all you geniuses who think you’re the smartest person in the room ever heard of TBIs ( traumatic brain injuries ) ? How do you know he doesn’t have one . That could be why he is speaking slowly . Don’t always look to judge , look to learn .
This is about neurophysiological function. It seems that subjects get more aware after electrical brain stimulation. Kind of expected, however, what would be the outcomes from a long stimulation period? Will this compromise brain homeostatic function? If so, what are the benefits? It looks like a metabolism accelerator with long-term effects, and possibly, unknown side effects. Just curious.
ThisNameWasAvaliblle Not sure if you are trying to contribute with some kind of point to the subject in some way. Would you mind elaborate a bit on the purpose with your comment?
tip: put the speed to 1.25 and the talk will go at a more pleasant pace
whoaah! It sounded normal! I think they recorded it wrong ! lol!
1.5 actually
Could he talk any slower? I really wonder if he could speak just a tad slower?
he's pretentious
you can change the speed on youtube
its actually much better at 0.75% speed
Looks like this freak damaged his brain's language department testing out tdcs device on himself.
all you geniuses who think you’re the smartest person in the room ever heard of TBIs ( traumatic brain injuries ) ? How do you know he doesn’t have one . That could be why he is speaking slowly . Don’t always look to judge , look to learn .
I’m using Tcds and I’m relatively healthy and in shape but I take topamax an anti seizure med and the tcds is bothering me.
If he used tdcs I think he damaged his speech circuits.
NOT DYI !!! Got it.
The subject should focus on how to design the stimulation patterns? how did that stimulation affect the brain, which part? anyone has data?
James Hsieh go to doctor johnathan downars site. Toronto
This is about neurophysiological function. It seems that subjects get more aware after electrical brain stimulation. Kind of expected, however, what would be the outcomes from a long stimulation period? Will this compromise brain homeostatic function? If so, what are the benefits? It looks like a metabolism accelerator with long-term effects, and possibly, unknown side effects. Just curious.
There is already people which naturally is born smarter - the are called Asperger's.
jomen112 There is already a resource to help you spell better. They're called dictionaries...
ThisNameWasAvaliblle Not sure if you are trying to contribute with some kind of point to the subject in some way. Would you mind elaborate a bit on the purpose with your comment?
What’s tdcs ?
where can I get this device?
Bоost уооооur brаin рower in 14 dауs? Brаin hacking Cаaaаn brаin stimulаtiоn mаkee уоu smartеr Rооi Cоhеn Каdоsh ТЕDхBriхton
Subtitles please!😒
It’s interesting but he talks so slow, my mind would’ve started wandering if I was in the audience.
Can this enhance creativity
Probably not
Can make you into a super human in 30 days or your money back.
I spent the whole video trying to figure out if this guy was a vampire or not. He either has fang implants or his eye teeth are super long and pointy.
what was wrong with him?
Too much stimulation.
i'm sorry but this feels like going to a dentist with crooked teeth
I don't understand this guy,
Use Google translate
i fell asleep
why is he talking so slow?
coz his brain is fried with his gadget ;-)
Use Yt speedup.. about 1,5x.. it's fine ;-)
Hes foreign, they don't speak proper English, i think his name is Israeli