+RO patriot and you never should. The past is what shows how and what you are as a nation. Never let multiculturalism and capitalism change who and what you are. Be proud of being a romanian. Be proud on your heritage, on your culture and on your traditions. Never throw them away. Greetings from Germany.
Those polenta balls reminds me of bombas de papa here in Argentina too, basically the same thing but with smashed potatoes, surely Audrey remember how good are those
next time you can try "ciorba de burta"and "fasole cu ciolan afumat "and make sure you have plenty of muraturi!!! which are sour veggies ,that will bring the food to an extra level!!! and ""mici too !!! as desert i would give a shot to "amandina" if i was you . !!
you definetly know your stuff. I had to use google to translate to english or german and to first know what it is, and then I searched in romanian language for the mentioned recipes. Looks totaly awesome, and the "fasole" stuff looks like something Bud Specer and Terence Hill would totaly dig, and so am I. At some point I want to visit Romania, at least Timisoara.
as a romanian person, i had to experience our cuisine ,and if you are a meat eater ,then all the food prepared with pork meat is going to be really yummy !! and a great variety of soups , and ciorbe (that will be a sour version of the soup ) , and a great variety of soups , and ciorbe (that will be a sour version of the soup ) , and the sour veggies, leaving apart the really yummy taste , but are also really healthy to eat ,as are probiotics!! of course if they are vinegar free .
1:10 my god.....neeed. Give. Wanna have. The only romanian foods I know of, is mici and langos (with cheese) (even though I think langos is from hungary)
Nomadic Samuel - Travel Channel You should try to go to Maramures :) probably is the best place to eat traditional Romanian food and is cheap as well . Lots of places in Romanian that you can eat Romanian food . All the best!
When I was a kid, we used to make the balls of polenta with cheese on the spot, taking chunks from the round polenta, and we called them "little bears". For some reason it was seen as kids food, and I haven't had that in years - the adults just "dip" the polenta in crumbles of cheese.
You didn't have any soups in the video - there are a few that are quite popular and quite good. I think the most unusual one is ''ciorba de burta'', from cow's stomach (i'm originally from Republic of Moldova, and in that region we don't have it, it was quite surprinsing to me). Also, there are lots of interesting food made when a pig is sacrified - like ''caltabosh'', ''pomana porcului''. One last thing : go to Slatina, to visit ''Atletul Albanez'', and have some ''braga'' - it's a delightful fermented drink, very sweet and tasty. By the way, most of the food i mentioned is a bit smelly and weird - so you either love it and can't get enough of it, or you hate it and never touch it again in your life.
Hi! I love your videos! Do you have a video out that details how to afford consistently traveling? What to save, how to budget, etc? I saw one that was country specific, but do you have one that is kind of a blanket video for traveling in general? I've been all over the US (where I'm from), Canada, Mexico, and I lived in Brazil as an International Volunteer. Thanks for the great videos!
Polenta balls sounds good. I almost thought they were German potato dumplings for a sec. My neighbors are Romanian and I wanted to look into the kinds of food they eat. They've been eating American food since they've been in America so now I know what to ask her to make for me.
I'm sorry you didn't have the chance to try a ciorba (a special kind of soup). This is a sort of paleo meal with no or very little meat and a lot of vegetables, slightly acidified with fermented wheat. Very tasty and very healthy! And grilled eggplant salad. If you're ever traveling in southern Germany, I'll cook it for you if you want to come by.
I want at some time to see how romanians are spending new year. I heard it would be specialy nice in Timisoara, somewehere in western Romania. I've seen pictures about a huge park with flowers, before an orthodox cathedral. Looked really awesome.
Sarmale ,( warped saourcraut leaves stuffed with meat) mici , fasole cu ciolan afumat / Beans with smoked hogs. Corona de burta( hmmm Americans never eat organs of the cow or pork an equivalent of Mexican menudo done white like the ALa GREC soup ) Limba cu masline ( cow tongue with olives) Pastrana de oaie ( sheep’s pastrami) with mamaliga
Just a small observation: La placinte is a Moldovan restaurant; it has Romanian dishes, but some are typically Moldovan. By Moldovan, you should understand coming from Moldova, the eastern neighbouring country of Romania. There is also a region in the eastern part of Romania called Moldavia (also Moldova in Romanian) and this is a historical part of the country. It can be confusing to foreigners, especially because Moldovans and Romanians speak the same language, it's just that Moldovans are still under a sort of Russian influence (most speak Russian) whereas Romanians are not. Anyway, La Plăcinte is Moldovan, from the country Moldova, so not all the dishes are Romanian. :)
That is no "Polenta", we have "Mamaliga", it is different of Polenta, and it is made different in the regions of Romania. A Maramures one will never have the same taste with the one made in Oltenia.
Nomadic Samuel - Travel Channel the one made in oltenia is called malai, and it's baked not boiled, so many of these guys don't know what the fuck they're talking about. My father is from Oltenia and my mother from Moldova, I have info if you ever need it. Wish you the best
Romania's traditional food sees touches of Turkish, Hungarian, Austrian, and other cuisines, but over the years, these dishes have become just as traditional as the oldest Romanian traditional foods
I really enjoyed your video. Thank you! Romania is on my bucket list! :) I cook Romanian food. I am Italian but I enjoy their food and have many Romanian friends . :)
Hi guys. I am Romanian. The food you eat is nothing what we the locals or living abroad would call as “traditional”. Sure thing the Transilvanian cook took inspiration from several traditional dishes such as “bulz”/ the polenta balls stuffed with cheese a shepherds’ Classic with a lot of changes perhaps learned in his/ her time Of working in West Europe ( typical situation in our days). all other mix and matches with abundant meat mixed with melting / kind of mozzarella like/ cheese, really we don’t have it within our traditional cheeses/ are made for tourists menus to sale good but not having one iota of anything Romanian. Sorry to disappoint many. One more major observation. The lady calls Romanian food not for vegans. Again nothing more outside of truth. By religion the Romanians are mostly Eastern Orthodox. This religion requires about 5 months of the year to observe a very rigid restriction to any food of animal origin, a period call lent. Therefore Romanian gastronomy is very rich in vagan dishes:zucchini, grape leaves ,or tomatoes or bel peppers stuffed with rice and mushrooms are delicious! I can’t count of how many salads, “tocanitza” de cartofi , egg plant (roasted on fire) salad and many more. BTW what you call “ pancake” the desert rich in chocolate with rum sirope and whipped cream on top it’s a very poor American translation of “papanashi “ / it is more of a funnel cake soaked abundantly with a rum sirope. One more observation. Transilvania/ Brasov where you have been eating is a geographic area where Hungarian and German influences are typically found in all the food. Try some other cities next time south of Carpatian mountains. And do go to small family owned restaurants: that’s where you really find the true “ca la mama acasa/ like in my mother’s kitchen/“ food. Pofta Buna! Bonne apetit!
Hey,guys i m romanian,this food it s not the best romanian dishes that you can find at all,soo many other options,this is very boring,you should go with a local next time,the only thing it was traditional and truly delicious was placinta and it s never with mozzarella btw
I know. It's made with "brinza" or "branza". I think that's how it is called. It tastes salty, and is not much unlike the greek feta cheese. I have here in Germany a shop whom specializes on some romanian foodstuffs (Siebenbürgen called, I belive it translates to Transylvania). I often buy stuff from them I like. Like "brinza de burduf", or "cascaval" and some pastry with cheese and caraway seed, I forgot how they are called. And also green, pickled tomatoes. And "baton de ciocalata" Sometimes "mici" too. I like so much the romanian food (almost as much as italian and japanese food), I would probably marry a romanian girl, should I get the chance. :)
@@NomadicSamuelTravelChannel The ancient Romans made polenta from ground, boiled chestnuts. Corn was unknown outside the Americas (as were tomatoes, potatoes, cocoa, tobacco, pineapple, cocaine, peanuts, chili peppers, avocados, many bean types, papaya, etc) and was introduced to Europeans during the post-Columbian era. At some period after the introduction of corn in Italy the Italians eventually stopped making polenta from boiled, ground chestnuts and started making it from corn. Grits was originally developed by the Muskogee Indians who lived in all of Alabama, southern Tennessee, western Georgia, and the Florida panhandle. Shrimp and polenta? Nah, it's shrimp and grits..!! *:-)* I once heard some clown on TV say the food culture in the US started in SF and NYC during the early 1980s. My jaw hit the floor. The food culture in the US started in the deep south during the early 1700s in places like New Orleans, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile and places in between.
you did not give us the proper name of this food, i usually like to learn their names then i try to find the recipe and do it myself. thats what i do with Mark Weins travels.
@@3wL7 polenta din italia nu are nici 10 la suta gustul mămăliguței noastre este adevărat ca polenta înseamnă mămăligă dar sincer am stat 7 ani în italia și mămăliga lor 0 barat
Dar care-i deosebirea? Ei cum o fac? Din cate am vazut eu, ei pun unt si ce mai pun ei acolo, in timp ce fierbe. Noi, de regula, o facem simpla si adaugam untul si restul dupa ce e gata.
Pur și simplu arata ca un piure ...nu știu de ce nu are gustul mămăliguței noastre. ..Deci nici 10 la suta... O face apa chioara și o lasă să de răcească ca sa înțelegi sa se închege apa aia cu malaiul care la ei este prea fin ... ...
La ei se găsește la supermarket și aia este polenta lor exact cum ti am spus mai sus ca o face ..Pe italienii pe care îi vezi ca face pe youtube mămăliga c la fel ca nou a preluat rețeta și știe ce malai sa ia ...nu ia malai de la eurospin😂
"We'll just start with the polenta because that is very Romanian" :) - Made out of corn, discovered by Colombus in America, a 7000 old plant from Mexico. Definitely not Romanian.
Really? In Bihor region, my grandma did mămăliga (polenta) from "derțe" a kind of semolina made of wheat! In other cultures (romans, thracians, koreans) they made a mush from barley, oat or millet(mei) ! From that mush to mămăligă (polenta) is just a small step!
Bro of course Romania is a cheap country our Lei is so fucking low compared to euro or uk pounds that literally everyone outside is coming to Romania to buy stuffs like cars electronics and so on cuz they are freaking cheap!
hahahaha...hai ca exagerezi..nimeni nu vine in Romania sa cumpere masini sau electronice...sunt mai ieftine afara..Locuiesc in Anglia de 8 ani si stiu ce vb..de la mancare pana la electronice este mai ieftin aici...
Actually it's still Romanian food since they are still Romanians even if from a different region.... it;s like you're saying you hate your brothers and sisters and don't respect them as you're respecting yourself.....
No, "La Placinte " it is a restaurant from Republic Moldova (not Romania), yes we have the region moldova in Romania too, but it is not the same thing. So Republic Moldova it is a different country and they speak Romanian and Russian language.
This is not romanian food,is Republic of Moldova food.Is not the same!!!Eat in other place,not only La Placinte!!!!!La Placinte is an moldavian food chain working in Romania,is not an romanian genuine food restaurant!!!
Eduard's Vlog dar unde ai trăit, romanule, dacă nu ai mâncat așa ceva în România pana acum. Mama ta sau bunica nu ti-au făcut niciodată plăcintă cu brânză sau mamaliga ? 😑
Imi pare rau.. singura mancare de acolo care e cu adevarat romaneasca e mamaliga.. in rest tot ce e acolo e imprumutat.. placinta cu branza nu e romaneasca
Babenco junior U forget that half of old moldavia it's a part of romania. So if u go in city s like Suceava, or Iaşi u can say that u eat moldavian food. So cut off the lies!
Everything just right here,but....there is a but...it's not "polenta",it's mamaliga...that's the word.Please respect the language. Love and Peace!!! Grettings from Romania
Nomadic Samuel - Travel Channel just ignore people like this, yes we call it mămăligă but you find it as polenta in tourist places, no harm done here, no disrespect
I love Rumanian Food and language as a Latina I enjoyed the and respect the culture.. love some polenta or mama liga
Cool to hear Ana!
i fell like Romania is one of the most traditional places on earth
Asriel Dreemurr yes it is mate :)
Asriel Dreemurr and no just in food,we dont hide the past
Asriel Dreemurr awwww
+RO patriot and you never should. The past is what shows how and what you are as a nation. Never let multiculturalism and capitalism change who and what you are. Be proud of being a romanian. Be proud on your heritage, on your culture and on your traditions. Never throw them away. Greetings from Germany.
I am in Canada now and Thank you for bring me so nice memory about my native land.. I hope you had a wonderful time in Romania.
Thank you very much! We loved trying Romanian food.
TFS! Great video. I want to try Romanian cuisine now.
THanks Steph! Hope you can soon.
I’m from Romania and I’m happy so see your reaction 👍I leave a like
Thank you! We had some great food while visiting Las Vegas :)
Hi Bianca!!! hahahahha
Bianca M 👍 Bravo compatrioata mea
your both are truly amazing and beautiful ! keep with more about you good suff about Romania ! Love you and peace !
Thank you very much! We loved visiting.
mouth watering food!
We loved the food in Romania :)
The closeup of the pancake looks so incredible! Literally drooling here guys. Mental note - Don't watch your videos until AFTER dinner :-)
Ah, thank you! LOL, good advice ;)
I am hungry...I will prepare this.🤗
That is great to hear!
Food looks great, I love polenta, my mother cook's it in an an Italian tomatoes based sauce. So good
Thank you! Oh, that must be delicious. How often do you eat that?
NomadicSamuel I don't eat it much but my mother makes it at least once a year
Those polenta balls reminds me of bombas de papa here in Argentina too, basically the same thing but with smashed potatoes, surely Audrey remember how good are those
one a year :)) we eat this very often i mean in the past peasents ate mamaliga daily
Polenta ? Ha ha ! This word is so annoying ! In romanian is called " mamaliga " ! And it is corn mush boiled in hot water till is thick !
great job guys Xx thank you!
Thank you!
Your channel is excellent. I hope RUclips or a big external site features it someday. Friendly, down-to-earth & fun. Thank you!
Ah, thank you very much!
Thanks for the video it's helping me because next year I am going to Romania
Thank you! Hope you have a great time :)
Yes, no doubt I will but I have to request not heavy meats..........smiles
I miss you so much guys! Next time I would like to meet you here! 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks Costi! Hope to visit again someday.
My only bucketlist
next time you can try "ciorba de burta"and "fasole cu ciolan afumat "and make sure you have plenty of muraturi!!! which are sour veggies ,that will bring the food to an extra level!!! and ""mici too !!! as desert i would give a shot to "amandina" if i was you . !!
Thank you for the suggestions! I hope we can try them soon :)
you definetly know your stuff. I had to use google to translate to english or german and to first know what it is, and then I searched in romanian language for the mentioned recipes. Looks totaly awesome, and the "fasole" stuff looks like something Bud Specer and Terence Hill would totaly dig, and so am I. At some point I want to visit Romania, at least Timisoara.
as a romanian person, i had to experience our cuisine ,and if you are a meat eater ,then all the food prepared with pork meat is going to be really yummy !! and a great variety of soups , and ciorbe (that will be a sour version of the soup ) , and a great variety of soups , and ciorbe (that will be a sour version of the soup ) , and the sour veggies, leaving apart the really yummy taste , but are also really healthy to eat ,as are probiotics!! of course if they are vinegar free .
Terrible stuff tbh! 😢
10:31, are the romanians trying to poisoning your desert? 😂 Great video. 👍
@@NomadicSamuelTravelChannel your girlfriend was choking. Had to be a joke.
hello from romania
Thanks! Romania is cool.
NomadicSamuel yes man.romania is cool
Nica Alex ai eu sunt din Romania
Nica Alex tot din România si eu 😊
1:10 my god.....neeed. Give. Wanna have.
The only romanian foods I know of, is mici and langos (with cheese) (even though I think langos is from hungary)
Wish we could share.
so nice the work you are doing. we are waiting you to come again in romania xD
Thank you very much! Any recommendations of where to go the next time we visit Romania?
Nomadic Samuel - Travel Channel You should try to go to Maramures :) probably is the best place to eat traditional Romanian food and is cheap as well . Lots of places in Romanian that you can eat Romanian food . All the best!
Glad you enjoyed it !
Thanks! We sure did.
Here, at Brazil, we eat polenta as well.
Cool to hear! Brazilian food is tasty :)
Nice !👍😊
I am a romanian and the food its delicious :)
Totally agree with you!
Here you fing and vegetarian food! Zacusca,salata de vinete,salata de boeuf,etc.
Thanks for letting us know.
Thanks Bella! Great suggestion!
When I was a kid, we used to make the balls of polenta with cheese on the spot, taking chunks from the round polenta, and we called them "little bears". For some reason it was seen as kids food, and I haven't had that in years - the adults just "dip" the polenta in crumbles of cheese.
That is really cool to hear Dumitru!
You didn't have any soups in the video - there are a few that are quite popular and quite good. I think the most unusual one is ''ciorba de burta'', from cow's stomach (i'm originally from Republic of Moldova, and in that region we don't have it, it was quite surprinsing to me). Also, there are lots of interesting food made when a pig is sacrified - like ''caltabosh'', ''pomana porcului''. One last thing : go to Slatina, to visit ''Atletul Albanez'', and have some ''braga'' - it's a delightful fermented drink, very sweet and tasty. By the way, most of the food i mentioned is a bit smelly and weird - so you either love it and can't get enough of it, or you hate it and never touch it again in your life.
Foarte frumos
Hi! I love your videos! Do you have a video out that details how to afford consistently traveling? What to save, how to budget, etc? I saw one that was country specific, but do you have one that is kind of a blanket video for traveling in general? I've been all over the US (where I'm from), Canada, Mexico, and I lived in Brazil as an International Volunteer. Thanks for the great videos!
Next time you should try also "papanasi" as a dessert.
Thanks for the great tip!
I'm from România 🇷🇴
Many thanck's guys for yur re material posted for my beautiful country 👍
Thank you! We sure had a good time.
Love it 😘😍😋
Thank you 😋
next time when you go to romania, look for "papansi" as desert
Thanks for the recommendation.
You need lots of garlic in Romania - Dracula, lol.
Dracula doesn't exist, is a myth.
Adrian CC mulțumim ca ne-ai luminat. Cu toții credeam cu adevărat ca el chiar exista ! 😑
Iesi drac .
Polenta balls sounds good. I almost thought they were German potato dumplings for a sec. My neighbors are Romanian and I wanted to look into the kinds of food they eat. They've been eating American food since they've been in America so now I know what to ask her to make for me.
They are really tasty!
Great video, ignore haters.
Thank you.
I'm sorry you didn't have the chance to try a ciorba (a special kind of soup). This is a sort of paleo meal with no or very little meat and a lot of vegetables, slightly acidified with fermented wheat. Very tasty and very healthy! And grilled eggplant salad.
If you're ever traveling in southern Germany, I'll cook it for you if you want to come by.
Sounds delicious!
You MUST visit more often! Hope you enjoyed your trip here!
Salut sa stiti ca in romania se mănîncă foarte bine. Succes
Ah, thank you!
Muzica pe fundal ma omorât :) :) :)
I need the recipe for the Maldivian stuffed pancake!
What 's the names of those dishs pleasse 💖💖💖
"This is the first time I get to try the ball here. It's really good, I like the cheese inside." That's what he said. What! ;-P
Bahahaha...that is one of better lines ;) We need to start saving these from you. Maybe that can be our 1st book.
Did you guys spent the New Year in Romania?
We visited in the fall :)
I want at some time to see how romanians are spending new year. I heard it would be specialy nice in Timisoara, somewehere in western Romania. I've seen pictures about a huge park with flowers, before an orthodox cathedral. Looked really awesome.
Freyja Njordsdottir I live in Timișoara România , and is really beutiful ! You need to try SARMALE !!!! This is the best food EVER!!!!!!!!!!
țuica di pruni Şâ mămăliga
some of the food on here i've never heard of, like the food at the beg., but maybe it's more trad. in the eastern part of Romania
Oh, that is interesting. What is the most traditional food in your opinion?
Sarmale ,( warped saourcraut leaves stuffed with meat) mici , fasole cu ciolan afumat / Beans with smoked hogs. Corona de burta( hmmm Americans never eat organs of the cow or pork an equivalent of Mexican menudo done white like the ALa GREC soup ) Limba cu masline ( cow tongue with olives) Pastrana de oaie ( sheep’s pastrami) with mamaliga
Just one mention :).the first one is actually a pie,not a pancake
Thanks for letting us know.
Just a small observation: La placinte is a Moldovan restaurant; it has Romanian dishes, but some are typically Moldovan. By Moldovan, you should understand coming from Moldova, the eastern neighbouring country of Romania. There is also a region in the eastern part of Romania called Moldavia (also Moldova in Romanian) and this is a historical part of the country. It can be confusing to foreigners, especially because Moldovans and Romanians speak the same language, it's just that Moldovans are still under a sort of Russian influence (most speak Russian) whereas Romanians are not.
Anyway, La Plăcinte is Moldovan, from the country Moldova, so not all the dishes are Romanian. :)
Thank you for the correction!
nice teast
HI U FORGOT KOZONAK a dessert !!!!!! ❤❤❤
Oh, sounds good!
Yummy 😋😋😋
Thank you! :)
Try to eat polenta with meat,etc.
Thanks for the tip!
La placinte is a Moldavian Republic joint!
Our mistake. What is a good national alternative?
You ate twice pretty much same thing. Try "fasole cu ciolan" for example.
Thanks for letting us know.
That is no "Polenta", we have "Mamaliga", it is different of Polenta, and it is made different in the regions of Romania. A Maramures one will never have the same taste with the one made in Oltenia.
Oh, thanks for letting us know.
Nomadic Samuel - Travel Channel the one made in oltenia is called malai, and it's baked not boiled, so many of these guys don't know what the fuck they're talking about. My father is from Oltenia and my mother from Moldova, I have info if you ever need it. Wish you the best
I'm from Oltenia and we boil the corn flower. "Malai" is a different dish.
Nu se numeste polenta....Este mamaliga in lb romana. .polenta este in lb italiana
Romania's traditional food sees touches of Turkish, Hungarian, Austrian, and other cuisines, but over the years, these dishes have become just as traditional as the oldest Romanian traditional foods
baga un mititel si o sarma! 😂😂
Mc Pe lol
Anybody there?
We are!
3:14 A garlic a day keeps vampires away.
u guys look Romanian
I really enjoyed your video. Thank you! Romania is on my bucket list! :) I cook Romanian food. I am Italian but I enjoy their food and have many Romanian friends . :)
Hi guys. I am Romanian. The food you eat is nothing what we the locals or living abroad would call as “traditional”. Sure thing the Transilvanian cook took inspiration from several traditional dishes such as “bulz”/ the polenta balls stuffed with cheese a shepherds’ Classic with a lot of changes perhaps learned in his/ her time
Of working in West Europe ( typical situation in our days). all other mix and matches with abundant meat mixed with melting / kind of mozzarella like/ cheese, really we don’t have it within our traditional cheeses/ are made for tourists menus to sale good but not having one iota of anything Romanian. Sorry to disappoint many.
One more major observation. The lady calls Romanian food not for vegans. Again nothing more outside of truth. By religion the Romanians are mostly Eastern Orthodox. This religion requires about 5 months of the year to observe a very rigid restriction to any food of animal origin, a period call lent. Therefore Romanian gastronomy is very rich in vagan dishes:zucchini, grape leaves ,or tomatoes or bel peppers stuffed with rice and mushrooms are delicious! I can’t count of how many salads, “tocanitza” de cartofi , egg plant (roasted on fire) salad and many more.
BTW what you call “ pancake” the desert rich in chocolate with rum sirope and whipped cream on top it’s a very poor American translation of “papanashi “ / it is more of a funnel cake soaked abundantly with a rum sirope.
One more observation. Transilvania/ Brasov where you have been eating is a geographic area where Hungarian and German influences are typically found in all the food. Try some other cities next time south of Carpatian mountains. And do go to small family owned restaurants: that’s where you really find the true “ca la mama acasa/ like in my mother’s kitchen/“ food. Pofta Buna! Bonne apetit!
Thanks for letting us know. Hoping we can try more authentic things next time.
Do they have vegetables? Looks all with meat.........oh my!
Yes, you can order different salads and grilled veggies but it is a meat heavy cuisine.
I think that chocolate cake is homemade chocolate and you're not supposed to dig in with a spoon but to bite it
Thanks for letting us know.
Wow! 3 meals only cost total for $ 18.00 US dollar?? That's cheap compare to where I live...........
It is great value for many travelers.
I wan that chocolate cake
Wish we could share.
Hey,guys i m romanian,this food it s not the best romanian dishes that you can find at all,soo many other options,this is very boring,you should go with a local next time,the only thing it was traditional and truly delicious was placinta and it s never with mozzarella btw
Thanks! What would you recommend are must try dishes?
I know. It's made with "brinza" or "branza". I think that's how it is called. It tastes salty, and is not much unlike the greek feta cheese. I have here in Germany a shop whom specializes on some romanian foodstuffs (Siebenbürgen called, I belive it translates to Transylvania). I often buy stuff from them I like. Like "brinza de burduf", or "cascaval" and some pastry with cheese and caraway seed, I forgot how they are called. And also green, pickled tomatoes. And "baton de ciocalata" Sometimes "mici" too. I like so much the romanian food (almost as much as italian and japanese food), I would probably marry a romanian girl, should I get the chance. :)
elena zaharia l already left a similar note as yours. 100%agree.
Romania is known for good food.
And for good reason. The food is wonderful :) We'd love to come back.
It's unhealthy, impossibl not to get fat bro!
Ioi da ce foame îmi e acumn😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
I was affraid of them to ask for ketchup to pour on the polenta; it would had been a sinn!!! Yet, Drácula had done it...lol...
Polenta is made from ground chestnuts. That is grits...! Grits.....!
@@NomadicSamuelTravelChannel The ancient Romans made polenta from ground, boiled chestnuts. Corn was unknown outside the Americas (as were tomatoes, potatoes, cocoa, tobacco, pineapple, cocaine, peanuts, chili peppers, avocados, many bean types, papaya, etc) and was introduced to Europeans during the post-Columbian era. At some period after the introduction of corn in Italy the Italians eventually stopped making polenta from boiled, ground chestnuts and started making it from corn. Grits was originally developed by the Muskogee Indians who lived in all of Alabama, southern Tennessee, western Georgia, and the Florida panhandle. Shrimp and polenta? Nah, it's shrimp and grits..!! *:-)* I once heard some clown on TV say the food culture in the US started in SF and NYC during the early 1980s. My jaw hit the floor. The food culture in the US started in the deep south during the early 1700s in places like New Orleans, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile and places in between.
Like 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Thank goodness my girlfriend is romanian 😂😂😂.
Cool to hear.
I like Polenta no problem with that but the meats......looks too much
Quite heavy meals sometimes.
Yes looks like it very heavy to me.......especially I am not in to meat even I am not a vegetarian either
Good rule of thumb for camping in Transilvania: Don’t mind the 🧛. Watch out for the 🐻.
Yeah, Australia ain't got shit on us :)))))
Vreau mamaliga
Mancarea romaneasca este cea mai delicioasa ! facebook.com/Ruxandra59/media_set?set=a.10150348791129264.361565.680249263&type=3
Romanians eat a lot of cheese.
Yes, they sure do! And meat too.
I'm from Romania
sunt din romania
And we don't give a fuck:)
oh yes you do since you opened a video about romanian cuisine.
Gaby Grosescu hy I need some information about Romania if you send your contact
Wtf 20 $ holy fack very expensive with $ 20 you can eat a week in romania
Ah, I guess it was pricey. Where is a good place you'd recommend that is much cheaper?
you did not give us the proper name of this food, i usually like to learn their names then i try to find the recipe and do it myself. thats what i do with Mark Weins travels.
Sorry about that.
Lol i am vegetarian and romanian and we have plenty of vegetarian dishes you guys just picked the meaty ones
Good to know. What should somebody try?
come to russia, it's very cheap now
but better not moscow
We'd love to! We've never been to Russia but have wanted to visit now for a long time :)
why not moscow?
That is Mămăligă not polenta ...polenta is a Italian food. ..
Thanks for the video in my mouth is raining. ...😂😊
E aceeasi mancare. Numele difera. E cunoscuta in strainatate sub denumirea italiana.
@@3wL7 polenta din italia nu are nici 10 la suta gustul mămăliguței noastre este adevărat ca polenta înseamnă mămăligă dar sincer am stat 7 ani în italia și mămăliga lor 0 barat
Dar care-i deosebirea? Ei cum o fac? Din cate am vazut eu, ei pun unt si ce mai pun ei acolo, in timp ce fierbe. Noi, de regula, o facem simpla si adaugam untul si restul dupa ce e gata.
Pur și simplu arata ca un piure ...nu știu de ce nu are gustul mămăliguței noastre. ..Deci nici 10 la suta... O face apa chioara și o lasă să de răcească ca sa înțelegi sa se închege apa aia cu malaiul care la ei este prea fin ... ...
La ei se găsește la supermarket și aia este polenta lor exact cum ti am spus mai sus ca o face ..Pe italienii pe care îi vezi ca face pe youtube mămăliga c la fel ca nou a preluat rețeta și știe ce malai sa ia ...nu ia malai de la eurospin😂
The transcript looks like it's from a pornography
"We'll just start with the polenta because that is very Romanian" :) - Made out of corn, discovered by Colombus in America, a 7000 old plant from Mexico. Definitely not Romanian.
Thanks for sharing that.
Really? In Bihor region, my grandma did mămăliga (polenta) from "derțe" a kind of semolina made of wheat! In other cultures (romans, thracians, koreans) they made a mush from barley, oat or millet(mei) ! From that mush to mămăligă (polenta) is just a small step!
Bro of course Romania is a cheap country our Lei is so fucking low compared to euro or uk pounds that literally everyone outside is coming to Romania to buy stuffs like cars electronics and so on cuz they are freaking cheap!
hahahaha...hai ca exagerezi..nimeni nu vine in Romania sa cumpere masini sau electronice...sunt mai ieftine afara..Locuiesc in Anglia de 8 ani si stiu ce vb..de la mancare pana la electronice este mai ieftin aici...
It offers great value for travelers as well.
At " La Placinte" it is Moldavian food not Romanian food.
Oh, our mistake.
Actually it's still Romanian food since they are still Romanians even if from a different region.... it;s like you're saying you hate your brothers and sisters and don't respect them as you're respecting yourself.....
And Moldovia is speaking what language?
And they were part of which country?
Still Romania.
No, "La Placinte " it is a restaurant from Republic Moldova (not Romania), yes we have the region moldova in Romania too, but it is not the same thing. So Republic Moldova it is a different country and they speak Romanian and Russian language.
This is not romanian food,is Republic of Moldova food.Is not the same!!!Eat in other place,not only La Placinte!!!!!La Placinte is an moldavian food chain working in Romania,is not an romanian genuine food restaurant!!!
We are the same people and have the same food. Stop the propaganda!
Moldavian (Soviet) Republic is nor Romania!!!
E tot pamant romanesc. Suntem acelasi neam, avem aceeasi cultura si aceleasi mancaruri.
Moldavian Republic was separated from Romania, some time ago (after the WW2). Of course that Moldavians are Romanians.
That isn't Romanian food... I'm Romanian and I know.
Oh, what would you suggest?
Eduard's Vlog dar unde ai trăit, romanule, dacă nu ai mâncat așa ceva în România pana acum. Mama ta sau bunica nu ti-au făcut niciodată plăcintă cu brânză sau mamaliga ? 😑
Nomadic Samuel - Travel Channel probably he is meesing up, dont mind him, its 100% romanian food
Daca ai tai te hranesc numai cu mcdonalds asta este problema ta...dar aia este mancare romaneasca ce vezi tu in video
Imi pare rau.. singura mancare de acolo care e cu adevarat romaneasca e mamaliga.. in rest tot ce e acolo e imprumutat.. placinta cu branza nu e romaneasca
Moldavian food isn't Romanian food bois...you can't say that
Our mistake.
Babenco junior U forget that half of old moldavia it's a part of romania. So if u go in city s like Suceava, or Iaşi u can say that u eat moldavian food. So cut off the lies!
Nomadic Samuel - Travel Channel You made no mistake. There are some ignorant people who try to misinform. The truth is that Moldavians are Romanians.
Romania‘s cuisine is not really great unfortunately, there are 100 better cuisines. (Coming from a romanian)
What do recommend?
i am from romanien and this is not romanien food
Leinad Tangi de aia da dar nu se faca in forma aia plus ca dara aia era romaneasca...
ana maria bizu ce vorbesti? Poate in zona ta nu se face asa ceva, asta este 100% mancare romaneasca.
You, “anonimus“, are a liar.
Everything just right here,but....there is a but...it's not "polenta",it's mamaliga...that's the word.Please respect the language.
Love and Peace!!!
Grettings from Romania
Thank you for letting us know!
dude, polenta=mamaliga, sunt fix una si aceiasi, zice omul ce poate/ce ii vine la indemana. nazy grammar :/
Antonio Stanca Antonio Stanca yeah than you guys should call sarma instead of sarmale because it's Turkish
Nomadic Samuel - Travel Channel just ignore people like this, yes we call it mămăligă but you find it as polenta in tourist places, no harm done here, no disrespect
stop being a dick, polenta is the same thing but in english, next will you say "don't say apple, say mar !" ...