Atlantis Of Russian North/Атлантида Русского Севера. English subtitles.

  • Опубликовано: 3 ноя 2018
  • Credits
    Director - Sofya Gorlenko
    Script - Gleb Kuznetsov
    Production - Sofya Gorlenko for Sirin Cinema
    "Russian North is one of the few places in our country where we can become aware of the origins of our culture and our spiritual development. Today we are witnessing the turning point of the history of this land: the choice between being and sinking into oblivion. Abandoned villages and wooden churches are burning and going under the ground. But a shadow of the free folk culture is a powerful incentive for new generations of people coming from big cities, enthusiasts, believers, those who are ready to breathe new life into this land despite globalization and despite the state politics of urbanization. The state-of-the-art methods of filming and music made it possible to feel the power and the beauty of the Russian North on a big screen for the first time. The filming took place along the rivers Onega, Vaga and Northern Dvina. The Atlantis of the Russian North became a film fully created by people who refused to be indifferent. It enabled the authors of the film to avoid the censorship imposed by producers, to avoid propaganda and subservience to the latest political trends, allowing them to be creative without limits, to weave a unique pattern, to expand the story." - Sofya Gorlenko, director

Комментарии • 318

  • @christophermaulden733
    @christophermaulden733 Год назад +4

    Thank you for this . This is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen 👏 . It made me cry and smile with joy and happiness . What happened in these Northern Russian villages in 1928 and after and the corruption still happening today in Russia mirrors what is happening in much of the United States of America 🇺🇸 today . It's eye opening and sad . The greed and corruption of the elite at the top of the pyramid courtesy of the World Economic Forum , World Government Summit , and the International Monetary Fund , and International Corporations and Banks , especially Vanguard and Blackrock is appalling . The Oligarchical and Monopolistic behavior and Centralization is bringing destruction to the human race and civilization and needs to stop now . Justice and freedom for all . Various forms of enslavement of the human race , some subtle some not , needs to end for the betterment of mankind . These Northern Russian people are very wise . I hope they can persevere and preserve their architecture , their Churches , their villages , and their traditions , their independent way of life , before it is too late to do so . Godspeed to them . Again , thank you for this wonderful documentary . Excellent work .

  • @deborahsimmons2414
    @deborahsimmons2414 5 лет назад +25

    I live in America, in Southern California, watching this was both painful and solemnly heartening to watch.
    For me it is now now 2019, New Year’s Day here in America and I am left feeling, after watching this documentary, JOY, after all.
    Ironically, in a way, the Russian bell ringer man, 60 years old at the time of this filming, has given us something tangible to contemplate. He has future Russian progeny, from the age of 15 down to 1year of age. His story is compelling and adds a depth of understanding familiar, substantive, yet distant from what the modern world understands.
    At once, this would be considered remarkable here in California, America.
    The Russian North, the Russian Atlantis, a myth, a legend to all of us “Earthlings”, becomes a reality in unexpected way. This is where humanity’s aspiration exists, no matter what country or continent you live in. The concept of “ Free man on the land” should have been our birthright! Have we become so manipulated into a society, so entangled within the off-sided design of each of our government constructs that we find it nearly impossible to reconcile the difference between quality of life and “technological advancement”?
    This documentary shows very clearly the choices humanity MUST make. Are we to be enslaved by whatever contrived societal demands of the day require OR are we going to choose REAL freedom? Hopefully humankind is not so far gone as to not see the difference and choose accordingly!
    My highest accolades to the film maker in challenging us to not only see the difference, but to choose a right , going forward!
    I think we are all seeing, the world over, a feeling of a renaissance, if you will. A renaissance for the desire and affirmation that REAL FREEDOM, that is, to be in control of our own lives, depends on what we believe for ourselves alone, and NOT in what our governments tell us to believe. This is humanity’s true power! I can only hope that we can be as honest as that 60 year old man and act accordingly. For God’s sake...for our sake, I feel in the end humanity will!
    Thank you for a beautiful message, God speed everyone.

    • @dmitryvlasov5493
      @dmitryvlasov5493 5 лет назад +5

      Thank you for these wise words.

    • @-xnnybimb-9398
      @-xnnybimb-9398 2 года назад +3

      Thank you for these words ma’am

    • @justbecause4400
      @justbecause4400 2 года назад +2

      Романтизация Русского Севера происходит постоянно, на протяжении уже более ста лет. Начиная с произведений Михаила Пришвина («В краю непуганых птиц», "За волшебным колобком". 1906-1907гг.) и Александра Грина («Таинственный лес» (1913)), заканчивая кинолентами: «Земля́ Са́нникова» 1973, «Территория» 1978, «Остров» (2006), «Левиафан» (2014), «Первые» 2018 и т.д., Есть только одна проблема. Суровейший климат, и невозможность ведения сельскохозяйственной деятельности, животноводства, капитального строительства. Вечная мерзлота. Отсутствие инфраструктуры и её экономически не выгодная постойка, огромные, большую часть года непроходимые территории. Благодаря чему и сохранились чудесные, порой нетронутые человеком места. Лично я против распространения вашей так называемой "свободы" (REAL FREEDOM) на любую территорию РФ.

    • @justbecause4400
      @justbecause4400 2 года назад +3

      "Вскоре после прихода к власти большевиков в октябре 1917 г. государства Антанты (Великобритания, Франция, США и др.) ввели против Советской России (с 1922 г. - СССР) экономическую блокаду, полностью прекратив с ней всякие экономические отношения." Не надо притворства и ложного восхищения - вы и погубили этих людей.

    • @justbecause4400
      @justbecause4400 2 года назад +3

      Вы продолжаете это делать.

  • @stevebeing
    @stevebeing 2 года назад +4

    That last man interviewed is so wise and full of love. This is the way...

  • @overlandserbia3471
    @overlandserbia3471 5 лет назад +21

    Thank you for this! I hope you're showing this new old world while encourage people too live in the nature again. Best wishes from mountain living family from Serbia

  • @al_chimie
    @al_chimie 5 лет назад +78

    It’s amazing to see those landscapes and peoples. It’s my biggest dream to travel and discover this part of Russia. And if it is possible, I would like to help for all churches restoration, if anybody knows any organization there that I could join... it would be great.
    By the way, I’m a French furniture maker and furniture restorer, I do also wood sculpture, gilding and stone engraving, all in traditional way. I’m trying to learn Russian by myself. And I need to share my abilities to help such a projets that I consider as the truth. Because in France, it over, there is nothing more to do to save our culture, it’s the end.
    So again, if somebody has any tips... please contact me.
    Thank you very much

    • @user-ys5uo8qu7v
      @user-ys5uo8qu7v 5 лет назад +11

      Al Ca you can find community of churh restorers by the link,
      Just use google translate, and write them by email. they organize expeditions every summer.

    • @Eridelm
      @Eridelm 4 года назад +7

      I hope things in France not so bad as you saying. Truly believe in a new rise of tradtional culture in all countries with their national specific. Our elders developed all of this for so long just to be forgotten? Don't think so. As a French you can protect your folk culture, become a significant part of it. As are Russian I think I should do everything I must to keep those place alive if our government don't want supsidze this, true peoson whom stayed spirit of tradition and pride for his heritage shall do something to make things change.

    • @vasilyvasin6549
      @vasilyvasin6549 4 года назад +10

      Russia have the same troubles. Like every white country. It flooded by non-whites.
      For liberal multiculty scumbags: you can call me a racist, i don't care.

    • @buteos8632
      @buteos8632 4 года назад +13

      Vasily Vasin it's ok, it's human to love your brethren! the men and women that don't are selfish empty bags of meat pretending to love the world, it's all childish hypocrisy! Bless you my brother, bless Russia, bless France, bless my beloved Portugal and bless our EurAsia, old Arya!!!

    • @minecraftfirefighter
      @minecraftfirefighter 3 года назад +3

      Don't look at the Netherlands if you think France is lost...

  • @KevinTikka
    @KevinTikka Год назад +7

    My grandfather is from that same place as in the movie where the couple with children who moved from st.Petersburg there live, the village community of Lyadinah. There used to be 7 villages in lyadinah, but now there are only 6. My grandfather, Alexandr Mikhailovich Romchin, was born in 1936 in July in the village of Bereg in english it means (coast), which no longer exists. All the houses in the village were disassembled in the 1950s by soviet union and moved in the regions capital town Kargopol, where long two-story town houses were built from the re-used logs. The same village was also called Melentyvskoya, but the inhabitants called it Bereg, because it was the nearest village to the Lekshmo River. I hope someday to visit my grandfather's birthplace. The town of Kargopol is the oldest town in north Russia, founded in the of year 1146.

  • @Bane_questionmark
    @Bane_questionmark 5 лет назад +6

    Beautiful documentary. Rural communities all over the world are dying in this same way and have been for some time, people rushing to the cities from promises of money and happiness. But the soul of a nation truly lives not in the cities but in these communities, if they die the nation will slowly die with them. I will pray for these people in their struggle to preserve themselves and their communities.

  • @Lishchynskyi_Y
    @Lishchynskyi_Y 5 лет назад +102

    Спасибо вам за подобные фильмы. Вы большое дело делаете. Особонно когда старые технологии показываете.

    • @sterhh100
      @sterhh100 4 года назад +1

      А где это? Какая губерния, город район?

    • @nitereve7930
      @nitereve7930 4 года назад +1

      @@sterhh100 Архангельская область . Какой район не известно , но газета вельская, может быть Вельский район . Автор в описании написал, что съёмки проходили между реками Онега, Вага и Северная Двина . Удачи тебе с этой информацией))

  • @lizzia7152
    @lizzia7152 4 года назад +5

    This is the best video ever created. We must go back to the natural way of living. In nature, in peace, content and fulfilled, with no expectations from society.

  • @sunnymoody2424
    @sunnymoody2424 5 лет назад +17

    As a carpenter coming from a small religious town in rural Alabama, I cannot tell you how much this documentary and these people resonate with me. I am nearly brought to tears watching the passion and struggle of these people.
    Thank you for sharing the beauty of their way of life with me. I see the same thing happening to the land where I grew up that is happening to them now. We must preserve the past if we have any hope for a future. And you, Northmen, are helping to do just that.
    Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this. Don't ever stop doing what you do. For the sake of us all. The old ways must not fall prey to the hustle and bustle of the new world.
    I eagerly await what you will show us next.

    • @dmitryvlasov5493
      @dmitryvlasov5493 5 лет назад +1

      The Russian North is going to be poisoned by the Moscow fascist (scientific definition) regime. They have started building a landfill which is going to be the hugest one in Russia and probably in the planet. They are doing it intentionally - these are the lands of the Novgorod Republic.

    • @dmitryvlasov5493
      @dmitryvlasov5493 5 лет назад +1

      Google for Arkhangelsk garbage.

    • @TatarMongolRefugees
      @TatarMongolRefugees 4 года назад

      which past murdering native americans and stealing their lands ?

    • @dorothyallen3614
      @dorothyallen3614 Год назад +1

      @@dmitryvlasov5493 Ohhh how terribly sad, these tyrants have no idea regarding life, if the good life is going to happen, it’s up to me. The kindness and love of the people worldwide must overcome them, we’re the creator’s that God our source and creator sent to do it for a time such as this. Be of courage and fear not, for we are not whom we think we are, awaken your heart over your mind and look within for whom you are, it’s always been there to be found in the time you would need it. And so it is ~

  • @nitereve7930
    @nitereve7930 4 года назад +10

    Как же приятно видеть такое на иностранных каналах , аж сердце радуется )

  • @blueridgeburnouts8265
    @blueridgeburnouts8265 5 лет назад +42

    This is a very powerful, moving documentary.

  • @franekkimono6598
    @franekkimono6598 3 года назад +5

    Beautiful film,greetings from Poland

  • @danthefrst
    @danthefrst 5 лет назад +35

    Damn this was heart wrenching and very beautifl documentary and with unusual amounts of respect for the peaople .
    Great many thanks to Sofya Gorlenko and Gods speed.

    • @edgarchua9112
      @edgarchua9112 3 года назад +1

      People dude, people. i know the feeling of your words, lets take care of our beautifully grammar, spelling and punctuation. i said lets because i do mistakes too. is the only legitimate thing that no one will take away from us, but GOD. blessings from here, to whereby you are.

  • @Itsinthewater747
    @Itsinthewater747 2 года назад +8

    Amazing work ~ We all thank you. He is so correct towards the end - it is in these vast wild places of the world that we should, and are most able to, honor a creator. We must keep them pristine. Hope to visit there one day

  • @raventree7707
    @raventree7707 5 лет назад +109

    Two Northmen videos within 24 hours, what a great weekend!

      @KLIDIMARIA 5 лет назад +2

      @Raven Tree party time !!!

  • @zzz13zzz17
    @zzz13zzz17 5 лет назад +47

    Very strong film. Thank you. Best wishes from Russia. Сильный фильм, спасибо.
    31:25 - best place for kfc

  • @sights2397
    @sights2397 5 лет назад +5

    Brave people living a pure simple life, beautiful !
    May God help these people to preserve their faith and those beautiful wood churches !

  • @d.drakon8707
    @d.drakon8707 4 года назад +6

    Excellent. Loved the folk song. Don't know the name, I call it - Visoko Visoko - Very High Very High. It sets the nostalgic tone. The little girl in red dancing to her father's music at the end, the pure joy on her face...her father's words on Life...Unforgettable.

  • @staryjdido918
    @staryjdido918 4 года назад +6

    Wasn't expecting this. Great movie about life and simplicity !

  • @lukehomestead
    @lukehomestead 5 лет назад +10

    Thank you so much for the subtitles. What a great documentary!

  • @TheMontverdetilly
    @TheMontverdetilly 5 лет назад +20

    Another great video documentary, A great history lesson too. The people were amazing "such a lot of history in those faces' . l'm going to do more research now on those wonderful buildings from the past . Thanks for sharing two great video's in one weekend . Love the channel, keep em coming .

    • @dmitryvlasov5493
      @dmitryvlasov5493 5 лет назад +1

      Google for Arkhangelsk garbage. The Moscow government destroys the Russian North (Novgorod Republic).

  • @tylermegehe
    @tylermegehe 3 года назад +1

    Wonderful documentary. My best wishes for the people and land of North Russia.

  • @peskov74
    @peskov74 5 лет назад +8

    Великолепная работа! Спасибо, друзья!

  • @kipaja2
    @kipaja2 5 лет назад +5

    Great to see new video's, I have been waiting for them !

  • @alhein6135
    @alhein6135 4 года назад +8

    This is a very important documentary and has to be watched in schools. I restore old buildings with my talents given by the creator. I am highly skilled in roofing /timberframing. I moved from Germany to Canada 20 years ago. In the field I work I do not have any competition.

    • @jcivilis533
      @jcivilis533 4 года назад +5

      We really do need more people like you friend. Those old timber framed houses last for so much longer than "durable" concrete or glass, I've seen it for myself. I'm young and in architecture school and all they teach us is how to build the same old boring square buildings using glass, steel, brick, etc but I've always wanted to build with wood. When I go on holiday I often take pictures of old buildings I find in the woods, how they're constructed and what materials were used so that I can use this knowledge later.

  • @everlastingbluesin
    @everlastingbluesin 4 года назад +3

    beautiful production .. beautiful land .. beautiful people

  • @sjr75
    @sjr75 3 года назад +4

    Great documentary. Beautiful people and land.

  • @lizzia7152
    @lizzia7152 4 года назад +3

    This channel is a blessing

  • @growingknowledge
    @growingknowledge 5 лет назад +3

    Life, beauty, love,. Thank you so much for this.

  • @adamdaw7560
    @adamdaw7560 5 лет назад +2

    Super film, thanks so much!

  • @atticuskilby515
    @atticuskilby515 4 года назад +3

    So well done, thank you for sharing.

  • @Thijsvdd
    @Thijsvdd 5 лет назад +5

    Breathtaking shots... Great message also!

  • @user-yu3oj1ds2e
    @user-yu3oj1ds2e 3 года назад +3

    Великолепное видео, судя по надписи прежних работ, подумала, как похоже живут люди, а это оказалось - наши. Спасибо, за красотую

  • @owen261
    @owen261 5 лет назад +5

    I love how the have gusli playing in the background, doesn't get more authentic than that... я люблю старую Россию

    • @user-bi4oq1gr3c
      @user-bi4oq1gr3c 5 лет назад

      тоже понравился момент с гуслями)

  • @AmarHayam
    @AmarHayam 5 лет назад +5

    потрясающе!!! спасибо за такой фильм

  • @ChristCenteredIronworks
    @ChristCenteredIronworks 5 лет назад +5

    Just wow!!!!amazing job!!

  • @KrasMoto
    @KrasMoto 5 лет назад +2

    Отличный фильм! Огромное спасибо за труд

  • @hideandseek731
    @hideandseek731 5 лет назад +3

    Прекрасный фильм! Such a good film, thank you my friend!

  • @dungokunyet
    @dungokunyet 5 лет назад +4

    this is so awesome documentary, thank you

  • @YVNArt
    @YVNArt 5 лет назад +3

    Спасибо) было очень интересно и познавательно. Знакомые места повстречал)

  • @Genesis817
    @Genesis817 5 лет назад +5

    I just found this channel today.
    Thank you for all this enlightening content.

  • @BFjordsman
    @BFjordsman 5 лет назад +4

    awesome content as always from your channel. cheers

  • @boissons999
    @boissons999 5 лет назад +1

    Great documentary. Bravo!

  • @flyifri
    @flyifri 4 года назад

    Thank You Very Much For Sharing.!

  • @aaronward4319
    @aaronward4319 2 года назад +3

    I live in north east Ohio in America.
    Gotta say, real weird seeing all these landscapes and knowing their on the other side of the world.
    Because to me, a lot of these places look just like where I live.

  • @cynthiahofer2903
    @cynthiahofer2903 5 лет назад +8

    What a beautiful film.

  • @loupiscanis9449
    @loupiscanis9449 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you.

  • @BarbaYiannis
    @BarbaYiannis 5 лет назад +1

    Truly astonishing very nice work on !

  • @user-bk4ow9uu6y
    @user-bk4ow9uu6y 4 года назад +1

    Beautiful photography.

  • @sergeifilippov649
    @sergeifilippov649 5 лет назад +30

    Отличный материал !

  • @mr.Dristed
    @mr.Dristed 2 года назад

    awesome video. thank you.

  • @user-kb6ff1zk3y
    @user-kb6ff1zk3y 5 лет назад +1


  • @BummerGun
    @BummerGun 5 лет назад

    Good film! I watched with pleasure.

  • @cenkaetaya
    @cenkaetaya 5 лет назад +1

    This is really great. 10 Stars.

  • @kasparsmalnieks8326
    @kasparsmalnieks8326 5 лет назад +3

    Patiesi, pamācoši un skaisti. Paldies!

  • @nyckolaus
    @nyckolaus 9 месяцев назад

    An amazing film! Inspiring.

  • @dmitya
    @dmitya 5 лет назад


  • @judithpatrick2207
    @judithpatrick2207 5 лет назад

    superb film making!

  • @user-uo7zt4gm7y
    @user-uo7zt4gm7y 5 лет назад

    Vielen Dank!!!!

  • @UrbexArttu
    @UrbexArttu 5 лет назад +1

    Wow just awesome that old logwork👍

  • @Patrick-yl6op
    @Patrick-yl6op 2 года назад +1

    Beautiful place.

  • @user-zx5kw9bd1c
    @user-zx5kw9bd1c 5 лет назад +2

    Спасибо. :-)

  • @fabioferreiragomes
    @fabioferreiragomes 3 года назад +2


  • @Viuga0611
    @Viuga0611 4 года назад

    Спасибо за фильм

  • @Para-bellumInfo
    @Para-bellumInfo 4 года назад +5

    Очень мало просмотров для такого важного видео. Понравилось видео, больше понравилась мысль, которую автор пытается донести всем людям. И не важно в какой ты стране живёшь...

  • @lovebikesmustride
    @lovebikesmustride 5 лет назад +10

    A way of life the world is losing, when it is gone the world will be lost.

    @GUMANKKK 2 года назад

    Крутотень :D спасибо

  • @cameronp8533
    @cameronp8533 5 лет назад +1

    Love it. Now, they need a video about the cooking.

  • @miloskonvalina925
    @miloskonvalina925 5 лет назад +1

    Flott video! :-)

  • @theshwinkie
    @theshwinkie 3 года назад +4

    This is not the type of video I expected of Northmen, but these are beautiful, peaceful, and self-sufficient people like the guild. It is a horrible shame to see how afraid many are to present their culture and speak out. Even at 29:30 her song ends saying she is afraid for having sung it

  • @appleevil001
    @appleevil001 5 лет назад


  • @happydays577
    @happydays577 5 лет назад +3

    Very interesting and informative. Sad history but I love it that there are some that doesn't give up

    • @dmitryvlasov5493
      @dmitryvlasov5493 5 лет назад +1

      The so called Moscow government builds a landfill in the Russian North, the hugest one in Russia. They do it without legal documentation. The nature of the Russian North and the Barentz region will be poisoned dramatically. I guess these actions are intentional. They want only a crowd and not the free people. Google for Arkhangelsk garbage.

  • @IanSlatas
    @IanSlatas 5 лет назад +16

    Staggeringly beautiful film. Thank you for uploading it!
    From where do you derive your sense of self? Are you satisfied with your answer?

  • @SkogKniv
    @SkogKniv 2 года назад

    Amazing film

  • @NicoSmets
    @NicoSmets 5 лет назад +10

    Who are you people making these excellent videos!?

  • @user-ij6fc4fp9t
    @user-ij6fc4fp9t 4 года назад +2

    Красивые кадры.. Золотые кадры

  • @user-jf2uv5ur5h
    @user-jf2uv5ur5h 4 года назад +1

    Ребята круто я с вами

  • @Ed.Morin1991
    @Ed.Morin1991 5 лет назад +7

    Шикарный фильм

  • @igk7398
    @igk7398 8 месяцев назад

    Огромная признательность и благодарность создателям такого замечательного, а главное нужного сейчас, как никогда, фильма🙏 Да прибудет с вами сила духа русского🙏

  •  5 лет назад +1

    God Bless've a lovely family

  • @touchette1234
    @touchette1234 5 лет назад +6

    Good report, tell you that behind each building there is the story of the people who built it, who live there.

  • @katnip6289
    @katnip6289 4 года назад +1

    Down to earth wisdom. 😀

  • @TeamStevers
    @TeamStevers 5 лет назад +2

    Much love from Washington State

  • @Pasoscortos
    @Pasoscortos 4 года назад

    precioso documental

  • @gromkovoinov
    @gromkovoinov 3 года назад +1

    Прекрасный фильм.. нет слов ..

  • @anankedos
    @anankedos 3 года назад +1

    Great documentary!!! (subtitles need some work, but better than most)

  • @theoldtimeywoodworker2488
    @theoldtimeywoodworker2488 5 лет назад

    Very beautiful and interesting documentary. Greetings from Gollandiya. (The Netherlands)

    • @dmitryvlasov5493
      @dmitryvlasov5493 5 лет назад

      Google for Arkhangelsk garbage. This catastrophy made by Moscow will cleanse the Russian North.

  • @dobropohod
    @dobropohod 5 лет назад +4

    Отличная работа. Молодцы что снимаете подобное. Такие фильмы заставляют задуматься о многом. Качество съемки на высоте. На какие камеры снимали?

  • @Onionbaron
    @Onionbaron 3 года назад +3

    Them wooden horses on the shelf... Very interesting to see! Very similar to the Swedish "Dalahäst", maybe the custom to make such horses where spread over a wider area, and maybe they reach back further in time than imagined! Looks a bit hedonistic...

  • @sh.4931
    @sh.4931 4 года назад +4

    Здравствуйте всем! Оказавшись в 2009 г. в Архангельской области ( Вельский и Устьянский р-он) я влюбился всем сердцем в этот край благославенный! Эти дома поморские... лес.. реки.. и там действительно Русский дух! Там Русью пахнет! Это я Вам как детя степей говорю. А эти б..ди что у власти " реши ещё и засрать не без того многострадальный край.

  • @dobropohod
    @dobropohod 5 лет назад +18

    Сделайте название на русском, так думаю больше будет просмотров именно в России. Это немаловажно. Сначала подумал этот фильм не на русском языке.

    • @user-xj5ej2pi9k
      @user-xj5ej2pi9k 5 лет назад

      Оригинал видео, с русским названием -видео.html

  • @StepaJan86
    @StepaJan86 5 лет назад +22

    Обидно до слез!!!

    • @shepa696
      @shepa696 5 лет назад +1

      Сами виноваты когда в 1917 году брат на брата пошёл.

    • @user-pg2xk8ct3d
      @user-pg2xk8ct3d 5 лет назад +2

      @@shepa696 Бог тут не причем. Не лепите горбатого.

    • @shepa696
      @shepa696 5 лет назад +2

      @@user-pg2xk8ct3d ,большевики так же считали.

    • @user-xj5ej2pi9k
      @user-xj5ej2pi9k 5 лет назад

      @Red Beard Как сейчас помнишь, тот отряд?

    • @user-xj5ej2pi9k
      @user-xj5ej2pi9k 5 лет назад

      Stepa Jan , так бывает всегда, когда личная выгода во главе угла, в ущерб общественным интересам. Таков капитализм.

  • @WittySternRajV-no4wt
    @WittySternRajV-no4wt 3 месяца назад

    Masterpiece Art work video captured with Too much PATIENCE and thus the Director must be Appreciated with Rewards.

  • @user-zb8pe9sn4m
    @user-zb8pe9sn4m 4 года назад +3

    Очень грустно. Храни господь эту землю и людей ее.

    • @user-jf9rn3vh6v
      @user-jf9rn3vh6v 2 года назад

      Бог всю нашу маленькую планету хранит, и не даст ее сгубить.
      А также, все люди Ему дороги.
      "... Бог не лицеприятен, но во всяком народе боящийся Его и поступающий по правде приятен Ему" (Библия, Деяния Апостолов, глава 10, стихи 24, 25).
      Хорошо, когда вера в Бога имеет твердое основание - истину, содержащуюся в слове Бога, в Библии.

  • @LostParadiseFarEastPrimorye
    @LostParadiseFarEastPrimorye 3 года назад

    wow ...

  • @rogerbatsvik7227
    @rogerbatsvik7227 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you for youre moving testemony about the Russian peoples sole.
    Bog blagaslavit vas.
    By the way who is that singer on the last song in the movie?
    Gretings from Norway.

    • @user-bi4oq1gr3c
      @user-bi4oq1gr3c 5 лет назад

      unfortunately i do not know who the singer is.. just want to send greetings from Russia to Norway too=)

    • @holymotors8705
      @holymotors8705 3 года назадвидео.html
      Boris Grebenshchikov & Aquarium

  • @liveinrussia284
    @liveinrussia284 5 лет назад


  • @v4dim83
    @v4dim83 5 лет назад


  • @raebrooks5317
    @raebrooks5317 5 лет назад
