My father studied to be a priest and was abused in the seminary. He wrote letters to the elders and as a result was expelled. Imagine that! The victim is expelled and the abuser was protected! I am outraged.
@Craftygirl That's the catholic church for you. A sick hypocritical bigoted institution. Another good reason why I look down on christianity with contempt (including the catholic church).
Craftygirl 63 I was a seminarian studying for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. In my four years as seminarian I never once was approached or witnessed sexual activity with priests or men in formation. What seminary was your father in? We do not have elders so I am confused.
ruzzell907 the church as a whole, or the members in the Hierarchy? I’d use your words a little bit more carefully. That’s like going into Walmart and saying an Employee was mean to you, and you then go and say the whole chain is bad. On a much larger scale, the Catholic Church has lasted 2000 years without decay. It’s Tradition, music, Liturgy and charism exists to this day. Rome fell under 3 types of government, and leaders and dictators have fell to the power of the church. It isn’t the Good Catholic men who follow God that abuse children, it’s the sodomites who have been put into the priesthood who have tried to destroy the church. That was the intention of Dr. Bella Dodd. Read more about her story online. She exposes the evil she wrought upon the church. And why were seeing these issues.
I believe they mostly believed in God, though they might have become addicted to that particular behavior at some point -- it might have been by the end of their adolescence, during seminary years, after they were ordained et cetera. Anyway, this addictive drive took away their piety. As with all things in life, religion is a practice that demands a certain integrity of purposes, so as you lose yourself in such sinful adventures, your inteligence dies more and more everyday until the point where nothing can hold you back from raping. You're not there anymore to cure and preach, and confess the sins of others, rather those things become a façade of your perversions.
@@Evruu Neither did I say they don't. Even an addicted person has moral agency over herself. What I said is that, once you become addicted, you might through your own will let the thing dominate you to the point where you lose your piety, which makes you forget about your moral obligations, then your intelligence slowly evaporates. They can always choose to refrain from raping though.
@@Traewing of course they believed in god! Not only do these priests believe in god, but they use their faith in god to feel better about themselves and live happy lives without remorse or reflection. They die happy fulfilled men thinking they helped people and had some harmless fun and played around with some children along the way, while their victims struggle their whole lives with the consequences.
@@mona2242 It didn't take him 50 years to report it. They have tens of thousands of reports sitting in their grasp. They've chosen to do nothing about it and they move the heathens to new locations, aiding in hiding these perversions. They've been reported. Action has not been taken.
Joe Stim Unfortunately most of them won't, statute of limitations ran out and certainly the Christian God won't punish them as long as they accept Jesus as their savior and don't blasphemy it's all good no matter what you do Happy Land Forever awaits!
You can hear the pain his suffered. Not just the sexual abuse, but the emotional and mental abuse he suffered, the trauma he dealt with alone. This is heartbreaking. And he wanted to become a teacher! He wanted to teach in Catholic schools despite the abuse he suffered. What a brave man. What must he have felt. What must his parents have felt? This was all before my time. But between this, the other celebrity cases, and allegations of police cover ups among politicians? The last generation have a lot to answer for. People who dismiss this as a "Catholic Problem" and places the blame on the religion whilst the entire population was in denial about abuse wherever it was found, are missing the entire point, that if these children had even ONE channel to gain help, then this could have stopped. They could have had justice. That the abuse started, was the Church's fault. That is was allowed to continue? That was on everyone in a position of power. And wringing hands, passing blame? That's selfishly cruel. I want to know why all these children say that they didn't know who they could tell. They didn't know who would help them. They didn't know what was happening was wrong. Because *that* is a larger problem then just the Church.
let's hope the Goddard enquiry looks properly into what exactly was going on in some of these big institutions like the Care Homes, Schools and Churches during the 60s and 70s. If it's anything like the Iraq enquiry it will take years and years though. it's also important it doesn't become a witch hunt, we don't need that. Something seemed wrong though with the culture of that time and anyone who likes to go on about how childhood is being ruined and robbed of innocence too early these days, would do well to reflect on the abuse going on 40/50 years ago.
mar gz It's completely ridiculous to hate all Catholics. We (some of us) simply loath the evil empire that the Vatican and Church have ALWAYS been. A force of pure immorality from day one to the present, the Vatican should have been bombed during WW2 but now it's time to sue it into oblivion. That doesn't mean there aren't some fine individuals who happen to be affiliated with it at a lower level, some of my best most respected friends are devout Catholics by accident.
The pedo ring is everywhere ... the 5 percent ring is innthe churches too.. they will be dealt with... 7900000 good priests. 5000 evil pedos ... we will get them out... most pedos were molested... this is a absokute pandemic evil everywhere... we need lord jesus his bread to grt to heaven .. i hope u dint make poor excuses to ur soul ... catholics r amazkng people.. i have met only 1 bad priest 1 bad catholic out of 200 in my life so far... take care
When he told this story I couldn't even look at the screen I just felt so sick for him and how brave is he for coming out about such a horrific life and childhood.
I hate pointing this out, but you can see the pain when he looks up and not at the interviewer as he describes it, he then is able to look right in her eyes when the descriptions stop, and other things are spoken about. Thats the shame you get from acts like those he went through. Im so sorry for him. And I admire him for getting through it.
As kids we was always told to “respect your elders”. It was a method of intimidation to keep young victims silent. Respect nobody who doesn’t respect you.
Children from "Good Cattholic Families" are the ones, who are the most vulnerable. Priests know that parents are often reluctant to believe their child over a pedophiles priest! Why? After an incident of being molested or raped by a priest/nun/member of the clergy, the confused child often begins to "act out," and to cause his/her parents a lot of grief, because they don't understand what happened to them. Because they're acting out, most parents will go in favor of the member of the clergy, OVER their own child. I grew up in the 50's and 60's. Later it was revealed there were Pedophile Priests in EVERY parish which we attended. Great track record.............. Now, is it any wonder that 90% of Catholics, raised in Catholic Schools, will NEVER darken a door of a Catholic Church again. Imagine the millions of dollars the Church has lost over the years............ in ADDIITION to the Billions it has paid out to settle lawsuits.
I am very sad and pray for all the victims of this terrible scandal, no child, young adult or adult should be preyed upon like these victims have been. But I will not turn my back on the Catholic Church, I have been Catholic for more than 50 years now, I have never experienced any evil like this only good from the clergy that have been at our church. I want answers and I want accountability, justice and healing. More than any other time in our history do we need to stand up and fight for these victims and rid the church of the evil. God did not bring these evil people into the faith, what we need to remember is that God gives us free will on this earth, Free Will to do good or unfortunately as we are seeing do evil things. Satan has infiltrated our church and we need to fight against him, leaving is exactly what Satan wants, to bring down the church. We have many good clergy in the church, many, many good Holy and Devout Priests, I pray that the victims will find healing and come back to experience the true Catholic Faith, a faith of Love, Hope and Charity. God Bless, please remember to pray to our Blessed Mother so she will intercede for us to heal our beloved church from all this evil and give healing to the victims.
I hated having to go to this school. I too attended about the same time as Leslie, perhaps slightly later and the abuse explained here was common but who did we speak to, who would ever listen, who would ever understand what the place was like! The use of a leather strap by the Brothers, kept inside their cassocks, was widespread and they not only used the flat side either. The Brothers were a wicked clan and I fully endorse the words and feelings expressed in this video.
Itchy Feet I'm so sorry for what you may have gone through and applaud your bravery for speaking on it and helping to support this man who has so publicly shed light on this horrific issue.
Surely you should have said "Thank you brother/sir" as they gave you one. My lay teacher liked that. Jesus would have approved. I think the silver lining is that it is unlikely that anyone left school without learning a great deal of cynicism for religion pc's and authorities and the mindsets of the Homs and sadists.
Itchy Feet I attended elementary school in 1959 and 1960 I was 10 years old they would take us boys to the local Y M C A for Tuesday at their indoor pool we. swam in the nude all of us it was the norm at YMCA
Poor man. My heart goes out to him. Who could do such a thing to a child is beyond me. bless him, and all victims of such abuse.but still sadly, i'm sure it still goes on.
@@ceceliasheart Maybe that's the reason they don't pay any taxes and are tax exempt >< So they can pay off people and hire some good lawyers. I'm so glad our government thinks of everything. It's safe to say they will never go bankrupt, according to most credible sources the vatican has so much money it could buy several entire countries and no one knows for sure how much they own. So that's another good reason to give then a permanent break from ever having to pay taxes forever. And because they're just such sweethearts
Shame guilt humiliation. The priests made these boys into victims. True victims. Damn the church. Damn the power hungry sociopaths. Damn the society that didnt bring this up for all these years and made it a taboo to talk about openly. I bet what happened to these boys happened to those priests/abusers.
Jojo Jo I think they’re very weak. The guys who get into leadership positions in schools so they can lord their power over people who are all under 18. How weak and pathetic. They can only control the naive and underage.
Evil organization. Disgusting human beings. I'm glad I was smart enough to distance myself from religion once I was old enough, and I count myself and my siblings lucky we were never sexually abused in our contact with many church workers. Thank you to all the survivors who are coming forward and sharing their stories, shedding light, and awareness on the issue. I do believe one day justice will win.
My experience of the Christian Brothers of Ireland was mainly violence rather than sexual. I was beaten almost every day by my Maths Teacher - Brother Ennis. I was a small child and only 11 years old. More than 50 years has elapsed but I can still hear his footsteps approaching and trying not to be sick because I knew what was going to happen next.
Yes, you were severely traumatized. May God help you heal. You can make no sense of this evil. They did not destroy your inner self. That's why you are to speak out. May you experience peace and joy for the rest of your life.
Scarred for life- so wrong! This guy's life has been hell and they got away with it. Thank you for coming forward! I hope you will pursue a path which will heal your life and soul.
If only abusers could be made to experience the pain they cause. This was not just a Catholic Church problem. The Protestant churches were at it too, trust me.
i think the fact catholic priests can't marry is part of the issue, it can make some of them do unnatural things. There are child abusers in all professions, all countries, all religions or no religion, all different walks of life of course. It's the idea of a cover up though which is the hardest thing to understand.
Geoff Heisenberg why is there such a high concentration of pedo priests? do they turn into pedos after they join or are they already pedos from the start who join thr church because they'll have less restriction when they do their perverted acts?
Mitch Manta That is a very good question. I suspect that some were already predators looking for easy access to kids, but that others had their sexuality warped through repression of their natural desires. An unholy alliance of the messed up.
Jack! In the recent case off Laurence Soper, £182.000 and a false passport issued by the Vatican bank. This is the well established rat-run used by old Nazis!
I agree with Ignez Maciel; people 'DISLIKE' what happened to these innocent kids, at the hands of their adult Cleric abusers. It is not meant to be a judgment on Mr Turner, himself. We dislike what happened to him and the pain he has lived with for most of his life.
You like the video they made, you like the courage the man had to stand up for himself and other victims like him after all these years not child abuse(the videos is against it!). It must have been very hard to keep it in all these years. By liking it you show support, you show you want the video to be seen by more people, to hear his story, to support and spread his message. By liking a video you shows support and agreement, by disliking it you show you don't agree with their message and think it was badly portrayed.
I hit dislike by mistake on many occusations because it's placed at the centre of the screen as I scroll down. I then reclick because I don't dislike any videos even if they annoy me like KSI
I grew up Catholic and when I was eight or nine my priest in Mooseheart, Illinois was named Father Paul. As he got me ready for my first communion I would spend many hours alone with him in his office talking to him and asking questions. He was a relatively young priest and he was very nice and respectful. He was a good Mentor to me and a good man and never did anything remotely like abuse towards me. My heart truly goes out to the man in this video and all other people who have suffered abuse at the hands of clergy. But I also wanted to tell my story to illustrate the fact that not all priests and nuns are abusive. There are some very good ones out there also.
They didn't abuse every kid they came in contact with. The man I know who was abused, had a severe stutter. He was sexually abused by multiple priests and physically abused by his parents for all the resulting behavior. Nobody ever laid a hand on his older brother and his older brother was so naive he only realized it when my friend finally told a few years ago. Sadly, when people started reporting the abuse in the early 2000s, if they named a priest who was only accused once by that one person, they were called liars. The church only considers reports credible if said priest abused multiple people.
My heart literally breaks for you Leslie, it does. I too know where you've been and what you endured. I am just so sorry. But do know that by you sharing your story, you are not only help helping in the process of more victims to come forward, but to heal. It helps to know that I was not alone. There are not enough “thank you”s I could write. I love you.
How is it possible.. how can people inflict this much pain on others.. on CHILDREN! I'm so heartbroken. My heart goes out for anyone who experienced this. Please stay strong.
They abused this man as a boy and used shame, humiliation and religion to keep him silenced. I’m so very sorry he had to endure such abuse. I’m grateful he’s sharing his story because he is helping others and also in a way, himself. I wish him all the peace and comfort he has always deserved.
This just breaks my heart and I just want to cry! I feel so blessed because I NEVER had to deal with any such issues and I cant even imagine what it would be like. Traumatic
This happened to me when I was younger my dad was a pastor at a local church at the time. He thought nothing wrong about having another pastor babysit me. I felt really angry at religion after this most my life and my parents and felt betrayed by all this and had problems with drug and alcohol abuse for awhile. I am trying to work to overcome this but it's not really easy. I went through times where I had no emotions at all and panic attacks and other problems. This pretty much ruined the relationship with my parents even though they did nothing to me. I wish I could have felt a bond with my family but this didn't make it possible.
What a terrible and sad story. Yes, you have done the right thing to tell your story, even if far on down the road. I was luckier than you: I was just out of college when a priest at a church I was visiting ( but that I had connections to through friends and family accuaintances,) asked me the question "do you love me?" out of the blue, in the church parking lot while I was waiting for my friend to be done with his duties, so we could go to lunch. Well, in the mindset of how Christian teachings say we are supposed to love everyone, I responded "yes," believing the man asking was speaking in theological terms. I was SHOCKED when he tried to stick his tongue down my throat within seconds, right there in the parking lot. Well, I WAS at least old enough by then to recoil... and told my friend what his boss had just done. Long story short is that my speaking up and my dear friend's belief that what I was telling was genuine, went all the way to Rome... and in the end, that priest's ability to ever put a young person in danger again was dealt with. I do not believe it is right for ANY adult to abuse others, especially children. I CAN, however, say that in at least this case, BECAUSE of having spoken up, THIS threat was consigned to the back side of the moon, unable ever again to officiate in a parish ANYWHERE. That is about as much as you can ask for in my case, for an old man trying to French a 20-something year old that managed to stand his ground and rebuff the advance. I share this only for the sake of telling that when i spoke up, I WAS taken seriously and the Catholic Church DID act.
In my case, when I tried to report certain wrongdoings going on in a Catholic educational institution where I worked, they started a smear campaign and in months I didn't have any more friends or a support group. I am still fighting all their manipulations
Shalana Thomas, it is. My high BP alarmed my GP. I gained 20 pounds, seeking comfort in food. Now I have got myself a dog. Things have started looking up a bit. And thank you for your empathy
i lost my faith and stopped going to church, because of similar events on the church bus, i was 6 and in first grade. i could hear the pain in his voice, i am sorry for anyone that has gone or is going through this
God Bless you for finding your voice to help other survivors. I was sexually assaulted by a nun at sixteen. It destroyed my view of the world and myself.
you sir deserve peace, love & healing. we are all so saddened and angered by the injustice that you have faced. your stories are powerful. you are powerful. we love you. we’re all on your side. your stories are important. YOU are important. sending you so much love and support. thank you for your bravery.
Subway girl, I understand. I am Catholic too. Look into the good devout priests like fr Jon Meyer from all saints parish or Fr John Hollowell's RUclips. Don't let this horrible scourge drive you away from the Blessed Sacrament. Please pray for all of us layity that are close to leaving. As Peter says, To whom would we go, Lord?
Poor man, the amount of courage and strength he must have to come forward is truly inspirig. I hope he is doing well and that this horrifying cult of abuse can be brought down one day.
This is absolutely terrible, horrible, it angers me! This is still happening to kids all over the world! We need to do something, this can’t keep going on. So many kids are going through the worst of worst of abuse and we can’t allow it. It’s heart breaking.
This is so upsetting. These poor kids..when all they wanted was their innocent childhood, to learn, to play and to experience life and happiness. It breaks my heart. The damage through to adult life is tremendous.💔
We keep ignoring that because maaaaaybe, just maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe, the fact that they're emotionally scarring children, raping them, beating them and just generally torturing them both mentally and physically is more concerning than their genital preference? Just saying. Also, a pedophile does not care about gender, as long as it is a child, they'll gladly force their twisted desires upon them. A similar thing happened in Italy, Provolo. Both nuns and priests abused of deaf and speechless children, both girls and boys every. Single. Day. One of the priests said: "Yes, yes, we didn't care about the gender, as long as they pulled down their pants and skirts, we were happy."
It's hard to fathom a priest doing this to a child. I am so sorry for your pain that never goes away. Thank you for your courage in telling your story.
What happened to this man as a child is heartbreaking, it took away his innocence, took away his faith, ruined his life, all this from those people he should have been able to trust and feel safe with, and no amount of money could ever be enough to repay him for all he has lost.
Seventeen thousand pounds: that's supposed to be adequate compensation for a lost childhood? For years of fear and guilt and shame? Its a paltry sum of money compared to the damage done.
Thank you so much for your courage in sharing I understood the feelings you acknowledged of trying to be invisible, shame, PTSD, and fear of not being believed and compartmentalizing. Your pure heart and spirit of wanting to contribute and make a difference with respect and integrity. I have experienced this from within the family and still suffer to find my voice with this today. You named it well and have contributed to others as a teacher in this regard. I am thankful. Ironically I have been a teacher in my life for this very purpose but felt I could never share the true reason why I chose to try to help children Bless you Thank you for sharing
My father studied to be a priest and was abused in the seminary. He wrote letters to the elders and as a result was expelled. Imagine that! The victim is expelled and the abuser was protected! I am outraged.
@Craftygirl That's the catholic church for you. A sick hypocritical bigoted institution. Another good reason why I look down on christianity with contempt (including the catholic church).
I knew a priest who said thr doors in the dorms had to be kept open all the time. It ws early 70s. I think it was to stop the sex & self flagellation
Ruthlessnoodle Why are you leaving a phone number that's looks extremely sketchy
Craftygirl 63 I was a seminarian studying for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. In my four years as seminarian I never once was approached or witnessed sexual activity with priests or men in formation. What seminary was your father in? We do not have elders so I am confused.
@@bobholmes65 are you in denial? have you not heard ALL the reports of abuse? have a problem, too. All the way up to the damn Pope.
What makes this more disturbing is that the Catholic Church knew all about it.
But that doesn’t mean they’re not trying to stop it... now you can’t even go into seminary with any kind of sex addiction or anything
ruzzell907 the church as a whole, or the members in the Hierarchy? I’d use your words a little bit more carefully. That’s like going into Walmart and saying an Employee was mean to you, and you then go and say the whole chain is bad. On a much larger scale, the Catholic Church has lasted 2000 years without decay. It’s Tradition, music, Liturgy and charism exists to this day. Rome fell under 3 types of government, and leaders and dictators have fell to the power of the church. It isn’t the Good Catholic men who follow God that abuse children, it’s the sodomites who have been put into the priesthood who have tried to destroy the church. That was the intention of Dr. Bella Dodd. Read more about her story online. She exposes the evil she wrought upon the church. And why were seeing these issues.
Christus Regnat the church leaders were a part of the cover up. The church is fighting ending statute of limitations for sex abuse survivors
Ann McDonald because these “leaders” are wolfs in Sheep clothing. They aren’t catholic at all. They seek to destroy the church of Christ.
How about all the dismembered children found in a sustern or sewer pipe in Ireland
These men never even believed in god, it was just the perfect way to get to be with kids alone.
I believe they mostly believed in God, though they might have become addicted to that particular behavior at some point -- it might have been by the end of their adolescence, during seminary years, after they were ordained et cetera. Anyway, this addictive drive took away their piety. As with all things in life, religion is a practice that demands a certain integrity of purposes, so as you lose yourself in such sinful adventures, your inteligence dies more and more everyday until the point where nothing can hold you back from raping. You're not there anymore to cure and preach, and confess the sins of others, rather those things become a façade of your perversions.
Neither did I say they don't. Even an addicted person has moral agency over herself. What I said is that, once you become addicted, you might through your own will let the thing dominate you to the point where you lose your piety, which makes you forget about your moral obligations, then your intelligence slowly evaporates. They can always choose to refrain from raping though.
They don’t believe in God because they’re VERY educated men. There is no God.
Makes you wonder if those evil men really believed what they preached.
@@Traewing of course they believed in god! Not only do these priests believe in god, but they use their faith in god to feel better about themselves and live happy lives without remorse or reflection.
They die happy fulfilled men thinking they helped people and had some harmless fun and played around with some children along the way, while their victims struggle their whole lives with the consequences.
You can really hear the pain in his voice. I’m so sorry that this happen to him.
Andrea Zaragoza don’t understand why it took him50 yrs to report it. Shame perhaps.😓
@@mona2242 It didn't take him 50 years to report it. They have tens of thousands of reports sitting in their grasp. They've chosen to do nothing about it and they move the heathens to new locations, aiding in hiding these perversions. They've been reported. Action has not been taken.
Yes 😭
He's a brave man to be able to talk so forthrightly about his abuse.
So sad I just want hug him.
Savannah Saunders. I agree wih you- what a sweetie you are- they will get THEIR. just rewards!
Joe Stim
Unfortunately most of them won't, statute of limitations ran out and certainly the Christian God won't punish them as long as they accept Jesus as their savior and don't blasphemy it's all good no matter what you do Happy Land Forever awaits!
Savannah Saunders hug me
Same. too!
This happened over 50 years ago and it is still happening.
Roger Wilmoth I hate to hear that! So hearth-breaking
@Craig F. Thompson yappp sorry wrong typo!!
Yeah, and it takes an entire lifetime to heal from it.
You can hear the pain his suffered.
Not just the sexual abuse, but the emotional and mental abuse he suffered, the trauma he dealt with alone.
This is heartbreaking.
And he wanted to become a teacher! He wanted to teach in Catholic schools despite the abuse he suffered.
What a brave man. What must he have felt. What must his parents have felt?
This was all before my time.
But between this, the other celebrity cases, and allegations of police cover ups among politicians?
The last generation have a lot to answer for.
People who dismiss this as a "Catholic Problem" and places the blame on the religion whilst the entire population was in denial about abuse wherever it was found, are missing the entire point, that if these children had even ONE channel to gain help, then this could have stopped. They could have had justice.
That the abuse started, was the Church's fault.
That is was allowed to continue? That was on everyone in a position of power. And wringing hands, passing blame? That's selfishly cruel.
I want to know why all these children say that they didn't know who they could tell. They didn't know who would help them. They didn't know what was happening was wrong. Because *that* is a larger problem then just the Church.
+Haradion Drogon I completely agree.
let's hope the Goddard enquiry looks properly into what exactly was going on in some of these big institutions like the Care Homes, Schools and Churches during the 60s and 70s. If it's anything like the Iraq enquiry it will take years and years though. it's also important it doesn't become a witch hunt, we don't need that. Something seemed wrong though with the culture of that time and anyone who likes to go on about how childhood is being ruined and robbed of innocence too early these days, would do well to reflect on the abuse going on 40/50 years ago.
Haradion Drogon Yes, soooooo heartbreaking!!!!
Sharon Morine : It is emotional and psychological abuse!!! $17,000 compensation is an insult.
well, of course: it's what happens in the mind which is so awful
Joanne Mann you say truth. I'm Catholic. Thank you for not hating all catholic. God bless you.
So true. المنسي عبد الله
mar gz
It's completely ridiculous to hate all Catholics. We (some of us) simply loath the evil empire that the Vatican and Church have ALWAYS been. A force of pure immorality from day one to the present, the Vatican should have been bombed during WW2 but now it's time to sue it into oblivion. That doesn't mean there aren't some fine individuals who happen to be affiliated with it at a lower level, some of my best most respected friends are devout Catholics by accident.
The pedo ring is everywhere ... the 5 percent ring is innthe churches too.. they will be dealt with... 7900000 good priests. 5000 evil pedos ... we will get them out... most pedos were molested... this is a absokute pandemic evil everywhere... we need lord jesus his bread to grt to heaven .. i hope u dint make poor excuses to ur soul ... catholics r amazkng people.. i have met only 1 bad priest 1 bad catholic out of 200 in my life so far... take care
Joanne Mann That's what happens when something as very naive as the corrupt roman-catholic church fools many good people.
When he told this story I couldn't even look at the screen I just felt so sick for him and how brave is he for coming out about such a horrific life and childhood.
Yes, a very brave man, and a lovely guy.
@合领塞 smh. One person's suffering can not be compared to another. No two are the same
probaby tough but i believe dark chapters in your life need to be exposed for healing
@@pinkpugginz what does that mean?
Even though he is a very strong person, his face betrays the emotional trauma he has had to deal with
Not all, but many I'm afraid.🙁
Uh yea hes telling a traumatic story...
portrays i believe is the word 🤗
I hate pointing this out, but you can see the pain when he looks up and not at the interviewer as he describes it, he then is able to look right in her eyes when the descriptions stop, and other things are spoken about.
Thats the shame you get from acts like those he went through. Im so sorry for him. And I admire him for getting through it.
You don’t need a teaching degree to be a fine teacher Sir, you’ve just given the best lesson in the world. Well Done. 10/10.
As kids we was always told to “respect your elders”. It was a method of intimidation to keep young victims silent.
Respect nobody who doesn’t respect you.
I lost my faith too. I lived in a girls cathlic orphanage, they weren't holy.
Research Bear F
sorry this kind of horribleness happened to or was around you.
His speech moves my heart, the amount of suffering and shame he has undergone will not be paid by the amounf of money. Thank you for unploading this
Daniella Yuna he should have won millions
Child abusers should never see the light of day. Lock em up!
And throw away the key.
They need to be thrown in jail and be given the broomstick treatment every day
Children from "Good Cattholic Families" are the ones, who are the most vulnerable. Priests know that parents are often reluctant to believe their child over a pedophiles priest! Why? After an incident of being molested or raped by a priest/nun/member of the clergy, the confused child often begins to "act out," and to cause his/her parents a lot of grief, because they don't understand what happened to them. Because they're acting out, most parents will go in favor of the member of the clergy, OVER their own child. I grew up in the 50's and 60's. Later it was revealed there were Pedophile Priests in EVERY parish which we attended. Great track record.............. Now, is it any wonder that 90% of Catholics, raised in Catholic Schools, will NEVER darken a door of a Catholic Church again. Imagine the millions of dollars the Church has lost over the years............ in ADDIITION to the Billions it has paid out to settle lawsuits.
Jeannie Cole where was this Jeannie ?
I am very sad and pray for all the victims of this terrible scandal, no child, young adult or adult should be preyed upon like these victims have been. But I will not turn my back on the Catholic Church, I have been Catholic for more than 50 years now, I have never experienced any evil like this only good from the clergy that have been at our church. I want answers and I want accountability, justice and healing. More than any other time in our history do we need to stand up and fight for these victims and rid the church of the evil. God did not bring these evil people into the faith, what we need to remember is that God gives us free will on this earth, Free Will to do good or unfortunately as we are seeing do evil things. Satan has infiltrated our church and we need to fight against him, leaving is exactly what Satan wants, to bring down the church. We have many good clergy in the church, many, many good Holy and Devout Priests, I pray that the victims will find healing and come back to experience the true Catholic Faith, a faith of Love, Hope and Charity. God Bless, please remember to pray to our Blessed Mother so she will intercede for us to heal our beloved church from all this evil and give healing to the victims.
I hated having to go to this school. I too attended about the same time as Leslie, perhaps slightly later and the abuse explained here was common but who did we speak to, who would ever listen, who would ever understand what the place was like! The use of a leather strap by the Brothers, kept inside their cassocks, was widespread and they not only used the flat side either. The Brothers were a wicked clan and I fully endorse the words and feelings expressed in this video.
Itchy Feet I'm so sorry for what you may have gone through and applaud your bravery for speaking on it and helping to support this man who has so publicly shed light on this horrific issue.
The "sisters" weren't any nicer. I have some pretty bad memories of their treatment.
Surely you should have said "Thank you brother/sir" as they gave you one. My lay teacher liked that. Jesus would have approved. I think the silver lining is that it is unlikely that anyone left school without learning a great deal of cynicism for religion pc's and authorities and the mindsets of the Homs and sadists.
smh this is a shame!!
Itchy Feet I attended elementary school in 1959 and 1960 I was 10 years old they would take us boys to the local Y M C A for Tuesday at their indoor pool we. swam in the nude all of us it was the norm at YMCA
Poor man. My heart goes out to him. Who could do such a thing to a child is beyond me. bless him, and all victims of such abuse.but still sadly, i'm sure it still goes on.
So right Paul. thanks for pointing it out.I wouldn't blame them. Pete.
moog Dome 💔😨
Interesting how stupid you are. You are easily duped.
Church : '' We'll pay you 17,500 $ but we haven't done anything wrong ! ''
No they won’t they bankrupt the churches so they don’t go through discovery then they steal tax payer money send it to these bankrupt churches
@@ceceliasheart Maybe that's the reason they don't pay any taxes and are tax exempt >< So they can pay off people and hire some good lawyers. I'm so glad our government thinks of everything. It's safe to say they will never go bankrupt, according to most credible sources the vatican has so much money it could buy several entire countries and no one knows for sure how much they own. So that's another good reason to give then a permanent break from ever having to pay taxes forever. And because they're just such sweethearts
@@flauwegeit Yep that’s why there is no negotiation. Canada is only the beginning.
What else do you want the church to do? They can't even investigate it
Shame guilt humiliation. The priests made these boys into victims. True victims. Damn the church. Damn the power hungry sociopaths. Damn the society that didnt bring this up for all these years and made it a taboo to talk about openly. I bet what happened to these boys happened to those priests/abusers.
Jojo Jo I think they’re very weak. The guys who get into leadership positions in schools so they can lord their power over people who are all under 18. How weak and pathetic. They can only control the naive and underage.
“I lost my faith”.. saddest part of all this.. these devils that molest children don’t represent Christ.. I hope this man can heal 💔
Tracey T duck off if that’s the saddest part to you. What said is that he was abused - his faith is the least important thing
@@thekingofthings2002 yes, its the most important thing to keep the people under control so this can happen again. religion is a plague
King Baby So athists can't think for themselves? Thats ignorence
@@thekingofthings2002 I became an athiest by thinking independently and questioning my faith. You really are ignorant
Tracey T ...seriously?That's the saddest part?
Evil organization. Disgusting human beings. I'm glad I was smart enough to distance myself from religion once I was old enough, and I count myself and my siblings lucky we were never sexually abused in our contact with many church workers. Thank you to all the survivors who are coming forward and sharing their stories, shedding light, and awareness on the issue. I do believe one day justice will win.
Faith is true though
@@dellaswanson9837 nope. Faith is a uncivilized delusion
@@Lilhajxjk274 I hope you get the true faith someday
@@dellaswanson9837 I don't want or need faith since I'm educated and civilized
My experience of the Christian Brothers of Ireland was mainly violence rather than sexual. I was beaten almost every day by my Maths Teacher - Brother Ennis. I was a small child and only 11 years old. More than 50 years has elapsed but I can still hear his footsteps approaching and trying not to be sick because I knew what was going to happen next.
I'm so sorry David. My heart goes out to you.
Did you ever feel at the time that they wanted to sexually abuse you as well?
Yes, you were severely traumatized. May God help you heal. You can make no sense of this evil. They did not destroy your inner self. That's why you are to speak out. May you experience peace and joy for the rest of your life.
so horrible to hear. I wish you'd had family that could help and save you from this.
Scarred for life- so wrong! This guy's life has been hell and they got away with it. Thank you for coming forward! I hope you will pursue a path which will heal your life and soul.
I just can't imagine how could this people live with themself after they did such things to children.
They shouldn’t even be allowed to live after that.
So incredibly sad! I’m so glad he’s speaking out, so maybe others will come forward. I hope he finds healing.
If only abusers could be made to experience the pain they cause. This was not just a Catholic Church problem. The Protestant churches were at it too, trust me.
i think the fact catholic priests can't marry is part of the issue, it can make some of them do unnatural things. There are child abusers in all professions, all countries, all religions or no religion, all different walks of life of course. It's the idea of a cover up though which is the hardest thing to understand.
Geoff Heisenberg
why is there such a high concentration of pedo priests? do they turn into pedos after they join or are they already pedos from the start who join thr church because they'll have less restriction when they do their perverted acts?
Mitch Manta That is a very good question. I suspect that some were already predators looking for easy access to kids, but that others had their sexuality warped through repression of their natural desires. An unholy alliance of the messed up.
Jack! In the recent case off Laurence Soper, £182.000 and a false passport issued by the Vatican bank. This is the well established rat-run used by old Nazis!
Most them have, the abusers are often victims who make sense of their abuse by acting them out later on
Lord pls give this dear man peace and rest. Bless his soul and lead him to Heaven
I am so very sorry. You did not deserve that. No child deserves that.
I pray for your Healing and for JUSTICE!
I admire this man for having the courage to tell his story and for his hope of being the good kind of teacher. God bless him always.
Who dislikes this? I really want to know your mindset.
I agree with Ignez Maciel; people 'DISLIKE' what happened to these innocent kids, at the hands of their adult Cleric abusers. It is not meant to be a judgment on Mr Turner, himself. We dislike what happened to him and the pain he has lived with for most of his life.
Hmm maybe, but it really just makes it looks like those who dislike him don't trust him. If I were Mr Turner and saw this on youtube I would think so.
I dislike it. I find absolutely nothing likable about a child being abused.
You like the video they made, you like the courage the man had to stand up for himself and other victims like him after all these years not child abuse(the videos is against it!). It must have been very hard to keep it in all these years. By liking it you show support, you show you want the video to be seen by more people, to hear his story, to support and spread his message. By liking a video you shows support and agreement, by disliking it you show you don't agree with their message and think it was badly portrayed.
I hit dislike by mistake on many occusations because it's placed at the centre of the screen as I scroll down. I then reclick because I don't dislike any videos even if they annoy me like KSI
I grew up Catholic and when I was eight or nine my priest in Mooseheart, Illinois was named Father Paul. As he got me ready for my first communion I would spend many hours alone with him in his office talking to him and asking questions. He was a relatively young priest and he was very nice and respectful. He was a good Mentor to me and a good man and never did anything remotely like abuse towards me.
My heart truly goes out to the man in this video and all other people who have suffered abuse at the hands of clergy. But I also wanted to tell my story to illustrate the fact that not all priests and nuns are abusive. There are some very good ones out there also.
tedmccarron you’re right, but the church has ruined it for those good ones by protecting the bad ones.
They didn't abuse every kid they came in contact with. The man I know who was abused, had a severe stutter. He was sexually abused by multiple priests and physically abused by his parents for all the resulting behavior. Nobody ever laid a hand on his older brother and his older brother was so naive he only realized it when my friend finally told a few years ago.
Sadly, when people started reporting the abuse in the early 2000s, if they named a priest who was only accused once by that one person, they were called liars. The church only considers reports credible if said priest abused multiple people.
The shame and guilt are with the Catholic Church!!!
This is happened to millions of children and we continue to ignore our children.
My heart literally breaks for you Leslie, it does. I too know where you've been and what you endured. I am just so sorry. But do know that by you sharing your story, you are not only help helping in the process of more victims to come forward, but to heal. It helps to know that I was not alone. There are not enough “thank you”s I could write. I love you.
How is it possible.. how can people inflict this much pain on others.. on CHILDREN! I'm so heartbroken. My heart goes out for anyone who experienced this. Please stay strong.
I am so sorry. These people should go to jail for life
They abused this man as a boy and used shame, humiliation and religion to keep him silenced. I’m so very sorry he had to endure such abuse. I’m grateful he’s sharing his story because he is helping others and also in a way, himself. I wish him all the peace and comfort he has always deserved.
That picture of you as a boy...the mom in me wants to protect him so bad. I'm so angry. 😡😢
So sad
This seems to be a common thing in the Catholic Church ⛪️ and I’ve heard nuns have done it too
oh they are worse evon bs linda in scotland
Parents, please, make sure that your kids feel safe to talk to you about anything.
sorry poor man - keep sharing as they were so wrong. much care from Australia.
This just breaks my heart and I just want to cry!
I feel so blessed because I NEVER had to deal with any such issues and I cant even imagine what it would be like. Traumatic
I was abused too, and i didn't even know it was wrong back then. now i struggle with guilt for not being able to hate my abuser
This is so sad and tragic what these demons did to innocent children.
I hope to meet this man. He seems so genuine. He has thick skin as well, going through that and staying mentally strong. Hat's off to him
Thank you so much for speaking about what happened to you. I am amazed at your courage.
This happened to me when I was younger my dad was a pastor at a local church at the time. He thought nothing wrong about having another pastor babysit me. I felt really angry at religion after this most my life and my parents and felt betrayed by all this and had problems with drug and alcohol abuse for awhile. I am trying to work to overcome this but it's not really easy. I went through times where I had no emotions at all and panic attacks and other problems. This pretty much ruined the relationship with my parents even though they did nothing to me. I wish I could have felt a bond with my family but this didn't make it possible.
Im sorry
This is sick for a parent to allow that
This poor man. I hope the church will wake up and rid themselves of the evil that lives within their walls.
Church is just an opportunity for these abusers to have a position to abuse vulnerable people under the realm of religion! Disgusting
Another reason for me to homeschool my kid and I will be able to let him practice his own choice of religion without worrying these type of situations
Homeschooling? You have the money vs public school which is free?
What a terrible and sad story. Yes, you have done the right thing to tell your story, even if far on down the road. I was luckier than you: I was just out of college when a priest at a church I was visiting ( but that I had connections to through friends and family accuaintances,) asked me the question "do you love me?" out of the blue, in the church parking lot while I was waiting for my friend to be done with his duties, so we could go to lunch.
Well, in the mindset of how Christian teachings say we are supposed to love everyone, I responded "yes," believing the man asking was speaking in theological terms. I was SHOCKED when he tried to stick his tongue down my throat within seconds, right there in the parking lot.
Well, I WAS at least old enough by then to recoil... and told my friend what his boss had just done.
Long story short is that my speaking up and my dear friend's belief that what I was telling was genuine, went all the way to Rome... and in the end, that priest's ability to ever put a young person in danger again was dealt with.
I do not believe it is right for ANY adult to abuse others, especially children.
I CAN, however, say that in at least this case, BECAUSE of having spoken up, THIS threat was consigned to the back side of the moon, unable ever again to officiate in a parish ANYWHERE.
That is about as much as you can ask for in my case, for an old man trying to French a 20-something year old that managed to stand his ground and rebuff the advance.
I share this only for the sake of telling that when i spoke up, I WAS taken seriously and the Catholic Church DID act.
Harold Warren I am very happy about your outcome!!
In my case, when I tried to report certain wrongdoings going on in a Catholic educational institution where I worked, they started a smear campaign and in months I didn't have any more friends or a support group. I am still fighting all their manipulations
alexander samuel My God, that's sad...
Shalana Thomas, it is. My high BP alarmed my GP. I gained 20 pounds, seeking comfort in food. Now I have got myself a dog. Things have started looking up a bit.
And thank you for your empathy
Irish Christian Brothers collapsed because of it. I feel for your pain and grief brother.
So terrible anyone would treat a child like this!
i lost my faith and stopped going to church, because of similar events on the church bus, i was 6 and in first grade. i could hear the pain in his voice, i am sorry for anyone that has gone or is going through this
Throw these priests in jail. Who is preventing that ?
Disgusting!!!! How would you even start having dirty thoughts about kids???
God Bless you for finding your voice to help other survivors. I was sexually assaulted by a nun at sixteen. It destroyed my view of the world and myself.
I am sorry you went through this and I am sorry you lost your faith, which is the greatest gift.
I am so so sorry that happened to this man. I hate those men that hurt him i hate them!
brave man, shocking thing to have happened to someone
Thank you, good man, for speaking out and from the heart 💛. May miraculous good come of this. 🌈
Why are Catholic priest so honoured with all the history of child sexual abuse need to be in jail
Because religion in itself is total evil
This is so Sad. This poor Man tortured as a child. Breaks my heart.
you sir deserve peace, love & healing. we are all so saddened and angered by the injustice that you have faced. your stories are powerful. you are powerful. we love you. we’re all on your side. your stories are important. YOU are important. sending you so much love and support. thank you for your bravery.
😢 Absolutely heartbreaking. Sickening. What a sweet man. I’m thisclose to leaving the Catholic Church.
Blueberry40 Protestantism is a heresy, not an option. and Catholicism is so corrupt...I’ll go where Jesus tells me to....
Subway girl, I understand. I am Catholic too. Look into the good devout priests like fr Jon Meyer from all saints parish or Fr John Hollowell's RUclips. Don't let this horrible scourge drive you away from the Blessed Sacrament. Please pray for all of us layity that are close to leaving. As Peter says, To whom would we go, Lord?
And what is stopping you? Read your Bible, and stay away from church until you are rooted and grounded in the word.
Terri Brun
Well said
So pathetic! I really understand him for i went through the same circumstances several times when I was at my 4 years old 😢😢😢
OMG, you remember being abused at only 4? Geez.
I’m sorry you had to go through that, hope you have gotten help since then if you haven’t already.
I am a Muslim. And i find it really disturbing knowing that their church nor their pope did nothing to end these abuses.
Poor man, the amount of courage and strength he must have to come forward is truly inspirig. I hope he is doing well and that this horrifying cult of abuse can be brought down one day.
This is absolutely terrible, horrible, it angers me! This is still happening to kids all over the world! We need to do something, this can’t keep going on. So many kids are going through the worst of worst of abuse and we can’t allow it. It’s heart breaking.
Parents should teach children to speak up when something feel off. No matter how insignificant they think it is.
We have 159 here who agree with child abuse, sick people
This is so upsetting. These poor kids..when all they wanted was their innocent childhood, to learn, to play and to experience life and happiness. It breaks my heart. The damage through to adult life is tremendous.💔
2 years later, everything got exposed in 2018. Hope he is well.
Cut their tackle off and put it in the 'poor box'
Well done for speaking out
You can tell in his Voice how hurt he still is after all these Years,How sad so so sad
This is what they're doing in African for decades. Lord have mercy.
the torture and the manipulation is beyond imagination. my heart aches.
He lost his faith, I can't say I blame him
I just want to give him a hug. Child abuse is so hard to over come. i hope talking about his trauma helped him some.
the priests were all homosexuals
wonder why they keep ignoring that
Anton P. No sir. It has alot to do with homosexuality.
It has to do with depravity.
Anton P. True but so are Protestant churches.
We keep ignoring that because maaaaaybe, just maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe, the fact that they're emotionally scarring children, raping them, beating them and just generally torturing them both mentally and physically is more concerning than their genital preference? Just saying.
Also, a pedophile does not care about gender, as long as it is a child, they'll gladly force their twisted desires upon them.
A similar thing happened in Italy, Provolo. Both nuns and priests abused of deaf and speechless children, both girls and boys every. Single. Day.
One of the priests said: "Yes, yes, we didn't care about the gender, as long as they pulled down their pants and skirts, we were happy."
I am so sorry that this happened to you. I understand your pain all too well!
I never understood WHY nobody did something about this? WHY?
seen this in various mass media... hate those predator priests... this kills my faith and trust
Mariussa Ramirez I agree. Now let’s go out for a coffee
It's in india too where there is church this thing happens not a big deal...
This poor man's childhood😱😱 he didn't deserve any of this
This story needs to be told. This needs to be known.
Thank you for sharing your story kind man, my hear goes out to you. I hope you are able to find peace on earth. 💕
It's hard to fathom a priest doing this to a child. I am so sorry for your pain that never goes away. Thank you for your courage in telling your story.
What happened to this man as a child is heartbreaking, it took away his innocence, took away his faith, ruined his life, all this from those people he should have been able to trust and feel safe with, and no amount of money could ever be enough to repay him for all he has lost.
Seventeen thousand pounds: that's supposed to be adequate compensation for a lost childhood? For years of fear and guilt and shame? Its a paltry sum of money compared to the damage done.
This just hurts my heart.
I wanted to hug him and tell him everything is ok
Predators come from all walks of life... it’s always power over the helpless.
My grandmother was orphaned and lived in a Catholic orphanage in Sunderland, it definitely confirms she was abused
I can’t watch this...Makes me enraged abd sickened
Shocking no words I’m so so sorry 😢
Thank you so much for your courage in sharing
I understood the feelings you acknowledged of trying to be invisible, shame, PTSD, and fear of not being believed and compartmentalizing. Your pure heart and spirit of wanting to contribute and make a difference with respect and integrity.
I have experienced this from within the family and still suffer to find my voice with this today.
You named it well and have contributed to others as a teacher in this regard. I am thankful. Ironically I have been a teacher in my life for this very purpose but felt I could never share the true reason why I chose to try to help children
Bless you
Thank you for sharing
So glad he stopped going to church!!! Nobody should be going to church!!!