Nicely documented! I’ve been looking at the same model kit for a while and I appreciate being able to see it in detail. Did it come with all the hardware and rivenuts?
Thanks, not too bad of an install. A lot of prep, as seen in the PART 1 video. The hardest part was editing over an hour of footage into 15 minutes while remaining linear and and have the process come across coherently.
Amazing camera work! I was lucky enough to have had a fiberglass expert & craftsman help me in my interior installation. Being a late model, I already had the shelf, but only a Cessna cloth curtain for the the aft hatch on my 185F. We carefully shaped the Selkirk with files and then used self adhesive ADC-224 on the back for sound dampening. For our efforts, it just snaps in place! I first have to remove the ELT before installing at each annual inspection though.
Great job at covering the whole process.
Thanks for that! It wasn’t easy cutting an hour of footage into 15 min, and still have it come through in a coherent manner.
Grand Slam again Jason. Excellent and so precise.
Thanks Elbie
Nicely documented! I’ve been looking at the same model kit for a while and I appreciate being able to see it in detail. Did it come with all the hardware and rivenuts?
Yes it comes with everything you need.
Great job. It didin't look easy, but not too hard either.
Thanks, not too bad of an install. A lot of prep, as seen in the PART 1 video. The hardest part was editing over an hour of footage into 15 minutes while remaining linear and and have the process come across coherently.
How many hours do you think you have in this project? Nicely done.
Hard to say, I’m bad at tracking my time invested. Probably 20 hours if I had to guess, which is more than it should have taken.
Amazing camera work!
I was lucky enough to have had a fiberglass expert & craftsman help me in my interior installation. Being a late model, I already had the shelf, but only a Cessna cloth curtain for the the aft hatch on my 185F. We carefully shaped the Selkirk with files and then used self adhesive ADC-224 on the back for sound dampening. For our efforts, it just snaps in place!
I first have to remove the ELT before installing at each annual inspection though.
@@gwyoung3509 thank you! Sounds like you have a nice set up. Maybe check out my video on relocating the ELT?
@@gwyoung3509 thanks for sharing! BTW, remember that fiberglass dulls files (one of the reasons I used my drum sander)