receiving)
@@bradsmith9189 Of the requirements you listed, where do you think “peace” comes from?
I dont think I was speaking about peace in political way. I think it was about peace as in private life :) What was 11th of November?
You really need to work (serve) to improve the lot of others.
I agree. Its not that I would not like it to do, its others never cared for being helped and improving my ideas or working with me in realising something which can help them or us. I never have problem with giving, its mostly others who got problem with receiving from me. :) Thats why now I m thinking that I would be able to help and to work with only those who want it. :) Giving AND receiving you know. :) As for me, in recent years I m of the opinion that sometimes receiving is also a kind of giving :) Giving chance to others to be of help, to planning, to tutoring, to improving, to being listened to, to express ideas and feelings. Its IMO easy to give, when you were for most of your life raised in such way by parents and grandparents and by school and by examples of your ancestors and your heroes, and your idols. It is the receiving which is in todays (postmodern, narcisistic, egoistic) society the lost art actualy :)
And btw I dont like political ideologies - in recent years my idea about political ideologies is that they are created to divide us, as a screen of real politics, to stop us from having mutual goals and needs by manufacturing fake problems to divide the majority.
The fewer people rule the world the more political ideologies are created day by day (and forved upon as by "social" medias) to divide the majority for more fighting groups and sub-groups becouse only such way we "working people" and esp. "middle-class" (between "milioners class" and "poverty class" in need of social benefits) are not enough power and are enough canalized into this or that "boxes" to actualy start require something of our true needs from those who rule this poor planet :)
Those true needs are IMO only 3 :
- peace (no to manufacturing and spending bilions on wars by military-industrial complex)
- honest work for honest money, with ability to safe for old age or for your kids,
- safety of kids - in school and on the streets.
And IMO as of today - though it can be changing I guess - the only area where I honestly can think that I can SERVE and with honor, and that I want to serve for the honor of my ancestors, for 6 generations before me who'd served in 2 world wars and 3 national insurections - is the kind of intelectual and ideological war between... lets say it that way... light and dark side of force. :) I can serve in "culture war" against those who deem that the cathegory of truth must be abandoned. I dont think so, becouse I deem that this cathegory is most important for any kind of DEVELOPMENT, including technology, and culture, and law, and ethics. I can serve in that thing which people call "cultural war". As far as I can see it its the war in which we got two sides. One side is mine - the protectors of cultures. Of being based in written sources, of literature, of mythologies. Of that which is a sedimentation growing with centuries. Be it high culture or popculture, be it western culture or tribal cultures. All kinds of cultures who are equipped with any kind of DEEP roots are in MORTAL danger now. Those cultures will be at first used to politics and if not enough useful they will be erased from our memory. Those who are not able to tell chronologicaly about the changes in architecture and literature and philosophy from the last 3 000 of years are the first tools and victims of the builders of "idiocracy". Those builders of idiocracy want to dominate us and use us, or eventualy eradicate all of that which is not at its roots a part of politics.
Politics wanting to rule culture is like a tail who wags the dog !
Those builders of idiocracy are
- corporations - who want to devour and to use as tool every possible particle, every small relict of independent cultures. By independent I mean independent from big-buissness and independent from politics, and
- political ideologies - who are going hand in hand with corpos, or maybe are installed in corpos to be spread on the world via their copo-medias.
I was educated in law/forensics/history of law. But never got job in this area.
I try to understand what media show us from the area of politics, though I know that its difficult for me becouse there is not much to see, most things are actualy secret, (IMO its not much above 20% of events what we actualy see in TV) and I dont have much schooling in this matter, though I can bring together bits and pieces and speculating about it using methods of thinking from legal study.
I dont know much about economy/money so my understanding is about some basics from school only. Thats why I cannot be of much use in that area. :)
But I in recent years I read more and understand more about cultures and popculture, becouse of my education and my non-profesional interests.
So in that area I can SERVE.
thk u jordan... i know ur suffering too.. but u do more good than evil... and u inspire people.. me for ex... go on..
“Don’t you immediately dispense with the idea of good” he said, waveringly
SS Obergruppenführer Reinhardt Heydrich, (THE mastermind behind the Holocaust ) while being a truly evil demon, was a loving father, he was extremely clever, fluent in hebrew, a violin virtuoso, who played Beethoven and even cried of joy while doing it.
Love Jordan’s talks. Book recommendation for anyone interested in this subject matter: “Man Being Volume 1: The Transmission”. It covers everything from time travel, death, the afterlife, extraterrestrials, the Vatican Archives, the Renaissance secrets, the Pyramids and Pharaohs, Jesus, Sinai, Hebrew letters…etc. Wild read. Best I’ve had in years.
i wish I could have witnessed Alan Watts and Jorden Peterson talking about "good" and "evil"
As Churchill said, "If you're going through hell, keep going."
Churchill is evil bro???
That’s like asking if we need air to breath.
So you commented before watching the video?
@@samgruzinskiy that's like you liking your own comments 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Evil is real. But the Devil is just a symbol of that evil. Just a metaphor. The really scary thing is that the evil is not in some supernatural being. The evil is in the hearts and souls and minds of people. We all have the potential for that evil. We are all more or less successful at choosing to act out the good and avoid doing evil. We are all tempted.
Satan is actually a real being. He is NOT just a symbol. Don't be fooled.
@@pdxnikki1 I've never seen the devil. But I have been tempted to do evil many times. But the temptation always came from real things. Never an evil fallen angel. So I have no evidence of the existence of the devil. How can you persuade me the devil really exists apart from metaphor?
"We are all tempted" - if temptation is not supernatural, we are tempted by what? And, even if the temptation is not supernatural, then where did the initial patterns of thought arise from?
@@josephcioppa1943 Desire. Let's say you were 10 lbs overweight. (just a hypothetical, of course.) And a co-worker brings in a dozen doughnuts. We are tempted to eat them, in spite of the fact that in the long-term, these will harm our health. Or, an old high-school flame is in town the same week as your wife is out of town. She calls you up... Or, you are in a store, and you really want something expensive, but lack the money. The clerk turns around, and you could pocket it. All three of these are immoral actions. Temptation comes from desire, and desire is in our nature. Hunger is a desire that keeps us from starving. Lust is a desire that keeps human beings reproducing. They are natural. You can say that God put these instincts in us if you like. I prefer to think of The Creator as the process of evolution with natural selection. But in EITHER case, the devil is a metaphor for temptation to do something that feels good in the short run, but hurts you and others in the long run.
@@freesk8 - and yet, Satanists live by the expression, "do as you will"......
To be honest, at first I took on a little too much responsibility, but it was easy to step back a little when I realized that my life had basically nothing but work in it and I figured I couldn't live like that for a prolonged period of time. My fiancée complained about the lack of time we spent together, which I'm grateful for because I'm not so sure I'd have listened to anyone else and give it enough weight. The possibility of people taking on too much responsibility theoretically exists, but it almost never happens to people who are experts in not taking responsibility. The people who do take on too much responsibility do not come from being convinced by your words, they did it all their life and need encouragement to cut back and have some leisure (I guess, because what do I know - I'm not one of those [un]fortunately).
Oh yes, lots of backseat drivers in the world, happy to be a passenger while others take on all responsibility and do all the work. I know, I was that person too, but not any more. I thought everyone was the same as me, they're not, some don't want to grow up and take responsibility on, even for themselves. They're more than happy to drive others on to do more. xxx
Absolutely, evil exists.
I am always very interested in all his videos, when JP talks about evil psychopaths because my brother in law is a very mallicious,sadistic, manipulative,envious, predatory,exploitative tetrad psychopath black magician and caused enormous suffering, trauma,pain and loss for our family. These type of people are very dangerous and we consider him a walking devil. Finally, though his mallicious lies are starting to catch up with him...What goes around comes around. I absolutely love JP's teachings ! They give me hope,insights and clarity with meaning.
He needs to learn the counterarguments to Manicheanism. According to st Gregory of Nyssa for example evil doesn't exist. It is just the absence of goodness. Even psychopaths aim for the lesser goods and therefore participate in the Love of God. The problem of reifying evil is that then you can identify The Enemy as something corporeal, in which case you will try to destroy it. There is also the implicit consideration that love is not more powerful than hate or whatever emotion evil is identified with. Everything is subject to love in Christianity, including hell.
Hell is just the worst way to experience the presence of the Love of God.
evil exists, based on the testimony of the master of masters who said "... and deliver us from evil, amen".
" ...it must needs be that there was an OPPOSITION; even the forbidden fruit in opposition to the tree of life; the one being sweet and the other bitter.
Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other. "
I have worked with people who do ill deeds which they justify in their own heads. For example, i have known several people who knowingly lied. They would say “Everyone does it”. In other words, if you don’t lie, you are naive. In another case someone deceived me, which caused me to lose a job offer. His justification was that he had a family to support. In other words, the needs of his family justified the act of deception. The survival of his family was more important than my feelings. In reality it had nothing to do with his family, but a simple lack of morals on his part. In my experience lying and deception are very common in the workplace, and a significant proportion of those who rise to senior positions do so on the back of lying and deception.
Amazing thoughts
Yes it does. If you know that life is easy, meaningless and you have high self esteem. Once you're in that nihilistic zone and you choose to do bad, you're evil
Evil does exist and lives in most people.
Anger is the evidence that evil is working through someone.
the Bible says "be angry, but do not sin", and also do not let the sun go down on your anger"......Jesus flipped the tables of the money changers.......righteous anger is real, and not evil
@@josephcioppa1943 "Be angry and do not sin" is referring to judgment. In other words see evil but do not judge evil.
Also, Jesus never got angry when He flipped those tables. Read that scripture again and tell me where it says anger.
The only way is to find out. I'll go. Maybe evil is everywhere and overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
There is no such thing as evil. We just made it up.
Just as dry is an absence of wet, evil is an absence of Goodness. Only in duality does evil become a possibility. Truth is an Infinite Absolute. Evil is an aspect of Maya.
This question has never been more important than this grand transition that this world is going through now.
Thank you Jordan Peterson
You have to have a standard of good in order to qualify a statement about evil.
Nature produces variation with no judgement, it’s simply variation.
Evil exists.
They're called democrats.
Let's Go Brandon!
Evil must be made accessible in order to have free will. Good can be made manifest without evil being made manifest, but good cannot exist without the 'potential' for evil. Evil does not have to be present, but it must be accessible. An excellent example of that is in the Garden of Eden. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was in the midst of the garden. It did not manifest as evil and never would have on its own, but it was accessible, and had the 'potential' to manifest. Evil did not manifest unless and until it was accessed. It was Pandora's box. It exists in a closed, contained state until someone accessed the box. Once that happened, it became accessible to everyone. The smoke was let out of the bottle. It still exists in that state. Accessible to all of us. We can choose to be evil, or chose not to be. It is not a necessary condition of existence, but it is a necessary condition of free will.
I can say as a practicing Catholic and growing in my faith in Jesus that Jordan Peterson has helped me get a greater understanding of the Human Being. Thank You for that.
Take a look on RUclips, “Justification and the mere Christianity movement” 23.42mins.
Evil and good exist due to free will. Eliminate one or the other and free will is lost. It might be said that evil is a necessary evil of free will.
I agree with him
Wow! Jordan has been busy lately.
I love all the teachings of JP, but I also have these moments 🤯🤯🧐🤯when my brain 🧠 is starting to get overloaded 😂.
The question is not about the existence or non existence of evil, but rather, the nature or nurture of evil. _-|-_
Yes it does exist.
not only is "Mother" Theresa not an example of a nearly perfect person, she fails the measure of the below average of the mean. read the Missionary Position by Christopher Hitchens.
so, where are your personifications of good on earth who live today or lived recently on earth?
Without evil in the world there would be no need for freewill. And without freewill there'd be no need to choose to love God and no hunger for spiritual growth.
*Evil does not exist.* "Evil" is a word we use to describe the lack of goodness. Goodness... now that exists. Goodness is like a wall... and evil is like a hole in that wall. The wall exists and has substance... but the hole is a gap and has no substance. Evil is the lack of mortality.
In a society that understands the Bible doesn't have to ask this question. The nature of man is self-serving and astray of God's design which he mercifully grants us the ability to redeem through Jesus Christ.
I have read and studied many of the things Dr. Peterson is referring to very carefully. It does not convince me that evil exists. I think it is impossible to come to the conclusion that "evil" exists. Nor do I come to the conclusion that these events or people or their behaviors are bad. I think this line of thinking is unfounded in objective reasoning. I have experienced some very difficult traumatic events personally, and I don't think they were bad or evil. I am wondering how that conclusion is being drawn from what is being discussed and brought up in this clip.
In some sense though having a belief in evil makes your life harder, like the person who screams at god for letting their grandpa die. You're compounding suffering. On top of the face value suffering that's there in the grief or the tragedy, there's the added moral suffering of the understanding of the evil, and being angry and sad etc about said evil.
Jordan Peterson would say sure OK, if a belief in evil increases suffering, suffering is to be confronted, not run from.
But then, isn't confronting suffering running from it? And running from suffering then confronting it?
On the flip side, if you decide not to believe in evil, that gives you the personal freedom to commit evil acts, either acts that you know intrinsically are evil, or acts that are generally considered evil, and that would generally be considered bad.
To follow this point up though... Jordan Peterson has a line that a good man must be capable of evil, yet control it. So then a good man might not necessarily have to believe in good and evil. If forsaking a belief in good and evil opens you up to committing evil acts, and yet for your own reasons independent of general morals, you decide against the acts generally conceived of as evil, then that's Jordan Peterson's definition of a good man. I would guess it goes back to the eye of the beholder, or letting another man sing thy praises. You aren't really good just because you believe you are good, you're good if other people see your actions and asses you as good. So you can be amoral and still good, so long as self-interest keeps you in line with the conventional morality of those around you. Although you will probably be scary because people will see what you're capable of written in your eyes.
4:19 on evil
"God (good) and Devil (bad) are sitting "together" and God says to Devil look, look there is a man in the desert, and he found the Truth so its all over for you your job is done. Oh, not to worry my friend says the Devil I will help organise this Truth". For once it's organised it becomes a circus, a dangerous one. That's one evil, another is separation of good and bad, notice good and bad sitting together no polarities, opposites, divisions. Shakespeare wrote "There is nothing good or bad, just thinking makes it so." It only took me a little over twenty years to figure this one out, when I stopped thinking in terms of opposites. Rather, nothing good or bad, only WHAT IS, it's what happens. Never mind God or Devil.
Watch Wolyn (Hatred), a 2016 Polish movie if you want a good visualisation of the subject
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people that he isn't real.
Does evil exist ?.. No..Ideas come and go..
I would rather avoid it and not face it because the rewards aren’t good enough so I think fuck it.
Evil does not exist
*How nice to have been a Subscribed fan for YEARS and RUclips just gave me yet ANOTHER opportunity to subscribe all over again!?!*
time was given to know evil. its mere reason why was given. why? how else will ye bring forth justification? but to dwell among. how can a child know but to go through the dwelling place of the suffering and gnashing of teeth. nevertheless do you prefer the child to stay there. indeed many can even abort. Have forgotten! its because these innocents young sons and daughters. its the very reason why we nourished and bound any giants by their hands and feet. is like what is an innocents? is your life worth more than a precious baby? many of these same minds forgotten. baby they are once and same will they deny. if can't tell the difference? what else can these same minds can't tell the difference? sincere conversations can take root indeed.
Eleven Reasons Why God Allows Pain and Suffering
1. Every evil act of man or men has been allowed by God as part of the gift of free will that God has given mankind. God will not tamper with our free will because if he did, then we would be robots and, therefore, not responsible for our actions. Furthermore, free will is a requirement in order for a being to be able to love in the agape sense of the word. Love is a choice, and choices can only be made by beings of free will. God made a promise to man to give him dominion over the earth, and God cannot go back on his promises. Mankind could have continued in paradise, but man’s sins have made our earth full of suffering and misery. While evil seems to run rampant in our world today; ultimately, no one gets away with anything. There will be a payday one day.
2. Pain and suffering will make us go to God, but good times, blessings, and prosperity usually keep us distracted from God. So if pain and suffering turns a person towards God it would seem logical that God allows the consequences of sin to run its normal course; into pain and suffering. Moral evil is the result of humans with free will acting on their selfish, sinful desires and lusts.
3. Just like a muscle needs resistance to be built up, likewise, adverse circumstances are needed to build up and test our faith in Christ and the Bible. Pain and suffering result from adverse circumstances.
4. God wants mankind to learn experientially that in spite of a man recognizing the truth about sin and his self-determination to be good, sin inside of man inhibits the ability to be good. No matter who a person is or where they are in the world if they were to examine themselves and all of mankind and be honest, they would realize everyone has inherent selfishness that cannot be overcome by education, training, medications, or any other way.
5. God has allowed sin to continue so that its consequences can be seen in the lives of people throughout history. The history of the human race is a testimony as to why sin is so bad that it cannot be allowed to continue into eternity; that’s why sin must be eternally separated from those who are holy. That’s why hell is real and eternal.
6. People will talk at length about the existence of God as an intellectual philosophical exercise but pain and suffering make people more serious about understanding and seeking God. Pain and suffering can draw a person to God OR a person’s pain and suffering can cause their anger to lash out and blame God. But it seems like no one wants to blame the devil for anything.
7. Satan's, Adam's, and Eve's choice to sin gives God an opportunity to display his attributes of mercy, forgiveness, and grace. God uses what is selfish and sinful and works it out for the ultimate good and for His glory. Everything that has happened and will happen is being used by God for an ultimate purpose.
8. One reason God allows evil to run its horrible course through human history is to give a glimpse of how bad the universe would get without God to intervene against sin. Do we believe in God’s Word that says the sufferings in the world are temporary? Our life on earth is but a vapor.
9. The physical world that we live in is a temporary stage of existence by which we have the opportunity to develop a faith relationship with God. The way we are now, the way we think and act towards God and others in our mortal bodies will be the way we think and act towards God and others in our immortal bodies. Do we believe God that all things are for our good even if everything appears to be bad and out of control?
10. For Christians, God sometimes uses pain and suffering to move us into action or to change.
11. The pain and suffering caused by evil is a tool to train and prepare believers for eternity where they will have an intimate personal relationship with God and rule and reign over a part of God’s kingdom. Ultimately, we are to take on the character and unselfish holy nature of God. We are to grow up and become like our heavenly father. 1 Peter 1:14-16 (NLT) tells us, “So you must live as God's obedient children. Don't slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn't know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, ‘You must be holy because I am holy.’”
No greater love has anyone but this - that a man (or woman) lays down their life for those they love. That’s why Jesus says to take up your cross and follow after me. Deny your self. If we love Jesus with our whole heart, then we will love the world by telling them the truth of the Gospel even if they reject, persecute, and kill us. These things we could never understand or learn to do except when there is pain and suffering from sin in the world.
How is evil or good real?
Evil is the privation of good.
What is inherently good to one is always inherently evil to another. Just a fact of life. And just like the difference between a patriot and a terrorist literally boils down to how much you know vs which side of the fence you stand. 🧐
7:35 "If something doesn't exist, how does its opposite exist?"
Going by Descartes, "I think therefore I am." Going by Peterson (as well as many other Eastern idealogies), if something exists, then its opposite exists. Going by both,
=> "I think therefore I have an opposite."
I wonder who my opposite is. I suppose she must be out there.
it's how much you suffer and how much i suffer Mr Peterson i don't care if I'm bad about this i know exactly my life dynamic
It's fallacious to say that good cannot exist without the existence of evil.
No it's not.
Then I think I need it explained to me better. I don't buy the idea that good and evil are symmetric and that good is perfectly balanced by evil. What is the point then if that's true
@@ethanjensen7967 there is no way to define or understand a concept without intrinsically defining and delineating the anthitesis, or opposite, of that concept. You can't have good without evil because by definition they're anthitetical to one another, it'd be like trying to define what "hot" means without also implying that such a thing as "cold" exists. It's baked within the definition, and this is baked within the concept of definition en large. Good and evil are pretty much entirely subjective concepts, therefore in order for them to have meaning we need to assign to them a set of definitions which exclude all other non pertaining definitions from the set that describes them. Therefore all definitions that make up the concept of good, inherently define what the opposite of good is, by being excluded from that alternative set
@@MJGianesello I understand your argument, but I don't think good is one of those things that works that way. I don't think they're symmetric opposites. What your argument suggests is that every attempt at making the world better is futile because reducing evil waters down the other goodness in the world because there's less evil to compare it to.
@@ethanjensen7967 no, what I'm saying is that the existance of one concept implies the necessary existance of the other, nothing of what I said relates to the state of the world or the prevalence of good things or events vs bad things or events. Obviously perspective changes depending on our understanding of the definition, so in a world that works better than ours the definitions will differ. That's inevitable in the same way that your definition of hot and cold weather changes depending on what you're accostumed to.
"There is a little good and bad in everything." ... ok. show me the bad in a strawberry.
J.B.P: "Thanks a lot buddy!" .....I'm not your buddy, guy....
I'm not your guy friend
"I'm not your guy, buddy!"
Evil is real. I experienced evil who destroyed my life. Watch real stories “Evil Lives Here” and you will see that there are some people who are evil, manipulative and deceptive. Don’t trust anyone. People look for their own benefit and don’t care if they destroy other people’s lives. I cried for the last 13 years because of the evil guy who betrayed me, who brought me to the lowest point in my life. To this day I blame myself for not seeing though him. I lost trust in people. I isolated myself so that I would not get hurt again. God is my salivation. Without my deep faith I don’t know if I still would be around.
Samo od seba nevznikne. Je ako reťazová hra. Niekto nám urobí zle a potom zase my niekomu. Len tú kivdu a zlo nesmieme v sebe ďalej kŕmiť
The highest manifestation of evil is here revealed in the idea we are the only and ultimate discerners of the source of evil. That our suffering as 'gods' in some symbolic psychological way is what creates or defeats evil.
One can indeed suffer without God the Father, His Son and their Holy spirit, for the good of the world and for ourselves and those we love, and yet without submission to God the Father, we cannot see how this actually empowers the evil that presides over the world of such men. Both those who appear as good and those who appear as evil.
The difference cannot be discerned except by the Children of God.
Those who deny the actual and real existence of God and take it upon themselves to determine the truth, rather than submitting to God, are in absolute fact, serving evil. At its most subtle manifestation.
Except that you follow the way set Down by Jesus through His Church, of which to my experience only the Orthodox system still reveals, you are dead to this truth. Dead to God, and on the way to eternal Death. And the whole while you will imagine you are surely fighting evil and serving the highest good.
You will never understand. Your pride and egoism will blind you.
Submit to God in the living way Jesus left for you. Free for any and all to follow. Can you claim you were not aware of this option?
All Glory to God.
sowing and we reap. the intent will be given same measured. god searches the heart. wax cold or pure in hearts will see God.
More things you set in order... bigger the pain of the destruction you would witness with time since everything is going down the drain sooner or later... What's the upper limit?... very very very very low. Taking all the responsibility is making your life better in the short run and worse in the long run. That's how Nature lures us into the game, by promising us that we can control all this some day if we just make a little bit of an effort.
People are myopic and think solving a problem today is fundamentally changing their lives... it's not. Entropy is unforgivable. Bigger and marrier your family is, bigger the number of funerals some of you would have to attend.
For instance...no kids, no suffering caused by your death to them, it seems this responsibility is causing more harm than good in the long run which is what's happening with all responsibility since the universe is a meat grinder, the more you are invested in the game the more you lose, it's a flawed long term investment.
"I was only following orders"
What about the vaccination efforts by Canadians?
Were they not following orders?
yes, i am becoming evil. there is no other way for someone like me
@Dae Sung i'm loosing the battle between good and evil, evils is taking over
Does Evil Truly Exist? Yeah, the government.
evil does exist, allow its the most fascinating off subjects too talk about, but in reality its also the must severely disappointing thing you will witness!
and all the stories, start too make sense!
Evil and good are labels and stories we assign to things. They don’t actually exist. But human suffering exists. Death and pain and cruelty exist. The Holocaust exists. And right and wrong do exist.
It’s so interesting. This is all just my opinion, but I don’t think good and evil exist objectively. But right and wrong do. And there’s a big difference.
You can’t love the sinner if good and evil exists. But you can hate the sin if right and wrong exist
The answer is yes! Just look at all the non sense now
Yes; evil exists. satan is real. He incorporates most often through us should we allow it.
And Jesus is the one who holds him at bay. You serve Jesus Christ or you serve satan.
How do you know it’s a “he” ?
Satan is not real.
“Some things are just wrong.” What qualifies things as “just wrong”? “Just wrong implies there is something intrinsic about an act that makes it evil. Theists will attribute “just” to god or some “objective” truth. But that is pointless because god isn’t something that can be proven to exist. The ONLY authentic way to approach evil is to base it upon who or what it applies to and that should be some objective truth, not a hypothetical truth. And what objective truth would apply to “evil”? Well, evil only applies to human beings. The rest of the natural world doesn’t have a (human) value system. I doubt even other primates think in terms of “evil”. To them things simply happen and to survive one has to adapt. That’s different than characterizing something as evil. Evil only exists in the minds of Homo sapiens. As a result evil is something that negatively affects people. It impacts our desires, security, etc. So evil is created by people. It’s a fabrication that applies only to people. The natural world has no sense of evil. And the idea of evil can be applied to the supernatural because no one really groks the nature of the supernatural. Since we don’t (and can’t) understand it it’s a cause for fear. And perhaps that’s one reason people fear the idea of god and are easily trapped into theistic worldviews. Believing if they don’t believe they’ll be punished. That fear is so widespread that the origin of that fear has morphed into something “real”, something that actually exists which is false. But the fact there is no evidence of god seems to be no deterrent.
Evil is a cop out. A passing-off of responsibility to an imagined force. Bit like Christianity and other religions.
Ted Bundy was certainly not good
Yes, there is evil and god created it, and Peterson likes it.
I agree with the general statements of your talk but please, I respectfully ask that you watch your speech or you will create openings for attack. "Evil" is NOT the opposite of "good", otherwise anything that is not good would be evil. The word "evil" implies intention. The opposite of "good" is "bad" (the things, which have produced a negative result) and "evil" is a sub-category of "bad". The sub-category of things that are bad, which were done exactly with the intention of harming people and without any kind of necessity. It is exactly this tightness of constraints which constitutes evil behavior which makes it hard to prove/measure if someone is acting evil, which makes it a question of belief and common sense in most cases. This kind of differentiation is exactly what the SJW types lack so please don't make the same mistake. The question of your talk is not to be answered trivially. If there are actually people who meet the aforementioned criterias for evil behavior, then there are many more people who, when perfoming evil deeds, will (choose to) convince themselves of their necessity, so that they don't have to see themselves as evil people.
No, evil means immoral. So what you've described is just your private definition.
Immoral means an act violates someone's morality. Obviously that depends on what their morality is (beheading apostates is evil to me, but a particular Muslim might consider it good, for example).
It's hard to prove something is evil because nobody has evidence of objective morality. So nobody has a basis for calling anything objectively evil: it's always just whether or not some act violates an individual's morals.
Unlike morality itself, _consequences_ are real. So that's why morality is still a critical topic, despite being subjective, because some consequences are dramatically worse than others and so we really should care about what acts we treat as good vs. evil. Personally I'm most fond of the moral goal of _overall well-being._ Once that subjective goal is picked, then in the case of well-being you can objectively measure it by measuring health, wealth, etc. By approaching things this way, you typically end up with a much more accurate and nuanced stance towards various topics (like instead of just weirdly being negative of all SJW stuff, admitting that some policy changes have objectively raised overall well-being, while others haven't had an impact, and some have _worsened_ well-being).
@@tonygoodkind7858 Not true. Evil is not equal to immoral action but unethical action and that means my definition of evil is not wrong, when the term "unethical action" includes that definition. Groups may define different standards for what they consider "good" or "evil" but that doesn't make things "good" or "evil". This decision is eventually made by individuals themselves (even if they act as part of a group) and they may deviate from what the group might have set as their standard.
Ethics action are not something random. In fact it is quite the opposite. This is because the root of ethics is the same for anything that lives and feels: The capacity for suffering.
As Confucius once said and Aristotle before him (albeit way more elaborate than what a simple quote can cover) : "Don't do to others what you don't want done to you". In the end any ethics always come back to this simple principle. Going by this principle, unethical action would be anything that someone would do to others, what that person wouldn't want done to themselves, which would come down to anything that would hurt them, that is done without necessity (for either side) and willingness (from the receiving side). Therefore my definition does indeed describe unethical behavior. But you good sir are, from what you've described yourself, a moral relativist. Therefore what you do, is just look at the outcome and not the means, which is exactly, what is at the root of the horrors from the last century. And while I agree that there is nothing that is objectively good (which is not the same as moral), the same is not true for unethical actions, since you can always put yourself into the shoes of another person. Of course that does not provide a valid measure for "good" things, because people value things differently. However, as I've mentioned before, suffering is universal, which means it is something that you can indeed measure. There is of course a lot of grey between "good" actions and unethical actions but if you do something to hurt someone without there being any necessity on neither side or willingness on the receiving side, then that is objectively evil.
@@DelaronZarath I do agree I was wrong to call your definition wrong. Mostly I took some extra time to realize that morality is principles of good/bad _behavior,_ which does imply intent is always involved. (And I probably wasn't clear enough last post, but it was the intent part of your definition I was previously (but not anymore) calling wrong.)
Putting ourselves in the shoes of other people doesn't mean things are objectively evil. It's just that doing that is a great strategy if we're interested in crafting the best-possible subjective morality. (With "best" mostly just referring to _maximizing well-being for as many sentient beings as possible._ ) Perhaps you're already aware of the Veil of Ignorance (which is basically just a fancier way of saying we should form morality based on putting ourselves in others' shoes).
Basically I find people dismiss moral relativism because they find it unappealing (and sure, I'd absolutely agree that some magical objective morality might make reality a nicer place to be; it's a comfortable lie). Yet the reason they find it unappealing always comes back to consequences. _And that's why it's such a shallow critique of moral relativism,_ because when a moral relativist forms their beliefs about morals _holistically_ (considering BOTH that morals are subjective and that consequences are real), the end result in that we form morals which try to maximize the well-being of everyone. And there definitely wasn't a case for maximizing well-being by doing those horrible historic things ( _the very fact that they're horrific_ proves they weren't maximal well-being, if that makes sense)
I was prsent during an exorcism. Evil exists and it's a being. I will never forget it. It completely changed my attitude to life. I always pray to protect my family and me from it. p.s. Devil was tormenting some German soldiers from WWII souls. They ended up in that terrible position because they were cursing there executer in moment of dying.
Yeah get on with it, pick up the paddle and paddle!
Peterson is to emotional (which isnt bad or good) to see that evil is just a matter of subjectivity. That doesnt mean that things like murder or rape should be accepted but saying its objectively evil is just wrong.
Does evil exist? I consider that an axiom
Beautiful words, and there is a lot of truth in what he says in the video. However, i think that he like almost everyone else who addresses the question of evil are only touching on understanding evil ONCE it is here, but the fundamental question of how is it POSSIBLE for evil to exist in the first place as God is all powerful and perfectly good. His answer of good needs evil to exist is inaccurate, as good is an affirmative concept which doesn't need (the contrast to) evil as part of its definition. What is true is that evil is necessary to EXPRESS or to REVEAL good but the question is much deeper, why couldnt God make everything good on the intrinsic level, without the need to express good, similar to God Himself who doesn't need evil to be good as He created evil for a purpose, which implies that before His creation of evil there was no evil as God is above time and the creation by definition is within time. My video delves into the root of the question with the logical proof (based on ancient jewish philosophy) why evil has to exist coming from a perfect creator, and in this context Dr Peterson and all the other very good answers to this question can be understood with a concrete foundation. ruclips.net/video/I_nN5rQ_vzk/видео.html&ab_channel=AdamHerskine I hope this helps everyone get a much more positive view on life!
The tree of the knowledge of good and bad = humans have invented the idea that there's anything wrong with the world at all. That is the only way evil actually exists. We made it up. A return of higher conciousness (Christ) makes you realize everything is exactly perfect as it is. And thus 'evil/Satan, D'evil ' dies.
We're all have an inner tiger in us.
Rage hate anger, are all this primal animal part of us.
When you're rageful your mind literally goes into a temporary state of insanity.
If this logic happened to be true, then maybe evil is like that primal side of us, and evil acts are usually brought on when an animal feels trapped.
You trap a friendly animal like even a chicken into a corner and it will fight you. They normally aren't like that if given their basic necessities like food, water, space, etc...
Take those basic necessities away and trap someone mentally, and their primal tiger side comes out.
The opposite of good (advancing our civilization, helping each other so that us a whole can further succeed) is destruction (tearing down civilization, not helping us to further succeed). The original Hebrew bible never had good and evil. God's consequence was the fear. God is good and destruction. Humans can never achieve either. We are just here, we can choose to hurt our neighbor for our gain or help them for our gain, either way it is not good or evil.
While I more often agree with this wonderful man, I do not on this subject, because of the belief that "All has come from God and all is good." If we view relativity we come closer to the truth of the matter. To the orbit of the mouse, being eaten by the snake is evil, but to the orbit of the snake, it is good to eat mice. Another viewpoint , there is only heat and there is no cold - only the absence of heat. ( 0 Kelvin to infinity . . . or 72 deg. is lovely, but 32 deg. is not, but we are still measuring heat - not cold.) Thirdly, I believe God created "mankind" to love Him and to worship Him. (See Matthew, 22:35-40, KJV) To love anything, one must know that object.. Gaining knowledge of God, requires us to know that He the Forgiver of sins. To be a Forgiver of sins, there must be sins to forgive.
I just wish the good points made weren't hidden in dishonest language. 1:22 there's nothing _religious_ about being responsible. It's just that better decisions yield better results. That's it. No gods. No dogma required. We simply live in a reality that's overwhelmingly (and maybe entirely) deterministic, and so when you make good choices you get good consequences.