The "Forgotten Bombing" of Rotterdam by the Americans during WW-II in 1943 in color! [AI colorized]
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- In our series about old Rotterdam, here is another video about this city in war time. On 31 March 1943 the American Air Force deliberately attempted to bombard the harbour and shipbuilding facilities in Rotterdam-West (The Netherlands). Unfortunately the bombers did not hit their target but in stead bombarded residential areas in the Western part of the Schiedamseweg and the Bospolder & Tussendijken quarters. Because the bombers were stationed in Britain, the RAF got the blame from the pro-German Dutch commentator who can be heard in this film.
In total 326 residents died. This bombardment is not very well know and is thus regularly referred to as "The Forgotten Bombardment".
The original film has been motion-stabilized, restored, enhanced and colorized by means of modern A.I. software.
Source: Beeld En Geluid.
CC Captions in English will be added in due course.
Thanks. I was wondering what he was saying, and figured even auto-translate would have done a fair job, despite the audio being overdriven in the original copy.
@@lwilton It is only propaganda for the Germans. Not really interesting to listen to.
Sorry, don't speak Dutch. Heard the word "Bolsheviks", was it about where the bombers came from?
No captions. :) Maar indrukwekkende beelden! Prachtig kanaal. Ik zocht naar een film van de Rotterdamse haven/vaard met beelden van vertekkende mensen. Misschien een ander kanaa.l
Alweer een mooi stukje werk van Rick, dankjewel 👍
Schiedamseweg....zowat bij mij om de hoek.1943: Het jaar waarin mijn moeder geboren is (ze loopt nog rond) Prachtig werk weer Rick. Dank hiervoor.
Deze beelden zijn uniek! Bedankt voor deze schitterende uploads. Ik weet niet hoe je het doet met die gerestaureerde beelden maar het is fantastisch werk! Keep it up
- The background music is the closing of Richard Strauss's "Death and Transfiguration" (completed 1889; premiered 1890); that is to say, the City of Rotterdam has been transfigured.
- De achtergrondmuziek is de afsluiting van Richard Strauss' "Dood en Transfiguratie" (voltooid 1889; première 1890); dat wil zeggen, de stad Rotterdam is getransfigureerd.
- Die Hintergrundmusik ist der Abschluß von Richard Strauss' "Tod und Verklärung" (vollendet 1889; uraufgeführt 1890); das heißt, die Stadt Rotterdam wurde verklärt.
Ik vind het beschamend dat ik nooit eerder van dit bombardement heb gehoord. Hoeveel meer gebeurtenissen zullen ze ons hebben laten vergeten? Bedankt voor dit uitstekende filmpjes.
De hele geschiedenis deels verdraaid, deels leugen.
Ah ja, het vergeten bombardement. Toen ik in west was een paar jaar terug had ik er toevallig nog een plakkaat van gezien die de herinnering in leven hield. Gek eigenlijk dat ze _daar_ nooit een brandgrens hebben geplaatst zoals in het centrum nu ik erover nadenk...
Mooi om te zien dat je licht werpt op dit bombardement - iets wat wel wat vaker mag gebeuren in mijn opzicht! Mooie kleuren maar triest om al die verwoesting te zien...
I hope our future looks brighter than what's shown here. What do you do now? Where do you go? Your whole city was obliterated !!!! Awful !!!!! Thanx again for your quality workmanship!!!!
And then American tourists complain where all the ‘beautiful’ buildings are…
Lived in NL for long and love R'dam vibe & hipe!
The Dutch are so welcome and open mind people but tend to be quite harsh when it comes to dealing with Germans, especially in R'dam...
watching this and thinking how the bombing was deliberately unfair you can fully understand and probably justify that bad feeling from Rotterdammers!
Another great vid Rick, dank u wel... 👌
So why the hell did the allies bomb countries which were not enemies??? This happened in France and I think Switzerland as well.
Because the Germans used the facilities in those conquered countries. It was necessary to bombard harbours, factories etc. to make sure they weren´t going to be used against the allies. Switzerland (Schaffhausen) was bombed by mistake, its on the border and without GPS easily mistaken for a German city.. Nijmegen in the NL I thought was bombarded by allies also because they thought it was part of Germany. Of all the 1000s of bombardments in WW2, ofcourse a couple of them were going to fail miserably. I think because of Fuel issues, the brits needed to drop the bombs regardless otherwise they wouldn't be able to fly back.
I think the locals probably remembered what the Germans did to Rotterdam in 1940....the difference was that that was deliberate.
We sure as hell did.
These bombardements in Nijmegen Den Helder(more than 150 times) Eindhoven etc.etc BY THE ALLIES WERE NO MISTAKES, BUT DELIBERATELY AIMED!!!
Het lijkt soms wel of groten delen van de stad plat moest om dat er andere plannen waren… mijn groot vader uit 1932 ( nog in leven) zegt ook wel eens, sommige dingen wilde ze ook weg hebben. En was het niet verbrand of gesloopt dan lieten ze het zelf verdwijnen. Omdat er andere ideeën waren voor de bestemming
Dresden was bomb out even more ruthlessly
so was warschau and londen and rotterdam and belgrado, guernica coventry, moskou leningrad stalingrad enz
Dresden was a target, this was a misstake.
@@JaapVanderHorst yeah,sure just like Nimwegen,Deventer,the Hague
Yes yes MEYER you have right.
@Martin Schulz Idiot,a barok city full with civilian fugitives
This was only to destruct German culture and history!
Boil it all down, Who profits from the war?
Yes. Qui?
@@mtnvortex doesn't take too much research... Always the same !
@@77anarchy Every.Single.Time.
I assume it's the ones who cry in fear as they strike you?
@@HighFlyingOwlOfMinerva Oh, GAAWD! Qui? I can't even imagine who would seek attention, shift blame, and demand endless sympathy in such a dishonest and neurotic fashion. Surely, they must be of their father, the Devil.
I seen a eagle swoop down from the sky and pluck a man's eyeballs from his head. The fella was screaming I'm blind I can't see!
All for the bankers. Such a shame.
Have you really investigated this topic or are you just copying similar comments?
I have investigated it very well thanks. How about yourself?
@@tweetybird4431 You are very correct. I am a Boer (Dutch and French ancestry) from South Africa. We had the "Anglo - Boer Wars" here. The reason the British made war with us was because the Bank of England (Rothschild owned) needed our gold to run the British Empire economy (money was backed by gold in those days).
@@MLC... Although that might be true, Every European 'power' at the time, including ours (the dutch), spent lots to make sure the colonies stayed profitable. They had lots of money invested in it. Anyways, tell me any war that didn't involve profit gains. It doesn't really matter whether its money or raw materials or land, people etc. Individuals are mostly nice. Institutions are the scum of the earth.
my mother has seen this, she lived in a village near Rotterdam and was out to search for food. she was 15. ik kan ook in het nederlands. mijn moeder woonde in slikkerveer, en was aan de andere kant van het water toen dit gebeurde. ze is nu 92, en ze heeft een oorlogstrauma. ik heb dit mijn hele leven horen vertellen. ze zat ook in rotterdam op school. op de industrieschool om te leren kleding maken. volgens mij in rotterdam zuid.
Thanks for sharing. Very interesting.
I wonder what she felt, her feelings watching these images.
@@lillyrocks2011 she always told me she felt lucky she was not on the other side. my mother is 92 now,
Mijn opa uit 1932 leeft ook nogsteeds. En liep ook toen rond in Rotterdam. Hij vertelde “ we hadden ook wel eens het gevoel dat sommige dingen wel moesten verdwijnen omdat er andere plannen waren voor de bestemming”. En als het nog herstelbaar was dan sloopte ze het alsnog. Ze waren toen al bezig met nieuwe ideeën..
Denk je alles gehad te hebben en denk je in 1940. Nou mijn huis is bespaard gebleven gelukkig! Krijg je dit er nog even achteraan
Sounds like the man who is taking on the background is a N.S.B propagandist.
Anyway...nice to watch this in color.
yes, this was obviously filmed and narrated by pro-Nazi collaborators. They refer to the British terror bombing, same language as in Nazi films of the era
Which side were the Americans on?..smh
In between
The bad guys.
It was an accident. They thought it was Germany.
Gelukkig werden wij toen ook geholpen door syria van de taliban
Die haben es immer noch nicht verlernt
Yeah, we definitely got "liberated" lmao
America: bringing Democracy one bomb at a time.
your father Hitler, saddam and kim jung un bringing freedom without bomb to you at a time...
They thought it was Germany. At least that is said
Зачем же бомбили город, в котором жили не противники...
That is not correct. The Netherlands was occupied by Germany during WW-II.
Это не так. Нидерланды были оккупированы Германией во время Второй мировой войны.
@@Rick88888888 Occupied civilians are not "enemy".
@@xlightable Occupied industrial facilities used by the enemy are "enemy". That is what they were trying to hit. Unfortunately bombing accuracy 100 years ago was not as good as we would like today. Or as good as they wanted back then, for that matter.
@@lwilton That's a LIE and an obvious one just looking at the scale of the destruction. All wars are against regular people and all sides in this madness are controlled by one evil power. Wake up yall!
Нидерланды были оккупированы нацистами, поэтому англичане бомбили Роттердам. Гибель мирных жителей не имела значения для англичан.
Een duidelijk stukje nazi propaganda.
Beelden zijn weer mooi opgefrist.
Goed werk Rick
Rick88888888, I just love your amazing work which puts me every time back in time so real!
I can't still understand how easy Hitler was up to do this to Europe.
How can you blame Mr H for everything, but being bombed by Americans is okay? We need objectivity and truth. How can USA drop nuclear bombs on Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, at a point in the war when Japan was already defeated and negotiating conditional surrender via the Soviets? And this was months after Germany had surrendered. How can the British and Americans bomb German civilians in cities. Killing civilians is a war crime. How could millions of Germans be killed after the war by occupying forces? How could German women and girls be raped and gangraped by mostly Soviet but US occupying forces after the war, some of them as much as 70 times? How could the Americans and British form an alliance with the Soviets? How could a New York bank finance the Bolshevist revolution in Russia and the US supply them with arms? How could Stalin starve 10,000,000 Ukrainians to death in what is known as the Holodomor in around 1933, get away with it and be able to join the Allies? The blood is on the hands of all the parties in the war, not just Mr H. Stalin, Rooseveldt and Churchill were also butchers. I know this may hurt, as we were never taught this perspective in school, but one needs to be prepared for shocks when finding the truth.
@@MLC... I blame him for starting the war he couldn't win and for pointing at Germans as he lost it. And you are right: what the american and the british did to German cities wasn't better.
How come?. I´ve always been said that Rotterdam was bombarded by the germans. That´s funny
My parents were there as little kids...they could drink the blood of a German..
Den Helder 2021!
Waar slaat dat nou op??!!
@@Rick88888888 ze zijn hier de hele binnenstad ah slopen. Vandaar deze opmerking.
This US bombing was a tragic mishap, not a diliberate attack on civilians. In wo-2 less then 10 percent of all bombs landed within 500 meters of the designated target. So they had to drop a lot of bombs to compensate that.