NO SAFE PLACE TO HIDE - a response to NYC's nuclear war PSA

  • Опубликовано: 17 июл 2024
  • Have we forgotten there is no safe place to hide in a nuclear war?
    Inform yourself of the facts:
    • Alliance for Science - What the science says: Could humans survive a nuclear war? - allianceforscience.cornell.ed...
    • ICAN (The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) -
    • PSR (Physicians for Social Responsibility) -
    • Defuse Nuclear War -
    • International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War -
    • Television Event (2021) -

Комментарии • 88

  • @joeyj6808
    @joeyj6808 Год назад +28

    EMP + Fallout + Nuclear Winter + Breakdown of supply chain = 98.7% fatality rate in first year. And the remaining 1.3% will be the unlucky ones. No Mad Max. No Vault Tec. More like "The Road" and "Threads".

    • @lucasquintanilla1673
      @lucasquintanilla1673 11 месяцев назад +2

      The threat of nuclear winter is a exaggerated one as the studies at the time assumed that the cities in question that would kick up the dust to block out the sun would do so continuously and I think I’ve heard that research since the 1980s has demonstrated that a more likely scenario would be a nuclear autumn or something like the year without a summer that would hurt the northern hemisphere a lot, but would be incredibly devastating for the third world in the aftermath. Likely the majority of deaths outside of the initial war, and the lawlessness and chaos after the initial strike would likely be from this part of the world. The EMPs can be defended against as there is such a thing as makeshift faraday cages. Fallout can be protected against by sealing the cracks in windows walls and turning off heating and air conditioning. The breakdown and supply chains can be prepared for by having a large stockpile of food and water, such as my family has long had, and originally obtained for very different reasons, but has kept in case of disaster, such as this. Honestly, I think that the biggest danger in a nuclear war is simply the fatalism and the unwillingness to try to survive along with the psychological panic people would have. I think that if you got rid of those two factors, a heck of a lot more people would survive then you would think. In short there IS a safe place to hide, but only if you are willing to face the unpleasant facts of this subject, and recognize that a whole hearted attempt of survival is not just the smart thing to do, but possibly even a moral demand on us, so that humankind might continue.

    • @joeyj6808
      @joeyj6808 11 месяцев назад

      I'm sure that this is a troll post, but I will humor you as if you were serious:
      Your assumptions (and you do assume *much* ) would only hold up if there were a few nuclear warheads exploded, worldwide. That would be extremely unlikely. Even if, say, India and Pakistan have a "limited" exchange, that would be far more fallout than our human populace could easily endure.
      Next, you downplay EMP damage by suggesting everybody has Faraday cages for all their electronics. Hey, maybe you do. But do all your neighbors and families?
      I have not heard such a Pollyanna response to nuclear devastation since the Reagan years.
      So, anyway...thanks for the laugh!@@lucasquintanilla1673

    • @jobiden2942
      @jobiden2942 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@lucasquintanilla1673Humanity would survive but it would lead to hundreds of minor wars for control over resources and states.

    • @lucasquintanilla1673
      @lucasquintanilla1673 8 месяцев назад

      @@jobiden2942 that definitely would happen in places but I think the government would probably survive well enough that it is highly likely least in the United States that this sort of thing wouldn’t happen over here. That being said, in the third world, and likely in Europe that might happen. In my opinion, it all depends on how well America survives it because if it’s able to get back in shape within a few decades, and maintain enough food supplies in the long run, then there could be something like the Marshall plan to Europe and parts of east Asia within a lifetime.

    • @chicagotimesskateboarding_2149
      @chicagotimesskateboarding_2149 2 месяца назад

      The road scares the f outta me. What’s worse is it was the last book we read in school befote Covid

  • @mridlon1634
    @mridlon1634 Год назад +8

    When the Wind Blows…

  • @jeffreywoods4040
    @jeffreywoods4040 11 месяцев назад +7

    The NYC PSA, like these films from the 1950s, is aimed at people fairly far away from ground zero, and the advice given is based on what we observed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It’s not all bunk.

  • @isaacschmitt4803
    @isaacschmitt4803 Год назад +39

    And that's not even to mention that all electronic devices within a large radius just aren't going to work. So signing up for that app/checking your computer, radio, or phone for updates is going to be about as useful as using a single square of one-ply toilet paper to protect yourself from the blast at ground zero.

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH Год назад

      Here is The Savior
      YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified/Pierced for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
      From the Ancient Egyptian Semitic:
      "Yad He Vav He" is what Moshe (Moses) wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
      Ancient Egyptian Semitic Direct Translation
      Yad - "Behold The Hand"
      He - "Behold the Breath"
      Vav - "Behold The NAIL"

    • @Calvert1212
      @Calvert1212 Год назад +1

      There are ways to shield them though, using lead or faraday

  • @nicholastracy4915
    @nicholastracy4915 Год назад +23

    Potassium Iodide protects your thyroid against radiation, which is one of the most vulnerable body parts. When 911 even happened, the Feds sent my family and everyone else in town, a pack of these, as we lived near a Nuclear plant. Remembering this, I did order some after the Ukraine invasion. I understand that in a real engagement, that that is just one of many factors that can kill me (among others: cannibal looters after 5 weeks of starvation from infrastructure collapse) but it sure doesn't hurt.

    • @shonevans2563
      @shonevans2563 Год назад

      Yeah the looting and rape and God knows what else is a scary part to
      Most people haven't learned from covid to have food put away or iodine tablets, etc . Nowadays we are to focused on the phones and t.v. and believing the government will help when in fact they have family's as well and will be fending for themselves to

  • @limabravo6065
    @limabravo6065 Год назад +21

    One key thing that nobody seems to know is the fact that unlike the bombings of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and just about every scenario depicted, in a nuclear exchange each target location would be struck with multiple warheads. Information on nuclear doctrine from the Soviet Union calls for targets like NYC and DC to be hit with no less that 5 weapons a piece. Each of those weapons would be between 100 and 500 kilotons each, so not even the cockroaches in those cities would survive, and the amount of fallout produced would be spread all over the world. If anyone has seen pictures of people covered in dust after the 9/11 attacks just imagine thousands of times more of that dust but now its radioactive and it’s everywhere. The middle of the country isn’t safe either because that’s where our missile silos are and they are first on the list for target locations. So that psa was ill advised to say the least

    • @AverageHumanityNO.2Enthusiast
      @AverageHumanityNO.2Enthusiast Год назад

      Our basements in the city are jackshit and won’t do anything against this attack, there are windows and such in the basement aswell as in schools, multiple windows in basements and some basements are just too close to ground level, not even that far down, so whatever they say is just getting all 8 million of us killed

    • @ILaunchNukes
      @ILaunchNukes Год назад

      Also MIRVs exist. Nuck
      lear Missiles now can carry as much as 10 warheads per missile.

    • @limabravo6065
      @limabravo6065 Год назад

      @@ILaunchNukes yeah that's what I was talking about. And ICBM's are today limited by international treaty to 10 MRV warheads (Multiple Reentry Vehicles). The earlier generation missiles could carry more warheads with higher fixed yields. But modern missiles will carry dummy MRV's not covered by treaty, to overwhelm anti missile defense systems. Then in addition to ICBM'S, every Bomber and fighter aircraft in our arsenal is rater to carry some kind of nuclear munitions, there are subs off the coasts of adversary nations that carry SLBM missiles the ICBM'S little brother aka(sub launched ballistic missiles), Navy ships can launch nuclear tipped Cruise missiles,. You hear people go on about Tactical nukes like they're something new, when the first one was developed back in the 50's in the Davey Crockett recoilless nuclear rifle, and one Los Alamos engineer was quoted saying as far as size goes we can produce a nuclear hand grenade, but we'd need someone suicidal enough to throw it. And of course there's the relatively new work being done to build hypersonic missiles to carry nuclear weapons that skip the step of going to low earth orbit to release warheads on targets below as current ICBM'S do, but can travel almost as fast as one of those MRV warheads as ot comes down from orbit to hit its target.

    • @ILaunchNukes
      @ILaunchNukes Год назад

      If a MIRV was headed for a city, there's a chance the surrounding towns could be struck by warheads.

    • @limabravo6065
      @limabravo6065 Год назад

      @@ILaunchNukes if the cities were to be attacked it wouldn't be just one warhead. Each city / any target would be hit with multiple weapons, with yields of 100 kilotons minimum. Russian weapons can be dialed from 100 kilotons to 3 megatons and American weapons have an upper we limit of 1.2 megatons. So a city and its surrounding suburbs would be erased. New York for example would be hit with no less than 12 weapons, and even at the low end of 100 kt each you'd want to be at least 25 miles from the outer most limit of that area

  • @spookymulder945
    @spookymulder945 Год назад +5

    Remember they have nukes in various types. Some more weaker than others.
    Also, a Japanese citizen was bombed in Nagasaki, survived, and shortly after went to Hiroshima, was bombed AGAIN and survived with mild radiation burns.
    He lived to be 90.

    • @ColonelBragg
      @ColonelBragg Год назад +1

      I would never count on my luck being that good. There was also still a functional state to retrieve him. The US government wouldn't likely survive a full scale exchange, If it did survive its authority likely wouldn't extend far beyond its directly controlled facilities.

    • @jeffreywoods4040
      @jeffreywoods4040 11 месяцев назад

      Exactly! Obviously, if there’s some kind of full-scale exchange and you live in a major target city, you’re probably pretty screwed, but the advice could save tons of lives in the event of a terrorist act or limited attack.
      One school of thought now involves Western countries being too soft to respond with mutually assured destruction, so the idea of strategic strikes with small weapons to create humanitarian problems and disable infrastructure is back on the table.

  • @CommonRoomProduction
    @CommonRoomProduction Год назад +9

    UK PM hopeful Liz Truss' response to using the country's nuclear weapons as a last resort, "I think it's an important duty of the Prime Minister. I'm ready to do that." "Have we forgotten," indeed!

  • @powerwise234
    @powerwise234 Год назад +5

    Also imagine how many nuclear power plants that would go into meltdown in such a scenario.

    • @joeyj6808
      @joeyj6808 Год назад

      It would make Earth uninhabitable for humans for a very long time.

    • @ColonelBragg
      @ColonelBragg Год назад

      Nuclear power plants aren't targets, Primary targets are military installations followed by strategic targets oil refineries, manufacturing ports and such then finally cities.

    • @powerwise234
      @powerwise234 Год назад

      @@ColonelBragg They'd still be hit, inevitably.

    • @jedcollings3624
      @jedcollings3624 3 месяца назад

      Imagine what, exactly? A giant boiling swimming pool of glowing liquid? Would the nuclear power plants explode on impact, making some sort of double nuclear detonation?
      It doesn't really help you to imagine "oh well, my skin will probably just immediately melt off", these plants have failsafes and conditions that they can endure, do your research if you care that much.

  • @Qrelo
    @Qrelo Год назад +2

    1. Kinetics, the zone that is instantly pulverized by the massive fireball caused by the initial explosion. 2. Fallout, the area around where life will be difficult high radiation levels, plants will die and humans as well. 3. Downwind of the fallout will be a toned down fallout but still deadly. The safety video from NYC would be how to die.

  • @ThomasDohertyJD
    @ThomasDohertyJD Год назад +4

    Good video but elides the fact that NYC would get several bombs from MIRVs with various target points in the city. Each 800-400 kt

  • @TheSmart-CasualGamer
    @TheSmart-CasualGamer Год назад +2

    I mean, there is.
    But it's the International Space Station.

  • @AntoDesormeaux
    @AntoDesormeaux Год назад

    so long and thanks for all the maynard

  • @Legend813a
    @Legend813a Год назад +11

    By this time I'm rollin' for the nukes

    • @Realityisnt
      @Realityisnt Год назад +3

      Meteor. If I or anyone else happens to survive it’s at least just a hard long winter without radiation poisoning.

  • @seafoodmonster3060
    @seafoodmonster3060 Год назад +1

    "Sunburn cream"...!🙄

  • @ReisePiece
    @ReisePiece Год назад +1

    They just put another warning our recently

  • @Realityisnt
    @Realityisnt Год назад +1

    Only 4K views? :(

  • @ColonelBragg
    @ColonelBragg Год назад +2

    You'd be okay if you live in say Brazil, There are no nuclear weapons aimed at South America. Australia would be good too well aside from the hordes of Emu's.

    • @jeffreywoods4040
      @jeffreywoods4040 11 месяцев назад

      You might be surprised, one school of nuclear war theory now suggests that a few small nukes aimed at infrastructure anywhere the West cares about could distract everyone with a huge humanitarian crisis, while MAD wouldn’t start because of the large number of innocent people. Island nation would be one of the best targets because of the logistics chain for help.

  • @ericramos5144
    @ericramos5144 Год назад +3

    "Rember to duck and cover" 🤣 we're done for

  • @josephsheranda
    @josephsheranda Год назад +11

    This PSA is not for the people who die; it's for the people who live. There will be pockets of survivors after a nuclear attack. Even if 90% of Long Island is wiped out, that's still 760,000 survivors. People who got lucky in basements, subway stations, and reinforced buildings will need to know what to do.

    • @faded.177
      @faded.177 Год назад +1

      u are out of ur mind if u think thered be that many survivors let alone ANY for that matter

    • @AverageHumanityNO.2Enthusiast
      @AverageHumanityNO.2Enthusiast Год назад

      @@faded.177 there are numbers of basements that are good for shelter, NYC is the likely target on Long Island here, not any other town or mini city, Long Island is more populated in the west where the city is than the west in the more forested areas

    • @cletusjones9411
      @cletusjones9411 Год назад +4

      God help any survivors. Life won’t be good after an all out nuclear war.

    • @ejharbet6390
      @ejharbet6390 Год назад +7

      @@cletusjones9411 I don't know, vomiting everything you eat and crapping everything you didn't vomit will reduce obesity.
      You don't have to worry about haircuts either. Winning!

    • @ColonelBragg
      @ColonelBragg Год назад

      @@ejharbet6390 Your teeth will eventually start falling out and your skin will begin falling off and finally your lungs will start filling with fluids and that will cause you to drown.

  • @danielferstendig
    @danielferstendig Год назад

    Most of the footage was used for beakmans world flatulence.

  • @PatriciaGarcia-xm1rn
    @PatriciaGarcia-xm1rn Год назад

    Are we going to be in world war 3😮😢😮 I pray and click my heals and say nooooooo the sad unfortunate truth is my 2 daughters two grandsons the humanity, the soil, the land , the sky , the animals, the plants 🪴 the trees , 🌳 the forests, , the oceans 🌊 the lakes 😢😮😢everything on earth 🌎 the earth it self we be severally destroyed and damaged this a huge nightmare on our earth 🌎
    Help comes to mind but where oh where????
    Is the billion dollar question indeed!

    • @jedcollings3624
      @jedcollings3624 3 месяца назад

      It'd be awful, but we've been here before, essentially we would be brought back to something like the Bronze Age collapse or the fall of the Roman Empire, it would be very bad, but maybe one day it could be seen as just an inevitable hurdle we needed for some sort of better world.
      And the earth would recover even if we didn't, the dinosaur killer asteroid basically set the entire world on fire and blacked out the sun, the Permian Extinction poisoned the atmosphere, it would recover eventually.

  • @davidodonovan1699
    @davidodonovan1699 Год назад +3

    Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.

  • @jarrodyuki7081
    @jarrodyuki7081 Год назад

    nukes genetic superweapons and anthrax.

  • @merchernel123
    @merchernel123 8 месяцев назад

    Wth??? That WAS made in the 50s. Where's the modern one? I call bullshit.

  • @grmpEqweer
    @grmpEqweer Год назад


  • @WreinMusic
    @WreinMusic Год назад +4

    Fallout 3

  • @saved777
    @saved777 Год назад +12

    Can't hide from GOD'S judgment, wrath.

    • @lastdayonearth8381
      @lastdayonearth8381 Год назад

      BRING IT.

    • @Praise___YaH
      @Praise___YaH Год назад +1

      HERE is The Savior
      HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH”
      YaH is The Heavenly Father
      YaH arrives via the TENT OF MEETING
      YaH was Who they Crucified for our sins
      - Hebrew Book of Isaiah
      Isaiah 42:8
      "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.
      Isaiah 43:11
      I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me.
      Isaiah 45:5
      I am YaH, and there is none else.

  • @tomryan662
    @tomryan662 Год назад


  • @brianbogholtz9485
    @brianbogholtz9485 Год назад +3

    Less humans is a blessing for all the other species on Earth that are being snuffed out of existence for our consumption of resources.

    • @AntoDesormeaux
      @AntoDesormeaux Год назад

      12 monkeys is a better solution, more selective

    • @bobjohnson6946
      @bobjohnson6946 Год назад +1

      Yeah nothings gonna survive a nuclear winter. There's enough nukes to spread radiation probably 2-3 time around the planet. So those fucking animals will turn to barbecue with us.

    • @considerthewallowing
      @considerthewallowing Год назад +6

      No matter how much of a misanthrope you are, it doesn't justify total nuclear annihilation of the entire race. Better solutions exist, it's our collective ignorance that prevents us from taking those routes. There's potential to overcome that ignorance if only we could all survive long enough.

    • @Realityisnt
      @Realityisnt Год назад +6

      Nuclear winter is fantastic for all other forms of life on the planet. /s

    • @eve_avery
      @eve_avery Год назад

      I bet you're reared commit a mass shooting then*
      *not an encouragement, don't do this

  • @biggusdikkus069
    @biggusdikkus069 Год назад +4

    Is the Vaseline for the wife? Getting into her hard to reach places

  • @johnhasty3411
    @johnhasty3411 Год назад

    Armageddon soon

    • @slime69420
      @slime69420 Год назад

      If you actually read the news you know that’s unlikely